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I examined dietary selection by Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui)in relation to food availability and air temperature. Multiple regression analysis indicates that both food availability and temperature influenced the selection of foods. Feeding on young leaves, seeds, and flowers was affected more by availability, while feeding on fruits, mature leaves, and fallen seeds was affected more by temperature. Feeding on insects is strongly correlated with temperature,perhaps because availability of insects increased with temperature. These results suggest that temperature influences dietary selection of Yakushima macaques by changing the energy expenditure required for thermoregulation and through its influence on the accessibility to insects, which are an important protein source for the monkeys.  相似文献   

I investigated the activity budget and diet of Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui,)in warm temperate broad- leaved forest of Yakushima, Japan. Both time spent feeding and time spent moving varied considerably between half- months. However, total time spent in active behaviors— feeding time plus moving time— was stable. The composition of the diet also showed considerable variation between half- months. The macaques fed mainly on fruits, seeds,mature leaves, fallen seeds, flowers, and young leaves, each of which accounted for more than 30% of feeding time in at least 1 half- month. They also ate insects and fungi, but each of them comprised ≤ 25 and ≤ 8% of feeding time in any half- month, respectively. Time spent feeding on mature leaves, young leaves, flowers, or fallen seeds is positively correlated with total time feeding and is negatively correlated with time moving. In contrast, time feeding on fruits, seeds, insects or fungi is negatively correlated with time feeding and is positively correlated with time moving. Foraging on foods that have a low energy content, a high density, and a relatively even distribution— mature leaves— or that need much manipulation to be processed— flowers and fallen seeds— increased feeding time, while foraging on foods for which monkeys must search intensively in the forest— fruits, seeds, insects, and fungi— led to increased moving time. I examined foraging strategies of Yakushima macaques in terms of moving costs and the quality of food items. Regarding time feeding on fruits, which have more energy and may need less manipulation than other foods, as a benefit, and moving time as a cost, they seemed to employ a strategy that balanced the costs and benefits of foraging.  相似文献   

We describe short-term changes in foraging behavior by wild Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui),which inhabit a warm-temperate broad—leaved forest on Yakushima Island (30°N, 131°E), Japan. Rapid changes of dietary composition, activity budget, and range use by the monkeys occurred from May to June, apparently associated with changes in the availability of the fruit of Myrica rubraBefore the fruit ripened, monkeys spent less time moving and more time feeding on many species of leaves, which accounted for 40% of feeding time. However, when M. rubrabegan to ripen, they fed intensively on the fruit, which accounted for three-fourths of feeding time,though the activity budget remained unaffected As fiuit of M. rubradecreased,the monkeys fed more on the fruit of other species and on insects, and spent more time moving at higher speeds. There marked shifts in foraging pattern occurred within only two months. In terms of moving cost and dietary quality,Yakushima macaques shifted their foraging pattern according to the availability of M. rubrafrom a “low-cost, low-yield” strategy to a “low-cost, high-yield” strategy, and then to a more costly strategy. The ability to make such rapid shifts in foraging pattern may allow the macaques to effectively use the highly variable food supply within their small range.  相似文献   

A census of wild Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) was carried out in a 23-km2 area of the western coast of Yakushima Island, Japan. We analyzed the census data to investigate changes in monkey distribution associated with the vertical distribution of vegetation. In the lowland coastal zone of 0–300 m above sea level (a.s.l.), 4.8 troops and 62.4–99.8 monkeys are estimated to have existed per km2. In the mountainside zones of 300–900 m a.s.l., the troop density decreased to 1.3–1.6 troops/km2. Since there was no difference in size between the coastal and mountainside troops, population density should decrease with altitude to about 30–36 monkeys per km2. On the other hand, 2.4 troops and about 36 monkeys were estimated to have inhabited per km2 in the mountain summit zone of 900–1,323 m a.s.l. Nature Conservation College  相似文献   

The relationships between fruit morphology and the foraging behavior of the Yakushima macaque, Macaca fuscata yakui were studied during a 9-month field study and series of laboratory experiments on Yakushima Island, southern Japan. These relationships may affect seed germination traits through seed dispersal. The macaques foraging behavior was observed in order to obtain data concerning the treatment of pulp and seeds. Seeds in feces and spat seeds were collected and analyzed. A linear discriminant analysis of the data led to the following results: (i) an increase in the relative flesh volume of a fruit was one of the potential factors which increased the probability of seed dispersal by the macaques; and (ii) seed size was an important parameter in relation to the type of seed dispersal (by defecation or spitting out). The germination test was conducted in a laboratory, then the germination rates and delays of dispersed seeds were compared with those of seeds collected directly from trees. The germination of dispersed seeds of Ficus thunbergii, Eurya japonica, and Vaccinium bracteatum, was significantly enhanced by passage through the macaques gut. The enhanced germination behavior was not seen in larger seeds, such as those of Psychotria serpens, Myrsine seguinii, Diospyros morrisiana, and Neolitsea sericea. The germination enhancement in small-seeded plants could be due to a sorting effect from the passage through the gut, which selects seeds with a narrower range of germination traits.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata yakui) via cheek-pouch was studied in a warm temperate evergreen forest on Yakushima Island. Plant list was compiled based on a study during 1986–1995, of which troops of monkeys have been habituated without artificial feeding. We followed the well-habituated monkeys in 1993 and 1994 to observe the feeding behavior and their treatments of fruits and seeds, and collected seeds dispersed by monkeys to record the distance carried from the mother trees. We checked the difference of germination ratio between seeds dispersed via cheek-pouch and seeds taken from mother trees by sowing experiments. Seeds and acorns of 22 species were observed to be dispersed via cheek-pouch of monkeys. Among them, three species with acorns were never dispersed via feces, and 15 species with drupes were seldom dispersed via feces. Plant species of which seeds are dispersed only via cheek-pouch had larger seeds than those of dispersed both via cheek-pouch and via feces, and typically had only one or two seeds in a fruit. As for one of cheek-pouch dispersal species,Persea thunbergii, the mean distance when seeds were carried from the mother trees via cheek-pouch was 19.7 m, and the maximum distance was as long as 105 m although more than 80% of seeds were dispersed within 30 m from mother trees. And 82% of seeds dispersed via cheek-pouch germinated. The easy separation of seeds from other parts of the fruit seems to facilitate cheek-pouch dispersal more than dispersal via feces. Cheek-pouch dispersal by monkeys has possibly enhanced the natural selection for larger seeds which bring forth larger seedlings with high shade-tolerance. In conclusion, cheek-pouch dispersal by monkeys is quite an important mode for trees in the mature stand in a warm temperate evergreen forest on Yakushima Island.  相似文献   

The Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island are an endemic subspecies and are closely related to the population of Kyushu, one of the main islands of Japan. Using feces collected throughout Yakushima Island, we examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to investigate the phylogeography of Japanese macaques. Six haplotypes were observed for a 203-bp fragment of the mtDNA control region. The nucleotide diversity () was low (0.0021). The genetic divergence within the Yakushima population was lower (0.009) than that among four haplotypes of the Kyushu population (0.015), calculated using Kimuras two-parameter method. The mismatch distribution analysis of the six haplotypes of the Yakushima population suggested that the Yakushima population had experienced a sudden expansion in population size, which could be related to the bottleneck effect. The geographic distribution of the mtDNA haplotypes was not uniform. One haplotype was distributed widely, whereas the other five haplotypes were distributed only in the lowlands. The low genetic diversity and biased distribution are discussed in relation to an environmental crash caused by ancient volcanic activity near this island, which is postulated to have happened about 7,300 years ago, and the delayed recovery of highland vegetation.  相似文献   

The troop fissions which occurred in a wild population of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata yakui) were observed from 1977 to 1979 on Yakushima Island. The fissions were initiated in the breeding season by non-troop males who established a consort relation with estrous females. In order to analyze the socio-sexual factors which accelerated the fissions, the male emigrations and immigrations before and after two successive fissions, and the copulation frequencies, competition among males and preferences of mating partners in both sexes in the 1977–78 breeding season after the first fission were examined. The results indicated that three factors (a large number of non-troop males, a shortage of troop males and the females' choice of mating partners) effectively influenced on the establishment of consort relationships between non-troop males and estrous females. It is suggested that these factors may exert different effects on the troop disorganization in relation to troop size. In small-sized troops, a large number of non-troop males and a shortage of troop males may lead to stronger competition between them, and the females' choice affected by prolonged intimate relations with the dominant TMs may reduce their priority of access to estrous females. This situation possibly stimulates fission or male emigration in small-sized troops under the natural conditions on Yakushima Island. In contrast, in large-sized troops under isolated conditions, a surplus rather than a shortage of troop males may contribute to troop disorganization, as most former studies have suggested. A higher socionomic sex ratio may decrease the mating activities of subordinate troop males and increase the competition among them. This situation possibly accelerates the fission of large-sized troops through prolonged interactions between females and subordinate or peripheral troop males. A lower ratio and the females' choice, however, raise the mating chances of subordinate troop males and may not promote the fission of large-sized troops under isolated conditions. This study was financed in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research on Biological Aspects of Optimal Strategy and Social Structure from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and by the Cooperative Research Fund of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University.  相似文献   

Identifying the maternal origin of dispersed seeds is a challenging task because it is impossible to directly track seed movement once an animal has ingested them. However, recent development of molecular techniques allows us to identify the maternal origin of dispersed seeds in natural plant populations. Here we analyzed the maternal origin of Myrica rubra seeds found in the feces of Yakushima macaques. We detected a high level of diversity among the dispersed seeds, with an average of 3.0 maternal origins (range 1–9) in each feces. The average dispersal distance was 270.0 m (range 20.4–634.0 m) and the average of distance between maternal trees of dispersed seeds in the same feces was 161.5 m (range 0–573.9 m). These results suggest that seed dispersal by macaques plays an important role in maintaining the genetic diversity of Myrica rubra populations.  相似文献   

Early learning about edible food in the environment is a critical survival task for young nonhuman primates. Social learning and social facilitation are often cited to explain how youngsters learn to select and find their food. In this framework, we observed eight mother-youngster pairs of free-ranging Japanese macaques divided into two sets according to the age of the young (infants aged between 7 and 12 months and juveniles aged between 1.5 and 2 years) during three winter months. We systematically investigated the intensive observation directed by the youngsters toward elders by recording the target's identity (e.g. mother, subadult), the items manipulated by the elder and those items closely observed by the youngster, along with the behavior of the youngster preceding and immediately following an intensive observation period. The diet of the mothers and juveniles was estimated from time records of each feeding occurrence for each food item (identified to species level) and from the quantity of fresh matter ingested. The results show that intensive observation by both infants and juveniles were directed toward those elders engaged in plant and invertebrate foraging. Such behavior was age-dependent, being more frequent in infants than in juveniles. The majority of the intensive observations were directed toward the mother. Intensive observations also shaped a change in the behavior of infants by significantly stimulating the investigation of food items and locations otherwise not investigated by juveniles. Moreover, infants showed a particular interest in rare food items and especially invertebrates. Age differences between the two sets of young and their interest in rare foods are discussed with reference to the occurrence of intensive observation within the framework of kin relationships, social organization, and social transmission of information about food type and food location and its survival values.  相似文献   

The degenerating pattern of spermatogenic cells in the seminiferous tubule of Japanese macaques was studied to clarify a relationship between seasonal changes of reproductive performances and cytological findings in the Japanese macaque. For light microscopy, testis samples were obtained from five adult animals by biopsy in April (nonmating season) and October (mating season). For electron microscopy, specimens from four additional macaques were used. Degenerating cells were found in all steps of spermatogenesis. In stages I to V of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium, morphologically atypical pachytene spermatocytes were observed in 14.7 and 10.0% of the cells in the nonmating and mating seasons, respectively, although the difference in percentage was not significant. Mature spermatids with atypical features in those stages occupied 59.6% of the cells in the nonmating season, which significantly decreased to 34.1% in the mating season. These results imply that the seasonal change of sperm production is related, at least in part, to the process of degeneration of the spermatogenic cells in this species.  相似文献   

开展食物组成研究为人们了解灵长类对栖息地的反应提供了很好的途径,对深刻理解动物的行为可塑性及适应性具有重要意义。猕猴属(Macaca)为果食性灵长类,但是不同种类的食性差异很大;即使便同一物种,其不同地理种群也因其栖息环境不同,食物组成存在差异。一般说来,热带地区的种类比生活在较高纬度的种类采食更多的果实。于2012年7—9月,采用瞬时扫描法对广西弄岗自然保护区石山中的两群熊猴(Macaca assamensis)进行了跟踪和观察,对猴群的雨季食物组成及其日时段变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:研究期间熊猴共采食45种植物,其中乔木30种,灌木3种,藤本11种,草本1种。平均每月采食植物22.3种。嫩叶和果实是熊猴的主要食物,分别占食物组成的52.4%和46.1%(其中未成熟果实占21.3%,成熟果实占24.8%)。另外,花占食物组成的0.9%,成熟叶和其它部位分别占0.3%。石山特有植物芸香竹(Bonia saxatilis)的嫩叶提供了43.8%的食物。9种主要植物分别占食物组成的2%,共为猴群提供了85.5%的食物。分析还发现熊猴并不是严格按照环境中的植物生物量来选择食物。嫩叶在弄岗熊猴的食物中的比例高于其他地理种群,而果实低于其他地理种群,这可能与喀斯特石山中果实的丰富度和可利用性较低有关。熊猴一天中不同时间段的食物组成并不相同,主要表现在:熊猴上午时间段对成熟果实和总果实的采食比例高于下午时间段,而嫩叶的采食比例低于下午时间段。另外,不同时间段的食物组成受外界温度的影响,表现为温度与嫩叶的觅食比例成正比,与成熟果实和总果实的觅食比例成反比。这可能与猴群采取的能量平衡策略有关。对熊猴的食物组成的日时段变化规律进行首次报道,研究结果将有助于深入理解熊猴对喀斯特石山生境的适应策略。  相似文献   

When the individual Japanese macaques of the Koshima troop feed on natural food, they usually feed alone. In situations where animals usually feed without other animals, there is a possibility that subordinate animals may avoid feeding sites at which dominant animals are feeding. This paper examines whether social relationships such as kinship or dominance exert any influence on an animal's choice of feeding sites, by analyzing episodes in which an animal approached and climbed into a tree where other animals were. As a result, it was found that social relationships did not influence whether an animal climbed into a tree where other animals were feeding, and that no particular age-sex pair co-fed. Agonistic interactions frequently occurred when the inter-individual distance was less than 1 m. From these findings, the feeding sites were divided into two spaces: (1) a tolerance feeding space, and (2) an intolerance feeding space. It is presumed that animals can feed without entering others' intolerance feeding spaces when food is abundant, as it was in the present study period. Thus social relationships do not influence an animal's choice of feeding sites in such a situation.  相似文献   

A histological study was undertaken to clarify seasonal changes in the spermatogenic epithelium of Japanese macaques. Testicular tissue samples were excised by biopsies from five adult laboratory-maintained males in mating and non-mating seasons. The samples were fixed with Bouin's solution, embedded in paraffin, and stained with PAS and hematoxylin. Microscopic observations on cross-sections of seminiferous tubules revealed that the seminiferous epithelium in the mating season was thicker than in the non-mating season. PAS-stained granules were found in some of the dark A-type spermatogonia, which significantly increased in the non-mating season. Spermatids of the steps preceding the appearance of the acrosomic cap in stages I to III were observed significantly more often than those in the step coinciding with the formation of the acrosomic cap in stage IV. In stage I, the ratio of mature spermatids or spermatozoa to immature spermatids in the mating season was higher than that in the non-mating season. These findings suggest that spermiogenesis, as well as spermatocytogenesis, is inhibited in the non-mating season.  相似文献   

It is predicted that variation in intergroup relationships in group living primates reflects the cost and benefit of resource defense. We tested the applicability of the model by examining population difference, group difference, and seasonal difference in behaviors during intergroup encounters in two populations of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), one of six groups from Yakushima Island, and the other of three groups from Kinkazan Island. We found that the nature of intergroup encounter varied with group identity, reproductive seasonality, and population. Yakushima groups showed aggressive behaviors more frequently than did Kinkazan groups and the difference was consistent with the food competition model, both because of the involvement of females, and because home ranges were smaller on Yakushima than on Kinkazan, and thus more defensive. Both sexes of animals participated in aggressive interactions, but males were more aggressive than females. Furthermore, Yakushima population showed more agonistic intergroup behaviors during the mating season than the non-mating season. Also during the encounters, intergroup mating was observed, but only in Yakushima. It is concluded that intergroup relationships reflect the mate guarding behavior by group males. However, the agonistic relationship during non-mating season, especially that of among females, is also consistent with the food competition model. It is also noted that males' behavior toward other groups can also be interpreted as a form of investigative behavior before possible transfer into a new group.  相似文献   

Toque macaques (Macaca sinica),inhabiting natural forest at Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka, are frequently injured in fights with conspecifics. The behavior of known individuals when they were injured was compared to that after they had recovered their health. Thus, injured animals rested and alloand autogroomed more, but they foraged less and initiated fewer aggressive episodes. They spent most time being sedentary in the safety of arboreal refuges and reduced acrobatic movements by locomoting more often terrestrially. Other group members showed no special tolerance (or altruism) toward injury victims during the costly and highly competitive activity of foraging for food. In fact, some injured animals received more aggression, or lost dominance rank, and thereby had their competitive abilities further impaired. Care for the injured was manifest mostly by grooming and wound cleaning. All hair in the area surrounding a wound, as well as dirt, scabs, and fly larvae, were removed, and saliva was applied by licking the wound (wounds so treated healed with no obvious signs of infection). (1) Injured macaques sought and received significantly more grooming (owing to wound care); (2) the amount so received increased with the severity of the injury; and (3) the initiative of other group members often compensated for a victim’s inability to solicit care. Juvenile males were especially attentive to injured adult males, suggesting that they were investing in a social bond with these adults, which might reciprocate altruism toward their juvenile caregivers in the future. Injured juvenile females received most care from their mothers.  相似文献   

崔兴勇  安明态  施金竹  刘锋 《广西植物》2019,39(10):1379-1386
荨麻科(Urticaceae)楼梯草属(Elatostema)植物种类繁多、形态相似、关系密切,是植物分类学界公认的疑难分类群之一。贵州省地理位置特殊,水热条件较好,喀斯特地貌复杂多变,是我国楼梯草属植物的重要分布区,但一直以来种类不清,分类不明。为进一步理清资源本底及分布特征,该文通过近年调查和查阅资料形成贵州楼梯草属植物名录,分析其物种组成,并基于分布地及海拔数据分析空间分布特征,以期为贵州植物多样性保护以及区系研究提供进一步的基础资料。结果表明:全省赤车类群植物有1组1系7种,楼梯草类群有5组20系69种,分别占全国种类的17.94%、20.78%。楼梯草属植物共76种,其中13种为贵州楼梯草属特有种。在地理分布上,赤车类群主要见于黔北-黔东-黔南部分地区,沿赤水、桐梓、习水、正安-江口、印江-剑河-都匀、荔波-望谟一线,总体分布反呈“C”状; 楼梯草类群植物主要分布在黔北-黔东-黔南-黔西南大部分地区,沿赤水、正安、江口-七星关、开阳、施秉、黄平-兴义、兴仁、安龙、贞丰、望谟、独山、荔波一带分布较多,总体分布呈“三”字状; 楼梯草属特有植物总体呈点状、不均匀分布。该属植物主要分布在海拔600~1 000 m的范围内。  相似文献   

From the standpoint of the possible development of an optimal foraging strategy, the time allocation to different food patches and the decision as to when to leave any given patch were examined in wild Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). The investigations yielded the following results: (1) There was no tendency for feeding bouts to be of longer duration in higher-quality patches, i.e. the monkeys did not employ an energy-maximizing strategy during their feeding bouts. (2) The speed of feeding barely decreased with passage of time during a bout. In most cases, therefore, a decrease in feeding speed was not considered relevant to the decision to leave a patch. These findings are evaluated in terms of social factors, and it appears that following a monkey's own family group or the troop usually contributes to the timing of leaving a food patch.  相似文献   

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