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The quantal theory of immunity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smith KA 《Cell research》2006,16(1):11-19
Exactly how the immune system discriminates between all environmental antigens to which it reacts vs. all selfantigens to which it does not, is a principal unanswered question in immunology. As set forth in this review, because of the advances in our understanding of the immune system that have occurred in the last 50 years, for the first time it is possible to formulate a new theory, termed the "Quantal Theory of Immunity", which reduces the problem from the immune system as a whole, to the individual cells comprising the system, and finally to a molecular explanation as to how the system behaves as it does.  相似文献   

This study evidence for tension transmission by microtubules and desmosomes in the follicular epithelium during anisometric growth of certain insect eggs. Most insect oocytes, and the follicles which surround them, grow anisometrically as they assume shapes which approximate to those of long prolate spheroids. Surface growth is most rapid in directions which parallel the polar axis of an oocyte and slowest in circumferential directions at right angles to this axis. The longitudinal axes of microtubule bundles in follicle cells of the gall midge Heteropeza and the cockroach Periplaneta are oriented circumferentially with respect to the surfaces of developing eggs and at right angles to the polar axes of eggs. At cell boundaries, the tubules appear to be attached to spot desmosomes. It is suggested that microtubules and desmosomes form a mechanical continuum throughout a follicular epithelium which transmits tensile forces around the circumference of a growing egg. Follicular resistance to circumferential expansion may be largely responsible for defining the elongate form of insect eggs.  相似文献   

Although the strength of quantal synaptic transmission is jointly controlled by pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms, the presynaptic mechanisms remain substantially less well characterized. Recent studies reveal that a single package of neurotransmitter is generally insufficient to activate all available postsynaptic receptors, whereas the sum of transmitter from multiple vesicles can result in receptor saturation. Thus, depending upon the number of vesicles released, a given synaptic pathway might be either 'reliable' or 'unreliable'. A lack of receptor saturation in turn makes it possible to modify quantal size by altering the flux of transmitter through the synaptic cleft. Studies are now illuminating several new mechanisms behind the regulation of this transmitter flux--characteristics that control how transmitter is loaded into vesicles, how it is released and the manner by which it interacts with postsynaptic receptors.  相似文献   

Current views on quantal release of neurotransmitters hold that after the vesicle migrates towards release sites (active zones), multiple protein interactions mediate the docking of the vesicle to the presynaptic membrane and the formation of a multimolecular protein complex (the 'fusion machine') which ultimately makes the vesicle competent to release a quantum in response to the action potential. Classical biophysical studies of quantal release have modelled the process by a binomial system where n vesicles (sites) competent for exocytosis release a quantum, with probability p, in response to the action potential. This is likely to be an oversimplified model. Furthermore, statistical and kinetic studies have given results which are difficult to reconcile within this framework. Here, data are presented and discussed which suggest a revision of the biophysical model. Transient silencing of release is shown to occur following the pulse of synchronous transmitter release, which is evoked by the presynaptic action potential. This points to a schema where the vesicle fusion complex assembly is a reversible, stochastic process. Asynchronous exocytosis may occur at several intermediate stages in the process, along paths which may be differentially regulated by divalent cations or other factors. The fusion complex becomes competent for synchronous release (armed vesicles) only at appropriately organized sites. The action potential then triggers (deterministically rather than stochastically) the synchronous discharge of all armed vesicles. The existence of a specific conformation for the fusion complex to be competent for synchronous evoked fusion reconciles statistical and kinetic results during repetitive stimulation and helps explain the specific effects of toxins and genetic manipulation on the synchronization of release in response to an action potential.  相似文献   

Sitter RR  Wu CF 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):396-402
In a quantal response study, there may be insufficient knowledge of the response relationship for the stimulus (or dose) levels to be chosen properly. Information from such a study can be scanty or even unreliable. A two-stage design is proposed for such studies, which can determine whether and how a follow-up (i.e., second-stage) study should be conducted to select additional stimulus levels to compensate for the scarcity of information in the initial study. These levels are determined by using optimal design theory and are based on the fitted model from the data in the initial study. Its advantages are demonstrated using a fishery study.  相似文献   

The synthesis, assembly and organisation of structural and motor proteins during muscle formation requires temporal and spatial control directed by specialized chaperones. For example, alphaB-crystallin, GimC and TRiC facilitate the assembly of sarcomeric proteins such as desmin and actin. Recent studies have demonstrated that the chaperone family of UCS proteins (UNC-45-CRO1-She4p) is required for the proper function of myosin motors. Mutations in the myosin-directed chaperone unc-45, a founding member of this family, lead to disorganisation of striated muscle in Caenorhabditiselegans. In addition to the involvement of client-specific chaperones, myofibrillogenesis also involves ubiquitin-dependent degradation of regulatory muscle proteins. Here, we highlight the interplay between chaperone activity and protein degradation in respect to the formation and maintenance of muscle during physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

New tests for trend in proportions, in the presence of historical control data, are proposed. One such test is a simple score statistic based on a binomial likelihood for the "current" study and beta-binomial likelihoods for each historical control series. A closely related trend statistic based on estimating equations is also proposed. Trend statistics that allow overdispersed proportions in the current study are also developed, including a version of Tarone's (1982, Biometrics 38, 215-220) test that acknowledges sampling variation in the beta distribution parameters, and a trend statistic based on estimating equations. Each such trend test is evaluated with respect to size and power under both binomial and beta-binomial sampling conditions for the current study, and illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which genes control organ shape are poorly understood. In principle, genes may control shape by modifying local rates and/or orientations of deformation. Distinguishing between these possibilities has been difficult because of interactions between patterns, orientations, and mechanical constraints during growth. Here we show how a combination of growth analysis, molecular genetics, and modelling can be used to dissect the factors contributing to shape. Using the Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) flower as an example, we show how shape development reflects local rates and orientations of tissue growth that vary spatially and temporally to form a dynamic growth field. This growth field is under the control of several dorsoventral genes that influence flower shape. The action of these genes can be modelled by assuming they modulate specified growth rates parallel or perpendicular to local orientations, established by a few key organisers of tissue polarity. Models in which dorsoventral genes only influence specified growth rates do not fully account for the observed growth fields and shapes. However, the data can be readily explained by a model in which dorsoventral genes also modify organisers of tissue polarity. In particular, genetic control of tissue polarity organisers at ventral petal junctions and distal boundaries allows both the shape and growth field of the flower to be accounted for in wild type and mutants. The results suggest that genetic control of tissue polarity organisers has played a key role in the development and evolution of shape.  相似文献   

The adherens junction functions to connect epithelial cells and maintain their polarized architecture. The geometry of the adherens junction, and consequently the shape of a cell, appears to reach an energetically favorable state. Cadherins within the adherens junction are necessary for cells to achieve this state. However, the view of an adherens junction as a static structure is at odds with the highly dynamic properties of epithelia during development. Interactions between the actin cytoskeleton and the adherens junction are required for certain cell shape changes. Recent insights into adherens junction remodeling have revealed the importance of polarized localization of myosin and Par3 at the adherens junction.  相似文献   

Tang KS  Wang N  Tse A  Tse FW 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(8):2735-2746
Using carbon fiber amperometry, we exploited the natural variation in quantal size (Q) among individual granules in rat chromaffin cells to examine the influence of Q on quantal release kinetics. Although it is generally accepted that granules with larger Q have slower kinetics of release, we found that this trend was applicable only to granules with Q(1/3) < 0.6 pC(1/3). Granules with larger Q adapted specific mechanisms to maintain a rapid kinetic of release. The semistable fusion pores in the large-Q granules persisted for a longer duration and could reach a bigger size before the onset of very rapid dilation to allow a longer and larger foot signal. Most importantly, a large proportion of large-Q granules maintained a relatively short half-width in the main spike. This suggests that the most rapid phase of fusion pore dilation in many large-Q granules may be faster than that in small-Q granules. Moreover, cAMP selectively advanced the onset of the rapid dilation of the fusion pore in the large- but not the small-Q granules. Thus, our finding raises the possibility that fusion pore and/or granule matrix in small- and large-Q granules may have different molecular structures.  相似文献   

Effects of variation of the stimulus pulse shape on the excitation of a nonmyelinated nerve fibre were studied using a mathematical model based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. Efficiency of smoothly changing pulses was compared with that of rectangular pulses. For pulses shorter than the time to excitation, the rate of the stimulus rise did not determine the ability of a smoothly changing pulse to excite the fibre. For a given stimulus duration, the main factor was the pulse area or the charge delivered by the pulse. The strength-duration curve for smoothly changing pulses was a nonmonotonic function, in contrast to the curve for rectangular pulses. The dependence of latency on changes in the pulse area was non-linear. It would be nonmonotonic when the pulse area variation were due to the stimulus duration or the stimulus rise duration. More that one propagating intracellular action potential (IAP) could arise upon fibre activation by a long smoothly changing threshold stimulus. Upon activation of relatively short fibres the IAP could arise not at the site of the smoothly changing stimulus injection. The rectangular pulses of long duration were more efficient than the corresponding smoothly changing ones. Irrespective of the shape, the pulses whose duration at the foot is 1-2 ms, are more suitable for a prolonged threshold fibre activation.  相似文献   

The characteristic shape of a bacterial cell is a function of the three dimensional architectures of the cell envelope and is determined by the balance between lateral wall extension and synthesis of peptidoglycan at the division septum. The three dimensional patterns of cell wall synthesis in the bacterium Bacillus subtilis is influenced by actin-like proteins that form helical coils in the cell and by the MreCD membrane proteins that link the cytoskeletal elements with the penicillin-binding proteins that carry out peptidoglycan synthesis. Recent genetic studies have provided important clues as to how these proteins are arranged in the cell and how they function to regulate cell shape.  相似文献   

Because cell-division failure is deleterious, promoting tumorigenesis in mammals, cells utilize numerous mechanisms to control their cell-cycle progression. Though cell division is considered a well-ordered sequence of biochemical events, cytokinesis, an inherently mechanical process, must also be mechanically controlled to ensure that two equivalent daughter cells are produced with high fidelity. Given that cells respond to their mechanical environment, we hypothesized that cells utilize mechanosensing and mechanical feedback to sense and correct shape asymmetries during cytokinesis. Because the mitotic spindle and myosin II are vital to cell division, we explored their roles in responding to shape perturbations during cell division. We demonstrate that the contractile proteins myosin II and cortexillin I redistribute in response to intrinsic and externally induced shape asymmetries. In early cytokinesis, mechanical load overrides spindle cues and slows cytokinesis progression while contractile proteins accumulate and correct shape asymmetries. In late cytokinesis, mechanical perturbation also directs contractile proteins but without apparently disrupting cytokinesis. Significantly, this response only occurs during anaphase through cytokinesis, does not require microtubules, and is independent of spindle orientation, but is dependent on myosin II. Our data provide evidence for a mechanosensory system that directs contractile proteins to regulate cell shape during mitosis.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Despite the large diversity in biological cell morphology, the processes that specify and control cell shape are not yet fully understood. Here we study the shape of tip-growing, walled cells, which have evolved a polar mode of cell morphogenesis leading to characteristic filamentous cell morphologies that extend only apically. ? Methods: We identified the relevant parameters for the control of cell shape and derived scaling laws based on mass conservation and force balance that connect these parameters to the resulting geometrical phenotypes. These laws provide quantitative testable relations linking morphological phenotypes to the biophysical processes involved in establishing and modulating cell shape in tip-growing, walled cells. ? Key results and conclusions: By comparing our theoretical results to the observed morphological variation within and across species, we found that tip-growing cells from plant and fungal species share a common strategy to shape the cell, whereas oomycete species have evolved a different mechanism.  相似文献   

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