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The ascent of Anguilla anguilla (L.) which shows a variable pattern, has prompted much research that is not related to environmental conditions in a simple manner. Physico-chemical parameters of the water can be used by glass-eels as orienting cues during upstream migration. Temperature, salinity and odour linked with marine and river waters are three of the most important cues. Laboratory experiments were carried out by testing the responses of groups of 20 glass-eels, acclimated to either salt or fresh water at 11° C, towards water flows differing in temperature (8, 11 and 14° C), salinity (fresh water and 33‰ salt water) and odour (natural surface, marine or odourless tap water). Preferences were tested varying any one or two of the three factors at a time, or presenting the three factors simultaneously, in all possible combinations. The three factors tested singly reveal that thermal and salinity preferences recorded using odorous waters were analogous to those already observed with odourless water. Freshwater flows are preferred to salt-water. Temperatures below the acclimation temperature are preferred to higher temperatures. Natural odorous waters are preferred to odourless water at the same salinity. Data from 2900 choices recorded in 163 tests demonstrate that salinity is the most important factor guiding flow choice. Preference for fresh water is affected more by temperature than by odour. The latter, in turn, influences more thermal than salinity choices. Odour attractiveness mainly acts by reinforcing preferred stimuli or offsetting unpleasant ones. Preference differences were found between glasseels acclimated to fresh and salt water. Preference for fresh water strongly affects the choices of the former group, blunting the effects of thermal and odorous stimuli. Salt-water reared glass-eels, less conditioned by salinity, seem to be more sensitive to thermal and odorous attractions.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the migratory behaviour of European glass-eels, Anguilla anguilla, during the first stages of their ascent into inland waters has been investigated. Very little research has documented the thermal preferences of glass-eels, most being directed instead to the study of their thermal resistance and survival. The experimental method adopted aimed at acquiring information on short- and long-term thermal choices and sought to provide evidence of the influence of preceding experiences on choices made during the tests. The results obtained in short-term choices (acute preferendum tests) show a clear preference for flows of water at temperature equal to acclimation temperature rather than for flows at temperatures lower or higher by 3° C. It is sufficient for the glass-eels to remain for about 1 h at a different temperature (acclimation temperature ± 3–4°C) for their subsequent choices to be influenced. When choosing between flows warmer or colder than acclimation water, glass-eels prefer the lower temperature. When the temperature presented is very low (about 3° C) the preference is inverted. There is evidence that the temperature gradient represents one of the main orienting cues. In long-term choices (final preference tests) the experimental apparatus allowed prolonged observation (from 24 to 52 h) of the choices between three shelters, the only difference between these being their internal temperatures. In this situation the glass-eels show a clear preference for temperatures higher than that of the environment. For both intervals of environmental temperature considered (11.0–12.6°C and 14.3–17.3° C) a linear correlation exists between temperature difference and number of choices made for the shelters at higher temperatures. The number of glass-eels choosing a higher temperature is greater in the case of lower environmental temperature. In acute preference tests the thermal stimulation is added to a rheotactic response. The glass-eels find themselves in an analogous situation to that during the ascent. On the other hand, in the second experimental situation the choices are an expression of a pure thermal preference.  相似文献   

A complex of adaptive changes occurring in the Pacific salmon fry in the process of migration to the sea is described, including behavior, ion content in carcasses, and morphological changes in Stannius bodies, gill epithelium, and nephron tubular epithelium. Participating in experiments with transfer from fresh water into a two-layer aquarium (the lower layer - sea water, the upper layer - fresh water) were smolts of chum salmon and underyearlings of masu salmon as well as the trachurus and leiurus forms of the three-spined stickleback Casterosteus aculeatus. All fish, regardless of their salt preference, at once after placement into the two-layer aquarium, occupied the sea water zone, at the very bottom of the aquarium. After 1 h, there started brief excursions of masu salmon and chum salmon to the upper, fresh water layer; however, both forms of the three-spined stickleback did not participate in these excursions. After 12 h, the chum salmon settled down in the lower, sea water layer, while the masu salmon - in the upper, fresh water layer. Both forms of the three-spined stickleback never left the sea water layer and felt quite comfortably on the aquarium bottom. It seems that the high tolerance of the both stickleback forms to wide salinity limits allows them to choose the convenient position regardless of the water salt composition. By analyzing the material obtained for three years (2001-2003) on structure and functions of the gill epithelium chloride cells (CC), we have come to the conclusion that the fresh water fry of two salmon species, chum and masu salmons, caught at the same time and practically in the same water reservoirs can be divided into three groups. The underyearlings of the masu salmon as a rule are characterized by the thickened epithelium of secondary gill lamellae, but by a very small number of CC. In smolts of chum salmon, on the contrary, the epithelium is sufficiently thin, but enriched in the CC that demonstrate an active structure in the very beginning of migration to sea. However, with approaching the sea (and with an increase of terms of migration) the CC activity drops, but their amount does not change. And only after migration to the sea the CC activity rises again, although their amount seems to remain unchanged. The described peculiarities of behavior and of the ion composition regulation in the migrating salmon fry confirm the hypothesis that the salmons evolutionized in fresh water, that the Oncorhynchus genus appeared in large spaces of saltish waters, such as the Japan Sea at the period of the early Pleistocene, and that learning of fry of the Oncorhynchus genus (for instance, of O. gorbuscha and O. keta) is the most specialized in the salmons migrating to the sea, whereas the fresh water species of chars (Salvelinus) and of trouts (Salmo) are more primitive.  相似文献   

A complex of adaptive changes occurring in the Pacific salmon fry in the process of migration to the sea is described, including behavior, ion content in carcasses, and morphological changes in Stannius bodies, gill epithelium, and nephron tubular epithelium. Participating in experiments with transfer from fresh water into a two-layer aquarium (the lower layer—sea water, the upper layer—fresh water) were smolts of chum salmon and underyearlings of cherry salmon as well as the trachurus and leiurus forms of the three-spined stickleback Casterosteus aculeatus. All fish, regardless of their salt preference, at once after placement into the two-layer aquarium, occupied the sea water zone, at the very bottom of the aquarium. After 1 h, there started brief excursions of cherry salmon and chum salmon to the upper, fresh water layer; however, both forms of the three-spined stickleback did not participate in these excursions. After 12 h, the chum salmon settled down in the lower, sea water layer, while the cherry salmon—in the upper, fresh water layer. Both forms of the three-spined stickleback never left the sea water layer and felt quite comfortably on the aquarium bottom. It seems that the high tolerance of the both stickleback forms to wide salinity limits allows them to choose the convenient position regardless of the water salt composition. By analyzing the material obtained for three years (2001–2003) on structure and functions of the gill epithelium chloride cells (CC), we have come to the conclusion that the fresh water fry of two salmon species, chum and cherry salmons, caught at the same time and practically in the same water reservoirs can be divided into three groups. The underyearlings of the cherry salmon as a rule are characterized by the thickened epithelium of secondary gill lamellae, but by a very small number of CC. In smolts of chum salmon, on the contrary, the epithelium is sufficiently thin, but enriched in the CC that demonstrate an active structure in the very beginning of migration to sea. However, with approaching the sea (and with an increase of terms of migration) the CC activity drops, but their amount does not change. And only after migration to the sea the CC activity rises again, although their amount seems to remain unchanged. The described peculiarities of behavior and of the ion composition regulation in the migrating salmon fry confirm the hypothesis that the salmons evolutionized in fresh water, that the Oncorhynchus genus appeared in large spaces of saltish waters, such as the Japan sea at the period of the early Pleistocene, and that learning of fry of the Oncorhynchus genus (for instance, of O. gorbuscha and O. keta) is the most specialized in the salmons migration to the sea, whereas the fresh water species of chars (Salvelinus) and of trouts (Salmo) are more primitive.  相似文献   

The androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) is associated with the physiological and morphological changes that occur during the transformation of sedentary ('yellow') freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.) into their migratory form ('silver') prior to their spawning migration in the ocean. In this study, we investigate the possible role of 11KT in modulating behaviors consistent with downstream migration; i.e., downstream and salinity preference in the New Zealand shortfinned eel (A. australis). Unlike silvering, 11KT did not induce preference for downstream locations, scored as presence at the downstream ends of 35 m raceways. Likewise, there was no evidence for increased salinity preference in 11KT-treated yellow eels, scored as preference for sea water over fresh water in a choice experiment. However, the 11KT treatment induced higher frequency of movements between fresh water and sea water, which may indicate restlessness.  相似文献   

To quantify the salinity preference of juvenile green sturgeon Acipenser medirostris, two groups of A. medirostris [140 days post hatch (dph); total length (LT) 38·0–52·5 cm] were acclimated to either near fresh water (mean ± s.e . salinity = 3·2 ± 0·6) or full‐strength salt water (34·1 ± 1·2) over 8 weeks. Following acclimation, the two groups were divided into experimental and control groups, where experimental A. medirostris from both freshwater and saltwater acclimations were individually introduced (200–220 dph) into a rectangular salinity‐preference flume (maximum salinity gradient: 5–33). Control A. medirostris were presented with only their acclimation water (fresh water or salt water) on both sides of the flume. It was demonstrated that A. medirostris acclimated to both salt water and fresh water spent a significantly greater amount of time on the side of the testing area with the highest salinity concentration (P < 0·05 and P < 0·001, respectively) while control A. medirostris spent an equal amount of time on each side of the flume. These findings indicate that juvenile A. medirostris are not only capable of detecting salt water within the first year of their lives but perhaps are actively seeking out saline environments as they move through a watershed. Establishing A. medirostris salinity preferences provides a better understanding of the early life history of this threatened species, shedding light on possible outmigration timing.  相似文献   

Glass eels arriving from the sea use alternative migratory tactics, leading either to the colonization of rivers or to an early settlement in marine or estuarine habitats. In the field, the migration may be environmentally affected by water temperature and the migratory behavior could be physiologically dependent on the body condition (energetic status). To investigate how these environmental and physiological effects on the migration are behaviorally mediated, we experimentally tested the effects of changes in water temperature and body condition on locomotor activity (upstream swimming) and salinity preference of Anguilla anguilla glass eels. Low water temperature reduced significantly both locomotor activity and preference for freshwater, in accordance with field data showing that low water temperatures hinder both the estuarine migration and river recruitment. Glass eels switched from a freshwater- towards a saltwater-preference as their body condition decreased, confirming that the energetic status may affect the migratory behavior. We suggest that, in the wild, this condition-dependent change in salinity preference of low body condition glass eels induces an early settlement in marine or estuarine habitats. Such a behavioral shift, stopping the energy expenditure linked to river-oriented migratory behavior, may be adaptive by limiting the probability of death due to exhaustion. Our results show that the glass eel migratory behavior, through locomotor activity and salinity preference, may be controlled by interacting physiological and environmental factors.  相似文献   

In a laboratory setting, we tested the ability of 24 non-native, wild-caught hatchling Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) collected in the Florida Everglades to survive when given water containing salt to drink. After a one-month acclimation period in the laboratory, we grouped snakes into three treatments, giving them access to water that was fresh (salinity of 0, control), brackish (salinity of 10), or full-strength sea water (salinity of 35). Hatchlings survived about one month at the highest marine salinity and about five months at the brackish-water salinity; no control animals perished during the experiment. These results are indicative of a “worst-case scenario”, as in the laboratory we denied access to alternate fresh-water sources that may be accessible in the wild (e.g., through rainfall). Therefore, our results may underestimate the potential of hatchling pythons to persist in saline habitats in the wild. Because of the effect of different salinity regimes on survival, predictions of ultimate geographic expansion by non-native Burmese pythons that consider salt water as barriers to dispersal for pythons may warrant re-evaluation, especially under global climate change and associated sea-level-rise scenarios.  相似文献   

Observations of freshwater drinking in Eiders feeding primarily on mussels led us to hypothesize that the highly saline sea water enclosed in mussels could cause salt-related dehydration problems in the ducks, since they consume entire mussels. The proportion of sea water increases with increasing mussel size. Smaller duck species are more sensitive to the higher salt content of larger mussels than are larger ducks; however, salt stress may be avoided by feeding in habitats with lower salinity, by feeding on less salty food items, by utilizing smaller mussels, by drinking fresh water, or by employing low energy foraging techniques. A possible evolutionary strategy for solving the salt problem might be to increase body mass, enabling ducks to utilize larger mussels without passing an upper salt consumption limit. At the same time, foraging on larger mussels is more economical. Although large size facilitates the utilization of brackish and marine environments, it may be selected against in ducks breeding in fresh water, where fish competition may reduce optimal food item size. In conclusion, salinity is an important habitat barrier in both breeding and overwintering diving ducks, but there are various ways of crossing this barrier. To understand better how ducks utilize their habitats, however, it is necessary to measure habitat salinity levels and the size of both ducks and their preferred and less-preferred food types.  相似文献   

The collembolan Cryptopygus antarcticus Willem is potentially exposed to habitat salinities equal to (or greater than) sea water, as a result of sea spray, drying of littoral habitats, dispersal or temporary entrapment on the surface of sea water, or exposure to localized salt deposits from dense vertebrate populations on terrestrial habitats. To test the impact of this exposure on C. antarcticus, the tolerance of the collembolan to being placed on the surface of sea water and solutions of higher salt concentrations is investigated. The effects of acclimation to exposure to liquids of different salinities [44, 100 and 200 parts per thousand (ppt) sea salt] on cold and heat tolerance, as well as thermal activity thresholds, are also explored. Cryptopygus antarcticus shows > 75% survival after 10 days of exposure to both sea water and 100‐ppt salt, whereas it exhibits significantly lower survival after 5 days (60% survival) and 10 days (40%) of exposure to a 200‐ppt solution. Body water content also decreases after exposure to all salinities, and particularly to the 200‐ppt solution, in which > 50% of body water is lost after 10 days. Acclimation results in greater cold tolerance, although heat tolerance at 33, 35 and 37 °C is either unaltered or reduced. The thermal activity thresholds of C. antarcticus at both high and low temperatures are also negatively affected by saline exposure. The data demonstrate the capacity of C. antarcticus to tolerate periods of exposure to saline conditions, and also show that this exposure can enhance cross‐tolerance to low temperatures. The present study also demonstrates that salinity‐associated stress at moderately low and high temperatures narrows the thermal range of activity, thus reducing the ability of collembolans to forage, develop and reproduce. © 2013 The Royal Entomological Society  相似文献   

Juvenile freshwater and anadromous inconnu Stenodus leucichthys regulated plasma ions following a direct transfer from fresh to brackish water (10–15‰), but suffered osmoregulatory collapse with 100% mortality in 48 h when directly transferred to 25‰ salinity. Acclimation to brackish water for 2 weeks improved hypo-osmoregulatory capacity in both populations, with acclimated fish showing smaller increases in blood plasma ion concentrations, higher Na+-K+ ATPase activity, and lower mortality than non-acclimated fish following transfer to 25‰ sea water. Anadromous inconnu maintained pre-treatment plasma ion levels during acclimation, whereas these levels increased during acclimation in freshwater inconnu. Juvenile anadromous inconnu are therefore able to adapt physiologically to sea water of at least 25‰, if brackish-water acclimation is available, but freshwater inconnu have diminished saltwater tolerance, relative to the anadromous form.  相似文献   

Invasive species are commonly thought to have broad tolerances that enable them to colonize new habitats, but this assumption has rarely been tested. In particular, the relative importance of acclimation (plasticity) and adaptation for invasion success are poorly understood. This study examined effects of short-term and developmental acclimation on adult salinity tolerance in the copepod Eurytemora affinis. This microcrustacean occurs in estuarine and salt marsh habitats but has invaded freshwater habitats within the past century. Effects of short-term acclimation were determined by comparing adult survival in response to acute versus gradual salinity change to low salinity (fresh water). Effects of developmental acclimation on adult tolerance were determined using a split-brood 4 x 2 factorial experimental design for one brackish-water population from Edgartown Great Pond, Massachusetts. Twenty full-sib clutches were split and reared at four salinities (fresh, 5, 10, and 27 practical salinity units [PSU]). On reaching adulthood, clutches from three of the salinity treatments (no survivors at fresh) were split into low- (fresh) and high- (40 PSU) salinity stress treatments, at which survival was measured for 24 h. Short-term acclimation of adults did not appear to have a long-term affect on low-salinity tolerance, given that gradual transfers to fresh water enhanced survival relative to acute transfers in the short term (after 7 h) but not over a longer period of 8 d. Developmental acclimation had contrasting effects on low- versus high-salinity tolerance. Namely, rearing salinity had a significant effect on tolerance of high-salinity (40 PSU) stress but no significant effect on tolerance of low-salinity (freshwater) stress. In addition, there was a significant effect of clutch on survival under freshwater conditions, indicating a genetic component to low-salinity tolerance but no significant clutch effect in response to high salinity. While developmental acclimation might enhance survival at higher salinities, the minimal effect of acclimation and significant effect of clutch on low-salinity tolerance suggest the importance of natural selection during freshwater invasion events.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to characterise the variations of the quality of the glass eels recruitment during a season of migration, from November till March and before and after the transition from marine to continental environment. The emaciation state measured from the ratio DNA/Dry weight and percentage of body water is analysed from a sampling of glass-eels collected at sea and in estuary, in the South of the Bay of Biscay during the migration period 1999/2000. The length and the mass are taken into account, they decrease during the season while the individuals are more and more pigmented. However, our work shows that groups of glass eels arriving on the coasts of the Bay of Biscay are homogeneous from the point of view of their energetic and hydride reserves with a high individual variability within these groups. Also no significant difference in losses of water and energetic reserve were observed among the individuals migrating at the beginning and during tide stream. Fluctuations of the biochemical indication and the percentage of water between the glass eels caught in sea and in estuary show that the transition between maritime and continental environment is not a mobilising event of a lot of energy for glass eels. Differences were only observed in December.  相似文献   

Behavioral Thermoregulation and the "Final Preferendum" Paradigm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wider attention to Fry's (1947) "final preferendum" paradigmwould facilitate comparative studies of temperature preference(behavioral thermoregulation) among different animal groups.According to Fry's bipartite definition, the final preferendumis that temperature at which preference and acclimation areequal, and to which an animal in a thermal gradient will finallygravitate regardless of its prior thermal experience (acclimation).This paradigm is helpful in distinguishing between acute thermalpreferenda (measured within 2 hr or less after placing an animalin a thermal gradient), which are influenced by acclimationtemperature, and the species-specific final preferendum (measured24–96 hr after placement in the gradient), which is essentiallyindependent of prior acclimation because reacclimation occursduring the gravitation process. The paradigm does not take intoaccount non-thermal acclimatization influences (e.g., season,photoperiod, age, light intensity, salinity, disease, nutrition,pollutants, biotic interactions) which can also affect temperaturepreference. However, a graph of acutely preferred temperaturesversus acclimation temperatures can be employed to determinean equivalent acclimation temperature for any given acclimatizationstate, as a simple means of quantifying acclimatization statesresulting from interactions of many influences. This paradigm,developed for use with fishes, can also be applied to otherectothermic taxa, although it is most easily employed with aquaticorganisms because of the simplicity of specifying aquatic thermalenvironments in terms of water temperature alone. Methodologiesused in studies of behavioral thermoregulation should take theparadigm into account (especially with respect to length oftests) to enhance the comparative value of data across taxa.  相似文献   

Nile crocodiles of three age classes, hatched in captivity and reared in fresh water, when exposed acutely to water of 17 and 35 ppt NaCl, suffered marked dehydration, were lethargic, ceased to feed and lost mass. When exposed to gradually increasing salinities (3-35 ppt), with a short acclimation period at each salinity, crocodiles survived, continued to feed and increased in mass and size. All age classes had a relatively constant plasma osmolality across the salinity spectrum. Cloacal urine osmolality varied throughout the acclimation experiment, but did not increase with increasing salinity. No significant increase was found in plasma concentrations of any of the osmolytes. There was a trend of decreasing cloacal urine [Na(+)] and [Cl(-)] and increasing cloacal urine [K(+)] with increased salinity, indicating that urine was not an important route for Na(+) and Cl(-) excretion. Crocodiles exposed to saline conditions maintained relatively constant plasma uric acid concentrations, but urinary uric acid concentrations increased markedly with increasing salinities. This suggests that uric acid is the main constituent of nitrogenous waste excretion in saline exposed Nile crocodiles. As in Crocodylus porosus, C.niloticus has the physiological ability to survive and thrive in periodically hyper-osmotic environments. However, its euryhalinity is restricted, in that acute exposure to sea water leads to dehydration, but with an acclimation period at lower salinities, it survives and thrives in sea water.  相似文献   

The Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, is capable of surviving a wide range of salinities and temperatures. The present study was undertaken to investigate the influence of environmental salinity and temperature on osmoregulatory ability, organic osmolytes and plasma hormone profiles in the tilapia. Fish were acclimated to fresh water (FW), seawater (SW) or double-strength seawater (200% SW) at 20, 28 or 35 degrees C for 7 days. Plasma osmolality increased significantly as environmental salinity and temperature increased. Marked increases in gill Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity were observed at all temperatures in the fish acclimated to 200% SW. By contrast, Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity was not affected by temperature at any salinity. Plasma glucose levels increased significantly with the increase in salinity and temperature. Significant correlations were observed between plasma glucose and osmolality. In brain and kidney, content of myo-inositol increased in parallel with plasma osmolality. In muscle and liver, there were similar increases in glycine and taurine, respectively. Glucose content in liver decreased significantly in the fish in 200% SW. Plasma prolactin levels decreased significantly after acclimation to SW or 200% SW. Plasma levels of cortisol and growth hormone were highly variable, and no consistent effect of salinity or temperature was observed. Although there was no significant difference among fish acclimated to different salinity at 20 degrees C, plasma IGF-I levels at 28 degrees C increased significantly with the increase in salinity. Highest levels of IGF-I were observed in SW fish at 35 degrees C. These results indicate that alterations in gill Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity and glucose metabolism, the accumulation of organic osmolytes in some organs as well as plasma profiles of osmoregulatory hormones are sensitive to salinity and temperature acclimation in tilapia.  相似文献   

Water-choice trial experiments revealed that Anguilla japonica glass eels collected in southern Japan possess strong preferences for fresh water and agricultural water. Their locomotor activity and preference for fresh water were higher and stronger, respectively, in this study when compared to previous studies conducted at lower temperatures. These results suggest that their locomotor activity and preference for fresh water is influenced by water temperature. The attraction to agricultural water indicates their upstream migration and habitat selection could be influenced by agricultural water.  相似文献   

Thermal acclimation in Daphnia magna was studied on various levels to test the recent “oxygen-limited thermal tolerance” hypothesis. Preference behaviour in a thermal gradient was determined by both, ambient temperature and corresponding oxygen concentration. Swimming activity depended on aerobic energy provision and reflected the match or mismatch of oxygen supply and energy demand at different ambient temperatures. Thermal acclimation modified both types of behaviour and more slightly heat tolerance. Perfusion and haemoglobin properties turned out to be central control variables to adapt oxygen transport to varying energy demands at different ambient temperatures. Exceptional advantages of Daphnia as an experimental model organism allowed to confirm on a behavioural, physiological and biochemical level that thermal acclimation is strongly based on the adaptation of oxygen transport allowing unidirectional shifts of the thermal tolerance range to warmer or colder temperatures.  相似文献   

The enzymatic properties of membrane-bound Na+ + K+-ATPase from gills of killifish acclimated to fresh water, to 16% sea water, or to 30% sea water appear to be identical, indicating that the same enzyme may function to absorb Na+ in low salinities and excrete Na+ at the gills in high salinities. Ammonium ion is an effective substitute for K+: in the ATPase reaction itself, in blocking phosphorylation of the ATPase protein, and in inhibiting the binding of ouabain to the enzyme. The specific activities of the Na+ + K+-ATPase in the three different salinities are consistent with the expected Na+ pumping rates: higher in fresh water and 30% sea water than in 16% sea water. Within one-half hour after transfer of killifish from one salinity to another, gill Na+ + K+-ATPase activities reach equilibrium levels. The rapid increase in Na+ + K+-ATPase activity in gill microsomes of fish acclimating from fresh water to 30% sea water is accompanied by a slow decrease in the number of binding sites for ouabain, supporting the idea that acclimation to short-term salinity changes may involve modifications in the catalytic rate rather than the number of Na+ + K+-ATPase molecules.  相似文献   

The year-round thermal habitat at sea for adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 49) from northern Norway was investigated using archival tags over a 10 year study period. During their ocean feeding migration, the fish spent 90% of the time in waters with temperatures from 1.6–8.4°C. Daily mean temperatures ranged from −0.5 to 12.9°C, with daily temperature variation up to 9.6°C. Fish experienced the coldest water during winter (November–March) and the greatest thermal range during the first summer at sea (July–August). Trends in sea-surface temperatures influenced the thermal habitat of salmon during late summer and autumn (August–October), with fish experiencing warmer temperatures in warmer years. This pattern was absent during winter (November–March), when daily mean temperatures ranged from 3.4–5.0°C, in both colder and warmer years. The observations of a constant thermal habitat during winter in both warmer and colder years, may suggest that the ocean distribution of salmon is flexible and that individual migration routes could shift as a response to spatiotemporal alterations of favourable prey fields and ocean temperatures.  相似文献   

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