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圈养山魈行为的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年1~9月,在成都动物园对人工饲养状态下14(8♀♀6♂♂)只山魈(Mandrillus sphinx)的行为时间分配进行了研究.用时间取样法记录每10分钟内目标取样法所见动物的各种行为及其频次,通过1806小时的研究表明,山魈主要的日行为是取食、休息、运动三种个体行为,它们分别占日活动时间的22.91%、33.79%、和33.14%;其次为梳理行为,占山魈日活动时间的4.09%;嬉戏行为仅发生在非成年个体间.山魈活动行为(除去休息以外的所有行为)的高峰出现在800~1000、1600~1800左右的两个时段.日活动时间集中在700~1900,但在1300~1400活动强度明显减弱,有一休息峰出现.  相似文献   

圈养山魈行为的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年1-9月,在成都动物园对人工饲养状态下14(8♀♀6♂♂)只山魈(andrillus sphinx)的行为时间分配进行了研究。用时间取样法记录每10分钟内目标取样法所见动物的各种行为及其频次,通过1806小时的研究表明,山魈主要的日行为是取食、休息、运动三种个体行为,它们分别占日活动时间的22.91%、33.79%、和33.14%;其次为梳理行为,占山魈日活动时间的4.09%;嬉戏行为仅发生在非成年个体间。山魈活动行为(除去休息以外的所有行为)的高峰出现在8:00-10:00、16:00-18:00左右的两个时段。日活动时间集中在7:00-19:00,但在13:00-14:00活动强度明显减弱,有一休息峰出现。  相似文献   

圈养山魈繁殖行为的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001 年1~9 月, 在成都动物园用所有事件取样法对人工饲养状态下7 只(5 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂) 山魈的繁殖行为进行了观察。结果表明, 山魈的繁殖没有明显的季节性, 一年四季均发情繁殖, 月经周期为30.55 ±0.77 d (N = 11) , 行经期2.38 ±0.13 d (N = 16) ; 交配行为均发生在白天, 交配持续时间为14.90 ±0.34 s (N = 246) , 具有明显的交配模式, 其中碟牙、爬跨、插入和抽动4 种行为在每次交配中都出现, 交配姿势仅有背腹式一种; 孕期为171.13 ±4.19 d (N = 8) , 产前不废食; 分娩都在夜间进行, 产程2~3 h ; 育幼期哺乳时间随幼仔长大逐渐减少。  相似文献   

于2011年对成都动物园饲养的8只成年圈养山魈进行3种食物丰容、2种环境丰容及5种食物与环境丰容试验,考察不同形式丰容方式对圈养山魈行为的影响.结果表明,第一期丰容试验(B)后,山魈的休息行为、运动行为和玩耍行为增加极显著(P<0.01),而交往行为和取食行为减少极显著(P<0.01);第二期丰容(D)后,休息行为减少极显著,交往行为增加显著,运动行为、采食行为和玩耍行为增加极显著.山魈对纯轮胎丰容方式的接触次数最少,而对食物丰容方式接触次数更多.有两种丰容方式(纯轮胎丰容和纯轮胎+纯麻袋丰容)仅持续很短的时间即失去作用,其余的丰容方式一般在第8d出现兴趣下降的现象,因此建议每种丰容方式的持续使用时间不超过8d.  相似文献   

葡萄皮中粗蛋白提取条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用葡萄饮料厂生产的废料葡萄皮提取粗蛋白,并对影响粗蛋白提取率的几个因素进行了研究。这些因素包括提取溶剂的选择、提取剂浓度、提取温度、提取时间等,并设计正交实验选取最佳提取条件,即:以NaOH溶液为提取剂,NaOH浓度为0.8 mol·L-1,提取温度70℃,提取时间为80min。提取得到的粗蛋白中蛋白质质量分数为71.38%。  相似文献   

笼养白头叶猴夏季水分摄入与消耗的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄乘明  卢立仁 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):100-106
叶片中的水分含量是白头叶猴水分的主要来源,占水分需求总量的83.68%,其它的16.32%来自于自由水。在笼养条件下,白头叶猴可饮用自来水,野生状态下,动物饮用露水或雨水。尽管饮水行为不是每天都有,但能经常观察到,特别是在夏季雨后.除了体表和呼吸系统的水分蒸发外,白头叶猴通过尿和粪便丢失的水分含量分别是44.68%和55.32%。  相似文献   

利用葡萄饮料厂生产的废料葡萄皮提取粗蛋白,并对影响粗蛋白提取率的几个因素进行了研究。这些因素包括提取溶剂的选择、提取剂浓度、提取温度、提取时间等,并设计正交实验选取最佳提取条件,即:以NaOH溶液为提取剂,NaOH浓度为0.8mo1.L^-1~,提取温度70℃,提取时间为80min。提取得到的粗蛋白中蛋白质质量分数为71.38%。  相似文献   

2002年2~6月对卧龙保护大熊猫研究中心的圈养大熊猫“雷雷”在半散放条件下的营巢行为和日摄食量的变化首次进行研究。该雌体在自然交配人工授精后一个月开始表现营巢行为。在4个月的观察过程中,大熊猫“雷雷”大约有371%的时间用于营巢或卧在巢中。营巢和卧巢的时间基本发生在上午900~1130时。营巢行为出现前后,个体的日均摄食量不存在显著差异(P=0519)。相关分析表明,日均摄食量与日营巢频次不存在显著相关关系(R=-063,P>005,n=116)。大熊猫“雷雷”总共在圈舍内3个地点营巢,最终在安全性较高、采光好而郁闭度较低的地点营巢成功。圈养大熊猫对营巢材料没有表现选择性。结果表明复杂多样、接近自然状态的圈舍可能有助于大熊猫物种特有行为的发生。研究结果对大熊猫和其它珍稀濒危动物的保护和管理工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

选用造瘘引流3个月,胆粉产量相近的3-4岁黑熊(♂)9头,进行三个不同粗蛋白水平(10%,18%,26%)的消化代谢试验。探讨引流熊对各养分消化代谢情况及日粮粗蛋白水平对各养分消化代谢的影响。结果表明:引流熊对各种养分的消化吸收率均较高。日糖粗蛋白的消化,吸收及氮存留有极显著影响(P<0.01),而对其它养分的消化吸收无显著影响。  相似文献   

为了更好的开发和利用日本臭菘资源,对日本臭菘各组织的氨基酸和粗蛋白含量进行了测定。结果显示,日本臭菘花、叶和根的氨基酸总含量分别为16.23%、19.45%、12.46%;日本臭菘花、叶、根中粗蛋白含量分别为25.32%、27.10%、17.78%。结果表明,日本臭菘叶中的粗蛋白总含量和氨基酸含量最高,根中的粗蛋白含量和氨基酸含量最低。  相似文献   

A field study of mandrill was carried out from 1979 to 1983 in Cameroon for 27 months. Group size of mandrills ranged from 15 to 95 and composition was estimated by direct and indirect observations. The ratio of group size to one adult male was 13.9, larger than other baboon species except the drill. Solitary males were seen. The mandrill may have two types of groups: one-male and multi-male. The multi-male group was observed to split into subgroups, one of which was sometimes a one-male group. The multi-male subgroup was assumed to be composed of several one-male groups. The home range area of mandrills was estimated to be at least 5 km5 to 28 km2. Their large home range size could be related to their characteristic feeding pattern in the forest.  相似文献   

We present 12 years of perineal swelling data for a semifree-ranging colony of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx), and evaluate the influence of rank, parity, and seasonality on reproductive parameters. Female sexual swellings showed a seasonal pattern, with August the median month of ovulation. Overlapping periovulatory periods did not decrease the likelihood of conception. Females showed their first genital swelling at age 3.6 years (n = 28; range, 3.2-4.6 years), and higher-ranking females experienced their first swelling earlier than low-ranking females. Median postpartum amenorrhea (PPA) duration was 208 days (n = 92; range, 74-538 days). PPA was longer in primiparous females than in multiparous females, but PPA duration was unrelated to female rank. Median follicular phase duration was 24 days for the first cycle after parturition (n = 84; range, 12-40 days), shortening to 17 days in subsequent cycles (n = 55; range, 6-39 days). The follicular phase was longer in nulliparous females than in parous females, but was unrelated to female rank. Median cycle length (from one sexual swelling breakdown to the next) was 38 days (n = 57; range, 18-108 days). Eighty-seven percent of conceptions occurred within two cycles, and half of the nulliparous females conceived during their first swelling cycle. Lower-ranking females were more likely to require more cycles to conceive than higher-ranking females. The cycling phase was significantly longer in nulliparous females than in parous females, and was also significantly longer in lower-ranking females than in higher-ranking females. We discuss the influence of provisioning on female reproductive parameters, the influence of parity and rank on the different phases of the interbirth interval, and the evolution of long and variable follicular phases in mandrills.  相似文献   

We present body mass (N = 419) and crown-rump length (CRL, N = 210) measurements from 38 male and 49 female mandrills born into a semifree-ranging colony in order to describe growth from birth to adulthood, and to investigate maternal influences upon growth. Adult male mandrills are 3.4 times the body mass, and 1.3 times the CRL, of adult females. Body mass dimorphism arises from a combination of sex differences in length of the growth period (females attain adult body mass at 7 years, males at 10 years) and growth rate. Both sexes undergo a subadult growth spurt in body mass, and this is much more dramatic in males (peak velocity 551 g/months +/- 89 SEM at 84-96 months). CRL dimorphism arises from bimaturism (females attain adult CRL at 6 years, males after 10 years), and neither sex shows a particular subadult growth spurt in CRL. Sexual size dimorphism thus represents important time and metabolic costs to males, who mature physically approximately 3-4 years after females. Considerable interindividual variation occurs in the size-for-age of both sexes, which is related to maternal variables. Older mothers have heavier offspring than do younger mothers, and higher-ranking mothers have heavier offspring than do lower ranking mothers. Mass advantages conferred upon offspring during lactation by older and higher-ranking mothers tend to persist postweaning in both sexes. Thus maternal factors affect reproductive success in both sexes, influencing the age at which offspring mature and begin their reproductive career.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the hemoglobin from the Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx, Primates) is presented. This hemoglobin comprises two components in approximately equal amounts (HB I and Hb II). The alpha-chains differ in positions 5 (A3) and 9 (A7) having Ala and Asn in the alpha I-chains and Asp and His in the alpha II-chains. The beta-chains are identical. The components could be separated by DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. The globin chains were obtained by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography. The sequences were established by automatic liquid or gas phase Edman degradation of the chains and their tryptic peptides. The alpha-chains show 9 and 11 and the beta-chains 8 exchanges compared with the corresponding human chains, respectively. In the beta-chains one alpha 1/beta 1- and one alpha 1/beta 2-contact is substituted. A comparison of the primary structures of the Mandrill hemoglobin chains with those of other species of the Cercopithecidae family shows that Mandrillus sphinx should be placed between Cercopithecus and Macaca on one side and Papio, Theropithecus and Cercocebus on the other.  相似文献   

The chronology of tooth emergence is often used to examine the growth and development of individuals and to compare life histories across species. Emergence patterns are also used to age animals and to infer life history influences for extinct species. However, comparative studies of primates are hindered by a lack of dental development data for many species. Here we describe the sequences and timing of tooth emergence for a large sample of semi-free-ranging mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) and compare this with other life history variables for this species. Deciduous dentition emerged in the sequence i1 i2 c p3 p4. The augmented sequence (including information about variability in emergence sequence) was i1 i2 [c p3] p4 for the female maxilla and the male mandible, and i1 i2 c p3 p4 for the female mandible and the male maxilla. Deciduous dentition was complete by 5.0 months in females and 6.4 months in males. The permanent dentition began to emerge at 26 months, and complete adult dentition had emerged by 68 months for males and 85 months for females. Sex differences occurred in the augmented eruption sequences: females M1 I1 I2 [M2 C] P3 P4 M3, males M1 I1 [I2 M2] [P4 = P3 = C] M3. The order of tooth eruption and the occurrence of sequence polymorphisms were very similar to those observed for baboons and macaques. Comparison with life history variables showed that mandrills have complete deciduous dentition at weaning, females possess both adult incisors and M1 when they first reproduce, but still have deciduous canines and premolars, and that both sexes have full adult dentition before they attain their full adult stature and mass.  相似文献   

Darwin referred to the adult male mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) as the most brightly coloured of all mammals, citing the brilliant red and blue pigmentation of the face, rump, and genitalia as extreme examples of evolution by sexual selection. Considerable controversy exists concerning possible effects of sexually selected phenotypes via intermale competition on reproductive success. Behavioural and genetic studies of a large, semi-free ranging mandrill colony in Gabon have now demonstrated that clear-cut relationships exist between male secondary sexual development, social dominance, copulatory behaviour, and reproductive success in this primate species. Two morphological variants of adult male were identified; “fatted” males, with maximum secondary sexual coloration, which occupied dominant positions in the social group, and “non-fatted” males, with muted secondary sexual adornments, smaller testes and lower plasma testosterone levels, which lived as peripheral/solitary individuals. DNA fingerprinting analyses on infants born over five successive years showed that only the two most dominant, fatted males in the group had fathered offspring. Throughout the annual mating season these males attempted to mate-guard and copulate with females during periods of maximal sexual skin tumescence. Male rank and mating success were strongly positively related and the alpha male sired 80 – 100% of the resulting offspring during three consecutive years. Non-fatted adult males and group associated subadult males engaged in infrequent, opportunistic matings and did not guard females. Loss of alpha status resulted in a fall in reproductive success, but the effect was gradual; the deposed alpha male continued to father 67% and 25% of infants born during the next two years. Thus, whilst claims that male dominance determines mating success and paternity in primates have caused considerable debate, these results on mandrills provide unequivocal evidence for the existence of such effects.  相似文献   

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