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Species interactions, such as interspecific competition, determine population dynamics and community structure. In a park of Amami Oshima Island, Japan, two field cricket species Teleogryllus occipitalis (Audinet‐Serville) (Gryllidae) and Loxoblemmus equestris Saussure (Gryllidae) are dominant species. We examined the interference competition at the nymph and adult stages in the two crickets under controlled laboratory conditions. Survival and emergence rates of T. occipitalis were not affected by the density of L. equestris, whereas survival and emergence rates of L. equestris decreased as the density of T. occipitalis increased. These results showed that T. occipitalis was competitively superior over L. equestris in species interactions. We discuss inconsistency between the results and coexistence of these two species under field conditions.  相似文献   

Five new species of Culicoides of the Nansei Islands are described: C. sasai sp.n. from Amami-oshima Is., C. toshiokai sp.n. from Ishigaki Is., C. iriomotensis sp.n. from Iriomote Is., C. flavipunctatus sp.n. from Yonaguni Is., and C. yaeyamaensis sp.n. from the latter three islands. C. toshiokai sp.n. and C. iriomotensis sp.n. are tree-hole breeders, such as C. dendrophilus Amosova, which is common in similar habitats extending from Okinawa to Honshu.  相似文献   

Human  K. G.  Gordon  D. M. 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(2):159-163
Summary: The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, has invaded many areas of the world, displacing native ants. Its behavior may contribute to its competitive success. Staged and natural encounters were observed at food resources in the field, between Argentine ants and eight ant species native to northern California. There was no relation between the frequency of aggression by any ant species and the outcome of encounters, though Argentine ants were more likely than ants of native species to behave aggressively. When an ant of one species initiated an encounter of any kind with an ant of another species, the ant that did not initiate was likely to retreat. This was true of all species studied. Most encounters between ants were initiated by Argentine ants. Thus the native species tended to retreat more frequently than Argentine ants. Interactions between Argentine ants and native species at food resources, causing ants of native species to retreat, may help Argentine ants to displace native species from invaded areas.  相似文献   

The influence of foraging by the ant, Lasius niger, on the population growth of two aphid species, Lachnus tropicalis and Myzocallis kuricola, on chestnut trees, Castanea crenata, was examined. The ant-tending effect was divergent depending on the aphid density per ant: it was positive when there were few aphids per ant, but negative when there were many aphids per ant. In addition, the density of one aphid species also influenced the ant-tending effect on the other aphid. Furthermore, the influences were asymmetrical: an increase in L. tropicalis density per ant reversed the ants effect on this species and on M. kuricola, while an increase in M. kuricola per ant did not significantly influence the ants effect on L. tropicalis. Thus, the ant seems to stabilize the L. tropicalis population density and keep this species from extinction, while the ants effect on M. kuricola depends on the density of L. tropicalis and may lead M. kuricola to extermination. This change in the ant-tending effect corresponds to the previously detected density-dependent change in predation activity of the ants on aphids. In contrast, the density-dependent change in the protection effect of the ants against natural enemies does not explain the results.  相似文献   

Xim Cerdá  Javier Retana 《Oecologia》1998,113(4):577-583
Camponotus foreli (Emery) and Cataglyphis iberica (Emery) are two sympatric, subordinate ant species that have been found to fight in attacks that usually conclude with the death of many workers of both species and with nest abandonment by C. iberica. These harassment episodes have been observed in two different areas and over many years of study. No such attacks of C. foreli were observed in the study areas against any other ant species, nor did any other ants attack C. iberica nests, and laboratory confrontations confirmed this specificity. These attacks neither eliminated C. iberica colonies, nor distanced them from C. foreli nests. Moreover, there was no real competition for food between the species: in an experiment where all C. iberica colonies were eliminated from an area, rates of prey and liquid food collection by C. foreli nests in the exclusion zone were similar to those found in the control zone with C. iberica, and the activity rhythms of C. foreli did not change in the absence of C. iberica. The hypothesis of competition for a nest site is more consistent. Both in the laboratory and the field, the most frequent outcome of these aggressive interactions was the occupation of the C. iberica nest by C. foreli. This behavior may be advantageous for C. foreli, because it is much less skilful at excavating than C. iberica. One of the chief concerns of this study is to show that such interference interactions, typical especially of dominant, very aggressive species, are also found between subordinate, apparently nonaggressive species. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Dietary differences between two co-occurring calanoid copepod species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Two co-occurring high altitude calanoid copepods, Diaptomus shoshone Marsh and D. coloradensis Forbes are of different size: the former is approximately twice as long as the latter. There are also temporal differences in development: the former matures 2–3 weeks before the latter in most ponds. Gut analyses of copepodids and adults of both species indicate that D. shoshone eats larger food particles but that D. shoshone early copepodids eat particles similar in size to D. coloradensis adults. Morphology of feeding appendages partially explains the dietary differences. These data are discussed from the viewpoint of competition between the species; it is concluded that either temporal differences or size differences of copepodids and adults would allow coexistence and that extreme size differences are probably unimportant compared to morphological differences of feeding appendages and perhaps behavioral differences.Supported in part by a Tufts Faculty Research Award.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is becoming more frequent worldwide due to increasing global changes and translocations of organisms. For individual organisms, the most significant negative consequences are sterility or inviability of hybrid offspring. However, hybridization sometimes leads to fertile offspring, promoting introgression from one species into another. In such situations, hybridization can play a key role in evolution and speciation. Combining hypervariable DNA (microsatellites) and mitochondrial DNA markers with the use of several modeling methods allow an efficient detection of hybridization processes. The present study therefore investigates hybridization between two ant species, Tetramorium immigrans and T. caespitum, using multiple methods, and systematically comparing results with simulated data to ensure accurate identification of hybrids. Introgression was revealed both by backcross detection based on 14 nuclear microsatellite loci and by mitochondrial‐nuclear discordance based on comparison with mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I). Results were spatially consistent, with hybrids located at latitudes where parental species are sympatric. The causes and consequences of hybridization and introgression between T. caespitum and T. immigrans remain to be further investigated, especially because T. immigrans could be an invasive species in France.  相似文献   

Body mass components (dry mass, lean dry mass, water mass, fat mass) in each sex correlate strongly with body mass and pronotum length in Gryllus texensis and Acheta domesticus. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression underestimates the scaling relationship between body mass and structural size (i.e., pronotum length) in both cricket species compared with standard major axis (SMA) regression. Standardized mass components correlate more strongly with scaled mass index () than with residual body mass (Ri). Ri represents the residuals from an OLS regression of log body mass against log pronotum length. Neither condition index predicts energy stores (i.e., fat content) in G. texensis. Ri is not correlated with energy stores in A. domesticus whereas is negatively correlated. A comparison of condition index methods using published data showed that neither sex nor diet quality affected body condition at adulthood in G. texensis when using the scaled mass index. However, the residual index suggested that sex had a significant effect on body condition. Further, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) suggested that diet quality significantly affects body mass while statistically controlling for body size (i.e., body condition). We conclude that the statistical assumptions of condition index methods must be met prior to use and urge caution when using methods that are based on least squares in the y‐plane (i.e., residual index ANCOVA).  相似文献   

Changes in mating signals among populations contribute to species formation. Often these signals involve a suite of display traits of different sensory modalities ("multimodal signals"); however, few studies have tested the consequences of multimodal signal divergence with most focusing on only a single divergent signal or suite of signals of the same sensory modality. Populations of the chestnut-bellied flycatcher Monarcha castaneiventris vary in song and plumage color across the Solomon Islands. Using taxidermic mount presentation and song playback experiments, we tested for the relative roles of divergent song and color in homotypic ("same type") recognition between one pair of recently diverged sister taxa (the nominate chestnut-bellied M. c. castaneiventris and the white-capped M. c. richardsii forms). We found that both plumage and song type influenced the intensity of aggressive response by territory-owners, with plumage color playing a stronger role. These results indicate that differences in plumage and song are used in homotypic recognition, suggesting the importance of multimodal signal divergence in the evolution of premating reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

To establish effective locations and sizes of potential protected areas for reef ecosystems, detailed information about source and sink relationships between populations is critical, especially in archipelagic regions. Therefore, we assessed population structure and genetic diversity of Acropora tenuis, one of the dominant stony coral species in the Pacific, using 13 microsatellite markers to investigate 298 colonies from 15 locations across the Nansei Islands in southwestern Japan. Genetic diversity was not significant among sampling locations, even in possibly peripheral locations. In addition, our results showed that there are at least two populations of A. tenuis in the study area. The level of genetic differentiation between these populations was relatively low, but significant between many pairs of sampling locations. Directions of gene flow, which were estimated using a coalescence‐based approach, suggest that gene flow not only occurs from south to north, but also from north to south in various locations. Consequently, the Yaeyama Islands and the Amami Islands are potential northern and southern sources of corals. On the other hand, the Miyako Islands and west central Okinawa Island are potential sink populations. The Kerama Islands and the vicinity of Taketomi Island are potential contact points of genetic subdivision of coral populations in the Nansei Islands. We found that genetic population structure of A. tenuis in the Nansei Islands is more complex than previously thought. These cryptic populations are very important for preserving genetic diversity and should be maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The simultaneous occupation of a rare understorey ant-acacia Acacia mayana by its guarding ant Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus , and an apparent opportunist parasite of the mutualism, the generalist ant Camponotus planatus is described. The two ant species occur together in 30.7% of the 26 mature A. mayana plants [23.5% of all trees ( n  = 34)] surveyed, but C. planatus is absent from saplings below 1 m in height ( n  = 8).
2. While P. ferrugineus shows behaviour compatible with effective host-tree defence, C. planatus does not attack phytophagous insects and appears ineffective as an ant-guard. Camponotus planatus does, however, occupy swollen thorns (pseudogalls) on the host tree, and harvests nectar from extrafloral leaf nectaries. It is proposed that C. planatus is a parasite of the Acacia–Pseudomyrmex mutualism.
3. Camponotus planatus does not harvest the second trophic reward produced by the tree for its Pseudomyrmex ant-guards, protein-rich food (Beltian) bodies. Camponotus planatus lack the specialised larval adaptations needed to use Beltian bodies as brood food, suggesting that this resource is potentially more resistant to exploitation by generalists than extrafloral nectar.
4. In competition for access to nectaries, C. planatus effectively displaced P. ferrugineus in 99.8% of encounters. These results suggest not only that C. planatus is a parasite of this mutualism, but also that it is able to effectively counteract the aggression shown to other insects by the resident ant-guards.  相似文献   

Life history strategies reflect trade-offs that tend to maximize fitness, such as investment in a few large or many small offspring. We compared life histories of two temperate livebearing fishes Gambusia affinis and G. nobilis, an endangered species which is virtually unstudied. The two species persist in environments that differ widely in abiotic and biotic factors in the same local area. Gambusia affinis were typically found in habitats with high productivity and wide fluctuations in temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, whereas G. nobilis occurred in more stable spring-fed habitats. We collected data on life-history traits: embryo mass, brood size (number of embryos), total maternal reproductive effort, population sex ratios, and size (mass and length) distributions of adults and juveniles. There was no difference between species in reproductive effort per brood, but they differed in investment strategy. Gambusia affinis females produced large broods with small embryos, whereas G. nobilis females produced broods of fewer, larger embryos. These differences in life history strategies reflect a tradeoff between individual productivity and differential mortality rates in different environments. At our field site G. affinis persists as an annual species with relatively high growth rates and corresponding reproductive patterns, whereas G. nobilis females have a slower reproductive tempo and may live multiple years.  相似文献   

Invasive ants are a significant conservation concern and can have far-reaching effects in ecosystems they invade. We used the experimental control of ant numbers on two pairs of small (<5 ha) offshore islets dominated by either the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala or the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata to investigate the influence of these species on seabird hatching success, fledging success and weight. Limited unpublished observations of both ant species attacking nesting seabirds exist, but the frequency of attacks or how they affect seabird growth and survival are unknown. Island-wide treatments with hydramethylnon resulted in the eradication of P. megacephala and the temporary reduction of S. geminata densities. No difference in hatching success, growth, or fledging success of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus), a common colonial nesting seabird in the Hawaiian Islands was observed on the pair of islets dominated by P. megacephala. On islets dominated by S. geminata, ant control resulted in a temporary increase in fledging success. Injury frequency increased dramatically on the untreated islet (8.3–100%) while remaining the same on the treated islet (27–38%). Severely injured chicks (i.e., chicks that lost >20% of tissue on their feet) weighed significantly less than uninjured chicks and did not fledge. It is unclear if the chicks were being preyed upon or stung in defense of nearby ant colonies. Radical changes in invasive ant populations have been noted, and booming ant populations could cause short-term, but widespread damage to seabird colonies. The negative effects of invasive ants on seabirds may be difficult to detect, and therefore unknown or underestimated throughout the world where the two groups overlap.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition in social insects generally involves matching a label to the template that is acquired through the early learning of non-volatile cuticular hydrocarbon cues. However, a possible role of the volatile chemical cues that exist in the nest, and which may also affect template formation, has not been studied. We investigated this possibility using experimental mixedspecies groups composed of the two ant species Manica rubida and Formica selysi. The experimental set-up either allowed full contact between workers of the two species or interspecific contact was hindered or prohibited by a single or a double mesh. After three months, workers of M. rubida ants were selected as focal ants for aggression tests including the following target ants: F. selysi workers from the same mixed-species group (for each of the three rearing conditions) or from a single-species group (control). Workers of M. rubida were always amicable towards their group-mates, irrespective of the experimental group (contact, single or double mesh). However, M. rubida that were not imprinted on F. selysi, expressed high levels of aggression towards the non-familiar F. selysi workers. The finding that F. selysi workers in the mixed-species groups appeared familiar to their M. rubida group-mates even without physical contact between them, suggests that the volatile cues produced by F. selysi affected nestmate recognition in M. rubida. In an attempt to identify these volatile cues we performed SPME analysis of the head space over groups of F. selysi workers. The findings revealed that F. selysi Dufour’s gland constituents, with undecane as the major product, are released into the head space, rendering them likely candidates to affect template formation in M. rubida. Analysis of Dufour’s gland secretion of F. selysi revealed a series of volatile alkanes, including undecane as a major product. These alkanes were not present in the glandular secretion of M. rubida, whose secretion was mainly composed of isomers of farnesene. We therefore hypothesize that callow M. rubida workers in the mixed-species groups had become imprinted by the above alkanes (in particular undecane, being the major heterospecific volatile in the head space) and incorporated them into their own template. Received 18 October 2007; revised 2 January 2008; accepted 7 January 2008.  相似文献   

Behaviours or traits associated with aggression and communication may increase an animal's conspicuousness to predators or parasitoids. Most examples of this come from instances of aggression or communication within a species. We tested whether interspecific encounters between ants enhance the host location success of a parasitoid (Diptera: Phoridae) that attacks ants in the genus Linepithema. At food resources recruited to by Linepithema, parasitoid discovery rates were lower when Linepithema was alone than when other ant species were present. In experimentally controlled encounters, parasitoid discovery rates were elevated when Linepithema confronted an ant species that elicited use of chemicals, but not when it confronted an ant species that primarily elicited physical aggression. These results indicate that phorid parasitoids of Linepithema use the ant's chemicals as host location cues. Because Linepithema is known to abandon food resources in the presence of its phorid parasitoids, its use of chemicals during interspecific encounters may diminish its competitive success when phorids are nearby. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

红火蚁与两种本地蚂蚁间的干扰竞争   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探讨重大入侵生物红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren与本地蚂蚁的竞争机制以及红火蚁成功入侵的机理, 本研究以红火蚁和2种本地蚂蚁黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius)及亮红大头蚁Pheidole fervida Smith为材料, 室内测定了红火蚁分别与黑头酸臭蚁、亮红大头蚁之间在个体水平和种群水平上的攻击性和攻击强度。一对一攻击试验结果表明:红火蚁和黑头酸臭蚁之间攻击级别多集中在Ⅲ级, 即竞争优势明显的红火蚁对黑头酸臭蚁缺乏激烈的攻击, 只是在相互攻击时多摆出威胁姿势; 红火蚁与亮红大头蚁之间攻击性较强, 尤其是红火蚁中型和小型工蚁与亮红大头蚁兵蚁之间的攻击性(3.35和3.30)显著强于红火蚁大型工蚁与亮红大头蚁兵蚁的攻击性(2.70)。群体攻击试验结果表明:与黑头酸臭蚁群体攻击的红火蚁各处理组合中, 无死亡红火蚁出现, 而黑头酸臭蚁死亡率为31.80%; 而与亮红大头蚁群体攻击中, 红火蚁死亡率为0.20%~12.00%, 而亮红大头蚁平均死亡率为49.91%。可见, 红火蚁的群体攻击能力强于黑头酸臭蚁和亮红大头蚁, 其中红火蚁与亮红大头蚁间的相互攻击程度激烈, 死亡率较高, 而与黑头酸臭蚁间的攻击程度较弱, 可能由于黑头酸臭蚁化学防御对本身起到一定的保护作用, 这为进一步加强红火蚁发生区本地蚂蚁优势种--黑头酸臭蚁的保护利用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Electrophoretic banding patterns of eight enzyme systems in Solenopsis xyloni, S. germinata and their hybrid were studied. Repression of paternal alleles was found in aldehyde oxidase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, leucine amino peptidase and malic enzyme.  相似文献   

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