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A review is given of theoretical and experimental investigations and numerical simulations of the generation of intense electromagnetic fields in accelerators based on collective methods of charged particle acceleration at rates two or three orders of magnitude higher than those in classical resonance accelerators. The conditions are studied under which the excitation of accelerating fields by relativistic electron bunches or intense laser radiation in a plasma is most efficient. Such factors as parametric and modulational processes, the generation of a quasistatic magnetic field, and the acceleration of plasma electrons and ions are investigated in order to determine the optimum conditions for the most efficient acceleration of the driven charged-particle bunches.  相似文献   

The process of trapping and acceleration of nonmonoenergetic electron bunches by a wake wave excited by a laser pulse in a plasma channel is investigated. The electrons are injected into the vicinity of the maximum of the wakefield potential with a velocity lower than the wave phase velocity. The study is aimed at utilizing specific features of a wakefield with substantially overlapped focusing and accelerating phases for achieving monoenergetic electron acceleration. Conditions are found under which electrons in a finite-length nonmonoenergetic bunch are accelerated to high energies, while the energy spread between them is minimal. The effect of energy grouping of electrons makes it possible to obtain compact high-energy electron bunches with a small energy spread during laser plasma acceleration.  相似文献   

A nonlinear differential equation describing oscillations of the chemical potential in a one-dimensional steady-state wave propagating in a degenerate electron gas against an immobile neutralizing ion background is derived, investigated, and solved exactly. It is found that the wave phase velocity is bounded below by a critical velocity, whose exact value is obtained.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of a relativistic electron beam with a plasma is investigated numerically on the basis of the extended notions of the physical quantities that enter the linear dispersion relation. Extending the notions of the wave frequency, wavenumber, and wave phase velocity to the nonlinear stage of an instability makes it possible to analyze the evolution of the Cherenkov and plasma resonances and to study how they affect the saturation of the wave amplitude. A model of the beam-plasma instability in which the growth rate is calculated from the corresponding linear hydrodynamic formula on the basis of the results obtained using a numerical kinetic model makes it possible to establish the applicability range of the hydrodynamic approximation for beams with different energies.  相似文献   

A study is made of the excitation of wake waves by a one-dimensional electron bunch in an electron plasma in the presence of an intense monochromatic pump wave with circular polarization. In the main state (in the absence of a bunch), the interaction between a pump wave and a plasma is described by Maxwell's equations and the nonlinear relativistic hydrodynamic equations for a cold plasma. The excitation of linear waves by a one-dimensional bunch is investigated against a cold plasma background. It is shown that, in a certain range of parameter values of the bunch, pump wave, and plasma, the excitation is resonant in character and the amplitude of the excited wake waves increases with distance from the bunch.  相似文献   

The generation of transition radiation in the form of electromagnetic surface waves by a nonrelativistic electron bunch as it crosses the vacuum-semiconductor interface or a thin semiconductor plate in vacuum is investigated. A study is made of a bunch that has the shape of an ellipsoid of revolution, with a uniform charge density distribution over its volume, and moves along the normal to the interface. When the energy dissipation in the semiconductor is taken into account, the spectrum of the transition radiation emitted in the form of surface waves comprises a peak whose width is comparable to its mean frequency. It is shown that, in each of the two cases under consideration, the generation efficiency, defined as the ratio of the radiated energy to the kinetic energy of the bunch electrons, is maximum for a bunch of certain dimensions. The dependence of the radiated energy and of the generation efficiency on the thickness of a thin semiconductor plate is investigated for given bunch dimensions. It is found that the corresponding dependences have a maximum, which can be explained as being due the competition between the two effects: as the plate thickness increases, on the one hand, the region where the radiation is generated becomes larger, so that the radiation power increases, and, on the other hand, the dissipative energy losses become higher.  相似文献   

A nonlinear relativistic quantum theory of stimulated Cherenkov emission of longitudinal waves by a relativistic monoenergetic electron beam in a cold isotropic plasma is presented. The theory makes use of a quantum model based on the Klein-Gordon equation. The instability growth rates are obtained in the linear approximation and are shown to go over to the familiar growth rates in the classical limit. The mechanisms for the nonlinear saturation of relativistic Cherenkov beam instabilities are described with allowance for quantum effects, and the corresponding analytic solutions are derived.  相似文献   

The problem of the excitation of electron waves in a thin-walled annular cold plasma in a cylindrical waveguide by a straight relativistic electron beam in a finite magnetic field is considered. The dispersion properties of a waveguide system with parameters close to the experimental ones are investigated. It is shown that the growth rate of the excited high-frequency plasma wave is comparable to that of the low-frequency wave, which is weakly sensitive to the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field.  相似文献   

A solution is obtained in the form of coupled nonlinear periodic space-charge waves propagating in a magnetoactive plasma. The wave spectrum in the vicinity of the critical point, where the number of harmonics increases substantially, is found to fall with harmonic number as ∝ s ?1/3. Periodic space-charge waves are invoked to explain the zebra pattern in the radio emission from solar flares.  相似文献   

The excitation of a wake wave by a relativistic electron beam in an unbounded magnetized plasma and a plasma waveguide is studied theoretically. It is shown that, in a waveguide partially filled with a plasma, the energy that the electrons of the accelerated beam can gain is 37 times higher than the energy of the electrons of the beam generating wakefield.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of a wake wave excited in a low-density plasma by a laser pulse with a small focal spot radius is studied both analytically and numerically. Numerical study shows that, in a small-amplitude laser field, a wake wave breaks after the formation of an off-axis density maximum, which grows in height away from the pulse to become infinitely high after several periods. Analytical and numerical calculations show that the singularity in the density arises from the intersection of the trajectories of neighboring particles. Numerical simulations demonstrate that, as the laser field amplitude increases, the breaking point of the wake wave rapidly approaches the pulse trailing edge. For weakly nonlinear conditions, an analytic dependence of the coordinate of the breaking point on the amplitude and transverse size of the laser pulse is obtained.  相似文献   

An analytical solution to the nonlinear set of equations describing the electron dynamics and electric field structure in the vicinity of the critical density in a nonuniform plasma is constructed using the renormalization group approach with allowance for relativistic effects of electron motion. It is demonstrated that the obtained solution describes two regimes of plasma oscillations in the vicinity of the plasma resonance— stationary and nonstationary. For the stationary regime, the spatiotemporal and spectral characteristics of the resonantly enhanced electric field are investigated in detail and the effect of the relativistic nonlinearity on the spatial localization of the energy of the plasma relativistic field is considered. The applicability limits of the obtained solution, which are determined by the conditions of plasma wave breaking in the vicinity of the resonance, are established and analyzed in detail for typical laser and plasma parameters. The applicability limits of the earlier developed nonrelativistic theories are refined.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a theoretical investigation of the acceleration of test electrons by a Langmuir wave excited by a short laser pulse at half the electron plasma frequency. Such a pulse penetrates into the plasma over a distance equal to the skin depth and efficiently excites Langmuir waves in the resonant interaction at the second harmonic of the laser frequency. It is shown that the beam of electrons accelerated by these waves is modulated into a train of electron bunches, but because of the initial thermal spread of the accelerated electrons, the bunches widen and begin to overlap, with the result that, at large distances, the electron beam becomes unmodulated.  相似文献   

The work presents experimental results demonstrating the feasibility of autoresonance acceleration of electrons in a long mirror trap with a reverse magnetic field. It is shown that gyromagnetic autoresonance results in the formation of a plasma bunch with average electron energy of several hundred keV, which is confined for a long time in the trap. The results of computer simulations of the regime of reverse gyromagnetic autoresonance agree well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The process of trapping and acceleration of a nonmonoenergetic electron bunch of finite length is investigated analytically in terms of a one-dimensional model, and relevant three-dimensional simulations are performed. The bunch is assumed to be injected into the region of maximum wake wave potential, the injection energy being such that the electron velocities are lower than the wave phase velocity. The study is aimed at clarifying how the spatial and energy parameters of the injected bunch in the trapping and acceleration stages depend on its initial energy spread. Formulas are obtained that describe the change in the bunch length and its energy spread in the course of acceleration. In some important limiting cases, the formulas are simple enough for them to be conveniently used for practical estimates. The injection conditions are discussed under which the electrons of a nonmonoenergetic bunch can be accelerated to high energies and the energy spread of the bunch electrons after acceleration is weakly sensitive to their initial energy spread. The analytical results agree well with the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The diffraction broadening of laser radiation restricts its efficient utilization in many applications. In this work, a method for laser radiation guiding in a density channel formed in a plasma by a relativistic electron beam is considered. The conditions and parameters of the relativistic beam ensuring the guiding are examined.  相似文献   

A nonlinear quantum theory of stimulated Cherenkov radiation of transverse electromagnetic waves from a low-density relativistic electron beam in an isotropic dielectric medium is presented. A quantum model based on the Klein-Gordon equation is used. The growth rates of beam instabilities caused by the effect of stimulated Cherenkov radiation have been determined in the linear approximation. Mechanisms of the nonlinear saturation of relativistic quantum Cherenkov beam instabilities have been analyzed and the corresponding analytical solutions have been obtained.  相似文献   

The Burgers equation is obtained to study the characteristics of nonlinear propagation of ionacoustic shock, singular kink, and periodic waves in weakly relativistic plasmas containing relativistic thermal ions, nonextensive distributed electrons, Boltzmann distributed positrons, and kinematic viscosity of ions using the well-known reductive perturbation technique. This equation is solved by employing the (G'/G)-expansion method taking unperturbed positron-to-electron concentration ratio, electron-to-positron temperature ratio, strength of electrons nonextensivity, ion kinematic viscosity, and weakly relativistic streaming factor. The influences of plasma parameters on nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic shock, periodic, and singular kink waves are displayed graphically and the relevant physical explanations are described. It is found that these parameters extensively modify the shock structures excitation. The obtained results may be useful in understanding the features of small but finite amplitude localized relativistic ion-acoustic shock waves in an unmagnetized plasma system for some astrophysical compact objects and space plasmas.  相似文献   

An analytical nonlinear gasdynamic theory of ion-acoustic waves in an e-p-i plasma is developed for the case in which all the plasma components in the wave undergo polytropic compression and rarefaction. An exact solution to the basic equations is found and analyzed by the Bernoulli pseudopotential method. The parameter range in which periodic waves can propagate and the range in which solitary waves (solitons) exist are determined. It is shown that the propagation velocity of a solitary is always higher than the linear ion sound velocity. The profiles of all the physical quantities in both subsonic and supersonic waves are calculated. The results obtained agree well with both the data from other papers and particular limiting cases.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory of the instability of a straight relativistic dense electron beam in a plasma waveguide is derived for conditions of the stimulated collective Cherenkov effect. A study is made of a waveguide with a dense plasma such that the plasma wave excited by the beam during the instability can be escribed, with a good degree of accuracy, as a potential wave. General relativistic nonlinear equations are btained that describe the temporal dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities with allowance for plasma nonlinearity and the generation of harmonics of the initial perturbation. Under the assumption that the resonant interaction between the beam waves and the plasma waves is weak, the general equations are reduced to relativistic equations with cubic nonlinearities by using the method of expansion in small perturbations of the trajectories and momenta of the beam and plasma electrons. The reduced equations are solved analytically, the time scales on which the instability saturates are determined, and the nonlinear saturation amplitudes are obtained. A comparison between analytical solutions to the reduced equations and numerical solutions to the general nonlinear equations shows them to be in good agreement. Nonlinear processes caused by the relativistic nature of the beam are found to prevent stochastization of the system in the nonlinear stage of the well-developed instability. In contrast, a nonrelativistic electron beam is found to be subject to significant anomalous nonlinear stochastization.  相似文献   

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