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To date phylogeny has been used to compare entire families of proteins based on their nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Here we developed a novel analytical platform allowing a systematic comparison of protein families based on their biochemical properties. This approach was validated on the Rho subfamily of GTPases. We used two high throughput methods, referred to as AlphaScreen and FlashPlate, to measure nucleotide binding capacity, exchange, and hydrolysis activities of small monomeric GTPases. These two technologies have the characteristics to be very sensitive and to allow homogenous and high throughput assays. To analyze and integrate the data obtained, we developed an algorithm that allows the classification of GTPases according to their enzymatic activities. Integration and hierarchical clustering of these results revealed unexpected features of the small Rho GTPases when compared with primary sequence-based trees. Hence we propose a novel phylobiochemical classification of the Ras superfamily of GTPases.  相似文献   

The fungal kingdom is extremely diverse – comprised of over 1.5 million species including yeasts, molds and mushrooms. Essentially, all fungi have cell walls that contain chitin and the cells of most fungi grow as tube-like filaments called hyphae. These filamentous fungi, such as the mold Neurospora crassa, develop branched radial networks of hyphae referred to as mycelium. In contrast, non-filamentous fungi do not form radial mycelia, but grow as single cells, which reproduce by either budding or fission such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Schizosaccharomyces pombe, respectively. Finally, there are fungi that are capable of switching between single cell, yeast form growth and filamentous growth such as Candida albicans. The switch from yeast to filamentous growth in these so-called dimorphic fungi is a virulence trait in many human and plant pathogens. Highly conserved master regulators of all three fungal growth modes – filamentous, non-filamentous and dimorphic – are the Ras and Rho small GTPases, which spatially and temporally control cell polarity establishment and maintenance. This review summarizes the key roles of the Ras and Rho GTPases during hyphal morphogenesis in a range of fungi.  相似文献   

The Ras branch of the Ras superfamily consists of small GTPases most closely related to Ras and include the R-Ras, Rap, Ral, Rheb, Rin and Rit proteins. Although our understanding of Ras signaling and biology is now considerable, recent observations suggest that Ras function is more complex than previously believed. First, the three Ras proteins may not be functionally identical. Second, Ras function involves functional cross-talk with their close relatives.  相似文献   

Phosphatidic acid (PA) has been increasingly recognized as an important signaling lipid regulating cell growth and proliferation, membrane trafficking, and cytoskeletal reorganization. Recent studies indicate that the signaling PA generated from phospholipase D (PLD) and diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) plays critical roles in regulating the activity of some members of Ras superfamily of small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), such as Ras, Rac and Arf. Change of PA levels regulates the activity of small GTPases by modulating membrane localization and activity of small GTPase regulatory proteins, guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs). In addition, PA also targets some small GTPases to membranes by direct binding. This review summarizes the roles of PLD and DGK in regulating the activity of several Ras superfamily members and cellular processes they control. Some future directions and the implication of PA regulation of Ras small GTPases in pathology are also discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of ion channels by heterotrimeric guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), activated by heptathelical membrane receptors, has been the focus of several recent reviews. In comparison, regulation of ion channels by small monomeric G proteins, activated by cytoplasmic guanine nucleotide exchange factors, has been less well reviewed. Small G proteins, molecular switches that control the activity of cellular and membrane proteins, regulate a wide variety of cell functions. Many upstream regulators and downstream effectors of small G proteins now have been isolated. Their modes of activation and action are understood. Recently, ion channels were recognized as physiologically important effectors of small GTPases. Recent advances in understanding how small G proteins regulate the intracellular trafficking and activity of ion channels are discussed here. We aim to provide critical insight into physiological control of ion channel function and the biological consequences of regulation of these important proteins by small, monomeric G proteins.  相似文献   

Yang HW  Shin MG  Lee S  Kim JR  Park WS  Cho KH  Meyer T  Do Heo W 《Molecular cell》2012,47(2):281-290
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) and Ras and Rho family small GTPases are key regulators of cell polarization, motility, and chemotaxis. They influence each other's activities by direct and indirect feedback processes that are only partially understood. Here, we show that 21 small GTPase homologs activate PI3K. Using a microscopy-based binding assay, we show that K-Ras, H-Ras, and five homologous Ras family small GTPases function upstream of PI3K by directly binding the PI3K catalytic subunit, p110. In contrast, several Rho family small GTPases activated PI3K by an indirect cooperative positive feedback that required a combination of Rac, CDC42, and RhoG small GTPase activities. Thus, a distributed network of Ras and Rho family small GTPases induces and reinforces PI3K activity, explaining past challenges to elucidate the specific relevance of different small GTPases in regulating PI3K and controlling cell polarization and chemotaxis.  相似文献   

The Rab/Ypt/Sec4 family forms the largest branch of the Ras superfamily of GTPases, acting as essential regulators of vesicular transport pathways. We used the large amount of information in the databases to analyse the mammalian Rab family. We defined Rab-conserved sequences that we designate Rab family (RabF) motifs using the conserved PM and G motifs as "landmarks". The Rab-specific regions were used to identify new Rab proteins in the databases and suggest rules for nomenclature. Surprisingly, we find that RabF regions cluster in and around switch I and switch II regions, i.e. the regions that change conformation upon GDP or GTP binding. This finding suggests that specificity of Rab-effector interaction cannot be conferred solely through the switch regions as is usually inferred. Instead, we propose a model whereby an effector binds to RabF (switch) regions to discriminate between nucleotide-bound states and simultaneously to other regions that confer specificity to the interaction, possibly Rab subfamily (RabSF) specific regions that we also define here. We discuss structural and functional data that support this model and its general applicability to the Ras superfamily of proteins.  相似文献   

The Ras-like family of small GTPases includes, among others, Ras, Rap1, R-ras, and Ral. The family is characterized by similarities in the effector domain. While the function of Ras is, at least in part, elucidated, little is known about other members of the family. Currently, much attention is focused on the small GTPase Rap1. Initially, this member was identified as a transformation suppressor protein able to revert the morphological phenotype of Ras-transformed fibroblasts. This has led to the hypothesis that Rap1 antagonizes Ras by interfering in Ras effector function. Recent analysis revealed that Rap1 is activated rapidly in response to activation of a variety of receptors. Rap1 activation is mediated by several second messengers, including calcium, diacylglycerol, and cAMP. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) have been identified that mediate these effects. The most interesting GEF is Epac, an exchange protein directly activated by cAMP, thus representing a novel cAMP-induced, protein kinase A-independent pathway. Furthermore, Rap1 is inactivated by specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), one of which is regulated through an interaction with Galphai. While Ras and Rap1 may share some effector pathways, evidence is accumulating that Ras and Rap1 each regulate unique cellular processes in response to various extracellular ligands. For Rap1 these functions may include the control of cell morphology.  相似文献   

The graph theory was combined with fluctuation dynamics to investigate the structural communication in four small G proteins, Arf1, H-Ras, RhoA, and Sec4. The topology of small GTPases is such that it requires the presence of the nucleotide to acquire a persistent structural network. The majority of communication paths involves the nucleotide and does not exist in the unbound forms. The latter are almost devoid of high-frequency paths. Thus, small Ras GTPases acquire the ability to transfer signals in the presence of nucleotide, suggesting that it modifies the intrinsic dynamics of the protein through the establishment of regions of hyperlinked nodes with high occurrence of correlated motions. The analysis of communication paths in the inactive (SGDP) and active (SGTP) states of the four G proteins strengthened the separation of the Ras-like domain into two dynamically distinct lobes, i.e. lobes 1 and 2, representing, respectively, the N-terminal and C-terminal halves of the domain. In the framework of this separation, interfunctional states and interfamily differences could be inferred. The structure network undergoes a reshaping depending on the bound nucleotide. Nucleotide-dependent divergences in structural communication reach the maximum in Arf1 and the minimum in RhoA. In Arf1, the nucleotide-dependent paths essentially express a communication between the G box 4 (G4) and distal portions of lobe 1. In the SGDP state, the G4 communicates with the N-term, while, in the SGTP state, the G4 communicates with the switch II. Clear differences could be also found between Arf1 and the other three G proteins. In Arf1, the nucleotide tends to communicate with distal portions of lobe 1, whereas in H-Ras, RhoA, and Sec4 it tends to communicate with a cluster of aromatic/hydrophobic amino acids in lobe 2. These differences may be linked, at least in part, to the divergent membrane anchoring modes that would involve the N-term for the Arf family and the C-term for the Rab/Ras/Rho families.  相似文献   

Astrocytes in neuron-free cultures typically lack processes, although they are highly process-bearing in vivo. We show that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) induces cultured astrocytes to grow processes and that Ras family GTPases mediate these morphological changes. Activated alleles of rac1 and rhoA blocked and reversed bFGF effects when introduced into astrocytes in dissociated culture and in brain slices using recombinant adenoviruses. By contrast, dominant negative (DN) alleles of both GTPases mimicked bFGF effects. A DN allele of Ha-ras blocked bFGF effects but not those of Rac1-DN or RhoA-DN. Our results show that bFGF acting through c-Ha-Ras inhibits endogenous Rac1 and RhoA GTPases thereby triggering astrocyte process growth, and they provide evidence for the regulation of this cascade in vivo by a yet undetermined neuron-derived factor.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is an immediate early gene induced by a variety of stimuli and its expression is stimulated by individual activation of Ras or Rho GTPases. Here we investigate the role of coordinate activation of Ras and Rho GTPases in the induction of COX-2. Individual expression of constitutively active Ras, RhoA, or Rac1 was capable of stimulating COX-2 expression in NIH3T3 cells, but co-expression of constitutively active RhoA with either constitutively active Ras or Rac1 was required for full stimulation of COX-2 expression. Serum growth factors differentially activated Ras, RhoA, and Rac1, which correlated with the activation of Raf-1, ERK, and c-Jun as well as with induction of COX-2. Inhibition of Ras significantly blocked the activation of Raf-1, ERK, and c-Jun and the stimulation of COX-2 expression in response to serum. In contrast, inhibition of Rho family GTPases partially blocked serum induction of ERK activation but had little effects on COX-2 expression. Both inhibitors of MEK (PD098059) and JNK (SP600125) inhibited serum induction of COX-2. PD98059 only inhibited constitutively active Ras-induced COX-2 expression, while SP600125 significantly inhibited both constitutively active Ras- and RhoA-induced COX-2 expression. Together, our data suggest that constitutively active oncogenic Ras and Rho coordinately stimulate COX-2 expression whereas transient activation of Ras but not RhoA or Rac1 mediates the induction of COX-2 in response to serum. Furthermore, ERK and JNK activation are both required for serum- and oncogenic Ras-mediated COX-2 expression whereas only JNK activation is required for oncogenic RhoA-mediated stimulation of COX-2 expression.  相似文献   

Although some members of Ras family small GTPases, including M-Ras, share the primary structure of their effector regions with Ras, they exhibit vastly different binding properties to Ras effectors such as c-Raf-1. We have solved the crystal structure of M-Ras in the GDP-bound and guanosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate (Gpp(NH)p)-bound forms. The overall structure of M-Ras resembles those of H-Ras and Rap2A, except that M-Ras-Gpp(NH)p exhibits a distinctive switch I conformation, which is caused by impaired intramolecular interactions between Thr-45 (corresponding to Thr-35 of H-Ras) of the effector region and the gamma-phosphate of Gpp(NH)p. Previous 31P NMR studies showed that H-Ras-Gpp(NH)p exists in two interconverting conformations, states 1 and 2. Whereas state 2 is a predominant form of H-Ras and corresponds to the "on" conformation found in the complex with effectors, state 1 is thought to represent the "off" conformation, whose tertiary structure remains unknown. 31P NMR analysis shows that free M-Ras-Gpp(NH)p predominantly assumes the state 1 conformation, which undergoes conformational transition to state 2 upon association with c-Raf-1. These results indicate that the solved structure of M-Ras-Gp-p(NH)p corresponds to the state 1 conformation. The predominance of state 1 in M-Ras is likely to account for its weak binding ability to the Ras effectors, suggesting the importance of the tertiary structure factor in small GTPase-effector interaction. Further, the first determination of the state 1 structure provides a molecular basis for developing novel anti-cancer drugs as compounds that hold Ras in the state 1 "off" conformation.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-epsilon (PLC-epsilon) is a highly elaborated PLC required for a diverse set of signaling pathways. Here we use a combination of cellular assays and studies with purified proteins to show that activated RhoA and Ras isoforms directly engage distinct regions of PLC-epsilon to stimulate its phospholipase activity. Purified PLC-epsilon was activated in a guanine nucleotide- and concentration-dependent fashion by purified lipidated K-Ras reconstituted in PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-containing phospholipid vesicles. Whereas mutation of two critical lysine residues within the second Ras-association domain of PLC-epsilon prevented K-Ras-dependent activation of the purified enzyme, guanine nucleotide-dependent activation by RhoA was retained. Deletion of a loop unique to PLC-epsilon eliminated its activation by RhoA but not H-Ras. In contrast, removal of the autoinhibitory X/Y-linker region of the catalytic core of PLC-epsilon markedly activates the enzyme (Hicks, S. N., Jezyk, M. R., Gershburg, S., Seifert, J. P., Harden, T. K., and Sondek, J. (2008) Mol. Cell, 31, 383-394), but PLC-epsilon lacking this regulatory region retained activation by both Rho and Ras GTPases. Additive activation of PLC-epsilon by RhoA and K- or H-Ras was observed in intact cell studies, and this additivity was recapitulated in experiments in which activation of purified PLC-epsilon was quantified with PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-containing phospholipid vesicles reconstituted with purified, isoprenylated GTPases. A maximally effective concentration of activated RhoA also increased the sensitivity of purified PLC-epsilon to activation by K-Ras. These results indicate that PLC-epsilon can be directly and concomitantly activated by both RhoA and individual Ras GTPases resulting in diverse upstream control of signaling cascades downstream of PLC-epsilon.  相似文献   

The regulation of cytoskeletal components in the dendritic shaft core is critical for dendrite elongation and branching. Here, we report that a brain-specific Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RasGEF) carrying two kinase non-catalytic C-lobe domains (KINDs), very-KIND (v-KIND), regulates microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2). v-KIND is expressed in developing mouse brain, predominantly in the cerebellar granule cells. v-KIND not only activates Ras small GTPases via the C-terminal RasGEF domain, but also specifically binds to MAP2 via the second KIND domain (KIND2), leading to threonine phosphorylation of MAP2. v-KIND overexpression suppresses dendritic extension and branching of hippocampal neurons and cerebellar granule cells, whereas knockdown of endogenous v-KIND expression promotes dendrite growth. These findings suggest that v-KIND mediates a signaling pathway that links Ras and MAP2 to control dendrite growth.  相似文献   

Regulation of TOR by small GTPases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Durán RV  Hall MN 《EMBO reports》2012,13(2):121-128
TOR is a conserved serine/threonine kinase that responds to nutrients, growth factors, the bioenergetic status of the cell and cellular stress to control growth, metabolism and ageing. A diverse group of small GTPases including Rheb, Rag, Rac1, RalA and Ryh1 play a variety of roles in the regulation of TOR. For example, while Rheb binds to and activates TOR directly, Rag and Rac1 regulate its localization and RalA activates it indirectly through the production of phosphatidic acid. Here, we review recent findings on the regulation of TOR by small GTPases.  相似文献   

Caridean shrimps are the second most diverse group of Decapoda. Over the years, several different systematic classifications, exclusively based on morphology, have been proposed, but the classification of the infraorder Caridea remains unresolved. In this study, five nuclear genes, 18S rRNA, enolase, histone 3, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and sodium–potassium ATPase α-subunit, were used to examine the systematic status of caridean families and superfamilies. We constructed gene trees based on a combined dataset of 3819 bp, containing 35 caridean species from 19 families in 11 superfamilies. At the family level, and based on our restricted representation, our molecular data support monophyly of the families Glyphocrangonidae, Crangonidae, Pandalidae, Alpheidae, Rhynchocinetidae, Nematocarcinidae, Pasiphaeidae, Atyidae and Stylodactylidae. In contrast, both the Hippolytidae and Palaemonidae are polyphyletic in our analysis. Two major clades are revealed. The Alpheidae, Hippolytidae, Crangonidae, Glyphocrangonidae, Barbouriidae, Pandalidae, Hymenoceridae, Gnathophyllidae and Palaemonidae make up the first clade, while the second clade comprises the Rhynchocinetidae, Oplophoridae, Nematocarcinidae, Alvinocarididae, Campylonotidae, Pasiphaeidae and Eugonatonotidae. Two families, Bathypalaemonellidae and Stylodactylidae, are shown to be basal groups in our tree. At the superfamily level, our results do not support the currently accepted superfamily classification, although there is support for a superfamily Palaemonoidea, though only three out of its eight families are included. The results suggest that the currently accepted superfamily classification of the Caridea does not reflect their evolutionary relationships. A major revision of the higher systematics of Caridea appears thus to be vital, ideally incorporating both molecular and morphological evidence.  相似文献   

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