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The construction of artificial structures in the marine environment is increasing globally. Eco‐engineering aims to mitigate the negative ecological impacts of built infrastructure through designing structures to be multifunctional, benefiting both humans and nature. To date, the focus of eco‐engineering has largely been on benefits for benthic invertebrates and algae. Here, the potential effect of eco‐engineered habitats designed for benthic species on fish was investigated. Eco‐engineered habitats (“flowerpots”) were added to an intertidal seawall in Sydney Harbour, Australia. Responses of fish assemblages to the added habitats were quantified at two spatial scales; large (among seawalls) and small (within a seawall). Data were collected during high tide using cameras attached to the seawall to observe pelagic and benthic fish. At the larger spatial scale, herbivores, planktivores, and invertebrate predators were generally more abundant at the seawall with the added flowerpots, although results were temporally variable. At the smaller spatial scale, certain benthic species were more abundant around flowerpots than at the adjacent control areas of seawall, although there was no general pattern of differences in species density and trophic group abundance of pelagic fish between areas of the seawall with or without added habitats. Although we did not find consistent, statistically significant findings throughout our study, the field of research to improve fish habitat within human‐use constraints is promising and important, although it is in its early stages (it is experimental and requires a lot of trial and error). To advance this field, it is important to document when effects were detected, and when they were not, so that others can refine the designs or scale of habitat enhancements or their study approaches (e.g., sampling protocols).  相似文献   

Nature conservation has a higher probability of being successful when it is backed by public support. This is influenced by knowledge and values, many of which may derive from school curricula, experiments and activities. We implemented a study in a Portuguese Junior High School aiming to evaluate: (1) which factors influence how people subscribe reasons for conserving nature; (2) the criteria used to identify conservation priority species; and, (3) the proposed recovery measures for priority species. A survey of 91 students in a suburban area revealed that nature conservation was regarded as being more important than tourism or industry, but less than values related to public health. Students who have close contacts with wildlife and whose parents have higher education levels exhibited positive attitudes towards nature conservation, which seems to derive from exposure to information related to nature, in their home environment. The criteria chosen to identify conservation priority species and to select appropriate conservation measures indicate that they are likely to be influenced by the media. These results emphasise that the relationship between parental education levels and access to information is an important factor in shaping urban students’ attitudes towards nature conservation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Populations of feral domestic cats have increased throughout the United States, affecting wildlife and warranting attention from a variety of management agencies. This contentious issue requires a greater understanding of public attitudes and preferences for population control. We used data from a 2004 mail survey of Illinois, USA, homeowners’ attitudes towards wildlife and conservation to investigate support for the trap-neuter–release (TNR) of feral cats and to examine factors (demographic, experience, and wildlife values orientations) that may influence preference for TNR as a management option. Age, gender, and wildlife rights values orientations were significant predictors of preference for TNR, while negative experiences with feral cats were correlated with preferences for management options other than TNR. Investigations of public perceptions of feral cat management can help wildlife managers understand the growing public debate regarding feral cat management and provide appropriate input and educational materials regarding cat management and wildlife.  相似文献   

According to its advocates, an ecosystem‐services‐based approach to conservation will engender greater public support and produce more durable victories. Here, we identify three potential opportunity costs associated with such an approach: (1) diminished attention to protecting rare, localized species (the night parrot effect); (2) diminished attention to protecting wild, remote areas (the proximity‐to‐people effect); and (3) an emphasis on restoration projects near urban areas rather than the protection of relatively intact ecosystems (the rise‐of‐restoration effect). We encourage scientists and conservation practitioners to undertake the necessary monitoring and research to determine the magnitude of these opportunity costs.  相似文献   

The use of willingness-to-pay approaches in mammal conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
With limited monetary resources available for nature conservation, policy‐makers need to be able to prioritize conservation objectives. This has traditionally been done using qualitative ecological criteria. However, since declines in species and habitats are largely the result of socio‐economic and political forces, human preferences and values should also be taken into account. An environmental economics technique, contingent valuation, provides one way of doing this by quantifying public willingness‐to‐pay towards specific conservation objectives. In this paper, the use of this approach for quantifying public preferences towards the UK Biodiversity Action Plans for four different British mammal species is considered. The species included are the Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, the Brown Hare Lepus europaeus, the Otter Lutra lutra and the Water Vole Arvicola terrestris. Willingness‐to‐pay for conservation was increased by the inclusion of the Otter among the species, membership of an environmental organization and awareness of the general and species‐specific threats facing British mammals. It was reduced by the presence of the Brown Hare among the species being considered. These findings for British mammals are compared with other willingness‐to‐pay studies for mammal conservation worldwide. Willingness‐to‐pay tends to be greater for marine mammals than terrestrial ones, and recreational users of species (tourists or hunters) are generally more willing than residents to pay towards species conservation. The choice of technique for eliciting willingness‐to‐pay from respondents is also shown to be highly significant. Willingness‐to‐pay values for British mammals derived from contingent valuation are sensitive to the species included rather than merely symbolic. This indicates that, with care, such measures can be used as a reliable means of quantifying public preferences for conservation, and therefore contributing to the decision‐making process. However, irrespective of the internal consistency of contingent valuation, the validity of the approach, especially for use in nature conservation, is disputed. Willingness‐to‐pay is likely to reflect many interrelated factors such as ethical and moral values, knowledge and tradition, and monetary values may not be an adequate representation of these broader considerations. Willingness‐to‐pay approaches should therefore be used in addition to, rather than in place of, expert judgements and more deliberative approaches towards policy decision‐making for conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract Cities have a major impact on Australian landscapes, especially in coastal regions, to the detriment of native biodiversity. Areas suitable for urban development often coincide with those areas that support high levels of species diversity and endemism. However, there is a paucity of reliable information available to guide urban conservation planning and management, especially regarding the trade‐off between investing in protecting and restoring habitat at the landscape level, and investing in programmes to maintain the condition of remnant vegetation at the local (site) level. We review the literature on Australian urban ecology, focusing on urban terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. We identify four main factors limiting our knowledge of urban fauna: (i) a lack of studies focusing at multiple ecological levels; (ii) a lack of multispecies studies; (iii) an almost total absence of long‐term (temporal) studies; and (iv) a need for stronger integration of research outcomes into urban conservation planning and management. We present a set of key principles for the development of a spatially explicit, long‐term approach to urban fauna research. This requires an understanding of the importance of local‐level habitat quality and condition relative to the composition, configuration and connectivity of habitats within the larger urban landscape. These principles will ultimately strengthen urban fauna management and conservation planning by enabling us to prioritize and allocate limited financial resources to maximize the conservation return.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation of stranded marine mammals elicits polarized attitudes: initially done alongside display collections, but release of rehabilitated animals has become more common. Justifications include animal welfare, management of beach use conflict, research, conservation, and public education. Rehabilitation cost and risks have been identified that vary in degree supported by data rather than perception. These include conflict with fisheries for resources, ignorance of recipient population ecology, poor understanding of long-term survival, support of the genetically not-so-fit, introduction of novel or antibiotic-resistant pathogens, harm to human health, and cost. Thus facilities must balance their welfare appeal against public education, habitat restoration, human impact reduction, and other conservation activities. Benefits to rehabilitating marine mammals are the opportunity to support the welfare of disabled animals and to publish good science and so advance our understanding of wild populations. In specific cases, the status of a population may make conservation the main reason for rehabilitation. These three reasons for rehabilitation lead to contrasting, and sometimes conflicting, management needs. We therefore outline a decision tree for rehabilitation managers using criteria for each management decision, based on welfare, logistics, conservation, research, and funding to define limits on the number of animals released to the wild.  相似文献   

城市生态景观建设的指导原则和评价指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人口膨胀和快速城市化的全球化背景下,构建人与自然和谐的生态景观是城市景观规划和设计的基本美学观和价值观.缺乏统一的指导原则和评价标准使得城市生态景观建设出现了很多问题,也限制了生态景观的进一步推广和实践.基于文献调研和专家咨询的方式,归纳了城市生态景观的基本内涵和指导原则,并提出了针对性的评价指标.通过问卷调查的方式,获取了170余份有效问卷,据此分析公众对城市生态景观的理解和需求.可以依据该结果为城市生态景观的定量评价提供初步的权重值,为进一步完善生态景观建设的理论和方法提供了参考和依据.  相似文献   


Public attitudes toward the use of fisheries and marine mammals in the northwest Atlantic have played an influential role in recent controversies over management of these resources. A thorough assessment of public sentiment has, however, been lacking. We describe the results of a survey conducted to assess Canadian public opinion regarding a variety of commercial fisheries and marine mammal issues. Over one thousand, randomly selected adult Canadians were surveyed concerning their attitudes, knowledge, and concerns toward the conservation and management of marine mammals in the northwest Atlantic. The sample included 875 members of the general public, 130 sealers and 81 commercial fishermen.

Most Canadians (93–95%) in all sampling groups and in all provinces, except Quebec (54%), expressed concern about conflicts between marine mammals and commercial fisheries. Knowledge of basic marine mammal biology, however, was strikingly deficient and variable among groups: sealers obtained the highest knowledge rating, fishers were intermediate, and the general public scored lowest. The views of the Canadian general public, sealers, and commercial fishers were highly divergent regarding prioritization of goals for Canada's commercial fishing industry. Sealers and fishers emphasized employment, cultural and economic considerations, while the general public placed greater emphasis on ecological and ethical matters. All groups agreed that the most significant threats to Canada's commercial fisheries included fishing by foreign countries, pollution, and over-fishing. Competition from marine mammals and damage to fishing equipment by marine mammals were rated as the least important threats. Fishing by foreign vessels in Canadian waters was regarded by all groups with particular suspicion.

Unlike sealers and fishers, the general public consistently disputed the notion of sacrificing the needs of marine mammals for the benefit of commercial fishing. The public also expressed a strong preference for including fishing impacts on marine mammals in setting allowable catch quotas for commercial fish stocks, and further indicated a willingness to favor the interests of marine mammals over commercial fisheries in marine mammal entanglement situations.

More than ninety percent of all respondents indicated strong support for the ‘existence value’ of seals. Most Canadians opposed sealing for fur, whereas most approved of harvesting abundant adult seal populations for meat, harvests associated with the cultures of native peoples, and harvests important to local economies. Respondents were divided regarding the harvest of seals that damage fishing gear. All groups strongly opposed the harvest of newborn seals. Sealers and residents of Newfoundland supported lethal methods of seal population control, while residents of large urban areas and women were inclined to approve of non-lethal measures. An overwhelming majority of Canadians objected to the use of poisons or clubs as a means of population control.

Consideration of the results of this study could provide an enhanced basis for fashioning mutually acceptable policy solutions and mitigating conflicts between commercial fisheries and marine mammal conservation in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Abstract Understanding the ecological role of artificial structures, such as seawalls, in shallow coastal waters is necessary in order to plan sound strategies of conservation and management of natural habitats. In Sydney Harbour (NSW, Australia), about 50% of the foreshore is made of retaining seawalls This study evaluates the changes caused to natural assemblages of organisms by these structures, by comparing intertidal assemblages between seawalls and vertical rocky shores. The following hypotheses were tested: that assemblages on seawalls would differ from those on rocky shores at mid‐, but not at low‐shore levels; where assemblages differ between habitats, there would be differences in cover/abundances of widespread species; patterns would be consistent among locations and through time; the variability of assemblages at the scales of 10s of cm and metres would differ between seawalls and rocky shores at mid‐ and low‐shore levels. To test these hypotheses, assemblages on seawalls and rocky shores were sampled at three locations, at roughly 4‐monthly intervals, over a period of about 18 months. Results indicated that mid‐shore assemblages on seawalls were different from those on rocky shores, but this was not the case at low‐shore levels. Few taxa were unique to either habitat. Cover of common species of algae and sessile animals and abundances of mobile grazers were variable with few consistent patterns. Variability at the scales sampled differed between habitats and heights on the shore. Seawalls and rocky shores, in general, supported a similar suite of species, but patterns of abundance and variation differed among locations and from height to height in each habitat. The implications of these findings for the future management of seawalls are briefly considered.  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) cover 12 % of terrestrial sub-Saharan Africa. However, given the inherent inadequacies of these PAs to cater for all species in conjunction with the effects of climate change and human pressures on PAs, the future of biodiversity depends heavily on the 88 % of land that is unprotected. The study of biodiversity patterns and the processes that maintain them in human-modified landscapes can provide a valuable evidence base to support science-based policy-making that seeks to make land outside of PAs as amenable as possible for biodiversity persistence. We discuss the literature on biodiversity in sub-Saharan Africa’s human-modified landscapes as it relates to four broad ecosystem categorizations (i.e. rangelands, tropical forest, the Cape Floristic Region, and the urban and rural built environment) within which we expect similar patterns of biodiversity persistence in relation to specific human land uses and land management actions. Available research demonstrates the potential contribution of biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes within all four ecosystem types and goes some way towards providing general conclusions that could support policy-making. Nonetheless, conservation success in human-modified landscapes is hampered by constraints requiring further scientific investment, e.g. deficiencies in the available research, uncertainties regarding implementation strategies, and difficulties of coexisting with biodiversity. However, information currently available can and should support efforts at individual, community, provincial, national, and international levels to support biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes.  相似文献   

熊善高  秦昌波  于雷  路路  关杨  万军  李新 《生态学报》2018,38(22):7899-7911
生态空间管制是我国国土空间管制的重要内容。针对目前国内对生态空间认知有差异,对其划定技术方法还处于探索阶段的情况下,以生态系统服务功能和生态敏感性技术评价方法为手段,以广西壮族自治区南宁市为研究对象,开展了基于生态系统服务功能重要性和生态敏感性的生态空间划定方法的探索研究。结果表明:(1)研究区域内主导的生态系统服务功能主要为生物多样性维护功能和水土保持功能,其次为水源涵养功能。生态系统综合服务功能重要性类型以一般重要为主,约占研究区总面积的42.32%。(2)研究区生态敏感性以水土流失敏感性为主,其次为石漠化敏感类型。生态环境综合敏感类型以敏感为主,约占总面积的85.44%。(3)研究区内初步划定生态空间总面积约9325.27 km~2,占研究区总面积的42.19%,占研究区内生态用地面积的76.59%。土地利用类型以林地为主,约占生态空间面积的83.65%。划定的生态空间范围涵盖了绝大部分生态用地。本研究在一定程度上丰富了生态空间的内涵,可为进一步理解和划定生态空间提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

People generally possess certain basic ideas and values towards biodiversity, influencing their personal evaluation of a conservation situation or action and their attitude towards nature and its conservation. Here, we apply knowledge on human attitudes to an interesting socio-ecological system, the case of mitigating the devastating infectious amphibian disease chytridiomycosis in the Pyrenean Mountains, a touristic region. We conducted a questionnaire survey directly in mountain areas (n = 418) and on the internet (n = 868) to investigate whether attitudes towards amphibians influenced support of five possible conservation actions. We further analyzed whether attitudes were influenced by peoples’ use of the mountains, their socio-economic backgrounds, and their general knowledge of amphibians. Our study shows that all but one conservation measure were well accepted by the public. Importantly, the restrictions people would accept were linked to the attitudes the respondents had towards amphibians and how informed they were regarding the current status of amphibians. Our study highlights the importance of ensuring sufficient education and information for the public and suggests that it is necessary to explore and discuss several conservation options with the public before implementing conservation measures that may not be perceived equally.  相似文献   


This article examines the potential for conflict between the Antarctic Treaty regime and the Convention recently produced by the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Should the UNCLOS III Convention enter into force, at least six issue‐areas seem susceptible to future controversy in Antarctic waters, namely (1) seaward territorial limits; (2) resource management and conservation; (3) local environment protection; (4) marine scientific research; (5) deep seabed mining; and (6) archipelagic‐island regimes. Accordingly, each issue‐area is assessed as to its relevance for the Southern Ocean vis‐a‐vis the Antarctic Treaty parties, with a particular view towards signaling possible problems which involve conflict of interest and overlapping jurisdiction.  相似文献   

Abstract Increases in human population cause increased urbanization of most habitats, including the shoreline. This has many consequences for coastal environments, in particular the trend for artificial structures, such as seawalls, to replace natural habitats. Seawalls and natural shores support many of the common intertidal species, but others important on rocky shores are absent from or rare on many seawalls. The whelk Morula marginalba Blainville is an abundant and important predator on rocky shores of south‐eastern Australia, but is infrequently recorded on artificial substrata. In Sydney Harbour, where the Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata Gould) was locally abundant, densities of M. marginalba on some seawalls appeared to be similar to those on rocky shores and to be larger than where there were few oysters. We sampled densities and sizes of whelks in four habitats, predicting and corroborating that: (i) on seawalls with many oysters, there would be more whelks than on seawalls with few oysters; (ii) where there are many oysters, densities of whelks would be similar on seawalls and rocky shores; and (iii) whelks would be larger where oysters were abundant. Growth and survival of whelks were measured to test hypotheses from the observed differences in size and density. Survival was greater in habitats with many oysters, which could explain differences in density, but size‐specific differences in survival could not explain differences in size among habitats. On seawalls but not on rocky shores, slower growth could explain the smaller size of whelks where there were few oysters. Seawalls provide important habitat for M. marginalba, but only via their indirect effects, mediated by oysters. These interactions cannot be predicted from those on natural rocky shores. Predicting how developed areas provide suitable habitat, either in management of conservation or in assessments of potential impacts clearly depends on understanding the roles of biogenic habitats.  相似文献   

河南省南太行地区山水林田湖草生态保护与修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宇振荣  杨新民  陈雅杰 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8886-8895
综合景观管理是基于可持续土地管理(SLM)、可持续林业管理(SFM)和水资源综合管理(IWRM)提出的生态保护和修复方法,强调区域整体性、系统性和多功能性。《河南省南太行地区山水林田湖草生态保护与修复工程实施方案》还在规划设计阶段,概括分析了《河南省南太行地区山水林田湖草生态保护与修复工程实施方案》中提出的区域生态环境条件、问题、总体思路和目标、总体布局和生态功能分区、主要任务和工程等,并提出管控、修山、治水、护渠、复绿、整地、扩湿等综合性生态修复策略,实施矿山环境治理、流域水环境生态修复、生态系统保护、土地整治与污染生态修复、重要生态系统保育与生物多样性维护、科技创新工程,体现系统性和整体性。在此基础上,文章提出应加强综合景观管理,主要包括开展基于“生命共同体”的系统规划设计,加强“生命共同体”景观特征和生态过程研究,提升实施项目的多功能性,加强工程技术集成应用和研发,加强公众参与与合作等建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of eco‐efficiency at a regional level as an approach to promote the sustainable transformation of regions, using the regions of Poland as an example. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) method—the input‐oriented Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) model—was chosen as the eco‐efficiency analysis tool because of its high capability to measure the regional eco‐efficiency. The research process was divided into two stages. First, the chosen instruments of mathematical statistics (e.g., Hellwig's method and coefficient of determination) were applied to ensure an appropriate combination of environmental and economic indicators of the eco‐efficiency equation. Next, the CCR model was used to calculate the eco‐efficiency scores. The results of the study have revealed that the regions of Lubuskie, Mazowieckie, ?l?skie, Warmińsko‐Maurskie, and Wielkopolskie are relatively eco‐efficient, whereas the remaining regions use too many environmental resources in relation to the produced value of goods and services. Six of the eleven eco‐inefficient regions in Poland have increasing returns to scale, that is, the usage of natural resources connected with the negative impact upon the environment rises slower than the values of goods and services. Notwithstanding, it is beneficiary from the perspective of sustainability. The obtained research results are a valuable source of management information for the creation of regional environmental protection strategies and a basis for searching for the causes of eco‐inefficiency.  相似文献   

As corporate responsibility for environmental management has gained attention, eco‐efficiency has become recognized as an important concept for improving the social performance of the business sector as well as that of the public sector. Improving eco‐efficiency is widely accepted not only as a means of increasing economic value, but also as a means of reducing environmental effects. However, managing for eco‐efficiency should take into consideration the differences among industries, because the impact of eco‐efficiency on financial and social performance varies among industries. To explore this variation, we conducted a cross‐industry analysis of eco‐efficiency based on social performance using data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA measures relative efficiency and is a useful tool for taking into account the relative importance of industry‐specific characteristics. Using DEA, eco‐efficiency scores were derived based on the ratio of two factors of social performance: (1) value‐added inducing and production‐inducing economic spillover effects and (2) the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and energy used. Then, we identified the relationships between our eco‐efficiency score and financial performance, which is a measure of the firm's stability. The case study is based on 272 firms in 16 industries in South Korea. Results show that firms in product manufacturing and service‐intensive industries tend to have higher eco‐efficiency scores than those in raw material or chemical‐intensive industries. In addition, most of the industries reveal no relationship between traditional financial performance metrics and eco‐efficiency scores. A handful of industries had significant relationships with one or more financial performance metrics; in some cases, these relationships were negative, whereas in others they were positive. Surprisingly, almost all industries have no significant relationships between eco‐efficiency and financial performance. This result implies that government support for policies that reward firms that attempt to be eco‐efficient are needed, or that other nonfinancial metrics that influence eco‐efficiency, such as employment and brand reputation, should be considered. This article is expected to support policy makers as they formulate industry‐specific environmental strategies.  相似文献   

This study uses document analysis and interviews to explore how the use of arguments for biodiversity and ecosystem services has evolved in recent years in the water industry in England and Wales, with a focus on investments in catchment management programmes. Changes to land management practices within catchment areas can lead to improved water quality and lower treatment costs, and also ancillary benefits to the natural environment and various stakeholders. Our analysis reveals the increasing effectiveness of arguments associated with ecosystem service values in enabling the industry regulator (Ofwat) to support water industry investments in catchment-level conservation projects. Ofwat has adopted a much more flexible approach to regulation, moving from initial resistance to ecosystem service framings and a dominant focus on financial benefits to customers, to acceptance that customers have a legitimate interest in environmental quality and a willingness to accept some ‘beneficiary pays’ solutions. Companies are now required by Ofwat to include environmental impacts in cost-benefit analysis of investments, alongside assessment of customer preferences and support. This has facilitated investments in catchment management with positive results for water companies, customers, farmers and the natural environment. The shift in arguments in this industry matches a broader shift at European and UK levels towards greater use of economic evidence and payment instruments. The challenge now is to stabilise a secure regulatory environment in which companies are encouraged to pursue innovative methods to benefit the wider interest of customers and the natural environment, today and in the future. Arguments based on the value of water quality improvements and of the wider associated ecosystem services benefits have been, and remain, a key tool for achieving the environmental improvements and economic efficiency gains associated with successful catchment management initiatives.  相似文献   

In 2003, a survey was conducted in two major Scottish cities in order to investigate current perceptions of the public towards cetaceans and their conservation. Public concern about cetacean conservation was high. Overall the issues considered to be the greatest threats to cetacean populations were related to pollution: oil spills, and chemical and sewage pollution (serious threat: 68, 65, and 63%, respectively). Concern was also high regarding the depletion of cetacean prey from over-fishing, entanglement in fishing gear, marine litter and global warming, (serious threat: 54, 51, 44, and 43%, respectively). Conservation issues that are of specific concern to Scottish waters were also noted: military activities, fish farming and oil exploration. Least concern was expressed about whale-watching (not a threat: 48%). Women and older respondents expressed significantly higher levels of concern about cetacean conservation. Generally, the opinions of the public were similar to those of a test group of marine conservation professionals and advocates, although the public tended to show slightly greater levels of concern for most issues. However, the public expressed significantly higher levels of concern over oil spills, sewage pollution and chemical pollution than did marine conservation professionals/advocates. Most participants (60%) were unsure as to whether there was currently sufficient legal protection for cetaceans in Scotland, but eight out of ten respondents thought that there should be legislation specifically for cetacean conservation. Moreover, 40% stated that the proposal of a law specifically for the protection of cetaceans would make them view a political party or politician more favourably. Eighty percent of those interviewed were in favour of seeing more marine environmental education, including information on cetaceans and their environment, in the Scottish school curriculum.  相似文献   

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