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When size‐dependent contests over resources influence reproductive success, the trade‐off between number and size of offspring depends on the frequency of contests. Under these circumstances, clutch size should decrease and offspring size should increase as contests become more frequent. We tested these predictions with the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus through manipulation of rearing densities. Burying beetles reproduce on small vertebrate carcasses, a rare but high quality food source for the larvae. Large beetles are more likely to win contests over carcasses and gain exclusive access to a carcass. The winner of a contest kills eggs and larvae already present on a carcass. As a result of the rarity of carcasses, burying beetles are unlikely to breed more than once. As predicted, brood size of N. pustulatus decreased with increasing rearing density. Despite a negative correlation between brood size and larval mass, larval mass did not increase with increasing rearing density. This may be due to the special biology of N. pustulatus which can use snake eggs for reproduction. Potentially larger supply of resources and generally small population densities of N. pustulatus may weaken selection on body size and thus the correlation between brood size and larval mass. As size‐dependent constraints can limit reproductive phenotypes, we examined whether female size influenced reproductive phenotype. Small females produced larger broods with smaller, but more variable, offspring than large females. Mechanical constraints of egg size seem an unlikely explanation for the differences because burying beetles can compensate for small egg size through parental care. Energetic constraints may impact small females because body mass and brood size of small females decreased with increasing density. Yet, at all density levels small females produced larger, not smaller, broods than large females. The larger and more variable broods of small females seem to be in agreement with a bet‐hedging strategy.  相似文献   

Organisms are selected to maximize lifetime reproductive success by balancing the costs of current reproduction with costs to future survival and fecundity. Males and females typically face different reproductive costs, which makes comparisons of their reproductive strategies difficult. Burying beetles provide a unique system that allows us to compare the costs of reproduction between the sexes because males and females are capable of raising offspring together or alone and carcass preparation and offspring care represent the majority of reproductive costs for both sexes. Because both sexes perform the same functions of carcass preparation and offspring care, we predict that they would experience similar costs and have similar life history patterns. In this study we assess the cost of reproduction in male Nicrophorus orbicollis and compare to patterns observed in females. We compare the reproductive strategies of single males and females that provided pre- and post-hatching parental care. There is a cost to reproduction for both males and females, but the sexes respond to these costs differently. Females match brood size with carcass size, and thus maximize the lifetime number of offspring on a given size carcass. Males cull proportionately more offspring on all carcass sizes, and thus have a lower lifetime number of offspring compared to females. Females exhibit an adaptive reproductive strategy based on resource availability, but male reproductive strategies are not adaptive in relation to resource availability.  相似文献   

1. Burying beetles inter small vertebrate carcasses that ultimately serve as a food source for their developing young. The male remains with the female on the carcass after the brood has been produced, purportedly to aid in the feeding and protection of larvae. However, numerous laboratory experiments have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of the male on the growth and survival of offspring.
2. A potential difficulty with laboratory studies is that beetles are typically held under relatively benign conditions, protected from the biotic and environmental challenges that they normally encounter. In nature, males may enhance offspring survival by aiding the female in ridding the carcass of mould, and by helping to preserve the carcass through the secretion of antibiotic substances in the beetles' saliva. To examine more rigorously the potential benefits of male parental care, an experiment was conducted under field conditions in which the reproductive output of male–female pairs was compared to that of single females.
3. Beetles were induced to bury carcasses in soil inside rigid plastic tubes that had been inserted into the ground. The experiment was a paired design involving pairs of sisters reproducing in adjacent tubes; one sister reproduced alone, whereas the other reproduced with the assistance of a male. Soil cores were recovered about 1 month later, and examined for viable pupae.
4. There was no significant difference in the number of offspring produced by single females and those reproducing with the assistance of the male, nor was there any significant difference in total brood mass. These results suggest that any benefits of extended male residency on the carcass do not stem from male participation in carcass maintenance or provisioning young.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The discovery and utilization of small carcasses by burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus ) was studied by placing dead mice at random points on large grids at two Iocations in Michigan, U.S.A.
2. The majority of mice are found within 24 h by more beetles than ultimately will utilize the carcass. If a carcass is likely to be usurped by a larger species of beetle or by a vertebrate, then intraspecific competition may be postponed until the carcass is concealed and buried.
3. Both males and females practice parental care. Maturing broods are tended by no adults, a single female, a single male, or a male—female pair. No differences in brood success were observed among these categories.
4. The female lays a larger clutch than ultimately will survive. Brood size is regulated after the egg stage, such that offspring number varies, but individual offspring size does not.
5. A large amount of unexplained variation exists in brood size, in both the laboratory and the field. This variation is probably caused by the environment, and not the reproductive physiology of the beetles. Competition with microbes is a likely candidate.
6. Differences exist not only between Nicrophorus species, but also between localities for a single species, suggesting adaptation to local environments.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

In the polygynous pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, reproductivesuccess of females is constrained by male food provisioningduring the nestling period. Hence, there will be conflictinginterests among the male and each of his mates as to how malefeeding effort should be shared among broods. This paper describesthree experiments designed to examine the parental behaviorof the members of a bigynous trio, i.e., the male and his twomates, in light of these conflicts. In all experiments, primaryand secondary broods were manipulated to hatch on the same dayto reduce the difference in brood-reproductive value due toage. Males divided their effort equally when the two broodswere the same size. However, males did not allocate their investmentin proportion to brood size when brood sizes differed, but investedmore heavily per young in the larger broods. This finding suggeststhat males tried to optimize the joint effort of their two mates.Males and females showed similar responses to experimental reductionin brood demands, which indicates no difference in their willingnessto invest in offspring. When one of the male’s mates wasremoved temporarily, the male increased his total feeding rateand provided proportionately more food to the "motherless" brood.Through flexible allocation of parental investment, males seemable to optimize their reproductive interests in the two broods.The only way a polygynously mated female might successfullyincrease the amount of male assistance at her nest is to makeher own brood more valuable for the male, relative to the otherbroods he might have. We discuss some ways this might be achieved.[Behav Ecol 1991;2:106–115]  相似文献   

Harsh environmental conditions in form of low food availability for both offspring and parents alike can affect breeding behavior and success. There has been evidence that food scarce environments can induce competition between family members, and this might be intensified when parents are caring as a pair and not alone. On the other hand, it is possible that a harsh, food-poor environment could also promote cooperative behaviors within a family, leading, for example, to a higher breeding success of pairs than of single parents. We studied the influence of a harsh nutritional environment on the fitness outcome of family living in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. These beetles use vertebrate carcasses for reproduction. We manipulated food availability on two levels: before and during breeding. We then compared the effect of these manipulations in broods with either single females or biparentally breeding males and females. We show that pairs of beetles that experienced a food-poor environment before breeding consumed a higher quantity of the carcass than well-fed pairs or single females. Nevertheless, they were more successful in raising a brood with higher larval survival compared to pairs that did not experience a food shortage before breeding. We also show that food availability during breeding and social condition had independent effects on the mass of the broods raised, with lighter broods in biparental families than in uniparental ones and on smaller carcasses. Our study thus indicates that a harsh nutritional environment can increase both cooperative as well as competitive interactions between family members. Moreover, our results suggest that it can either hamper or drive the formation of a family because parents choose to restrain reproductive investment in a current brood or are encouraged to breed in a food-poor environment, depending on former experiences and their own nutritional status.  相似文献   

Synopsis Parental care in the brown bullhead is characterized by variation in the participation of each sex. Most broods are attended by both sexes, but some are attended by a male alone, or rarely, a female alone. Two care-givers were more successful than one alone in fostering offspring survival. However, there was no significant difference between two care-givers and one alone in the proportion of time that broods were unattended. Potential brood predators were chased less frequently by one adult alone than by adults aided by their mate. This difference may be unimportant since two adults simultaneously attended their brood only 19% of the time. Males alone attended their broods a significantly greater proportion of time than did either males or females aided by their mates. This difference suggests that males alone sustain a greater cost of care-giving (starvation and therefore reduced future reproduction) than do males aided by their mates. Thus, males alone may more often leave broods (and not return) than males that are aided in care-giving. The differential success observed may be due to a difference in the likelihood that the male (the principal care-giver) leaves the brood permanently, rather than differences in the quality of care one or two adults provide. I suggest that two care-givers are more successful than one because the net benefits of care-giving exceed the net benefits of leaving for males when aided by their mates.  相似文献   

The Costs of Confronting Infanticidal Intruders in a Burying Beetle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infanticide by unrelated adults is a complex behavior in burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) serving multiple functions (resource competition, access to mates, cannibalism). The costs of confronting an infanticidal intruder are likely to vary with context. To assess these costs for a single female parent (Nicrophorus pustulatus), we systematically manipulated the sex of a conspecific intruder and the timing of the intrusion. Male intruders were a greater takeover threat than female intruders, and infanticidal takeovers were more common earlier in the breeding cycle. Even though a male intruder posed a greater threat to the brood, a female intruder was a greater threat to the reproductive success of the resident female. Female intruders that took over a carcass excluded the resident female from the resource. When a male intruder took over a carcass, the resident female was able to recover much of her loss by producing a replacement brood. Even when females successfully defended their broods, they suffered decreased reproductive output relative to control females that never had to confront an intruder (expt 1), but the mechanisms underlying this cost were unclear. To test the hypothesis that defeated female intruders attempt to parasitize late‐stage broods, female intruders whose eggs could be identified by a fat‐soluble dye were introduced to resident females caring for larvae (expt 2). Fifteen of 20 intruders oviposited eggs and the number of eggs were related to intrusion pressure. Because resident females rarely produced eggs while caring for larvae, it is uncertain whether the behavior of the defeated female should be characterized as brood parasitism, a failed takeover attempt, or an attempt to use the remains of the depleted resource. This study provides the most complete picture of the changing costs of confronting an infanticidal threat throughout the vulnerable period of offspring development.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Reproductive cooperation occurs in diverse taxa and a defining characteristic of these social systems is how reproduction is shared. Both male and female burying beetles ( Nicrophorus spp.) facultatively form associations to bury a carcass and rear a single brood, making burying beetles a model system for testing skew theory.
2. In this study, 50% of 40–45 g carcasses and 75% of 55–60 g ones were buried by more than one male and/or female Nicrophorus tomentosus .
3. Females were significantly more likely to cooperate on 55–60 g carcasses than on 40–45 g ones.
4. Analysis of parentage of 13 broods using microsatellite loci as genetic markers showed that maternity analysis of only 2% of the young excluded all females captured leaving the brood chamber after burial. Males previously mated with resident females or displaced by resident males fathered 7% of the young.
5. The male and female remaining the longest were usually the parents of the most offspring, and reproductively dominant individuals also tended to be the largest.
6. Although all but two or three individuals that helped to bury the carcass produced some offspring, reproduction was often not shared equitably. Reproduction of females was significantly skewed on six of nine 40–45 g carcasses but shared fairly equitably on all three 55–60 g ones. Reproduction was skewed among males on 7 of 10 broods.
7. Both males and females relinquished a greater proportion of the brood as the days of assistance from all consexuals increased.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1601-1618
Recent studies of typically monogamous passerine birds have suggested that the fitness benefits males derive by caring for their young may not be as great as was previously thought. This study was conducted to determine whether parental care by male dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, serves to increase either the quantity or quality of young that they produce. Over a 4-year period, males were caught at the time their eggs hatched, and the subsequent growth and survival of the young of unaided females and control pairs were compared. Broods raised by unaided females gained body mass more slowly and fledged at slightly lower mass than those raised by two parents. However, fledging mass was not correlated with survival to independence. There were no differences in tarsus growth between the two treatment groups. Entire brood loss to predators occurred as often among females without male help as it did among those with male help. However, partial brood loss was more common among female-only broods than among controls; this difference was largely attributable to higher rates of starvation and exposure in female-only broods. There appeared to be an interaction between growth and predation. Female-only broods that were below the median mass of combined treatment groups at 5 days of age were more likely than all other broods to experience partial or complete predation. Male impact on offspring survival varied with age of the offspring. When years were combined, males tended to increase survival during the first half of the nestling period, but their impact at the time of nest-leaving was minimal. In all years, from nest-leaving to independence (ca. 2 weeks), broods without male help survived only about half as well as did those with male help. Independent young raised by one parent were as likely to return the following spring as were young raised by two parents. Thus, paternal care benefits males by improving the survivorship of their fledglings, and may also act as a buffer against poor female parental quality and inclement weather. However, the magnitude of these benefits is such that bigamous males might achieve greater reproductive success than monogamous males. Various possible male strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Cooperation, conflict, and crèching behavior in goldeneye ducks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crèching behavior, or brood amalgamation, results in offspring being reared by adults other than their genetic parents. Although a variety of hypotheses have been proposed to explain this behavior, most assume either that brood amalgamation is accidental (i.e., nonselected) or that adoption of young is selected for because of social benefits to the young and/or adopting parents. We propose, instead, that brood amalgamation is a function of two separate processes: brood desertion and brood adoption. To examine brood desertion, we develop a graphic model to predict when parents should abandon their young and we test this model experimentally for the Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica). As predicted, females deserted their offspring when the size of the brood was experimentally reduced. Brood adoption occurred when deserted ducklings joined other broods. However, the success of ducklings in doing so was strongly dependent on the availability of potential host broods and on the age of the recipient broods. Foreign ducklings were readily accepted into young broods (<10 d old) but invariably were rejected from old broods. We could detect no benefits or costs of brood adoption to the host females, contrary to the expectations of a social benefit hypothesis. Our experiments indicate that Crèching behavior is driven by selection on adults to abandon their brood when the benefits of continued investment are outweighed by the reduction in future reproduction and selection on deserted ducklings to join other broods to obtain parental care. Rather than a form of cooperative brood care, Crèching in goldeneyes is perhaps best considered as a form of reproductive parasitism, entailing parent-offspring conflict over brood desertion and intergenerational conflict over adoption of abandoned young.  相似文献   

Burying beetles tend their young on small vertebrate carcasses, which serve as the sole source of food for the developing larvae. Single females are as proficient at rearing offspring as male-female pairs, yet males opt to remain with their broods throughout most of the larval development. One potential benefit of a male's extended residency is that it affords him the opportunity of additional copulations with the female, which could ensure his paternity in a replacement brood should the female's first egg clutch fail to hatch. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating males' access to their mates during the production of replacement clutches, using genetic colour markers to determine the paternity of offspring. Females were induced to produce a replacement brood by removing their first clutch of eggs. In one experimental treatment, we removed the female's mate upon the removal of her first egg clutch (‘widowed’ females); in a second treatment, the female was permitted to retain her mate up until she produced a replacement clutch. There was no significant difference in paternity between males removed from females before the initiation of replacement clutches and those permitted to remain with their mates. However, widowed females produced fewer offspring in replacement broods than did females permitted to retain their mates. This difference occurred primarily because a significantly greater proportion of widowed females opted not to produce a replacement clutch, a result we refer to as the ‘widow effect’. This widow effect was further shown in those replicates in which females of both treatments produced replacement clutches: widowed females took significantly longer to produce a replacement clutch than did females permitted to retain their mates. The loss of her mate could be a signal to a female that a take-over of the carcass is imminent. Her reluctance to produce a replacement clutch under these circumstances might constitute a strategy by which she conserves carrion for a subsequent reproductive attempt with an intruding male successful at ousting her previous mate. Regardless of its functional significance, the widow effect favours the extended residency of males and therefore contributes to the selective maintenance of male parental care.  相似文献   

When the cost of rearing sons and daughters differs and the subsequent survival and reproductive success of one sex is more dependent than the other, on the amount of parental investment, adult females tend to produce more chicks of the more dependent sex if the females are in good condition themselves. One method of varying the total investment in each sex is through modifying the sex ratio of offspring produced. This study shows that in broods of European Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis , the sex ratio varied with laying date. Presumably in this species, the lifetime reproductive success of males is more dependent on the level of parental investment. Early breeders are in better condition, the brood sex ratio of early broods was male biased (0.63), while that of late broods was female biased (0.36). The overall difference in sex ratio found between early and late nests could be attributed to manipulation of sex in the first laid egg. In early broods, 77% of the first hatched chicks were male but only 30% of the first hatched chicks in late broods were male. The sex combination of the first two chicks in a brood significantly affected growth as measured by asymptotic mass.  相似文献   

Parental care requires a large investment of time and energy. This can reduce future parental survival and opportunities for mating. Because males are usually more uncertain of their parentage with respect to the caring of offspring than are females, the reduction in reproductive success is thought to be greater in males. Therefore, males are under selection to ensure paternity of the offspring for which they care. Males can increase paternity before and after fertilization. Before fertilization, males can increase paternity by increasing their competitive ability for fertilization. After fertilization, males can increase paternity by cannibalizing unrelated offspring. Here, we investigated the stage at which male burying beetles, Nicrophorus quadripunctatus, increase their paternity by evaluating the number of offspring sired by a nursing male in asynchronously hatched broods in relation to hatching time. We found that nursing males assure a very high level of the paternity of hatching offspring. We also found that the paternity of non-nursing and nursing males remained constant across hatching time within a brood, indicating that it is unlikely that filial cannibalism plays a role in increasing the paternity of offspring. We concluded that ensuring paternity before fertilization is more important in increasing the paternity of offspring.  相似文献   

YASUO EZAKI 《Ibis》1988,130(4):427-437
Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains. Male Great Reed Warblers usually take part in the care of offspring as nest defenders and by feeding young, but at the end of the breeding season they desert their mates with eggs or nestlings. Deserted females continue offspring care. Desertion does not depend on the male's mated status (polygynous or monogamous) nor on his past breeding success. Deserted females compensate for the loss of their partners by increasing the frequency of food-bringing, resulting in a reduction in the amount of time the nestlings are brooded. Although desertion may lead to increased rates of offspring mortality through predation, breeding success of deserted females was high, especially if the male assisted during the early stages. Deserters pay costs by giving up the chance of additional matings and by lowering the reproductive success of existing mates. Male warblers reduce the former cost by choosing the season of desertion and the latter is lowered by the female's high parental ability. A deserter was found to start moulting while his mate was still feeding his nestlings, and an earlier start to the moult may be the primary benefit that he gains.  相似文献   

Brood size and other life-history traits of females affect male investment in mating. Female Uca tetragonon, producing relatively small broods, were attracted to the burrows of males for underground mating (UM) while carrying eggs. Most UM females released larvae and ovulated new broods during the pairing, averaging 3.9 days. While a female was incubating one brood, another brood was developing within the ovaries because the females were feeding adequately during incubation. These findings suggest that in U. tetragonon, a small-brood species, females increase the total number of broods produced by breeding continually. In contrast, in large-brood species, feeding by ovigerous females is relatively brief and not enough to prepare the next brood during incubation, inducing temporal separation between incubation and brood production. Unlike females in other ocypodids where females with large broods remain in the breeding burrows of males, most female U. tetragonon left the male after UM. Wandering in female U. tetragonon after the pairs separate may occur because their small broods are adequately protected by an abdominal flap. Relative brood size probably determines the vulnerability of the incubated broods to the females' surface behavior. Hence, male reproductive success in large-brood species may decrease greatly if males expel their mates after ovulation, although this is not necessarily so in small-brood species. Whether the male drives away the female or not may depend on which behavior within either small- or large-brood species yields the greater male reproductive success. In U. tetragonon some females extruded eggs in their own burrows after surface mating as well as in males' burrows after UM. It was unclear whether females chose a male with a larger burrow as an UM mate unlike several large-brood species. Burrows of both UM males and ovigerous females in U. tetragonon were relatively smaller than those in some large-brood species, indicating that incubation of small broods does not require large burrows. Rather than benefits of UM by female choice, wandering resulting from intersexual conflict, and sperm competition may explain why some females mate in males' burrows in this small-brood species.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should produce more sons when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high, whereas they should produce more daughters, not daughters when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be low. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a live‐bearing fish, and female guppies are known to produce broods with biased sex ratios. In this study, we examined the relationship between brood sex ratio and reproductive success of sons and daughters, to determine whether female guppies benefit from producing broods with biased sex ratios. We found that sons in male‐biased broods had greater mating success at maturity than sons in female‐biased broods when brood sizes were larger. On the other hand, the reproductive output of daughters was not significantly affected by brood sizes and sex ratios. Our results suggest that female guppies benefit from producing large, male‐biased brood when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high.  相似文献   

The longevity and reproductive success of newly emerged, unfed adult Aethina tumida Murray assigned different diets (control = unfed; honey-pollen; honey; pollen; empty brood comb; bee brood; fresh Kei apples; and rotten Kei apples) were determined. Longevity in honey-fed small hive beetle adults (average maximum: 167 d) was significantly higher than on other diets. Small hive beetles fed empty brood comb lived significantly longer (average maximum: 49.8 d) than unfed beetles (average maximum: 9.6 d). Small hive beetle offspring were produced on honey-pollen, pollen, bee brood, fresh Kei apples, and rotten Kei apples but not on honey alone, empty brood comb, or in control treatments. The highest reproductive success occurred in pollen fed adults (1773.8 +/- 294.4 larvae per three mating pairs of adults). The data also show that A. tumida can reproduce on fruits alone, indicating that they are facultative parasites. The pupation success and sex ratio of small hive beetle offspring were also analyzed. Larvae fed pollen, honey-pollen, or brood had significantly higher pupation success rates of 0.64, 0.73, and 0.65 respectively than on the other diets. Sex ratios of emerging adults fed diets of pollen or brood as larvae were significantly skewed toward females. Because small hive beetle longevity and overall reproductive success was highest on foodstuffs located in honey bee colonies, A. tumida are efficient at causing large-scale damage to colonies of honey bees resulting in economic injury for the beekeeper. Practical considerations for the control of A. tumida are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Organisms are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to the relative fitness benefits of sons and daughters. We used a molecular sexing technique that amplifies an intron of the CHD1 gene in birds to examine the sex ratio at egg-laying in socially monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We examined all individuals in 40 broods (210 young), including all unhatched eggs and nestlings. Thus, the sex ratio we measured was the same as the sex ratio at laying. Overall, the mean sex ratio per brood (+/- SD) was biased significantly towards males (57 +/- 2% male). Within broods, male-biased sex ratios were associated with females in better body condition, and these females were more likely to produce sons in better condition. Tree swallows have one of the highest known levels of extra-pair paternity in birds (38-76% extra-pair young), and, as a consequence, variance in male reproductive success is greater than that of females. Thus, in tree swallows, investment in sons has the potential for higher fitness returns than investment in daughters, assuming that sons in better condition have greater reproductive success.  相似文献   

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