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Hyaluronic acid (HA) is cleared from the blood by liver endothelial cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis [Eriksson, Fraser, Laurent, Pertoft & Smedsrod (1983) Exp. Cell Res. 144, 223-238]. We have measured the capacity of cultured rat liver endothelial cells to endocytose and degrade 125I-HA (Mr approximately 44,000) at 37 degrees C. Endocytosis was linear for 3 h and then reached a plateau. The rate of endocytosis was concentration-dependent and reached a maximum of 250 molecules/s per cell. Endocytosis of 125I-HA was inhibited more than 92% by a 150-fold excess of non-radiolabelled HA. HA, chondroitin sulphate and heparin effectively competed for endocytosis of 125I-HA, whereas glucuronic acid, N-acetylglucosamine, DNA, RNA, polygalacturonic acid and dextran did not compete. In the absence of cycloheximide, endothelial cells processed 13 times more 125I-HA in 6 h than their total (cell-surface and intracellular) specific HA-binding capacity. This result was not due to degradation and rapid replacement of receptors, because, even in the presence of cycloheximide, these cells processed 6 times more HA than their total receptor content in 6 h. Also, in the presence of cycloheximide, no decrease in 125I-HA-binding capacity was seen in cells processing or not processing HA for 6 h, indicating that receptors are not degraded after the endocytosis of HA. During endocytosis of HA at 37 degrees C, at least 65% of the intracellular HA receptors became occupied with HA within 30 min. This indicates that the intracellular HA receptors (75% of the total) function during continuous endocytosis. Hyperosmolarity inhibits endocytosis and receptor recycling in the asialoglycoprotein and low-density-lipoprotein receptor systems by disrupting the coated-pit pathway [Heuser & Anderson (1987) J. Cell Biol. 105, 230a; Oka & Weigel (1988) J. Cell. Biochem. 36, 169-183]. Hyperosmolarity inhibited 125I-HA endocytosis in liver endothelial cells by more than 90%, suggesting use of a coated-pit pathway by this HA receptor. We conclude that liver endothelial cell HA receptors are recycled during the continuous endocytosis and processing of HA.  相似文献   

Procedures which allow extraction and quantitation of labile, reduced folic acid derivatives in rat liver have been developed. These procedures entail extraction of hepatic folates at 100°C in 2% (wv) sodium ascorbate, 0.2 m 2-mercaptoethanol, pH 7.85. The extract was treated with conjugase to hydrolyze folate polyglutamates and reverse-phase, ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography was used to separate the resulting monoglutamates which were measured by microbiological assay using Lactobacillus casei. Experiments with HPLC-purified standard derivatives, so treated, showed excellent stability of tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid (H4PteGlu), 10-formyl-H4PteGlu, 5-formyl-H4PteGlu, 5-methyl-H4PteGlu, and pteroylglutamic acid (PteGlu). Under these conditions, approximately 56% of H2PteGlu was recovered unchanged while about 27% was converted to PteGlu; 5,10-methylene-H4PteGlu was quantitatively recovered as H4PteGlu. These procedures were applied to the task of measuring the distribution of naturally occurring folate cofactors in rat liver. These results indicated that rat liver folates have the following compositions: 5-methyl-H4PteGlu, 37.2%; H4PteGlu, 32.7%; 10-formyl-H4PteGlu, 22.6%; and 5-formyl-H4PteGlu, 7.7%. Experiments with [3H]PteGlu injection showed that all hepatic folates had the same specific radioactivity as determined by radioassay and L. casei assay, indicating that L. casei exhibited the same growth response to all the folates detected in rat liver.  相似文献   

Summary The present study deals with the localization and development of S-100 protein-like immunoreactivity in the retina, ciliary body and iris of human fetuses. In the retina, numerous astrocytes, densely distributed in the nerve-fiber layer and ganglion-cell layer, were stained strongly with the S-100 antiserum. The first immunoreactive astrocytes occurred at the posterior pole of the retina and spread gradually outward and toward the ora serrata with increasing age. Müller cells were not immunoreactive for S-100 during development, except in the retina of the latest fetus examined. S-100 immunoreactivity was also found in the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium and posterior epithelium of the iris, both of which are developed from the inner wall of the optic cup. On the other hand, the pigmented epithelium extending from retina to iris, derived from the outer layer of the optic cup, was free of S-100 immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid binding protein (HABP), an extracellular matrix glycoprotein which interacts specifically with hyaluronic acid (HA) has been purified to homogeneity by HA affinity chromatography. Antibody was raised against it and the specificity of antibody towards HABP was confirmed by western blot analysis. A specific and sensitive assay method has been developed adopting solid phase non-competitive double sandwich method of ELISA. This new assay method enabled us to determine the levels of HABP in different tissue extracts of normal, diabetic and reverse diabetic rats. A significant increase in the levels of HABP was observed in diabetic animals, which however attained normal levels with insulin treatment.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the Escherichia coli ATPase activity by urea and trypsin shows that there is a latent ATPase activity in particles and in a crude coupling factor of E. coli. Moreover, crude coupling factor, completely dissociated by treatment with 7 M urea, can inhibit the ATPase activity of the crude coupling factor. It is suggested that the latency of the ATPase activity of the coupling factor is due to the presence of a protein, the ATPase-inhibitor.  相似文献   

In this study, lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) was shown to bind to a fatty acid binding protein isolated from rat liver. To demonstrate the binding, lysoPC was incorporated into multilamellar liposomes and incubated with protein. For comparison, binding of both lysoPC and fatty acid to liver fatty acid binding protein, albumin, and heart fatty acid binding protein were measured. At conditions where palmitic acid bound to liver fatty acid binding protein and albumin at ligand to protein molar ratios of 2:1 and 5:1, respectively, lysoPC binding occurred at molar ratios of 0.4:1 and 1:1. LysoPC did not bind to heart fatty acid binding protein under conditions where fatty acid bound at a molar ratio of 2:1. Competition experiments between lysoPC and fatty acid to liver fatty acid binding protein indicated separate binding sites for each ligand. An equilibrium dialysis cell was used to demonstrate that liver fatty acid binding protein was capable of transporting lysoPC from liposomes to rat liver microsomes, thereby facilitating its metabolism. These studies suggest that liver fatty acid binding protein may be involved in the intracellular metabolism of lysoPC as well as fatty acids, and that functional differences may exist between rat liver and heart fatty acid binding protein.  相似文献   

The principal absorptive cell of the rat small intestinal epithelium contains two homologous cytosolic proteins that bind long chain fatty acids. These are known as intestinal and liver fatty acid binding proteins (FABP). While their precise physiological roles have not been defined, they are believed to represent a multifunctional cytosolic transport system that is involved in the trafficking of exogenous lipids to sites of metabolic processing. 13C NMR studies have revealed differences in their fatty acid binding stoichiometries, binding mechanisms, and the ionization properties of bound fatty acids. To understand the functional differences, liver FABP has been crystallized for eventual comparison with the known crystal structure of intestinal FABP. The lattice type is trigonal with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 84.1 A and c = 44.2 A. The space group as determined by examination of the Patterson symmetry is either P3(1)21 or P3(2)21.  相似文献   

Intact isolated rat hepatocytes show a small amount of specific 125I-labeled hyaluronic acid (HA) binding. However, in the presence of digitonin, a very large increase in the specific binding of 125I-HA is observed. Chondroitin sulfate, heparin and dextran sulfate were as effective as unlabeled HA in competing for 125I-HA binding to permeabilized hepatocytes, indicating that the binding sites may have a general specificity for glycosaminoglycans. After rat hepatocytes had been homogenized in a hypotonic buffer, more than 98% of the 125I-HA binding activity could be pelleted by centrifugation at 100,000 x g for 1 h. Mild alkaline treatment of hepatocyte membranes did not release 125I-HA binding activity, suggesting that the HA binding site is an integral membrane molecule. Furthermore, trypsin treatment of deoxycholate-extracted membranes destroyed the binding activity, as assessed by a dot-blot assay. This suggests that a protein component in the membrane is necessary for 125I-HA binding activity. Rat fibrinogen could be a possible candidate for the HA binding activity because HA binds specifically to human fibrinogen (LeBoeuf et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 12 586). Also, fibrinogen can be found in a quasi-crystalline form in rat hepatocytes and could be pelleted with the membranes. Rat fibrinogen was not responsible for the 125I-HA binding activity, since (1) purified rat fibrinogen did not bind to 125I-HA, and (2) immunoprecipitation of rat fibrinogen from hepatocyte extracts did not decrease the 125I-HA binding of these extracts. We conclude that the internal HA binding sites are membrane- or cytoskeleton-associated proteins and are neither cytosolic proteins nor fibrinogen.  相似文献   

The affinity of hyaluronic acid binding protein (HBP) to different glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) was examined. The purified protein was pretreated with hyaluronic acid (HA), heparin, glucuronic acid and N-Acetyl-glucosamine and was loaded onto Hyaluronate-Sepharose affinity column. The binding of HBP to HA immobilized on sepharose column was specifically blocked only by pretreatment of HBP to HA and the elution of HBP was decreased proportionately with the addition of higher quantity of HBP. The specificity of HBP to HA was confirmed as it did not bind to Heparin-Sepharose or Chondroitin-4-Sulphate-Sepharose columns. The complex of HBP in association with HA was further shown on Sephadex G-200 and 7.5% polyacrylamide gel. All the experimental findings indicate that HBP binds specifically to HA only.  相似文献   

Although movement of fatty acids between bilayers can occur spontaneously, it has been postulated that intracellular movement is facilitated by a class of proteins named fatty acid binding proteins (FABP). In this study we have incorporated long chain fatty acids into multilamellar liposomes made of phosphatidylcholine, incubated them with rat liver microsomes containing an active acyl-CoA synthetase, and measured formation of acyl-CoA in the absence or presence of FABP purified from rat liver. FABP increased about 2-fold the accumulation of acyl-CoA when liposomes were the fatty acid donor. Using fatty acid incorporated into liposomes made either of egg yolk lecithin or of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, it was found that the temperature dependence of acyl-CoA accumulation in the presence of FABP correlated with both the physical state of phospholipid molecules in the liposomes and the binding of fatty acid to FABP, suggesting that fatty acid must first desorb from the liposomes before FABP can have an effect. An FABP-fatty acid complex incubated with microsomes, in the absence of liposomes, resulted in greater acyl-CoA formation than when liposomes were present, suggesting that desorption of fatty acid from the membrane is rate-limiting in the accumulation of acyl-CoA by this system. Finally, an equilibrium dialysis cell separating liposomes from microsomes on opposite sides of a Nuclepore filter was used to show that liver FABP was required for the movement and activation of fatty acid between the compartments. These studies show that liver FABP interacts with fatty acid that desorbs from phospholipid bilayers, and promotes movement to a membrane-bound enzyme, suggesting that FABP may act intracellularly by increasing net desorption of fatty acid from cell membranes.  相似文献   

肝型脂肪酸结合蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝型脂肪酸结合蛋白(liver fatty acid binding protein,L-FABP)是脂肪酸结合蛋白(fatty acid binding proteins,FABPs)家族重要的成员,在肝脏、小肠、肾脏等组织中均有表达。L-FABP在不饱和脂肪酸、饱和脂肪酸、胆固醇、胆汁酸等转运过程中扮演重要角色。目前研究显示L-FABP在脂肪肝、肝硬化以及肝癌发生发展中起到重要作用,并有望作为肝损伤的早期检测指标。此外,新近研究发现尿中L-FABP水平还可以用于预测1型糖尿病患者的临床结局。在2型糖尿病中,尿中L-FABP与糖尿病性肾病的病程有密切关系。主要就L-FABP的特性、结构及其与疾病的关系做一综述。  相似文献   

S J Frost  R H Raja  P H Weigel 《Biochemistry》1990,29(45):10425-10432
125I-HA, prepared by chemical modification at the reducing sugar, specifically binds to rat hepatocytes in suspension or culture. Intact hepatocytes have relatively few surface 125I-HA binding sites and show low specific binding. However, permeabilization of hepatocytes with the nonionic detergent digitonin results in increased specific 125I-HA binding (45-65%) and a very large increase in the number of specific 125I-HA binding sites. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium 125I-HA binding to permeabilized hepatocytes in suspension at 4 degrees C indicates a Kd = 1.8 x 10(-7) M and 1.3 x 10(6) molecules of HA (Mr approximately 30,000) bound per cell at saturation. Hepatocytes in primary culture for 24 h show the same affinity but the total number of HA molecules bound per cell at saturation decreases to approximately 6.2 x 10(5). Increasing the ionic strength above physiologic concentrations decreases 125I-HA binding to permeable cells, whereas decreasing the ionic strength above causes an approximately 4-fold increase. The divalent cation chelator EGTA does not prevent binding nor does it release 125I-HA bound in the presence of 2 mM CaCl2, although higher divalent cation concentrations stimulate 125I-HA binding. Ten millimolar CaCl2 or MnCl2 increases HA binding 3-6-fold compared to EGTA-treated cells. Ten millimolar MgCl2, SrCl2, or BaCl2 increased HA binding by 2-fold. The specific binding of 125I-HA to digitonin-treated hepatocytes at 4 degrees C increased greater than 10-fold at pH 5.0 as compared to pH 7.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Estrogen binding protein of rat liver.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An estrogen binding protein for estradiol-17beta is present in the liver cytosol of female intact and one day oophorectomized rats. The dissociation constant reveals high affinity binding (Kd: 0.69 +/- 0.14 times 10(-10) M). Quantitation of EBP using a dextran-coated charcoal method shows that this specific macromolecular binding is much less than in the rat uterus, but similar to that in DMBA-induced mammary tumors. Sucrose density gradient analysis shows sedimentation at 8-9 S and 4-5 S when compared to bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

Gel filtration and sucrose density gradient analysis of rat liver high speed supernatant revealed the presence of a protein capable of binding [3H] α-tocopherol. The protein sedimented with an S value of 3.0. Gel filtration yielded an estimated molecular weight of 31,000. Specificity for α-tocopherol was demonstrated by competition for binding of [3H]α-tocopherol with unlabeled α-tocopherol, but not with α-tocopheryl quinone or α-tocopheryl acetate. Pronase digestion completely abolished binding.  相似文献   

The simultaneous determination of heavy metals in microsamples of chromatographically isolated cadmium-binding protein (Cd-BP) from rat liver was performed by neutron activation analysis. The results suggested that metals other than those already reported (Cd, Zn, Cu, and Hg) can bind the protein. These observations were confirmed by in vivo radiotracer experiments by injecting i.p. 21 labelled metal ions in cadmium-treated rats. Of the metals tested, 109Cd, 65Zn, 64Cu, 203Hg, 106Ag and 113Sn were found incorporated in the Cd-BP. The incorporation of 35S-cysteine, used as an indicator of Cd-BP biosynthesis, was increased in rats exposed to cadmium as compared to untreated animals. In order to establish the influence of other metal ions on the biosynthesis of Cd-BP and the incorporation of cadmium in the protein, in vivo experiments were carried out by i.p. injection of 109Cd and 35S-cysteine. In the presence of 42 metal ions no influence was observed on the incorporation of the two radioisotopes in the Cd-BP. These observations tend to support the hypothesis that cadmium can act as a highly specific inducer of Cd-BP and that this protein might be involved in the metabolism of several heavy metals.  相似文献   

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