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The genetic structure of 23 populations of Graphocephala atropunctata (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae), a vector of the plant pathogenic bacterium Xylellafastidiosa Wells et al., was investigated using ribosomal 28S and mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I gene sequences. The 28S sequences were identical across all G. atropunctata specimens and populations, but 16 mitochondrial haplotypes were detected and significant interpopulation differences were found in the distribution of these haplotypes. Pairwise estimates of Fst correlated positively with geographical distance between populations, a phenomenon known as genetic isolation by distance. Thus, despite potential for widespread movement of G. atropunctata through nursery and agricultural industries, isolated populations of G. atropunctata have remained genetically distinct, suggesting that negligible numbers of G. atropunctata are actually transported or population interbreeding rarely occurs. The phylogenetic relationship between G. atropunctata and two additional congeners, Graphocephala cythura Baker and Graphocephala flavovittata Metcalf, which have overlapping distributions with G. atropunctata, also was investigated. Although 28S sequences of G. flavovittata were strikingly similar to those of G. atropunctata, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) suggests that both species are genetically distinct from G. atropunctata.  相似文献   

The Wheat dwarf virus, the causal agent of the wheat dwarf disease, is transmitted by leafhoppers from the genus Psammotettix and currently the main protection strategy is based on the use of insecticide treatments. Sustainable management strategies for insect vectors should include methods that are targeted to disrupt reproductive behavior and here we investigated the mating behavior of Psammotettix alineus (Dahlbom 1850) in order to determine the role of vibrational signals in intra‐specific communication and pair formation. Both genders spontaneously emit species‐ and sex‐specific calling songs that consisted of regularly repeated pulse trains and differ primarily in pulse train duration and pulse repetition time. Females preferred the conspecific male calling song. After a coordinated exchange of pulse trains, the male approached the stationary female. During the close range courtship and also immediately prior to copulatory attempts distinct male vibrational signals associated with wing flapping and wing vibrations were recorded from the substrate. In the presence of a receptive female, competing males emitted vibrational signals most likely aimed to interfere with male‐female interaction. Mated females regained sexual receptivity after they laid eggs. Although results suggest that the viruliferous status of insects may have an effect on vibrational songs, our current results did not reveal a significant effect of virus on leafhopper performance in mating behavior. However, this study also suggests, that detailed understanding of plant–vector–virus interactions relevant for vector mating behavior is essential for trying new approaches in developing future control practices against plant viruses transmitted by insect vectors.  相似文献   

The flight potential of Nephotettix virescens (Distant), the most important vector of rice tungro virus disease, was assessed using tethered flight techniques. Most individuals tested were not willing to fly in response to stimulation, or flew for very short times. A small proportion of leafhoppers flew for long periods and one female flew for almost 7 h, indicating the potential for long distance dispersal of insects and inoculum. Few individuals flew before four days of age and thereafter flight profiles were similar for insects aged between four and 12 days. Mature females were more flight willing when kept as adults in mixed groups with males than when caged separately. There was no consistent effect on flight performance when insects were reared on rice varieties with different levels of leafhopper resistance. The flight activity of N. virescens was greater when leafhoppers were reared on mature, compared with young, rice plants. Leafhoppers reared through one generation on tungro-diseased rice plants were less willing to fly than individuals maintained on healthy plants of the same age and variety, whereas those tested after a 24-h access period to tungro-diseased plants were more flight-willing. The results are discussed in relation to the spread of tungro and to management interventions for the control of the disease.  相似文献   

Sharpshooters (Cicadellinae), a large subfamily of the Cicadellidae, exhibit a global distribution and a broad array of ecological preferences. To explore the phylogenetic relationships and roles of global historical, biotic and biogeographic processes in the diversification of sharpshooters, we analysed DNA sequence data from three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes for 243 taxa representing all Cicadellinae tribes, generic groups, regional faunas and data of geographic distributions of sharpshooter species compiled from online databases and available literature. The maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses strongly support the monophyletic clade including Cicadellinae and Phereurininae. Divergence time estimates and biogeographic analyses suggest that sharpshooters originated in the Neotropical region or were more widespread in Gondwana during the Early Cretaceous and diversified through a combination of ancient vicariance and dispersal following the evolution of angiosperm-dominated habitats. The earliest divergence during the Cretaceous gave rise to Oriental and New World lineages, the latter of which subsequently dispersed into the Old World and gave rise to the diverse endemic fauna of Madagascar. The Oriental lineage shows high diversity and endemism in tropical Asia and the Pacific, with striking distributional discontinuities in Wallacea. These results suggest that a combination of environmental and evolutionary factors including continental-scale vicariance, long-distance dispersal and diversification of terrestrial microhabitats and host plants may explain the diversity of the modern sharpshooter fauna.  相似文献   

记述阔颈叶蝉属Drabescoides 1新种,即长臂阔颈叶蝉Drabescoides longiarmus sp.nov..新种近似于圆突阔颈叶蝉Drabescoides umbonata Shang, Zhang et Shen,2003,主要区别为:本种体形稍大,翅脉色泽较深,体背、颜面黄褐色,雄虫阳茎干背面两片状脊大且显著靠拢,尾节侧瓣三角形,具2个刺突,连索干细,臂极长,两臂夹角小,阳基侧突端部"马蹄状",表面着生微齿,雌虫第7腹板后缘弧形深凹入.提供了新种的鉴别特征图.模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

Graphocephala atropunctata or the blue‐green sharpshooter (BGSS) has been long recognized as the principal native vector of Xylella fastidiosa in coastal, wine‐grape‐growing areas of California. X. fastidiosa is the causative agent of Pierce's disease of grapevine and of numerous other leaf‐scorching diseases of agronomically important plants. X. fastidiosa has been shown to colonize the cibarium and precibarium (anterior foregut) of sharpshooters, where it may encounter other naturally occurring bacterial species. Here, deep 16S rRNA sequencing was used to survey the microbiota associated with the BGSS anterior foregut. DNA was extracted from dissected cibaria and precibaria; a portion of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced using Illumina MiSeq technology. An average of approximately 32 000 sequence reads per insect was obtained. Agrobacterium was the most common genus detected; additional sequencing of the full‐length 16S rRNA gene further identified this as Agrobacterium tumefaciens or A. fabrum. A number of additional plant‐associated bacterial genera were also detected (Pseudomonas and Ensifer), along with genera known to be associated with insects (Baumannia), and soil (Stenotrophomonas, Caulobacter, Delftia, Achromobacter, Acinetobacter and Novosphingobium). Approximately half of the genera reported here have been previously reported to be prevalent in the cibarium and precibarium of glassy‐winged sharpshooter (GWSS; Homalodisca vitripennis). Many of these cibarium‐ and precibarium‐associated genera likely interact with X. fastidiosa.  相似文献   

Mate recognition and location in Cicadellidae is mediated exclusively via substrate-borne vibrational signals. In the present study we investigated vibrational signals and mate searching behaviour of the leafhopper Aphrodes makarovi. We studied mating behaviour and exchange of vibrational signals between live insects and in playback experiments. Males emitted long and complex calling signals composed of several sections. Female reply was long and always overlapped the end of the male call. The exchange of male and female vibrational signals was a complex and dynamic interaction during which both partners modified their signals according to partner’s reply. The duration of female reply was influenced by the duration of the male call to which she was responding, while the duration of male call was influenced by the duration of the previous female reply. Such relationship suggests the role of sexual selection in the evolution of male vibrational signals.  相似文献   

记述拟带叶蝉属Scaphotettix 5新种:红纹拟带叶蝉S.redstripeus.sp.nov.,刺茎拟带叶蝉S.splinterus,sp.nov.,长板拟带叶蝉Slongistyleus,sp.nov..细纹拟带叶蝉S.slenderus,sp.nov.和梵净拟带叶蝉S.fanjingensis,sp.nov.,1中国新记录种:印度拟带叶蝉Sindicus(Distant)。模式标本分别保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所(IEGU)和西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWSUAF)。  相似文献   

  • 1 The colour morphs of fourth and fifth instar nymphs of E. cyclops and E. urticae are described and their geographic distributions in southeast Wales are examined.
  • 2 Morph frequencies are influenced by Chalarus parasites (Diptera: Pipunculidae).

Aguin-Pombo D 《Heredity》2002,88(6):415-422
The limited importance ascribed to sympatric speciation processes via host race formation is partially due to the few cases of host races that have been reported among host populations. This work sheds light on the taxonomy of Alebra leafhoppers and examines the possible existence of host races among host-associated populations. The species of this genus show varying degrees of host association with deciduous trees and shrubs and, frequently, host populations of uncertain taxonomic status coexist and occasionally become pests. Allozyme electrophoresis of 21 Greek populations including sympatric, local and geographically distant samples collected on 13 different plant species, show that they represent at least five species: A. albostriella Fallén, A. viridis (Rey) (sensu Gillham), A. wahlbergi Boheman and two new species. Of these, one is associated to Quercus frainetto and other is specific to Crataegus spp. Significant genetic differences among sympatric and local host populations were found only in A. albostriella, between populations on Turkey oak, beech and common alder. It is suggested that the last two of these host populations may represent different host races. The results show that both the host plant and geographical distance affect the patterns of differentiation in the genus. The formation of some species seems to have been the result of allopatric speciation events while, for others, their origin can be equally explained either by sympatric or allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

Abstract  The leafhopper genus Carvaka Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Selenocephalinae) in Australia is reviewed in light of recent publications on the subfamily Selenocephalinae in the Oriental region. The genus Exitianellus Evans is transferred from the subfamily Deltocephalinae to the Paraboloponini and synonymised with Carvaka . Carvaka elegantula (Evans) comb. nov. is redescribed and three new species, C. mouldsorum , C. maculata and C. flava are added to the genus. A key for the separation of the Australian species of Carvaka is provided. The Australian fauna represents all three recognised species groups of the genus. The significance of this to the biogeographical origins of the Australian fauna is discussed.  相似文献   

水稻矮缩病毒(Rice dwarf virus, RDV)是水稻普通矮缩病(Rice dwarf disease)的病原,主要依赖黑尾叶蝉Nephotettix cincticeps经卵以持久增殖方式传播。本研究采用室内试验观测了带毒与无毒的黑尾叶蝉在健康及感病水稻间的取食、产卵选择趋性。取食偏好性试验发现,无毒叶蝉对感病水稻趋性更强,从观测的第8小时开始达显著差异水平;带毒叶蝉则对健康水稻趋性更强,在观测的第24小时开始达到显著差异水平,表明RDV侵染水稻会引起黑尾叶蝉取食偏好性的改变。产卵偏好性试验发现无毒及带毒黑尾叶蝉在健康及感病水稻间3个观测指标(每植株卵块数、每卵块的卵量及每植株上的总卵量)均无显著差异,表明RDV侵染水稻对黑尾叶蝉产卵选择偏好性无显著影响。本文初步明确RDV对黑尾叶蝉取食和产卵偏好性的影响,为揭示介体昆虫-病毒-寄主植物三者之间的互作机制提供佐证。  相似文献   

An account is given of the relative numbers of adults of three species of Eupteryx, coexisting on nettle, collected regularly over a period of seven years, and possible causes of fluctuations are suggested.  相似文献   

Bacteria in the genus Rickettsiella (Coxiellaceae), which are mainly known as arthropod pathogens, are emerging as excellent models to study transitions between mutualism and pathogenicity. The current report characterizes a novel Rickettsiella found in the leafhopper Orosius albicinctus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a major vector of phytoplasma diseases in Europe and Asia. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and pyrosequencing were used to survey the main symbionts of O. albicinctus, revealing the obligate symbionts Sulcia and Nasuia, and the facultative symbionts Arsenophonus and Wolbachia, in addition to Rickettsiella. The leafhopper Rickettsiella is allied with bacteria found in ticks. Screening O. albicinctus from the field showed that Rickettsiella is highly prevalent, with over 60% of individuals infected. A stable Rickettsiella infection was maintained in a leafhopper laboratory colony for at least 10 generations, and fluorescence microscopy localized bacteria to accessory glands of the female reproductive tract, suggesting that the bacterium is vertically transmitted. Future studies will be needed to examine how Rickettsiella affects host fitess and its ability to vector phytopathogens.  相似文献   

The British species of Oncopsis fall into two groups with respect to male karyotype. Four species—O. avallanae, O. carpini and O. subangulata, together with an undescribed new species close to carpini—consistently show ten autosome pairs and a single X-chromosome (2n=10AII+XO). In O. tristis too the XO state predominates but single neo-sex chromosome variants with nine and eight autosome pairs respectively have also been found. The two remaining species-O. alni and O. flavicollis—both regularly include derived neo-XY states involving the incorporation of autosomal material onto the X(2n=9AII+XY). The single population of O. alni studied was entirely neo-XY but the situation in O. flavicollis proved more complex. Montane populations which occur on Betula pubescens are XO-monomorphic whereas populations in lowland woodlands are polymorphic, including both XO and neo-XY types. In such situations the XO forms are found predominantly on B. pubescens whereas the XY morphs predominate on a second species of birch, B. pendula, which is absent from montane woodlands. In all three species where the neo-XY state is present, different autosomes have been involved in the fusion process.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of Oncometopia facialis (Signoret) was studied in sweet orange to elaborate sampling plans and decision-making procedure for the control of this sharpshooter in the field. The samplings were carried out fortnightly in a grid design disposition of 100 points (plants) in citrus orchard, with yellow sticky traps. The average number of O. facialis ranged from 0.35 to 1.17 insects/trap, with the I index varying from 0.89 to 1.82. The fit tests to negative binomial, Poisson distribution, I index and Morisita index indicated aggregated distribution of this insect. The b result of Taylor's power law was 1.6382 (t = 2.71; d.f. = 11; P < 0.05). Sampling plans were elaborated with a precision level of 10, 20 and 25% of error in the mean estimation.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour of Scaphoideus titanus Ball, the vector of the grapevine disease Flavescence dorée, was investigated in order to determine the role of substrate-borne vibrational signals in intra-specific communication and pair formation. Vibrational signals were recorded from grapevine leaves with a laser vibrometer. Signalling activity of single males changed throughout the day and the peak in activity was associated with twilight and early night when 'call and fly' behaviour was observed. Pair formation began with the spontaneous emission of male signals. The male calling signal consisted of a single series of pulses, partially accompanied with a 'rumble'. The male courtship phrase consisted of four consecutive sections characterized by two sound elements, pulse and 'buzz'. Female vibrational signals were emitted only in response to male signals. The female response was a single pulse that closely resembled male pulses and was inserted between pulses within the male signals. All recorded vibrational signals of S. titanus have a dominant frequency below 900 Hz. A unique feature of vibrational communication in S. titanus is well-developed intrasexual competition; males may use alternative tactics, in the form of disturbance signals, or silently approach duetting females (satellite behaviour). While the male-female duet appears to be essential for successful localization of females and copulation, it is also vulnerable to, and easily disrupted by, alternative tactics like masking.  相似文献   

The first two complete mitogenomes of the leafhopper genus Cladolidia (C. biungulata and C. robusta) were sequenced and annotated to further explore the phylogeny of Cladolidia. Both the newly sequenced mitogenomes have a typical circular structure, with lengths of 15,247 and 15,376 bp and A + T contents of 78.2% and 78%, respectively. We identified a highly conserved genome organization in the two Cladolidia spp. through comparative analysis that included the following assessments: genome content, gene order, nucleotide composition, codon usage, amino acid composition, and tRNA secondary structure. Moreover, we detected the base heterogeneity of Cicadellidae mitogenomic data and constructed phylogenetic trees using the nucleotide alignments of 12 subfamilies of 58 leafhopper species. We noted a weak heterogeneity in the base composition among the Cicadellidae mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the monophyly of each subfamily was generally well supported in the family Cicadellidae; the main topology was as follows: (Deltocephalinae + (Treehoppers + ((Megophthalminae + (Macropsinae + (Hylicinae + (Coelidiinae +Iassinae)) + (Idiocerinae + (Cicadellinae + (Typhlocybinae + (Mileewinae + (Evacanthinae +Ledrinae)))))))))). Within Coelidiinae, phylogenetic analyses revealed that C. biungulata and C. robusta belong to Coelidiinae and the monophyly of Cladolidia is well supported. In addition, on the basis of complete mitogenome phylogenetic analysis and the comparison of morphological characteristics, we further confirm the genus Olidiana as a paraphyletic group, suggesting that the genus may need taxonomic revisions.  相似文献   

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