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Augmentative biological control of whiteflies using transplants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field studies showed that transplants can be used to move parasitoids into fields of commercially grown cantaloupe, Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae), and augment parasitism of sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B (= Bemisia argentifolii) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Methods were developed to inoculate cantaloupe seedlings with newly imported Eretmocerus spp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), then transfer plants into both organic and conventional fields of cantaloupe in the desert growing region of southeastern California. Several obstacles to inoculating banker plants with an adequate number of parasitized whiteflies were overcome and numbers of parasitoids per transplant increased. In 1999 the use of banker plants was compared to a standard hand-release method and a no-release control in a replicated study at an organic farm. Augmentation through releases of parasitoids increased parasitism over that in the no-release controls (p <0.05). Banker plants increased the proportion of parasitized whiteflies more than the hand-release method (0.21 vs. 0.08). During a region-wide demonstration spring 2000, plots receiving banker plants significantly increased parasitism over paired control plots at seven commercial farms of cantaloupe. Parasitism in banker plant treated plots in 2000 was higher in organic fields (seasonal average =0.30) than conventional ones (seasonal average =0.06). Differences may be due to the use of imidacloprid, a systemic insecticide, in conventional fields for whitefly control. Over the 2-year study, however, releases of parasitoids did not consistently reduce densities of B. tabaci. Only in late season at some sites in 2000 were whitefly densities lower in release plots than paired controls. Most of the parasitoids recovered and identified from plots receiving parasitoids were the same as those released, Eretmocerus spp. (ex. Ethiopia M96076), and E. hayati(M95012, ex. Pakistan).  相似文献   


A study was conducted to reveal the causes for Aleurodicus dispersus outbreak in commercial banana plantations in Costa Rica. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the abundance of the spiralling whitefly were determined. Four nymph parasitoids and nine predators were found to affect A. dispersus population. Seventeen families of host plants for A. dispersus in the banana area were identified, allowing the whitefly to reach a high reproductive and dispersal rate and pest status in short periods. The use of nematicides during the dry season was the key factor for mortality of natural enemies responsible for maintaining pest populations under economic levels.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is one of the most serious pests of greenhouse crops. It is mainly controlled by chemical means, requiring some 10–12 sprays during the average growing season in Turkey. There is growing interest in finding alternatives to pesticides for control of B. tabaci in greenhouse crops because this heavy pesticide usage disrupts biocontrol and leads to rapid build-up of insecticide resistance in the pest. In our study, the control of B. tabaci on greenhouse eggplants was evaluated following releases of the lady beetle Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). In cage experiments, four adults per plant were introduced and, within 3–4 weeks, resulted in 97 and 98% reductions in whitefly populations in 2004 and 2005, respectively. In a large plot experiment, two adults per plant were released only one time. Beetle larvae were observed through 2–9 weeks after release. The density of whitefly in large plot receiving beetle adults showed fluctuations to a level lower than in control plot receiving no beetle in 2004 and 2006. Further study is needed to develop new managing strategies in biological control of B. tabaci with S. parcesetosum in protected culture.  相似文献   

Whiteflies possess bacterial symbionts Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidium that are housed in specialized cells called bacteriocytes and are faithfully transmitted via the ovary to insect offspring. In one whitefly species studied previously, Bemisia tabaci MEAM1, transmission is mediated by somatic inheritance of bacteriocytes, with a single bacteriocyte transferred to each oocyte and persisting through embryogenesis to the next generation. Here, we investigate the mode of bacteriocyte transmission in two whitefly species, B. tabaci MED, the sister species of MEAM1, and the phylogenetically distant species Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Microsatellite analysis supported by microscopical studies demonstrates that B. tabaci MED bacteriocytes are genetically different from other somatic cells and persist through embryogenesis, as for MEAM1, but T. vaporariorum bacteriocytes are genetically identical to other somatic cells of the insect, likely mediated by the degradation of maternal bacteriocytes in the embryo. These two alternative modes of transmission provide a first demonstration among insect symbioses that the cellular processes underlying vertical transmission of bacterial symbionts can diversify among related host species associated with a single lineage of symbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Aschersonia are specific for whitefly and scale insects. They can be used as biological control agents against silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii and greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Forty-four isolates of Aschersonia spp. were tested for their ability to sporulate and germinate on semi-artificial media and to infect insect hosts. Seven isolates sporulated poorly (less than 1x10(7) conidia/dry weight) and 10 were not able to infect either of the whitefly species. Several isolates were able to produce capilliconidia. Infection level was not correlated with germination on water agar. After a selection based on spore production and infection, virulence of 31 isolates was evaluated on third instar nymphs of both whitefly species on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Whitefly infection levels varied between 2 and 70%, and infection percentages of B. argentifolii correlated with that of T. vaporariorum. However, mortality was higher for T. vaporariorum than for B. argentifolii, as a result of a higher 'mortality due to unknown causes.' Several isolates, among which unidentified species of Aschersonia originating from Thailand and Malaysia, A. aleyrodis from Colombia, and A. placenta from India showed high spore production on semi-artificial medium and high infection levels of both whitefly species.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed with adult female Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) at 22ºC on bean plants to determine the functional response towards whiteflies, as well as the preference and switching capacity between the two prey species: whiteflies and spider mites. Predation of females presented with first instars of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was of a Type III functional response. The observed maximum predation was approximately 75 first instars at high prey densities within a 24-h period. The preference of M. caliginosus females between eggs of T. vaporariorum and Tetranychus urticaeKoch (Acarina: Tetranychidae) changed with the ratio of offered prey. The preference for T. vaporariorum eggs increased non-linearly with increasing proportions of this prey type. The average maximum predation of whitefly and spider mite eggs were approximately 166 and 111 eggs per day, respectively, at the highest ratio of the two preys. The proportion of M. caliginosus females found on the test plants at the end of the experiment increased with prey density suggesting that this mirid spends more time in areas with high prey density. Macrolophus caliginosus females are voracious predators of eggs and first instars of T. vaporariorum as well as of spider mite eggs and may thus be a valuable addition to existing methods of biological control of T. vaporariorum and T. urticae.  相似文献   

本文报道了伊朗寄生粉虱的25种寄生蜂,分别隶属于膜翅目的广腹细蜂科、姬小蜂科和蚜小蜂科,其中15种寄生蜂种类为伊朗的分布新纪录(标有*号者)。  相似文献   

陈华才  程家安 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):414-417
螟蛉盘绒茧蜂是夜蛾科和螟蛾科多种害虫幼虫期内寄生性天敌 ,寄主范围包括水稻、小麦、玉米、棉花等作物的多种重要害虫。该文综述了国内外在螟蛉绒茧蜂的生理生态学、化学生态学、人工繁殖和引种利用等方面的研究进展。螟蛉盘绒茧蜂寄主范围广 ,发育历期短 ,成虫寿命长 ,田间种群数量大 ,人工繁殖简便 ,通过合理保护利用、人工繁殖释放可以有效控制一些重要害虫 ,在生物防治中的具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

福寿螺原分布于南美洲,20世纪80年代作为一种水生经济生物引入我国,后因食味不佳被弃于水生环境,因其具有繁殖力高、适应性强、食性杂等特点,在我国多个区域迅速扩散入侵,已给农业生产、生态系统、人类健康等造成了严重的危害.文章对福寿螺入侵现状进行了深入分析与系统总结,介绍了现有福寿螺防控技术手段,重点阐述环境友好型福寿螺防...  相似文献   

Mites of the family Phytoseiidae are known to be predators of whiteflies in several agroecosystems, especially of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, a pest with high resistance to chemical insecticides that occurs in greenhouses in temperate regions. We collected predatory mites that were found to co-occur with whiteflies in the Middle East for control of B. tabaci: Typhlodromus athiasae (Porath and Swirski), Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes, Typhlodromips swirskii (Athias-Henriot), Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot), Phytoseius finitimus Ribaga. As a first step in the evaluation of these species as biological control agents, we measured their life-history traits when feeding on whiteflies. The intrinsic rates of increase (r m) of the predatory mite species ranged between 0.131 and 0.215 per day and E. scutalis had the highest r m estimated. Comparisons with the r m of B. tabaci indicate that some of the species should be capable of suppressing local populations of whitefly. The ability of predators to use alternative food was also tested, since it facilitates the setup of mass cultures and it can promote their persistence in the crop, even if the prey is scarce. All predatory mite species tested were able to survive and reproduce on a diet of broad bean pollen.  相似文献   

A system of markers has been devised to track the development of 3rd and 4th instar/pharate adult greenhouse whiteflies. Instars were identified based on measurements of body width and body length. Depending upon the host plant, the product of the two measurements was exceptionally useful in distinguishing between instars. Body depth was used to divide the 3rd instar into eight stages and body depth and color and appearance of the developing adult eye were used to divide the 4th instar/pharate adult into nine stages. Under conditions of L:D 16:8 and a temperature of 26±2°C, the body depth of 3rd instars reared on greenbean increased from 0.025 (stage 1) to 0.2 mm (stage 8) and the instar duration was approximately 3 days. The body depth of 4th instars increased from approximately 0.1±0.02 (Stage 1) to 0.3±0.03 mm (Stage 5) and then remained constant or decreased slightly during adult development. Ecdysteroid titers peaked at approximately 120 fg/μg protein during Stages 3 through 6 of the 4th instar. Based on an external examination of developing 4th instars and the fluctuations in ecdysteroid titer, it appears that adult development is initiated in Stage 4 or 5 4th instars. Results from histological studies support this view. In Stage 4 nymphs, a subtle change was observed in the corneagenous cells of the eye. However, most Stage 4 4th instars possessed wing development characteristic of earlier, immature stages. In all Stage 5 insects, wing development had been initiated and the corneagenous cells had become quite distinct. In Stage 6 whiteflies, the wing buds were deeply folded and by Stage 7, spines were observed on the new cuticle, indicating that the adult cuticle was well-formed by this stage. Our study is the first to investigate the timing and regulation of the molt, to monitor ecdysteroid titers in precisely staged 4th instar whiteflies and to examine the internal anatomical changes associated with metamorphosis in these tiny homopteran insects.  相似文献   

生境管理——保护性生物防治的发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境管理是近年来保护性生物防治的重要研究方向,也是利用农业景观格局进行生物防治的重要策略。生境管理是指从农田景观的角度,在大时空尺度范围内进行多种作物与非作物生境的设计与布局,创造有利于天敌的环境条件,抑制害虫种群发生,达到减小环境污染、增强农业生态系统的控害保益功能,最终实现害虫种群控制的可持续性。景观尺度下的生境管理不仅强调单一农田生物控害作用,而是以多生境农业景观整体布局为指导,探索各种生境功能的整合利用,以发挥各种生境最大的生物控害潜能,为实现多目标生态服务价值管理提供重要的理论基础和现实依据。本文系统地总结了生境管理的研究内容与实现途径,论述了农业景观格局与过程对害虫种群控制的机理,并对作为保护性生物防治发展方向的生境管理研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Adult whiteflies are characterized by the presence of copious amounts of wax particles covering all surfaces of the body except the eyes. The lipid composition was determined for wax particles removed from the surfaces of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), and the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). The lipid components in the wax particles of both species were mostly mixtures of long-chain aldehydes and long-chain primary alcohols. The major wax particle components for B. tabaci were C34 aldehyde and C34 alcohol and small amounts of C32 aldhyde and alcohol. For the wax particles from T. vaporariorum, C32 aldehyde and C32 alcohol were the major components with lesser amounts of the C30 components. These findings were compared to the surface lipids of fully-waxed B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum adults that contained, in addition to the major amounts of long-chain aldehydes and alcohols, quantities of long-chain wax esters. Wax esters were not present in lipid extracts from the surface of B. tabaci whiteflies at the time of adult emergence (prior to deposition of wax particles). Thus, the appearance of wax esters on the cuticular surfaces occurred during the period of deposition of wax particles. The quantities of wax esters in the surface lipid extracts of wing tissues separated from the bodies of adult whiteflies indicated that the wing surfaces were a major site of wax ester deposition.  相似文献   

蝗虫是最重要的全球农牧业害虫之一,其灾害不仅强烈影响生态系统功能和稳定性,还带来严重的经济损失。因蝗虫食性杂、适应性强、聚集为害等特点使其可持续治理成为一项复杂而长期的艰巨工作。本文从蝗虫灾变发生规律、影响因素(自身因素、非生物和生物因素)以及当前有效防控方法与技术进行综述,并从蝗虫种群动态变化规律以及其有效防控的理论与技术提出今后的研究方向,为将来蝗虫发生的内在机制研究以及对其进行绿色防控技术探索提供基础。  相似文献   

Greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, is a serious pest of glasshouse crops. It shows resistance to different insecticides and growers are interested in finding other useful control methods. This research was carried out to study the predation potential and biology of Clitostethus arcuatus (Rossi) as one of the most important predators of this pest. Adult C. arcuatus were reared on tobacco leaves bearing colonies of greenhouse whitefly eggs under controlled conditions (25±2°C, 65±5% RH and 16 h L:8 h D). Results showed that the average developmental time of the egg, first through fourth instar larva and pupa were 2.82±0.12, 4.47±0.14, 4.54±0.1, 6.3±0.2, 7±0.22 and 3.8±0.13 days, respectively; and longevity of female and male were 66.4±2.6 and 54.9±2.5 days, respectively. The average feeding rates of female, male and larvae (first through fourth) were 61.4±0.7, 27.6±0.9 eggs/day and 12±1.03, 30.3±2.4, 41.3±2, 68.04±2 eggs/day, respectively. The larvae consumed an average of 992.2±36 eggs during the total larval developmental period with a daily mean of 45.8±0.5. A significant difference was shown between the feeding rate of fourth instar larval stages and between sexes. Females, males and one pair of C. arcuatus (♀,♂) consumed an average of 17.2±0.4, 10.6±0.8, 23.1±0.5 nymph/day; 28.5±0.9, 20.3±0.6, 47.2±0.6 pupa/day and 8±0.3, 6.5±0.54, 13.6±0.4 adult/day, respectively. The feeding rate was significantly different among whitefly life stages. Females laid an average of 3±0.23 eggs/day.  相似文献   

To determine the influence of pesticidetreatments on the population dynamics of thewhiteflies Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood) and Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)and their naturally occurring parasitoids, weperformed field experiments on insecticidesprayed and unsprayed fields during a croppingseason of snap bean in Pradera, Valle delCauca, Colombia. Substantially largerpopulations of whitefly nymphs occurred in theunsprayed field than in the sprayed field. Parasitoids were more frequent in unsprayedthan in sprayed fields with Encarsianigricephala Dozier being more prevalent thanAmitus fuscipennis MacGown & Nebeker. Insprayed fields the nymphs parasitized by E. nigricephala exceeded the unparasitizedwhitefly nymphs at the end of the croppingseason. Our results suggest that while undercurrent agricultural practices whiteflies onsnap beans cannot be exclusively controlled bynaturally occurring parasitoids, parasitoidsmay be integrated with chemical control inorder to reduce crop damage.  相似文献   

A minimum of 13 diverse whitefly species belonging to the Bemisia tabaci (B. tabaci) species complex are known to infest cassava crops in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA), designated as SSA1‐13. Of these, the SSA1 and SSA2 are the predominant species colonizing cassava crops in East Africa. The SSA species of B. tabaci harbor diverse bacterial endosymbionts, many of which are known to manipulate insect reproduction. One such symbiont, Arsenophonus, is known to drive its spread by inducing reproductive incompatibility in its insect host and are abundant in SSA species of B. tabaci. However, whether Arsenophonus affects the reproduction of SSA species is unknown. In this study, we investigated both the reproductive compatibility between Arsenophonus infected and uninfected whiteflies by inter‐/intraspecific crossing experiments involving the sub‐group three haplotypes of the SSA1 (SSA1‐SG3), SSA2 species, and their microbial diversity. The number of eggs, nymphs, progenies produced, hatching rate, and survival rate were recorded for each cross. In intra‐specific crossing trials, both male and female progenies were produced and thus demonstrated no reproductive incompatibility. However, the total number of eggs laid, nymphs hatched, and the emerged females were low in the intra‐species crosses of SSA1‐SG3A+, indicating the negative effect of Arsenophonus on whitefly fitness. In contrast, the inter‐species crosses between the SSA1‐SG3 and SSA2 produced no female progeny and thus demonstrated reproductive incompatibility. The relative frequency of other bacteria colonizing the whiteflies was also investigated using Illumina sequencing of 16S rDNA and diversity indices were recorded. Overall, SSA1‐SG3 and SSA2 harbored high microbial diversity with more than 137 bacteria discovered. These results described for the first time the microbiome diversity and the reproductive behaviors of intra‐/inter‐species of Arsenophonus in whitefly reproduction, which is crucial for understanding the invasion abilities of cassava whiteflies.  相似文献   

Suggestions for unifying the terminology in biological control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper gives suggestions forunifying the terminology in biological controlacross different research disciplines, such asbiological control of arthropods, weeds andplant pathogens. It is suggested that use ofthe term `biological control' is restricted tothe use of living organisms. Four strategiesof biological control are outlined anddefined: (1) Classical biological control, (2) Inoculation biological control, (3) Inundationbiological control, and (4) Conservationbiological control. It is proposed to usethese four terms as defined, and avoid usageof the term `augmentation'. Terms for specificprocesses and modes of action (for example,`parasitoid' and `competitor') can be definedby usage within the different biologicalcontrol disciplines. Microbial control usuallyindicates biological control of invertebratesusing microbes and, as such, is a subdivisionof biological control. Use of additionalauxiliary terms such as biopesticide isdiscussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Fitness and efficacy of Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) as a biological control agent was compared on two species of whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) hosts, the relatively smaller sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype ‘B’, and the larger greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). Significant differences were observed on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the laboratory at 27 ± 2°C, 55%± 5% RH, and a photoperiod of 14: 10 h (L: D). Adult parasitoids emerging from T. vaporariorum were larger than those emerging from B. tabaci, and almost all biological parameters of E. sophia parasitizing the larger host species were superior except for the developmental times of the parasitoids that were similar when parasitizing the two host species. Furthermore, parasitoids emerging from T. vaporariorum parasitized more of these hosts than did parasitoids emerging from B. tabaci. We conclude that E. sophia reared from larger hosts had better fitness than from smaller hosts. Those from either host also preferred the larger host for oviposition but were just as effective on smaller hosts. Therefore, larger hosts tended to produce better parasitoids than smaller hosts.  相似文献   

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