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We conducted grazing experiments to test whether larger-bodiedDaphnia pulicaria have a different effect from smaller-bodiedDaphnia galeata mendotae on the composition of summer algalassemblages in eutrophic lakes. Three separate cubitainer experimentswere run for 5 days in a replicated factorial design utilizingtwo algal community types and the two Daphnia species. Inorganicphosphorus and nitrogen were added to prevent nutrient limitationof the algae. Both edible and inedible size fractions of chlorophylla increased in cubitainers without Daphnia spp. Grazer additionusually resulted in a reduction in edible chlorophyll; reductionswere greater in D.pulicaria cubitainers. Grazing by Daphniaspp. on presumed inedible chlorophyll was variable. Algal sizewas not always a good predictor of grazeability. The resultsof this study indicate that D.pulicaria, because of its greaterfiltration potential and ability to ingest larger particles,provides a stronger control on inedible-sized algae when comparedto equal numerical densities of D.g.mendotae. However, Aphanizomenonincreased as a response to heavy grazing pressure by D.pulicariaon other algal species. This suggests that biomanipulation effortsthat promote large-bodied Daphnia may not produce desirableresults if nutrient inputs remain high.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria are major contributors to biogeochemical cycles and influence water quality. Still, the lack of representative isolates and the few quantitative surveys leave the ecological role and significance of single bacterial populations to be revealed. Here we analyzed the diversity and dynamics of freshwater Flavobacteria populations in four eutrophic temperate lakes. From each lake, clone libraries were constructed using primers specific for either the class Flavobacteria or Bacteria. Sequencing of 194 Flavobacteria clones from 8 libraries revealed a diverse freshwater Flavobacteria community and distinct differences among lakes. Abundance and seasonal dynamics of Flavobacteria were assessed by quantitative PCR with class-specific primers. In parallel, the dynamics of individual populations within the Flavobacteria community were assessed with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using identical primers. The contribution of Flavobacteria to the total bacterioplankton community ranged from 0.4 to almost 100% (average, 24%). Blooms where Flavobacteria represented more than 30% of the bacterioplankton were observed at different times in the four lakes. In general, high proportions of Flavobacteria appeared during episodes of high bacterial production. Phylogenetic analyses combined with Flavobacteria community fingerprints suggested dominance of two Flavobacteria lineages. Both drastic alterations in total Flavobacteria and in community composition of this class significantly correlated with bacterial production, emphasizing that resource availability is an important driver of heterotrophic bacterial succession in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of an exotic cladoceran (Daphnia lumholtzi Sars) and a native cladoceran (Daphnia ambigua) were studied over a 12 month period in subtropical Lake Okeechobee, Florida (USA), to quantify the extent of invasion of the exotic species and compare ecological niches. Daphnia lumholtzi accounted for up to 70% of the Daphnia assemblage during the summer months (June-August), while D.ambigua accounted for up to 97% of the Daphnia assemblage from fall to spring (October-April). The densities of the two species were inversely corelated. The exotic species was most concentrated in the shallower, warmer, north and south ends of the lake during the summer. It also was present, but at much lower densities, in the central lake region during the fall. The native species displayed a ubiquitous distribution throughout the lake during spring and winter, but was concentrated in the deeper, cooler, central region during the summer. Relationships of the two species with environmental conditions indicate that water column temperature might affect the seasonal and spatial distribution of the two Daphnia species. The results also indicate that D.lumholtzi may be filling a 'vacant' seasonal or spatial niche when conditions are unfavorable for D.ambigua.   相似文献   

1. We examined 7–12 years of monthly to quarterly historical data from 15 lakes in FL, U.S.A. to determine the extent and outcome of invasion by the alien cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi Sars. 2. The alien species was found in 10 of the 15 lakes, including Florida’s three largest lakes: Okeechobee, George and Apopka. All the surveyed lakes had resident populations of the smaller native species Daphnia ambigua Scourfield. 3. In most of the lakes, D. ambigua occurred seven to ninefold more often in plankton samples than D. lumholtzi, and at 10‐ to 100‐fold higher maximal densities. One exception was a small lake in central Florida (Lake Jesup), where D. lumholtzi attained high densities on several occasions in the 10 years of sampling. 4. In Lake Okeechobee, where data were of sufficient quality and quantity to perform statistical analyses, the results of canonical correlation analysis indicated that high densities of D. lumholtzi were correlated with lower concentrations of suspended solids, high algal biomass and higher temperature, whereas the opposite conditions were correlated with high densities of D. ambigua. 5. Based on the majority of data, D. lumholtzi has successfully invaded many lakes in Florida, yet it has not become a substantive component of the zooplankton. Additional research is needed to determine whether resources, fish predation or some other factor is responsible for this outcome of invasion.  相似文献   

Many exotic species combine low probability of establishment at each introduction with rapid population growth once introduction does succeed. To analyse this phenomenon, we note that invaders often cluster spatially when rare, and consequently an introduced exotic's population dynamics should depend on locally structured interactions. Ecological theory for spatially structured invasion relies on deterministic approximations, and determinism does not address the observed uncertainty of the exotic-introduction process. We take a new approach to the population dynamics of invasion and, by extension, to the general question of invasibility in any spatial ecology. We apply the physical theory for nucleation of spatial systems to a lattice-based model of competition between plant species, a resident and an invader, and the analysis reaches conclusions that differ qualitatively from the standard ecological theories. Nucleation theory distinguishes between dynamics of single- and multi-cluster invasion. Low introduction rates and small system size produce single-cluster dynamics, where success or failure of introduction is inherently stochastic. Single-cluster invasion occurs only if the cluster reaches a critical size, typically preceded by a number of failed attempts. For this case, we identify the functional form of the probability distribution of time elapsing until invasion succeeds. Although multi-cluster invasion for sufficiently large systems exhibits spatial averaging and almost-deterministic dynamics of the global densities, an analytical approximation from nucleation theory, known as Avrami's law, describes our simulation results far better than standard ecological approximations.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and production of Daphnia hyaiina^ the dominant cladoceran i n Eglwys Nynydd, a shallow eutrophic reservoir in South Wales, were studied for 2 years against a background of limnological measurements. The appearance and development of successive generations from egg to adult could be followed from changing numbers in arbitrarily defined size classes. Seasonal variations in mean length, mean brood-size and proportion of gravid adults were recorded and mean brood-size was related to changing food and temperature conditions. Egg-development times for D. hyaiina were determined in culture and the population parameters finite birth (S), instantaneous birth (b′), instantaneous population change (r′), instantaneous death (d′) and finite death rates (D) were estimated from field data. Turnover and production estimates were calculated from finite death rates and biomass. The calculated potential rate of increase (b′) was nearly always greater than the observed rate of increase (r′): seasonal changes in death rate (d′) generally parallel changes in birth rate (b′) but remain somewhat out of phase. Population oscillations are probably due t o a delay in the expression of the effects of population density upon birth and death rates. The mean biomass of Daphnia in 1970 was 0-57 mg dry wt/l (0-88 g C/m2) and in 1971 0-32 mg dry wt/l (0.49 g C/m2). Annual production for Daphnia was 11-8 mg dry wt/l (18-2 g C/m2) in 1970 and 8-30 mg dry wt/l (12 8 g C/m2) in 1971. Information available on primary production in the reservoir suggests that the production of Daphnia accounts for less than 2% of gross primary production. However, the pattern of population growth of Daphnia in Eglwys Nynydd almost certainly reflects a food limited system. In summer, blue-green algae may be abundant but serve as a poor food source: throughout the blue-green bloom egg production remains low, at times remaining below 0-5 eggs/adult.  相似文献   

Change in diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella L.) numbers and level of parasitism on head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) was monitored for two seasons in two different agroecological zones representing the highland and lowland brassica-producing areas of central Ethiopia in 2001 and 2002. Two to three generations in the highland site and three to five generations in the lowland site per cabbage growing season were observed. Three parasitoids were recorded at both locations. These were Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Diadegma sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), and Apanteles sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Diadegma sp. was the dominant parasitoid at the highland site and O. sokolowskii was dominant at the lowland site. Rainfall and maximum temperature significantly influenced DBM numbers and parasitoid activity at the highland experimental site.  相似文献   

Microcystin concentrations in two Dutch lakes with an important Planktothrix component were related to the dynamics of cyanobacterial genotypes and biovolumes. Genotype composition was analysed by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling of the intergenic transcribed spacer region of the rrn operon (rRNA-ITS), and biovolumes were measured by using microscopy. In Lake Tjeukemeer, microcystins were present throughout summer (maximum concentration 30 microg l(-1)) while cyanobacterial diversity was low and very constant. The dominant phototroph was Planktothrix agardhii. In contrast, Lake Klinckenberg showed a high microcystin peak (up to 140 microg l(-1)) of short duration. In this lake, cyanobacterial diversity was higher and very dynamic with apparent genotype successions. Several genotypes derived from DGGE field profiles matched with genotypes from cultures isolated from field samples. The microcystin peak measured in Lake Klinckenberg could be confidently linked to a bloom of Planktothrix rubescens, as microscopic and genotypic analysis showed identity of bloom samples and a toxin-producing P. rubescens culture. Toxin-producing genotypes were detected in the microbial community before they reached densities at which they were detected by using microscopy. Cyanobacterial biovolumes provided additional insights in bloom dynamics. In both lakes, the microcystin content per cell was highest at the onset of the blooms. Our results suggest that while genotypic characterization of a lake can be valuable for detection of toxic organisms, for some lakes a monitoring of algal biomass has sufficient predictive value for an assessment of toxin production.  相似文献   

The fate of 100 seedling plants of Lolium perenne L. was studied over a period of 2 years in a field plot. The birth and death of tillers and the production of inflorescences was followed, and the components of seed yield were recorded in detail in the first year. The pattern of distribution of 14CO2 assimilated by the main shoot was examined at monthly intervals and during the first flowering season the distribution of 14C-assimilate from individual leaves and from the inflorescence was also studied. The capacity of individual tillers to assimilate 14CO2 prior to flowering and the re-distribution of previously accumulated assimilate during seed growth were also assessed. Plants died at a more or less constant rate with time and only 54 survived to the end of the 2–yr period. First year mortality was associated with severe grazing or cutting but in the second year the death of ungrazed plants was observed. There was great variability in the production of tillers by surviving plants. In both years the number of live tillers per plant increased from July to the end of April with particularly rapid tillering in March and April establishing the maximum value for each year. There was a similar phase of rapid tillering after flowering in July. The number of live tillers per plant declined by 50% during stem elongation and inflorescence emergence and the majority of dead tillers were young secondary (in the first year) and tertiary (in the second year) tillers with a mean age of 40 days. Such tillers had poor assimilatory capacity prior to the onset of death and were not supplied with assimilate from the main shoot. Most of the plants surviving at the end of the experiment flowered in both years and one quarter of the maximum number of live tillers per plant recorded in April of each year produced inflorescences. The earlier a tiller was produced the greater was its chance of flowering and the greater its production of seed. The greater weight of seed produced was associated with the development of more seed-bearing florets per spikelet. There was relatively little export of “C-assimilate from the flowering main shoot, and the lower internodes formed the major sink for post-anthesis assimilate. The growth of seeds appeared to be relatively independent of the leaves for current assimilate. There was some evidence that assimilate accumulated in lower internodes was remobilised and utilised in the growth of seeds and new tillers. Overall, the results confirm the view that the grass plant is a dynamic population of short-lived tillers and indicate that increasing competition for assimilate at flowering exerts a major influence on the production and survival of tillers.  相似文献   

Long-term pattern of alternative stable states in two shallow eutrophic lakes   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
  • 1 Lake Tåkern and Lake Krankesjön, two moderately eutrophic, shallow lakes in southern Sweden, have during the past few decades shifted several times between a clear-water state with abundant submerged vegetation and a turbid state with high phytoplankton densities.
  • 2 Between 1985 and 1991, Lake Takern was in a clear state, whereas Lake Krankesjon shifted from a turbid to a clear state. During this shift, the area covered by submerged macrophytes expanded, followed by an increase in water transparency, plant-associated macroinvertebrates, and piscivorous fish. Nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biomass and abundance of planktonic cladocerans decreased.
  • 3 In both lakes, water level fluctuations were the most common factor causing shifts, affecting submerged macrophytes either through changes in light availability or through catastrophic events such as dry-out or mechanical damage by ice movement.
  • 4 Our data give further support for the existence of two alternative stable states in shallow lakes maintained by self-stabilizing feedback mechanisms.

1. A survey of lakes in Anglesey and Snowdonia, Wales, in the summer of 1997 recorded changes in the triclad fauna which had occurred since earlier studies in the 1950s and in 1973. Two native species, Polycelis tenuis and Dugesia polychroa, and two immigrants, Planaria torva and especially Dugesia tigrina, have increased their range. The triclad fauna has remained unchanged with time in eleven out of sixteen lakes in Snowdonia, in contrast to only one out of fourteen lakes on Anglesey. This supports the hypothesis produced in the 1950s, that the triclad fauna of the ion-poor, unproductive lakes in Snowdonia would change little with time, being maintained by ecological interactions, whereas the ion-rich, productive lakes on Anglesey, from which native Dugesia spp. and Dendrocoelum lacteum are historically absent, would increase in triclad diversity. 2. An examination of national records for the distribution of D. tigrina and Pl. torva indicated their continuing dispersal in both still and running waters in mainland Britain, with the former species having the greater frequency of occurrence. 3. The reasons for this may be that D. tigrina is (a) more easily dispersed, (b) a more opportunistic, catholic feeder, (c) a more vigorous competitor, (d) able to reproduce asexually and (e) able to prey to some extent on other triclad species, as shown in the laboratory but not yet confirmed in the field. The absence of D. tigrina and Pl. torva from unproductive lakes may be explained in terms of low temperature and feeding mode, and a low standing crop of gastropods, respectively. 4. Seven surveys (1961–1997) of the triclad fauna (six species) of Colemere, England, revealed that D. tigrina was confined to one small area of the littoral zone until the mid-1980s, after which it spread fairly rapidly to occupy the entire shore by 1997. Its expansion has been to the detriment of all the native species, particularly P. tenuis, except Dd. lacteum. The possible extinction of Pl. torva may be linked to a numerical reduction in snails, particularly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. 5. Dugesia tigrina has an adverse effect on the native triclad fauna in lakes, particularly when only a few species are present. This has been explained in terms of the availability of a wider variety of food. The presence of a larger number of triclad species denies the immigrant food items, particularly crustaceans and snails, the food refuges of Dd. lacteum and Dugesia spp., respectively. However, the long-term study of Colemere has shown that more diverse triclad faunas may also be vulnerable to this immigrant. The effect of Pl. torva on native triclads remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Zeekoevlei is the largest freshwater lake in South Africa and has been suffering from hyper-eutrophic conditions since last few decades. We have used total P (TP), dissolved phosphate (PO4 3−), organic P (OP), calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) bound P fractions to investigate the relevant physical, chemical and biological processes responsible for sedimentation and retention of P and to study phosphorus (P) dynamics in this shallow lake. In addition, redox proxies (V/Cr and Th/U ratios) are used to study the prevailing redox conditions in sediments. Adsorption by CaCO3 and planktonic assimilation of P are found to control P sedimentation in Zeekoevlei. Low concentration of the labile OP fraction in surface sediments restricts the release of P by bacterial remineralisation. Low molar Ca/P and Fe/P ratios indicate low P retention capacity of sediments, and P is most likely released by desorption from wind-induced resuspended sediments and mixing of pore water with the overlying water column. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The ciliate communities occurring at three benthic sites in a small eutrophic loch have heen investigated over a 2-year period. Two characteristics of the community were studied in detail, the pattern of vertical distribution within the sediment and the temporal distribution of ciliates occurring in the surface sediment. The relationships between ciliate distributions and the environmental factors recorded were analysed by multiple regression. Significant relationships were revealed between vertical distribution of ciliates and the sediment redox (Eh) profile, the larger ciliate communities being associated with regions of higher potential. Other factors such as sediment density, organic matter, temperature and daylength, combined with other indicators of benthic metabolism (sulphide ion activity (Es2?), pH, oxygen flux) were selected in the regression analysis as accounting for much of the variation in the depth distribution of ciliates. In analysing the temporal distribution of ciliates in the surface sediment, numbers were inversely related to Eh, Es2? and oxygen flux, a result of the upwards migration of reducing conditions and greater microbial activity in the sediment surface during the summer. Daylength, temperature, organic carbon and benthic chlorophyll-a were also selected as accounting for much of the variation in ciliate number. It is proposed that the large increases in number and biomass of surface-sediment cilates in the summer months resulted from an intolerance of reducing conditions developing immediately beneath the surface and the increased productivity of the benthos as a whole during this period. Methods are also described for the construction, calibration and operation of electrodes used in measuring Eh, Es2? and oxygen flux in the freshwater benthos. Data recorded for these three variables revealed similar seasonal patterns at each site in each of two consecutive years.  相似文献   

  1. Daphnia are key organisms in pelagic food webs, acting as a food resource for fish and predatory zooplankton and regulating phytoplankton through grazing. Its population dynamic follows regular seasonal patterns, with spring peaks followed by summer population declines (midsummer declines, MSDs). Midsummer declines show high inter-annual variation, which has been attributed to different causes. However, the mechanisms controlling the MSD remain poorly understood, especially in deep stratified lakes.
  2. We tried to disentangle the factors causing Daphnia MSDs in Lake Lugano and Lake Iseo (in Switzerland and Italy), two deep peri-alpine lakes with similar trophic status and vertical mixing dynamics, characterised by phosphorus accumulation in the hypolimnion and variable mixing during late-winter turnovers.
  3. Specifically, we assessed the effects of three different hypothetical pathways according to which: (1) winter air temperature controls MSDs by influencing mixing depth during turnovers and epilimnetic phosphorus replenishment; (2) vernal air temperature influences MSD by accelerating the timing of spring population peak; and (3) summer temperature influences MSDs by increasing fish predation. We assessed the relative strength of these pathways using structural equation modelling on long-term datasets for the two lakes (29 years for Lake Lugano and 19 years for Lake Iseo).
  4. Between the hypothesised pathways, the one driven by winter air temperature (through P replenishment) influenced Daphnia abundance in spring in both lakes, but the effects propagated to summer Daphnia abundance only in Lake Lugano. Additionally, summer Daphnia abundance was influenced by the summer air temperature through a positive (although weak) effect. By comparison, vernal air temperature had no detectable effects on summer Daphnia abundance.
  5. The results revealed marked differences between the meromictic study lakes and the shallow hypertrophic water bodies that were the focus of previous research on Daphnia MSD, and also between the two study lakes. The influence of epilimnetic P replenishment on the summer Daphnia abundance in Lake Lugano, which was recovering from past eutrophication, may have reflected the greater susceptibility of deep, stratified lakes to P depletion after spring compared to shallow hypertrophic lakes or reservoirs. This effect might not have been detected in Lake Iseo because P was more consistently depleted during the study period (i.e. variance in the predictor was too low to detect an effect).
  6. This study highlighted the complexity of the effects of climate variability on Daphnia MSD in deep lakes, showing that the responses can differ even between two neighbouring lakes with similar vertical mixing dynamics and trophic status. At the same time, the results suggest that future increases in winter air temperature, caused by global warming, may cause critically low densities of Daphnia during spring and summer and compromise the ability of zooplankton to control phytoplankton biomass.

SUMMARY. Changes in bacterial populations and certain physical and chemical variables in Esthwaite Water between June and September 1975 were studied and compared with results obtained from 1972 to 1974 in the hypolimnia of Blelham Tarn and the Lund tubes. The counts of total bacteria ranged between 1 and 7 × 106ml−1 and were highest in the anoxic hypolimnion. The bacterial genera examined in more detail constituted only a small percentage of this count and included Ochrobium (104ml−1), Naumanniella (103ml−1), Leptothrix (102ml−1), Planctomyces (103ml−1), and Metallogenium (102ml−1). The iron bacteria appear to grow best in the oxycline where there was not only sufficient oxygen for aerobic growth but also a plentiful supply of reduced iron. Planctomyces numbers increased as the thermocline became depressed in September. The results from Blelham Tarn might be interpreted as further evidence of growth by iron bacteria in the absence of dissolved oxygen, but other explanations are possible. Examination of the results by multiple regression analysis showed that it was possible to explain a significant proportion of the bacterial variation (with the notable exception of the Planctomyces counts) in spite of considerable intercorrelation of the regressor variables.  相似文献   

B. Erschbamer  U. Buratti  J. Winkler 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):114-119
The demography of two closely related alpine sedges, Carex curvula subsp. curvula and Carex curvula subsp. rosae (=C. curvula and C. rosae) has been investigated on their typical sites in the Central Alps. Both species proliferate vegetatively and develop dense tussocks but they show different dominance behaviours in their respective grasslands. It was hypothesized that this may be caused by different growth abilities. The main aim of the study was to compare the vegetative growth of the species under field conditions, under competition-free conditions and under changed soil conditions. An attempt was also made to clarify whether vegetative growth is density dependent. Permanent plots were established in the respective grasslands of the two species and the ramet density was counted over 3 years. Groups of 10 and of 30 ramets of each species were grown in pots with typical and with alien substrate and their growth was observed for 5 years at the field site. The grassland populations of both species were very stable and the overall ramet growth rate (λ) was close to 1.0. Within the pots, both species reached a high ramet number. Only the group of 30 ramets of C. curvula on alien soil could not recover from the transplantation shock. Within the pots, C. rosae showed a greater ramet turnover and a higher increase in ramets than C. curvula. On their native substrate, both species had a significantly higher ramet increase than on the alien substrate. Ramet growth was found to be density dependent for both species, the increases recorded for the groups of 10 being significantly greater than for the groups of 30. Although C. curvula produced fewer ramets than C. rosae, the aboveground dry weight of the former was significantly higher. This may be decisive for its greater competitive success in closed grasslands. Received: 12 April 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

Bacterial cell number and secondary production of bacterioplanktonwere measured during two periods of 14 and 19 days, respectively,in experimental enclosures of lake water (each containing about5–7 m3 and in two Danish, eutrophic lakes. Additions ofphosphate and planktivorous fish to some of the enclosures inducedrapid changes in the phytoplankton biomass, primary productionand release of extracellular organic carbon (EOC). In some ofthe enclosures containing fish, release of EOC from phytoplanktoncon stituted from 36 to 55% of the bacterial secondary productiondetermined by means of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA.In others, such a relationship was not found, suggesting thatphytoplankton species-specific release rates of compositionof EOC might play a role in the microbial response. In enclosureswithout fish, released dissolved organic carbon from zooplanktongrazing activities could Sustain  相似文献   

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