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Plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from the roots of 7-day-old rice plants ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Bahía) by utilizing an aqueous polymer two-phase system with 6.2%:6.2% (w/w) Dextran T500 and polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG) at pH 7.6. Plasmalemma vesicles of high purity were obtained as indicated by the vanadate-sensitive K+, Mg2+-ATPase activity that was 18 times higher in the upper (PEG-rich) phase than in the lower (Dextran-rich) phase and by specific staining with sodium silicotungstate. Two peaks of ATPase activity were found. One showed a pH optimum at 6.0 in the presence of 150 m M KCl and 3 m M ATP with apparent Km (ATP) and Vmax of 0.75 m M and 79 μmol (mg protein)−1 h−1, respectively. With 50 m M KCl and 7 m M ATP a pH optimum of 6.5, an apparent Km (ATP) of 6.3 m M and Vmax of 159 μmol (mg protein)−1 h−1 were determined. Both activities were specific for ATP, unspecific for monovalent cations, sensitive to sodium vanadate and Ca2+ but insensitive to azide and nitrate.  相似文献   

The latency of the Mg2+-ATPase of corn root plasmalemma was measured using Triton X-100, Zwittergent 3–14, sodium dodecyl sulfate and lysophosphatidylcholine. Lysophosphatidylcholine was the only permeabilizing agent which did not inhibit the enzyme. It gave a higher latency than the other surfactants. The sidedness of plasmalemma vesicles obtained after sucrose gradient purification was estimated from: (i) the Mg2+-ATPase latency; (ii) the fraction of Mg2+-ATPase resistant to trypsin attack; (iii) the effect of the specific binding of concanavalin A on the microelectrophoretic mobility of the vesicles; and (iv) the separation of the vesicles by chromatography on a Sepharose-Con A column. These four kinds of independent data were consistent. They led to the conclusion that this membrane preparation contained only sealed vesicles (impermeable to MgATP), the majority of which (approx. 65%) were oriented right-side out. Addition of 0.25 M sucrose in the same way inhibited the MgATP hydrolysis measured with or without lysophosphatidylcholine, so that the latency of the activity remained unchanged. The inhibition was higher in the presence of 0.25 M inositol and trehalose, again without modifying the latency. Finally, this preparation contained no significant proportion of tightly sealed active vesicles, as indicated by the absence of quinacrine quenching after addition of MgATP. Tightly sealed vesicles, displaying quinacrine quenching, were obtained according to De Michelis and Spanswick ((1986) Plant Physiol. 81, 542–547). The sidedness in this vesicle preparation was the same as the previous one (approx. 65% right-side out). Washing with Triton X-100 described by Clement et al. ((1986) Physiol. Vég. 24, 25–35) was applied. The simultaneous measurements of quinacrine quenching and Mg2+-ATPase latency suggested a general inversion of the vesicle sidedness (approx. 65% of inside-out vesicles) after 0.1% treatment with (w / v) Triton X-100. Furthermore, the total Mg2+-ATPase activity was recovered in spite of protein loss of approx. 60%, and the specific activity increased by approx. 150% in the presence of lysophosphatidylcholine. In the absence of lysophosphatidylcholine, coupling of Mg2+-ATPase activity with H+ transport was indicated by a 30% increase of MgATP hydrolysis upon addition of gramicidin or NH4Cl.  相似文献   

Microtubule protein purified from brain tissue by cycles of in vitro assembly-disassembly contains ATPase activity that has been postulated to be associated with microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and therefore significant for studies of microtubule-dependent motility. In this paper we demonstrate that greater than 90% of the ATPase activity is particulate in nature and may be derived from contaminating membrane vesicles. We also show that the MAPs (MAP-1, MAP-2, and tau factors) and other high molecular weight polypeptides do not contain significant amounts of ATPase activity. These findings do not support the concept of "brain dynein" or of MAPs with ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of a number of new phosphate, sulfate and acetate esters of 3-(p-nitrophenoxy)-1,2-propanediol (PNG); 3-(2,4-dinitrophenoxy)-1,2-propanediol (DNG); 4-(p-nitrophenoxy)-1,2-butanediol (PNB) and 4-(2,4-dinitrophenoxy)-1,2-butanediol (DNB) are described. These esters were prepared to serve as substrates for their corresponding hydrolytic enzymes. The assay system used to measure enzyme hydrolysis requires periodate oxidation of the diol formed after hydrolysis of the ester. Base treatment of the resulting aldehyde yields either p-nitrophenolate ion or the 2,4-dinitrophenolate ion depending upon the substrate. In the presence of high concentrations of methylamine and excess periodate the oxidation and elimination reactions can be carried out simultaneously at pH 7.5. The reactions leading to these results are described.  相似文献   

A purified plasmalemma preparation from roots of Plantago major L. ssp. pleiosperma (Pilger) was obtained by the two-phase partitioning method, using 6.5% (w/w) of Dextran T-500 and polyethylene glycol 3350, respectively. The distribution of murker enzymes proved the purity of the plasmalemma fraction. The ATPase activity was characterized by determining its sensitivity to anions, cations and inhibitors. The Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity peaked at pH 7.25, K+-stimulation at pH 6.75, and the Cl -stimulation both at pH 6.75 and 7.5 (all in the presence of 3 m M MgSO4). The plasmalemma preparations hydrolyzed preferentially ATP (in the presence of Mg2+), although they were less specific for ATP at pH 7.5 than at pH 6.75. The Cl - stimulated ATPase is probably associated with and located on the plasmalemma. The question if the Cl -stimulated activity is due to an ATPase distinct from the classical K+-stimulated ATPase is considered.  相似文献   

Soluble ATPase (F1) has been purified from pig heart mitochondria. The purified enzyme had a high specific activity and was homogeneous as checked by ultracentrifugation and electrofocusing. It could be dissociated into subunits by cold-treatment or sodium dodecyl sulfate denaturation. The molecular weights of the two major and three minor subunits could be estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The native enzyme had an isoelectric point of 5.2 while the cold-denatured enzyme showed three main bands focusing at pH 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4. Kinetic properties (Vm and Km (atp) have been compared for the soluble and membrane bound ATPase in presence of various anions. Inhibitory effects of Quercetin and other flavonoids have been tested in order to get an insight on the interaction between ATPase and its natural inhibitor.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) root plasma membranes purified by the aqueouspolymer two-phase technique have previously been shown to bevery low in tonoplast H+ -ATPase and H+ -PPase activities. Westernblots of a similar preparation showed that, compared to a microsomalfraction, there was practically no reaction with antibodiesto the tonoplast enzymes, but a strong reaction with an antibodyto the plasma membrane H+ -ATPase. Freeze/thaw treatment ofthe plasma membrane vesicles increased the proportion with aninsideout orientation to about 40%. This preparation was usedto demonstrate that substitution of KCl for K2S04 resulted ina 14-fold stimulation of H+ transport, but an increase in ATPaseactivity of less than 10%. In contrast to its effect on tonoplastvesicles, Cl had only a small effect on the membranepotential of plasma membrane vesicles, assayed by oxonol V fluorescencequench recovery. To account for the apparent variability inthe H+/ATP coupling ratio, it may be necessary to devise a modelthat takes into consideration the possibility of non-linearbehaviour with respect to the membrane potential of the protonleak and/or of slip in the ATPase. Key words: ATPase, plasma membrane, anion stimulation, proton transport  相似文献   

The Mg2+-dependent, K+-stimulated ATPase of microsomes from pig gastric mucosa has been studied in relation to observed active H+ transport into vesicular space. Uptake of fluorescent dyes (acridine orange and 9-aminoacridine) was used to monitor the generated pH gradient. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed that the vesicular gastric microsomes have an asymmetric distribution of intramembraneous particles (P-face was particulate; E-face was relatively smooth. Valinomycin stimulated both dye uptake and K+-ATPase (valinomycin-stimulated K+-ATPase); stimulation by valinomycin was due to increased K+ entry to some intravesicular activating site, which in turn depends upon the accompanying anion. Using the valinomycin-stimulated K+-ATPase and H+ accumulation as an index, the sequence for anion permeation was NO-3 greater than Br- greater than Cl- greater than I- greater than acetate approximately isethionate. When permeability to both K+ and H+ was increased (e.g using valinomycin plus a protonophore or nigericin), stimulation of K+-ATPase was much less dependent on the anion and the observed dissipation of the vesicular pH gradient was consistent with an 'uncoupling' of ATP hydrolysis from H+ accumulation. Thiocyanate interacts with valinomycin inhibiting the typical action of the K+ ionophore. But stimulation of ATPase activity was seen by adding 10 mM SCN- to membranes preincubated with valinomycin. From the relative activation of the valinomycin-stimulated K+-ATPase, it appears that SCN- is a very permeant anion which can be placed before NO-3 in the sequence of permeation. Valinomycin-stimulated ATPase and H+ uptake showed similar dependent correlations, including: dependence on [ATP] and [K+], pH optima, temperature activation, and selective inhibition by SH- or NH2-group reagents. These results are consistent with a pump-leak model for the gastric microsomal K+-ATPase which was simulated using Nernst-Planck conditions for passive pathways and simple kinetics for the pump. The pump is a K+/H+ exchange pump requiring K+ at an internal site. Rate of K+ entry would depend on permeability to K+ as well as the counterion, either (1) the anion to accompany K+ or (2) the H+ efflux path as an exchange ion. The former leads to net accumulation of H+ and anion, while the latter results in non-productive stimulation of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1985,193(2):180-184
Plasmalemma vesicles from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots consumed O2 and the addition of 1 mM NADH increased the rate ~ 3-fold (to 15-30 nmol O2·mg−1·min−1). The NADH-dependent O2 uptake was abolished by catalase. In the presence of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), an inhibitor of the alternative oxidase pathway in plant mitochondria, NADH-dependent O2 consumption was stimulated 10–20-fold (to 200–400 nmol·mg1̄·min−1). Catalase also abolished this stimulation, which was KCN-sensitive but antimycin A-insensitive, and the production of H2O2 during SHAM-stimulated NADH-dependent O2 uptake was demonstrated. Irrespective of the mechanism, SHAM-stimulated respiration by root plasmalemma makes it difficult to interpret results on root respiration obtained using KCN and SHAM.  相似文献   

A soluble purified form of Micrococcus lysodeikticus ATPase (form BAT, from strain B, active, trypsin-stimulated) was stimulated 100% by trypsin and this stimulation was inhibited by preincubation of the protease with phenyl methyl sulphonylfluoride. This form of the enzyme was also stimulated 125-150% by filtration on Sephadex G-200. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel electrophoresis showed that stimulation of this form of M. lysodeikticus ATPase was always accompanied by the disappearance of a subunit of mol. wt. 25000 (epsilon subunit). It suggests that this subunit is the natural inhibitor of M. lysodeikticus ATPase. In the case of ATPase stimulation by trypsin, a partial and limited degradation of the alpha subunit was also observed. The interaction between the epsilon subunit and the rest of the ATPase complex was reversibly affected by pH, suggesting its non-covalent nature.  相似文献   

Ca++-uptake and Mg++-Ca++-dependent ATPase activity of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were reciprocally affected by increasing the oxalate concentration from 0 to 4 mM. At 0-0.1 mM oxalate approximately 17% of the calcium was removed by the vesicles from the medium while the ATPase activity was maximal (approximately 0.66 mumoles Pi mg-1 protein min-1). Between 0.1 to 0.2 mM oxalate the ATPase activity was reduced to one-fifth but the uptake rose sharply and 100% of the 45Ca++ was removed from the medium. The uptake was maintained at this level at oxalate concentrations greater than 0.4 mM but the ATPase activity remained inhibited. The kinetics of Ca++-uptake and ATPase activity were also differentially affected by oxalate. In the presence of oxalate, ruthenium red had only a very slight inhibitory effect on the calcium uptake. Addition of 0.1 mM EGTA removed 80% of the Ca++ from preloaded vesicles within 10 min. The formation of insoluble Ca-oxalate salt on the surface of the vesicle is suggested by these results. Calculations based on the Ksp of the calcium oxalate salt are presented to show its formation and the possible speciation of a Ca-oxalate complex which may affect the Ca++-uptake and ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Cauliflower mitochondria do not have a 2,4-dinitrophenol-stimulated ATPase unless they are permitted a brief period of respiration (respiratory priming) or are preincubated for an extensive period with ATP (self-priming). Both priming processes are dependent on Mg2+, and are collapsed by 2,4-dinitrophenol in the absence of ATP. Corn mitochondria, which have an endogenous DNP-ATPase, contain significantly more Mg2+ and adenine nucleotides than cauliflower mitochondria. Primed cauliflower mitochondria have Mg2+ content comparable to corn mitochondria. Cauliflower mitochondria will actively accumulate adenine nucleotides through atractyloside-insensitive sites. It appears that priming consists of creating an electrochemical potential which is needed for accumulation of Mg2+ or adenine nucleotides or for charge compensation of the ATP4?ADP3-? exchange.  相似文献   

Fast transport of axonal vesicles and organelles is a microtubule-associated movement (Griffin, J. W., K. E. Fahnestock, L. Price, and P. N. Hoffman, 1983, J. Neuroscience, 3:557-566; Schnapp, B. J., R. D. Vale, M. P. Sheetz, and T. S. Reese, 1984, Cell, 40:455-462; Allen, R. D., D. G. Weiss, J. H. Hayden, D. T. Brown, H. Fujiwake, and M. Simpson, 1985, J. Cell Biol., 100:1736-1752). Proteins that mediate the interactions of axoplasmic vesicles and microtubules were studied using stable complexes of microtubules and vesicles (MtVC). These complexes formed spontaneously in vitro when taxol-stabilized microtubules were mixed with sonically disrupted axoplasm from the giant axon of the squid Loligo pealei. The isolated MtVCs contain a distinct subset of axoplasmic proteins, and are composed primarily of microtubules and attached membranous vesicles. The MtVC also contains nonmitochondrial ATPase activity. The binding of one high molecular mass polypeptide to the complex is significantly enhanced by ATP or adenyl imidodiphosphate. All of the axoplasmic proteins and ATPase activity that bind to microtubules are found in macromolecular complexes and appear to be vesicle-associated. These data allow the identification of several vesicle-associated proteins of the squid giant axon and suggest that one or more of these polypeptides mediates vesicle binding to microtubules.  相似文献   

Conditions promoting the formation of sealed membrane vesicles from corn roots with reduced proton permeability were examined using the probe 9-aminoacridine as a rapid indicator of pH gradient formation and dissipation. Plasma membrane vesicles isolated by differential and density gradient centrifugation were leaky to protons and rapidly equilibrated when exposed to artificially imposed pH gradients. The leaky plasma membrane vesicles showed reduced proton permeability when incubated with calcium or with excess phospholipids. However, these vesicles were unable to form ATP-induced pH gradients. Sealed vesicles isolated by discontinuous Ficoll gradient centrifugation of a microsomal fraction displayed reduced proton permeability and were osmotically active. In contrast to purified plasma membrane vesicles, the microsomal-derived vesicles were more suitable for studies of active proton transport.  相似文献   

Sealed vesicles were isolated from a plant pathogenic fungus Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea using a modification of a method previously developed for plant plasma membrane vesicle isolation. Vanadate-sensitive, proton pumping microsomal membrane vesicles were resolved on a linear sucrose density gradient and found to comigrate with a vanadate-sensitive ATPase. Both the proton pumping and ATPase activity of these vesicles had a pH optimum of 6.5 and demonstrated similar properties with respect to substrate specificity and inhibitor sensitivity. These properties were in agreement with previously published data on the Phytophthora plasma membrane ATPase. In contrast with previous reports there was no K+ stimulation of the plasma membrane ATPase and the Km for Mg:ATP (1:1 concentration ratio) was higher (2.5 mM). A comparison of anion (potassium salts) effects upon delta pH and delta psi formation in sealed Phytophthora plasma membrane vesicles revealed a correspondence between the relative ability of anions to stimulate proton transport and to reduce delta psi. The relative order for this effect was KCl greater than KBr much greater than KMes, KNO3, KClO3, K2SO4. This study presents a method for the isolation of sealed vesicles from Phytophthora hyphae. It also provides basic information on the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and its associated proton pumping activity.  相似文献   

A soluble purified form of Micrococcus lysodeikticus ATPase (form BAT, from strain B, active, trypsin-stimulated) was stimulated 100% by trypsin and this stimulation was inhibited by preincubation of the protease with phenyl methyl sulphonylfluoride. This form of the enzyme was also stimulated 125–150% by filtration on Sephadex G-200. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel electrophoresis showed that stimulation of this form of M. lysodeikticus ATPase was always accompanied by the disappearance of a subunit of mol. wt. 25 000 (ε subunit). It suggests that this subunit is the natural inhibitor of M. lysodeikticus ATPase. In the case of ATPase stimulation by trypsin, a partial and limited degradation of the α subunit was also observed. The interaction between the ε subunit and the rest of the ATPase complex was reversibly affected by pH, suggesting its non-covalent nature.  相似文献   

In vitro studies of multidrug-resistant cell lines have shown that a membrane protein, the P-glycoprotein, is responsible for resistance to a wide range of structurally and functionally dissimilar anti-cancer drugs. The amino-acid sequence of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) indicates two consensus sequences for ATP binding and the purified protein has been reported to possess a low level of ATPase activity. As part of our goal to further characterize the ATPase activity of P-glycoprotein, we have developed a procedure for rapid partial purification of the protein in a highly active form. Plasma membrane vesicles from multidrug-resistant CHRC5 Chinese hamster ovary cells were subjected to a two-step procedure involving selective extraction with different concentrations of the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS. The resulting extract was enriched in P-glycoprotein (around 30% pure) and displayed an ATPase activity (specific activity 543 nmol mg-1 min-1) that was not found in a similar preparation from drug-sensitive cells. The ATPase specific activity was over 10-fold higher than that previously reported for immunoprecipitated Pgp and 280-fold higher than that of immunoaffinity-purified Pgp. This ATPase activity could be distinguished from that of other ion-motive ATPases and membrane-associated phosphatases and is, thus, proposed to be directly attributable to P-glycoprotein. Optimal P-glycoprotein ATPase activity required Mg2+ at an ATP: Mg2+ molar ratio of 0.75:1 and the apparent Km for ATP was 0.88 mM. P-Glycoprotein ATPase could be completely inhibited by vanadate and by the sulfhydryl-modifying reagents N-ethylmaleimide, HgCl2 and p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate. Certain drugs and chemosensitizers, including colchicine, progesterone, nifedipine, verapamil and trifluoperazine, produced up to 50% activation of P-glycoprotein ATPase activity.  相似文献   

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