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Egg quality and parental ornamentation in the blue tit Parus caeruleus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Components of avian egg quality often show remarkable variation between females and yet the causes of variation in this fitness-related trait remain poorly understood. We investigated the egg size and yolk carotenoid investment of blue tit Parus caeruleus females in relation to multiple parental traits. We show that females produce eggs with more colourful yolks when mated to ultraviolet (UV) attractive males. Since yolk carotenoids may enhance offspring fitness, but may be available to females in limiting amounts, the correlation we found suggests adaptive egg quality adjustment in response to mate attractiveness, but an experimental approach is required to rule out alternative explanations. Yolk colour was also correlated with laying date and yolk mass. Though the effect of laying date could not be explained by ambient temperature during egg formation, it suggests a proximate constraint of general carotenoid availability on yolk composition. Egg size was not affected by male attractiveness; however, females with a brighter crown produced larger eggs, suggesting that crown coloration might indicate individual quality in females too.  相似文献   

The study of primary sex ratio adjustment in birds is notoriousfor inconsistency of results among studies. To develop our understandingof avian sex ratio variation, experiments that test a prioripredictions and the replication of previous studies are essential.We tested if female blue tits Parus caeruleus adjust the sexratio of their offspring to the sexual attractiveness of theirmates, as was suggested by a previous benchmark study on thesame species. In 2 years, we reduced the ultraviolet (UV) reflectanceof the crown feathers of males in the period before egg layingto decrease their attractiveness. In contrast to the simpleprediction from sex allocation theory, we found that the overallproportion of male offspring did not differ between broods ofUV-reduced and control-treated males. However, in 1 year, theUV treatment influenced offspring sex ratio depending on thenatural crown UV reflectance of males before the treatment.The last result confirms the pattern found in the previous bluetit study, which suggests that these complex patterns of primarysex ratio variation are repeatable in this bird species, warrantingfurther research into the adaptive value of blue tit sex ratioadjustment to male UV coloration.  相似文献   

Androgenic hormones occur naturally in bird egg yolk and are known to enhance growth in canary and gull chicks. Gil et al. (1999, Science, 286, 126-128) have recently proposed that female allocation of androgens to eggs represents a form of costly maternal investment. This hypothesis predicts that females of high quality or high reproductive potential should invest more yolk androgens in their eggs than females of low quality or low reproductive potential. We tested these predictions by examining interfemale variation in allocation of the androgenic steroids testosterone and androstenedione to eggs in a wild population of European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. We collected 30 full clutches of eggs and captured 22 of the females that laid these clutches for phenotypic measurements. In agreement with the hypothesis, we found that there was significant interfemale variation in yolk androgen concentrations. Furthermore, older females deposited more androstenedione and testosterone in eggs than 1-year-old females, and females laying early or large clutches deposited more testosterone in eggs than females laying late or small clutches. However, females in good body condition did not deposit more androgens in eggs than females in poor body condition. Large-yolked eggs had a higher total yolk androgen content than small-yolked eggs, but larger eggs did not have higher concentrations of yolk androgens. The results in general support the investment hypothesis of yolk androgen allocation. However, further data are needed regarding the costs of yolk androgen allocation and the effects of yolk androgens on offspring to substantiate the assumptions of the hypothesis. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Variation of maternal androgens in avian eggs may be a mechanism of maternal influence on offspring development, growth, and/or behavior. We studied yolk androgen concentrations in eggs of guira cuckoos (Guira guira) to understand how females might enhance the success of offspring in a complex communal breeding system. We measured concentrations of androstenedione, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and testosterone in yolks and identified eggs and clutches of individuals in joint nests by yolk protein electrophoresis. Androstenedione had the highest yolk concentration, at least 10 times higher than that of testosterone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone. The first eggs of individual females that laid two or three eggs in a joint nest had lower androstenedione concentrations than their second and third eggs, the latter having a lower probability of being ejected from the nest. This implies that guira cuckoo females may influence offspring survival and competitiveness in communal nests by means of differential allocation of androstenedione and laying tactics. There was significant variation in yolk androstenedione among females, but the order in which females entered laying in the communal clutch had no effect on the concentrations. Androstenedione yolk concentrations increased with communal clutch size, which may indicate that higher levels of competition in larger groups lead to higher yolk androgen concentrations. Finally, androstenedione concentrations were higher in clutches in the later wetter periods of the rainy season than during the earlier drier period. This may be explained by the high frequency of large clutches in the later periods, with more females contributing to a joint clutch.  相似文献   

Mothers can influence the phenotype of their offspring by adjustingthe quality of their eggs in relation to sex and reproductivevalue of the progeny. Maternal androgens in the eggs of vertebratesmay mediate such adaptive early maternal effects. However, theevolution of early maternal effects mediated by egg androgensmay be constrained by the inability of mothers to differentiallyallocate androgens to eggs with a male or a female if androgenshave different effects on sons and daughters. In this study,we increased the concentration of androgens in the eggs of barnswallows (Hirundo rustica) within the physiological range ofvariation and analyzed the effect on nestling growth and beggingbehavior. Egg androgens increased body size and mass of sonsbut reduced these characters in daughters when compared to twocontrol groups in a repeated-measures analysis of variance ofdata collected at different ages. However, the differentialeffect of androgen on the two sexes was no longer significantwhen the analysis was restricted to the age of 12 days, whenfinal body size is attained. In a second experiment, we testedwhether mothers differentially allocated androgens to eggs withsons rather than daughters while manipulating a paternal secondarysexual character. Androgen concentration did not vary in relationto paternal ornamentation or embryo sex. Hence, antagonisticeffects of egg androgens on sons and daughters may exist inthe very early posthatching life and may constrain the evolutionof adaptive maternal effects because mothers do not differentiallyallocate androgens in relation to embryo sex.  相似文献   

Current theory recognizes the adaptive value of maternal effects in shaping offspring phenotypes in response to selective pressures and vindicates the value of these traits in fostering adaptation and speciation. Yolk androgens in birds are a relatively well-known maternal effect and have been linked to adaptations related to development, coloniality life, and sexual selection. We tested whether interspecific patterns of yolk androgen levels (androstenedione and testosterone) were related to interspecific variation in development, sexual selection, and coloniality. First, we found no relationship between androgen levels and duration of development as reflected by incubation and nestling periods. However, androstenedione concentration was positively related to the relative duration of the incubation period and negatively related to the relative duration of the nestling period. These relationships were confirmed by analyses of phylogenetically independent contrasts. We suggest that androstenedione concentration may have evolved as a mechanism to shift the relative duration of development between the egg and nestling stages in response to selective pressures that differentially affect the duration of each stage. Second, neither plumage dichromatism nor mating system explained significant variation in yolk androgen levels after correction for similarity among species due to common descent. This finding indicates that sexual selection has not been an important selective pressure for this maternal effect. Third, we found a highly significant positive relationship between degree of breeding coloniality and concentration of androstenedione but not testosterone. These effects were confirmed in analyses of contrasts controlling for similarity due to common descent. Since the relationship with coloniality was different for each androgen, it is unlikely that increased levels of androgens in highly colonial species are a mere consequence of elevated androgen levels in mothers. Rather, our results suggest that high levels of androstenedione in eggs of colonial species are an adaptation to colony life, possibly related to the production of highly competitive phenotypes. In conclusion, from a comparative perspective, the results of this study support the role of maternal effects in promoting adaptation to certain environmental pressures.  相似文献   

Plumage coloration is generally perceived as a static traitand therefore not a good indicator of current condition. However,changing of feather colors after molt does occur and may haveimportant implications for signal function and sexual selection.We studied longitudinal changes in blue tit (Parus caeruleus)crown ultraviolet (UV)/blue color, a sexually selected trait,by repeatedly measuring the same individuals between early winterand late spring. Whereas crown UV reflectance (UV chroma andhue) decreased dramatically over time, brightness and saturationdid not show consistent patterns of change. The magnitude ofthe decline in coloration exceeded sexual and age dichromatismin hue and UV chroma, respectively. Hence, seasonal color changescould have strong effects on blue tit sexual signaling. Between-individualvariation in the decline in UV coloration was large and relatedto attributes of male, but not female, quality, such as sizeand condition. Thus, conspecifics could potentially gain informationabout male phenotypic quality by assessing color change overthe year. However, the degree of decline in male UV color didnot affect breeding success because neither the number of within-pairnor the number of extrapair offspring produced correlated withchanges in crown color. Seasonal changes in the expression ofplumage coloration are probably widespread, and maintainingplumage coloration could thus constitute an additional honesty-enforcingmechanism after molt is completed.  相似文献   

Solar radiation is an important driver of animal coloration, not only because of the effects of coloration on body temperature but also because coloration may protect from the deleterious effects of UV radiation. Indeed, dark coloration may protect from UV, but may increase the risk of overheating. In addition, the effect of coloration on thermoregulation should change with egg size, as smaller eggs have higher surface‐volume ratios and greater convective coefficients than larger eggs, so that small eggs can dissipate heat quickly. We tested whether the reflectance of eggshells, egg spottiness, and egg size of the ground‐nesting Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus is affected by maximum ambient temperature and solar radiation at breeding sites. We measured reflectance, both in the UV and human visible spectrum, spottiness, and egg size in photographs from a museum collection of plover eggshells. Eggshells of lower reflectance (darker) were found at higher latitudes. However, in southern localities where solar radiation is very high, eggshells are also of dark coloration. Eggshell coloration had no significant relationship with ambient temperature. Spotiness was site‐specific. Small eggs tended to be light‐colored. Thermal constraints may drive the observed spatial variation in eggshell coloration, which may be lighter in lower latitudes to diminish the risk of overheating as a result of higher levels of solar radiation. However, in southern localities with very high levels of UV radiation, eggshells are of dark coloration likely to protect embryos from more intense UV radiation. Egg size exhibited variation in relation to coloration, likely through the effect of surface area‐to‐volume ratios on overheating and cooling rates of eggs. Therefore, differential effects of solar radiation on functions of coloration and size of eggshells may shape latitudinal variations in egg appearance in the Kentish plover.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can have an adaptive value if they improve the performance of offspring. As such, the transfer of maternal testosterone (T) to the eggs has been suggested as a mechanism for adaptive maternal control of offspring phenotype in birds, although recent studies have shown negative effects of testosterone on hatching rate and chick survival. Here, we experimentally investigated whether socially stressful conditions experienced by female house sparrows during egg laying affected their circulating levels of androgens and the amount transferred to the eggs. Social stress was simulated by the intrusion of a foreign male placed near the nest box during the egg‐laying sequence. We found that (1) both female and yolk testosterone titres were positively related to breeding density; (2) yolk testosterone was negatively correlated with maternal testosterone; (3) yolk testosterone was positively correlated with the behavioural response of females towards the intruder and (4) the interaction between social intrusion and breeding density affected the amount of testosterone transferred to the eggs. Altogether, our results suggest that females may be able to modulate the amount of testosterone they allocate to their eggs according to the social environment they experience during egg laying.  相似文献   

In birds, female egg allocation patterns have a strong influence in offspring development and differential investment in egg size and composition has been shown to respond to male attractiveness. In this study we experimentally manipulated the perceived attractiveness of male starlings Sturnus unicolor by increasing the amount of green material in some nests (a male courtship display in this species). We predicted that, if female investment before laying is related to male attractiveness, experimental females would increase their reproductive investment in response to the addition of plants in their nests when compared to control females. We found that our manipulation caused variations in female reproductive investment in a way that seems to influence offspring quantity but not offspring quality: Females laid larger clutch sizes but not larger eggs when green plant material was added. However, yolk androgens contents were not related to the experimental manipulation. Contrary to expectations, females breeding in experimental nests laid eggs with smaller amounts of eggshell pigments. Interestingly, we found that eggs laid later in the sequence had higher testosterone levels and showed more intense egg colouration than eggs laid earlier in the sequence. These differences at the within-clutch level suggest that selection has favoured compensatory strategies for hatching asynchrony. Alternatively, since nest sabotages by other females are most common at the beginning of laying, this could be seen as female strategy to minimise losses due to nest sabotages. As far as we know, this is the first study to show that an external egg characteristic such as blue-green colouration reflects yolk androgen concentration.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones are important mediators of prenatal maternal effects in animals. Despite a growing number of studies involving experimental manipulation of these hormones, little is known about the impact of methodological differences among experiments on the final results expressed as offspring traits. Using a meta‐analytical approach and a representative sample of experimental studies performed on birds, we tested the effect of two types of direct hormonal manipulations: manipulation of females (either by implantation of hormone pellets or injection of hormonal solutions) and manipulation of eggs by injection. In both types of manipulation we looked at the effects of two groups of hormones: corticosterone and androgens in the form of testosterone and androstenedione. We found that the average effect on offspring traits differed between the manipulation types, with a well‐supported positive effect of egg manipulation and lack of a significant effect of maternal manipulation. The observed average positive effect for egg manipulation was driven mainly by androgen manipulations, while corticosterone manipulations exerted no overall effect, regardless of manipulation type. Detailed analyses revealed effects of varying size and direction depending on the specific offspring traits; e.g., egg manipulation positively affected physiology and behaviour (androgens), and negatively affected future reproduction (corticosterone). Effect size was negatively related to the dose of androgen injected into the eggs, but unrelated to timing of manipulation, offspring developmental stage at the time of measuring their traits, solvent type, the site of egg injection and maternal hormone delivery method. Despite the generally acknowledged importance of maternal hormones for offspring development in birds, the overall effect of their experimental elevation is rather weak, significantly heterogeneous and dependent on the hormone and type of manipulation. We conclude by providing general recommendations as to how hormonal manipulations should be performed in order to standardize their impact and the results achieved. We also emphasize the need for research on free‐living birds with a focus on fitness‐related and other long‐term effects of maternal hormones.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts that parents should adjust their current investment in relation to perceived mate attractiveness if this affects offspring fitness. It should be selectively advantageous to risk more of their future reproductive success by investing heavily in current offspring of high reproductive value but to decrease investment if offspring value is low. If the benefits of mate attractiveness are limited to a particular offspring sex we would instead expect relative investment in male versus female offspring to vary with mate attractiveness, referred to as 'differential sex allocation'. We present strong evidence for differential allocation of parental feeding effort in the wild and show an immediate effect on a component of offspring fitness. By experimentally reducing male UV crown coloration, a trait known to indicate attractiveness and viability in wild-breeding blue tits (Parus caeruleus), we show that females, but not males, reduce parental feeding rates and that this reduces the skeletal growth of offspring. However, differential sex allocation does not occur. We conclude that blue tit females use male UV coloration as an indicator of expected offspring fitness and adjust their investment accordingly.  相似文献   

Avian eggs contain substantial amounts of maternal yolk androgens, which have been shown to modulate offspring phenotype. The first studies on the functional consequences of maternal yolk androgens have focused on early life stages and their role in sibling competition. However, recent longitudinal studies reported long-lasting effects of maternal yolk androgens on offspring phenotype, mostly concerning traits that are sensitive to androgens. This suggests that maternal yolk androgens could play an important role in sexual selection, since the expression of many male sexual characters is testosterone-dependent. Using male canaries as a model, we examined the consequences of an experimental elevation of yolk testosterone concentrations on early development as well as long-lasting effects particularly on song, which is one of the most important sexual characters in male songbirds. Elevated yolk testosterone concentrations inhibited male growth, possibly in interaction with an existent ectoparasite exposure. Males hatched from testosterone-treated eggs (T-males) did not have enhanced competitive skills, in contrast to previous studies. The elevation of yolk testosterone concentrations delayed song development but did not affect adult song phenotype. This is intriguing, as yolk testosterone possibly induced developmental stress, which is known to reduce song quality. We hypothesize that yolk testosterone has either no direct effect on adult song phenotype, or that positive effects are merged by the negative effects of developmental stress. Finally, females mated with T-males invested more in their clutch indicating that females either assess T-males as more attractive (differential allocation hypothesis) or compensated for lower offspring viability (compensation hypothesis).  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the maternal androgens in avian egg yolk enhance offspring fitness by accelerating growth and improving competitive ability. Because egg quality is strongly influenced by maternal condition, we predicted that females in good condition would produce high-quality eggs with relatively high androgen content. We experimentally enhanced maternal condition by supplementary feeding lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus) during egg formation and compared the concentrations of androstenedione (A4), 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone (T) in their eggs with those in eggs laid by control females. We also measured circulating levels of T in females immediately after laying. Egg androgens could affect offspring performance directly through chick development and/or indirectly through changes in the competitive ability of a chick relative to its siblings. To avoid confounding these two routes, and to separate effects operating through the egg itself with those operating through experimental changes in parental chick rearing capacity, we fostered eggs from both maternal treatment groups singly into the nests of unmanipulated parents. Contrary to expectation, mothers with experimentally enhanced body condition laid eggs with lower levels of androgens, while exhibiting higher circulating T concentrations post-laying. Despite these lower levels of egg androgen, offspring hatched from eggs laid by mothers in good condition did not show reduced growth or survival when reared in the absence of sibling competition. Our results demonstrate that yolk androgen concentrations vary with the body condition of the female at the time of egg formation and that females in good condition reduced the yolk androgen content of their eggs without altering offspring performance.  相似文献   

In many bird species prenatal exposure to yolk androgens of maternal origin has been found to influence offspring behavioural phenotype. In contrast to altricial birds, far less is known about maternal effects in precocial birds. In a previous experiment we found that female quail ( Coturnix japonica ) that were not previously habituated to humans (NH) produced eggs with less androgens (testosterone, androstenedione) and more progesterone when exposed to human disturbances than females habituated to humans (H). Here, we analysed social motivation and sexual behaviour of the male offspring of NH and H females. Classical behavioural test procedures were applied including separation, runway, partner choice and female encounter tests. As chicks, offspring of the NH females spent more time far from conspecifics than offspring of the H females. As adults, the same NH males showed less crowing and courtship behaviour (ritual preening) in female encounter tests than H males. Thus, maternal environment and egg quality may be key factors in the emergence of individual variability of appetitive behaviour, such as social proximity and courtship behaviour. Human disturbance of the mother seems to have triggered trans-generational effects resulting in consistently reduced social and sexual motivation in offspring until adulthood.  相似文献   

It is well established that in many avian species, prenatal maternal resource allocation varies both between and within clutches and may affect offspring fitness. Differential allocation of maternal resources, in terms of egg weight and yolk composition, may therefore allow the female to adjust brood reduction and to fine-tune reproductive investment in accordance with the expected fitness returns. The adaptive value of such maternal resource allocation is thought to be context-dependent as well as species-specific. We investigated the effects of female preference for her mate on the allocation of prenatal maternal resources in the budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus, a monogamous species of parrot that shows an extreme hatching asynchrony. We assessed mate preferences in a two-way preference test and allowed females two breeding rounds: one with the preferred and one with the non-preferred partner. We found no effect of preference on either latency to lay or clutch size, but females mated with the preferred partner laid eggs that contained significantly more yolk. Their eggs also contained significantly more androstenedione but not testosterone. Our results suggest that in this species, female preference may influence maternal resource allocation, and that the functional roles of each androgen in the yolk should be considered separately. In addition, we found a significant effect of laying order on egg and yolk weight as well as on yolk testosterone and androstenedione levels. These measures, however, did not change linearly with the laying order and render it unlikely that female budgerigars compensate for the extreme hatching asynchrony by adjusting within-clutch allocation of prenatal maternal resources.  相似文献   

Females are predicted to adjust their reproductive investmentin relation to resource quality. In zebra finches (Taeniopygiaguttata), diet quality has been found to influence egg massboth between and within clutches. We tested the prediction thatdiet quality also affects the quantity of maternally allocatedyolk testosterone and 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) between andwithin clutches. We also investigated whether this pattern differedbetween male and female eggs. Females laid eggs on a high-quality(HQ) or a low-quality (LQ) diet. Eggs were removed at layingand artificially incubated for 72 h, after which time embryoswere sexed and yolk androgens assayed. Diet treatments werethen swapped and the experiment repeated. Because there wasevidence of a carry-over effect between breeding rounds, webased our conclusions mainly on the results from the first breedinground. On the HQ diet, but not on the LQ diet, infertile eggscontained more testosterone than did fertile eggs in round one.Although there were no overall differences in within-clutchpatterns of androgen deposition between the diets, this changedwhen embryo sex was taken into account. On the HQ diet, testosteronedecreased with laying sequence for male eggs but increased withlaying sequence for female eggs. On the LQ diet, mothers' maleeggs contained more testosterone and DHT than did female eggsregardless of position in the laying sequence. Our data suggestthat there are complex, context-dependent mechanisms of sex-specificandrogen allocation in this species.  相似文献   

We examined androgens in clutches of two booby species that differ in their sibling conflict. Blue-footed booby Sula nebouxii chicks show an aggression-submission relationship, aggression is normally moderate and siblicide is facultative. Brown booby Sula leucogaster chicks show an aggression-aggression relationship, aggression of both chicks can be relentless and siblicide is obligate. The parental favoritism hypothesis predicts that egg mass, yolk mass and yolk androgens should decline with laying order less in the blue-footed booby than in the brown booby, to promote the survival of the former's junior chick. The eggs of the blue-footed booby had higher yolk concentrations of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and lower concentrations of testosterone (T); both species had similarly high yolk concentrations of androstenedione (A). Intra-clutch variation in yolk DHT, T and A failed to support our predictions. In both species, first and second eggs showed similar concentrations of all three hormones and were of similar size, although in the blue-footed booby (only) yolk masses declined with laying order. Brown booby mothers make junior chicks vulnerable to siblicide by hatching them 5 d after their broodmates, but not by differential allocation of egg androgens or nutrients. Blue-footed booby mothers appear to prepare junior chicks for thriving in a subordinate non-provocative role by hatching them 4 d after their broodmates and providing them with 10% less yolk. To orchestrate agonism within the brood, these boobies may rely more on hatch intervals and yolk provision than on androgens.  相似文献   

In oviparous species like birds, eggs provide the direct environment in which embryos are developing. Mothers may adjust different egg components in different ways in reaction to environmental cues either to adjust offspring development or because of constraints. In this study, we investigated the effects of food quality and quantity before and during egg laying on three different aspects of egg quality: macro‐nutrients (egg and yolk mass), androgens (testosterone and androstenedione), and thyroid hormones (3,5,3′‐triiodothyronine, T3 and l ‐thyroxine, T4), using the rock pigeon (Columba livia). As expected, egg and yolk mass were significantly reduced for the eggs laid under the poor‐food condition, indicating a maternal trade‐off between offspring and self in allocating important resources. We did not find any significant change in yolk testosterone or their within‐clutch pattern over the laying sequence. This is consistent with the fact that, in contrast with nutrients, these hormones are not costly to produce, but does not support the hypothesis that they play a role in adjusting brood size to food conditions. In contrast, we found that T3 levels were higher in the egg yolks under the poor‐food condition whereas the total T4 content was lower. This change could be related to the fact that iodine, the critical constituent of thyroid hormones, might be a limiting factor in the production of this hormone. Given the knowledge that food restriction usually lead to reduction of circulating T3 levels, our results suggested that avian mothers can independently regulate its concentrations in their eggs from their own circulation. The study demonstrates that environmentally induced maternal effects via the egg can be a result of a combination of constrained resources and unconstrained signals and that thyroid hormones might be an interesting case of both. Therefore, this hormone and the interplay of different maternal effects on the offspring phenotype deserve much more attention.  相似文献   

Hormone-mediated maternal effects may be an important mechanism for adjusting offspring phenotype to particular requirements of the environment. We manipulated the levels of testosterone and androstenedione in the yolk of collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis eggs to investigate the effects of pre-natal exposure to androgens on growth and immune function. Androgen treatment tended to reduce the growth of males, and enhance the growth of females, as indicated by significant interaction between sex and androgen treatment. Cellular immune function was not affected by androgen treatment or sex. Survival of nestlings until fledging was not related to androgen treatment. Our results indicate that in the collared flycatcher yolk androgens do not involve clear overall benefits during the nestling stage, and that growth-enhancing effects of increased yolk androgen levels on female nestlings are counterbalanced by detrimental effects on male nestlings.  相似文献   

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