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The relation between the chemical and mechanical steps of the myosin-actin ATPase reaction that leads to generation of isometric force in fast skeletal muscle was investigated in demembranated fibers of rabbit psoas muscle by determining the effect of the concentration of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on the stiffness of the half-sarcomere (hs) during transient and steady-state conditions of the isometric contraction (temperature 12°C, sarcomere length 2.5 μm). Changes in the hs strain were measured by imposing length steps or small 4 kHz oscillations on the fibers in control solution (without added Pi) and in solution with 3-20 mM added Pi. At the plateau of the isometric contraction in control solution, the hs stiffness is 22.8 ± 1.1 kPa nm−1. Taking the filament compliance into account, the total stiffness of the array of myosin cross-bridges in the hs (e) is 40.7 ± 3.7 kPa nm−1. An increase in [Pi] decreases the stiffness of the cross-bridge array in proportion to the isometric force, indicating that the force of the cross-bridge remains constant independently of [Pi]. The rate constant of isometric force development after a period of unloaded shortening (rF) is 23.5 ± 1.0 s−1 in control solution and increases monotonically with [Pi], attaining a maximum value of 48.6 ± 0.9 s−1 at 20 mM [Pi], in agreement with the idea that Pi release is a relatively fast step after force generation by the myosin cross-bridge. During isometric force development at any [Pi], e and thus the number of attached cross-bridges increase in proportion to the force, indicating that, independently of the speed of the process that leads to myosin attachment to actin, there is no significant (>1 ms) delay between generation of stiffness and generation of force by the cross-bridges.  相似文献   

Franklin Fuchs  Charles Fox 《BBA》1982,679(1):110-115
A simple double-isotope procedure has been developed for making simultaneous measurements of bound Ca2+ and relative force in glycerinated rabbit psoas bundles containing two fibers. With this preparation it is possible to study Ca2+-troponin interactions coincident with MgATP-induced force development. Over the free [Ca2+] range 6 · 10?8–1.2 · 10?5 M the bound Ca2+ varied from 0.25 to 1.65 μmol/g protein. The free [Ca2+] at half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was 2 · 10?7 M while that a half-maximal force was 5 · 10?7 M. Half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was associated with 20% maximal force. The force-[Ca2+] saturation curve showed a steep rise in slope at greater than half saturation. The observed relationship was consistent with a model in which multiple occupancy of troponin Ca2+-binding sites is essential for initiation of cross-bridge cycling.  相似文献   

Xu S  Gu J  Belknap B  White H  Yu LC 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(9):3370-3382
When myosin is attached to actin in a muscle cell, various structures in the filaments are formed. The two strongly bound states (A*M*ADP and A*M) and the weakly bound A*M*ATP states are reasonably well understood. The orientation of the strongly bound myosin heads is uniform ("stereospecific" attachment), and the attached heads exhibit little spatial fluctuation. In the prehydrolysis weakly bound A*M*ATP state, the orientations of the attached myosin heads assume a wide range of azimuthal and axial angles, indicating considerable flexibility in the myosin head. The structure of the other weakly bound state, A*M*ADP*P(i), however, is poorly understood. This state is thought to be the critical pre-power-stroke state, poised to make the transition to the strongly binding, force-generating states, and hence it is of particular interest for understanding the mechanism of contraction. However, because of the low affinity between myosin and actin in the A*M*ADP*P(i) state, the structure of this state has eluded determination both in isolated form and in muscle cells. With the knowledge recently gained in the structures of the weakly binding M*ATP, M*ADP*P(i) states and the weakly attached A*M*ATP state in muscle fibers, it is now feasible to delineate the in vivo structure of the attached state of A*M*ADP*P(i). The series of experiments presented in this article were carried out under relaxing conditions at 25 degrees C, where approximately 95% of the myosin heads in the skinned rabbit psoas muscle contain the hydrolysis products. The affinity for actin is enhanced by adding polyethylene glycol (PEG) or by lowering the ionic strength in the bathing solution. Solution kinetics and binding constants were determined in the presence and in the absence of PEG. When the binding between actin and myosin was increased, both the myosin layer lines and the actin layer lines increased in intensity, but the intensity profiles did not change. The configuration (mode) of attachment in the A*M*ADP*P(i) state is thus unique among the intermediate attached states of the cross-bridge ATP hydrolysis cycle. One of the simplest explanations is that both myosin filaments and actin filaments are stabilized (e.g., undergo reduced spatial fluctuations) by the attachment. The alignment of the myosin heads in the thick filaments and the alignment of the actin monomers in the thin filaments are improved as a result. The compact atomic structure of M*ADP*P(i) with strongly coupled domains may contribute to the unique attachment configuration: the "primed" myosin heads may function as "transient struts" when attached to the thin filaments.  相似文献   

The rate and association constants (kinetic constants) which comprise a seven state cross-bridge scheme were deduced by sinusoidal analysis in chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers at 20 degrees C, 200 mM ionic strength, and during maximal Ca2+ activation (pCa 4.54-4.82). The kinetic constants were then used to calculate the steady state probability of cross-bridges in each state as the function of MgATP, MgADP, and phosphate (Pi) concentrations. This calculation showed that 72% of available cross-bridges were (strongly) attached during our control activation (5 mM MgATP, 8 mM Pi), which agreed approximately with the stiffness ratio (active:rigor, 69 +/- 3%); active stiffness was measured during the control activation, and rigor stiffness after an induction of the rigor state. By assuming that isometric tension is a linear combination of probabilities of cross-bridges in each state, and by measuring tension as the function of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi concentrations, we deduced the force associated with each cross-bridge state. Data from the osmotic compression of muscle fibers by dextran T500 were used to deduce the force associated with one of the cross-bridge states. Our results show that force is highest in the AM*ADP.Pi state (A = actin, M = myosin). Since the state which leads into the AM*ADP.Pi state is the weakly attached AM.ADP.Pi state, we confirm that the force development occurs on Pi isomerization (AM.ADP.Pi --> AM*ADP.Pi). Our results also show that a minimal force change occurs with the release of Pi or MgADP, and that force declines gradually with ADP isomerization (AM*ADP -->AM.ADP), ATP isomerization (AM+ATP-->AM*ATP), and with cross-bridge detachment. Force of the AM state agreed well with force measured after induction of the rigor state, indicating that the AM state is a close approximation of the rigor state. The stiffness results obtained as functions of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi concentrations were generally consistent with the cross-bridge scheme.  相似文献   

The stiffness of single skinned rabbit psoas fibers was measured during rapid length changes applied to one end of the fibers. Apparent fiber stiffness was taken as the initial slope when force was plotted vs. change in sarcomere length. In the presence of MgATP, apparent fiber stiffness increased with increasing speed of stretch. With the fastest possible stretches, the stiffness of relaxed fibers at an ionic strength of 20 mM reached more than 50% of the stiffness measured in rigor. However, it was not clear whether apparent fiber stiffness had reached a maximum, speed independent value. The same behavior was seen at several ionic strengths, with increasing ionic strength leading to a decrease in the apparent fiber stiffness measured at any speed of stretch. A speed dependence of apparent fiber stiffness was demonstrated even more clearly when stiffness was measured in the presence of 4 mM MgPPi. In this case, stiffness varied with speed of stretch over about four decades. This speed dependence of apparent fiber stiffness is likely due to cross-bridges detaching and reattaching during the stiffness measurement (Schoenberg, 1985. Biophys. J. 48:467). This means that obtaining an estimate of the maximum number of cross-bridges attached to actin in relaxed fibers at various ionic strengths is not straightforward.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The relaxing effect of vanadate on active contractile system is found to be completely absent from rigor skinned fibres with ADP even on their stretching up to the forces comparable with the active ones, though vanadate is likely to bind not very firmly with crossbridges not containing inorganic phosphate. Probable reasons of such distinction are considered. The complex actomyosin-ADP in the rigor fibres is supposed to have significantly lower free energy independently of its deformation than the one of the same composition in the active ones. Possible role of different actomyosin-ADP states in the mechanochemical cycle of crossbridge is discussed.  相似文献   

The stiffness of glycerinated rabbit psoas fibers in the rigor state was measured at various sarcomere lengths in order to determine the distribution of the sarcomere compliance between the cross-bridge and other structures. The stiffness was determined by measuring the tension increment at one end of a fiber segment while stretching the other end of the fiber. The contribution of the end compliance to the rigor segments was checked both by laser diffractometry of the sarcomere length change and by measuring the length dependence of the Young's modulus; the contribution was found to be small. The stiffness in the rigor state was constant at sarcomere lengths of 2.4 microns or less; at greater sarcomere lengths the stiffness, when corrected for the contribution of resting stiffness, scaled with the amount of overlap between the thick and thin filaments. These results suggest that the source of the sarcomere compliance of the rigor fiber at the full overlapping of filaments is mostly the cross-bridge compliance.  相似文献   

Stiffness and force in activated frog skeletal muscle fibers.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Single fibers, isolated intact from frog skeletal muscles, were held firmly very near to each end by stiff metal clasps fastened to the tendons. The fibers were then placed horizontally between two steel hooks inserted in eyelets of the tendon clasps. One hook was attached to a capacitance gauge force transducer (resonance frequency up to approximately 50 kHz) and the other was attached to a moving-coil length changer. This allowed us to impose small, rapid releases (complete in less than 0.15 ms) and high frequency oscillations (up to 13 kHz) to one end of a resting or contracting fiber and measure the consequences at the other end with fast time resolution at 4 to 6 degrees C. The stiffness of short fibers (1.8-2.6 mm) was determined directly from the ratio of force to length variations produced by the length changer. The resonance frequency of short fibers was so high (approximately 40 kHz) that intrinsic oscillations were not detectably excited. The stiffness of long fibers, on the other hand, was calculated from measurement of the mechanical resonance frequency of a fiber. Using both short and long fibers, we measured the sinusoids of force at one end of a contracting fiber that were produced by relatively small sinusoidal length changes at the other end. The amplitudes of the sinusoidal length changes were small compared with the size of step changes that produce nonlinear force-extension relations. The sinusoids of force from long fibers changed amplitude and shifted phase with changes in oscillation frequency in a manner expected of a transmission line composed of mass, compliance, and viscosity, similar to that modelled by (Ford, L. E., A. F. Huxley, and R. M. Simmons, 1981, J. Physiol. (Lond.), 311:219-249). A rapid release during the plateau of tetanic tension in short fibers caused a fall in force and stiffness, a relative change in stiffness that putatively was much smaller than that of force. Our results are, for the most part, consistent with the cross-bridge model of force generation proposed by Huxley, A. F., and R. M. Simmons (1971, Nature (Lond.), 213:533-538). However, stiffness in short fibers developed markedly faster than force during the tetanus rise. Thus our findings show the presence of one or more noteworthy cross-bridge states at the onset and during the rise of active tension towards a plateau in that attachment apparently is followed by a relatively long delay before force generation occurs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Direct measurements were made of the Ca distribution within sarcomeres of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers in rigor using electron probe x-ray microanalysis. Both analogue raster analysis and digital x-ray imaging were used to quantitate the Ca distribution along thick and thin filaments as a function of the concentration of free Ca2+. Even when corrected for the estimated contribution of Ca bound to thick filaments, the Ca measured in the region of overlap between thick and thin filaments significantly exceeded the Ca in the I-band at subsaturating concentrations of free Ca2+. At saturating levels of free Ca2+, the excess Ca in the overlap region was diminished but still statistically significant. The data thus suggest that the formation of rigor linkages exerts multiple effects on the binding of Ca2+ to thin filaments in the overlap region by increasing the affinity of troponin C for Ca2+ and possibly by unmasking additional Ca2+ binding sites. The data also show that the cooperativity invested in the thin filaments is insufficient to permit the effects of rigor cross-bridge formation on Ca2+ binding to propagate far along the thin filaments into the I-band.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is highly dynamic and thus may be influenced by viscosity of the medium surrounding the myofilaments. Single, skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle were used to test this hypothesis. Viscosity within the myofilament lattice was increased by adding to solutions low molecular weight sugars (disaccharides sucrose or maltose or monosaccharides glucose or fructose). At maximal Ca2+ activation, isometric force (Fi) was inhibited at the highest solute concentrations studied, but this inhibition was not directly related to viscosity. Solutes readily permeated the filament lattice, as fiber diameter was unaffected by added solutes (except for an increased diameter with Fi < 30% of control). In contrast, there was a linear dependence upon 1/viscosity for both unloaded shortening velocity and also the kinetics of isometric tension redevelopment; these effects were unrelated to either variation in solution osmolarity or inhibition of force. All effects of added solute were reversible. Inhibition of both isometric as well as isotonic kinetics demonstrates that viscous resistance to filament sliding was not the predominant factor affected by viscosity. This was corroborated by measurements in relaxed fibers, which showed no significant change in the strain-rate dependence of elastic modulus when viscosity was increased more than twofold. Our results implicate cross-bridge diffusion as a significant limiting factor in cross-bridge kinetics and, more generally, demonstrate that viscosity is a useful probe of actomyosin dynamics.  相似文献   

Several earlier studies have led to different conclusions about the complex of myosin with MgAMP-PNP. It has been suggested that subfragment 1 of myosin (S1)-MgAMP-PNP forms an S1-MgADP-like state, an intermediate between the myosin S1-MgATP and myosin S1-MgADP states or a mixture of cross-bridge states. We suggest that the different states observed result from the failure to saturate S1 with MgAMP-PNP. At saturating MgAMP-PNP, the interaction of myosin S1 with actin is very similar to that which occurs in the presence of MgATP. 1) At 1 degrees C and 170 mM ionic strength the equatorial x-ray diffraction intensity ratio I11/I10 decreased with an increasing MgAMP-PNP concentration and leveled off by approximately 20 mM MgAMP-PNP. The resulting ratio was the same for MgATP-relaxed fibers. 2) The two dimensional x-ray diffraction patterns from MgATP-relaxed and MgAMP-PNP-relaxed bundles are similar. 3) The affinity of S1-MgAMP-PNP for the actin-tropomyosin-troponin complex in solution in the absence of free calcium is comparable with that of S1-MgATP. 4) In the presence of calcium, I11/I10 decreased toward the relaxed value with increasing MgAMP-PNP, signifying that the affinity between cross-bridge and actin is weakened by MgAMP-PNP. 5) The degree to which the equatorial intensity ratio decreases as the ionic strength increases is similar in MgAMP-PNP and MgATP. Therefore, results from both fiber and solution studies suggest that MgAMP-PNP acts as a non hydrolyzable MgATP analogue for myosin.  相似文献   

When activated muscle fibers are stretched, there is a long-lasting increase in the force. This phenomenon, referred to as "residual force enhancement," has characteristics similar to those of the "static tension," a long-lasting increase in force observed when muscles are stretched in the presence of Ca(2+) but in the absence of myosin-actin interaction. Independent studies have suggested that these two phenomena have a common mechanism and are caused either by 1) a Ca(2+)-induced stiffening of titin or by 2) promoting titin binding to actin. In this study, we performed two sets of experiments in which activated fibers (pCa(2+) 4.5) treated with the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin were stretched from 2.7 to 2.8 μm at a speed of 40 L(o)/s, first, after partial extraction of TnC, which inhibits myosin-actin interactions, or, second, after treatment with gelsolin, which leads to the depletion of thin (actin) filaments. We observed that the static tension, directly related with the residual force enhancement, was not changed after treatments that inhibit myosin-actin interactions or that deplete fibers from troponin C and actin filaments. The results suggest that the residual force enhancement is caused by a stiffening of titin upon muscle activation but not with titin binding to actin. This finding indicates the existence of a Ca(2+)-regulated, titin-based stiffness in skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Y Zhao  M Kawai 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(4):1655-1668
The effect of temperature on elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle was investigated with sinusoidal analysis technique in skinned rabbit psoas fibers. We studied the effect of MgATP on exponential process (C) to characterize the MgATP binding step and cross-bridge detachment step at six different temperatures in the range 5-30 degrees C. Similarly, we studied the effect of MgADP on exponential process (C) to characterize the MgADP binding step. We also studied the effect of phosphate (Pi) on exponential process (B) to characterize the force generation step and Pi-release step. From the results of these studies, we deduced the temperature dependence of the kinetic constants of the elementary steps and their thermodynamic properties. We found that the MgADP association constant (K0) and the MgATP association constant (K1) significantly decreased when the temperature was increased from 5 to 20 degrees C, implying that nucleotide binding became weaker at higher temperatures. K0 and K1 did not change much in the 20-30 degree C range. The association constant of Pi to cross-bridges (K5) did not change much with temperature. We found that Q10 for the cross-bridge detachment step (k2) was 2.6, and for its reversal step (k-2) was 3.0. We found that Q10 for the force generation step (Pi-isomerization step, k4) was 6.8, and its reversal step (k-4) was 1.6. The equilibrium constant of the detachment step (K2) was not affected much by temperature, whereas the equilibrium constant of the force generation step (K4) increased significantly with temperature increase. Thus, the force generation step consists of an endothermic reaction. The rate constant of the rate-limiting step (k6) did not change much with temperature, whereas the ATP hydrolysis rate increased significantly with temperature increase. We found that the force generation step accompanies a large entropy increase and a small free energy change; hence, this step is an entropy-driven reaction. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the hydrophobic interaction between residues of actin and myosin underlies the mechanism of force generation. We conclude that the force generation step is the most temperature-sensitive step among elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle, which explains increased isometric tension at high temperatures in rabbit psoas fibers.  相似文献   

The elementary steps of contraction in rabbit fast twitch muscle fibers were investigated with particular emphasis on the mechanism of phosphate (Pi) binding/release, the mechanism of force generation, and the relation between them. We monitor the rate constant 2 pi b of a macroscopic exponential process (B) by imposing sinusoidal length oscillations. We find that the plot of 2 pi b vs. Pi concentration is curved. From this observation we infer that Pi released is a two step phenomenon: an isomerization followed by the actual Pi release. Our results fit well to the kinetic scheme: [formula: see text] where A = actin, M = myosin, S = MgATP (substrate), D = MgADP, P = phosphate, and Det is a composite of all the detached and weakly attached states. For our data to be consistent with this scheme, it is also necessary that step 4 (isomerization) is observed in process (B). By fitting this scheme to our data, we obtained the following kinetic constants: k4 = 56 s-1, k-4 = 129 s-1, and K5 = 0.069 mM-1, assuming that K2 = 4.9. Experiments were performed at pCa 4.82, pH 7.00, MgATP 5 mM, free ATP 5 mM, ionic strength 200 mM in K propionate medium, and at 20 degrees C. Based on these kinetic constants, we calculated the probability of each cross-bridge state as a function of Pi, and correlated this with the isometric tension. Our results indicate that all attached cross-bridges support equal amount of tension. From this, we infer that the force is generated at step 4. Detailed balance indicates that 50-65% of the free energy available from ATP hydrolysis is transformed to work at this step. For our data to be consistent with the above scheme, step 6 must be the slowest step of the cross-bridge cycle (the rate limiting step). Further, AM*D is a distinctly different state from the AMD state that is formed by adding D to the bathing solution. From our earlier ATP hydrolysis data, we estimated k6 to be 9 s-1.  相似文献   

A sudden stretch (within 0.3 ms) of glycerol-extracted rabbit psoas fibre bundle suspended in ATP-salt solution caused an immediate tension increase followed by a rapid tension decay (quick phase) which was nearly completed within 3 ms. The quick phase was missing or much reduced in the absence of ATP when the fibres were in rigor. Since the immediate stiffness of the fibres was nearly the same at the onset and at the end of the quick phase, the latter cannot be due to cross-bridges detachment per se. However, it may be ascribed to a conformational change (e.g. rotation) of attached bridges as suggested by Huxley and Simmons. Alternatively it might be explained by a slippage of attached cross-bridges. This mechanism would presuppose fast detachment and reattachment of strongly strained cross-bridges during the quick phase. Evidence for such a process was obtained by analysing the tension transients obtained when fibre bundles subjected to a large stretch were subsequently (within 10 ms) released to the initial length, as well as from stiffness measurements during the sudden length change: The stiffness was not found to be constant either during stretch or during the release. This may be taken to mean that the number of attached cross-bridges does not remain constant even during a rapid length change. In view of these results, the model proposed by Huxley and Simmons might be extended to take account of rapid attachment and detachment of crossbridges.  相似文献   

The early, rapid phase of tension recovery (phase 2) after a step change in sarcomere length is thought to reflect the force-generating transition of myosin bound to actin. We have measured the relation between the rate of tension redevelopment during phase 2 (r), estimated from the half-time of tension recovery during phase 2 (r = t0.5(-1)), and steady-state force at varying [Ca2+] in single fibers from rabbit psoas. Sarcomere length was monitored continuously by laser diffraction of fiber segments (length approximately 1.6 mm), and sarcomere homogeneity was maintained using periodic length release/restretch cycles at 13-15 degrees C. At lower [Ca2+] and forces, r was elevated relative to that at pCa 4.0 for both releases and stretches (between +/- 8 nm). For releases of -3.4 +/- 0.7 nm.hs-1 at pCa 6.6 (where force was 10-20% of maximum force at pCa 4.0), r was 3.3 +/- 1.0 ms-1 (mean +/- SD; N = 5), whereas the corresponding value of r at pCa 4.0 was 1.0 +/- 0.2 ms-1 for releases of -3.5 +/- 0.5 nm.hs-1 (mean +/- SD; N = 5). For stretches of 1.9 +/- 0.7 nm.hs-1, r was 1.0 +/- 0.3 ms-1 (mean +/- SD; N = 9) at pCa 6.6, whereas r was 0.4 +/- 0.1 ms-1 at pCa 4.0 for stretches of 1.9 +/- 0.5 (mean +/- SD; N = 14). Faster phase 2 transients at submaximal Ca(2+)-activation were not caused by changes in myofilament lattice spacing because 4% Dextran T-500, which minimizes lattice spacing changes, was present in all solutions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mavacamten (MYK-461) is a small-molecule allosteric inhibitor of sarcomeric myosins being used in preclinical/clinical trials for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy treatment. A better understanding of its impact on force generation in intact or skinned striated muscle preparations, especially for human cardiac muscle, has been hindered by diffusional barriers. These limitations have been overcome by mechanical experiments using myofibrils subject to perturbations of the contractile environment by sudden solution changes. Here, we characterize the action of mavacamten in human ventricular myofibrils compared with fast skeletal myofibrils from rabbit psoas. Mavacamten had a fast, fully reversible, and dose-dependent negative effect on maximal Ca2+-activated isometric force at 15°C, which can be explained by a sudden decrease in the number of heads functionally available for interaction with actin. It also decreased the kinetics of force development in fast skeletal myofibrils, while it had no effect in human ventricular myofibrils. For both myofibril types, the effects of mavacamten were independent from phosphate in the low-concentration range. Mavacamten did not alter force relaxation of fast skeletal myofibrils, but it significantly accelerated the relaxation of human ventricular myofibrils. Lastly, mavacamten had no effect on resting tension but inhibited the ADP-stimulated force in the absence of Ca2+. Altogether, these effects outline a motor isoform–specific dependence of the inhibitory effect of mavacamten on force generation, which is mediated by a reduction in the availability of strongly actin-binding heads. Mavacamten may thus alter the interplay between thick and thin filament regulation mechanisms of contraction in association with the widely documented drug effect of stabilizing myosin motor heads into autoinhibited states.  相似文献   

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