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The reduction of horse and Candida krusei cytochromes c by ferrocyanide has been studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and the reaction found to involve a precursor complex of ferrocyanide bound to ferricytochrome c (pH* 7.4, 2H2O, I = 0.12, and 25 degrees C). The electron transfer rate constants for the reduction of the two ferricytochromes by associated ferrocyanide were found to be the same at 780 +/- 80 sec-1 but the association constants for binding of ferrocyanide to ferricytochrome c were significantly different: horse, 90 +/- 20 M-1 and Candida, 285 +/- 30 M-1. The different association constants partly accounts for the previously observed reactivity difference between horse and Candida cytochromes c. Comparison of the NMR data with data obtained by other kinetic methods has allowed the electron transfer rate constant for the oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by associated ferricyanide to be determined. This was found to be 4.6 +/- 1 X 10(4) sec-1.  相似文献   

The sequence domains that contribute to the surfaces of contact between Troponin-C and the other regulatory protein subunits of skeletal muscle troponin are proposed on the basis of data obtained by proton magnetic resonance and other physicochemical studies on the interaction with Troponin-I of both Troponin-C and its peptide fragments. Marked sequence homology in Troponin-C from various species is found for the residues involved in subunit linkage. The role of the recognition sites is discussed.  相似文献   

The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of various metal substituted derivatives of horse cytochrome c have been studied and compared to the spectra of native cytochrome c. The proteins studied were the cobalt(III), copper(II), iron(II), iron(III), manganese(III), nickel(II), and zinc(II) derivatives. Spectra of the diamagnetic cobalt(III), iron(II), and zinc(II) proteins were well-resolved and specific resonance assignments were made. All three proteins possessed a methionine ligand to the metal. The spectrum of cobalt(III) cytochrome c was investigated in some detail as this protein was used as a diagmagnetic control for iron(III) cytochrome c. Comparison of the spectra of cobalt(III) and iron(II) cytochromes c revealed that their conformations were very similar but the following conclusion could be made; the oxidation of cytochrome c is accompanied by a small conformation change.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been employed to study the solution conformation of three cleavage fragments of troponin-C, each containing a single Ca(II)-binding site and corresponding to different regions in the primary sequence; viz. CB8 (residues 46–77), CB9 (residues 85–134) and TH2 (residues 121–159). Although all three peptides lack a well-defined tertiary fold in the absence of metal ions, several spectral features indicate the presence of local conformational constraints in each apopeptide. Ca(II) binding led to spectral changes consistent with increased restriction of backbone motility and the adoption of a more compact conformation. Studies using paramagnetic ions as conformational probes support current views concerning the nature of the ligands at the metal binding sites.The nature and kinetics of the structural influence of metal binding suggest that the conformational constraints existing in the CB8 apo-peptide provide an adequate Ca(II)-binding configuration. In contrast, the CB9 and TH2 peptides exhibit spectral changes consistent with an increased local structure in the region of helix E (residues 94–102) in the case of CB9 and helix H (residues 148–159) in the case of TH2. In CB9, conformation changes also appear to be transmitted to a portion of the sequence (residues 87–93) preceding helix E, a putative site of interaction between troponin-C and troponin-I. These data are discussed with reference to the contribution of long-range (interdomain) interactions within troponin-C and the modulation of troponin subunit protein-protein interactions by Ca(II) binding.  相似文献   

Proton nmr spectroscopic evidence is presented for methylmercury(II) binding to the deprotonated amino groups in adenosine, 9-methyladenine, guanosine, 1-methylguanosine, and cytidine under basic conditions. Except for the guanosine case, 1H nmr spectra of the products from aqueous or ethanolic 1:1 mixtures of substrate and MeHgOH are consistent with methylmercuration of the deprotonated amino groups. Guanosine undergoes initial binding of MeHg to N1, and a second equivalent of MeHgOH is necessary to effect amino binding. The nmr spectra of the complexed adenine derivatives suggest that different geometrical isomers exist in (CD3)2SO solution, reflecting the partial double bond character of the C6N bond in these systems. Using a correlation relating the magnitude of the 199Hg-1H coupling constant (J) for MeHg-ligand complexes with the ligand pKa (J = ?3.88 pKa + 248.5, extending over 13 pK units, based on a variety of N and O donor ligands), estimates (± 0.3 pK unit) of the pKas of the amino groups of the above substrates have been made. In this way, pKa values of 15.5 (cytidine), 17.0 (adenosine and 9-methyladenine), 15.1 (guanosine), and 14.9 (1-methylguanosine) are obtained. In the cases where comparisons with literature pKa data can be made, good agreement is found.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectroscopy has been used to investigate the heme undecapeptide from cytochrome c. Assignments of resonances to specific residues have been made based on spin decoupling, redox titration, and the pH and temperature dependence of resonance lines. An outline structure is presented based on the assignments, secondary shift data, and the x-ray crystal structure of cytochrome c. An equation is derived to relate the width of an nmr line during a redox titration to the percentage of each oxidation state. Using this equation the self-exchange rate constant for electron transfer for the heme peptide is 1.3 x 10(7) M-1 sec-1 at 330 degrees K. Discussion of the self-exchange rate constants of cytochrome c, cytochrome c3, and cytochrome c551 is related to this constant for the heme undecapeptide.  相似文献   

The binding of[Co(CN)6]3?, and that of[Fe(CN)6]3? and [Ru(CN)6]4? using a competitive method, to horse cytochrome c has been studied by 59 Co NMR spectroscopy. At I = 0.07 M, without added salt and in 2H2O at ph* 7.3 (measured in 2H2O) and 25°C, there are at least two binding sites on ferricytochrome c and ferrocytochrome c for [Co(CN)6]3?. Association constants were determined to be 2.0 ± 0.6 × 103M?1 and 1.5 ± 0.5 × 102M?1 respectively. with no effect of the oxidation state of the cytochrome. At higher ionic strength (I = 0.12 M adjusted with KCl the binding markedly decreased, and, although it was not possible to determine the precise binding stoichiometry and magnitude of association constants, it is clear that the association constants are ≤ 1.5 × 10tM?1 The binding of [Ru(CN)6]4? at I = 0.07, without added salt and in 2H2O at pH 1.3 and 23°C, was not precisely defined, but its binding strength relative to that of [Fe(CN)6]3? was determined. Extrapolating this to I = 0.12 (KCl) suggests that under these conditions the association constant for [Ru(CN)6]4? binding to ferricytochrome c is ≤ 3 × 102M?1.  相似文献   

β-Lactamase II has two metal-binding sites. The electronic spectra of Cd(II)- and Co(II)-substituted β-lactamase II have been investigated. It is suggested that a thiol ligand is involved in metal binding at the first site. The stoichiometric dissociation constants for Co(II) binding to β-lactamase II were estimated to be 0.13 and 2.66 mM (pH 6.0, 4°C, 1 M NaCl) by equilibrium dialysis. Competition between Zn(II) and Co(II) for the first metal binding site suggests a value of 0.7 μM (pH 6.0, 30°C, 1 M NaCl) for the dissociation constant o Zn(II).The electronic spectra of the Co(II) enzyme lead to the suggestion that the coordination geometries around the metal ions in the first and second sites are related to those of a distorted tetrahedron and octahedron, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of the addition of [Cr(phen)3](ClO4)3 and K3[Cr(CN)6] on the 1H nmr spectrum of the copper(I) form of parsley plastocyanin are described. It is concluded that the ions [Cr(phen)3]3+ and [Cr(CN)6]3? bind to different parts of the protein.  相似文献   

Alcohol substrate binding to the copper-containing enzyme galactose oxidase (GOase) has been studied by kinetic competition against cyanide and fluoride, 13C nmr relaxation, and esr competition experiments. The 13C nmr spectra of the substrate beta-O-methyl-D-galactopyranoside (beta-O-me-gal) show no apparent paramagnetic relaxation rate enhancement that could be attributed to innersphere equatorial binding of this molecule at the Cu(II) center. Moreover, the kinetics observed when CN- or F- are used as inhibitors of GOase with beta-O-me-gal as the substrate suggest that these anions act as apparent non-competitive inhibitors; the binding of the substrates beta-O-me-gal and O2 is not hindered per se, but the catalytic activity of the enzyme substrate complex is greatly decreased. The esr competition data also confirm that, in the absence of O2, CN- and beta-O-me-gal do not compete for the same GOase binding site. Previously reported esr and 19F nmr data show that CN- binds to the GOase Cu(II) at an equatorial coordination site, as does the F- detected in esr experiments. Thus, the results from the various competition experiments supports a model in which alcohol substrates bind outersphere to the GOase Cu(II), or, possibly, to an axial site.  相似文献   

Use of rigorous equilibration kinetics to evaluate rate constants for the Fe(CN)6 4- reduction of horse-heart cytochrome c in the oxidized form, cyt c (III), has shown that limiting kinetics do not apply with concentrations of Fe(CN)6 4- (the reactant in excess) in the range 2-10 x 10(-4) M, I = 0.10 M (NaCl). The reaction conforms to a first-order rate law in each reactant, and at 25 degrees C, pH 7.2 (Tris), it is concluded that K for association prior to electron transfer is less than 200 M-1. From previous studies at 25 degrees C, ph 7.0 (10(-1) M phosphate), I = 0.242 M (NaCl), a value K = 2.4 x 10(3) M-1 has been reported. Had such a value applied, some or all of the redox inactive complexes Mo(CN)8 4-, Co(CN)6 3-, Cr(CN)6 3-, Zr(C2O4)4 4- present in amounts 5-20 x 10(-4) M would have been expected to associate at the same site and partially block the redox process. No effect on rats was observed. With the reductants Fe(CN)5(4-NH2-py)3- and Fe(CN)5(imid)3-, reactions proceeded to greater than 90% completion and rate laws were again first order in each reactant. Rate constants (M-1 sec-1) at 25 degrees C, pH 7.2 (Tris), I = 0.10 M (NaCl), are Fe(CN)6 4- (3.5 x 10(4)), Fe(CN)5(4-NH2py)3- (6.7 x 10(5), and Fe(CN)5(imid)3- (4.2 x 10(5). Related reactions in which cyt c(II) is oxidized are also first order in each reactant, Fe(CN)6 3- (9.1 x 10(6)), Fe(CN)5(NCS)3- (1.3 x 10(6)), Fe(CN)5(4-NH2py)2- (3.8 x 10(6) at pH 9.4), and Fe(CN)5(NH3)2- (2.75 x 10(6) at ph 8). Redox inactive Co(CN)6 3- (1.0 x 10(-3) M) has no effect on the reaction of Fe(CN)6 3- which suggests that a recent interpretation for the Fe(CN)6 3- oxidation of cyt c(II), I = 0.07 M, may also require reappraisal.  相似文献   

A high molecular-weight c-type cytochrome was purified from Alcaligenes faecalis ATCC 8750. Its weight was 40,000 daltons by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. Heme content was determined to be one heme per 40,000 daltons. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance-NMR-spectroscopy determined that the ferrous form is low spin. The detection of a methyl resonance at -3 ppm in the ferrous form indicated that methionine is a heme ligand in this state. The NMR spectrum of the ferric form at pH 7.2 revealed hyperfine shifted methyl resonances at 67.79, 63.17, 57.71, and 50.46 ppm. The large downfield shifts observed are indicative of high spin character. The ferric spectrum was pH-sensitive, indicating two pH-linked structural transitions with estimated pKs at 6.0 and 10.5. The first is interpreted as due to the ionization of a heme propionate. The second is interpreted as the acquisition of a strong field ligand and the subsequent conversion to a low spin ferric form. The ferricytochrome did not form complexes with cyanide, azide, or fluoride at pH 5.2 or 7.9.  相似文献   

Fast reaction kinetic experiments on the electron transfer reaction between azurin and cytochrome c551 isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa confirmed the existence of two redox forms of reduced azurin previously reported. The pH dependence of the amplitudes of the relaxation processes observed in temperature jump experiments indicate that these two redox forms are in pH dependent equilibrium. The pH independence of the overall equilibrium constant indicates that redox active and inactive forms of cytochrome c551 may also exist. Evidence that reduced cytochrome c551 undergoes a pH transition is given by optical spectrophotometry. The nature of the transition is discussed in the context of recent nmr studies and in terms of the Marcus theory of electron transfer. The metabolic consequences of these transitions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The reactions of chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) with inosine=ino, guanosine=guo, triacetylinosine=trino, triacetylguanosine=trguo, and cytidine=cyd were studied. Complexes of Au(III) and Au(I) with these nucleosides have been isolated from reactions at different pH values in aqueous and in methanolic solutions. The Au(I) complexes were obtained by reducing Au(III) with 1-ascorbic acid in aqueous solutions. All the isolated complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, conductivity measurements, IR, 1H nmr, and esr spectra. The Au(III) complexes correspond to the general formulae [Au(nucl)2Cl2] Cl, Au(nucl)Cl3, and Au(nucl-H+)Cl2, while the Au(I) complexes are of the Au(nucl)2Cl type, where nucl represents the above nucleosides. In the complex with the composition [AucydCl2]2 that was isolated from aqueous solutions, the Au atom is believed to be in the (II) oxidation state.Possible structures for all the isolated complexes based on the experimental data are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

The spin trapping with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide of free radicals formed from Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin elicited peritoneal macrophages stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate resulted in the formation of a superoxide and hydroxyl spin adducts. The formation of both spin adducts was inhibited by copper/zinc superoxide dismutase. Only 70% of the hydroxyl spin adduct could be inhibited by catalase or the scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide. This suggests that the production of hydroxyl radicals involves prior formation of both superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide, implicating a Fenton catalysed Haber-Weiss reaction. The metal scavenger desferrioxamine also reduced the hydroxyl radical signal by 70%. The unaccounted 30% hydroxyl radical-like signals are probably due to carbon-centered free radicals formed by the lipoxygenase reaction. Spin trapping in the presence of the lipid-soluble spin trap, 5-octadecyl-5,3,3-trimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide, resulted in a spectrum consistent with the presence of an oxaziridine nitroxide. This results from the free radical-induced cyclisation of a nitrone with an unsaturated fatty acid.  相似文献   

The “Hill” equation for co-operative binding-systems has been extended to describe the effect of substrate-analogue on the binding of substrate to an oligomeric protein. It is demonstrated that the more negatively co-operative the binding-system, the more sensitive is the binding of substrate to inhibition by increases in the relative concentration of substrate-analogue. It is proposed that the physiological significance of negative co-operativity for enzymes may be complementary to the physiological significance of positive co-operativity. The effect of negative co-operativity is to make substrate binding more sensitive to inhibition by relative increases in the concentration of substrate-analogue (e.g. for many enzymes product of the reaction) at the expense of decreased sensitivity of substrate binding to relative changes in substrate concentration compared to a system with equivalent, independent substrate binding sites. In contrast, the effect of positive co-operativity is to make the enzyme more sensitive to relative changes in substrate concentration at the expense of decreased sensitivity to inhibition by relative increases in product concentration, compared to an enzyme without co-operative binding.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of the zinc metalloenzyme, carboxypeptidase A, with diazotized p-arsanilic acid labels the active-site tyrosyl-248 residue specifically, generating a visible chromophore, azotyrosine, that has been shown to be a sensitive, dynamic probe of the local environment of the active center. Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the vibrational modes of the azotyrosine probe at low concentrations (˜5 × 10-5 M) selectively. The frequencies and intensities of the bands in the resonance Raman spectra vary characteristically with pH and define different species of azotyrosyl-248 in solution. In the present study, an extensive spectral analysis of a series of azophenol model compounds and several of their 15N and 2H derivatives has been carried out in order to assign the bands that differentiate between and characterize these species. The effect of factors such as proton ionization, tautomeric isomerization, azo cis-trans isomerization, out-of-plane twisting of the azo group, rotameric equilibria, and aggregation on the spectra of these azo compounds is analyzed in detail. Specific modes associated with vibrational motions of both the central CNNC azo group and the adjacent aromatic rings of azotyrosine have been identified. These assignments enable the observed resonance Raman spectra of the azoenzyme to be interpreted in terms of the molecular details of the environment of azotyrosine in the enzyme.  相似文献   

The kinetics of dithionite reduction of the oxidized heme nonapeptide fragment of horse heart cytochrome c have been measured as a function of ionic strength at pH 7 and pH 9 by the stopped-flow technique. Dithionite concentration dependences indicate that the radical anion monomer, SO2-., is the active reductant. The pH 7 ionic strength dependence suggests that the heme peptide is reacting as a negatively charged molecule (its overall charge is calculated to be -1). Comparison of these results with the known rate of dithionite reduction of cytochrome c indicates that the heme nonapeptide has substantially greater inherent reactivity than cytochrome c, perhaps due to the greater accessibility of the heme.  相似文献   

The combination of genetic code reprogramming and mRNA display is a powerful approach for the identification of macrocyclic peptides with high affinities to a target of interest. We have previously used such an approach to identify a potent inhibitor (CP2) of the human KDM4A and KDM4C lysine demethylases; important regulators of gene expression. In the present study, we have used genetic code reprogramming to synthesise very high diversity focused libraries (>1012 compounds) based on CP2 and, through affinity screening, used these to delineate the structure activity relationship of CP2 binding to KDM4A. In the course of these experiments we identified a CP2 analogue (CP2f-7) with ~4-fold greater activity than CP2 in in vitro inhibition assays. This work will facilitate the development of more potent, selective inhibitors of lysine demethylases.  相似文献   

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