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Large foreheads can be induced by ribonucleoprotein particles from Xenopus laevis eggs and embryos. The host embryos develop only a rudimentary primary axis. A neural inducing factor from the cytosol of gastrula-neurula stages has been partially purified. The factors are associated with other proteins in larger complexes.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, experiments performed with isolated ectoderm suggest that neural determination is a 'by default' mechanism, which occurs when bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are antagonized by extracellular antagonists, BMP being responsible for the determination of epidermis. However, Ca(2+) imaging of intact Xenopus embryos reveals patterns of Ca(2+) transients which are generated via the activation of dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca(2+) channels in the dorsal ectoderm but not in the ventral ectoderm. These increases in the concentration of intracellular Ca(2+)([Ca(2+)]i) appear to be necessary and sufficient to orient the ectodermal cells towards a neural fate as increasing the [Ca(2+)]i artificially results in neuralization of the ectoderm. We constructed a subtractive cDNA library between untreated and caffeine-treated ectoderms (to increase [Ca(2+)]i) and then identified early Ca(2+)-sensitive target genes expressed in the neural territories. One of these genes, an arginine methyltransferase, controls the expression of the early proneural gene, Zic3. Here, we discuss the evidence for the existence of an alternative model to the 'by default' mechanism, where Ca(2+) plays a central regulatory role in the expression of Zic3, an early proneural gene, and in epidermal determination which only occurs when the Ca(2+)-dependent signalling pathways are inactive.  相似文献   

Induction of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in Xenopus embryos   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Using a classical neural induction protocol (H. Spemann and H. Mangold (1924). Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Org. 123, 389-517), it has been demonstrated that the sustained presence of NCAM in Xenopus embryos, as detected by immunohistochemistry, was confined to the experimentally induced nervous system and the primary host nervous system. Furthermore, in vitro NCAM expression by dorsal blastopore lip and animal pole tissue was detected only when the two tissues were cultured in contact. These and other results show that readily detected and sustained levels of NCAM expression in Xenopus can be used as a marker for neural tissue and an early positive indicator that neural induction has occurred. They suggest that the observed levels of NCAM are a consequence of and not a prerequisite for induction. Using NCAM expression in vitro to determine the minimum time necessary for this induction to occur in vivo, it was found that NCAM was first detected in cultured animal pole that had been removed at stage 10.75 or later. Thus, an inductive step necessary and sufficient for stimulation of NCAM expression in animal pole tissues had not occurred or was reversible prior to the first 2 to 2.5 hr of gastrulation.  相似文献   

Gastrulation was examined in Xenopus embryos injected with various polysaccharides into the blastocoel cavity. The progression of gastrulation was assessed by observing pigmentation and yolk plug size in vegetative view embryos. In heparin- or dextran-sulphate-injected embryos, gastrulation was significantly retarded. This was further confirmed in tissue sections of embryos. In contrast, no such retardation was found in embryos injected with hyaluronic acid or chondroitin sulphate. A quantitative analysis showed that the extent of retardation in heparin- or dextran-sulphate-injected embryos was dose-dependent and that, after the initial retardation of up to 2-3 h, gastrulation progressed at a similar rate to controls. At the time when untreated sibling embryos hatched, embryos injected with heparin or dextran sulphate showed abnormalities in their external appearance and swimming behavior in a dose-dependent manner. When these embryos were examined histologically or immunohistochemically using tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies, it was found that central nervous system (CNS), especially the brain and eye structures, were most severely damaged. The extent of damage was again dose-dependent. In contrast, neural-crest-derived melanophores were abundant even in aneural larvae. No such change was found in embryos injected with hyaluronic acid or chondroitin sulphate.  相似文献   

Summary The inducing capacity of the vegetal hemisphere of early amphibian blastulae was studied by placing a Nucleopore filter (pore size 0.4 m) between isolated presumptive endoderm and animal (ectodermal) caps. The inducing effect was shown to traverse the Nucleopore membrane. The reacting ectoderm differentiated into mainly ventral mesodermal derivatives. Expiants consisting of five animal caps also formed dorsal mesodermal and neural structures. Those results together with data published elsewhere suggest that, in addition to a vegetalizing factor, different mesodermal factors must be taken into consideration for the induction of either the ventral or the dorsal mesodermal derivatives. The neural structures are thought to be induced by the primarily induced dorsal mesodermal tissue. Electron microscopic (TEM) examination did not reveal any cell processes in the pores of the filter. The results indicate that transmissible factors rather than signals via cytoplasmic contacts or gap junctions are responsible for the mesodermal induction of ectodermal cells. The data support the view that in normogenesis the mesoderm is determined by the transfer of inducing factors from vegetal blastomeres to cells of the marginal zone (presumptive mesodermal cells).  相似文献   

Wu J  Yang J  Klein PS 《Developmental biology》2005,279(1):220-232
While Wnt signaling is known to be involved in early steps of neural crest development, the mechanism remains unclear. Because Wnt signaling is able to posteriorize anterior neural tissues, neural crest induction by Wnts has been proposed to be an indirect consequence of posteriorization of neural tissues rather than a direct effect of Wnt signaling. To address the relationship between posteriorization and neural crest induction by Wnt signaling, we have used gain of function and loss of function approaches in Xenopus to modulate the level of Wnt signaling at multiple points in the pathway. We find that modulating the level of Wnt signaling allows separation of neural crest induction from the effects of Wnts on anterior-posterior neural patterning. We also find that activation of Wnt signaling induces ectopic neural crest in the anterior region without posteriorizing anterior neural tissues. In addition, Wnt signaling induces neural crest when its posteriorizing activity is blocked by inhibition of FGF signaling in neuralized explants. Finally, depletion of beta-catenin confirms that the canonical Wnt pathway is required for initial neural crest induction. While these observations do not exclude a role for posteriorizing signals in neural crest induction, our data, together with previous observations, strongly suggest that canonical Wnt signaling plays an essential and direct role in neural crest induction.  相似文献   

Dissociated Xenopus laevis blastula cells, where reaggregation was inhibited in Ca2+-free medium, reaggregated immediately after the addition of Ca2+. This reaggregation was not inhibited by cordycepin or actinomycin D treatment during culture, although cycloheximide and puromycin were inhibitory. The reaggregation was not inhibited even when fertilized eggs were microinjected with cordycepin and their RNA synthesis was continuously inhibited through cleavage to blastula stages. In neurula cells, cordycepin treatment induced significant reduction in sizes of aggregates formed. These results suggest that the Ca2+-dependent reaggregating activity of blastula cells is maintained by the translation of maternal, rather than newly synthesized, mRNA.  相似文献   

The expression of heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan (HS-GAG) was examined in Xenopus embryos during the developmental stages. Chemical analysis showed the existence of HS-GAG in the 35S-labeled embryos. By western blot analysis using a specific anti-HS monoclonal antibody, HS-GAG related epitope was found after the neurulation on two protein bands, whose molecular weights were approximately 90 kDa and 100 kDa, respectively. Immunohistochemistry revealed that HS-GAG occurred exclusively in the animal hemisphere in early gastrulae, and then appeared predominantly on the sheath of the neural tube, the notochord and epithelium. To address whether HS-GAG chains contribute to Xenopus embryonic development, we eliminated the embryonic HS-GAG by injecting purified Flavobacterium heparitinases (HSase) into their blastocoels. Most of the injected embryos were aberrant in mesodermal and neural formation, and became acephalic. Histological examination showed that these embryos were completely devoid of the central nervous system and the mesodermal tissues. Neither heat-inactivated heparitinase nor chondroitinase showed such abnormality. The HS-GAG-eliminated embryos showed decreased expression of both muscular and neural-specific markers. These results suggest that HS-GAG plays an indispensable role in establishing the fundamental body plan during early Xenopus development.  相似文献   

In amphibian embryos the central nervous system derives from the dorsal region of the ectoderm. Molecular studies led to the formulation of the "neural default model" in which neural development is under the inhibitory control of members of the BMP family. These growth factors also act as epidermis inducers. The neural fate is revealed by factors secreted by the Spemann Organizer such as noggin, chordin, follistatin, Xnr3 and cerberus which act by blocking BMP signalling. We propose a new model for neural cell determination in which a signalling pathway controlled by an increase in intracellular calcium suppresses the epidermis fate and activates the neural fate instead. This increase in calcium is due to an influx through calcium channels of the L-type, expressed in ectodermal cells during gastrulation. The possible involvement of a calcium-dependent phosphatase (calcineurin) to inhibit the epidermis fate and a calcium-calmodulin kinase (CaMkinase II) which activates the neural fate is discussed.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody directed against the C-terminus of the Drosophila invected homeodomain to detect a nuclear protein in brain cells of Xenopus laevis embryos. We refer to this antigen as the Xenopus EN protein. The EN protein is localized at midneurula stage to a band of cells in the anterior portion of the neural plate, on each side of the neural groove. Later in development, the expression coincides with the boundary of the midbrain and hindbrain, and persists at least to the swimming tadpole stage. These properties make the EN protein an excellent molecular marker for anterior neural structures. In embryos where inductive interactions between mesodermal and ectodermal tissues have been perturbed, the expression of the EN protein is altered; in embryos that have been anterodorsalized by LiCl treatment, the region that expresses the EN protein is expanded, but still well organized. In ventralized UV-irradiated embryos, the absence of the protein is correlated with the absence of anterior neural structures. In extreme exogastrulae, where the contacts between head mesoderm and prospective neurectoderm are lost, the EN protein is not expressed.  相似文献   

The results of this study indicate that the induction of the central nervous system in Xenopus laevis depends on the close juxtaposition of inducing chordamesoderm and reacting ectoderm, which is necessary for the short distance migration of neural inducing factors. The examination of the neuroectoderm-chordamesoderm interface at intervals of 1 h up to 5 h showed that the onset of neural induction is correlated to the degree of contact formation between ectodermal and mesodermal cells. In the ectoderm cells the number of coated pits, a feature of receptor-mediated endocytosis, is increased. Furthermore there exist telophase bridges between some ectoderm cells, which are possibly correlated to secondary cell interactions.  相似文献   

Neural induction and patterning in vertebrates are regulated during early development by several morphogens, such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). Ventral ectoderm differentiates into epidermis in response to BMPs, whereas BMP signaling is tightly inhibited in the dorsal ectoderm which develops into neural tissues. Here, we show that Cdc2-like kinase 2 (Clk2) promotes early neural development and inhibits epidermis differentiation in Xenopus embryos. clk2 is specifically expressed in neural tissues along the anterior-posterior axis during early Xenopus embryogenesis. When overexpressed in ectodermal explants, Clk2 induces the expression of both anterior and posterior neural marker genes. In agreement with this observation, overexpression of Clk2 in whole embryos expands the neural plate at the expense of epidermal ectoderm. Interestingly, the neural-inducing activity of Clk2 is increased following BMP inhibition and activation of the FGF signaling pathway in ectodermal explants. Clk2 also downregulates the level of p-Smad1/5/8 in cooperation with BMP inhibition, in addition to increasing the level of activated MAPK together with FGF. These results suggest that Clk2 plays a role in early neural development of Xenopus possibly via modulation of morphogen signals such as the BMP and FGF pathways.  相似文献   

A novel technology for coating single cells and embryos with thin hydrocolloid (water-soluble polymer) films has been invented and patented. Coating is different from entrapment and immobilization in that the coating around the cell is thinner, comprising only a small fraction of the cell or embryo's diameter. Xenopus laevis embryos were coated with thin films of low-methoxy pectin (LMP), alginate, and iota- and kappa-carrageenans. These gums have different compositions and structures and as such created different coatings around the fertilized cells. All coated embryos appeared to develop normally, similar to noncoated embryos. Elemental detection by ICP-AES spectroscopy revealed that the embryo can control the diffusion of excess ions to which it is exposed during the coating process. The coatings delayed hatching by 18-24 h. Consequently, at hatch the embryos were at a more developed stage than their noncoated counterparts. The hydrocolloid coating reduced the thickness of the natural jelly coating (JC). With the iota-carrageenan coating, percent hatch was maximal, while with LMP it was minimal, as a result of the films' mechanical properties and thicknesses. LMP and alginate created smoother coatings than the carrageenans. Potential interactions between the coating and the natural JC are hypothesized. Overall, coatings appear to be a suitable tool for laboratories interested in performing longer-term experiments with embryos.  相似文献   

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