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Takeshi Takegaki 《Hydrobiologia》2003,510(1-3):147-152
Female Valenciennea longipinnis construct a conspicuous rubble mound on a burrow after spawning while the paired male tends eggs in the burrow until hatching occurs. The mound has a function of promoting water-exchange in the burrow through hydrodynamic effects, contributing to prevention of the male egg-desertion by reducing his parental costs. Although higher mounds are more effective in water exchange, they cost females much work after spawning. In this study, I investigated effects of six ecological and environmental factors on the mound height, i.e., female parental investment. Multiple regression analysis indicated that only female body size could explain the female parental investment: larger females tended to construct higher mounds. The size-assortative mound building suggests that the females strive to construct mounds as high as they can irrespective of the other ecological and environmental factors. Because current strength and oozing of underground water fluctuated even in a day, females may be obliged to construct high mounds on the basis of the worst condition.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior and mate fidelity of the gobiid fish,Valenciennea longipinnis, were studied on the coral reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. These fish usually live in pairs, not only foraging together for benthic animals in sandy areas, but also constructing several burrows within their home range. Before spawning, both fish, although mainly the male, constructed a mound, piling up dead-coral fragments, pebbles, shells, sand and algae onto one of the burrows. After spawning an egg mass on the ceiling of the burrow, the female stayed outside and continued the construction and maintenance of the mound for 3–5 days until hatching, while the male tended the eggs inside. Mate guarding of females seemed to prevent males from monopolizing several females. Although some pairs showed mate fidelity through several spawnings, more than half of the pairs broke up after only one spawning. The pair bond was broken by mate desertion and the disappearance of each sex. Both sexes preferred larger spawning partners; larger females spawned more eggs and larger males provided better egg care. Mate desertion occurred when larger potential mates, relative to the current partner, became available. The frequency of solitary individuals was higher in males than in females, resulting in females deserting their mates more often than males. Two factors seem to have facilitated mate desertion: (1) occurrence of size mis-matched pairing and (2) overlapping home ranges.  相似文献   

Feeding and burrowing behavior of the monogamous gobiid fish,Valenciennea longipinnis, were studied on the coral reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. These fish usually live in pairs, the male and female feeding in close proximity to one another upon benthic animals and constructing several burrows cooperatively for purposes of shelter or spawning. Paired females fed more and burrowed less frequently than their mates. Because burrow maintenance was mostly conducted by the latter, the paired females performed work much less frequently than solitary females. Thus, the paired females may be able to allocate more energy toward egg production. The division of labor related to burrowing behavior in this species may be an effective way to increase reproductive success for both sexes. Moreover, the fameles burrowed even less frequently when paired with larger males, probably because burrowing ability may be correlated with mouth size in males. This is a likely reason for the preference of females to mate with larger males.  相似文献   

Gary D. Grossman 《Oecologia》1980,45(2):261-266
Summary The effects of size, sex, bout initiation, past experience, and prior residence were examined with respect to the outcome of intraspecific agonistic contests in the bay goby (Lepidogobius lepidus). In addition, the adaptive significance of this behavior was examined by investigating the relationship between dominance and access to two potentially limiting resources; food and the burrows of invertebrate symbionts.For heterosexual and male homosexual contests, size and initiation significantly affected bout outcome. Gender did not affect heterosexual encounters. In female homosexual bouts initiation played a significant role in determining contest outcome while size did not. Both past experience and prior residency had significant effects on the outcome of intraspecific encounters.Dominant gobies had increased access to simulated invertebrate burrows and limited food. It appears that intraspecific aggression is an adaptive phenomenon through which access to limiting resources may be mediated.Portions of this research were completed during my stay as a visiting scientist at the National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center, Tiburon, CA  相似文献   

The population dynamics of a monogamous coral-reef fish were examined to test hypotheses of recruitment limitation, predation, and postrecruitment processes, and to determine their affects on the mating system. Valenciennea strigata are monogamous gobies that live in sand and rubble zones throughout the Indo-Pacific. Seasonal abundance was recorded in the summer and winter over 2.5 years. A subset of this population was tagged (n = 256) and followed to determine mortality and mobility. Valenciennea strigata were more abundant in summer than in winter, suggesting that a pulse of recruitment in the spring set the maximum population density. Growth rates derived from tagged fish support the hypothesis that recruitment peaked in the spring. Tagged fish experienced 88% mortality within six months; the annual mortality rate approached 100%. Evidence of predation, antipredatory behavior and strong site fidelity implicate predation as the primary source of mortality. Competition for space was not observed between adults, but may affect settlement and recruitment. Despite the lack of adult competition for space, both sexes guarded their mates and courted individuals of the opposite sex. Thus, although population size appears to be determined by nonequilibrium processes, the mating system is affected by competition for mates. Successful mate guarding by both sexes enforced monogamy.  相似文献   

This study examined the behavior and reproduction of a monogamous coral-reef fish, Valenciennea strigata, to determine mate fidelity and the proximate causes of monogamy. Most fish were found in monogamous pairs that remained together over several rounds of reproduction. Pairs stayed within close proximity to each other and their burrows. Females fed at a higher rate than their mates, while males spent more time maintaining burrows. Females spawned every 13 days; males guarded eggs in the burrow for 2–3 days. Although females limited the RS of males, males did not mate polygynously under natural conditions. Reproductive success (RS) was affected primarily by survival, and secondarily by size. Both sexes enforced monogamy by guarding their mates. Three factors facilitated mate guarding: (1) all males were able to hold a nest site, (2) both sexes showed strong site fidelity, and (3) residents had an advantage in contests over mates. Thus, mates were economically defensible. Additionally, females formed a crescent of dark pigments on their abdomen that resembled a gravid condition; these marks may enhance continuation of the pair bond. Both sexes preferred large mates, and pairs were positively assorted by size. Males benefited from guarding large females because fecundity increased with size. Females may benefit from the burrowing of males, and larger males should be better burrowers.  相似文献   

The size-advantage model predicts the evolution of sex changeif the relative reproductive success of the sexes changes withsize or age. In the goby (Paragobiodon echinocephalus) the largesttwo fish, a male and a female matched by size, breed monogamouslyin each host coral. Because the female fecundity and male abilityof egg care increase with body size in a similar way, no size-fecundityadvantage exists. However, we found both protogyny and infrequentprotandry in a natural population of this species in Okinawa.New pairs were often formed after movement between host coralsand also sex change or sex differentiation of one or both members.In most new pairs males were larger than females, and femalesgrew much faster than their mates until breeding (growth-rateadvantage). The smaller member of a new pair should be the femalethat grows faster, because the smaller limits the reproductivesuccess of the pair. To form such a pair, the goby changed sexaccording to the sex and relative size of a new mate, as a status-dependentconditional strategy. The growth-rate advantage predicts predominanceof protogyny, but movement between host corals provides opportunitiesalso for protandry.  相似文献   

In order to study the characteristics of neoteny in teleosts, development of the thyroid system and digestive tract of a neotenic goby (ice goby, Leucopsarion petersii) and a non-neotenic goby (ukigori, Gymnogobius urotaenia) were compared. In juvenile ukigori, the intestine was found to be convoluted once in the antero-midpart, and gastric glands were present. In the ice goby, the alimentary canal was straight, and no gastric gland was observed even in adult, suggesting that the ice goby retains larval features, not only in appearance but also in internal organs. A marked difference was also found in the thyroid system. In ukigori, activity of the thyroid gland and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) cells increased between flexion and postflexion larval phases. However, in the ice goby, thyroid glands remained inactive, and no TSH cells were observed. A delayed development of the thyroid system was suggested as a major factor contributing to neoteny in the ice goby.  相似文献   

Odontamblyopus lacepedii inhabits burrows in mudflats and breathes air at the surface opening. Investigations of the intertidal burrows using resin casting demonstrated a highly branched burrow system. The burrows are composed primarily of branching patterns of interconnected tunnels and shafts that communicate into two to seven surface openings. Bulbous chambers (i.e., dilated portions of the burrow) at branching sections of the tunnels or shafts are common features of the burrow. The presence of these chambers accords the fish adequate space to maneuver inside the burrow, and thus constant access to the surface. The combination of all burrow characteristics and previously reported variability in air breathing patterns are ostensibly of selective value for aerial predator avoidance during air breathing in O. lacepedii.  相似文献   

Synopsis Croilia mossambica, a burrowing goby endemic to the coastal lakes of south east Africa occurs from L. Poelela (salinity 8%.) to L. Sibaya (freshwater). Since these lakes are isolated from one another its distribution is discontinuous. It is not found in estuaries or the sea. In L. Sibaya C. mossambica is present on sheltered sides from a depth of 1 m to about 16 m. On exposed shores it is not found at less than 3.5 m depth. It is restricted to sandy, quiet water areas and is unable to form burrows where the substrate is disturbed by water movement, is muddy or consists of sand with a particle diameter greater than 0.5 mm. The maximum depth at which it lives is probably determined by light penetration since it is dependent on sight for prey capture. The food consists of slow moving benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae, gastropods, bivalves and amphipods. The relative importance of each depends upon its abundance. C. mossambica is a summer breeder with a protracted spawning season. The sticky eggs measure 0.7–0.8 mm when laid. Tolerance experiments show that it is euryhaline and can survive in seawater of 35%. and that its upper temperature limit is between 32 and 35°C. Temperatures in shallow waters of lakes and estuaries of the region frequently exceed 35°C. Thus its local distribution may be limited by temperature. Its lack of tolerance to high temperatures, to marked water movements and its ability to live in seawater indicates that C. mossambica is suited to life in the sea rather than in estuaries. It is suggested that it was present in quiet areas of the sea, such as lagoons, and that it invaded the coastal lakes which were formed as the estuaries and river valleys were inundated during the Pleistocene marine transgression. C. mossambica cannot tolerate estuarine conditions and with the present absence of quiet water in the sea off the south east African coast the species is now confined to deep coastal lakes.Note  相似文献   

We isolated floating goby Gymnogobius petschiliensis mitochondrial DNA by long-polymerase chain reaction (Long-PCR) with conserved primers, and sequenced the mitogenome by primer walking using flanking sequences. The G. petschiliensis mitochondrial DNA has 16,424 bp and its structural organization is similar to the mitochondrial DNAs of other fish, and mammals. We analyzed phylogenetic relationships derived from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. We report the basic characteristics of the G. petschiliensis mitochondrial genome including its structural organization and the base composition of the rRNAs, tRNAs and protein-coding genes as well as characteristics of tRNAs. These features are used to analyze phylogenetic relationship among the 60 species of the genus Gymnogobius.  相似文献   

The capture of a rock goby, Gobius paganellus , and two-spot gobies, Chaparrudo flavescens from the upper Blackwater Estuary during the autumn of 1974 is reported. Reasons for their presence are discussed, since this appears to be the first record of Gobius paganellus in the North Sea .  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test whether sex steroid actions are necessary for courtship and pairing in socially monogamous birds. We examined the effects of an aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD), combined with an anti-androgen, flutamide (F), on the behavior and pairing status of initially unpaired male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In the first experiment, 24 adult males were implanted with either a combination of ATD and flutamide or empty implants. Two weeks after implantation, birds were housed in aviaries containing 3 ATD + F males, 3 control males, and 3 females and allowed 2 weeks to pair, with observations 7 times during the 2-week period. A second experiment tested the effects of these same treatments in females. During the first 4 days of testing, ATD + F males were less likely to attack conspecifics than were control males. ATD + F males were also less likely to "greet," or approach, females than were control males, but other courtship behaviors, including directed singing, were unaffected. ATD + F females did not differ from control females on any courtship behavior measured. Furthermore, these treatments did not affect pairing behaviors (time spent clumping or in a nest box together) or the likelihood of pairing with a partner of the opposite sex. ATD + F treatments in females did, however, increase the likelihood of same-sex pairing. This suggests that, although sex steroids may regulate some courtship behaviors in males, they do not regulate pairing behaviors and have little effect on the likelihood that a male or female will be chosen as a mate by a bird of the opposite sex.  相似文献   

Dr. Karl Krainer 《Facies》1995,33(1):195-214
Summary A heretofore undocumented example of skeletal mounds formed by the dasycladacean algaAnthracoporella spectabilis is described from mixed carbonate-clastic cycles (Auernig cyclothems) of the Late Carboniferous (Gzhelian) Auernig Group of the central Carnic Alps in southern Austria. The massive mound facies forms biostromal reef mounds that are up to several m thick and extend laterally over more than 100 m. The mound facies is developed in the middle of bedded limestones, which are up to 16 m thick. These limestones formed during relative sea-level highstands when clastic influx was near zero. The mound facies is characterized by well developed baffler and binder guilds and does not show any horizontal or vertical zonation. Within the massive mound faciesAnthracoporella is frequently found in growth position forming bafflestones and wackestones composed of abundantAnthracoporella skeletons which toppled in situ or drifted slightly.Anthracoporella grew in such profusion that it dominated the available sea bottom living space, forming ‘algal meadows’ which acted as efficient sediment producers and bafflers. BecauseAnthracoporella could not provide a substantial reef framework, and could not withstand high water turbulence, the biostromal skeletal mounds accumulated in shallow, quiet water below the active wave base in water depths less than 30 m. The massive mound facies is under- and overlain by, and laterally grades into bedded, fossiliferous limestones of the intermound facies, composed mainly of different types of wackestones and packstones. Individual beds containAnthracoporella andArchaeolithophyllum missouriense in growth position, forming “micromounds’. Two stages of mound formation are recognized: (1) the stabilization stage when bioclastic wackestones accumulated, and (2) the skeletal mound stage when the sea-bottom was colonized byAnthracoporella and other members of the baffler and binder guilds, formingAnthracoporella bafflestones and wackestones of the mound facies. A slight drop in sea-level led to the termination of the mound growth and accumulation of organic debris, particularly calcareous algae, fusulinids, crinoids and bryozoans, forming well bedded limestones, which overlie the mound facies  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) mediates a trade-off, or negative correlation, between paternal behavior and aggression in several seasonally breeding avian species. However, the presence or absence of a T-mediated trade-off in mammals has received less attention. We examined the relationship between paternal behavior and territorial aggression in the biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. In contrast to seasonally breeding birds, T maintains paternal behavior in this year-round territorial species. Castration reduced paternal behavior, whereas T replacement maintained high levels of paternal behavior. We hypothesize that T is aromatized in the brain to estradiol, which in turn stimulates paternal behavior. In contrast to paternal behavior, aggressive behavior was not reduced by castration. Interestingly, only sham males showed an increase in aggression across three aggression tests, while no change was detected in castrated or T-replacement males. Overall, trade-offs between aggression and paternal behavior do not appear to occur in this species. Measures of paternal behavior and aggression in a correlational experiment were actually positively correlated. Our data suggest that it may be worth reexamining the role that T plays in regulating mammalian paternal behavior.  相似文献   

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