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Simultaneous recordings of many single neurons reveals unique insights into network processing spanning the timescale from single spikes to global oscillations. Neurons dynamically self-organize in subgroups of coactivated elements referred to as cell assemblies. Furthermore, these cell assemblies are reactivated, or replayed, preferentially during subsequent rest or sleep episodes, a proposed mechanism for memory trace consolidation. Here we employ Principal Component Analysis to isolate such patterns of neural activity. In addition, a measure is developed to quantify the similarity of instantaneous activity with a template pattern, and we derive theoretical distributions for the null hypothesis of no correlation between spike trains, allowing one to evaluate the statistical significance of instantaneous coactivations. Hence, when applied in an epoch different from the one where the patterns were identified, (e.g. subsequent sleep) this measure allows to identify times and intensities of reactivation. The distribution of this measure provides information on the dynamics of reactivation events: in sleep these occur as transients rather than as a continuous process.  相似文献   

A single radish nuclear gene, Rfo, restores Ogura (ogu) cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in Brassica napus. A map-based cloning approach relying on synteny between radish and Arabidopsis was used to clone Rfo. A radish gene encoding a 687-amino-acid protein with a predicted mitochondrial targeting pre-sequence was found to confer male fertility upon transformation into ogu CMS B. napus. This gene, like the recently described Petunia Rf gene, codes for a pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR)-containing protein with multiple, in this case 16, PPR domains. Two similar genes that do not appear to function as Rfo flank this gene. Comparison of the Rfo region with the syntenic Arabidopsis region indicates that a PPR gene is not present at the Rfo-equivalent site in Arabidopsis, although a smaller and related PPR gene is found about 40 kb from this site. The implications of these findings for the evolution of restorer genes and other PPR encoding genes are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In both vertebrate and invertebrate animals, anesthetic agents cause retrograde amnesia for recently experienced events. In contrast, older memories are resistant to the same treatments. In Drosophila, anesthesia-resistant memory (ARM) and long-term memory (LTM) are genetically distinct forms of long-lasting memory that exist in parallel for at least a day after training. ARM is disrupted in radish mutants but is normal in transgenic flies overexpressing a CREB repressor transgene. In contrast, LTM is normal in radish mutants but is disrupted in CREB repressor transgenic flies. To date, nothing is known about the molecular, genetic, or cell biological pathways underlying ARM. RESULTS: Here, we report the molecular identification of radish as a phospholipase-A2, providing the first clue about signaling pathways underlying ARM in any animal. An enhancer-trap allele of radish (C133) reveals expression in a novel anatomical pathway. Transgenic expression of PLA2 under control of C133 restores normal levels of ARM to radish mutants, whereas transient disruption of neural activity in C133 neurons inhibits memory retention. Notably, expression of C133 is not in mushroom bodies, the primary anatomical focus of olfactory memory research in Drosophila. CONCLUSIONS: Identification of radish as a phospholipase-A2 and the neural expression pattern of an enhancer-trap allele significantly broaden our understanding of the biochemistry and anatomy underlying olfactory memory in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is generally thought to be critical for explicit, but not implicit, memory. Here, we demonstrate that the perirhinal cortex (PRc), within the MTL, plays a role in conceptually-driven implicit memory. Amnesic patients with MTL lesions that converged on the left PRc exhibited deficits on two conceptual implicit tasks (i.e., exemplar generation and semantic decision). A separate functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study in healthy subjects indicated that PRc activation during encoding of words was predictive of subsequent exemplar generation. Moreover, across subjects, the magnitude of the fMRI and behavioral conceptual priming effects were directly related. Additionally, the PRc region implicated in the fMRI study was the same region of maximal lesion overlap in the patients with impaired conceptual priming. These patient and imaging results converge to suggest that the PRc plays a critical role in conceptual implicit memory, and possibly conceptual processing in general.  相似文献   

Models of circuit action in the mammalian hippocampus have led us to a study of habituation circuits. In order to help model the process of habituation we consider here a memory network designed to learn sequences of inputs separated by various time intervals and to repeat these sequences when cued by their initial portions. The structure of the memory is based on the anatomy of the dentate gyrus region of the mammalian hippocampus. The model consists of a number of arrays of cells called lamellae. Each array consists of four lines of model cells coupled uniformly to neighbors within the array and with some randomness to cells in other lamellae. All model cells operate according to first-order differential equations. Two of the lines of cells in each lamella are coupled such that sufficient excitation by a system input generates a wave of activity that travels down the lamella. Such waves effect dynamic storage of the representation of each input, allowing association connections to form that code both the set of cells stimulated by each input and the time interval between successive inputs. Results of simulation of two networks are presented illustrating the model's operating characteristics and memory capacity.  相似文献   

The HOP1 gene encodes a meiosis-specific component of yeast chromosomes   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  

The strawberry gene Cyf1 encodes a phytocystatin with antifungal properties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An EST, encoding a strawberry phytocystatin (PhyCys) obtained from a developing fruit of Fragariaxananassa cv. Elsanta has been characterized. The corresponding gene (Cyf1) had three introns interrupting its ORF that codes for a protein (FaCPI-1) of 235 amino acid residues with a putative signal peptide of 29 residues and an estimated molecular mass for the mature protein of 23.1 kDa. This protein contains, besides a C-terminal extension, several motifs conserved in all members of the PhyCys superfamily: (i) a GG and LARFAV-like motifs towards the N-terminal part of the protein; (ii) the reactive site QVVAG, and (iii) a conserved PW, downstream of the reactive site. Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses indicated that the Cyf1 gene was expressed in fully expanded leaves, in roots and in achenes, but not in the receptacle (pseudocarp) during fruit development. The recombinant FaCPI-1 protein expressed in E. coli efficiently inhibited papain (K(i) 1.9 x 10(-9) M) and less so cathepsin H (K(i) 4.7 x 10(-7) M) and cathepsin B (K(i) 3.3 x 10(-6) M), and was a good inhibitor of the in vitro growth of phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea (EC(50): 1.90 microM) and Fusarium oxysporum (EC(50): 2.28 microM).  相似文献   

Watanabe M  Takahashi Y  Aihara K 《Bio Systems》2000,58(1-3):259-263
We propose a neuron model whose internal state is integrated on a two dimensional phase space composed of time and dendritic space. Here, the postsynaptic potential is given as a curved surface on the phase space. Using the proposed neuron model, we introduce a continuous-time associative memory model with spike propagation delay and multiple synaptic sites on the dendrite. We show by numerical simulation that the memory capacity is doubled due to the effects of temporal spike coding and active dendrite compared to the sparse coding associative memory model.  相似文献   

Memory for the mating male’s pheromones in female mice is thought to require synaptic changes in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB). Induction of this memory depends on release of glutamate in response to pheromonal exposure coincident with release of norepinephrine (NE) in the AOB following mating. A similar memory for pheromones can also be induced artificially by local infusion of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline into the AOB. The natural memory formed by exposure to pheromones during mating is specific to the pheromones sensed by the female during mating. In contrast, the artificial memory induced by bicuculline is non-specific and results in the female mice recognizing all pheromones as if they were from the mating male. Although protein synthesis has been shown to be essential for development of pheromone memory, the gene expression cascades critical for memory formation are not known. We investigated changes in gene expression in the AOB using oligonucleotide microarrays during mating-induced pheromone memory (MIPM) as well as bicuculline-induced pheromone memory (BIPM). We found the set of genes induced during MIPM and BIPM are largely non-overlapping and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed that the signaling pathways in MIPM and BIPM also differ. The products of genes induced during MIPM are associated with synaptic function, indicating the possibility of modification at specific synapses, while those induced during BIPM appear to possess neuron-wide functions, which would be consistent with global cellular changes. Thus, these results begin to provide a mechanistic explanation for specific and non-specific memories induced by pheromones and bicuculline infusion respectively.  相似文献   

The auditory evoked potentials in man cannot be explained by a single source even though a strong influence of the primary areas in the supratemporal plane has been pointed out in different works. In 26 normal adults we mathematically extracted the greater part of the experimental AEPs explicable by such an origin. The residual part obtained by subtracting this first component from the experimental data is in agreement with an origin in the precentral motor cortex.  相似文献   

To investigate the temporal and spatial expression patterns of the gene (lat ) encoding lysine epsilon-aminotransferase (LAT) for cephamycin C biosynthesis, a mutant form of green fluorescent protein (mut1GFP) was integrated into the Streptomyces clavuligerus chromosome (strain LH369), resulting in a translational fusion with lat. LAT activity and fluorescence profiles of the recombinant protein paralleled the native LAT enzyme activity profile in wild-type S. clavuligerus, which peaked during exponential growth phase and decreased slowly towards stationary phase. These results indicate that the LAT-Mut1GFP fusion protein retains both LAT and GFP functionality in S. clavuligerus LH369. LH369 produced wild-type levels of cephamycin C in minimal medium culture conditions supplemented with lysine. Time-lapsed confocal microscopy of the S. clavuligerus LH369 strain revealed the temporal and spatial characteristics of lat gene expression and demonstrated that physiological development of S. clavuligerus colonies leading to cephamycin C biosynthesis is limited to the substrate mycelia.  相似文献   

Kresge N  Vacquier VD  Stout CD 《Biochemistry》2001,40(18):5407-5413
Sp18 is an 18 kDa protein that is released from abalone sperm during the acrosome reaction. It coats the acrosomal process where it is thought to mediate fusion between sperm and egg cell membranes. Sp18 is evolutionarily related to lysin, a 16 kDa abalone sperm protein that dissolves the vitelline envelope surrounding the egg. The two proteins were generated by gene duplication followed by rapid divergence by positive selection. Here, we present the crystal structure of green abalone sp18 resolved to 1.86 A. Sp18 is composed of a bundle of five alpha-helices with surface clusters of basic and hydrophobic residues, giving it a large dipole moment and making it extremely amphipathic. The large clusters of hydrophobic surface residues and domains of high positive electrostatic surface charge explain sp18's ability as a potent fusagen of liposomes. The overall fold of sp18 is similar to that of green abalone lysin; however, the surface features of the proteins are quite different, accounting for their different roles in fertilization. This is the first crystal structure of a protein implicated in sperm-egg fusion during animal fertilization.  相似文献   

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