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Body fluid compartments were studied in a group of high altitude natives after a stay of two months at sea level and during 12 days at an altitude of 3,500 m. Measurements of total body water and extracellular water were made on day 3 and 12 of reinduction to altitude, while plasma volume was measured on day 12 only. The intracellular water, blood volume and red cell mass were computed from the above parameters. Total body water and intracellular water decreased by 3.3% (P<0.001) and 5.0% (P<0.001) respectively by the 3rd day at altitude and did not change thereafter. Extracellular water increased progressively at altitude, but the increase was not significant. Blood volume and red cell mass increased significantly while plasma volume decreased at altitude. These data were compared with that of low landers. This study suggested body hypohydration on high altitude induction in low landers as well as in high altitude natives on reinduction.  相似文献   

Blood gases of rats at altitude and sea level   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This study examines the potential for a ventilatory drive, independent of mean PCO2, but depending instead on changes in PCO2 that occur during the respiratory cycle. This responsiveness is referred to here as "dynamic ventilatory sensitivity." The normal, spontaneous, respiratory oscillations in alveolar PCO2 have been modified with inspiratory pulses approximating alveolar PCO2 concentrations, both at sea level and at high altitude (5,000 m, 16,400 ft.). All tests were conducted with subjects exercising on a cycle ergometer at 60 W. The pulses last about half the inspiratory duration and are timed to arrive in the alveoli during early or late inspiration. Differences in ventilation, which then occur in the face of similar end-tidal PCO2 values, are taken to result from dynamic ventilatory sensitivity. Highly significant ventilatory responses (early pulse response greater than late) occurred in hypoxia and normoxia at sea level and after more than 4 days at 5,000 m. The response at high altitude was eliminated by normalizing PO2 and was reduced or eliminated with acetazolamide. No response was present soon after arrival (<4 days) at base camp, 5,000 m, on either of two high-altitude expeditions (BMEME, 1994, and Kanchenjunga, 1998). The largest responses at 5,000 m were obtained in subjects returning from very high altitude (7,100-8,848 m). The present study confirms and extends previous investigations that suggest that alveolar PCO2 oscillations provide a feedback signal for respiratory control, independent of changes in mean PCO2, suggesting that natural PCO2 oscillations drive breathing in exercise.  相似文献   

In a previous study of normal subjects exercising at sea level and simulated altitude, ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) inequality and alveolar-end-capillary O2 diffusion limitation (DIFF) were found to increase on exercise at altitude, but at sea level the changes did not reach statistical significance. This paper reports additional measurements of VA/Q inequality and DIFF (at sea level and altitude) and also of pulmonary arterial pressure. This was to examine the hypothesis that VA/Q inequality is related to increased pulmonary arterial pressure. In a hypobaric chamber, eight normal subjects were exposed to barometric pressures of 752, 523, and 429 Torr (sea level, 10,000 ft, and 15,000 ft) in random order. At each altitude, inert and respiratory gas exchange and hemodynamic variables were studied at rest and during several levels of steady-state bicycle exercise. Multiple inert gas data from the previous and current studies were combined (after demonstrating no statistical difference between them) and showed increasing VA/Q inequality with sea level exercise (P = 0.02). Breathing 100% O2 did not reverse this increase. When O2 consumption exceeded about 2.7 1/min, evidence for DIFF at sea level was present (P = 0.01). VA/Q inequality and DIFF increased with exercise at altitude as found previously and was reversed by 100% O2 breathing. Indexes of VA/Q dispersion correlated well with mean pulmonary arterial pressure and also with minute ventilation. This study confirms the development of both VA/Q mismatch and DIFF in normal subjects during heavy exercise at sea level. However, the mechanism of increased VA/Q mismatch on exercise remains unclear due to the correlation with both ventilatory and circulatory variables and will require further study.  相似文献   

Hormonal responses to graded exercise of eight low altitude residents were examined at sea level (SL) and after 1 (acute) and 11 (chronic) days at 4,300 m (HA). Caloric, water, and electrolyte intakes were controlled, as were temperature and humidity. Blood was sampled at rest and during light and moderate upright bicycle exercise (20 min at 40% and 75% of maximal O2 uptake, respectively). Mean VO2 max at HA was 27% lower than at SL. Resting plasma levels of aldosterone (Aldo), renin, and angiotensin II (A II) were significantly lower (P smaller than 0.05) on day 1 at HA compared to SL, but returned to SL values by day 11. Plasma cortisol values at rest were similar at SL and HA and were not significantly altered by light or moderate exercise. Renin, A II, and Aldo rose progressively with increasing workload in each environment. With acute HA, renin and Aldo were lower than at either SL or chronic HA. The chronic HA levels tended to approximate SL findings, implying adaptation. The data suggest that aldosterone is predominantly under the control of the renin-angiotensin system during graded exercise at sea level and that the response of this system is altered on acute high-altitude exposure.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of both exercise and acute exposure to high altitude on ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationships in the lungs, nine young men were studied at rest and at up to three different levels of exercise on a bicycle ergometer. Altitude was simulated in a hypobaric chamber with measurements made at sea level (mean barometric pressure = 755 Torr) and at simulated altitudes of 5,000 (632 Torr), 10,000 (523 Torr), and 15,000 ft (429 Torr). VA/Q distributions were estimated using the multiple inert gas elimination technique. Dispersion of the distributions of blood flow and ventilation were evaluated by both loge standard deviations (derived from the VA/Q 50-compartment lung model) and three new indices of dispersion that are derived directly from inert gas data. Both methods indicated a broadening of the distributions of blood flow and ventilation with increasing exercise at sea level, but the trend was of borderline statistical significance. There was no change in the resting distributions with altitude. However, with exercise at high altitude (10,000 and 15,000 ft) there was a significant increase in dispersion of blood flow (P less than 0.05) which implies an increase in intraregional inhomogeneity that more than counteracts the more uniform topographical distribution that occurs. Since breathing 100% O2 at 15,000 ft abolished the increased dispersion, the greater VA/Q mismatching seen during exercise at altitude may be related to pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

The relative roles of ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) inequality, alveolar-capillary diffusion resistance, postpulmonary shunt, and gas phase diffusion limitation in determining arterial PO2 (PaO2) were assessed in nine normal unacclimatized men at rest and during bicycle exercise at sea level and three simulated altitudes (5,000, 10,000, and 15,000 ft; barometric pressures = 632, 523, and 429 Torr). We measured mixed expired and arterial inert and respiratory gases, minute ventilation, and cardiac output. Using the multiple inert gas elimination technique, PaO2 and the arterial O2 concentration expected from VA/Q inequality alone were compared with actual values, lower measured PaO2 indicating alveolar-capillary diffusion disequilibrium for O2. At sea level, alveolar-arterial PO2 differences were approximately 10 Torr at rest, increasing to approximately 20 Torr at a metabolic consumption of O2 (VO2) of 3 l/min. There was no evidence for diffusion disequilibrium, similar results being obtained at 5,000 ft. At 10 and 15,000 ft, resting alveolar-arterial PO2 difference was less than at sea level with no diffusion disequilibrium. During exercise, alveolar-arterial PO2 difference increased considerably more than expected from VA/Q mismatch alone. For example, at VO2 of 2.5 l/min at 10,000 ft, total alveolar-arterial PO2 difference was 30 Torr and that due to VA/Q mismatch alone was 15 Torr. At 15,000 ft and VO2 of 1.5 l/min, these values were 25 and 10 Torr, respectively. Expected and actual PaO2 agreed during 100% O2 breathing at 15,000 ft, excluding postpulmonary shunt as a cause of the larger alveolar-arterial O2 difference than accountable by inert gas exchange.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Despite equivocal findings about the benefit of altitude training, current theory dictates that the best approach is to spend several weeks living at > or =2500 m but training near sea level. This paper summarizes six studies in which we used simulated altitude (normobaric hypoxia) to examine: (i) the assumption that moderate hypoxia compromises training intensity (two studies); and (ii) the nature of physiological adaptations to sleeping in moderate hypoxia (four studies). When submaximal exercise was >55% of sea level maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), 1800 m simulated altitude significantly increased heart rate, blood lactate and perceived exertion of skiers. In addition, cyclists self-selected lower workloads during high-intensity exercise in hypoxia (2100 m) than in normoxia. Consequently, our findings partially confirm the rationale for 'living high, training low'. In the remaining four studies, serum erythropoietin increased 80% in the early stages of hypoxic exposure, but the reticulocyte response did not significantly exceed that of control subjects. There was no significant increase in haemoglobin mass (Hb(mass)) and VO2max tended to decrease. Performance in exercise tasks lasting approximately 4 min showed a non-significant trend toward improvement (1.0+/-0.4% vs. 0.1+/-0.4% for a control group; P=0.13 for group x time interaction). We conclude that sleeping in moderate hypoxia (2650-3000 m) for up to 23 days may offer practical benefit to elite athletes, but that any effect is not likely due to increased Hb(mass) or VO2max.  相似文献   

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