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The Influence of Carbohydrate Reserves on the Response of Nodulated White Clover to Defoliation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A growth-chamber study was carried out to determine whetherthe response of apparent nitrogenase activity (C2 H2 reduction)to complete defoliation is influenced by the availability ofcarbohydrate reserves Reserve carbohydrate (TNC) concentrationsof 6-week-old white clover (Trifoliun repens L) plants weremodified by CO2 pretreatments There was no difference in theresponse of apparent nitrogenase activity to defoliation betweenplants with different TNC concentrations C2H2 reduction activitydeclined sharply after defoliation and then recovered similarlyin both high- and low-TNC plants Further experiments were conductedto explain the lack of response of apparent nitrogenase activityto TNC levels Bacteroid degradation was ruled out because invitro nitrogenase activity of crude nodule extracts was stillintact 24 h after defoliation Sufficient carbohydrates appearedto be available to the nodules of defoliated plants becauseadding [14C]glucose to the nutrient solution did not preventthe decline in apparent nitrogenase activity These conclusionswere supported by the finding that an increase in pO2 aroundthe nodules of defoliated plants completely restored their C2H2reduction activity The comparison of the effects of defoliationand darkness suggested that the decrease in apparent nitrogenaseactivity was not related directly to the interruption of photosynthesisIt appears that lack of photosynthates is not the immediatecause of the decline of nitrogen-fixing activity after defoliation White clover, Trifolium repens L, defoliation, nitrogen fixation, regrowth, reserves, carbohydrates, acetylene reduction, nodule extract 相似文献
The aim of this study was to test the effect of oxygen partialpressure as a possible limiting factor of nitrogen fixationfollowing defoliation. The response of nitrogenase activity(C2H2-reduction) of defoliated and undefoliated white and redclover plants (Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium pratense L.)to either 19 kPa oxygen or 55 kPa oxygen was investigated. Priorto defoliation, white clover plants were grown for five weeksin a growth chamber, and red clover plants for 7 or 11 weeksin a glasshouse. The results included measurements of 16N2-uptake. Increasing oxygen partial pressure from 19 to 55 kPa severelyrestricted nitrogenase activity of undefoliated white cloverplants; however, 2 h after complete defoliation, the same treatmentcaused a significant increase. A fivefold increase in nitrogenaseactivity upon exposure to the elevated oxygen partial pressurewas found at the end of a 24 h period. This beneficial effectdecreased gradually from 1 to 5 d after defoliation. The responseof recently defoliated red clover plants to 55 kPa oxygen partialpressure was similar to that of white clover, independentlyof plant age. The gradual recovery of nitrogenase activity duringthree weeks of regrowth was associated with a simultaneous changein the response to increased oxygen partial pressure, leadingagain to the response of undefoliated plants. These data suggested that lack of oxygen at the site of nitrogenfixation, resulting from a dramatic increase in oxygen-diffusionresistance, is the main factor limiting nitrogenase activityfollowing defoliation. Trifolium repens L., Trifolium pratense L., white clover, red clover, defoliation, regrowth, nodules, nitrogen fixation, nitrogenase activity, oxygen limitation 相似文献
Regrowth by Swards of Subterranean Clover after Defoliation. 1. Growth, Non-structural Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Content 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Swards of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) atLAl 6 grown in N-free nutrient solution were subjected to threedefoliation treatments which removed 30, 70 and 80% of shootdry weight. Subsequent regrowth and changes in the concentrationsof carbohydrate and nitrogen in plant components were measuredat 0, 1, 5, 9 and 13 d after defoliation and compared with thosein uncut swards. The rate of shoot regrowth declined with increasing severilyof defoliation. In all defoliation treatments, growth was confinedto leaves for up to 5 d. Root growth ceased in all treatmentsfor a longer period. Reestablishment of the leaf area in severely-defoliatedswards was facilitated by the rapid opening of developing leavesand by changes in the allocation of carbon which favoured leafover branch and root, and lamina over petiole growth. Loss of carbohydrate and nitrogen from roots and branches lasting59 d was observed in the more severe defoliation treatments.Loss of protein (N x 6.25) exceeded that of total non-structuralcarbohydrate, and could have accounted for the nitrogen contentof new leaf during this period. Branches lost 62% of their initialcarbohydrate content compared with 25% from roots in the 80%cut swards. In contrast, roots, by virtue of their greater mass,were the principle source of mobilized nitrogen. Nitrogen accumulationceased in 80% cut swards for 9 d. However, carbohydrate levelsin the crown nodules were not severely depleted. It was concluded that partitioning of growth to lamina and themobilization of carbohydrates and nitrogen were important forrecovery from defoliation. Carbohydrates, carbon partitioning, defoliation, nitrogen, mobilization, regrowth, subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum L 相似文献
White clover ramets were grown at various carbon dioxide concentrations(200, 350 and 1000 µl 11), defoliated and regrownat the same concentrations. Morphological characteristics, dryweights and non-structural carbohydrate contents of plant organs,diurnal variation of sugar and starch content of leaves, translocationof assimilates and photosynthesis were determined. Carbon dioxide concentration influenced the dry weights, butnot the number and size of the plant organs. However, defoliationof plants at low carbon dioxide concentration resulted in decreasedleaf size and stolon length. Carbon dioxide concentration influencedthe content and diurnal variation of starch and sugar in theleaves. Starch was accumulated at medium carbon dioxide concentrationand sugar at a higher concentration when the storage capacityfor starch seemed to be exceeded. Starch was preferentiallyaccumulated in the first and sugar in the second half of thelight period. Translocation was decreased during the periodsof accumulation. Sugar accumulation in the leaves seemed tobe a consequence of the imbalance between sink and source, whereasstarch accumulation seemed to follow an in-built diurnal pattern.Accumulation of both starch and sugar during the photoperiodwas followed by degradation and export during the dark period.Decreased dark export occurred at low carbon dioxide concentrationwhen neither starch nor sugar was accumulated during the photoperiod. Carbon dioxide, white clover, Trifolium repens L., growth, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, translocation, photosynthesis 相似文献
White clover plants were grown from stolon tips in growth cabinetsand then defoliated. Thereafter, changes in the contents ofnon-structural carbohydrates such as starch, sucrose, glucose,fructose, maltose, and pinitol in stolons and roots were monitored.Initial contents of carbohydrate reserves, photosynthetic supplyof new carbohydrates and carbohydrate demand after defoliationwere varied by growing the plants at various CO2 partial pressures,by varying the extent of defoliation and by removing eitherroots or stolon tips at the time of defoliation. Remobilization of carbohydrate reserves in stolons increasedproportionally to their initial contents and was greater whenplants had been severely defoliated, suggesting that carbohydrateswere remobilized according to availability and demand. Starchwas the predominant reserve carbohydrate. Starch degradationwas associated with decreased contents of sucrose, glucose andfructose in young stolon parts and roots but not in old stolonparts suggesting that starch degradation was not strictly controlledby the contents of these sugars. A decrease in the demand forcarbohydrates by removal of roots did not decrease starch degradationbut increased the contents of sucrose, glucose, and fructose.Removal of stolon tips decreased starch degradation and contentsof sucrose, glucose, and fructose. The results suggest thatstarch degradation was controlled by a factor other than sucrose,glucose, and fructose which was exported from stolon tips, e.g.gibberellin. Key words: White clover, storage carbohydrates, remobilization, regrowth 相似文献
Single plants of white clover, grown in a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on fixation in their root nodules,were defoliated once by removing approximately half their shoottissue. Their regrowth was compared with the growth of comparableundefoliated plants. Two similar experiments were carried out:in the first, plants were defoliated at 2.5 g, and in the secondat 1.2 g total plant d. wt. Defoliation reduced rate of N2 fixation by > 70 per cent,rate of photosynthesis by 8396 per cent, and rate ofplant respiration by 3040 per cent. Nodule weights initiallydeclined following defoliation as a result of loss of carbohydratesand other unidentified components. No immediate shedding ofnodules was observed but nodules on the most severely defoliatedplants exhibited accelerated senescence. The original rates of N2 fixation were re-attained after 56or 9 d regrowth, with increase in plant size at defoliation.In general, the rate of recovery of N2 fixation was relatedto the re-establishment and increase of the plant's photosyntheticcapacity. Throughout the growth of both defoliated and undefoliatedplants nodule respiration (metabolism) accounted for at least23 ± 2 per cent of gross photosynthesis. The unit costof fixing N2 in root nodules, in terms of photosynthate, appearedto be unaffected by defoliation, except perhaps for plants veryrecently defoliated. Similarly, the percentage nitrogen contentsof shoot, root and nodules of defoliated plants became adaptedwithin a few days to those characteristic of undefoliated plants. Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, defoliation, photosynthesis, respiration 相似文献
Assimilate Partitioning in Three White Clover Cultivars in the Autumn, and the Effect of Defoliation
Partitioning of recently assimilated14C in three cloned whiteclover cultivars (Aberherald, Grasslands Huia and Sandra), grownoutdoors, was determined at the end of Aug., the end of Sep.and the end of Oct. to examine the relative strength of differentsinks within the plant when growing conditions increasinglyfavour carbohydrate accumulation in relation to growth. Also,the effect of removing two out of three expanded leaves on14Cpartitioning was studied. Export of14C from leaves increasedfrom late Aug. to late Oct. More14C was partitioned to the rootsand less to the apex at the Sep. and Oct. harvests than at theharvest in Aug., irrespective of cultivar. Severe defoliationresulted in more14C being partitioned to the apex and less tothe main stolon irrespective of cultivar and harvest occasion.Sandra (a cultivar of northern origin) generally partitionedmore14C to the stolon and less to the apex than did the othertwo cultivars. Trifolium repens L.; white clover; assimilate partitioning; defoliation; photosynthesis; autumn growth 相似文献
Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens) were establishedfrom stolon cuttings rooted in acid-washed silver sand. Allplants were inoculated with Rhizobium trifolii, and receivednutrient solution containing 0·5 mg 15N as either ammoniumor nitrate weekly for 12 weeks (i.e. 6 mg 15N in total). Plantswere then leniently defoliated or left intact, and the labelledN supply was replaced with unlabelled N. Lenient defoliationremoved fully expanded leaves only, leaving immature leaveswhich accounted for 5055% of the total; growing pointnumbers were not reduced. Nodules, leaves and growing pointswere counted over the following 21 d period, and d. wts, N contents,and 15N enrichments of individual plant organs were determined. Defoliated plants had fewer nodules, but numbers of growingpoints were unaffected by defoliation. The rates of both leafemergence and expansion were accelerated in defoliated plants;in consequence the number of young leaves remained less thanin intact plants until day 21. Total dry matter (DM) and N accumulationwere less in defoliated plants, and a greater proportion oftotal plant DM was invested in roots. About 97 % of plant totalN was derived from fixed atmospheric N, but there was incompletemixing of fixed and mineral N within the plant. Relatively moremineral N was incorporated into roots, whereas there was relativelymore fixed N in nodules. There was isotopic evidence that Nwas remobilized from root and stolon tissue for leaf regrowthafter defoliation; approximately 2 % of plant N turned overdaily in the 7-d period after defoliation, and this contributedabout 50% of the N increment in leaf tissue. White clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. SI84, lenient defoliation, N economy, regrowth, N remobilization 相似文献
Small swards of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. Haifawere grown in solution culture in a controlled environment at24 °C day/18 °C night and receiving 500 µE m-2S1 PAR during a 14-h photoperiod. The swards were cuteither frequently (10-d regrowth periods) or infrequently (40-dregrowth) over 40 d before being cut to 2 cm in height. Halfof the swards received high levels of nitrate (26 mMN in solution every 2 d) after defoliation while the othersreceived none. Changes in d. wt, leaf area and growing pointnumbers were recorded over the following 10 d. CO2 exchangewas measured independently on shoots and roots and nitrogenase-linkedrespiration was estimated by measuring nodulated root respirationat 21% and 3% oxygen in the root atmosphere. There was a general pattern in all treatments consisting ofan initial d. wt loss from roots and stubble and reallocationto new leaves, followed by a period of total d. wt gain andrecovery, to a greater or lesser extent, of weight in non-photosyntheticparts. Frequently cut swards had a smaller proportion of theirshoot d. wt. removed by cutting and had a greater shoot d. wt,growing point number and leaf area at the start of the regrowthperiod. As a result of these differences, and also because ofdifferences in relative growth rates, frequently cut swardsmade more regrowth than infrequently cut. Initial photosyntheticrates were higher in frequently cut swards, although the laminaarea index was very low, and it was concluded that stolons andcut petioles made a significant contribution to carbon uptakeduring the first few d. Infrequently cut swards continued toallocate carbon to new and thinner leaves at the expense ofroots and stubble for longer than frequently cut swards andas a result achieved a similar lamina area index after 10 d. Nitrogenase-linked respiration was low in all treatments immediatelyafter cutting: frequently cut swards receiving no nitrate maintainedhigh nitrogenase activity, whereas recovery took at least 5d in infrequently cut swards. Swards which received nitrateafter cutting maintained only low rates of nitrogenase-linkedrespiration and their total nodulated root respiration overthe period was lower than those receiving no nitrogen: greaterregrowth in nitrate fed swards over the 10 d compared to N2-fixingswards was in proportion to this lower respiratory burden. White clover (Trifolium repens L.), defoliation, regrowth, nitrogen, photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogenase-activity 相似文献
Axillary Bud Development in White Clover in Relation to Defoliation and Shading Treatments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A period of growth under shade netting in the glasshouse allowedthe cultivation of white clover stolons with an accumulationof undeveloped axillary buds similar to that often found onstolons from grass/clover swards. The subsequent capacity ofthese nodes to develop branches under different circumstanceswas investigated in three experiments. Removal of the laminaeand petioles subtending sets of four buds along a stolon reducedthe rate at which branches were initiated from the buds. Treatmentsin which petioles, or petioles plus laminae, were retained initiatedbranches more quickly. Shading the stolons reduced both therate of initiation and the percentage of buds which developed,unless both petioles and laminae were retained. There was someevidence that conditions applied to individual buds may actin the same way as the same conditions applied to sets of fourbuds and that illuminated nodes may depress the performanceof neighbouring shaded notes. Fewer buds developed at older nodes than at younger nodes duringthe summer, but during the autumn younger buds initially developedmore slowly than older buds. This suggests that buds can developat a younger nodal age in summer than in winter. When leafless stolons were cut up into component internodesbuds developed faster than on intact stolons, provided the budwas located at the end of the internode nearest the main stolongrowing point. If the bud was at the other end, branch developmentwas slower than on intact stolons. The results are discussedin relation to clover growth in sward conditions. White clover, Trifolium repens, axillary bud development, branching, growing points, defoliation, shading 相似文献
Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownfrom stolon cuttings rooted in sand. All plants were inoculatedwith Rhizobium trifolii, and for 14 weeks received nutrientsolution containing 0.5 mg N each week, as either ammonium ornitrate. Plants were then leniently defoliated or were leftintact and a 15N-labelled N source was applied at intervalsof 4 d to replace the unlabelled N. Lement defoliation removedfully expanded leaves only; the remaining immature leaves accountedfor 3944% of the total. At harvests over the following21 d, leaf numbers were counted and dry matter (DM), N contentsand 15N enrichments of individual plant organs were determined. Rates of leaf emergence and expansion were accelerated in defoliatedplants; numbers of young leaves were similar in defoliated andintact plants. Total DM and N content were less in defoliatedthan intact plants and were not affected by form of N supplied.DM of young leaves, growing points and stolons and N contentof young leaves were, however, greater when ammonium ratherthan nitrate N was supplied. Rates of increase in the contentof plant total N were 8.2 ± 1.36 mg N d-1 and 10.2±1.82 mg N d-1 in defoliated and intact plants respectively.The increases were predominantly due to N2 fixation, since recoveryof 15N showed that less than 1% of the increment in plant totalN was assimilated mineral N. Nevertheless, the contributionof mineral N to plant total N was 50% more in defoliated thanin intact plants; higher amounts of mineral N were found particularlyin young leaves and growing points. Partitioning of mineralN to nodulated roots increased over time and was greater whenammonium rather than nitrate N was present. White clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. S184, lenient defoliation, N accumulation, N2 fixation 相似文献
Defoliation in White Clover: Nodule Metabolism, Nodule Growth and Maintenance, and Nitrogenase Functioning During Growth and Regrowth 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In two experiments, the functioning and metabolism of nodulesof white clover, following a defoliation which removed abouthalf the shoot tissue, were compared with those of undefoliatedplants. In one experiment, the specific respiration rates of nodulesfrom undefoliated plants varied between 1160 and 1830 µmolCO2 g1h1, of which nodule growth and maintenanceaccounted for 22 ± 2 per cent, or 27 ± 3.6 percent, according to method of calculation. Defoliation reducedspecific nodule respiration and nodule growth and maintenancerespiration by 6070 per cent, and rate of N2 fixationby a similar proportion. The original rate of nodule metabolismwas re-established after about 5 d of regrowth; during regrowthnodule respiration was quantitatively related to rate of N2,fixation: 9.1 µmol CO2 µmol1N2. With the possible exception of nodules examined 24 h after defoliation,the efficiency of energy utilization in nitrogenase functioningin both experiments was the same in defoliated and undefoliatedplants: 2.0±0.1 µmol CO2 µmol1 C2H4;similarly, there was no change in the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning as rate of N2 fixation increased with plant growthfrom 1 to 22 µmol N2 per plant h1. Exposure of nodulated white clover root systems to a 10 percent acetylene gas mixture resulted in a sharp peak in rateof ethylene production after 1.52.5 min; subsequently,rate of ethylene production declined rapidly before stabilisingafter 0.51 h at a rate about 50 per cent of that initiallyobserved. Regression of peak rate of ethyleneproduction on rate of N2 fixation indicated a value of 2.9 µmolC2H4 µmol1 N2, for rates of N2 fixation between1 and 22 µmol N2 per plant h1. The relationshipsbetween nitrogenase respiration, acetylene reduction rates andN2 fixation rates are discussed. Trifolium repens, white clover, defoliation, nodule respiration, N2, fixation, nitrogenase 相似文献
The Influence of Frequent Defoliation and of Drought on Nitrogen and Sulphur in the Roots of Perennial Ryegrass and White Clover 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Frequent defoliation and drought, imposed individually overa period of 60 days, both reduced substantially the root weightsof white clover grown in the field, while causing no reductionin the root weights of perennial ryegrass. Concentrations ofN and S in the root organic matter of the clover were reducedby between 14 and 25 per cent by both treatments, but with theryegrass concentrations were not reduced. Perennial ryegrass, white clover, roots, nitrogen, sulphur, defoliation, drought 相似文献
The rate of photosynthesis of leaves of perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.) and white clover (Trifollum pratense L.) grown atdifferent temperatures was measured at a range of temperatures.There was a small effect of the temperature at which a leafhad grown on its photosynthetic rate, but a large effect ofmeasurement temperature, especially in bright light, where photosyntheticrates at 15°C were about twice those at 5°C. It appearsthat temperature could affect sward photosynthesis in the field.Ryegrass and clover had similar photosynthetic rates which respondedsimilarly to temperature. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, Trifolium pratense L., white clover, photosynthesis, temperature, irradiance 相似文献
RYLE G. J. A.; POWELL C. E.; TIMBRELL M. K.; GORDON A. J. 《Journal of experimental botany》1989,40(7):733-739
Single, clonal plants of white clover were grown without inorganicnitrogen in four contrasting day/night temperature regimes,with a 12 h photoperiod, in controlled environments. Root andnodule respiration and acetylene reduction activity were measuredin a flow-through system during both day and night for plantsacclimated to day/night regimes of 23/18, 15/10 and 10/5 ?C.Similar measurements were made on plants acclimated to 20/15?C and stepwise at temperatures from 4 to 33 ?C. Peak rate of ethylene production, nitrogenase-linked respirationand basal root + nodule respiration increased approximatelylinearly from 5 to 23 ?C both in temperature-acclimated plantsand in plants exposed to varying measurement temperatures. Themeasured attributes did not vary significantly between day andnight. Temperatures above 2325 ?C did not further enhancethe rate of ethylene production, which remained essentiallythe same up to the maximum measured temperature of 33 ?C. The measurements of nitrogenase-linked respiration between 5and 23 ?C, during both day and night, demonstrated a constantenergetic cost of acetylene reduction of 2.9 µmolCO2 µmol C2H41,. Over the same temperature range,the approximate activation energy of acetylene reduction was60 kJ mol1. The integrated day plus night nitrogenase-linkedrespiration accounted for 13.416% of the plantsnet shoot photosynthesis in a single diurnal period: there wasno significant effect of temperature between 5 and 23 ?C. Key words: Trifolium repens, white clover, temperature, N2 fixation, respiration 相似文献
Single plants of white clover grown in controlled environments,and dependent for nitrogen on N, fixation, were defoliated at1 or 2 d intervals to 3, 2 and 1 expanded leaves per stolon(Expt 1), and to 1,0.5 (1 leaf on every alternate stolon) and0 expanded leaves per stolon (Expt 2), for 4350 days Plants adapted to severe defoliation by developing much smallerleaves with a slightly reduced specific leaf area, more stolons,a smaller proportion of weight in leaf, root and nodules anda greater proportion of weight in stolons. The daily yield (materialremoved by defoliation) of d. wt and nitrogen generally decreasedwith severity of defoliation, as did the residual plant weight.However, the efficiency of yield (daily yield/residualweight x 100) of dry matter and nitrogen was greater in themost severely defoliated treatments, attaining a maximum of56 % All plants adapted to the imposed defoliation regimes, howeversevere, with the result that even plants maintained withoutany fully expanded leaves invested a similar fraction of theirmetabolic resources in shoot and root as less severely defoliatedplants, and continued to grow and fix N2, albeit at a very reducedrate of 12 mg Nd11. The energetic cost of N2 fixation(acetylene reduction) remained constant in all treatments at31 mole CO2 mole C2H41, but there was some evidence thatrate of N2 fixation per unit of nodule weight declined in themost harshly defoliated treatment. Trifolium repens, white clover, continous defolation, growth, N2 fixation 相似文献
In three experiments measurements of photosynthesis were madeon single leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on threecultivars grown in a controlled environment. Plants which had grown under an irradiance of 30 J m2s1, or in shade within a simulated mixed sward, producedleaves with photosynthetic capacities some 30 per cent lowerthan did plants grown at 120 J m2 s1 without shade.There were no differences between treatments either in photosynthesismeasured at 30 J m2 s1, or in respiration ratesper unit leaf dry weight. Respiration per unit leaf area washigher in the plants grown at 120 J m2 s1, reflectingthe lower specific leaf area of these leaves. There were nodifferences between the three cultivars examined. Leaves which were removed from the shade of a simulated swardshortly after becoming half expanded achieved photosyntheticcapacities as high as those which were in full light throughouttheir development. It is suggested that it is this characteristicwhich enables clover plants growing in an increasingly densemixed sward to produce a succession of leaves of high photosyntheticcapacity, even though each lamina only reaches the top of thesward at a relatively late stage in its development. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, leaf expansion, shade, specific leaf area, stomatal conductance 相似文献
The Effect of Air Humidity on Photosynthesis of Ryegrass and White Clover at Three Temperatures 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Increasing leaf-air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) decreasedthe stomatal conductance and the photosynthetic rate of leavesof ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolhimrepens L.) at light saturation and at lower irradiance. In ryegrassboth conductance and photosynthesis, and in clover photosynthesis,decreased less with increasing VPD in low irradiance than theydid at an irradiance which saturated photosynthesis. In ryegrass,relative to their values at 10 mb, photosynthesis and conductancedecreased less with increasing VPD at 25 °C than at 20 or16·5 °C. In white clover, relative conductance (butnot photosynthesis) was less reduced at 25 than at 16·5°C Measurements of VPD of air in the leaf canopy of a field-growncrop are combined with the observed responses of photosynthesisto VPD and temperature in a model. This shows that high VPDis likely to depress photosynthesis significantly and that,during a typical day, the rate of light saturated photosynthesismay remain fairly steady, because the depression of photosynthesisdue to rising VPD is offset by the stimulation due to risingtemperature Perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., White clover, Trifolhim repens L., photosynthesis, leaf conductance, water vapour pressure deficit, temperature 相似文献