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Do detached root-cap cells influence bacteria associated with maize roots?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. A model rhizosphere has been used which consisted of detached root-cap cells of maize in their surrounding root-cap mucilage on the surface of Noble agar. These cells were co-cultured for periods up to 32 d with eight different bacterial isolates from soil-grown roots and surrounding soil and two laboratory cultures. Cap cells were unaffected by the bacteria. There were five different type-specific responses of the bacteria in proximity to the cap cells. There were, strong growth inhibition ( Rhizobium sp. and Escherichia coli ), strong stimulation ( Pseudomonas fluorescens , laboratory strain), mixed weak inhibition or stimulation ( Pseudomonas fluorescens , field isolate), early inhibition followed by strong stimulation then spore formation ( Bacillus spp.), no effect ( Streptomyces sp. and Cytophaga sp.). It is concluded that detached root-cap cells are actively involved in the establishment of characteristic rhizosphere bacterial microflora.  相似文献   

During two seasons, ABA concentrations were monitored in roots, leaves and xylem sap of field-grown maize. The water status of soil and plant was also measured. Plants were grown on plots with compacted or non-compacted soil, which were irrigated or remained unwatered. ABA concentration in the xylem sap before dawn and in the roots increases 25-fold and five-fold, respectively, as the soil dried, with a close correlation with the soil water status, but with no clear effect of the soil structure. In contrast to the results of several laboratory experiments, no appreciable increase in xylem [ABA] and reduction in stomatal conductance were observed with dehydration of the part of the root system located in soil upper layers. These responses only occurred when the water reserve of the whole soil profile was close to depletion and the transpiration declined. Xylem [ABA] measured during the day was appreciably higher in the compacted treatment than in non-compacted treatment, unlike that measured before dawn. Since a mechanical message is unlikely to undergo such day-night alterations, we suggest that this was due to a faster decrease in root water potential and water flux in the compacted treatment, linked to the root spatial arrangement. These results raise the possibility that ABA concentration in the xylem sap could be controlled by two coexisting mechanisms: (1) the rate of ABA synthesis in the roots linked to the soil or root water status, as shown in laboratory experiments; (2) the dilution of ABA in the water flow from roots, which could be an overriding mechanism in field conditions. This second mechanism would allow the plant to sense the water flux through the root system.  相似文献   

Extensive applications of persistent organochlorine pesticides like endosulfan on cotton have led to the contamination of soil and water environments at several sites in Pakistan. Microbial degradation offers an effective approach to remove such toxicants from the environment. This study reports the isolation of highly efficient endosulfan degrading bacterial strains from soil. A total of 29 bacterial strains were isolated through enrichment technique from 15 specific sites using endosulfan as sole sulfur source. The strains differed substantially in their potential to degrade endosulfan in vitro ranging from 40 to 93% of the spiked amount (100 mg l−1). During the initial 3 days of incubation, there was very little degradation but it got accelerated as the incubation period proceeded. Biodegradation of endosulfan by these bacteria also resulted in substantial decrease in pH of the broth from 8.2 to 3.7 within 14 days of incubation. The utilization of endosulfan was accompanied by increased optical densities (OD595) of the broth ranging from 0.511 to 0.890. High performance liquid chromatography analyses revealed that endosulfan diol and endosulfan ether were among the products of endosulfan metabolism by these bacterial strains while endosulfan sulfate, a persistent and toxic metabolite of endosulfan, was not detected in any case. The presence of endosulfan diol and endosulfan ether in the bacterial metabolites was further confirmed by GC-MS. Abiotic degradation contributed up to 21% of the spiked amount. The three bacterial strains, Pseudomonas spinosa, P. aeruginosa, and Burkholderia cepacia, were the most efficient degraders of both α- and β-endosulfan as they consumed more than 90% of the spiked amount (100 mg l−1) in the broth within 14 days of incubation. Maximum biodegradation by these three selected efficient bacterial strains was observed at an initial pH of 8.0 and at an incubation temperature of 30°C. The results of this study may imply that these bacterial strains could be employed for bioremediation of endosulfan polluted soil and water environments.  相似文献   

Three base pairs in the T-stem are primarily responsible for the sequence-specific interaction of tRNA with Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus EF-Tu. While the amino acids on the surface of EF-Tu that contact aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) are highly conserved among bacteria, the T-stem sequences of individual tRNA are variable, making it unclear whether or not this protein-nucleic acid interaction is also sequence specific in other bacteria. We propose and validate a thermodynamic model that predicts the ΔG° of any tRNA to EF-Tu using the sequence of its three T-stem base pairs. Despite dramatic differences in T-stem sequences, the predicted ΔG° values for the majority of tRNA classes are similar in all bacteria and closely match the ΔG° values determined for E. coli tRNAs. Each individual tRNA class has evolved to have a characteristic ΔG° value to EF-Tu, but different T-stem sequences are used to achieve this ΔG° value in different bacteria. Thus, the compensatory relationship between the affinity of the tRNA body and the affinity of the esterified amino acid is universal among bacteria. Additionally, we predict and validate a small number of aa-tRNAs that bind more weakly to EF-Tu than expected and thus are candidates for acting as activated amino acid donors in processes outside of translation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pseudomonas diminuta and P. vesicularis , two obligate aerobes isolated from laboratory algal cultures, stimulated the growth of the green microalgae Scenedesmus bicellularis and Chlorella sp., without releasing any growth promoting substance. An intimate contact between both microorganisms was necessary for significant algal growth enhancement. The possibility of algal growth stimulation by bacterial attenuation of photosynthetic oxygen tension was indirectly examined by simulating the effect of bacteria through a physical removal of oxygen (air suction). Vacuum-treated cultures showed an increase in growth rate and photosynthetic activity as compared to the control, a result which cannot be explained by differences in CO2/HCO3 pump activity. In the presence of P. diminuta , the photosynthetic activity of S. bicellularis was more strongly stimulated under a limited concentration of inorganic carbon. It is suggested that, apart from a CO2 supply, aerobic bacteria can promote algal growth by reducing the photosynthetic oxygen tension within the microenvironment of the algal cells, thereby creating more favorable conditions for optimal photosynthetic algal growth.  相似文献   

The mechanical and physiological bases for root growth against high mechanical impedance are reviewed. The best estimates of maximum axial root growth pressure (max) in completely impeded pea roots appear to be from 0.5 to 0.6 MPa, which results from a turgor pressure of about 0.8 MPa. When roots are incompletely impeded, a range of responses has been reported. Roots do not change elongation rate in a simple mechanical way in response to changes in mechanical impedance. Instead, ethylene might play a key role in mediating an increase in root diameter and a decrease in elongation rate. These changes persist for some hours or days after impedance is removed. Differences between species in their ability to penetrate strong soil layers are not related to differences in max, but appear to be due to differences in root diameter. In rice, differences between cultivars in the ability of their roots to penetrate strong wax layers are not related to their elongation rates through uniformly strong media. Differences between species or cultivars in their ability to penetrate strong layers may be due to differences in the tendency of roots to deflect or buckle when they grow from a weak to a strong environment.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may facilitate genetic isolation among populations and result in increased rates of diversification. As a mechanism driving diversification, sexual selection has been invoked and upheld in numerous empirical studies across disparate taxa, including birds, plants and spiders. In this study, we investigate the potential impact of sexual selection on the tempo and mode of ponyfish evolution. Ponyfishes (Leiognathidae) are bioluminescent marine fishes that exhibit sexually dimorphic features of their unique light-organ system (LOS). Although sexual selection is widely considered to be the driving force behind ponyfish speciation, this hypothesis has never been formally tested. Given that some leiognathid species have a sexually dimorphic LOS, whereas others do not, this family provides an excellent system within which to study the potential role of sexual selection in diversification and morphological differentiation. In this study, we estimate the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times for Leiognathidae, investigate the tempo and mode of ponyfish diversification, and explore morphological shape disparity among leiognathid clades. We recover strong support for a monophyletic Leiognathidae and estimate that all major ponyfish lineages evolved during the Paleogene. Our studies of ponyfish diversification demonstrate that there is no conclusive evidence that sexually dimorphic clades are significantly more species rich than nonsexually dimorphic lineages and that evidence is lacking to support any significant diversification rate increases within ponyfishes. Further, we detected a lineage-through-time signal indicating that ponyfishes have continuously diversified through time, which is in contrast to many recent diversification studies that identify lineage-through-time patterns that support mechanisms of density-dependent speciation. Additionally, there is no evidence of sexual selection hindering morphological diversity, as sexually dimorphic taxa are shown to be more disparate in overall shape morphology than nonsexually dimorphic taxa. Our results suggest that if sexual selection is occurring in ponyfish evolution, it is likely acting only as a genetic isolating mechanism that has allowed ponyfishes to continuously diversify over time, with no overall impact on increases in diversification rate or morphological disparity.  相似文献   


Background and aims

It is generally assumed that very large herbivores, such as elephants, make foraging decisions at large spatial scales, but the extent to which seasonal foraging decisions are driven by soil quality, and its link to plant nutrient levels, is uncertain.


We studied the diet selection of African elephants Loxodonta africana in Ithala Game Reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, using data on elephant feeding preferences and spatial distributions from a published paper. Elephants were present in the eastern half with granite soils in the wet season, and in the western half with sedimentary soils in the dry season. The quality of these two soil types and of seven key tree species for elephants was assessed in both seasons.


Soil quality was higher on the sedimentary soils in terms of total nitrogen, soil respiration, water-holding capacity, organic carbon and pH. Leaf quality was higher on the sedimentary soils in the dry season, while in the wet season there was no significant difference in leaf quality of the seven key tree species growing on the two substrates.


Soil quality may explain elephants’ foraging decisions in the dry season, but not in the wet season. Elephants preferred trees with higher protein and lower concentrations of fibre on both granite and sedimentary soils.

Nitrification was measured in fractions of chernozemic rendzina and lessivē soil differing in aggregate size. In both soils the maximum rates occurred in aggregates between 1 and 3 mm in diameter. The effects of structural and other properties (particle composition, pore-size distribution, surface area, organic C and total N content, ratio of air volume to water volume in aggregates) proved to be insignificant except for the nitrification rate in the lessivē soil, which positively correlated with the fraction of particles between 20 and 50 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to determine if temporal variations of belowground activity reflect the influence of the Cry1Ab protein from transgenic maize on soil bacteria and, hence, on a regulatory change of the microbial community (ability to metabolize sources belonging to different chemical guilds) and/or a change in numerical abundance of their cells. Litter placement is known for its strong influence on the soil decomposer communities. The effects of the addition of crop residues on respiration and catabolic activities of the bacterial community were examined in microcosm experiments. Four cultivars of Zea mays L. of two different isolines (each one including the conventional crop and its Bacillus thuringiensis cultivar) and one control of bulk soil were included in the experimental design. The growth models suggest a dichotomy between soils amended with either conventional or transgenic maize residues. The Cry1Ab protein appeared to influence the composition of the microbial community. The highly enhanced soil respiration observed during the first 72 h after the addition of Bt-maize residues can be interpreted as being related to the presence of the transgenic crop residues. This result was confirmed by agar plate counting, as the averages of the colony-forming units of soils in conventional treatments were about one-third of those treated with transgenic straw. Furthermore, the addition of Bt-maize appeared to induce increased microbial consumption of carbohydrates in BIOLOG EcoPlates. Three weeks after the addition of maize residues to the soils, no differences between the consumption rate of specific chemical guilds by bacteria in soils amended with transgenic maize and bacteria in soils amended with conventional maize were detectable. Reaped crop residues, comparable to post-harvest maize straw (a common practice in current agriculture), rapidly influence the soil bacterial cells at a functional level. Overall, these data support the existence of short Bt-induced ecological shifts in the microbial communities of croplands' soils.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between testosterone levels and vertical jumping performance in elite men and women athletes. The secondary objective was to verify whether testosterone levels and vertical jumping performance were different in men and women athletes and if those measurements were different between different athletic groups. Seventy (22 women and 48 men) elite athletes in track and field (sprinters), handball, volleyball, and soccer competing at national and international levels participated in the study. After 10 hours of fasting and 1 day of rest, blood samples were drawn from the antecubital vein for determining testosterone levels. Vertical jumping tests consisted of countermovement jumps conducted on a resistive platform connected to a digital timer. Resting testosterone levels in women were 9.5% of those of the men (respectively 0.62 +/- 0.06 ng.ml(-1) and 6.49 +/- 0.37 ng.ml(-1); p < 0.001). Countermovement jump performance was significantly different between women and men athletes, with women's jumping ability 86.3% of that of men (p < 0.001). A significant positive relationship was identified between testosterone levels and vertical jump performance when all data where considered (r = 0.61, p < 0.001, n = 70).  相似文献   

Summary Though most birds and insects are capable of flight (volant) some species are flightless. In this paper I test the hypothesis that phylogenetic constraints have played a role in the evolution of flightlessness. If speciation occurred after the evolutionary transition to flightlessness, inferences concerning the importance of particular aspects of the environment on the probability of the evolution of flightlessness may be statistically spurious because of the inflation of the sample size. Among birds, ratites and penguins illustrate the phenomenon of considerable speciation subsequent to the transition to the evolution of flightlessness. In contrast, the rails represent a group in which each flightless species probably represents a separate evolutionary transition. There are many more flightless insect species than bird species and several orders are monomorphically flightless, the sometimes enormous speciation within the order following and possibly being a consequence of the evolution of flightlessness. While it can be shown in insects that flightlessness has evolved independently many times, there are at least as many cases in which the question cannot be resolved. Therefore, in both birds and insects phylogenetic effects should not be ignored, for the number of evolutionary transitions may be much less than the number of species. The effect of incorporating phylogenetic (or at least taxonomic) constraints into the analysis of habitat factors associated with flightlessness is considered.  相似文献   

A central controversy among biologists is the relative importance of natural selection and genetic drift as creative forces shaping biological diversification (Fisher 1930; Wright 1931). Historically, this controversy has been an effective engine powering several evolutionary research programs during the last century (Provine 1989). While all biologists agree that both processes operate in nature to produce evolutionary change, there is a diversity of opinion about which process dominates at any particular organizational level (from DNA and proteins to complex morphologies). To address this last level, we did a broadscale analysis of cranial diversification among all living New World monkeys. Quantitative genetic models yield specific predictions about the relationship between variation patterns within and between populations that may be used to test the hypothesis that genetic drift is a sufficient explanation for morphological diversification. Diversity at several levels in a hierarchy of taxonomic/phylogenetics relationship was examined from species within genera to families within superfamilies. The major conclusion is that genetic drift can be ruled out as the primary source of evolutionary diversification in cranial morphology among taxa at the level of the genus and above as well as for diversification of most genera. However, drift may account for diversification among species within some Neotropical primate genera, implying that morphological diversification associated with speciation need not be adaptive in some radiations.  相似文献   

Ekblad  Alf  Nordgren  Anders 《Plant and Soil》2002,245(1):115-122
To study whether the biomass of soil microorganisms in a boreal Pinus sylvestris-Vaccinium vitis-idaea forest was limited by the availability of carbon or nitrogen, we applied sucrose from sugar cane, a C4 plant, to the organic mor-layer of the C3–C dominated soil. We can distinguish between microbial mineralization of the added sucrose and respiration of endogenous carbon (root and microbial) by using the C4-sucrose as a tracer, exploiting the difference in natural abundance of 13C between the added C4-sucrose (13C –10.8) and the endogenous C3–carbon (13C –26.6 ). In addition to sucrose, NH4Cl (340 kg N ha–1) was added factorially to the mor-layer. We followed the microbial activity for nine days after the treatments, by in situ sampling of CO2 evolved from the soil and mass spectrometric analyses of 13C in the CO2. We found that microbial biomass was limited by the availability of carbon, rather than nitrogen availability, since there was a 50% increase in soil respiration in situ between 1 h and 5 days after adding the sucrose. However, no further increase was observed unless nitrogen was also added. Analyses of the 13C ratios of the evolved CO2 showed that increases in respiration observed between 1 h and 9 days after the additions could be accounted for by an increase in mineralization of the added C4–C.  相似文献   

Research in the soil of the tropics mostly has demonstrated the decline of soil organic carbon (SOC) after conversion of primary forest to plantation and cultivated lands. This paper illustrates the dynamics of SOC on the island of Java, Indonesia, from 1930 to 2010. We used 2002 soil profile observations containing organic carbon (C) analysis in the topsoil, which were collected by the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research & Development from 1923 to 2007. Results show the obvious decline of SOC values from around 2% in 1930–1940 to 0.8% in 1960–1970. However, there has been an increase of SOC content since 1970, with a median level of 1.1% in the year 2000. Our analysis suggests that the human influence and agricultural practices on SOC in Java have been a stronger influence than the environmental factors. SOC for the top 10 cm has shown a net accumulation rate of 0.2–0.3 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 during the period 1990–2000. These findings give rise to optimism for increased soil C sequestration in the tropics.  相似文献   

Individual specialization (IS), i.e. the relatively narrower niche of individuals compared to their population, can be caused by the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We studied IS on prey type and size in three congeneric euryphagous sympatrically occurring species: Philodromus albidus, Philodromus aureolus, and Philodromus cespitum. We performed prey acceptance experiments in standardized laboratory conditions using adult females. We also studied possible factors affecting IS. As intrinsic factors, we measured aggressiveness toward prey and spider size as the measures of behavioral and morphological differences, respectively. As extrinsic factors, we studied the composition of the guild of actively hunting spiders in the area from where the philodromids were collected. We computed the degree of inter- and intraspecific crowding as a measure of inter- and intraspecific competition, respectively. Then we computed competition coefficients from census data in order to estimate the strength of interspecific competition among three species. There was no IS on prey type in any studied species. In terms of prey size, only P. albidus was found to be individually specialized, while there was no IS in the other two species. There was a significant effect of aggressiveness, but no significant effect of body size on IS in P. albidus. This species was the least aggressive of the studied species. The philodromids were the dominant actively hunting spiders in the study area. P. albidus was exposed to a relatively higher degree of interspecific than intraspecific competition, whereas in the other philodromids the situation was reversed. The presence of interspecific competition between P. albidus and the other two species was confirmed by the census data analysis. We documented context-dependent IS in Philodromus species. We argue that the higher degree of IS in P. albidus was influenced by interference competition mainly from the other two philodromid species. The niches of the other two species were influenced by food limitation, which decreased their IS.  相似文献   

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