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Hirota S  Iwamoto T  Tanizawa K  Adachi O  Yamauchi O 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14256-14263
Carbon monoxide complexes have been generated for copper/topa quinone (TPQ)-containing amine oxidases from Arthrobactor globiformis (AGAO) and Aspergillus niger (AO-I) and characterized by various spectroscopic measurements. Addition of CO to AGAO anaerobically reduced with its substrate 2-phenylethylamine led to a slight increase of absorption bands at 440 and 470 nm derived from the semiquinone form (TPQ(sq)) of the TPQ cofactor, concomitantly giving rise to new CO-related absorption bands at 334 and 434 nm. The intensity of the TPQ(sq) radical EPR signal at g = 2.004 also increased in the presence of CO, while its hyperfine coupling structure was affected insignificantly. FT-IR measurements revealed C-O stretching bands (nu(CO)) at 2063 and 2079 cm(-1) for the CO complex of the substrate-reduced AGAO (at 2085 cm(-1) for AO-I), which shifted nearly 100 cm(-1) to lower frequencies upon using (13)C(18)O. Collectively, these results suggest that CO is bound to the Cu(I) ion in the Cu(I)/TPQ(sq) species formed in the reductive half-reaction of amine oxidation, thereby shifting the Cu(II)/aminoresorcinol right arrow over left arrow Cu(I)/semiquinone equilibrium toward the latter. When AGAO was reduced with dithionite, an intermediary form of the enzyme with Cu(II) reduced to Cu(I) but TPQ still in the oxidized state (TPQ(ox)) was produced. Dithionite reduction of AGAO in the presence of CO resulted in the immediate formation of FT-IR bands at 2064 and 2083 cm(-1), which were assigned to the nu(CO) bands of the CO bound to the TPQ(ox) enzyme. The intense 2083 cm(-1) band was then displaced by a new band at 2077 cm(-1), corresponding to the formation of the fully reduced topa. Significant variation of these nu(CO) frequencies indicates that vibrational properties of CO bound to copper amine oxidases are sensitively influenced by the coordination structure of the Cu(I) ion, which may be modulated by the chemical and redox states of the TPQ cofactor.  相似文献   

A 4040-bp cDNA was cloned from a human placenta library by screening with a polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragment. The fragment was generated from the library using primers corresponding to conserved sequences encompassing the topa quinone (TPQ) cofactor sites of the copper-containing proteins, bovine serum amine oxidase (BSAO) and human kidney diamine oxidase (DAO). The cloned cDNA contains a coding sequence from positions 161 to 2449. Between bases 2901 and 2974, in a very long 1591-bp 3′-untranslated region, there is a G/A-rich region in the minus strand, which contains a (AGG)5 tandem repeat. The human placenta cDNA sequence and its translated amino acid sequence are 84% and 81% identical to the corresponding BSAO sequences, while the identities for the placenta sequences and those for human kidney DAO are 60% and 41%, respectively. The TPQ consensus nucleotide and protein sequences are identical for the placenta enzyme and BSAO, but the corresponding sequences for human kidney DAO are nonidentical. Three His residues that have been identified as Cu(II) ligands in other amine oxidases are conserved in the human placenta amine oxidase protein sequence. It was concluded that the placenta cDNA open-reading frame codes for a copper-containing, TPQ-containing monoamine oxidase. A putative 19-amino acid signal peptide was identified for human placenta amine oxidase. The resulting mature protein would be composed of 744 amino acids, and would have a Mr of 82 525. Comparison of the human placenta amine oxidase with DNA sequences found in GenBank suggests that the gene for this enzyme is located in the q21 region of human chromosome 17, near the BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   

Changes in the net protonation of D-amino acid oxidase during binding of competitive inhibitors and during reduction by amino acids have been monitored using phenol red as a pH indicator. At pH 8.0, no uptake or release of protons from solution occurs upon binding the inhibitors benzoate, anthranilate, picolinate, or L-leucine. The Kd values for both picolinate and anthranilate were determined from pH 5.4 to 9.0. The results are consistent with a single group on the enzyme having a pK of 6.3 which must be unprotonated for tight binding, as is the case with benzoate binding (Quay, S., and Massey, V. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 3348-3354) and with tight binding of the inhibitor form with an unprotonated amino group. Upon reduction of the enzyme by amino acid substrates, two protons are released to solution. The first is released concomitantly with reduction to the reduced enzyme-imino acid charge transfer complex. The second is released only upon dissociation of the charge transfer complex to free reduced enzyme and imino acid. The first proton is assigned as arising from the amino acid group and the second from the amino acid alpha-hydrogen. These results are consistent with the flavin in reduced D-amino acid oxidase being anionic.  相似文献   

Glycolate oxidase is a flavin-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of α-hydroxy acids to the corresponding α-keto acids, with reduction of molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. A number of probes have been used to investigate the oxidative half-reaction catalyzed by the enzyme, including steady state and rapid kinetics, pH studies, solvent kinetic isotope effects, and solvent viscosity effects. Here we present the first spectroscopic evidence of the formation of an intermediate with absorbance features resembling those of a flavosemiquinone in the oxidative half-reaction of glycolate oxidase.  相似文献   

The reaction of xanthine oxidase with 2-hydroxy-6-methylpurine (also called 2-oxo-6-methylpurine) has been studied under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Reaction of enzyme with substoichiometric concentrations of hydroxymethylpurine in aerobic 0.1 M 3-(cyclohexylamino)propanesulfonic acid, 0.1 N KCl, 0.3 mM EDTA, pH 10.0, exhibits two reaction intermediates detectable by UV-visible spectrophotometry. The rate constants for formation of the first intermediate, conversion of the first to the second, and the decay of the second to give oxidized enzyme are 18, 1.2, and 0.13 s-1, respectively. The difference spectra of these two intermediates relative to oxidized enzyme are characterized by absorbance maxima at 470 and 540 nm, respectively, with extinction changes (relative to oxidized enzyme) of approximately 410 M-1 cm-1. The 0.13 s-1 decay of the second intermediate agrees well with kcat of 0.11 s-1 determined under the same conditions. Based on a comparison of the kinetics of the reaction as monitored by UV-visible absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry, it is concluded that these spectral intermediates arise from the molybdenum center of the enzyme in the MoIV and MoV valence states, respectively, the latter corresponding to the species exhibiting the "very rapid" MoV EPR signal known to be formed in the course of the reaction. This conclusion is supported by the results of experiments using cytochrome c reduction to follow the formation of superoxide production in the course of the aerobic reaction of xanthine oxidase with substoichiometric hydroxymethylpurine, which demonstrate unequivocally that the species exhibiting the very rapid EPR signal is formed by one-electron oxidation of a MoIV species rather than direct one-electron reduction of MoVI by substrate. No evidence is found for the formation of any of the MoV EPR signals designated "rapid" in the present studies, and it is concluded that this species is not a bona fide catalytic intermediate in the reductive half-reaction of xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   

Tilocca A  Gamba A  Vanoni MA  Fois E 《Biochemistry》2002,41(48):14111-14121
Large-scale Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations of D-alanine oxidation catalyzed by the flavoenzyme D-amino acid oxidase have been carried out. A model of the enzyme active site was built by starting from the enzyme X-ray structure, and by testing different subsystems comprising different sets of aminoacyl residues. In this process, the stability of the enzyme-substrate complex was taken as a measure of the accuracy of the model. The activated transfer of the amino acid alpha-hydrogen from the substrate to the flavin N5 position was then induced by constraining a suitable transfer reaction coordinate, and the free energy profile of the reaction was calculated. The evolution of electronic and structural properties of both enzyme-bound substrate and flavin cofactor along the reaction path is consistent with a hydride-transfer mechanism. The calculated free energy barrier for this process (13 kcal/mol) is in excellent agreement with the activation energy value derived from the experimentally determined rate constant for the corresponding enzyme-catalyzed reaction. The electronic distribution of the reduced flavin shows that the transferred electrons tend to be centered near the C4a position rather than delocalized over the flavin pyrimidine ring. This feature is mechanistically relevant in that such an electronic distribution may promote the subsequent enzyme-catalyzed reduction of molecular oxygen to yield hydrogen peroxide via a postulated flavin 4a-peroxide intermediate. These results also show that a first-principles molecular dynamics approach is suitable to study the mechanism of complex enzymatic processes, provided that a smaller, yet reliable, subsystem of the enzyme can be identified, and special computational techniques are employed to enhance the sampling of the reactive event.  相似文献   

The topa quinone (TPQ) cofactor of copper amine oxidase is produced by posttranslational modification of a specific tyrosine residue through the copper-dependent, self-catalytic process. We have site-specifically mutated three histidine residues (His431, His433, and His592) involved in binding of the copper ion in the recombinant phenylethylamine oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis. The mutant enzymes, in which each histidine was replaced by alanine, were purified in the Cu/TPQ-free precursor form and analyzed for their Cu-binding and TPQ-generating activities by UV-visible absorption, resonance Raman, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies. Among the three histidine-to-alanine mutants, only H592A was found to show a weak activity to form TPQ upon aerobic incubation with Cu(2+) ions. Also for H592A, exogenous imidazole rescued binding of copper and markedly promoted the TPQ formation. Accommodation of a free imidazole molecule within the cavity created in the active site of H592A was suggested by X-ray crystallography. Although the TPQ cofactor in H592A mutant was readily reduced with substrate, its catalytic activity was very low even in the presence of imidazole. Combined with the crystal structures of the mutant enzymes, these results demonstrate the importance of the three copper-binding histidine residues for both TPQ biogenesis and catalytic activity, fine-tuning the position of the essential metal.  相似文献   

The reaction of NO-derivatized polyamines called "NONOates" with an amine oxidase from lentil seedlings was studied. 3,3-Bis(aminoethyl)-1-hydroxy-2-oxo-1-triazene (DETA-NONOate) and 3,3'-(hydroxynitrosohydrazino)bis-1-propanamine (DPTA-NONOate) were found to be irreversible inactivators of the lentil enzyme. The spectrum of the protein was strongly affected in the course of reaction with both compounds, leading to the formation of a covalent adduct with a stable band at 334 nm. The corresponding amine compounds diethylentriamine (DETA) and norspermidine (DPTA) were substrates of the lentil enzyme that did not lead to enzyme inactivation. Diethylamine-NONOate, not containing amino groups, was found to be an irreversible inactivator of the amine oxidase only in the presence of a substrate. Since all NONOates spontaneously decompose in solution with release of NO, it seems as if the latter is responsible for the enzyme inhibition. The insensitivity of the native enzyme to NO suggested that this compound was unreactive toward both the cofactors, 6-hydroxydopa quinone (TPQ) and Cu(II), and thus a model for the irreversible inactivation could involve the attack by NO of the Cu(I)-semiquinolamine radical catalytic intermediate.  相似文献   

Washed cell suspensions of Clostridium sphenoides degraded the alpha-isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane via delta-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene and the gamma-isomer via gamma-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene. Both intermediates were further metabolized to unknown substances. The tetrachlorocyclohexene intermediates were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

J M Denu  P F Fitzpatrick 《Biochemistry》1992,31(35):8207-8215
Primary deuterium kinetic isotope and pH effects on the reduction of D-amino acid oxidase by amino acid substrates were determined using steady-state and rapid reaction methods. With D-serine as substrate, reduction of the enzyme-bound FAD requires that a group with a pKa value of 8.7 be unprotonated and that a group with a pKa value of 10.7 be protonated. The DV/Kser value of 4.5 is pH-independent, establishing that these pKa values are intrinsic. The limiting rate of reduction of the enzyme shows a kinetic isotope effect of 4.75, consistent with this as the intrinsic value. At high enzyme concentration (approximately 15 microM) at pH 9,D-serine is slightly sticky (k3/k2 = 0.8), consistent with a decrease in the rate of substrate dissociation. With D-alanine as substrate, the pKa values are perturbed to 8.1 and 11.5. The DV/Kala value increases from 1.3 at pH 9.5 to 5.1 at pH 4, establishing that D-alanine is sticky with a forward commitment of approximately 10. The effect of pH on the DV/Kala value is consistent with a model in which exchange with solvent of the proton from the group with pKa 8.7 is hindered and is catalyzed by H2O and OH- above pH 7 and by H3O+ and H2O below pH 7. With glycine, the pH optimum is shifted to a more basic value, 10.3. The DV/Kgly value increases from 1.26 at pH 6.5 to 3.1 at pH 10.7, consistent with fully reversible CH bond cleavage followed by a pH-dependent step. At pH 10.5, the kinetic isotope effect on the limiting rate of reduction is 3.4.  相似文献   

The catalytic cycle of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) couples the reduction of oxygen to the translocation of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane and involves several intermediate states of the heme a3-CuB binuclear center with distinct absorbance properties. The absorbance maximum close to 605 nm observed during respiration is commonly assigned to the fully reduced species of hemes a or a3 (R). However, by analyzing the absorbance of isolated enzyme and mitochondria in the Soret (420–450 nm), alpha (560–630 nm) and red (630–700 nm) spectral regions, we demonstrate that the Peroxy (P) and Ferryl (F) intermediates of the binuclear center are observed during respiration, while the R form is only detectable under nearly anoxic conditions in which electrons also accumulate in the higher extinction coefficient low spin a heme. This implies that a large fraction of COX (>50 %) is active, in contrast with assumptions that assign spectral changes only to R and/or reduced heme a. The concentration dependence of the COX chromophores and reduced c-type cytochromes on the transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) was determined in isolated mitochondria during substrate or apyrase titration to hydrolyze ATP. The cytochrome c-type redox levels indicated that soluble cytochrome c is out of equilibrium with respect to both Complex III and COX. Thermodynamic analyses confirmed that reactions involving the chromophores we assign as the P and F species of COX are ΔΨm-dependent, out of equilibrium, and therefore much slower than the ΔΨm-insensitive oxidation of the R intermediate, which is undetectable due to rapid oxygen binding.  相似文献   

Washed cell suspensions of Clostridium sphenoides degraded the alpha-isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane via delta-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene and the gamma-isomer via gamma-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene. Both intermediates were further metabolized to unknown substances. The tetrachlorocyclohexene intermediates were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Ruggiero CE  Dooley DM 《Biochemistry》1999,38(10):2892-2898
The stoichiometry of the topa quinone biogenesis reaction in phenylethylamine oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis (AGAO) has been determined. We have shown that the 6e- oxidation of tyrosine to topa quinone (TPQ) consumes 2 mol of O2 and produces 1 mol of H2O2/mol of TPQ formed. The rate of H2O2 production is first-order (kobs = 1.0 +/- 0.2 min-1), a rate only slightly lower than the rate of TPQ formation directly determined previously (kobs = 1.5 +/- 0.2 min-1). This gives the following net reaction stoichiometry for TPQ biogenesis: E-Tyr + 2O2 --> E-TPQ + H2O2. This stoichiometry is in agreement with recently proposed mechanisms for TPQ biogenesis, and rules out several possible alternatives.  相似文献   

Juda GA  Shepard EM  Elmore BO  Dooley DM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(29):8788-8800
Copper amine oxidases (CuAOs) catalyze the oxidative deamination of primary amines operating through a ping-pong bi-bi mechanism. In this work, azide (an exogenous monodentate ligand) was used to probe the role of copper during the oxidative half-reaction of CuAO catalysis. The effects of azide on both the reductive and oxidative half-reactions of pea seedling amine oxidase (PSAO), the recombinant human kidney diamine oxidase (rhDAO), Arthrobacter globiformis amine oxidase (AGAO), and Pichia pastoris amine oxidase (PPLO) have been examined. For the reductive half-reaction, defined as the oxidation of amine substrate to an aldehyde, azide was discovered to exhibit either noncompetitive or competitive inhibition with respect to the amine, depending on the enzyme source. With regard to the oxidative half-reaction, defined as the reoxidation of the enzyme via reduction of O(2) to H(2)O(2), azide has been determined to exhibit competitive inhibition with respect to O(2) in PSAO with a calculated K(i) value that is in excellent agreement with the experimentally determined K(d) value for the Cu(II)-N(3)(-) complex. Azide was found to exhibit mixed-type/partially competitive inhibition with respect to substrate O(2) in rhDAO, with an apparent K(i) that is similar to the K(d) value for the Cu(II)-N(3)(-) complex. The competitive inhibition for PSAO and the partially competitive inhibition for rhDAO are consistent with O(2) interacting directly with copper during enzymatic reoxidation. For the enzymes AGAO and PPLO, pure noncompetitive and mixed-type/partially competitive inhibition is observed. K(i) values for reductive and oxidative half-reactions are equivalent and are lower than measured K(d) values for the Cu(II)-N(3)(-) complexes in oxidized and substrate-reduced forms of these enzymes. Given these observations, it appears that substantial inhibition of the reductive half-reaction occurs at the concentrations of azide used for the oxidative half-reaction experiments, thereby complicating kinetic interpretation. At this time, the data do not permit us to distinguish between two possibilities: (1) inhibition by azide with respect to O(2) is intrinsically competitive in CuAOs, but this effect cannot always be deconvolved experimentally from the effects of azide on the reductive half-reaction; or (2) CuAOs differ in some steps of their reoxidation mechanisms.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the errors of low-temperature recording of kinetics of the cytochrome oxidase-CO reaction had identified the classic devitrification process of Keilin & Hartree [(1950) Nature (London)165, 504-505]. The methodology described here minimizes this effect, and the computation methods afford appropriate ways of detecting a residual effect. Thus it has been possible to identify that absorption difference spectra and kinetics of the reaction of fully reduced or half-reduced cytochrome oxidase with CO indicate only one spectroscopic form of the respective carbonmonoxi-cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

Schwartz B  Olgin AK  Klinman JP 《Biochemistry》2001,40(9):2954-2963
All known copper amine oxidases (CAOs) contain 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine quinone (TPQ) as a redox cofactor. TPQ is derived posttranslationally from a specific tyrosine residue within the protein itself, and is utilized by the enzyme to oxidize amines to aldehydes. Several oxidative mechanisms for both turnover and the biogenesis of the cofactor have been proposed in recent years, which differ mainly in the nature of the interaction of oxygen with the enzyme. In this study, azide is used to probe the role of copper in catalysis and biogenesis, especially with respect to potential interactions between the metal and oxygen. During turnover, it is found that azide is a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to O(2), most consistent mechanistically with oxygen binding off the metal prior to reaction. During biogenesis, it is found that azide likely prohibits ligation of the precursor tyrosine to the copper, thus preventing the formation of this key intermediate. This result is consistent with previous proposals, where the copper-tyrosine unit is the species that undergoes reaction with O(2). In addition, it is found that oxygen consumption is kinetically uncoupled from TPQ formation; this leads to an expanded kinetic model for biogenesis, with important implications for previous results.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the purple intermediate of porcine kidney D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) was solved by cryo-X-ray crystallography; the purple intermediate is known to comprise a complex between the dehydrogenated product, an imino acid, and the reduced form of DAO. The crystalline purple intermediate was obtained by anaerobically soaking crystals of oxidized DAO in a buffer containing excess D-proline as the substrate. The dehydrogenated product, delta(1)-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylate (DPC), is found sandwiched between the phenol ring of Tyr 224 and the planar reduced flavin ring. The cationic protonated imino nitrogen is within hydrogen-bonding distance of the backbone carbonyl oxygen of Gly 313. The carboxyl group of DPC is recognized by the Arg 283 guanidino and Tyr 228 hydroxyl groups through ion-pairing and hydrogen-bonding, respectively. The (+)HN=C double bond of DPC overlaps the N(5)-C(4a) bond of reduced flavin. The electrostatic effect of the cationic nitrogen of DPC is suggested to shift the resonance hybridization of anionic reduced flavin toward a canonical form with a negative charge at C(4a), thereby augmenting the electron density at C(4a), from which electrons are transferred to molecular oxygen during reoxidation of reduced flavin. The reactivity of reduced flavin in the purple intermediate, therefore, is enhanced through the alignment of DPC with respect to reduced flavin.  相似文献   

The quinoprotein aromatic amine dehydrogenase (AADH) uses a covalently bound tryptophan tryptophylquinone (TTQ) cofactor to oxidatively deaminate primary aromatic amines. Recent crystal structures have provided insight into the reductive half-reaction. In contrast, no atomic details are available for the oxidative half-reaction. The TTQ O7 hydroxyl group is protonated during reduction, but it is unclear how this proton can be removed during the oxidative half-reaction. Furthermore, compared with the electron transfer from the N-quinol form, electron transfer from the non-physiological O-quinol form to azurin is significantly slower. Here we report crystal structures of the O-quinol, N-quinol, and N-semiquinone forms of AADH. A comparison of oxidized and substrate reduced AADH species reveals changes in the TTQ-containing subunit, extending from residues in the immediate vicinity of the N-quinol to the putative azurin docking site, suggesting a mechanism whereby TTQ redox state influences interprotein electron transfer. In contrast, chemical reduction of the TTQ center has no significant effect on protein conformation. Furthermore, structural reorganization upon substrate reduction places a water molecule near TTQ O7 where it can act as proton acceptor. The structure of the N-semiquinone, however, is essentially similar to oxidized AADH. Surprisingly, in the presence of substrate a covalent N-semiquinone substrate adduct is observed. To our knowledge this is the first detailed insight into a complex, branching mechanism of quinone oxidation where significant structural reorganization upon reduction of the quinone center directly influences formation of the electron transfer complex and nature of the electron transfer process.  相似文献   

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