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This article examines the influence of Chinese transnational mass media, in particular television, videos, and films, on the creation of transnational Chinese identities among Malaysian Chinese. Drawing on ethnographic research and surveys of adults and high school students in four Malaysian cities, it argues that local audiences distinguish clearly between the various forms of transnational Chinese media produced in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China. Although preferences for different types of transnational media vary among viewers in terms of age, gender, educational background, and place of residence in Malaysia, Hong Kong productions are clearly the most popular. Similarities between the experiences and perspectives of Hong Kong and Malaysian Chinese are examined as possible explanations for this preference.  相似文献   

2019年底暴发的新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情席卷全球,严重威胁人类的健康,已经成为需要世界各国共同努力克服的全球重大卫生安全挑战。面对疫情,因各国的文化、地理位置、社会制度和经济发展水平不同,其医疗系统在疫情防控中发挥的作用也不同。以粤港澳大湾区的典型城市(广州市、深圳市、珠海市、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区)为代表,通过系统梳理和量化分析各医疗系统在公共卫生突发事件中的表现和效用,明晰医疗卫生机构、医护人员、医疗物资等的职能,厘清各城市防疫医疗力量在重大传染性疫情防控中的优势和短板。结果表明,内地三市与港澳相比,拥有的防疫医疗基础雄厚;澳门和内地三市在疫情早期保持高度一致,联合推进防疫攻关的机制,在应对疫情有效性方面表现不俗,而香港由于受“国际航运中心”的定位限制,以及社会撕裂余波的影响导致难以快速全面封锁,应对疫情的有效性相对较差。展望未来,粤港澳大湾区应互通互补、资源共享,共同提升整个大湾区的公共卫生事件应急能力。  相似文献   

In Hong Kong, yumcha as a pervasive form of eating in the public has become an institution which epitomises the diversity and inclusiveness that Hong Kong people think are quintessential to the civility and economic achievement of the metropolis. It stands out particularly as a practice that has come to represent both locally and overseas a Hong Kong culture which has previously been characterised as residual of ‘Chinese tradition’ and ‘Western customs’, and hence is virtually non-existent. This paper looks at the consumption of metropolitaneity and the culturalisation of the heunggongyan or Hong Kong personal identity in the form, content and social relations involved in yumcha. It points to the significance of yumcha as a key to understanding a collective identity which has become more and more apparent as Hong Kong people vehemently try to establish a city with its own culture, first against the colonial grip and then the return of sovereignty to China in 1997.  相似文献   

A nutrient balance is established for the contemporary urban ecosystem of Hong Kong. The flow of nutrients in the Hong Kong food system in particular is examined, including current and potential nutrient recycling patterns. Losses of nutrients in food for human consumption are found to be up to 20% for major nutrients. The flow of mineral phosphorus in the Hong Kong food system is examined in detail. About 3600 tonnes of phosphorus are lost from the Hong Kong food system each year. A comparison is made between the land-based forage area demand of the Hong Kong population and a similar-sized Western population, that of Sydney, Australia. It is estimated that the average Hong Kong person consumes a diet which requires only half the land area needed to produce the diet of the average Sydney person. However, Hong Kong relies on the ocean for 25% of its animal protein supply compared with 2.5% for Sydney. Patterns of food production and nutrient recycling are proposed, with the aim of optimizing resource utilization in close association with contemporary urban settlements.  相似文献   

纽约弹性城市建设经验及其对上海的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面临气候变化带来的全球性环境、社会、经济灾难,许多国家、地区都制定了应对方案并采取行动。与上海市有着同样区位优势的纽约市,作为全球城市在有关气候变化的城市治理方面一直处于国际领先地位,引领全球城市开展弹性城市建设。在总结纽约弹性城市建设发展历程基础上,分析纽约市弹性城市建设所面临的挑战和机遇,未来100年总目标及其包含4个分目标,以及实现这4个分目标的具体措施。最后,对比纽约市与上海市的相似性,从弹性城市项目建设、投融资、区域合作、政府治理这4个方面为上海市弹性城市建设带来启示。  相似文献   

Assessments of urban metabolism (UM) are well situated to identify the scale, components, and direction of urban and energy flows in cities and have been instrumental in benchmarking and monitoring the key levers of urban environmental pressure, such as transport, space conditioning, and electricity. Hitherto, urban food consumption has garnered scant attention both in UM accounting (typically lumped with “biomass”) and on the urban policy agenda, despite its relevance to local and global environmental pressures. With future growth expected in urban population and wealth, an accounting of the environmental footprint from urban food demand (“foodprint”) is necessary. This article reviews 43 UM assessments including 100 cities, and a total of 132 foodprints in terms of mass, carbon footprint, and ecological footprint and situates it relative to other significant environmental drivers (transport, energy, and so on) The foodprint was typically the third largest source of mass flows (average is 0.8 tonnes per capita per annum) and carbon footprint (average is 2.1 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents per capita per annum) in the reviewed cities, whereas it was generally the largest driver of urban ecological footprints (average is 1.2 global hectares per capita per annum), with large deviations based on wealth, culture, and urban form. Meat and dairy are the primary drivers of both global warming and ecological footprint impacts, with little relationship between their consumption and city wealth. The foodprint is primarily linear in form, producing significant organic exhaust from the urban system that has a strong, positive correlation to wealth. Though much of the foodprint is embodied within imported foodstuffs, cities can still implement design and policy interventions, such as improved nutrient recycling and food waste avoidance, to redress the foodprint.  相似文献   

韧性科学的回顾与展望:从生态理论到城市实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市韧性的概念在生态与环境领域正在兴起,如何将城市的结构复杂性和功能多样性与自然、经济和社会要科学地耦合尤为重要。实践方面,城市韧性在国际组织、政府机构和私人基金会等计划的支持下得到世界各地城市的日益重视。对此,回顾了韧性在生态系统科学中的概念起源及其在工程技术与社会学科的应用发展;整合了城市系统的科学知识,以进一步阐述城市韧性的概念及理论发展;举例了目前联合国、洛克菲勒基金会和跨国企业所构建的全球合作网络中韧性城市的实践。基于城市韧性理论的回顾和韧性城市实践,结合城市系统在生态、经济和社会维度的差异性,就我国城市以韧性为导向的转型发展过程中存在的机遇、挑战及解决途径提出了参考建议。  相似文献   



Primary care is the key element of health reform in China. The objective of this study was to compare patient assessed quality of public primary care between Hong Kong, a city with established primary care environment influenced by its colonial history, and Shanghai, a city leading primary care reform in Mainland China; and to measure the equity of care in the two cities.


Cross sectional stratified random sampling surveys were conducted in 2011. Data were collected from 1,994 respondents in Hong Kong and 811 respondents in Shanghai. A validated Chinese version of the primary care assessment tool was employed to assess perceived quality of primary care with respect to socioeconomic characteristics and health status.


We analyzed 391 and 725 respondents in Hong Kong and Shanghai, respectively, who were regular public primary care users. Respondents in Hong Kong reported significant lower scores in first contact accessibility (1.59 vs. 2.15), continuity of care (2.33 vs. 3.10), coordination of information (2.84 vs. 3.64), comprehensiveness service availability (2.43 vs. 3.31), comprehensiveness service provided (2.11 vs. 2.40), and the total score (23.40 vs. 27.40), but higher scores in first contact utilization (3.15 vs. 2.54) and coordination of services (2.67 vs. 2.40) when compared with those in Shanghai. Respondents with higher income reported a significantly higher total primary care score in Hong Kong, but not in Shanghai.


Respondents in Shanghai reported better quality of public primary care than those in Hong Kong, while quality of public primary care tended to be more equitable in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – has become a major concern on an international scale. The problem is global, but must be solved locally. Most of the world’s population lives in cities that act as centres of economic growth and productivity, but which – if they develop in the wrong direction – can cause social inequalities, or irreversibly harm the environment. Urban transport causes a number of negative impacts that can affect sustainability targets. The objective of this study is to propose an analysis of sustainability of urban passenger transport systems based on available indicators in most cities. This will serve to benchmark the practices of different cities and manage their transport systems. This work involves the creation of composite indicators (CI) to measure the sustainability of urban passenger transport systems. The methodology is applied to 23 European cities. The indicators are based on a benchmarking approach, and the evaluation of each aspect in each case therefore depends on the performance of the whole sample. The CI enabled us to identify which characteristics have the greatest influence on the sustainability of a city’s transport system, and to establish transport policies that could potentially improve its shortcomings. Finally, the cities are clustered according to the values obtained from the CIs, and thus according to the weaknesses and strengths of their transport systems.  相似文献   

城市与区域生态关联研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市及其周边区域正在面临日益严峻的环境污染、生态恶化、资源短缺等问题。这些问题的出现,与长期以来城市发展过程中忽视城市与区域的生态关联密切相关。研究城市与区域的生态关联,对于解决城市与区域的生态环境问题、指导新型城镇化建设具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。主要从以下3个方面系统总结了城市与区域生态关联的研究进展:(1)城市发展对周边区域的生态环境影响,包括直接的胁迫和间接的影响;(2)区域对城市发展的生态支撑;(3)城市与周边区域社会、经济、生态关联的相互作用机制。指出了当前城市与区域生态关联研究中存在的问题和不足:1)城市对周边区域生态环境直接影响的研究较多,且多侧重城市对周边区域的负面影响,对其间接影响的研究较为缺乏;2)周边区域对城市发展生态支撑作用的研究相对缺乏、认识不够深入;3)对城市与周边区域生态关联作用机制的研究较为缺乏。未来的研究要将城市和区域作为统一整体,进一步完善城市与区域生态关联的理论框架,耦合社会经济的相互作用,定量解析城市与区域的生态关联,为城市与区域的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Cook  Roger F. 《Dreaming》2011,21(2):89
New directions in film and media theory have begun to focus on precognitive, embodied aspects of film viewing. Drawing on these recent theoretical approaches, this article examines correspondences between the brain–mind state of the dreamer and the film viewer and formal similarities between the cinematic image and dream images. First, the study asks whether cinema's evolution toward the production of images that are more easily processed by the brain has also made film images easily accessible during dream-sleep. Then it shows how the cinematic image and the visual imaging of dreams depend on a similar construction of navigable space. The analysis suggests that the bodily systems for simulating movement and establishing spatial orientation function in a similar manner during dreaming and film viewing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that the nineteenth-century movement of "metropolitanism" was a transnational attempt to rebuild and re-imagine cities in a bourgeois image and through a capitalist process of investment. This movement began with the attempt by wealthy residents of imperial metropoles to remake their cities in ways that created greater social distance between themselves and their colonies—both external and internal. I explore how a discourse with specific urban content can engender a movement that revolutionizes people's view of the city. The analysis points toward a revitalization of this movement in the present moment of global transformations, suggesting that the reshaping of urban social organization and urban institutions through transnational processes is not new. [urban, metropolitanism, colonialism, housing, architecture]  相似文献   

李嘉艺  孙璁  郑曦 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2609-2621
在城市扩张和气候变化背景下,三角洲社会与生态系统正遭受多方面风险威胁,适应性视角下的区域生态风险评估有助于理解复杂系统与风险影响之间的相互作用,为长江三角洲城市群适应性规划策略提供空间定量参考。以长江三角洲城市群社会-生态系统为研究对象,耦合适应性循环与区域生态风险评估理论,构建"潜力-连通度-韧性"适应性生态风险评估框架,从整体和动态的角度评估区域在当前与未来适应性生态风险的时空分布与各城市所处的适应性循环阶段。结果表明,适应性生态风险由沿海区-城市群-生态区域呈现由较高到高再到低的趋势,大城市外围现已出现较高风险。至2030年,风险整体呈上升趋势,高风险向中小城市和生态区域蔓延。从适应性循环阶段来看,杭州、宁波等14个城市处于生态风险较低的重组阶段。常州、南通等8个城市处于风险升高的开发阶段。上海、南京、无锡和苏州处于城市发展成熟风险开始降低的保护阶段。本研究通过评估长三角城市群适应性生态风险,得到高风险区分布与各个城市的适应性风险趋势,为长三角城市群动态变化下的适应性规划策略制定提供了科学的指导,以实现区域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Hong Kong is famous as a bustling harbour and financial centre, with a dense burgeoning population impacting its coastal environment. Yet, away from the skyscrapers and the pressures of anthropogenic influence, Hong Kong supports a rich marine biodiversity, including corals and mangrove communities. Despite having a small marine area (1651 km2), a total of 5943 marine species have been recorded in Hong Kong waters. Most of these species were reported during the 1980s and 1990s, but new species continue to be discovered, and ~6500 species are estimated. Even though Hong Kong’s marine area is only ~0.03 % of that of China, the number of marine species recorded in Hong Kong already accounts for ~26 % of the total recorded in China. Hong Kong also contributes to a considerable amount (>30 %) of the species records for several taxa including amphipods, cephalopods, polychaetes and fish in the South China Sea, and ~29 % of the hermit crab species in the largest global marine species database, the World Register of Marine Species. These findings demonstrate the rich marine biota found in Hong Kong, which probably reflects Hong Kong’s location within the fringes of the world’s marine biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

This article offers a comparison of the status of the “traditional” medium of oil painting or acrylic in Hong Kong SAR and in Mainland China. This issue concerns the well-known discourse about the hand as medium; a typical example of what Pierre Bourdieu would call habitus. The representation of art as something produced by the hand has been the only habitus in Euro-America for a number of centuries, and it remains so among many participants of the social field of art. The development of this habitus followed very different paths in Mainland China and in Hong Kong, thanks to very different institutions in those places. Those responsible for their establishment in the 20th century, especially educational institutions, are analyzed and provide the backdrop for the analysis of the field of art in present-day Hong Kong. New institutions and new ways for these institutions to deal with art education are now changing the field of art in Hong Kong, creating new concepts to deal with the issue of forms of art seen as respectively “traditional” and “contemporary.” In ways very different than what happens in Europe, for instance, where even media that can be seen as “traditional” like oil painting tend to belong to a single “contemporary art” habitus, Hong Kong has seen the establishment of a state of competition between two habitus seen as unrelated. This article concludes with a brief portrait of the state of struggle between these two habitus within the Hong Kong art field.  相似文献   

Anthropologists have become increasingly sophisticated in the analysis of class by detailing the urban margins, by ‘studying up’ to examine elite wealth, and by charting the rise of the global middle classes. The anthropological commitment to depth, however, tends to keep these three strata separate in ways that mirror analytically the kind of segregation observed on the ground. Tight analytical framings risk obscuring the co-ordinates of privilege, especially in cities such as Bucharest, Romania, which are being rapidly transformed by foreign direct investment (FDI). This article, by contrast, moves across Bucharest's diverging strata to explore the complex interconnections between the pursuit of FDI, urban planning, and increased class separation. Ethnographically, the article examines the production of three kinds of emergent spaces – homeless shelters for the very poor; high-rise towers for the truly elite; and metro stations designed for the middle classes – to trace the interrelated politics of belonging and exclusion in a rapidly transforming city. The article suggests that these efforts, successful as they may be at ordering competing claims to the city, produce a landscape that cements unequal class relations into the built environment. Taken from Bucharest, this analysis offers wider insight into the future of contemporary urbanism in the European Union but also in cities the world over that are being similarly remade to attract global capital.  相似文献   

Clara Law's film Floating Life was the first Australian film to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Film, and the first Australian film to deal with migrant Hong Kong Chinese identities 'from inside'. From perspectives of transnational Chinese migration and flexible citizenship, this article looks at Floating Life as a Hong Kong Chinese migrant reading of Australia, which defamiliarizes and recontextualizes familiar Australian localities and geopolitical formations, contrasting them with the film's other principal loci of Hong Kong and Germany. It also interprets the film as a neo-Confucian study of family disintegration in a migrant context, and an exploration of notions of home and identity.  相似文献   

吴健生  易腾云  王晗 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8718-8731
自然气候条件相近但社会经济制度差异显著的深圳与香港为我国制度探索与经济建设提供了重要窗口,两地的景观格局演变规律与发展趋势将深刻影响粤港澳大湾区的生态文明建设进程。以深港两地三期历史土地覆被数据为依据,应用CA-Markov模型预测了2030年景观类型,采用地学信息图谱、景观格局指数等方法对比了深港景观格局的时空分异特征,并通过地理探测器模型、logistic回归模型等方法,探讨了深圳与香港景观格局变化的驱动机制的异同。结果表明:(1)研究期内,深港两地景观格局变化显著,各景观类型之间互相转移频繁。深圳人造地表景观面积将持续增加,而香港则呈现先减少后增加的趋势;(2)深港两地的优势景观类型仍然是人造地表与林地。两地景观形状将趋于简单,相比于香港,深圳景观在呈现较高多样性的同时具有更为破碎化的特点;(3)夜间灯光所表征的经济发展水平对两地人造地表的扩张影响很大。在政策规划、社会经济水平、自然地理条件等多种因素的综合作用下,两地未来景观发展趋同存异。  相似文献   


In this article, I propose using bridal photography and wedding video-recording to gain a better understanding of the meanings of romance and the ideal life among young generations and to consider how relevant images of getting married shed light on the changing social life in Hong Kong. Bridal photography and wedding videorecording not only play the role of documentation but also reflect the social change and values among new married couples in the society. By examining packaged bridal photography and the process of wedding video-shooting, I propose to state how visualization brings subtle influences into the new dynamism of marriage as a ritual and reflects the changing social contexts in today's Hong Kong everyday life.  相似文献   

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