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The effect of colchicine and other antimitotic drugs was studied in cultures of 11-day chick embryo breast muscle. Exposure of such cultures to 10-6 M colchicine results in fragmentation of the elongate myotubes into rounded, cytoplasmic sacs (myosacs) containing various numbers of nuclei. Comparison of the dose-response relation between myotube fragmentation and metaphase arrest suggests that the underlying mechanism may be similar in both cases. Low temperature does not duplicate the effects of colchicine. Glycerinated myotubes are not affected by the mitotic inhibitors. The effect of colchicine on myotubes is reversible. Myosacs elongate within several days after removal from colchicine. However, the regenerated myotubes fail to incorporate additional mononucleated cells. Colchicine does not interfere with the process of fusion itself, but the metaphase block prevents cells from entering that phase of the cell cycle during which fusion can occur. Cells arrested in mitosis by colchicine do not recover when incubated in normal medium. Colcemid-induced arrest is reversible and does not prevent subsequent fusion of the cells.  相似文献   

In our breeding conditions (without artificial hormonal stimulation) two years after metamorphosis are necessary for a Xenopus laevis female to produce mature oocytes. Four periods of different growth rates can be distinguished into this first wave of oogenesis: 1) oocytes reach 120 μm in diameter (early stage I according to D umont (5)) in a few weeks after metamorphosis; 2) growth slows down and the size of 250–300 μm (late stage I) is obtained 6–7 months later; 3) a rapid growth resumes during vitellogenesis (stages II, III and IV) and a 1,000–1,100 μm diameter is reached in 2–3 months; 4) the last period spans for a year and the oocyte grows up to 1,200 μm. This phase covers many physiological changes and it should be critical to size carefully the oocytes for biochemical investigations and comparisons.
At last most of the oocytes in a young female do not proceed through this entire oogenesis, they are stopped at the end of the second growth phase (about 250 μm in diameter).  相似文献   

Antibodies against myosin of adult chicken skeletal muscle were labelled with fluorescein and used as staining reagents to analyze the development of trunk myoblasts in the chick embryo. Myoblasts from the brachial myotomes were studied in three ways: (a) Specimens were fixed, sectioned, and stained with iron-hematoxylin. (b) Living myoblasts, and myoblasts prepared by glycerol extraction, were teased and examined by phase contrast microscopy. (c) Embryo trunks were treated with fluorescent antimyosin or with a control solution of fluorescent normal globulin, and were examined by fluorescence and phase contrast microscopy. Both glycerol-extracted and fixed materials were used. Cross-striated myofibrils appeared first in stage 16 to 17 embryos in the series studied by antimyosin staining and fluorescence microscopy. Striated myofibrils appeared first in stage 18 to 19 embryos, in the series stained by iron-hematoxylin, and at stage 22 to 23, in the series studied by glycerol extraction and phase contrast microscopy. In each series, myofibrils without apparent cross-striations were detected shortly before cross-striations were observed. Specific staining by antimyosin occurred only in differentiating myoblasts. Within the myoblasts antimyosin staining was confined to the A bands of the slender myofibrils. The following observations suggest that the first delicate striated structure to appear in the early 3 day myoblast was remarkably mature: (1) The sarcomere pattern both in length and in internal detail, was similar to that of adult muscle. (2) The distribution of myosin, as revealed by antimyosin staining, was the same in the embryonic as in the mature myofibril. (3) Glycerol-extracted myoblasts contracted vigorously on exposure to ATP. The changes in sarcomere band pattern were indistinguishable from those occurring during contraction of adult muscle induced by ATP. (4) ATP contraction was blocked by prior antimyosin staining in embryonic myoblasts as in mature muscle. It is suggested that the early myofibril grows laterally as a thin sheet associated with the sarcolemma, and that growth in length occurs in the growth tips of the elongating myoblast.  相似文献   

—The kinetics of sodium dependent glutamic acid transport have been studied in desheathed frog sciatic nerve. Initial velocities have been measured as a function of both glulamic acid and sodium concentration. Lineweaver–Burk plots are constructed from these data, and the kinetic constants describing uptake are estimated. Vmax is unaffected by sodium concentration, which implies that translocation is not directly affected by sodium. K1 is sodium dependent, which implies that sodium affects the affinity of the carrier for glutamic acid. Reciprocal plots of velocity vs [Na] or K1 vs 1/[Na] are linear, suggesting that glutamic acid and sodium are co-transported on a one-to-one basis. t, the sodium concentration giving half maximal velocity of uptake, was found to vary from about 57 mm to 48 mm at glutamic acid concentrations of 1.0–10.0 ± 10?6m . A model of a mechanism by which sodium and glutamate could be co-transported is presented; the model is in very good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

将布朗粒子的定向运动,看作是系统受到外部非平衡涨落作用的结果,并建立相应的扩散模型。通过蒙特卡罗模拟方法,得到布郎粒子定向梯跳运动曲线。结果表明:非对称锯齿势,外部含时闪烁力及加性色噪声协调与联合作用,可使布朗粒子做梯跳或锯齿运动。作为一种可能的解释,将驱动蛋白Kinesins沿微管定向梯跳运动看作是上述协调作用的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake into the non-raffinose space of cerebral cortex slices of a number of 14C-labelled glucose analogues has been studied. Evidence on competition with glucose for the transport process has been used to derive information on the substrate specificity of sugar uptake to the brain. The kinetic properties of the uptake of 2-deoxygIucose indicate that the transport is a facilitated process rather than diffusion. Classical competition between glucose and 2-deoxyglucose for transport is shown and arguments are advanced for regarding glucose as a competitive inhibitor of 2-deoxyglucose transport. The apparent Km for deoxyglucose is 10 mM and for glucose is suggested to be of the order of 5 mm , The value of such a kinetic approach to sugar transport in various conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

The process of endogenous respiration of two strains of bakers'' yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was examined kinetically. The rate of respiration with respect to time in a non-nutrient medium was found to exhibit two phases: (a) a period of constant rate of O2 consumption and CO2 production (R.Q. = 1) characteristic of cells with ample concentrations of stored material; (b) a first order decline in rate of respiration with respect to time, where the rate was proportional to the concentration of some substrate, S. (R.Q. = 1 throughout second phase.) The nature of this substrate was reexamined and the evidence summarized confirms the notion that it is a carbohydrate, probably glycogen. These phases of endogenous respiration were shown to depend upon the age of the culture and the amount of substrate available.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed several aspects of protein secretion by thyroid follicular cells. The study was carried out on intact thyroid lobes obtained from newborn rats and incubated in vitro. The fate of leucine-3H incorporated into protein within follicular cells of untreated and thyrotropic hormone (TSH)-treated lobes was traced by quantitative electron microscope radioautography. Our findings indicate that protein synthesized by the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum during a pulse exposure to leucine-3H is released relatively slowly by this organelle. Approximately 1 hr after onset of the pulse, a peak of radioactive protein appears in the Golgi region. The significance of this peak is not clear. Newly synthesized secretory protein passes through the apex of follicular cells without being concentrated or temporarily stored there in the form of large secretory droplets. Passage probably takes place via small vesicles which are intermingled among diverse small vesicles at the apex of the cells as well as in the Golgi region. Exposure of the lobes to TSH in the incubation medium for 45 or 90 min does not stimulate incorporation of leucine-3H into protein. Acute stimulation with TSH does, however, modify the movement of secretory protein within the exocrine secretory apparatus of the follicular cell. It accelerates the arrival of the protein at the apex of follicular cells, and it accelerates the release of the protein into the follicular lumen.  相似文献   

佛波酯(TPA)是一种有效的皮肤癌促变剂。有不少实验事实指出,它的原始作用部位是质膜,而且对间隙连接的影响也已从各方面得到了证实。本文利用这种药物研究细胞通讯在肌细胞分化中的重要性。割取蝾螈神经胚中期躯干部体节中胚层,用组织培养的方法培养。实验组在培液(Steinberg+Leibovitz's L-15,9∶1)中加适量TPA,共试用了4种浓度,5、10、20和40ng/ml,以10ng/ml为适当,本文报道用这一浓度得到的结果。处理时间为4天,天天换新鲜配制的TPA溶液,连续三天,以后在正常培液中培养。对照组和实验组一样,在20℃下培养10—16天。比较对照组和实验组的结果,看到TPA的处理使预定体节细胞分化为肌细胞的过程受到了明显的阻抑。对照组在10天左右的培养中,可以观察到从预定体节细胞转变为成肌细胞,再融合为肌管。但是,实验组培养早期有一定量的脱落细胞,它们大多为不规则形,分散在外植块周围;还有一些不规则形的细胞,成片地自外植块铺展出来。不论是前者还是后者,在10天左右的培养过程中都未能表现进一步分化。除了看到一些梭形或长形的细胞夹杂在分散或成片的不规则细胞之间,没有找到过多核的肌管细胞。我们的实验结果结合过去形态的观察,说明细胞间通讯的时间性在肌细胞分化中是十分重要的。TPA处理的时间正相当于正常肌细胞分化中间隙连接大量存在并发挥作用的期间,很可能,TPA使间隙连接失去作用,处理之后再恢复正常培液,错过了时间,间隙连接的作用以后也不再能得到补偿。  相似文献   

脑啡肽对离体动脉条收缩活动的影响及其机制分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
范谨之  林树新 《动物学报》1992,38(2):202-207
亮氨酸脑啡肽(L-ENK)和甲硫氨酸脑啡肽(M-ENK)对兔耳动脉条在电场刺激下所产生的收缩反应具有抑制作用,此抑制效应具有剂量依赖关系,并且可以被阿片受体阻断剂纳洛酮阻断。用荧光法测定动脉条去甲肾上腺素(NE)释放量的实验表明,脑啡肽(ENK)是通过抑制支配动脉壁交感神经末梢释放NE,继而抑制血管平滑肌收缩的。实验还证明,吗啡对动脉条的收缩无抑制作用,从而表明在兔耳动脉上以δ亚型阿片受体为主,可能无μ亚型阿片受体。可卡因和育亨宾通过不同的作用途径使动脉条释放NE增加。  相似文献   

The mitotic spindle of many mammalian cells undergoes an abrupt elongation at anaphase. In both cultured rat kangaroo (strain PtK1) and Chinese hamster (strain Don-C) fibroblasts, the distance from pole to pole at metaphase doubles during anaphase and telophase. In order to determine the organization and distribution of spindle microtubules during the elongation process, cells were fixed and flat embedded in Epon 812. Selected cells were photographed with the phase-contrast microscope and then serially sectioned perpendicular to the major spindle axis. Microtubule profiles were counted in selected sections, and the number was plotted with respect to position along the spindle axis. Interpretation of the distribution profiles indicated that not all interpolar microtubules extended from pole to pole. It is estimated that 55–70% of the interpolar microtubules are overlapped at the cell equator while 30–45% extend across the equator into both half spindles. This arrangement appeared to persist from early anaphase (before elongation) until telophase after the elongation process. Although sliding or shearing of microtubules may occur in the spindle, such appears not to be the mechanism by which the spindle elongates in anaphase. Instead, our data support the hypothesis that spindle elongation occurs by growth of prepositioned microtubules which "push" the poles apart.  相似文献   

Esophageal Development. 1. The region of most active mitosis per mm. of cross-section in the esophagus is the entodermal epithelial tube. The mitotic figures follow a spiral path in the manner of a left-handed helix from the cephalic to the caudal direction. 2. The region of least active growth per mm. of cross-section in the esophagus is the mesenchyme surrounding the epithelial tube. 3. The helicoidal activity of the epithelial tube causes a vortical reaction in the surrounding mesenchyme. The mesenchymal whirlpool represents a reaction to the spirally grooving epithelial tube. 4. In embryos 9.5 to 14 mm. in length the esophageal epithelial tube grows relatively more rapidly in width than in length. During this period the myoblasts which form the inner, close spiral, muscle coat of the esophagus are becoming rapidly differentiated in the outer condensed margin of the mesenchymal maelstrom. 5. The nuclei, first spherical then oval, and finally rod shaped with rounded ends, are drawn out in the direction of the circumference of the mesenchymal rim which is directed tangentially. 6. The cytoplasm is also drawn out in the direction of the mesenchymal rim of the vortex. The elongated rows of isolated granules appear which subsequently, by confluence, form the myofibrillæ. These cytoplasmic derivatives are elongated in the direction of the circumference of the vortex. 7. Between the epithelial tube and the myoblastic rim at the periphery of the mesenchymal whorl is found the embryonic connective tissue. From this direct observation the conclusion is made that an optimum tensional stress stimulus is necessary to elicit the formation of muscular tissue at the circumference of the mesenchymal vortex. Consequently, the formation of a specific derivative from a pluripotent mesenchymal cell is due to the fortuitous circumstance of position. 8. In embryos from 14 to 24 mm. in length, the esophagus grows relatively more rapidly in length than in width. This elongation is due to two factors; first, the descent of the stomach, and, second, the resistance to diametrical growth presented by the inner close spiral musculature. The epithelial tube, still the dominant zone of mitotic activity, pursues the lines of least resistance, and consequently growth in length takes place. This is due to the shifting of the planes of cell division on account of the compression of the inner, close spiral, muscle coat. 9. The undifferentiated mesenchyme peripherad to the inner, close spiral musculature is elongated and the histogenetic changes in muscular formation are gradually taking place between 14 and 24 mm. A very attenuated, outer, elongated, spiral, or longitudinal muscle coat is detected in the esophagus of a 24 mm. pig embryo. 10. The characteristic intestino-colic flexure is a torsional reaction of the mesenchyme. The mesenchymal cells are thrown into a left-handed helicoidal series, corresponding to the activity in the epithelial tube. The right-handed helicoidal reaction of the mesenchyme, therefore, is due to the left-handed helicoidal growth of the epithelial tube. 11. The normal asymmetry of the abdominal viscera as well as the position of the gut is dependent upon the clockwise reaction of the stretched mesenchymal cell. These cells are stretched by the left-handed helicoidal growth of the epithelial tube. One factor producing situs inversus viscerum could be the reversal of the spiral growth of the epithelial tube resulting in a reaction of the mesenchyme in a direction opposite, namely counterclockwise, to that which occurs normally.  相似文献   

实验选用甘氨酸-氢氧化钠(pH9±0.01)缓冲溶液,草鱼或鲤鱼肝脏匀浆液经低速离心后取上清液作为酶,反应系统中加入CCU后在25℃保温5h,用醋酸乙酯萃取代谢产物,用TLC对代谢产物进行分离纯化,用HPLC方法对代谢产物进行定性定量测定,证明有对氯苯基脲素CPU产生。为进一步证实代谢产物为CPU,用能给出绝对光谱定性数据的紫外检测器在一定的波长范围内,对标样及斑点中测定的组分进行扫描,从光谱学上证明了产物是CPU。当加入专一性酯酶抑制剂后,酶活性被抑制89-99%,证明酯酶在CCU的降解中起重要作用。  相似文献   

取银胶菊(Parthenium argentatum Gray)幼株的茎端培养在MS培养基上,附加0.5ppm6-BA可促进其顶芽萌发和继发腋芽。6-BA和IAA配合使用可进而使腋芽大量萌发。0.5ppmIBA对诱导生根最有利,10天左右根长可达1-2cm,试管苗即可进行移栽。长根期置试管苗于温室进行自然交温(20°—44℃)、强光照(上午10时光强度为3000—6000Lux)处理,壮苗效果显著。试管苗移栽成活率在湿度保证的情况下,随光照强度的增大而提高。露地沙床移栽操作简便,适于大量试管苗的移栽。试管苗的截枝扦插也能成活。嫩叶片的组织培养也可得到完整植株,并移栽成活。  相似文献   

A method was developed to analyse and characterize FMF measurements of DNA content distribution, utilizing the discrete time kinetic (DTK) model for cell kinetics analysis. The DTK model determines the time sequence of the cell age distribution during the proliferation of a tumor cell population and simulates the distribution pattern of the DNA content of cells in each age compartment of the cell cycle. The cells in one age compartment are distributed and spread into several compartments of the DNA content distribution to allow for different rates of DNA synthesis and instrument dispersion effects. It is assumed that the DNA content of cells in each age compartment has a Gaussian distribution. Thus, for a given cell age distribution the DNA content distribution depends on two parameters of the cells in each age compartment: the average DNA content and its coefficient of variation. As the DTK model generates the best fit DNA content distribution to the FMF measurement data, it enables one to estimate specific values of these two parameters in each stage of the cell cycle and to determine the fraction of cells in each cycle phase. The method was utilized to fit FMF measurements of DNA content distributions and to analyse their relationship to the cell kinetic parameters, namely cell loss rate, cell cycle times and growth fraction of exponentially growing Chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro and, also, with a wide range of coefficients of variation, of the L1210 ascites tumour during the growth period.  相似文献   

体外培育赤眼蜂的国内外研究已达到相当水平:随着人工饲料配方的优化,选用的人工卵壳材料更适合于赤眼蜂的寄生与发育,以及人工卵卡机的研制成功和性能不断改进,产业化体外培育赤眼蜂已成为可能.体外培育赤眼蜂的品质管理问题是实现产业化体外培育赤眼蜂的关键.然而,国内外对体外培育赤眼蜂的品质管理研究涉及甚少,有待进一步研究.本文指出应开展体外培育赤眼蜂生物学特性、行为学特性和分子生物学特性的研究,并应用于品质管理,建立体外培育赤眼蜂的品质管理体系,促进实现体外培育赤眼蜂产业化的进程,从而满足农业生产上对赤眼蜂种群的大量需要.另外,人工卵滞育贮存法的突破有助于实现体外培育赤眼蜂的产业化,也应加强研究.最后,本文对体外培育赤眼蜂的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

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