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In order to resolve questions concerning the in situ structure of the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor, [35S]methionine-labeled thyroid cell preparations were detergent solubilized and proteins exhibiting TSH-dependent binding to TSH-Sepharose were identified. Two such proteins, 43 and 70 kd, are identified in this report as gamma-actin and a member of the heat shock 70 protein family, respectively, based on the microsequence of two peptides from each. Identification of the former was confirmed by Western blotting and immunostaining using anti-actin, the latter by its ability to bind [32P]ATP, a characteristic feature of this family of proteins. The results suggest that TSH-cross linking reports defining TSH receptor subunits should be viewed with caution in the absence of comparative sequence data; consideration must, however, be given to the existence of receptor associated proteins.  相似文献   

Pain arising from pancreatic diseases can become chronic and difficult to treat. There is a paucity of knowledge regarding the mechanisms that sensitize neural pathways that transmit noxious information from visceral organs. In this review, neurogenic inflammation is presented as a possible amplifier of the noxious signal from peripheral organs including the pancreas. The nerve pathways that transmit pancreatic pain are also reviewed as a conduit of the amplified signals. It is likely that components of these visceral pain pathways can also be sensitized after neurogenic inflammation.  相似文献   

Enhanced lipid peroxidation occurs during oxidative stress and results in the generation of lipid peroxidation end products such as malondialdehyde (MDA), which can attach to autologous biomolecules, thereby generating neo-self epitopes capable of inducing potentially undesired biological responses. Therefore, the immune system has developed mechanisms to protect from MDA epitopes by binding and neutralizing them through both cellular and soluble effectors. Here, we briefly discuss innate immune responses targeting MDA epitopes and their pro-inflammatory properties, followed by a review of physiological carriers of MDA epitopes that are relevant in homeostasis and disease. Then we discuss in detail the evidence for cellular responses towards MDA epitopes mainly in lung, liver and the circulation as well as signal transduction mechanisms and receptors implicated in the response to MDA epitopes. Last, we hypothesize on the role of MDA epitopes as mediators of inflammation in diseases and speculate on their contribution to disease pathogenesis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipid modification and lipid peroxidation products in innate immunity and inflammation edited by Christoph J. Binder.  相似文献   

Stimulated rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) preparations simultaneously produce prostaglandin-like material and mediators that induce metabolic alterations in experimental animals characteristic of the host's responses to inflammation. The alterations observed in rats include responses by: proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, trace metals, and total blood neutrophils. This study demonstrates a possible relationship between prostaglandins and PMN-derived substances that mediate plasma zinc depression, hepatic amino acid uptake, and increased numbers of blood neutrophils. Production of these mediators by stimulated-PMN preparations was prevented by 23 μM indomethacin or 93 μM aspirin. Conversely, morphine (2 mM or less) had no detrimental effect on production of these mediators, although, it consistently stimulated production of a substance stimulating total blood neutrophilia. In addition, 2 μM prostaglandin E and F stimulated production of substances mediating hepatic amino acid uptake and plasma zinc depression, respectively. At this concentration, neither prostaglandin significantly altered production of substances mediating increased numbers of total blood neutrophils. A partial-nitrogen atmosphere, dibutyryl cyclic analogs of AMP and GMP, or homogenization of the PMN had no effect on mediator production. The inhibitory effect of indomethacin and aspirin also was observed with PMN-homogenates. These experimental observations suggest that prostaglandin synthesis has a function in production of mediators by stimulated-PMN preparations.  相似文献   

We investigated morphological alterations induced by s.c. injection of 2.5 microg of Bothrops jararaca venom in rats. Intense disorganisation of collagen fibres was observed 1 min after the venom injection, particularly at regions near vessels and nerves. Mast cells were degranulated, and erythrocytes were seen leaving venules throughout the endothelial junctions. At this time, damaged endothelial cells were not observed. In rats envenomed as above, but immediately after cardiorespiratory failure induced by deep ether anaesthesia, alterations in the connective tissue structures, as previously described, were not observed. The mediation of this haemorrhage was investigated by injecting the venom into the foot pad of mice and compared to the mediation of oedema. Local haemorrhage was significantly reduced in mice pre-treated with capsaicin or guanethidine or submitted to a surgical section of sciatic and saphenous nerves. In these animals, oedema was not affected. Groups treated with methysergide or morphine showed both haemorrhage and oedema significantly reduced. Indomethacin or dexamethasone pre-treatments significantly reduced the oedema, but not the haemorrhage. Moreover, in animals treated with promethazine or mepyramine, oedema and haemorrhage were not affected. These data suggest that local haemorrhage induced by Bothrops jararaca venom is partially controlled by serotonin and neurohumoral mediators. Furthermore, results indicate that haemorrhage and oedema are mediated by different pharmacological systems.  相似文献   

Urothelium and Lamina Propria (LP) are considered an integrate sensory system which is able to control the detrusor activity. Complete supra‐sacral spinal cord lesions cause Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity (NDO) whose main symptoms are urgency and incontinence. NDO therapy at first consists in anti‐muscarinic drugs; secondly, in intra‐vesical injection of botulinum toxin. However, with time, all the patients become insensitive to the drugs and decide for cystoplastic surgery. With the aim to get deeper in both NDO and drug's efficacy lack pathogenesis, we investigated the innervation, muscular and connective changes in NDO bladders after surgery by using morphological and quantitative methodologies. Bladder innervation showed a significant global loss associated with an increase in the nerve endings located in the upper LP where a neurogenic inflammation was also present. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) anomalies and fibrosis were found in the detrusor. The increased innervation in the ULP is suggestive for a sprouting and could condition NDO evolution and drug efficacy length. Denervation might cause the SMC anomalies responsible for the detrusor altered contractile activity and intra‐cellular traffic and favour the appearance of fibrosis. Inflammation might accelerate these damages. From the clinical point of view, an early anti‐inflammatory treatment could positively influence the disease fate.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides such as substance P are implicated in inflammation mediated by sensory nerves (neurogenic inflammation), but the roles in disease of these peptides and the peptidases that degrade them are not understood. It is well established that inflammation is a prominent feature of several airway diseases, including viral infections, asthma, bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis. These diseases are characterized by cough, airway edema, and abnormal secretory and bronchoconstrictor responses, all of which can be elicited by substance P. The effects of substance P and other peptides that may be involved in inflammation are decreased by endogenous neutral endopeptidase (NEP; also called enkephalinase, EC, which is a peptidase that degrades substance P and other peptides. In the present study, we report that rats with histories of infections caused by common respiratory tract pathogens (parainfluenza virus type 1, rat corona-virus, and Mycoplasma pulmonis) not only have greater susceptibility to neurogenic inflammatory responses than do pathogen-free rats but also have a lower activity of NEP in the trachea. This reduction in NEP activity may cause the increased susceptibility to neurogenic inflammation by allowing higher concentrations of substance P to reach tachykinin receptors in the trachea. Thus decreased NEP activity may exacerbate some of the pathological responses in animals with respiratory tract infections.  相似文献   

Stimulated rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) preparations simultaneously produce prostaglandin-like material and mediators that induce metabolic alterations in experimental animals characteristic of the host's responses to inflammation. The alterations observed in rats include responses by: proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, trace metals, and total blood neutrophils. This study demonstrates a possible relationship between prostaglandins and PMN-derived substances that mediate plasma zinc depression, hepatic amino acid uptake, and increased numbers of blood neutrophils. Production of these mediators by stimulated-PMN preparations was prevented by 23 muM indomethacin or 93 muM aspirin. Conversely, morphine (2 mM or less) had no detrimental effect on production of these mediators, although, it consistently stimulated production of a substance stimulating total blood neutrophia. In addition, 2 muM prostaglandin E and F stimulated production of substances mediating hepatic amino acid uptake plasma zinc depression, respectively. At this concentration, neither prostaglandin significantly altered production of substances mediating increased numbers of total blood neutrophils. A partial-nitrogen atmosphere, dibutyryl cyclic analogs of AMP and GMP, or homogenization of the PMN had no effect on mediator production. The inhibitory effect of indomethacin and aspirin also was observed with PMN-homogenastes. These experimental observations suggest that prostaglandin synthesis has a function in production of mediators by stimulated-PMN preparations.  相似文献   

Fragments of extracellular matrix as mediators of inflammation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Classically, the extracellular matrix (ECM) was viewed as a supporting structure for stabilizing the location of cells in tissues and for preserving the architecture of tissues. This conception has changed dramatically over the past few decades with discoveries that ECM has profound influences on the structure, viability, and functions of cells. Much of the data supporting this new paradigm has been obtained from studies of normal and pathological structural cells such as fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and malignant cells, as, for example, breast cancer epithelial cells. However, there has also been recognition that effects of ECM on cells extend to inflammatory cells. In this context, attention has been drawn to fragments of ECM components. In this review, we present information supporting the concept that proteolytic fragments of ECM affect multiple functions and properties of inflammatory and immune cells. Our focus is particularly upon neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages and fragments derived from collagens, elastin, and laminins. Hyaluronan fragments, although they are not products of proteolysis, are also discussed, as they are a notable example of ECM fragments that exhibit important effects on inflammatory cells. Further, we summarize some exciting recent developments in this field as a result of mouse models in which defined ECM fragments and their receptors are clearly implicated in inflammation in vivo. Thus, this review underscores the idea that proteolysis of ECM may well have implications that go beyond modifying the structural environment of cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Acute neurogenic or non-neurogenic inflammation was elicited in skin patches innervated by the saphenous nerve of anaesthetized Sprague Dawley rats. Lambda carrageenan was used to induce non-neurogenic inflammation, mustard oil (allyl-iso-thio-cyanate) or antidromic nerve stimulation to induce neurogenic inflammation. Antidromic nerve stimulation yielded plasma extravasation but no significant sensitization of unmyelinated nociceptor units. In contrast, mustard oil and carrageenan yielded plasma extravasation and sensitization of nociceptors, though carrageenan sensitized only part of them. Sensitization resulted in ongoing spike discharges and in a shift of response curves to lower temperatures when controlled radiant heat stimuli were applied to the receptive fields. Responses to mechanical stimuli with v. FREY hairs were not significantly altered. Effects of neurogenic and non-neurogenic inflammation on unmyelinated nociceptor units are compared.  相似文献   

Inflammation is widely accepted to play a major role in atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. However, the exact mechanism(s) by which inflammation exerts its pathogenic effect remains poorly understood. A number of oxidatively modified proteins have been associated with cardiovascular disease. Recently, attention has been given to the oxidative compound of malondialdehyde and acetaldehyde, two reactive aldehydes known to covalently bind and adduct macromolecules. These products have been shown to form stable malondialdehyde–acetaldehyde (MAA) adducts that are reactive and induce immune responses. These adducts have been found in inflamed and diseased cardiovascular tissue of patients. Antibodies to these adducted proteins are measurable in the serum of diseased patients. The isotypes involved in the immune response to MAA (i.e., IgM, IgG, and IgA) are predictive of atherosclerotic disease progression and cardiovascular events such as an acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass grafting. Therefore, it is the purpose of this article to review the past and current knowledge of aldehyde-modified proteins and their role in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Turbic A  Leong SY  Turnley AM 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e25406
Adult neural precursor cells (NPCs) respond to injury or disease of the CNS by migrating to the site of damage or differentiating locally to replace lost cells. Factors that mediate this injury induced NPC response include chemokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interferon-γ (IFNγ), which we have shown previously promotes neuronal differentiation. RT-PCR was used to compare expression of chemokines and their receptors in normal adult mouse brain and in cultured NPCs in response to IFNγ and TNFα. Basal expression of many chemokines and their receptors was found in adult brain, predominantly in neurogenic regions, with OB?SVZ>hippocampus and little or no expression in non-neurogenic regions, such as cortex. Treatment of SVZ-derived NPCs with IFNγ and TNFα (alone and in combination) resulted in significant upregulation of expression of specific chemokines, with CXCL1, CXCL9 and CCL2 most highly upregulated and CCL19 downregulated. Unlike IFNγ, chemokine treatment of NPCs in vitro had little or no effect on survival, proliferation or migration. Neuronal differentiation was promoted by CXCL9, CCL2 and CCL21, while astrocyte and total oligodendrocyte differentiation was not affected. However, IFNγ, CXCL1, CXCL9 and CCL2 promoted oligodendrocyte maturation. Therefore, not only do NPCs express chemokine receptors, they also produce several chemokines, particularly in response to inflammatory mediators. This suggests that autocrine or paracrine production of specific chemokines by NPCs in response to inflammatory mediators may regulate differentiation into mature neural cell types and may alter NPC responsiveness to CNS injury or disease.  相似文献   

Matsumoto, Koichiro, Hisamichi Aizawa, Hiromasa Inoue,Mutsumi Shigyo, Shohei Takata, and Nobuyuki Hara. Thromboxane causes airway hyperresponsiveness after cigarette smoke-induced neurogenic inflammation. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2358-2364, 1996.We investigatedthe role of neurogenic inflammation and the subsequent mechanisms incigarette smoke-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in guinea pigs.Exposure to cigarette smoke was carried out at tidal volume for 3 min.Airway responsiveness to histamine was determined before and aftersmoke exposure followed by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Plasmaextravasation was evaluated by measuring the extravasation of Evansblue dye in the airway. Cigarette smoke produced significant airwayhyperresponsiveness and plasma extravasation, with an influx ofneutrophils in BAL fluid. FK-224 (10 mg/kg iv), a tachykinin antagonistat NK1 andNK2 receptors, significantly inhibited these changes. The thromboxane (Tx)B2 concentration was increased inBAL fluid after smoke exposure and was significantly inhibited byFK-224. OKY-046 (10 mg/kg iv), a Tx synthase inhibitor, significantlyinhibited airway hyperresponsiveness but had no effect on neutrophilinflux or plasma extravasation. The results suggest that neurogenicinflammation and the subsequent generation of Tx in the airway areimportant in the development of the airway hyperresponsiveness inducedby cigarette smoke.


The present study was performed to determine whether neurogenic inflammation in the rat trachea can be exaggerated by inhibiting neutral endopeptidase, an enzyme that degrades tachykinins that are believed to mediate neurogenic inflammation. Neurogenic inflammation was produced by antidromic electrical stimulation of one vagus nerve (2.5 Hz, 1 ms, 5 V for 5 min) in the presence of atropine or by an intravenous injection of capsaicin (100 micrograms/kg). Neutrophils that adhered to the endothelium of venules were visualized and counted in tracheal whole mounts that were stained by a histochemical reaction for myeloperoxidase. Neural inflammation increased the number of adherent neutrophils. Pretreatment with the neutral endopeptidase inhibitor phosphoramidon (1.0 or 2.5 mg/kg iv) increased neutrophil adhesion induced by neural inflammation. As assessed by the amount of extravasation of Monastral blue pigment, neural inflammation also increased vascular permeability, and this change was potentiated by phosphoramidon. These results are consistent with the concept that neuropeptides released from sensory nerves in the tracheal mucosa cause neutrophils to adhere to venules and increase vascular permeability and that these effects are modulated by neutral endopeptidase.  相似文献   

炎症反应是宿主重要防御机制之一。慢性炎症或过度炎症反应可导致严重的肺部疾病,如哮喘、急性呼吸窘迫综合征等。新近研究表明炎症消退是一个主动过程,炎症的及时消退是防止炎症过强及走向慢性化的关键环节。因此,调控炎症消退的内源性介质成为新的研究热点。促进炎症消退内源性介质的发现不仅为肺部疾病研究提供新视野,也为全新的促炎症消退治疗策略防治肺部疾病提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Active resolution of acute inflammation is a previously unrecognized interface between innate and adaptive immunity. Once thought to be a passive process, the resolution of inflammation is now shown to involve active biochemical programmes that enable inflamed tissues to return to homeostasis. This Review presents new cellular and molecular mechanisms for the resolution of inflammation, revealing key roles for eicosanoids, such as lipoxins, and recently discovered families of endogenous chemical mediators, termed resolvins and protectins. These mediators have anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution properties, thereby protecting organs from collateral damage, stimulating the clearance of inflammatory debris and promoting mucosal antimicrobial defence.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that increased T-cell and autoantibody reactivity to lipids may be present in the autoimmune demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis. To perform large-scale multiplex analysis of antibody responses to lipids in multiple sclerosis, we developed microarrays composed of lipids present in the myelin sheath, including ganglioside, sulfatide, cerebroside, sphingomyelin and total brain lipid fractions. Lipid-array analysis showed lipid-specific antibodies against sulfatide, sphingomyelin and oxidized lipids in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) derived from individuals with multiple sclerosis. Sulfatide-specific antibodies were also detected in SJL/J mice with acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Immunization of mice with sulfatide plus myelin peptide resulted in a more severe disease course of EAE, and administration of sulfatide-specific antibody exacerbated EAE. Thus, autoimmune responses to sulfatide and other lipids are present in individuals with multiple sclerosis and in EAE, and may contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune demyelination.  相似文献   

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