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During the initiation of an immune response, antigen-presenting cells employ MHC class II antigens as key molecules to present small peptides to CD4-positive lymphocytes. The invariant chain (Ii; CD74) plays a critical role in this process by influencing the expression and peptide loading of the MHC class II molecules. Therefore, coordinate expression of these molecules is believed to play an important role in antigen presentation. This study explores the expression of these molecules in fetal tissues. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded multi-organ tissue blocks from aborted fetuses (age range 7-22 weeks) were immunostained for Ii/CD74 and MHC class II antigens using commercially available monoclonal antibodies for Ii/CD74 (LN2) and MHC class II antigens (LN3), respectively. Coordinate staining for Ii/CD74 and MHC class II antigens was seen in the skin, proximal renal tubules, tips of small intestinal mucosa, and cells of the reticuloendothelial system, including the spleen and thymus. Expression of Ii/CD74, but not of MHC class II antigens, was seen in pulmonary alveolar epithelium in all cases and in testicular Leydig cells (11 of 11 testes examined). The distribution and intensity of staining did not change significantly with age. In conclusion, this study describes distribution of Ii/CD74 and MHC class II antigens in human fetal tissues. Coordinate expression of Ii/CD74 and MHC class II antigens was identified in most fetal tissues, but there were also notable exceptions. In all cases this took the form of expression of Ii/CD74 in the absence of MHC class II expression. Discordance was particularly striking in pulmonary alveolar epithelium and testicular Leydig cells. This suggests that the Ii/CD74 molecule has functional roles in addition to its role in antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Presentation of antigenic peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells is an effective extracellular representation of the intracellular antigen content. The intracellular proteasome-dependent proteolytic machinery is required for generating MHC class I-presented peptides. These peptides appear to be derived mainly from newly synthesized defective ribosomal products, ensuring a rapid cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated immune response against infectious pathogens. Here we discuss the generation of MHC class I antigens on the basis of the currently understood molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules play central roles in adaptive immunity by regulating immune response via the activation of CD4 T cells. The full complement of the MHC class II genes has been elucidated only in mammalian species to date. To understand the evolution of these genes, we performed their first comprehensive analysis in nonmammalian species using a teleost, medaka (Oryzias latipes). Based on a database search, cDNA cloning, and genomic PCR, medaka was shown to possess five pairs of expressed class II genes, comprising one IIA and one IIB gene. Each pair was located on a different chromosome and was not linked to the class I genes. Only one pair showed a high degree of polymorphism and was considered to be classical class II genes, whereas the other four pairs were nonclassical. Phylogenetic analysis of all medaka class II genes and most reported teleost class II genes revealed that the IIA and IIB genes formed separate clades, each containing three well-corresponding lineages. One lineage contained three medaka genes and all known classical class II genes of Ostariophysi and Euteleostei and was presumed to be an original lineage of the teleost MHC class II genes. The other two lineages contained one nonclassical medaka gene each and some Euteleostei genes. These results indicate that multiple lineages of the teleost MHC class II genes have been conserved for hundreds of millions of years and that the tightly linked IIA and IIB genes have undergone concerted evolution.  相似文献   

Microbes and other particulate antigens (Ags) are internalized by phagocytosis and then reside in plasma membrane-derived phagosomes. The contribution of phagosomes to the degradation of Ags has long been appreciated. It has been unclear, however, whether peptides derived from these degraded antigens bind class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) molecules within phagosomes or within endocytic compartments that receive Ag fragments from phagosomes. Recent experiments have demonstrated that phagosomes containing Ag- conjugated latex beads express a full complement of Ag-processing molecules, e.g. MHC-II molecules, invariant chain, H2-DM and proteases sufficient to degrade bead- associated Ag. These phagosomes mediate the formation of peptide–MHC-II complexes, which are transported to the cell surface and presented to T cells. Phagosomes acquire both newly synthesized and plasma membrane-derived MHC-II molecules, but the formation of peptide–MHC-II complexes in phagosomes primarily involves newly synthesized MHC-II molecules. The content and traffic of phagosomal proteins vary considerably with the type of Ag ingested. Pathogenic microbes can alter phagosome composition and function to reduce Ag processing. For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis blocks the maturation of phagosomes and reduces the ability of infected cells to present exogenous soluble protein Ags.  相似文献   

Specific immunoadsorbents were prepared using paramagnetic particles (Dynabeads), and their ability to immunoprecipitate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I and Class II antigens compared with conventional protein A Sepharose immunoadsorbents. Lysates of lymphoblastoid cells provided the antigen source which were visualized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Dynabeads were found to be as effective as protein A Sepharose immunoadsorbents at immunoprecipitating MHC Class I and Class II antigens, but had a much lower nonspecific binding capacity resulting in fewer interference bands and lower backgrounds.  相似文献   

Ten alloantisera defining five major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II specificities of the bovine lymphocyte antigen (BoLA) complex were produced and characterized. Eight antisera defining four of the specificities were generated by immunizing cattle with class I compatible-class II incompatible lymphocytes. The alloantiserum defining the fifth class II specificity was produced by skin implant immunization. A pregnancy serum specific for one of the class II specificities was also identified. The class II antigens recognized by these antisera were designated 'Dx' antigens to indicate that they are BoLA-D region antigens encoded by one or more undetermined class II loci. The molecules identified by the alloantisera are heterodimers composed of a 34-kd alpha and a 26- to 28-kd beta chain, and are expressed on B-lymphocytes but not on resting T-lymphocytes. In family studies the BoLA-Dx antigens segregated in linkage with the BoLA-A locus alleles. Most of the BoLA-A alleles present in the Cornell Holstein herd at a high frequency were found to exist in gametic association with two or more serologically defined class II haplotypes. On the basis of a population study it was determined that three pairs of class I and class II alleles (w10-Dx4, w31-Dx5, and c3-Dx2) were present in the Cornell herd at significantly increased frequencies.  相似文献   

目的 探究白假丝酵母(Candida albicans)激活的Raw264.7细胞自噬在主要组织相容性复合体Ⅱ类分子(MHCⅡ)抗原提呈以及协同刺激分子表达中的作用。方法 C. albicans刺激Dectin-1单克隆抗体封闭或白皮杉醇阻断的Raw264.7细胞,Western blot法检测LC3Ⅱ表达量,RT-PCR检测CD80与CD86的表达。免疫荧光实验观察有无3-MA预处理的GFP-LC3-Raw264.7细胞与C. albicans共孵育后MHCⅡ与LC3在胞浆的分布,ELISA法检测有无封闭Dectin-1或3-MA预处理的Raw264.7细胞与C. albicans共孵育不同时间段后IL-6的分泌。结果 阻断Dectin-1或Sky后C. albicans诱导的LC3Ⅱ表达降低。LC3、MHCⅡ与胞内C. albicans存在显著的共定位关系,阻断自噬后C. albicans与MHCⅡ的共定位明显减弱。C. albicans引发Raw264.7细胞表达CD80与CD86 mRNA,封闭Dectin-1或阻断自噬后二者转录水平降低。C. albicans通过Dectin-1引发Raw264.7细胞分泌IL-6,阻断自噬对IL-6分泌无显著影响。结论 C. albicans通过Dectin-1/Sky通路激活巨噬细胞自噬,自噬体的构建促进MHCⅡ招募至胞内C. albicans,并促进协同刺激分子的表达。  相似文献   

In all vertebrate animals, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are controlled by major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. These are highly polymorphic peptide receptors selecting and presenting endogenously derived epitopes to circulating CTLs. The polymorphism of the MHC effectively individualizes the immune response of each member of the species. We have recently developed efficient methods to generate recombinant human MHC-I (also known as human leukocyte antigen class I, HLA-I) molecules, accompanying peptide-binding assays and predictors, and HLA tetramers for specific CTL staining and manipulation. This has enabled a complete mapping of all HLA-I specificities (“the Human MHC Project”). Here, we demonstrate that these approaches can be applied to other species. We systematically transferred domains of the frequently expressed swine MHC-I molecule, SLA-1*0401, onto a HLA-I molecule (HLA-A*11:01), thereby generating recombinant human/swine chimeric MHC-I molecules as well as the intact SLA-1*0401 molecule. Biochemical peptide-binding assays and positional scanning combinatorial peptide libraries were used to analyze the peptide-binding motifs of these molecules. A pan-specific predictor of peptide–MHC-I binding, NetMHCpan, which was originally developed to cover the binding specificities of all known HLA-I molecules, was successfully used to predict the specificities of the SLA-1*0401 molecule as well as the porcine/human chimeric MHC-I molecules. These data indicate that it is possible to extend the biochemical and bioinformatics tools of the Human MHC Project to other vertebrate species.  相似文献   

 We used binding of a fluorescent adduct of β2-microglobulin, fluorescein β2m, to probe the stability of class I HLA molecules on the surface of human cells. The weight of the literature suggests that this ligand binds to heavy chains that have lost β2m and possibly peptide as well. Hence Fl-β2m reports on the stability of the class I HLA trimer. A small fraction of HLA molecules, ∼5%, binds Fl-β2m on both resting and activated T cells. A larger fraction of all HLA molecules binds Fl-β2m in FO-1 cells, β2m-deficient cells, transfected with various B2m genes. HLA molecules of FO-1 cells are more stable when expressed with human β2m, than when expressed with mouse β2m. The non-covalent association of HLA heavy chains, β2m and peptide implies that eventually every molecule of HLA trimer ought to dissociate and bind Fl-β2m. In fact, the extent of exchange is limited by the lifetime of a given molecule at the cell surface. β2m exchange decreases as cell concentration increases, suggesting that some density-dependent process acts to enhance degradation or denaturation of β2m-free HLA heavy chains.  相似文献   

Previous work made use of nucleic acid probes corresponding to different subtypes of the class II regions of the human and murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) to isolate seven different alpha and 24 different beta genes of the ovine MHC from two cosmid libraries. In an attempt to identify pairs of alpha and beta genes capable of cell surface expression, all permutations of alpha and beta genes were in turn transfected into mouse L-cells. Two pairs of alpha and beta genes co-expressed and stable ovine MHC class II L-cell lines were developed. The expressed alpha genes had previously been defined as DR-alpha homologues (DRA) by differential Southern hybridization to human subtype specific class II probes. The expressed ovine beta genes were also assigned as ovine DR-beta homologues (DRB) on the basis of their sequence having a higher degree of similarity with human DRB than any other subtype. A total of eight out of 23 anti-sheep class II specific monoclonal antibodies were typed OLA-DR specific by FACScan analysis using the L-cell lines.  相似文献   

We isolated major histocompatibility complex class II B (MHCIIB) genes in the Barn owl (Tyto alba). A PCR-based approach combined with primer walking on genomic and complementary DNA as well as Southern blot analyses revealed the presence of two MHCIIB genes, both being expressed in spleen, liver, and blood. Characteristic structural features of MHCIIB genes as well as their expression and high non-synonymous substitution rates in the region involved in antigen binding suggest that both genes are functional. MHC organization in the Barn owl is simple compared to passerine species that show multiple duplications, and resembles the minimal essential MHC of chicken.  相似文献   

100 patients suffering from breast cancer and 112 healthy female blood donors from Bremen have been investigated for associations between HLA antigens and this disease. Altogether 58 different antigens of the HLA-A-, B- and -C-loci were typed. Some associations were found regarding Bw22 and Bw55, which, however, are statistically not significant.  相似文献   

Variation in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I of the European bison was characterized in a sample of 99 individuals using both classical cloning/Sanger sequencing and 454 pyrosequencing. Three common (frequencies: 0.348, 0.328, and 0.283) haplotypes contain 1-3 classical class I loci. A variable and difficult to estimate precisely number of nonclassical transcribed loci, pseudogenes, and/or gene fragments were also found. The presence of additional 2 rare haplotypes (frequency of 0.020 each), observed only in heterozygotes, was inferred. The overall organization of MHC I appears similar to the cattle system, but genetic variation is much lower with only 7 classical class I alleles, approximately one-tenth of the number known in cattle and a quarter known in the American bison. An extensive transspecific polymorphism was found. MHC I is in a strong linkage disequilibrium with previously studied MHC II DRB3 gene. The most likely explanation for the low variation is a drastic bottleneck at the beginning of the 20th century. Genotype frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations, and no signatures of selection in contemporary populations but strong signatures of historical positive selection in sequences of classical alleles were found. A quick and reliable method of MHC I genotyping was developed.  相似文献   

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