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Abstract. Previous studies in the mountain fynbos of South Africa have demonstrated that short fire cycles favour the establishment of dense covers of understorey sprouters while longer fire intervals enable the establishment from seed of overstorey proteas and the formation of a overstorey. One consequence of these differences between fire cycle lengths is the effect that understorey sprouters and an overstorey protea canopy have on species richness. In the case of short fire intervals, species richness is decreased while longer intervals between fires allow species richness to decrease or increase depending on the patchiness of the overstorey canopy. Such results are suggestive of competitive effects between understorey sprouters and overstorey canopy proteas. In this study, data were collected from several pyric successional stages in mountain fynbos to study the effect of overstorey proteas on the growth and flowering of understorey sprouters since the last fire. Data were also collected to determine the effect that understorey sprouters had on the establishment and fecundity of overstorey protea species. Competitive interactions between overstorey proteas and sprouting understorey species were evident at all the sites studied. The vegetative growth and seed production of understorey sprouters, which grew under a canopy of overstorey proteas during the current interfire period, were significantly lower than that for plants growing in the open. In addition, the postfire growth and seed production of understorey sprouters were significantly lower for individuals, which grew under an overstorey protea canopy during the previous fire cycle, than for those individuals which grew in the open. The fecundity of overstorey proteas, which grew near understorey sprouters, was lower than that of plants which grew in the open. This effect was evident for up to the first 15 years after a fire. However, not all understorey sprouters affected the overstorey proteas equally. Also, seedlings of overstorey proteas established significantly less successfully in close proximity to understorey sprouters after a fire than in the open or under proteas. Finally, the results demonstrate that complex species‐specific, understorey–overstorey interactions are important in mountain fynbos. For example, some overstorey species depend on trophically similar species to reduce potential competition from understorey sprouters for their successful establishment at a site.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two South African mountain fynbos sites were studied to determine the effect of short fire cycles on the cover and density of understorey sprouting species and their subsequent effect on plant-species richness. Frequent fires (4–6 years between burns) increased the cover of sprouting species by 32% when compared to an adjacent site where the penultimate fire was 28 years previously. There was little or no effect of fire frequency on the densities of understorey sprouters; however, individuals were larger at sites with short fire cycles. The response of individual species of sprouters was variable with one species, Hypodiscus striatus , showing no response to fire frequency. The impact of sprouting species on the species richness of the plant community was great. The mean number of species recorded in quadrats with a high cover of sprouters was 60% lower in comparison to quadrats with low covers or under the burned skeletons of overstorey proteas. The effect of sprouters was consistent for all functional groups of species (i.e. sprouters, non-sprouters, short-lived and long-lived species), in each case reducing the number of species present.  相似文献   

The species richness (number of vascular plants per hectare) of Australian plant communities (containing a mosaic of gap, regeneration, maturation and senescent phases) is correlated with the annual biomass productivity of the overstorey canopy.The annual production of leaves and stem in the canopy of the plant community is shown to be limited by the requirements of photosynthesis (particularly light and the availability of water) and the length of the growing season.The species richness of Australian plant communities is the product of the blance between the dominance of the overstorey and the response of the understorey to the shading of the overstorey. For all climatic regions and zones the species richness of the overstorey of the plant community is shown to be exponentially related to the annual shoot growth of the overstorey canopy, until the latitudinal or altitudinal tree line is reached. With latitudinal increase outside the tropics, overstorey canopies of forest communities absorb increasingly more of the incident solar radiation. markedly reducing the species richness of the understorey strata. In contrast, in these latitudes the overstorey of plant communities with widely spaced trees or tall shrubs will absorb far less solar radiation, thus enabling the species richness of the understorey to be maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract. We describe a model of heath vegetation, in which species were classified into five functional groups based on characteristics of their propagule pools, post-fire growth, timing and mode of reproduction and competitive status. The model assumes no recruitment without fire and a simple competitive hierarchy based on vertical stature. A critical feature of the model is an initial post-fire window of 5–6 yr in which competition from overstorey species on understorey species is reduced. Understorey functional groups differ in their ability to exploit this window. In the field, we tested five predictions derived from the model: (a) overall species richness of understorey varies inversely with overstorey density as a result of a trend in richness of woody species, but not in herbaceous species; (b) where an overstorey was present in the previous fire interval, post-fire population density is reduced in a functional group of understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, but not in a group of understorey obligate-seeding shrubs with soil seed banks; (c) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, post-fire regrowth in resprouting individuals is adversely affected by the presence of an overstorey in the preceding fire interval; (d) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, levels of pre-fire propagules are lower in the presence of an overstorey, reducing the density of post-fire recruits; and (e) in understorey serotinous resprouting shrubs, recruitment relative to the pre-fire population is unaffected by overstorey species within the window of reduced competition. Of these, three tests (a,b,d) supported the model, one (e) may support the model, but the results were inconclusive and one (c) did not support the model. Limitations and further applications of the model are discussed. Our results suggest that maintenance of high densities of overstorey populations is in conflict with conservation of some understorey species. Models of the type we propose will help identify and resolve such conflicts and promote the judicious use of fire to maintain full species diversity of plant communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the structure and diversity of the vegetation along an Arctic river to determine the relationship between species richness and plant community structure. We examined whether variation in species richness along the corridor is structured as (1) an increase in the number of communities due to increasing landscape heterogeneity, (2) an increase in the floristic distinctiveness (β-diversity) of communities, or (3) an increase in within-community richness (α-diversity) as species-poor communities are replaced by species-rich communities. We described 24 community types and analysed the relationship between site vascular species richness (γ-diversity) and β-diversity, α-diversity, site environmental heterogeneity, and the number of distinct plant communities. We also measured diversity patterns of vascular, bryophyte, and lichen species within communities and examined their relationship to community-level estimates of environmental factors. We found that an increase in site species richness correlated with an increase in the number of communities (r2= 0.323, P= 0.0173) and β-diversity (r2= 0.388, P= 0.0075), rather than an increase in the α-diversity of individual communities. Moisture and pH controlled most of the differences in composition between communities. Measures of species richness and correlations with moisture and pH within communities differed among vascular, bryophyte, and lichen species. Bryophyte richness was positively correlated with moisture (r2= 0.862, P= 0.0010) and lichen richness was negatively correlated with moisture (r2= 0.809, P= 0.0031). Vascular plants had a peak in richness at pH 6.5 (r2= 0.214, P < 0.0001). We conclude that site variation in vascular richness in this region is controlled by landscape heterogeneity, and structured as variation in the number and distinctiveness of recognizable plant communities.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic fixation of wetland plant communities is confined to the period of the year when the surface soil is not waterlogged and is thus well aerated. In the open‐structured vegetation continuum across freshwater wetlands on sandy soils in subtropical and tropical Australia, the sum of the foliage projective covers (FPCs) of the overstorey and understorey strata remains constant, while that of the overstorey decreases to zero as seasonal waterlogging (and anaerobic conditions) in the surface root systems increases. Density and height of the overstorey trees – of only one or two species – and species richness (number of species per hectare) in the understorey decreases along this waterlogging gradient. Melaleuca paperbark trees, possessing surface roots with cortical aerenchyma, may form a closed‐forest at the edge of the wetland continuum wherever there is a continuous flow of aerated water. As global warming progresses, an increase in air temperature in the atmosphere flowing over and through the wetland continuum during the short period of annual foliage‐growth will affect the combined FPCs of overstorey and understorey strata, as well as the leaf‐specific weights of all leaves throughout the plant community. With a reduction in net photosynthetic fixation, species richness of the plant community will slowly decline.  相似文献   

Aim The study aims to decipher the co‐occurrence of understorey plant assemblages and, accordingly, to identify a set of species groups (diversity deconstruction) to better understand the multiple causal processes underlying post‐fire succession and diversity patterns in boreal forest. Location North‐eastern Canadian boreal forest (49°07′–51°44′ N; 70°13′–65°15′ W). Methods Data on understorey plant communities and habitat factors were collected from 1097 plots. Species co‐occurrence was analysed using null model analysis. We derive species groups (i.e. biodiversity deconstruction) using the strength of pairwise species co‐occurrences after accounting for random expectation under a null model and cluster analyses. We examine the influence of a set of spatiotemporal environmental variables (overstorey composition, time‐since‐fire, spatial location and topography) on richness of species groups using Bayesian model averaging, and their relative influence through hierarchical partitioning of variance. Results Understorey plant assemblages were highly structured, with co‐occurrence‐based classification providing species groups that were coherently aggregated within, but variably segregated between, species groups. Group richness models indicate both common and distinct responses to factors affecting plant succession. For example, Group 2 (e.g. Rhododendron groenlandicum and Cladina rangiferina) showed concurrent contrasting responses to overstorey composition and was strongly segregated from Groups 3 (e.g. Clintonia borealis and Maianthenum canadense) and 4 (e.g. Epilobium angustifolium and Alnus rugosa). Groups 3 and 4 showed partial similarity, but they differed in their response to time‐since‐fire, drainage and latitude, which were more important for Group 1 (e.g. Ptilium crista‐castrensis and Empetrum nigrum). A single successional model based on total richness masked crucial group‐level relationships with factors that we examined, such as latitude. Main conclusions By demonstrating the co‐occurrence structure and linking to causal factors, the results from this study characterize both common and distinct responses of understorey plants to biophysical attributes of sites, and potential interspecific interactions, behind non‐random assemblage structure during post‐fire succession. A biodiversity deconstruction approach could offer a concise and explicit framework to gain a better understanding of the complex assembly of ecological communities during succession.  相似文献   

The expansion of rainforest pioneer trees into long‐unburnt open forests has become increasingly widespread across high rainfall regions of Australia. Increasing tree cover can limit resource availability for understorey plant communities and reduce understorey diversity. However, it remains unclear if sclerophyll and rainforest trees differ in their competitive exclusion of understory plant communities, which contain most of the floristic diversity of open forests. Here, we examine dry open forest across contrasting fire histories (burnt and unburnt) and levels of rainforest invasion (sclerophyll or rainforest midstorey) to hindcast changes in understorey plant density, richness and composition. The influence of these treatments and other site variables (midstorey structure, midstorey composition and soil parameters) on understorey plant communities were all examined. This study is the first to demonstrate significantly greater losses of understorey species richness, particularly of dry open‐forest specialists, under an invading rainforest midstorey compared to a typical sclerophyll midstorey. Rainforest pioneers displaced over half of the understorey plant species, and reduced ground cover and density of dry forest specialists by ~90%. Significant understorey declines also occurred with increased sclerophyll midstorey cover following fire exclusion, although losses were typically less than half that of rainforest‐invaded sites over the same period. Understorey declines were closely related to leaf area index and basal area of rainforest and wattle trees, suggesting competitive exclusion through shading and potentially belowground competition for water. Around 20% of displaced species lacked any capacity for population recovery, while transient seed banks or distance‐limited dispersal may hinder recovery for a further 68%. We conclude that rainforest invasion leads to significant declines in understorey plant diversity and cover in open forests. To avoid elimination of local native plant populations in open forests, fires should occur with sufficient frequency to prevent overstorey cover from reaching a level where shade‐intolerant species fail to thrive.  相似文献   

Tree species composition and stand structural complexity are valuable indicators of sustainable forest management. This article aims to investigate the relative influence of forest overstorey composition and structural attributes on understorey composition and diversity, taking into account also site characteristics and broad-scale environmental variables. We sampled vascular plant species composition and forest structure in 132 plots in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park (southern Italy). Spearman’s non-parametric correlation coefficients were calculated between overstorey and understorey diversity indices, beech percentage, and altitude and environmental indices. A complete partitioning of the variation in understorey composition was then performed through canonical correspondence analysis considering four sets of variables: (1) overstorey composition, (2) structural attributes, (3) topography, and (4) landscape abiotic variables. Finally, we constructed a regression tree analysis of understorey species richness using the same explanatory variables. Understorey diversity indices were positively correlated with overstorey diversity indices and with environmental indices (i.e., light and soil heterogeneity). Overstorey and understorey diversity indices were negatively correlated with both altitude and the dominance of beech in the overstorey. Compositional variation was due primarily to overstorey composition and secondarily to structural attributes. Regression tree analysis revealed that altitude, overstorey species richness, and structural attributes play an important role in determining understorey species richness. According to our results, understorey composition and diversity are strongly related to overstorey composition and structural attributes. Indeed, the latter proved to be effective indicators of understorey characteristics in the study area.  相似文献   

The North American woody species, Prunus serotina Ehrh., is an aggressive invader of forest understories in Europe. To better understand the plant invasion process, we assessed understorey plants and Prunus serotina seedlings that have colonized a 35-year-old replicated common-garden experiment of 14 tree species in south-western Poland. The density and size of established (> 1 year old) P. serotina seedlings varied among overstorey species and were related to variation in light availability and attributes of the understorey layer. In a multiple regression analysis, the density of established P. serotina seedlings was positively correlated with light availability and understorey species richness and negatively correlated with understorey species cover. These results suggest that woody invader success is adversely affected by overstorey shading and understorey competition for resources. Simultaneously, however, invader success may generally be positively associated with understorey species richness because both native and invasive plant colonization respond similarly to environmental conditions, including those influenced by overstorey tree species. Identification of characteristics of forests that increase their susceptibility to invasion may allow managers to target efforts to detect invasives and to restore forests to states that may be less invasible.  相似文献   

Schwilk  D.W.  Keeley  J.E.  Bond  W.J. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):77-84
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis is a widely accepted generalization regarding patterns of species diversity, but may not hold true where fire is the disturbance. In the Mediterranean-climate shrublands of South Africa, called fynbos, fire is the most importance disturbance and a controlling factor in community dynamics. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis states that diversity will be highest at sites that have had an intermediate frequency of disturbance and will be lower at sites that have experienced very high or very low disturbance frequencies. Measures of diversity are sensitive to scale; therefore, we compared species richness for three fire regimes in South African mountain fynbos to test the intermediate disturbance hypothesis over different spatial scales from 1 m2 to 0.1 hectares. Species diversity response to fire frequency was highly scale-dependent, but the relationship between species diversity and disturbance frequency was opposite that predicted by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. At the largest spatial scales, species diversity was highest at the least frequently burned sites (40 years between fires) and lowest at the sites of moderate (15 to 26 years between fires) and high fire frequency (alternating four and six year fire cycle). Community heterogeneity, measured both as the slope of the species-area curve for a site and as the mean dissimilarity in species composition among subplots within a site, correlated with species diversity at the largest spatial scales. Community heterogeneity was highest at the least frequently burned sites and lowest at the sites that experienced an intermediate fire frequency.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study we compared the effects of fire on understorey vegetation in the Québec southern boreal forest with effects of salvage‐logging (clear‐cutting after fire). All 61 400‐m2 sampling sites were controlled for overstorey composition (Deciduous, Mixed and Coniferous) and disturbance type, which consisted of three fire impact severity (FIS) classes (Light, Moderate and Extreme) and two harvesting techniques (Stem‐only and Whole‐tree Harvesting). Percent‐cover data of vegetation and post‐disturbance environmental characteristics were recorded in the field during the first two years after fire as well as soil texture. Ordination of fire alone demonstrated that, on Coniferous sites, fire initiates a succession whereby the understorey Coniferous sites approaches that of Deciduous‐Mixed sites, due to the release of the understorey from Sphagnum spp. dominance, this pattern being a function of FIS. On Deciduous‐Mixed stands, increased FIS resulted in a transition from herb to shrub dominance. Ordination of all five disturbance types showed that the impact of salvage‐logging on understorey composition was within the range of fire, but marginalized to the extreme end of the FIS spectrum. Variance partitioning demonstrated that overstorey and soil texture were the most important explanatory variables of fire alone, while disturbance type explained the largest independent fraction of understorey variation when salvage‐logging was introduced. Salvage‐logging also results in significant reductions in understorey abundance, richness and diversity, while indicator species analysis suggests that it favours mesoxerophytic to xeric species. Results are interpreted in light of shade‐tolerance dynamics, forest floor disturbance and soil moisture regimes. Implications for sustainable forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

Foliage Projective Cover of the overstorey (canopy) of a‘climax’community appears to reach an equilibrium value determined largely by the prevailing climate. Overstorey FPC decreases in‘climax’communities in a graded series from humid to arid regions. Understorey cover (of all strata below the canopy) in‘climax’communities attains a balance with overstorey FPC. Disturbance (gaps, microhabitats, fire, overgrazing, invasion of woody weeds, etc.) may reduce the overstorey cover which will be compensated by an increase in understorey cover. Secondary succession back to the‘climax’structure will follow a path maintaining an inverse linear relationship between understorey cover and overstorey cover. At the same time, species diversity appears to decrease as overstorey cover increases.  相似文献   

Question: Thousands of small isolated forest fragments remain around churches (“church forests”) in the almost completely deforested Ethiopian Highlands. We questioned how the forest structure and composition varied with altitude, forest area and human influence. Location: South Gondar, Amhara National Regional State, Northern Ethiopia. Methods: The structure and species composition was assessed for 810 plots in 28 church forests. All woody plants were inventoried, identified and measured (stem diameter) in seven to 56 10 m x 10‐m plots per forest. Results: In total, 168 woody species were recorded, of which 160 were indigeneous. The basal area decreased with tree harvest intensity; understorey and middle‐storey density (<5 cm DBH trees) decreased with grazing; overstorey density (>5 cm DBH trees) increased with altitude. The dominance of a small set of species increased with altitude and grazing intensity. Species richness decreased with altitude, mainly due to variation in the richness of the overstorey community. Moreover, species richness in the understorey decreased with grazing intensity. Conclusions: We show how tree harvesting intensity, grazing intensity and altitude contribute to observed variations in forest structure, composition and species richness. Species richness was, however, not related to forest area. Our study emphasizes the significant role played by the remaining church forests for conservation of woody plant species in North Ethiopian Highlands, and the need to protect these forests for plant species conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Questions: How does the time interval between subsequent stand‐replacing fire events affect post‐fire understorey cover and composition following the recent event? How important is fire interval relative to broad‐ or local‐scale environmental variability in structuring post‐fire understorey communities? Location: Subalpine plateaus of Yellowstone National Park (USA) that burned in 1988. Methods: In 2000, we sampled understorey cover and Pinus contorta density in pairs of 12–yr old stands at 25 locations. In each pair, the previous fire interval was either short (7–100 yr) or long (100–395 yr). We analysed variation in understorey species richness, total cover, and cover of functional groups both between site pairs (using paired t‐tests) and across sites that experienced the short fire intervals (using regression and ordination). We regressed three principal components to assess the relative importance of disturbance and broad or local environmental variability on post‐fire understorey cover and richness. Results: Between paired plots, annuals were less abundant and fire‐intolerant species (mostly slow‐growing shrubs) were more abundant following long intervals between prior fires. However, mean total cover and richness did not vary between paired interval classes. Across a gradient of fire intervals ranging from 7–100 yr, total cover, species richness, and the cover of annuals and nitrogen‐fixing species all declined while the abundance of shrubs and fire‐intolerant species increased. The few exotics showed no response to fire interval. Across all sites, broad‐scale variability related to elevation influenced total cover and richness more than fire interval. Conclusions: Significant variation in fire intervals had only minor effects on post‐fire understorey communities following the 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park.  相似文献   

Question: Two questions about within‐stand spatial variability are addressed in this paper. How does species richness of tree regeneration respond to small‐scale ecological gradients, and what effect does natural Abies balsamea abundance have on the species richness of other tree regeneration? Location: A long‐term, gap‐silviculture experiment, Acadian mixed‐wood forest, Maine, USA. Methods: Eight stands treated with and without gap harvesting were sampled to capture sub‐stand heterogeneity of understorey tree regeneration concurrently with patterning of local stand conditions. Spatial and non‐spatial models were developed to test the relationships between two response variables [species richness of small (height ≥0.1 m, but <0.75 m) and large (height ≥0.75 m, but <1.4 m) regeneration] and five explanatory variables (depth to water table, percentage canopy transmittance, A. balsamea regeneration density, and overstorey basal area and species richness). Results: Despite high unexplained variance for all models, consistent associations among variables were found. Negative associations were found between: (1) the species richness of small regeneration and A. balsamea regeneration density and (2) the species richness of large regeneration and overstorey basal area. Positive associations were found between: (1) the species richness of small regeneration and both overstorey basal area and species richness and (2) the species richness of small and large regeneration and canopy transmittance. Conclusions: Promoting tree species diversity in Acadian mixed‐wood stands may not be achievable through the use of gap‐harvesting alone if the density of understorey Abies balsamea is not reduced either naturally or through silvicultural intervention.  相似文献   

Tozer  M.G.  Bradstock  R.A. 《Plant Ecology》2003,164(2):213-223
Overstorey shrub species are known to influence the composition of theunderstorey in Southern Hemisphere heathlands. Overstorey densities aresusceptible to variations in fire frequency; thus, fire regimes may influenceoverstorey/understorey interactions and overall floristic composition. Wecompared patches of Banksia heath which had supported anoverstorey during a fire interval of about 30 y with patches wherethe overstorey was absent during the same period, and tested for differences inspecies composition as a function of overstorey presence. Floristic compositionvaried significantly between overstorey patches and open patches. Most specieswere less abundant in overstorey patches, however some were more abundant. Therelative abundance of species in relation to overstorey was unrelated to theirfire response, propagule longevity or propagule storage location. There wassignificantly less biomass in overstorey patches compared with open patches.Theeffect of the overstorey varied with soil moisture. In a dry area, the numberof species was lower in overstorey patches, with fewer herb and shrub speciespresent compared with open patches. Fewer species were recorded in a wetterarea, but overstorey had no effect on the number of species recorded. Reducedintensity of competition among understorey species in overstorey patches couldbe responsible for the higher abundance of some species in these patches. Wepostulate that full diversity will be maintained when the density of overstoreyshrubs fluctuates widely over a relatively short period of time. This is mostlikely when fire frequency is highly variable.  相似文献   

Commercial plantations and alien tree invasions often have substantial negative impacts on local biodiversity. The effect of plantations on faunal communities in the fire‐adapted fynbos vegetation of the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot is not yet well quantified. We studied small mammal community structure in alien Pinus radiata plantations and adjacent fynbos regenerating after clear‐felling of plantations on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. Small mammal sampling over 1,800 trap‐nights resulted in 480 captures of 345 individuals (excluding recaptures) representing six species. Significantly more species, individuals (12 X) and biomasses (29 X) of small mammals occurred on recovering fynbos sites compared to plantations. This was commensurate with a higher diversity of plant growth forms, vegetation densities and live vegetation biomass. Only one small mammal species, the pygmy mouse (Mus minutoides), was consistently trapped within plantations. Fynbos sites were dominated by three small mammal species that are ecological generalists and early successional pioneer species, rendering the recovering fynbos slightly depauperate in terms of species richness and evenness relative to other studies done in pristine fynbos. We make three recommendations for forestry that would facilitate the restoration of more diverse natural plant communities and progressively more diverse and dynamic small mammal assemblages in a key biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

Large tracts of lowland and foothill landscape in the bimodal rainfall, eastern Fynbos Biome of South Africa lack an overstorey of nonsprouting, serotinous Proteaceae (proteoids). Scattered stands of proteoids in the grassy fynbos that dominate these landscapes suggest that proteoids have the potential to be more widespread. Here, we assessed whether interactions between the resprouting graminoid (predominantly C4 grasses) understorey and the proteoid overstorey could explain the sparseness of proteoids in grassy fynbos. We quantified postfire seedling growth and graminoid cover for three proteoid (Protea) species in beneath‐proteoid canopy and open microsites at sixteen locations in the eastern Fynbos Biome. Contrary to studies undertaken in proteoid fynbos west of our study area, we found no consistent differences between graminoid cover and growth of proteoid seedlings in beneath‐canopy and open microsites. Nor did we find consistent negative relationships between graminoid cover and seedling growth. We conclude that graminoid–proteoid interactions do not explain the sparseness of proteoids in the eastern Fynbos Biome.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding the relative importance of historical and environmental processes in the structure and composition of communities is one of the longest quests in ecological research. Increasingly, researchers are relying on the functional and phylogenetic β-diversity of natural communities to provide concise explanations on the mechanistic basis of community assembly and the drivers of trait variation among species. The present study investigated how plant functional and phylogenetic β-diversity change along key environmental and spatial gradients in the Western Swiss Alps.Methods Using the quadratic diversity measure based on six functional traits—specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, plant height, leaf carbon content, leaf nitrogen content and leaf carbon to nitrogen content alongside a species-resolved phylogenetic tree—we relate variations in climate, spatial geographic, land use and soil gradients to plant functional and phylogenetic turnover in mountain communities of the Western Swiss Alps.Important findings Our study highlights two main points. First, climate and land-use factors play an important role in mountain plant community turnover. Second, the overlap between plant functional and phylogenetic turnover along these gradients correlates with the low phylogenetic signal in traits, suggesting that in mountain landscapes, trait lability is likely an important factor in driving plant community assembly. Overall, we demonstrate the importance of climate and land-use factors in plant functional and phylogenetic community turnover and provide valuable complementary insights into understanding patterns of β-diversity along several ecological gradients.  相似文献   

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