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One of the processes by which CheY, the excitatory response regulator of chemotaxis in Escherichia coli, can be activated to generate clockwise flagellar rotation is by acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs)-mediated acetylation. Deletion of Acs results in defective chemotaxis, indicating the involvement of Acs-mediated acetylation in chemotaxis. To investigate whether Acs is the sole acetylating agent of CheY, we purified the latter from a delta acs mutant. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that this protein is partially acetylated in spite of the absence of Acs, suggesting that CheY can be post-translationally acetylated in vivo by additional means. Using [14C]AcCoA in the absence of Acs, we demonstrated that one of these means is autoacetylation, with AcCoA serving as an acetyl donor and with a rate similar to that of Acs-mediated acetylation. Biochemical characterization of autoacetylated CheY and mass spectrometry analysis of its tryptic digests revealed that its acetylated lysine residues are those found in CheY acetylated by Acs, but the acetylation-level distribution among the acetylation sites was different. Like CheY acetylated by Acs, autoacetylated CheY could be deacetylated by Acs. Also similarly to the case of Acs-mediated acetylation, the phosphodonors of CheY, CheA and acetyl phosphate, each inhibited the autoacetylation of CheY, whereas the phosphatase of CheY, CheZ, enhanced it. A reduced AcCoA level interfered with chemotaxis to repellents, suggesting that CheY autoacetylation may be involved in chemotaxis of E. coli. Interestingly, this interference was restricted to repellent addition and was not observed with attractant removal, thus endorsing our earlier suggestion that the signaling pathway triggered by repellent addition is not identical to that triggered by attractant removal.  相似文献   

Spatial organization of signalling is not an exclusive property of eukaryotic cells. Despite the fact that bacterial signalling pathways are generally simpler than those in eukaryotes, there are several well‐documented examples of higher‐order intracellular signalling structures in bacteria. One of the most prominent and best‐characterized structures is formed by proteins that control bacterial chemotaxis. Signals in chemotaxis are processed by ordered arrays, or clusters, of receptors and associated proteins, which amplify and integrate chemotactic stimuli in a highly cooperative manner. Receptor clusters further serve to scaffold protein interactions, enhancing the efficiency and specificity of the pathway reactions and preventing the formation of signalling gradients through the cell body. Moreover, clustering can also ensure spatial separation of multiple chemotaxis systems in one bacterium. Assembly of receptor clusters appears to be a stochastic process, but bacteria evolved mechanisms to ensure optimal cluster distribution along the cell body for partitioning to daughter cells at division.  相似文献   

CheY, a response regulator of the chemotaxis system in Escherichia coli, can be activated by either phosphorylation or acetylation to generate clockwise rotation of the flagellar motor. Both covalent modifications are involved in chemotaxis, but the function of the latter remains obscure. To understand why two different modifications apparently activate the same function of CheY, we studied the effect that each modification exerts on the other. The phosphodonors of CheY, the histidine kinase CheA and acetyl phosphate, each strongly inhibited both the autoacetylation of the acetylating enzyme, acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs), and the acetylation of CheY. CheZ, the enzyme that enhances CheY dephosphorylation, had the opposite effect and enhanced Acs autoacetylation and CheY acetylation. These effects of the phosphodonors and CheZ were not caused by their respective activities. Rather, they were caused by their interactions with Acs and, possibly, with CheY. In addition, the presence of Acs elevated the phosphorylation levels of both CheA and CheY, and acetate repressed this stimulation. These observations suggest that CheY phosphorylation and acetylation are linked and co-regulated. We propose that the physiological role of these mutual effects is at two levels: linking chemotaxis to the metabolic state of the cell, and serving as a tuning mechanism that compensates for cell-to-cell variations in the concentrations of CheA and CheZ.  相似文献   

Acetylation of CheY, the excitatory response regulator of bacterial chemotaxis, by the enzyme acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs) is involved in Escherichia coli chemotaxis, but its function is obscure. Here, we overproduced Acs from E.coli, purified it in quantities sufficient for biochemical work, and characterized both the enzyme and the CheY acetylation reaction that it catalyzes. Such characterization is essential for revealing the function of CheY acetylation in chemotaxis. The enzyme exhibited characteristics typical of prokaryotic Acs enzymes, and it could use either acetate or AcCoA as an acetyl donor for CheY acetylation. The Acs-catalyzed acetylation of CheY was reversible, an essential property for a regulatory process, and cooperative (Hill coefficient approximately 3). By Western blotting with specific anti-acetyl-lysine antibody we demonstrated that Acs undergoes autoacetylation, that CheY is acetylated to a small extent when isolated, and that the extent is elevated following in vitro acetylation. Exposing the intact protein to matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and electro-spray mass spectrometry, we found that, in most cases, purified CheY is a mixture of species having zero to six acetyl groups per molecule, with non-acetylated CheY being the most abundant species. By proteolytic in-gel digestion of non-treated CheY followed by peptide fingerprinting, precursor ion scan, and tandem mass spectrometry, we found that the acetylation sites of CheY are clustered at the C terminus of the protein, with lysine residues 91, 92, 109, 119, 122 and 126 being the main acetylation sites. Following in vitro acetylation, the main change that seemed to occur was an incremental increase in the extent of acetylation of the same lysine residues. Thus, CheY is similar to many eukaryotic proteins involved in signaling, which undergo both phosphorylation and multiple acetylation, and in which the acetylation sites are restricted to a particular region.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis, the directed movement of a cell population in response to a chemical gradient, plays a critical role in the distribution and dynamic interaction of bacterial populations in nonmixed systems. Therefore, in order to make reliable predictions about the migratory behavior of bacteria within the environment, a quantitative characterization of the chemotactic response in terms of intrinsic cell properties is needed.The design of the stopped-flow diffusion chamber (SFDC) provides a well-characterized chemical gradient and reliable method for measuring bacterial migration behavior. During flow through the chamber, a step change in chemical concentration is imposed on a uniform suspension of bacteria. Once flow is stopped, diffusion causes a transient chemical gradient to develop, and bacteria respond by forming a band of high cell density which travels toward higher concentrations of the attractant. Changes in bacterial spatial distributions observed through light scattering are recorded on photomicrographs during a 10-min period. Computer-aided image analysis converts absorbance of the photographic negatives to a digital representation of bacterial density profiles. A mathematical model (part II) is used to quantitatively characterize these observations in terms of intrinsic cell parameters: a chemotactic sensitivity coefficient, mu(0), from the aggregate cell density accumulated in the band and a random motility coefficient, mu, from population dispersion in the absence of a chemical gradient.Using the SFDC assay and an individual-cell-based mathematical model, we successfully determined values for both of these population parameters for Escherichia coli K12 responding to fucose. The values obtained were mu = 1.1 +/- 0. 4 x 10(-5) cm(2)/s and chi(o) = 8 +/- 3 +/- 10(-5) cm(2)/s. We have demonstrated a method capable of determining these parameter values from the now validated mathematical model which will be useful for predicting bacterial migration in application systems.  相似文献   

Spo0F, sporulation stage 0 F protein, a 124-residue protein responsible, in part, for regulating the transition of Bacillus subtilis from a vegetative state to a dormant endospore, has been studied by high-resolution NMR. The 1H, 15N, and 13C chemical shift assignments for the backbone residues have been determined from analyses of 3D spectra, 15N TOCSY-HSQC, 15N NOESY-HSQC, HNCA, and HN(CO)CA. Assignments for many sidechain proton resonances are also reported. The secondary structure, inferred from short- and medium-range NOEs, 3JHN alpha coupling constants, and hydrogen exchange patterns, define a topology consistent with a doubly wound (alpha/beta)5 fold. Interestingly, comparison of the secondary structure of Spo0F to the structure of the Escherichia coli response regulator, chemotaxis Y protein (CheY) (Volz K, Matsumura P, 1991, J Biol Chem 266:15511-15519; Bruix M et al., 1993, Eur J Biochem 215:573-585), show differences in the relative length of secondary structure elements that map onto a single face of the tertiary structure of CheY. This surface may define a region of binding specificity for response regulators. Magnesium titration of Spo0F, followed by amide chemical shift changes, gives an equilibrium dissociation constant of 20 +/- 5 mM. Amide resonances most perturbed by magnesium binding are near the putative site of phosphorylation, Asp 54.  相似文献   

孙雨  常晶晶  田春杰 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9963-9969
在根际微环境中,特定的土壤微生物能够利用自身独特的趋化系统感应根系分泌物,响应植物的选择性招募。细菌的趋化系统介导了植物-微生物以及微生物间相互作用,在植物对根际微生物组的选择中发挥着关键的生态学功能。综述了根际微生物组中细菌趋化系统的研究进展,从生态学的角度提出了未来针对根际细菌趋化系统的研究方向,旨在阐明根际细菌趋化系统的生态学功能,为增进理解作物根际微生物组的募集过程,以及未来农业中根际微生物组的重组构建奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Regulatory switches are wide spread in many biological systems. Uniquely among them, the switch of the bacterial flagellar motor is not an on/off switch but rather controls the motor’s direction of rotation in response to binding of the signaling protein CheY. Despite its extensive study, the molecular mechanism underlying this switch has remained largely unclear. Here, we resolved the functions of each of the three CheY‐binding sites at the switch in E. coli, as well as their different dependencies on phosphorylation and acetylation of CheY. Based on this, we propose that CheY motor switching activity is potentiated upon binding to the first site. Binding of potentiated CheY to the second site produces unstable switching and at the same time enables CheY binding to the third site, an event that stabilizes the switched state. Thereby, this mechanism exemplifies a unique combination of tight motor regulation with inherent switching flexibility.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of experiments on bacterial chemotaxis to naphthalene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A mathematical model was developed to quantify chemotaxis to naphthalene by Pseudomonas putida G7 (PpG7) and its influence on naphthalene degradation. The model was first used to estimate the three transport parameters (coefficients for naphthalene diffusion, random motility, and chemotactic sensitivity) by fitting it to experimental data on naphthalene removal from a discrete source in an aqueous system. The best-fit value of naphthalene diffusivity was close to the value estimated from molecular properties with the Wilke-Chang equation. Simulations applied to a non-chemotactic mutant strain only fit the experimental data well if random motility was negligible, suggesting that motility may be lost rapidly in the absence of substrate or that gravity may influence net random motion in a vertically oriented experimental system. For the chemotactic wild-type strain, random motility and gravity were predicted to have a negligible impact on naphthalene removal relative to the impact of chemotaxis. Based on simulations using the best-fit value of the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient, initial cell concentrations for a non-chemotactic strain would have to be several orders of magnitude higher than for a chemotactic strain to achieve similar rates of naphthalene removal under the experimental conditions we evaluated. The model was also applied to an experimental system representing an adaptation of the conventional capillary assay to evaluate chemotaxis in porous media. Our analysis suggests that it may be possible to quantify chemotaxis in porous media systems by simply adjusting the model's transport parameters to account for tortuosity, as has been suggested by others.  相似文献   

A number of individual-cell and population-scale assays have been introduced to quantify bacterial motility and chemotaxis. The transport coefficients reported in the literature, however, span several orders of magnitude, making it difficult to ascertain to what degree variations in bacterial species/strain, growth medium, growth and experimental conditions, and experiment type contribute to the reported differences in coefficient values. We quantified the random motility of Escherichia coli AW405 using the capillary assay, stopped-flow diffusion chamber (SFDC), and tracking microscope. We obtained good agreement for the random motility coefficient between these assays when using the same bacterial strain and consistent growth and experimental conditions. Chemotaxis of E. coli toward the attractant alpha-methylaspartate was quantified using the SFDC and capillary assay. Good agreement for the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient between the SFDC and the capillary assay was obtained across a limited attractant concentration range. Three different mathematical models were considered for analyzing capillary assay data to obtain a chemotactic sensitivity coefficient. These models differed by their treatment of the bacterial concentration in the chamber and the attractant concentration at the mouth. Results from our study indicate that the capillary assay, the most commonly used bacterial random motility and chemotaxis assay, can be used to accurately quantify bacterial transport coefficients over a limited range of attractant concentrations, provided experiments are performed carefully and appropriate mathematical models are used to interpret the experimental data.  相似文献   

Chemotactic behavior of Escherichia coli involves communication between methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins and basal ends, the rotary motors of bacterial flagella. Both the proteins and the basal ends are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane, but the spatial relationship between the two has not been determined. This communication describes a procedure for obtaining a preparation of membrane vesicles enriched in basal ends and thus in the regions of membrane immediately surrounding them. Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins were neither enriched nor depleted in this membrane fraction but instead were distributed throughout the membrane. Thus functional linkages between these proteins and flagellar motors must be mediated by processes other than direct physical interaction.  相似文献   

It is well established that the response regulator of the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, CheY, can undergo acetylation at lysine residues 92 and 109 via a reaction mediated by acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs). The outcome is activation of CheY, which results in increased clockwise rotation. Nevertheless, it has not been known whether CheY acetylation is involved in chemotaxis. To address this question, we examined the chemotactic behaviour of two mutants, one lacking the acetylating enzyme Acs, and the other having an arginine-for-lysine substitution at residue 92 of CheY - one of the acetylation sites. The Deltaacs mutant exhibited much reduced sensitivity to chemotactic stimuli (both attractants and repellents) in tethering assays and greatly reduced responses in ring-forming, plug and capillary assays. Likewise, the cheY(92KR) mutant had reduced sensitivity to repellents in tethering assays and a reduced response in capillary assays. However, its response to the addition or removal of attractants was normal. These observations suggest that Acs-mediated acetylation of CheY is involved in chemotaxis and that the acetylation site Lys-92 is only involved in the response to repellents. The observation that, in the cheY(92KR) mutant, the addition of a repellent was not chemotactically equivalent to the removal of an attractant also suggests that there are different signalling pathways for attractants and repellents in E. coli.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene encoding the Escherichia coli FimH adhesin of type 1 fimbriae has been subjected to linker insertion mutagenesis. Amino acid changes were introduced at a number of positions spanning the entire sequence in order to probe the structure-function relationship of the FimH protein. The effect of these mutations on the ability of bacteria to express a D-mannose binding phenotype was assessed in a fimH null mutant (MS4) constructed by allelic exchange in the E. coli K-12 strain PC31. Mutations mapping at amino acid residues 36, 58 and 279 of the mature FimH protein were shown to completely abolish binding to D-mannose receptors. Differences in the level of fimbriation were also observed as a result of some of the mutations in the fimH gene. These mutants may prove useful in dissecting receptor-ligand interactions by defining regions of the FimH protein that are important in erythrocyte binding.  相似文献   

To adapt to their environment, bacterial strains have developed various environmental signal sensing systems or twocomponent systems. To evaluate the evolutionary relationship of two-component systems, 246 two-component system genes from KEGG were analyzed. Phylogenetic tree structure indicated that most two-component systems are strain specific. Most of two-component system genes have co-evolved, and some two-component system pairs have evolved via recruitment model. By two-component system gene content analysis, new aspect of cellular metabolism evolution was provided.  相似文献   

细菌趋化信号通路中的磷酸酯酶CheZ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌通过趋化系统获得在复杂环境中的生存优势。趋化性在细菌致病性、病菌定殖、固氮细菌与宿主共生、植物与微生物互作等方面有重要的作用。作为趋化信号适应中不可或缺的调节蛋白,对CheZ的深入研究具有重要意义。本文主要对CheZ的结构、作用机制、功能调节、蛋白定位以及进化地位等方面的研究现状进行了综述,旨在为其它细菌中趋化系统的研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

自然环境中,具备自然转化能力的细菌可以自发地从外界获取DNA,从而获得新的遗传性状。为能够自然地被转化,细菌需首先建立一个被称作感受态的生理状态并在此状态下表达DNA摄取和加工相关的基因。DNA摄取基因的表达产物可组装一个能将外源DNA摄入细胞质的蛋白复合物。在细胞质中,进入的DNA可同基因组DNA发生同源重组或建立成一个独立的质粒。一般DNA摄入细胞的过程可分为两个阶段,即从外部基质到细胞周质和跨细胞内膜的转运。近年来,包括作者在内的研究人员发现大肠杆菌中存在新的自然质粒转化模式。本文将首先综述近年来细菌自然转化的分子机制,随后简要介绍大肠杆菌中独特的自然质粒转化模式。  相似文献   

Successful implementation of bioremediation clean-up strategies depends on accurate predictions of the transport of bacteria within the subsurface. In this study, etched flat-plate glass micromodels were used to examine bacterial transport in a homogenous network. These networks were created by acid-etching interconnected channels into a glass plate and then fusing it to an unetched plate forming semi-cylindrical pores. The transparent nature of the micromodel allows for both qualitative observations of the bacteria within the pores and quantitative measurements of their concentration. The micromodels are designed to allow establishment of a well-characterized step change in bacterial concentration (Escherichia coli NR50) within the network. During the experiments, bacteria are dispersed through the network by flow. Light scattering is used to detect the change in turbidity within the pores as the bacteria travel through the network. The change in turbidity is used to construct breakthrough curves and spatial concentration profiles of bacteria within the network. The breakthrough curves are fit to the one-dimensional advection/dispersion equation to determine dispersion coefficients at different interstitial fluid velocities. From the breakthrough curves, dispersion coefficients were reproducible for replicate experiments over a range of velocities in the advection-dominated regime. The dispersivity values for two network designs resembling an interconnecting capillary network and a spatially periodic network of cylinders were 0.28 and 0.33 cm respectively, which are slightly greater than the literature values found for other pore networks. Experiments were also conducted within the diffusion-dominated regime to examine the effects of bacterial motility on dispersion. The accumulation of bacteria on the pore walls became significant at the low flow rates and extended experimental times thereby rendering the use of light scattering to determine concentrations ineffective. Bacterial chemotaxis, created by a self-imposed oxygen gradient, was also observed in the micromodel under stagnant fluid conditions.  相似文献   

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