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Nine male walruses were equipped with dive recording devices in Svalbard to investigate walrus diving and haul-out behaviour in late summer. Dive information on 6,018 dives was collected by 3 satellite linked dive recorders. Additional dive information on 7,769 dives was obtained from 3 time depth recorders. The deepest dive recorded was 67 m, but mean depth of foraging dives was 22.5 m. The longest-lasting dive recorded was 24 min, but mean duration of foraging dives was 6 min. The walruses, on average, spent 56 h in the water followed by 20 h hauled out on land.  相似文献   

Pacific walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) make trips from ice or land haul-out sites to forage for benthic prey. We describe dive and trip characteristics from time-depth-recorder data collected over a one-month period during summer from four male Pacific walruses in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Dives were classified into four types. Shallow (4 m), short (2.7 min), square-shaped dives accounted for 11% of trip time, and many were probably associated with traveling. Shallow (2 m) and very short (0.5 min) dives composed only 1% of trip time. Deep (41 m), long (7.2 min), square-shaped dives accounted for 46% of trip time and were undoubtedly associated with benthic foraging. V-shaped dives ranged widely in depth, were of moderate duration (4.7 min), and composed 3% of trip time. These dives may have been associated with navigation or exploration of the seafloor for potential prey habitat. Surface intervals between dives were similar among dive types, and generally lasted 1–2 min. Total foraging time was strongly correlated with trip duration and there was no apparent diel pattern of diving in any dive type among animals. We found no correlation between dive duration and postdive surface interval within dive types, suggesting that diving occurred within aerobic dive limits. Trip duration varied considerably within and among walruses (0.3–9.4 d), and there was evidence that some of the very short trips were unrelated to foraging. Overall, walruses were in the water for 76.6% of the time, of which 60.3% was spent diving.  相似文献   

Born  E. W.  Rysgaard  S.  Ehlmé  G.  Sejr  M.  Acquarone  M.  Levermann  N. 《Polar Biology》2003,26(5):348-357
Food consumption of Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus L.) was quantified by combining underwater observations of feeding with satellite-telemetry data on movement and diving activity. The study was conducted between 31 July and 7 August 2001 in Young Sound (74°N-20°W) in Northeast Greenland. On ten occasions, divers were able to accompany foraging walruses to the sea floor and collect the shells of newly predated bivalves (Mya truncata, Hiatella arctica, Serripes groenlandicus) for determination of number of prey and biomass ingested per dive. Simultaneously, the activity of a 1,200-kg adult male walrus was studied by use of satellite-telemetry during an entire foraging cycle that included 74 h at sea followed by a 23-h rest on land. An average of 53.2 bivalves (SE=5.2, range: 34-89, n=10) were consumed per dive, corresponding to 149.0 g shell-free dry matter (SE=18.9, range: 62.4-253.1 g), or 2,576 kJ per dive (SE=325.2, range: 1,072-4,377 kJ). During the foraging trip, the walrus spent 57% of the time diving to depths of between 6 and 32 m, and it made a total of 412 dives that lasted between 5 and 7 min (i.e. typical foraging dives). If the entire feeding cycle is considered (97 h), the estimated daily gross energy intake was 214 kJ per kg body mass (95% CI: 153-275 kJ), corresponding to the ingestion of 57 kg (95% CI: 41-72 kg) wet weight bivalve biomass per day, or 4.7 (95% CI: 3.3-5.9%) of total walrus body mass. Due to ice cover, walrus access to the plentiful inshore bivalve banks in the area is restricted to the short summer period, where walruses rely on them for replenishing energy stores. It is hypothesised that the documented decrease in the extent and duration of Arctic sea ice may increase food availability for walruses in eastern Greenland in the future.  相似文献   

Morphometric data were collected from 105 Atlantic walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus ) in northwestern Greenland in the periods 1977–78 and 1989–91. Of these 21 walruses were subjected to a detailed study on body composition.
The asymptotic maximum standard body length of Atlantic walruses in NW Greenland was 269 cm for females and 314 cm for males. This is similar to Pacific walruses, but significantly longer than Atlantic walruses from Hudson Bay. Despite this, walruses from NW Greenland apparently do not attain the same total body mass as Pacific walruses ( O.r.divergens ).
The asymptotic maximum body weights for walruses in NW Greenland were estimated to be 720 kg for females and 1114 kg for males.
Total body surface area was proportional to the two-thirds power of total body weight.
The percentage proportion of blubber and viscera were both negatively correlated to body mass, while skin and muscles constituted a nearly fixed proportion. On average, blubber constituted 19% of total body mass of adult females, 15% of adult males and 24% of subadults of both genders. The average walrus consisted of 18% blubber, 12% skin, 12% viscera and 58% blood, muscle and skeleton. Muscles were estimated to constitute 44% of total body weight.
Allometric functions for weight of internal organs relative to body mass are presented.  相似文献   

The abundance of harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina richardii ) has declined in recent decades at several Alaska locations. The causes of these declines are unknown, but there is concern about the status of the populations, especially in the Gulf of Alaska. To assess the status of harbor seals in the Gulf of Alaska, we conducted aerial surveys of seals on their haul-out sites in August-September 1996. Many factors influence the propensity of seals to haul out, including tides, weather, time of day, and time of year. Because these "covariates" cannot simultaneously be controlled through survey design, we used a regression model to adjust the counts to an estimate of the number of seals that would have been ashore during a hypothetical survey conducted under ideal conditions for hauling out. The regression, a generalized additive model, not only provided an adjustment for the covariates, but also confirmed the nature and shape of the covariate effects on haul-out behavior. The number of seals hauled out was greatest at the beginning of the surveys (mid-August). There was a broad daily peak from about 1100–1400 local solar time. The greatest numbers were hauled out at low tide on terrestrial sites. Tidal state made little difference in the numbers hauled out on glacial ice, where the area available to seals did not fluctuate with the tide. Adjusting the survey counts to the ideal state for each covariate produced an estimate of 30,035 seals, about 1.8 times the total of the unadjusted counts (16,355 seals). To the adjusted count, we applied a correction factor of 1.198 from a separate study of two haul-out sites elsewhere in Alaska, to produce a total abundance estimate of 35,981 (SE 1,833). This estimate accounts both for the effect of covariates on survey counts and for the proportion of seals that remained in the water even under ideal conditions for hauling out.  相似文献   

We evaluated the utility of a satellite-linked GPS in obtaining location data from Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). A unit was attached to one of the tusks of each of three adult male walruses in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The units were designed to relay GPS positions through the Argos Data Collection and Location System. The GPS was only minimally effective in obtaining location data. An average of only 5% of the attempts yielded a position, and only a small number of these were locations at sea. The paucity of successful attempts was probably due to infrequent and brief surfacings of the GPS, the proximity of cliffs to predominant haul-out sites in the study region, and the packing of animals when they were hauled out in herds. Argos was effective in relaying GPS positions in this study, but as GPS technology advances, and its application to marine mammal studies becomes more prevalent, it seems that the greatest challenge to the study of many species will be in data retrieval.  相似文献   

Walrus are highly gregarious pinnipeds that can form herds of several hundreds or thousands of individuals when hauling out on ice or on land. They produce vocalisations in almost all social interactions, from aggressive vocalisations, contact calls involved in mother–calf bond to adult–adult communication to stereotyped courtship display during the mating season. The knowledge on walrus’ vocal behaviour and its perceptual abilities is limited due to the extreme difficulty of studying these animals in their natural environment. In the present study, we reported the results of a pilot experimental work on group/social vocal communication in captive Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). By analysing the main vocalisations produced by females and males during social interactions, we found some differences in their call characteristics compared to the Atlantic subspecies. In a second step, we experimentally demonstrated the abilities of females and mature males to discriminate between vocalizations of individuals from their own group and those of unknown individuals. In spite of the low sample size of animals, these findings on captive walruses improved knowledge of the cognitive abilities of this endemic Arctic species.  相似文献   

The potential for non-aquatic predators to influence habitat use by harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina ) in a nearshore marine environment was studied by examining haul-out site use and through an experimental approach. Distance from shore, distance to possible foraging depths, peripheral water depth, and haul-out areas were quantified for each haul-out. There was a positive relationship between the number of seals hauled out and the distance from shore for eight known haul-out sites. The hypothesis that harbor seals increasingly hauled out farther offshore to reduce predation risk was tested experimentally by measuring their response to a model of a potential terrestrial predator in comparison to a control object, and to disturbance by a human at one of the study sites. Harbor seals abandoned the haul-out in the presence of the predator model, but showed little response to the controls, suggesting they possess a threat image for terrestrial predators and avoid hauling out when it is perceived. These results support the hypothesis that harbor seals select isolated sites to reduce exposure to terrestrial carnivores.  相似文献   

We monitored the haul-out behavior of 68 radio-tagged harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina ) during the molt season at two Alaskan haul-out sites (Grand Island, August-September 1994; Nanvak Bay, August-September 2000). For each site, we created a statistical model of the proportion of seals hauled out as a function of date, time of day, tide, and weather covariates. Using these models, we identified the conditions that would result in the greatest proportion of seals hauled out. Although those "ideal conditions" differed between sites, the proportion of seals predicted to be hauled out under those conditions was very similar (81.3% for Grand Island and 85.7% for Nanvak Bay). The similar estimates for both sites suggest that haul-out proportions under locally ideal conditions may be constant between years and geographic regions, at least during the molt season.  相似文献   

Population sizes of ice‐associated pinnipeds have often been estimated with visual or photographic aerial surveys, but these methods require relatively slow speeds and low altitudes, limiting the area they can cover. Recent developments in infrared imagery and its integration with digital photography could allow substantially larger areas to be surveyed and more accurate enumeration of individuals, thereby solving major problems with previous survey methods. We conducted a trial survey in April 2003 to estimate the number of Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) hauled out on sea ice around St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The survey used high altitude infrared imagery to detect groups of walruses on strip transects. Low altitude digital photography was used to determine the number of walruses in a sample of detected groups and calibrate the infrared imagery for estimating the total number of walruses. We propose a survey design incorporating this approach with satellite radio telemetry to estimate the proportion of the population in the water and additional low‐level flights to estimate the proportion of the hauled‐out population in groups too small to be detected in the infrared imagery. We believe that this approach offers the potential for obtaining reliable population estimates for walruses and other ice‐associated pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Arctic marine mammals live in a rapidly changing environment due to the amplified effects of global warming. Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) have responded to declines in Arctic sea-ice extent by increasingly hauling out on land farther from their benthic foraging habitat. Energy models can be useful for better understanding the potential implications of changes in behavior on body condition and reproduction but require behavior-specific metabolic rates. Here we measured the resting metabolic rates (RMR) of three captive, adult female Pacific walruses through breath-by-breath respirometry when fed and fasted resting out of water (sitting and lying down) and while fed resting in water. RMR in and out of water were positively related with pretrial energy intake when not fasted and 25% higher than RMR when walruses were fasted and out of water. Overall, RMR was higher than previously estimated for this species. Fasting RMR out of water was only 25% lower than subsurface swimming metabolic rates suggestive of relatively efficient swimming in adult females. Our results identify the importance of considering feeding status and species-specific differences in affecting metabolic costs. Further research is needed to better understand potential energetic costs of thermoregulation at temperatures experienced by wild walruses.  相似文献   

Ø. Whg    I. Gjertz 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(3):495-499
Morphometric data are given for 41 adult male Atlantic walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) immobilized at Svalbard. Total body weight ranged from 960 to 1450 kg. Standard body length ranged from 258 to 380 cm, while curvilinear tusk length ranged from 17 to 65 cm. Immobilized animals were selected for their large size. The sample is therefore biased towards larger animals. Based on regression equations developed for walruses caught in Greenland, the weights of Svalbard walruses were estimated from standard body length and axillary girth. Estimated weights ranged from 632 to 1883 kg. The present data suggest that Atlantic walruses at Svalbard can attain the same body size as Pacific ( O. r. divergens ) and Laptev walruses (O. r. laptevi).  相似文献   

During nutritionally stressful situations, Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) may switch from preying on benthic invertebrates to higher trophic-level prey (HTLP) (e.g., pinnipeds and/or seabirds). We applied a Bayesian mixing model to stable isotope (C and N) data from analyses of various tissues (tongue and lumbar muscle, skin, and liver) to quantify the proportional contribution of HTLP to walruses (n = 293 individuals). The mode contribution of HTLP to walrus diet was ~22 % (±10 %) based on muscle mixing models, which is consistent with results from contaminant studies of Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus), but higher than estimates based on historical stomach content analyses of Pacific walruses. A broader range in the proportion of HTLP (0–60 %) shown by mixing models using stable isotope data from liver and skin of walruses indicated they pursue an opportunistic foraging strategy. Data from the HTLP-consuming walruses were comparable with our stable isotope data of a known “seal-eating” walrus. No significant difference was evident between the estimated contributions of HTLP to the diet of male versus female walruses (P > 0.01). This finding suggests that changes in diet base for walruses are not influenced by the sex of the predator.  相似文献   

Hair samples of 15 adult male Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) collected from anaesthetized individuals at Svalbard, Norway, were analysed for cadmium and total mercury. The mean level of cadmium was 0.860 ± 0.321 μg/g dry weight (median = 0.811, range = 0.349–1.51 μg/g dry weight) and the mean level of mercury was 0.235 ± 0.100 μg/g dry weight (median = 0.251, range = 0.121–0.424 μg/g dry weight). Levels of cadmium and mercury in hair of walruses from other areas are not known. Both cadmium and mercury levels in hair of walruses from Svalbard are relatively low compared to the levels found in the hair of other marine mammal species. It has been documented from a number of marine species, including marine mammals such as ringed seals and polar bears, that both cadmium and mercury levels at Svalbard are lower than in other areas. It is uncertain as to what degree levels in hair reflect levels in internal organs in walruses. In rare and highly endangered species or populations tissue samples can be difficult to collect. In walruses, it is possible to collect hair from anaesthetized individuals or at the haul-out sites during moult, to monitor heavy metal levels of the population. Accepted: 6 December 1998  相似文献   

Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus, play a key role in the Arctic ecosystem, including northern Indigenous communities, which are reliant upon walruses for aspects of their diet and culture. However, walruses face varied environmental threats including rising sea-water temperatures and decreasing ice cover. An underappreciated threat may be the large amount of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) that continues to reach the Arctic as a result of ozone loss. UV has been shown to negatively affect whales. Like whales, walrus skin is unprotected by fur, but in contrast, walruses spend long periods of time hauled-out on land. In this study, we combined the results of histological analyses of skin sections from five Atlantic walruses, Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus, collected in Nunavik (Northern Quebec, Canada) with qualitative data obtained through the interviews of 33 local walrus hunters and Inuit Elders. Histological analyses allowed us to explore UV-induced cellular lesions and interviews with experienced walrus hunters and Elders helped us to study the incidences and temporal changes of UV-induced gross lesions in walruses. At the microscopic scale, we detected a range of skin abnormalities consistent with UV damage. However, currently such UV effects do not seem to be widely observed at the whole-animal level (i.e., absence of skin blistering, erythema, eye cataract) by individuals interviewed. Although walruses may experience skin damage under normal everyday UV exposure, the long-term data from local walrus hunters and Inuit Elders did not report a relation between the increased sun radiation secondary to ozone loss and walrus health.  相似文献   

Growth of Atlantic walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus ) was investigated using morphological data collected in association with Inuit subsistence walrus hunts. Four growth models were examined. The growth parameters of a constrained Richards model were used to quantify growth and to test for sexual dimorphism. The asymptotic length of male walruses (315.2 cm ± 3.8 (SE), n = 103) was significantly larger ( t = 7.21, df = 191, P < 0.05) than the asymptotic length of females (276.6 cm ± 3.4, n = 90). Sexual size dimorphism in adults was due to a longer growth period and a faster growth rate in males. The predictive equation relating mass ( M , kg) to standard length ( SL , cm) was: Log10 M = -3.74 + 2.68(Log10 SL ), n = 25, r 2= 0.98. There were no significant differences in the size of male walruses from Foxe Basin collected in the 1950s and this study. There were too few data to compare females. There were no significant differences in size between walruses sampled in Greenland and Foxe Basin in the 1980s and 1990s. Foxe Basin walruses were significantly larger than walruses sampled in northern Hudson Bay in the 1950s. Female Atlantic walruses sampled in Foxe Basin were larger than female Pacific walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) sampled in Alaska.  相似文献   

The haul-out activity of 15 ringed seals ( Phoca hispida ) equipped with satellite-linked radio transmitters was studied in NW Greenland ( ca. 73°-78°N). Between 19 June 1997 and 30 June 1999, telemetry data on haulout activity were obtained by the "Land-Sea-Reporter" (LSR), "Time-at-Depth" (TAD), and "Timelines" (TIM) systems housed within the satellite transmitters. The haul-out activity (% of total time hauled out) reported by the TIM system, which is specifically designed for collecting haul-out data, was about 1.4 times higher than that inferred from the LSR, but only about 0.7 of that inferred from TAD data. The TIM were used to describe haul-out activity. A total of 1,011 d with TIM were obtained (64.5% of a total of 1,568 "seal-days" monitored) representing data from nearly an entire annual cycle. No differences were found in percentage of time hauled out per month among various age categories. At all seasons the haul-out time showed considerable individual variation. There were no trends in percentage of time hauled out per month during late summer, fall, and winter (August-February). During the High Arctic winter darkness (November-January) the percentage of haul-out per month ranged between 3.9% in an adult (SD = 2.44, range: 1.1%-5.7%, n = 3 mo) and 15.7% in a subadult (SD = 1.95, range: 13.7%-17.6%, n = 3 mo). From late March there was a significant increase in haul-out time. Between 1 and 30 June, when aerial surveys of basking ringed seals usually are conducted, the haul-out time (% per day) increased from about 25% to about 57%. No tendencies in diel haul-out activity were revealed.  相似文献   

Skin and blubber samples of ten adult male Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) from Alaska were used to investigate the relationship between organochlorine (OC) levels in skin and blubber of individuals. For analyses we selected 11 components that were quantified in the blubber of all individuals: hexachlorocyclohexanes (αHCH and βHCH), the DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) metabolite p,p′DDE, oxychlordane, and 7 individual PCB congeners, 28, 99, 105, 118, 138, 153 and 180. The correlation between the levels in the two types of tissues was significant and the relation was isometric for all components. The regression coefficient between levels in blubber (dependent variable) and levels in skin (independent variable) was different from 1 for only four of the components. The mean levels in the two types of tissues were significantly different for 3 of the 11 chemical components (βHCH, oxychlordane, and PCB28). Although this analysis is based on only ten individuals, we propose that skin samples taken by biopsy darts can be used to monitor OC levels in walruses. In August 1993 skin biopsies were collected from 25 adult male Atlantic walruses (O. r. rosmarus) at haul-out sites in southeastern Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic and from 28 walruses of different sex and age at haul-out sites at Franz Josef Land in the Russian Arctic. The mean levels of OCs were 2–10 times higher at Svalbard than at Franz Josef Land. The dominant OC component was PCB153 in both areas. A principal component analysis detected differences between areas in OC levels but not in patterns. Since the Franz Josef Land samples were mainly taken from females and young individuals and the Svalbard samples were taken largely from adult males, we believe the differences in tissue OC levels observed from these areas can be explained by differences in sex and age of the walrus sampled. Comparable organochlorine levels in skin samples from walruses from other areas are not available. However, compared to the corresponding OC levels found in walrus blubber in other areas, the OC levels from Svalbard and Franz Josef Land are higher. The high levels of OCs in walruses from Svalbard and Franz Josef Land may be a combined effect of high pollution level in the environment and seal-eating habits. In the present study we show that it is possible to use skin biopsies taken by a non-destructive method to assess OC levels in walruses. Accepted: 24 October 1999  相似文献   

Previous studies of fur seals suggest that the attendance patterns and consequent temporal patterning of energy transfer from mother to pup follows a latitudinal cline. While data from subpolar, tropical, and some temperate latitude species support the postulated cline, data for the temperate latitude Juan Fernández fur seal do not. Maternal foraging trips and associated visits ashore were the longest of all otariids studied to date. The first foraging trip postpartum averaged 10.2 d ( n = 51 females, range 1–22.5), foraging trips combined averaged 12.3 d ( n = 100, range 1.0-25.0), and visits ashore averaged 5.3 d ( n = 91, range 0.3-15.8) over the three seasons of study. Only duration of lactation was intermediate between subpolar and tropical strategies as predicted. Dive records suggest that these females feed almost exclusively at night at depths of less than 10 m and at distances of more than 500 km offshore. The prey species of this fur seal, primarily myctophids and squid, migrate to the surface at night and are patchily distributed. Foraging trip length varied between years in conjunction with shifts in seasurface temperature and type of prey consumed. We suggest that distribution of prey, irrespective of latitude, dictates foraging patterns of fur seals and leads to the exceptionally long foraging trips and visits ashore observed in this species.  相似文献   

We monitored movements and haul-out patterns of four ringed seals Phoca hispida , off Northwest Greenland between 5 June and 31 October 1988 using the Argos Data Collection and Location System When the seals were hauled out on fast ice their locations were accurately determined, but when they were at sea, few accurate locations were obtained, evidently because these seals spent little time at the surface between dives The seals remained within the fjord where they were tagged, and hauled out often to early July Thereafter, as fast-ice disappeared, they dispersed widely and spent less time hauled out Time of day had no significant effect on haul-out patterns Haul-out periods declined significantly from June to August and increased in September-October Satellite contact with one seal was lost after 16 d while the seal was still in the fjord in late June One seal travelled over 200 km southwest and was located 4 July in offshore waters of Smith Sound 30 d after instrumentation Another seal moved southeast along the Greenland coast where contact was lost after 49 d on 23 July The fourth seal moved north along the Greenland coast, hauled out regularly on ice, and returned south along the coast in late September and October after 181 d of contact with the satellite  相似文献   

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