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The flexibility and selectivity of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) for protein purification can be modified by adding non-ionic micelle-forming surfactants to the mobile phase. The micelles exclude proteins from a liquid phase similar to the exclusion effect of the polymer fibers of the size exclusion resin. This surfactant-aided size exclusion chromatography technology (SASEC) is demonstrated on the separation of two model proteins; bovine serum albumin (BSA) and myoglobin (Myo). The effect of the added surfactants on the distribution behavior of the proteins is predicted adequately by a size exclusion model presented in this paper.  相似文献   

A simple method for selection of RNA-DNA hybrids has been developed and applied to the purification of adenovirus-specific messenger RNA. Cytoplasmic RNA prepared from adenovirus type 2 (ad2)-infected HeLa cells or from an ad2-transformed rat cell line was hybridized in solution to the complementary strands of ad2 DNA. The hybridization mixture was subsequently fractionated by chromatography on a Sepharose 2B column. The intact probe DNA as well as the RNA-DNA hybrids are excluded from the gel matrix and elute with the void volume. Nonhybridized RNA, in contrast, is included into the gel matrix and elutes as a broad peak well separated from the excluded fractions. Fractions corresponding to the void volume, were collected and the RNA-DNA hybrids were denatured in 90% formamide. The selected RNA was separated from the DNA by affinity chromatography on poly(U)-Sepharose. Restriction endonuclease fragments of DNA with a large enough size to make them excluded from the agarose column were also used for hybridization. In these experiments hybridizations were carried out under conditions which would allow R-loop formation (Thomas, M., White, R.L., and Davis, R.W. (1976) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73, 2294-2298) and the hybridized RNA was separated from unhybridized RNA by Sepharose chromatography. The validity of the method was demonstrated by programming an in vitro protein-synthesizing system with selected RNA.  相似文献   

A method is presented for determining second virial coefficients (B(2)) of protein solutions from retention time measurements in size exclusion chromatography. We determine B(2) by analyzing the concentration dependence of the chromatographic partition coefficient. We show the ability of this method to track the evolution of B(2) from positive to negative values in lysozyme and bovine serum albumin solutions. Our size exclusion chromatography results agree quantitatively with data obtained by light scattering.  相似文献   

Characterization of loaded liposomes by size exclusion chromatography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review focuses on the use of conventional (SEC) and high performance (HPSEC) size exclusion chromatography for the analysis of liposomes. The suitability of both techniques is examined regarding the field of liposome applications. The potentiality of conventional SEC is strongly improved by using a HPLC system associated to gel columns with a size selectivity range allowing liposome characterization in addition to particle fractionation. Practical aspects of size exclusion chromatography are described and a methodology based on HPSEC coupled to multidetection modes for on-line analysis of liposomes via label or substance encapsulation is presented. Examples of conventional SEC and HPSEC applications are described which concern polydispersity, size and encapsulation stability, bilayer permeabilization, liposome formation and reconstitution, incorporation of amphiphilic molecules. Size exclusion chromatography is a simple and powerful technique for investigation of encapsulation, insertion/interaction of substances from small solutes (ions, surfactants, drugs, etc.) up to large molecules (proteins, peptides and nucleic acids) in liposomes.  相似文献   

A chromatographic method for the rapid isolation of preparative amounts of plasmid DNA without the use of cesium chloride centrifugation is described. The protocol uses the alkaline extraction procedure and an exclusion column of Fractogel TSK 75S. From a clear lysate it is possible to obtain plasmid DNA completely free of proteins, RNA, and chromosomal DNA. From partially purified plasmid the procedure allows the separation of the different forms. This technique was successfully applied to different plasmids ranging in size from 2.9 to 17.5 MDa. It is a preparative method yielding easily 500 micrograms of pBR322 from 1 liter of amplified culture. The plasmid is suitable for topoisomerase I, topoisomerase II, and EcoRI assays.  相似文献   

The biological actions of prostaglandin (PG) D(2) include vasodilatation, bronchoconstriction, inhibition of platelet aggregation, and recruitment of inflammatory cells. Characterization of DP receptor null mice in which antigen-induced airway and inflammatory responses are attenuated and identification of CRTH2 as a novel PGD(2) receptor have shed light on the role of PGD(2) in the immune and inflammatory responses. Hematopoietic PGD synthase (H-PGDS) is a cytosolic enzyme that isomerizes PGH(2), a common precursor for all PGs and thromboxanes, to PGD(2) in a glutathione-dependent manner. H-PGDS is expressed in mast cells, antigen-presenting cells, and Th2 cells, and is the only mammalian member of the Sigma class of cytosolic glutathione S-transferases. In this review, we focus on the molecular biology of H-PGDS, the determination of its three-dimensional structure, characterization of the regulation of its gene expression, and information gleaned from transgenic animals.  相似文献   

The unfolding and refolding of pancreatic ribonuclease have been observed by absorbance, fluorescence, and size exclusion chromatographic measurements in solutions of guanidinium chloride continuously maintained at pH 6.0 and 4 degrees C. The spectral measurements were fitted with a minimal number of kinetic phases while the chromatographic measurements were simulated from an explicit mechanism. All of the measurements are consistent with a minimal mechanism involving seven components. The folded components include the native protein and two transiently stable intermediates each having the same hydrodynamic volume. The intermediate having all native peptide isomers has an unfolding midpoint in 3.8 M denaturant while the intermediate having one nonnative peptide isomer has an unfolding midpoint in 1.3 M denaturant. The unfolded protein is distributed among four components having the same hydrodynamic volume but differing peptide isomers. At equilibrium, 10% of the denatured protein has all native isomers, 60% has one nonnative isomer, 5% has a different nonnative isomer, and 25% has both nonnative isomers. In low denaturant concentrations, the dominant component with one nonnative isomer can refold to transiently populate the compact intermediate with the same nonnative isomer.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies of both the IgG and the IgM type were purified by hydroxylapatite HPLC (HA-HPLC) under very mild conditions. The IgM type antibodies, which were isolated from ascites fluid and separated from other proteins also by means of size exclusion HPLC. It was shown that the most frequently observed disadvantage of HA-HPLC, that is the relative short life of the columns (P. Steffen (1989) GIT Fachz. Lab., Suppl. 3/89 (Chromatogr.), 50-90), is due to microbial contamination rather than lower mechanical stability. In order to monitor column performance, a test was developed based on the use of standard proteins under isocratic separation conditions. This allows a direct comparison between the respective performances of columns made from different materials, hydroxylapatite or fluoroapatite, from different sources and with different particle sizes. A problem which often occurs with HA-HPLC in the case of IgM antibody isolation, namely precipitation of the antibodies at low salt concentrations at the beginning of a chromatographic run, was avoided by adding sodium chloride to both separation buffers.  相似文献   



Size exclusion chromatography is the method of choice for separating free from liposome-encapsulated molecules. However, if the column is not presaturated with lipids this type of chromatography causes a significant loss of lipid material. To date, the mechanism of lipid retention is poorly understood. It has been speculated that lipid binds to the column material or the entire liposome is entrapped inside the void.  相似文献   

Summary Xanthan concentration and molecular weight distribution are determined by size exclusion chromatography in the fermentation medium after dilution and cell removal by centrifugation. The analysis is rapid enough for process control. During a batch fermentation, the average molecular weight is found to be in the range of 7.2–9.3·106 g/mole and to run through a maximum.  相似文献   

Ion-exclusion is the electrostatic repulsive interaction between a charged polymer and charges of the same sign on the surface of a column packing. Controlled ion-exclusion allows compensation of hydrophobic adsorption in size exclusion chromatography of negatively charged cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) polymers in acetone/water/LiCl (80/20) as a mobile phase. Properly selected low-ionic-strength conditions provide correct separation in size-exclusion mode also in binary solvent mixtures. Possible interfering effects related to light scattering at low-salt conditions are shown to be negligible if on-line concentration/light scattering detection is used. The absence of these interferences is easily checked by a comparison of experiments at two different low-salt concentrations. Molecular weight averages and distributions identical within the experimental error are obtained when both salt concentrations are properly selected.  相似文献   

Size exclusion chromatography was used for the fractionation of the aqueous extracts taken from different soil horizons (LOf, Oh, Ah, 15 and 35 cm). The aluminium content in the fractions was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. In the fractions obtained from the LOf, Oh and Ah horizons, a great part of the total aluminium was bound to organic molecules. Over 90% of the aluminium in mineral soil solutions (15 and 35 cm depth) was of low molecular weight or associated with those species.  相似文献   

Various inorganic selenocompounds dose-dependently inhibited the rat brain prostaglandin (PG) D synthase, both in the purified enzyme preparation and in the crude brain supernatant. All of the quadrivalent selenium compounds tested had a very limited range of IC50 values in the purified enzyme (11-12 microM) and in the brain supernatant (9-15 microM). A divalent selenium compound was also inhibitory, but a hexavalent selenium compound was ineffective. In contrast, organic selenocompounds such as selenomethionine and selenourea had no effect on the PGD synthase activity. Furthermore, sodium sulfate and sodium sulfite up to 10 mM did not inhibit the activity. The inhibition by selenium required the preincubation of the metal with sulfhydryl compounds such as dithiothreitol (DTT), indicating that the formation of selenotrisulfide or some other adduct(s) is essential for the inhibition. Furthermore, the inhibition was reversed by an excess amount of dithiothreitol, suggesting that the selenotrisulfide derivative of DTT binds to the SH group of the PGD synthase. The kinetic analysis revealed the inhibition by selenite to be noncompetitive with a Ki value of 10.1 microM. On the other hand, glutathione-dependent PGD synthase from rat spleen was much less inhibited, and PGF synthase and PGD2 11-ketoreductase activities were not inhibited by the selenium compound.  相似文献   

Summary Commercially available maltodextrins were subjected to high pressure size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) on Toyo Soda G 2000 PW columns with water as the mobile phase. The elution profiles of these samples will allow researchers to select the correct maltodextrin for growth studies requiring specific dextrin oligomers. Characterization of the chromatography system with standards of known molecular weight allows estimation of the weight average molecular weight of polydisperse dextrins. The enzymatic hydrolysis of dextrin by bacterial-amylase and fungal glucoamylase was also monitored by HPSEC.  相似文献   

A simple chromatographic assay for Rab geranylgeranyltransferase (Rab GGTase) has been developed. The method involves separation of the reaction mixture on a Sephadex G-25 superfine minicolumn. Addition of 2-propanol to the assay results in substantial (approximately 90%) decline of formation of noncovalent lipid-protein complexes, increasing reproducibility and reliability of the method. The activity of Rab prenyltransferase was measured in crude and partially purified enzyme preparations from wheat seedlings; measurements for several other plants and rat brain cytosol fractions are also presented. This method can be routinely applied to evaluate the activity of different protein prenyltransferases.  相似文献   

Summary Four size exclusion chromatography (SEC) calibration techniques were tested for use in the molecular weight characterisation of Streptococcal Hyaluronic Acid (HA). An exponential equation, evaluated using the Hamielec method, was superior to the customary peak position method. It provided the most accurate estimates of the weight average molecular weight, Mw. The calibration was valid for HA in the range 800 – 2500 kDa, and permitted the calculation of both polydispersity and molecular weight distributions for HA from Streptococcal fermentations. This exponential calibration approach should have application in the characterisation of other large biopolymers, particularly where pore size of available SEC media is limiting.  相似文献   

Elution of poly(ethylene glycol) of molecular weight 200-20,000 Da from a size exclusion chromatography column packed with phenol-fed aerobic granules of three different nominal sizes (types I-III) has been investigated. The pore sizes of the three types of granules were evaluated based on the mean hydraulic times of the elution curves that decreased directly proportional to the increased logarithm of the molecular mass of a standard tracer and increased as granule size decreased. The corresponding exclusion limits for types I-III granules were 139,000, 123,000, and 54,500 Da, respectively. A one-dimensional convection-dispersion model described the effective dispersion coefficients of the tracers through the granule column. The intra-granular permeabilities and convective and diffusional transit times through the granule interior were evaluated by a dual porosity model. For small molecules of molecular mass <5,000 Da, intra-granular convection dominated transport mechanisms at fast moving velocity. For comparatively larger molecules, diffusion barrier existed to limit nutrient supply to the granules. The size exclusion test provided intra granular transport characteristics using detailed analysis on the elution data.  相似文献   

The denaturation by urea and renaturation of 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, a tetrameric enzyme consisting of four identical subunits, were followed by high-performance size exclusion chromatography to detect intermediates in the processes. During the denaturation process no intermediate form (structured monomers or dimers) between the tetramer and the denatured monomer was observed. During the renaturation process, carried out either with or without NADH, high molecular weight aggregates, native tetramers, and low molecular weight intermediates were evidenced and quantified. The contemporaneous measurement of recovery of activity unambiguously demonstrated that the tetrameric structure is essential for enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

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