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An examination of the literature, over the past two decades, reveals that (1) in studies of different types of vascular smooth muscles, Mg2+ is often either left out of physiological salt solutions or reduced in concentration compared with that in blood; and (2) when excitation--contraction coupling processes have been examined in isolated vascular tissues and cells, a number of artificial (synthetic) amine and organic zwitterion buffers have often been substituted for the naturally occurring bicarbonate and phosphate anions found in the blood and in cells. The influence of extracellular magnesium ions ([Mg2+]0) on tone, contractility, reactivity, and divalent cation movements in vascular smooth muscles, and how they may relate to certain vascular disease states, is reviewed. Data are presented and reviewed which indicate that many of the most commonly used artificial buffers (e.g., Tris, HEPES, MOPS, Bicine, PIPES, imidazole) can exert adverse effects on contractility and reactivity of certain arterial and venous smooth muscles. The data reviewed herein suggest that [Mg2+]0 and membrane Mg are important in the regulation of vascular tone, vascular reactivity, and in control of Ca uptake, content, and distribution in smooth muscle cells. [HCO3-]0 and (or) PO4(2-) anions may be important for normal maintenance of excitability and reactivity and in the control of Ca uptake, content, and distribution in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cells (EC) and smooth muscle cells (SMC) require a decrease in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration after activation. This can be achieved by Ca2+ sequestration by the sarco-/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pumps (SERCA) and Ca2+ extrusion by plasma membrane Ca2+ pumps (PMCA) and Na+-Ca2+-exchangers (NCX). Since the two cell types differ in their structure and function, we compared the activities of PMCA, NCX and SERCA in pig coronary artery EC and SMC, the types of isoforms expressed using RT-PCR, and their protein abundance using Western blots. The activity of NCX is higher in EC than in SMC but those of PMCA and SERCA is lower. Consistently, the protein abundance for NCX protein is higher in EC than in SMC and those of PMCA and SERCA is lower. Based on RT-PCR experiments, the types of RNA present are as follows: EC for PMCA1 while SMC for PMCA4 and PMCA1; EC for SERCA2 and SERCA3 and SMC for SERCA2. Both EC and SMC express NCX1 (mainly NCX1.3). PMCA, SERCA and NCX differ in their affinities for Ca2+ and regulation. Based on these observations and the literature, we conclude that the tightly regulated Ca2+ removal systems in SMC are consistent with the cyclical control of contractility of the filaments and those in EC are consistent with Ca2+ regulation of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase near the cell surface. The differences between EC and SMC should be considered in therapeutic interventions of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Culture of dispersedsmooth muscle cells is known to cause rapid modulation from thecontractile to the synthetic cellular phenotype. However, organ cultureof smooth muscle tissue, with maintained extracellular matrix andcell-cell contacts, may facilitate maintenance of the contractilephenotype. To test the influence of culture conditions, structural,functional, and biochemical properties of rat tail arterial rings wereinvestigated after culture. Rings were cultured for 4 days in theabsence and presence of 10% FCS and then mounted for physiologicalexperiments. Intracellular Ca2+concentration([Ca2+]i)after stimulation with norepinephrine was similar in rings culturedwith and without FCS, whereas force development after FCS was decreasedby >50%. The difference persisted after permeabilization with-escin. These effects were associated with the presence ofvasoconstrictors in FCS and were dissociated from itsgrowth-stimulatory action. FCS treatment increased lactate productionbut did not affect ATP, ADP, or AMP contents. The contents of actin andmyosin were decreased by culture but similar for all cultureconditions. There was no effect of FCS on calponin contents or myosinSM1/SM2 isoform composition, nor was there any appearance of nonmuscle myosin. FCS-stimulated rings showed evidence of cell degeneration notfound after culture without FCS or with FCS + verapamil (1 µM) tolower[Ca2+]i.The decreased force-generating ability after culture with FCS is thusassociated with increased[Ca2+]iduring culture and not primarily caused by growth-associated modulationof cells from the contractile to the synthetic phenotype.


Metabotropic Ca2+ channel-induced calcium release in vascular smooth muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) depends on the rise of cytosolic [Ca(2+)] owing to either Ca(2+) influx through voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels of the plasmalemma or to receptor-mediated Ca(2+) release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Although the ionotropic role of L-type Ca(2+) channels is well known, we review here data suggesting a new role of these channels in arterial myocytes. After sensing membrane depolarization Ca(2+) channels activate G proteins and the phospholipase C/inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) pathway. Ca(2+) released through InsP(3)-dependent channels of the SR activates ryanodine receptors to amplify the cytosolic Ca(2+) signal, thus triggering arterial cerebral vasoconstriction in the absence of extracellular calcium influx. This metabotropic action of L-type Ca(2+) channels, denoted as calcium channel-induced Ca(2+) release, could have implications in cerebral vascular pharmacology and pathophysiology, because it can be suppressed by Ca(2+) channel antagonists and potentiated with small concentrations of extracellular vasoactive agents as ATP.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of capacitative calcium influx to intracellular calcium levels during agonist-induced stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cells. METHODS: Aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (A7r5) were loaded with Indo-1 and intracellular calcium transients were measured. Cells were challenged with either arginine vasopressin (0. 5 microM) or thapsigargin (1 microM). Lanthanum (1 mM) was used to block capacitative calcium influx through store-operated channels. Calcium traces were analyzed for basal, peak and plateau responses. Recordings were derivatized and integrated to gain additional information. Nonlinear regression provided a time constant that describes restoration of ionic equilibrium involving both sequestration and extrusion pathways. RESULTS: Stimulation of cells with thapsigargin produced a non-L-type calcium influx that was attenuated by lanthanum. Cells excited with vasopressin exhibited a rapid calcium increase followed by a gradual decrease to a plateau level. Lanthanum pretreatment prior to stimulation caused no significant change in baseline, peak or plateau calcium levels as compared to control. Lanthanum caused no significant change in maximal calcium release rate, calcium integrals or time constant as compared to control. CONCLUSIONS: Capacitative calcium entry can occur in vascular smooth muscle cells, but does not appear to contribute significantly to the vasopressin response.  相似文献   

The effects of the antianginal drugs nitroglycerin, nicorandil, diltiazem, verapamil and nicardipine on the activity of calcium-stimulated magnesium-dependent ATPase (Ca2+-ATPase) were investigated in the microsomal fraction from porcine coronary artery smooth muscle cells. Two discrete Ca2+-dependent ATPase components were observed: [1] a high affinity component, which was a specific Ca2+-ATPase, [with a half saturation constant for Ca2+ (Km) of 0.44 microM, and maximum velocity (Vmax) of 124.3 pmol of phosphate (Pi) released/micrograms of protein/30 min]: [2] a low affinity component in which Ca2+ could be replaced by Mg2+ without loss of its activity. Nitroglycerin and nicorandil (1 microM and 10 microM) both stimulated the activity of the Ca2+-ATPase significantly [142 +/- 12 (mean +/- standard error), and 137 +/- 10% of the control with nitroglycerin, and 152 +/- 17 and 135 +/- 20% with nicorandil] at a Ca2+ concentration of 0.3 microM. Diltiazem, verapamil and nicardipine did not cause significant stimulation. Nitroglycerin and nicorandil (1 microM), significantly decreased the Km for Ca2+ from the control value of 0.44 +/- 0.06 microM to 0.26 +/- 0.03 and 0.22 +/- 0.03 microM, respectively. Nitroglycerin and nicorandil may dilate coronary arteries by stimulating this Ca2+ extrusion pump enzyme through reduction of intracellular Ca2+ in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Excitatory agonists can induce significant smooth muscle contraction under constant free Ca(2+) through a mechanism called Ca(2+) sensitization. Considerable evidence suggests that free arachidonic acid plays an important role in mediating agonist-induced Ca(2+)-sensitization; however, the molecular mechanisms responsible for maintaining and regulating free arachidonic acid level are not completely understood. In the current study, we demonstrated that Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2) (iPLA(2)) is expressed in vascular smooth muscle tissues. Inhibition of the endogenous iPLA(2) activity by bromoenol lactone (BEL) decreases basal free arachidonic acid levels and reduces the final free arachidonic acid level after phenylephrine stimulation, without significant effect on the net increase in free arachidonic acid stimulated by phenylephrine. Importantly, BEL treatment diminishes agonist-induced Ca(2+) sensitization of contraction from 49 +/- 3.6 to 12 +/- 1.0% (p < 0.01). In contrast, BEL does not affect agonist-induced diacylglycerol production or contraction induced by Ca(2+), phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (a protein kinase C activator), or exogenous arachidonic acid. Further, we demonstrate that adenovirus-mediated overexpression of exogenous iPLA(2) in mouse portal vein tissue significantly potentiates serotonin-induced contraction. Our data provide the first evidence that iPLA(2) is required for maintaining basal free arachidonic acid levels and thus is essential for agonist-induced Ca(2+)-sensitization of contraction in vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

阴离子及其通道阻断剂对大鼠主动脉张力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究阴离子及其通道阻断剂在去甲肾上腺素(norepinephdne,NE)引起的血管收缩中的作用。方法:常规离体血管灌流法。结果:阴离子通道阻断剂尼氟灭酸(niflurnic acid,NFA)和5-硝基-2-(3-苯丙氨基)-苯甲酸[5-nito-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid,NPPB]可以抑制去甲肾上腺素NE引起的血管收缩;用胆碱替代灌流液中的Na^ 后血管张力无明显变化,而谷氨酸钠替代灌流液中的NaCl后血管张力下降,用同族元素Br^-替代Cl^-后血管张力增加,并能被NFA和NPPB所抑制。结论:阴离子在维持血管张力中的作用比Na^ 更为重要,提示阴离子通道可能在高血压发病中起一定作用。  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the interaction between α5β1 integrin and fibronectin (FN) in the presence of divalent cations. AFM probes were labeled with FN and used to measure binding strength between α5β1 integrin and FN by quantifying the force required to break single FN–integrin bonds on a physiological range of loading rates (100–10 000 pN/s). The force necessary to rupture single α5β1–FN bond increased twofold over the regime of loading rates investigated. Changes in Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentration affected the thermodynamical parameters of the interaction and modulated the binding energy. These data indicate that the external ionic environment in which vascular smooth muscle cells reside, influences the mechanical parameters that define the interaction between the extracellular matrix and integrins. Thus, in a dynamic mechanical environment such as the vascular wall, thermodynamic binding properties between FN and α5β1 integrin vary in relation to locally applied loads and divalent cations concentrations. These changes can be recorded as direct measurements on live smooth muscle cells by using AFM. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long-term regulation of contractility and calcium current in smooth muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Longitudinal smooth muscle strips from guinea pig ileum werecultured in vitro for 5 days, and the relationship betweenextracellular Ca2+ and force inhigh-K+ medium was evaluated. Instrips cultured with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), this relationship wasshifted to the right (50% effective concentration changed by 2-3mM) compared with strips cultured without FCS. The shiftwas prevented by inclusion of verapamil (1 µM) during culture andmimicked by ionomycin in the absence of FCS. The intracellularCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)during stimulation with high-K+solution or carbachol was reduced after culture with FCS, whereas the[Ca2+]i-forcerelationship was unaffected. Cells were isolated from cultured strips,and whole cell voltage-clamp experiments were performed. Maximum inwardCa2+ current (10 mMBa2+), normalized to cellcapacitance, was almost three times smaller in cells isolated fromstrips cultured with FCS. Culture with 1 µM verapamil prevented thisreduction. These results suggest that increased[Ca2+]iduring culture downregulates Ca2+current density, with associated effects on contractility.


Smooth muscle (SM) is essential to all aspects of human physiology and, therefore, key to the maintenance of life. Ion channels expressed within SM cells regulate the membrane potential, intracellular Ca2+ concentration, and contractility of SM. Excitatory ion channels function to depolarize the membrane potential. These include nonselective cation channels that allow Na+ and Ca2+ to permeate into SM cells. The nonselective cation channel family includes tonically active channels (Icat), as well as channels activated by agonists, pressure-stretch, and intracellular Ca2+ store depletion. Cl--selective channels, activated by intracellular Ca2+ or stretch, also mediate SM depolarization. Plasma membrane depolarization in SM activates voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels that demonstrate a high Ca2+ selectivity and provide influx of contractile Ca2+. Ca2+ is also released from SM intracellular Ca2+ stores of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through ryanodine and inositol trisphosphate receptor Ca2+ channels. This is part of a negative feedback mechanism limiting contraction that occurs by the Ca2+-dependent activation of large-conductance K+ channels, which hyper polarize the plasma membrane. Unlike the well-defined contractile role of SR-released Ca2+ in skeletal and cardiac muscle, the literature suggests that in SM Ca2+ released from the SR functions to limit contractility. Depolarization-activated K+ chan nels, ATP-sensitive K+ channels, and inward rectifier K+ channels also hyperpolarize SM, favouring relaxation. The expression pattern, density, and biophysical properties of ion channels vary among SM types and are key determinants of electrical activity, contractility, and SM function.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg(2+) and nifedipine (Nif) on vasoconstriction and Ca(2+) transients were studied in intact, pressurized rat mesenteric arteries with myogenic tone. Changes in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) were measured with confocal microscopy in fluo 4-AM loaded, individual myocytes. Myogenic tone was abolished by 10 mM Mg(2+) or 0.3 microM Nif. Contractions induced by 75 mM K(+) depolarization were blocked by 0.3 microM Nif, but not by 10 mM Mg(2+). Phenylephrine (PE; 5 microM) evoked sustained [Ca(2+)](cyt) elevation and vasoconstriction with superimposed Ca(2+) oscillations and vasomotion. The subsequent addition of 10 mM Mg(2+) or 0.3 microM Nif reduced [Ca(2+)](cyt) and abolished plateau vasoconstriction. When added before PE, both Mg(2+) and Nif abolished the PE-evoked Ca(2+) oscillations and vasomotion. Mg(2+) dilated the PE-constricted arteries after a brief (< or =180-240 s) vasoconstriction, but Nif did not. Both agents also abolished the vasoconstriction attributed to Ca(2+) entry through store-operated channels (SOCs) during internal Ca(2+) store refilling that followed store depletion. The data suggest that Ca(2+) entry through SOCs helps maintain both myogenic tone and alpha(1)-adrenoceptor-induced tonic vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Xiao GN  Guan YY  He H 《Life sciences》2002,70(19):2233-2241
The effects of Cl- channel blockers on endothelin-1 (ET-1)-induced proliferation of rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) were examined. We found ET-1 concentration-dependently increased cell count and [3H]-thymidine incorporation into VSMC, with EC50 values of 24.8 and 11.4 nM, respectively. Both nifedipine and SK&F96365 inhibited 10 nM ET-1-induced [3H]-thymidine incorporation into VSMC with the maximal inhibitory concentrations of 1 and 10 microM, respectively. DIDS inhibited 10 nM ET-1-induced increase in cell count and [3H]-thymidine incorporation into VSMC in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas other Cl- channel blockers including IAA-94, NPPB, DPC, SITS and furosemide did not produce these effects. 3 microM DIDS reduced 10 nM ET-1-induced sustained increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]) by 52%. Pretreatment of VSMC with 1 microM nifedipine completely inhibited the DIDS effect on 10 nM ET-1-induced [3H]-thymidine incorporation into VSMC and sustained increase in [Ca2+]i, whereas pretreatment with 10 microM SK&F96365 did not completely block these effects of DIDS. DIDS did not affect ET-1-induced Ca2+ release and 30 mM KCl-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Our data suggest that DIDS-sensitive Cl- channels mediate VSMC proliferation induced by ET-1 by mechanisms related to membrane depolarization and Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,56(15):PL291-PL298
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of MCI-154, a new positive inotropic agent with vasodilating properties, on the Ca2+-activated K+ channel (KCa channel) of vascular smooth muscle cells. Cultured smooth muscle cells from a porcine coronary artery were studied using the patch-clamp technique. Extracellular application of 100 μM MCI-154 activated the KCa channel in intact cell-attached patch configurations. In excised inside-out patch configurations, application of 100μM MCI-154 to the cytosolic side activated the KCa channel directly, suggesting that the Ca2+ sensitivity of the KCa channel itself is modulated. Though extracellular application of 100 μM amrinone, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, activated the KCa channel in the cell-attached patch configurations, application of 100 μm amrinone to the cytosolic side could not activate the KCa channel in inside-out patch configurations. These results indicate that different from amrinone, MCI-154 can modulate Ca2+ sensitivity of the KCa channel in vascular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

C Y Kwan 《Enzyme》1982,28(4):317-327
Studies of ATP hydrolysis by various subcellular fractions isolated from rat mesenteric arteries and veins indicate that an apparent ATPase activity, which can be activated by Mg2+ or Ca2+, is primarily associated with the plasma membranes. Although both Mg2+-activated and Ca2+-activated ATPase activities under the optimal condition are substantially lower in venous than in arterial plasma membrane fraction, their dependence on the concentration of Mg2+ and Ca2+ are quite similar in arterial as well as venous plasma membrane fractions. No synergistic effect on ATP hydrolysis was observed in the presence of both Mg2+ and Ca2+. In addition, Mg2+-activated and Ca2+-activated ATPase activities show similar pH dependence, inhibition by deoxycholate, stability toward heat inactivation and substrate specificity. Furthermore, Mg2+-activated and Ca2+-activated ATPase activities were similarly reduced in vascular smooth muscles of spontaneously hypertensive rats. These results suggest that the activation of ATP hydrolysis by Mg2+ or Ca2+ may represent a single enzyme moiety in the plasma membrane of vascular smooth muscle. The possible involvement of such ATPase in the Ca2+ transport function of vascular smooth muscle is discussed.  相似文献   

The smooth muscle (SM) alpha-actin gene activated during the early stages of embryonic cardiovascular development is switched off in late stage heart tissue and replaced by cardiac and skeletal alpha-actins. SM alpha-actin also appears during vascular development, but becomes the single most abundant protein in adult vascular smooth muscle cells. Tissue-specific expression of SM alpha-actin is thought to be required for the principal force-generating capacity of the vascular smooth muscle cell. We wanted to determine whether SM alpha-actin gene expression actually relates to an actin isoform's function. Analysis of SM alpha-actin null mice indicated that SM alpha-actin is not required for the formation of the cardiovascular system. Also, SM alpha-actin null mice appeared to have no difficulty feeding or reproducing. Survival in the absence of SM alpha-actin may result from other actin isoforms partially substituting for this isoform. In fact, skeletal alpha-actin gene, an actin isoform not usually expressed in vascular smooth muscle, was activated in the aortas of these SM alpha-actin null mice. However, even with a modest increase in skeletal alpha-actin activity, highly compromised vascular contractility, tone, and blood flow were detected in SM alpha-actin-defective mice. This study supports the concept that SM alpha-actin has a central role in regulating vascular contractility and blood pressure homeostasis, but is not required for the formation of the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

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