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Proteins recognize specific DNA sequences not only through direct contact between amino acids and bases, but also indirectly based on the sequence-dependent conformation and deformability of the DNA (indirect readout). We used molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the sequence-dependent DNA conformations of all 136 possible tetrameric sequences sandwiched between CGCG sequences. The deformability of dimeric steps obtained by the simulations is consistent with that by the crystal structures. The simulation results further showed that the conformation and deformability of the tetramers can highly depend on the flanking base pairs. The conformations of xATx tetramers show the most rigidity and are not affected by the flanking base pairs and the xYRx show by contrast the greatest flexibility and change their conformations depending on the base pairs at both ends, suggesting tetramers with the same central dimer can show different deformabilities. These results suggest that analysis of dimeric steps alone may overlook some conformational features of DNA and provide insight into the mechanism of indirect readout during protein–DNA recognition. Moreover, the sequence dependence of DNA conformation and deformability may be used to estimate the contribution of indirect readout to the specificity of protein–DNA recognition as well as nucleosome positioning and large-scale behavior of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

We report the results of four new molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the DNA duplex of sequence d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2, including explicit consideration of solvent water, and a sufficient number of Na+ counterions to provide electroneutrality to the system. Our simulations are configured particularly to characterize the latest MD models of DNA, and to provide a basis for examining the sensitivity of MD results to the treatment of boundary conditions, electrostatics, initial placement of solvent, and run lengths. The trajectories employ the AMBER 4.1 force field. The simulations use particle mesh Ewald summation for boundary conditions, and range in length from 500 ps to 5.0 ns. Analysis of the results is carried out by means of time series for conformationalm, helicoidal parameters, newly developed indices of DNA axis bending, and groove widths. The results support a dynamically stable model of B-DNA for d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 over the entire length of the trajectory. The MD results are compared with corresponding crystallographic and NMR studies on the d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 duplex, and placed in the context of observed behavior of B-DNA by comparisons with the complete crystallographic data base of B-form structures. The calculated distributions of mobile solvent molecules, both water and counterions, are displayed. The calculated solvent structure of the primary solvation shell is compared with the location of ordered solvent positions in the corresponding crystal structure. The results indicate that ordered solvent positions in crystals are roughly twice as structured as bulk water. Detailed analysis of the solvent dynamics reveals evidence of the incorporation of ions in the primary solvation of the minor groove B-form DNA. The idea of localized complexation of otherwise mobile counterions in electronegative pockets in the grooves of DNA helices introduces an additional source of sequence-dependent effects on local conformational, helicoidal, and morphological structure, and may have important implications for understanding the functional energetics and specificity of the interactions of DNA and RNA with regulatory proteins, pharmaceutical agents, and other ligands.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotide basepair steps are reported. The objective is to obtain the calculated dynamical structure for at least two copies of each case, use the results to examine issues with regard to convergence and dynamical stability of MD on DNA, and determine the significance of sequence context effects on all unique dinucleotide steps. This information is essential to understand sequence effects on DNA structure and has implications on diverse problems in the structural biology of DNA. Calculations were carried out on the 136 cases embedded in 39 DNA oligomers with repeating tetranucleotide sequences, capped on both ends by GC pairs and each having a total length of 15 nucleotide pairs. All simulations were carried out using a well-defined state-of-the-art MD protocol, the AMBER suite of programs, and the parm94 force field. In a previous article (Beveridge et al. 2004. Biophysical Journal. 87:3799-3813), the research design, details of the simulation protocol, and informatics issues were described. Preliminary results from 15 ns MD trajectories were presented for the d(CpG) step in all 10 unique sequence contexts. The results indicated the sequence context effects to be small for this step, but revealed that MD on DNA at this length of trajectory is subject to surprisingly persistent cooperative transitions of the sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles alpha and gamma. In this article, we report detailed analysis of the entire trajectory database and occurrence of various conformational substates and its impact on studies of context effects. The analysis reveals a possible direct correspondence between the sequence-dependent dynamical tendencies of DNA structure and the tendency to undergo transitions that "trap" them in nonstandard conformational substates. The difference in mean of the observed basepair step helicoidal parameter distribution with different flanking sequence sometimes differs by as much as one standard deviation, indicating that the extent of sequence effects could be significant. The observations reveal that the impact of a flexible dinucleotide such as CpG could extend beyond the immediate basepair neighbors. The results in general provide new insight into MD on DNA and the sequence-dependent dynamical structural characteristics of DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 5 ns on protein-DNA complexes of catabolite-activator protein (CAP), lambda-repressor, and their corresponding uncomplexed protein and DNA, are reported. These cases represent two extremes of DNA bending, with CAP DNA bent severely and the lambda-operator nearly straight when complexed with protein. The calculations were performed using the AMBER suite of programs and the parm94 force field, validated for these studies by good agreement with experimental nuclear magnetic resonance data on DNA. An explicit computational model of structural adaptation and computation of the quasiharmonic entropy of association were obtained from the MD. The results indicate that, with respect to canonical B-form DNA, the extreme bending of the DNA in the complex with CAP is approximately 60% protein-induced and 40% intrinsic to the sequence-dependent structure of the free oligomer. The DNA in the complex is an energetically strained form, and the MD results are consistent with a conformational-capture mechanism. The calculated quasiharmonic entropy change accounts for the entropy difference between the two cases. The calculated entropy was decomposed into contributions from protein adaptation, DNA adaptation, and protein-DNA structural correlations. The origin of the entropy difference between CAP and lambda-repressor complexation arises more from the additional protein adaptation in the case of lambda, than to DNA bending and entropy contribution from DNA bending. The entropy arising from protein DNA cross-correlations, a contribution not previously discussed, is surprisingly large.  相似文献   

The sequence-dependent DNA deformability at the basepair step level was investigated using large-scale atomic resolution molecular dynamics simulation of two 18-bp DNA oligomers: d(GCCTATAAACGCCTATAA) and d(CTAGGTGGATGACTCATT). From an analysis of the structural fluctuations, the harmonic potential energy functions for all 10 unique steps with respect to the six step parameters have been evaluated. In the case of roll, three distinct groups of steps have been identified: the flexible pyrimidine-purine (YR) steps, intermediate purine-purine (RR), and stiff purine-pyrimidine (RY). The YR steps appear to be the most flexible in tilt and partially in twist. Increasing stiffness from YR through RR to RY was observed for rise, whereas shift and slide lack simple trends. A proposed measure of the relative importance of couplings identifies the slide-rise, twist-roll, and twist-slide couplings to play a major role. The force constants obtained are of similar magnitudes to those based on a crystallographic ensemble. However, the current data have a less complicated and less pronounced sequence dependence. A correlation analysis reveals concerted motions of neighboring steps and thus exposes limitations in the dinucleotide model. The comparison of DNA deformability from this and other studies with recent quantum-chemical stacking energy calculations suggests poor correlation between the stacking and flexibility.  相似文献   

Because of their large conformational heterogeneity, structural characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is very challenging using classical experimental methods alone. In this study, we use NMR and small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) data with multiple molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to describe the conformational ensemble of the fully disordered verprolin homology domain of the neural Aldrich syndrome protein involved in the regulation of actin polymerization. First, we studied several back-calculation software of SAXS scattering intensity and optimized the adjustable parameters to accurately calculate the SAXS intensity from an atomic structure. We also identified the most appropriate force fields for MD simulations of this IDP. Then, we analyzed four conformational ensembles of neural Aldrich syndrome protein verprolin homology domain, two generated with the program flexible-meccano with or without NMR-derived information as input and two others generated by MD simulations with two different force fields. These four conformational ensembles were compared to available NMR and SAXS data for validation. We found that MD simulations with the AMBER-03w force field and the TIP4P/2005s water model are able to correctly describe the conformational ensemble of this 67-residue IDP at both local and global level.  相似文献   

DNA deformability and hydration are both sequence-dependent and are essential in specific DNA sequence recognition by proteins. However, the relationship between the two is not well understood. Here, systematic molecular dynamics simulations of 136 DNA sequences that differ from each other in their central tetramer revealed that sequence dependence of hydration is clearly correlated with that of deformability. We show that this correlation can be illustrated by four typical cases. Most rigid basepair steps are highly likely to form an ordered hydration pattern composed of one water molecule forming a bridge between the bases of distinct strands, but a few exceptions favor another ordered hydration composed of two water molecules forming such a bridge. Steps with medium deformability can display both of these hydration patterns with frequent transition. Highly flexible steps do not have any stable hydration pattern. A detailed picture of this correlation demonstrates that motions of hydration water molecules and DNA bases are tightly coupled with each other at the atomic level. These results contribute to our understanding of the entropic contribution from water molecules in protein or drug binding and could be applied for the purpose of predicting binding sites.  相似文献   

By comparing the conformations adopted by a double-stranded decameric B-DNA fragment in different crystal environments, we address the question of the degree of deformability of DNA helices. The three-dimensional structure of the self-complementary DNA decamer CCAGGCmeCTGG has been determined from crystals of space group P6 at 2.25 A resolution with an R value of 17.2% for 2407 1 sigma structure amplitudes. The oligonucleotide forms a B-type double helix with a characteristic sequence-dependent conformation closely resembling that of the corresponding unmethylated decamer, the structure of which is known from a high-resolution analysis of crystals of space group C2. Evidently, both the effects of single-site methylation and altered crystal environment on the DNA conformation are small. Therefore, double-helical DNA may possess sequence-determined conformational features that are less deformable than previously thought.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the translocation dynamics of the strand displacement DNA synthesis by DNA polymerases such as polymerase I family. (i) The model gives an explanation to the experimental results which showed that the rate of strand displacement DNA synthesis is nearly consistent with that of single stranded primer extension synthesis, although the two are expected to have substantial differences in their energetics. (ii) During strand displacement DNA synthesis, the pausing at the specific sequence is considered to be due to an affinity of the fingers subdomain for the specific sequence of dsDNA downstream of the single strand. The theoretical results on the sequence-dependent pausing dynamics such as the mean pausing lifetimes and the distribution of the pausing lifetime are consistent with the experimental data. Moreover, predicted results are presented for the binding affinity of the fingers subdomain for the specific sequence of dsDNA and the dependence of the mean sequence-dependent pausing lifetime on the external force acting on the polymerase.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations using the BMS nucleic acid force field produce environment and sequence dependent DNA conformations that closely mimic experimentally derived structures. The parameters were initially developed to reproduce the potential energy surface, as defined by quantum mechanics, for a set of small molecules that can be used as the building blocks for nucleic acid macromolecules (dimethyl phosphate, cyclopentane, tetrahydrofuran, etc.). Then the dihedral parameters were fine tuned using a series of condensed phase MD simulations of DNA and RNA (in zero added salt, 4M NaCl, and 75% ethanol solutions). In the tuning process the free energy surface for each dihedral was derived from the MD ensemble and fitted to the conformational distributions and populations observed in 87 A- and B-DNA x-ray and 17 B-DNA NMR structures. Over 41 nanoseconds of MD simulations are presented which demonstrate that the force field is capable of producing stable trajectories, in the correct environments, of A-DNA, double stranded A-form RNA, B-DNA, Z-DNA, and a netropsin-DNA complex that closely reproduce the experimentally determined and/or canonical DNA conformations. Frequently the MD averaged structure is closer to the experimentally determined structure than to the canonical DNA conformation. MD simulations of A- to B- and B- to A-DNA transitions are also shown. A-DNA simulations in a low salt environment cleanly convert into the B-DNA conformation and converge into the RMS space sampled by a low salt simulation of the same sequence starting from B-DNA. In MD simulations using the BMS force field the B-form of d(GGGCCC)2 in a 75% ethanol solution converts into the A-form. Using the same methodology, parameters, and conditions the A-form of d(AAATTT)2 correctly converts into the B-DNA conformation. These studies demonstrate that the force field is capable of reproducing both environment and sequence dependent DNA structures. The 41 nanoseconds (nsec) of MD simulations presented in this paper paint a global picture which suggests that the DNA structures observed in low salt solutions are largely due to the favorable internal energy brought about by the nearly uniform screening of the DNA electrostatics. While the conformations sampled in high salt or mixed solvent environments occur from selective and asymmetric screening of the phosphate groups and DNA grooves, respectively, brought about by sequence induced ion and solvent packing.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to investigate the structure, dynamics, and local base-pair step deformability of the free 16S ribosomal helix 44 from Thermus thermophilus and of a canonical A-RNA double helix. While helix 44 is bent in the crystal structure of the small ribosomal subunit, the simulated helix 44 is intrinsically straight. It shows, however, substantial instantaneous bends that are isotropic. The spontaneous motions seen in simulations achieve large degrees of bending seen in the X-ray structure and would be entirely sufficient to allow the dynamics of the upper part of helix 44 evidenced by cryo-electron microscopic studies. Analysis of local base-pair step deformability reveals a patch of flexible steps in the upper part of helix 44 and in the area proximal to the bulge bases, suggesting that the upper part of helix 44 has enhanced flexibility. The simulations identify two conformational substates of the second bulge area (bottom part of the helix) with distinct base pairing. In agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray studies, a flipped out conformational substate of conserved 1492A is seen in the first bulge area. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations reveal a number of reversible alpha-gamma backbone flips that correspond to transitions between two known A-RNA backbone families. The flipped substates do not cumulate along the trajectory and lead to a modest transient reduction of helical twist with no significant influence on the overall geometry of the duplexes. Despite their considerable flexibility, the simulated structures are very stable with no indication of substantial force field inaccuracies.  相似文献   

One obstacle to achieving complete understanding of the principles underlying sequence-dependent recognition of DNA is the paucity of structural data for DNA recognition sequences in their free (unbound) state. Here, we carried out crystallization screening of 50 DNA duplexes containing cognate protein binding sites and obtained new crystal structures of free DNA binding sites for three distinct modes of DNA recognition: anti-parallel β strands (MetR), helix-turn-helix motif + hinge helices (PurR), and zinc fingers (Zif268). Structural changes between free and protein-bound DNA are manifested differently in each case. The new DNA structures reveal that distinctive sequence-dependent DNA geometry dominates recognition by MetR, protein-induced bending of DNA dictates recognition by PurR, and deformability of DNA along the A-B continuum is important in recognition by Zif268. Together, our findings show that crystal structures of free DNA binding sites provide new information about the nature of protein-DNA interactions and thus lend insights towards a structural code for DNA recognition.  相似文献   

Local supercoil-stabilized DNA structures   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The DNA double helix exhibits local sequence-dependent polymorphism at the level of the single base pair and dinucleotide step. Curvature of the DNA molecule occurs in DNA regions with a specific type of nucleotide sequence periodicities. Negative supercoiling induces in vitro local nucleotide sequence-dependent DNA structures such as cruciforms, left-handed DNA, multistranded structures, etc. Techniques based on chemical probes have been proposed that make it possible to study DNA local structures in cells. Recent results suggest that the local DNA structures observed in vitro exist in the cell, but their occurrence and structural details are dependent on the DNA superhelical density in the cell and can be related to some cellular processes.  相似文献   

An extensive analysis of structural databases is carried out to investigate the relative flexibility of B-DNA and A-RNA duplexes in crystal form. Our results show that the general anisotropic concept of flexibility is not very useful to compare the deformability of B-DNA and A-RNA duplexes, since the flexibility patterns of B-DNA and A-RNA are quite different. In other words, ‘flexibility’ is a dangerous word for describing macromolecules, unless it is clearly defined. A few soft essential movements explain most of the natural flexibility of A-RNA, whereas many are necessary for B-DNA. Essential movements occurring in naked B-DNAs are identical to those necessary to deform DNA in DNA–protein complexes, which suggest that evolution has designed DNA–protein complexes so that B-DNA is deformed according to its natural tendency. DNA is generally more flexible, but for some distortions A-RNA is easier to deform. Local stiffness constants obtained for naked B-DNAs and DNA complexes are very close, demonstrating that global distortions in DNA necessary for binding to proteins are the result of the addition of small concerted deformations at the base-pair level. Finally, it is worth noting that in general the picture of the relative deformability of A-RNA and DNA derived from database analysis agrees very well with that derived from state of the art molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.  相似文献   

The metabolism of DNA in cells relies on the balance between hybridized double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and local de-hybridized regions of ssDNA that provide access to binding proteins. Traditional melting experiments, in which short pieces of dsDNA are heated up until the point of melting into ssDNA, have determined that AT-rich sequences have a lower binding energy than GC-rich sequences. In cells, however, the double-stranded backbone of DNA is destabilized by negative supercoiling, and not by temperature. To investigate what the effect of GC content is on DNA melting induced by negative supercoiling, we studied DNA molecules with a GC content ranging from 38% to 77%, using single-molecule magnetic tweezer measurements in which the length of a single DNA molecule is measured as a function of applied stretching force and supercoiling density. At low force (<0.5pN), supercoiling results into twisting of the dsDNA backbone and loop formation (plectonemes), without inducing any DNA melting. This process was not influenced by the DNA sequence. When negative supercoiling is introduced at increasing force, local melting of DNA is introduced. We measured for the different DNA molecules a characteristic force F char, at which negative supercoiling induces local melting of the dsDNA. Surprisingly, GC-rich sequences melt at lower forces than AT-rich sequences: F char = 0.56pN for 77% GC but 0.73pN for 38% GC. An explanation for this counterintuitive effect is provided by the realization that supercoiling densities of a few percent only induce melting of a few percent of the base pairs. As a consequence, denaturation bubbles occur in local AT-rich regions and the sequence-dependent effect arises from an increased DNA bending/torsional energy associated with the plectonemes. This new insight indicates that an increased GC-content adjacent to AT-rich DNA regions will enhance local opening of the double-stranded DNA helix.  相似文献   

The dynamics, hydration, and ion-binding features of two duplexes, the A(r(CG)(12)) and the B(d(CG)(12)), in a neutralizing aqueous environment with 0.25 M added KCl have been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The regular repeats of the same C=G base-pair motif have been exploited as a statistical alternative to long MD simulations in order to extend the sampling of the conformational space. The trajectories demonstrate the larger flexibility of DNA compared to RNA helices. This flexibility results in less well defined hydration patterns around the DNA than around the RNA backbone atoms. Yet, 22 hydration sites are clearly characterized around both nucleic acid structures. With additional results from MD simulations, the following hydration scale for C=G pairs can be deduced: A-DNA相似文献   

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