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As invertebrates lack the molecular machinery employed by the vertebrate adaptive immune system, it was thought that they consequently lack the ability to produce lasting and specific immunity. However, in recent years, it has been demonstrated that the immune defence of invertebrates is by far more complicated and specific than previously envisioned. Lasting immunity following an initial exposure that proves protection on a secondary exposure has been shown in several species of invertebrates. This phenomenon has become known as immune priming. In the cases where it is explicitly tested, this priming can also be highly specific. In this study, we used survival assays to test for specific priming of resistance in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, using bacteria of different degrees of relatedness. Our results suggest an unexpected degree of specificity that even allows for differentiation between different strains of the same bacterium. However, our findings also demonstrate that specific priming of resistance in insects may not be ubiquitous across all bacteria.  相似文献   

Axis patterning and appendage development have been well studied in Drosophila melanogaster, a species in which both limb and segment morphogenesis are derived. In Drosophila, positional information from genes important in anteroposterior and dorsoventral axis formation, including wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp), is required for allocating and patterning the appendage primordia. We used RNA interference to characterize the functions of wg and dpp in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, which retains more ancestral modes of limb and segment morphogenesis. We also characterized the expression of potential targets of the WG and DPP signaling pathways in these embryos. Tribolium embryos in which dpp had been downregulated had defects in the dorsalmost body wall, but did not appear to have been globally repatterned and had normal appendages. Downregulation of wg led to the loss of segment boundaries, gnathal and thoracic appendages, and lateral head lobes, and to changes in the expression of dpp, Distal-less, and Engrailed. The functions of wg varied along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the embryo. Phylogenetic comparisons indicate that the role of WNT signaling in segment boundary formation is evolutionarily old, but that its role in appendage allocation originated in the common ancestor of holometabolous insects.  相似文献   

Heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a highly conserved molecular chaperone found in all species except for Archaea, which is required not only for stress tolerance but also for normal development. Recently, it was reported that HSP83, one member of the cytosolic HSP90 family, contributes to oogenesis and responds to heat resistance in Tribolium castaneum. Here, a novel ER-based HSP90 gene, Tchsp90, has been identified in T. castaneum. Phylogenetic analysis showed that hsp90s and hsp83s evolved separately from a common ancestor but that hsp90s originated earlier. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction illustrated that Tchsp90 is expressed in all developmental stages and is highly expressed at early pupa and late adult stages. Tchsp90 was upregulated in response to heat stress but not to cold stress. Laval RNAi revealed that Tchsp90 is important for larval/pupal development. Meanwhile, parental RNAi indicated that it completely inhibited female fecundity and partially inhibited male fertility once Tchsp90 was knocked down and that it will further shorten the lifespan of T. castaneum. These results suggest that Tchsp90 is essential for development, lifespan, and reproduction in T. castaneum in addition to its response to heat stress.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12192-013-0487-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila segmentation hierarchy, periodic expression of pair-rule genes translates gradients of regional information from maternal and gap genes into the segmental expression of segment polarity genes. In Tribolium, homologs of almost all the eight canonical Drosophila pair-rule genes are expressed in pair-rule domains, but only five have pair-rule functions. even-skipped, runt and odd-skipped act as primary pair-rule genes, while the functions of paired (prd) and sloppy-paired (slp) are secondary. Since secondary pair-rule genes directly regulate segment polarity genes in Drosophila, we analyzed Tc-prd and Tc-slp to determine the extent to which this paradigm is conserved in Tribolium. We found that the role of prd is conserved between Drosophila and Tribolium; it is required in both insects to activate engrailed in odd-numbered parasegments and wingless (wg) in even-numbered parasegments. Similarly, slp is required to activate wg in alternate parasegments and to maintain the remaining wg stripes in both insects. However, the parasegmental register for Tc-slp is opposite that of Drosophila slp1. Thus, while prd is functionally conserved, the fact that the register of slp function has evolved differently in the lineages leading to Drosophila and Tribolium reveals an unprecedented flexibility in pair-rule patterning.  相似文献   

Invertebrates can be primed to enhance their protection against pathogens they have encountered before. This enhanced immunity can be passed maternally or paternally to the offspring and is known as transgenerational immune priming. We challenged larvae of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum by feeding them on diets supplemented with Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus or Pseudomonas entomophila, thus mimicking natural exposure to pathogens. The oral uptake of bacteria induced immunity-related genes in the offspring, but did not affect the methylation status of the egg DNA. However, we observed the translocation of bacteria or bacterial fragments from the gut to the developing eggs via the female reproductive system. Such translocating microbial elicitors are postulated to trigger bacterial strain-specific immune responses in the offspring and provide an alternative mechanistic explanation for maternal transgenerational immune priming in coleopteran insects.  相似文献   

We report here on the use of RNA interference (RNAi) to create pupal and adult loss-of-function phenotypes in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, by injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into late instar larvae (we refer to this method as larval RNAi). RNAi is well-established as a useful method to mimic loss-of-function phenotypes in many organisms including insects. However, with a few exceptions (such as in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster), RNAi analysis has usually been limited to studies of embryogenesis. Here we demonstrate that injection of green fluorescent protein (GFP) dsRNA into the larval body cavity can inhibit GFP expression beginning shortly after injection and continuing through pupal and adult stages. RNAi analysis of the Tc-achaete-scute-homolog (Tc-ASH) revealed that larval RNAi can induce morphological defects in adult beetles, and also that larval RNAi affects the entire body rather than being localized near the site of injection. The larval RNAi technique will be useful to analyze gene functions in post-embryonic development, giving us the opportunity to study the molecular basis of adult morphological diversity in various organisms.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

For many parasites, especially those that obligately kill the host for transmission, host age is crucially important to determine success. Here, we have experimentally investigated this relationship with the microsporidian parasite, Nosema whitei, in its host, the Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum. We find that infection is only possible in young larvae and that spore load at the time of transmission (i.e., host death) correlates with host body size. The data suggested that an infection by N. whitei prolongs the life span of the infected larva and prevents them from pupation. Together, virulence to the host and success for the parasite is mainly determined by the host age at infection. The patterns are consistent with theoretical predictions for obligate killer parasites.  相似文献   

Although satellite DNAs are well-explored components of heterochromatin and centromeres, little is known about emergence, dispersal and possible impact of comparably structured tandem repeats (TRs) on the genome-wide scale. Our bioinformatics analysis of assembled Tribolium castaneum genome disclosed significant contribution of TRs in euchromatic chromosomal arms and clear predominance of satellite DNA-typical 170 bp monomers in arrays of ≥5 repeats. By applying different experimental approaches, we revealed that the nine most prominent TR families Cast1–Cast9 extracted from the assembly comprise ∼4.3% of the entire genome and reside almost exclusively in euchromatic regions. Among them, seven families that build ∼3.9% of the genome are based on ∼170 and ∼340 bp long monomers. Results of phylogenetic analyses of 2500 monomers originating from these families show high-sequence dynamics, evident by extensive exchanges between arrays on non-homologous chromosomes. In addition, our analysis shows that concerted evolution acts more efficiently on longer than on shorter arrays. Efficient genome-wide distribution of nine TR families implies the role of transposition only in expansion of the most dispersed family, and involvement of other mechanisms is anticipated. Despite similarities in sequence features, FISH experiments indicate high-level compartmentalization of centromeric and euchromatic tandem repeats.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-mediated interference (RNAi) is a powerful tool for silencing of gene expression in many organisms. To establish a DNA vector-based method for stable RNAi in Spodoptera frugiperda cells (Sf9), we created a stably transfected Sf9 cell line to express large dsRNA fragment targeting to silence the firefly luciferase gene (luc). The luc dsRNA specifically and stably suppressed the baculovirus-mediated luciferase expression. Thus, gene silencing in Sf9 cells was achieved using DNA vectors similar to the facile design described in this study. Received 21 September 2005; Revisions requested 5 October 2005; Revisions received 22 November 2005; Accepted 25 November 2005  相似文献   

Trans‐generational immune priming (TGIP) describes the transfer of immune stimulation to the next generation. As stress and immunity are closely connected, we here address the question whether trans‐generational effects on immunity and resistance can also be elicited by a nonpathogen stress treatment of parents. General stressors have been shown to induce immunity to pathogens within individuals. However, to our knowledge, it is as of yet unknown whether stress can also induce trans‐generational effects on immunity and resistance. We exposed a parental generation (mothers, fathers, or both parents) of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, a species where TGIP has been previously been demonstrated, to either a brief heat or cold shock and examined offspring survival after bacterial infection with the entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis. We also studied phenoloxidase activity, a key enzyme of the insect innate immune system that has previously been demonstrated to be up‐regulated upon TGIP. We quantified parental fecundity and offspring developmental time to evaluate whether trans‐generational priming might have costs. Offspring resistance was found to be significantly increased when both parents received a cold shock. Offspring phenoloxidase activity was also higher when mothers or both parents were cold‐shocked. By contrast, parental heat shock reduced offspring phenoloxidase activity. Moreover, parental cold or heat shock delayed offspring development. In sum, we conclude that trans‐generational priming for resistance could not only be elicited by pathogens or pathogen‐derived components, but also by more general cues that are indicative of a stressful environment. The interaction between stress responses and the immune system might play an important role also for trans‐generational effects.  相似文献   

As a member of the phylum Cnidaria, the sister group to all bilaterians, Hydra can shed light on fundamental biological processes shared among multicellular animals. Hydra is used as a model for the study of regeneration, pattern formation, and stem cells. However, research efforts have been hampered by lack of a reliable method for gene perturbations to study molecular function. The development of transgenic methods has revitalized the study of Hydra biology1. Transgenic Hydra allow for the tracking of live cells, sorting to yield pure cell populations for biochemical analysis, manipulation of gene function by knockdown and over-expression, and analysis of promoter function. Plasmid DNA injected into early stage embryos randomly integrates into the genome early in development. This results in hatchlings that express transgenes in patches of tissue in one or more of the three lineages (ectodermal epithelial, endodermal epithelial, or interstitial). The success rate of obtaining a hatchling with transgenic tissue is between 10% and 20%. Asexual propagation of the transgenic hatchling is used to establish a uniformly transgenic line in a particular lineage. Generating transgenic Hydra is surprisingly simple and robust, and here we describe a protocol that can be easily implemented at low cost.  相似文献   

Mate attractiveness is known to sometimes influence female reproductive investment (i.e. differential allocation) and the sex ratio of her offspring (i.e. sex allocation). Males of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum rub the lateral edges of the females elytra with their tarsi during copulation. This behavior is important for paternity success when females have mated with two males. We manipulated female perception of the leg rubbing behavior by tarsal ablation and tested whether this behavior is also favored through differential allocation and whether it affects sex allocation. We found some support for an increase in female oviposition rate in response to intensive leg rubbing but failed to find any support for an effect on sex allocation. The overall sex ratio of offspring was slightly male biased but females did not appear to regulate the sex ratio of their offspring.  相似文献   

RNA干扰技术在果蝇中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RNA干扰是双链RNA特异诱导的转录后期基因沉默.该技术随着不断完善而越来越被广泛地运用于果蝇的功能基因组研究上,双链RNA已经成为果蝇中功能基因的一个十分有效的抑制子,势必使RNA干扰技术成为研究果蝇体内基因功能的强有力的反向遗传学研究技术.  相似文献   

Mucin type O-glycosylation is a highly conserved form of post-translational modification initiated by the family of enzymes known as the polypeptide α-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (ppGalNAcTs in mammals and PGANTs in Drosophila). To address the cellular functions of the many PGANT family members, RNA interference (RNAi) to each pgant gene was performed in two independent Drosophila cell culture lines. We demonstrate that RNAi to individual pgant genes results in specific reduction in gene expression without affecting the expression of other family members. Cells with reduced expression of individual pgant genes were then examined for changes in viability, morphology, adhesion, and secretion to assess the contribution of each family member to these cellular functions. Here we find that RNAi to pgant3, pgant6, or pgant7 resulted in reduced secretion, further supporting a role for O-glycosylation in proper secretion. Additionally, RNAi to pgant3 or pgant6 resulted in altered Golgi organization, suggesting a role for each in establishing or maintaining proper secretory apparatus structure. Other subcellular effects observed included multinucleated cells seen after RNAi to either pgant2 or pgant35A, suggesting a role for these genes in the completion of cytokinesis. These studies demonstrate the efficient and specific knockdown of pgant gene expression in two Drosophila cell culture systems, resulting in specific morphological and functional effects. Our work provides new information regarding the biological roles of O-glycosylation and illustrates a new platform for interrogating the cellular and subcellular effects of this form of post-translational modification.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) has been used extensively in model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans. Methods developed for RNAi in C. elegans have also been used in parasitic nematodes. However, RNAi in parasitic nematodes has been unsuccessful or has had limited success. Studies of genes essential for RNAi in C. elegans and of RNAi in Caenorhabditis spp. other than C. elegans suggest two complementary, and testable, hypotheses for the limited success of RNAi in animal parasitic nematodes. These are: (i) that the external supply of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) to parasitic nematodes is inappropriate to achieve RNAi and (ii) that parasitic nematodes are functionally defective in genes required to initiate RNAi from externally supplied dsRNA.  相似文献   

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