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The expression of differentiation stages in a murine epidermal cell transformation model has been investigated as a basis for studies of chemically-induced differentiation. Antibodies in sera of patients with the autoimmune diseases bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris exhibit specific reactivity to antigenic determinants of basal and spinous cells, respectively, in sections of mouse and human epidermis. In addition, spinous cells in epidermis are reactive with a mouse monoclonal antibody to desmoplakin, a desmosomal component immunologically distinct from pemphigus. These antibodies were used to identify and attempt to quantify keratinocyte subpopulations in culture based on differentiation stage. Epidermal cell lines were cultured under conditions which favour proliferation (0.02 to 0.04 mM extracellular Ca2+, i.e. low Ca2+ conditions) or differentiation (0.1 mM to 1.4 mM Ca2+), as previously shown using primary cultures of mouse keratinocytes. Two independently-derived normal keratinocyte lines demonstrated Ca2(+)-dependent reactivity with pemphigoid and pemphigus antiserum, like that which has been observed in primary cultures. Furthermore, a Ca2+ and time-dependent reactivity with the three antisera was also observed in a papilloma cell line (derived from one of the normal cell lines after treatment in vitro with 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene). Papilloma cells cultured under conditions of low extracellular Ca2+ were comprised of three subpopulations: cells reactive only with pemphigoid anti-serum, cells reactive only with desmoplakin antibody. However, like the normal cell lines, papilloma cells underwent a transition to predominantly a spinous cell population (i.e. reactive with pemphigus and desmoplakin antibody) in response to extracellular Ca2+. A slower loss of pemphigoid antibody reactivity was noted in papilloma cells, consistent with an abnormal regulation of differentiation. The attempt to characterize these dynamic transitions from basal to spinous cell subpopulations in culture was considered to be prerequisite for the use of the model to investigate differentiation-inducing agents in carcinoma therapy.  相似文献   

The changing profile of enolase (EC isoenzymes in differentiating mouse cells has been traced by the use of specific antisera to the three subunits α, β, and γ. The amounts of the isoenzymes were measured in a variety of tissues during normal mouse development and during the differentiation of mouse teratocarcinoma cells in culture and as tumors. One isoenzyme is predominant in the early cells of the developing mouse embryo, namely, the homodimer made up of α subunits. The same isoenzyme is also the sole form detected in undifferentiated teratocarcinoma (embryonal carcinoma) cells. The isoenzyme form remains unchanged in developing primitive and definitive endoderm of the embryo. Similarly, endoderm cells formed by differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells contained only αα enolase. In contrast, during the development of striated muscle and of brain, increasing proportions of β and γ subunits, respectively, were detected. Thus enolase was found to be a marker of the differentiation of these tissues. This conclusion was substantiated by finding significant amounts of the β subunit in teratocarcinoma cell cultures which had formed beating striated muscle in vitro.  相似文献   

We describe two new markers of mouse liver epithelial cells detected by monoclonal antibodies. Immunomorphological localization of antigens was performed using light and electron microscopy. Antigen G7 is a marker of cholangiocytes and oval cells. Antigen A6 is present in cholangiocytes and oval cells; moreover, it is expressed in normal liver in single hepatocytes adjacent to the portal vein, in preneoplastic liver, in newly formed hepatocytes, and in certain hepatocarcinomas. Thus, antigen A6 is a marker of cholangiocytes, oval cells and of certain stages of hepatocyte differentiation. We also detected phenotypic heterogeneity of Gehring cells in terms of antigen A6 content. We have formulated problem of the relationship between A6-negative Gehring cells and liver stem cells. Both marker antigens are species-specific but are not specific for the liver. Antigen A6 is simultaneously a differentiation marker of cells belonging to the erythroid series. It is expressed in erythroblasts of fetal liver and is absent in erythroblasts of the yolk sac and erythrocytes. The relationship between antigen A6 and blood group antigens is discussed.  相似文献   

The spontaneous development of a cell line of neonatal mouse C3H/He epidermal cells is described. The culture has been serially passaged at 29 °C over 18 months in the absence of any dermal support. The cell morphology of the 18th passage is reported. During early growth phase, the morphology of the cell layers was similar to that observed in the basal and differentiating strata of the epidermis: numerous tonofilament bundles and desmosome-filament complexes were observed. During late growth phase, maturation and vertical stratification occurred: demonstrated by the tonofilament accumulation, cell organelle degradation, nuclear pyknosis, presence of keratohyalin granules and horny cell layers with thickened membranes. Hemidesmosome-like structures were shown. No basal lamina or membrane coating granules were detectable. The 18th passage cultured cells did not induce tumors in nude mice. This keratinocyte cell line is not permanent, however: a malignant transformation occurred after 25 subcultures which resulted in an undifferentiated cell population.  相似文献   

Four spontaneously transformed keratinocyte lines (HELP I-IV) were raised from primary cultures of mouse epidermal cells grown on gas-permeable (Petriperm) dishes. Although tumorigenic, these cell lines still expressed the differentiated phenotype under mesenchymal influence in vivo in a fashion similar to normal cells and in contrast to previous observations on other transformed cell lines. Initially, after transplantation onto adult mice, HELP cells generally formed well organized ortho-keratinizing epithelia closely resembling those of normal epidermal cells. Later, dysplastic epithelia and papilloma-like structures developed and cells invaded subcutaneous host tissue. When injected subcutaneously into newborn syngeneic mice, all four cell lines gave rise to differentiated carcinomas at high frequency. Keratinized metastases were detected in the lung with HELP I, albeit at low frequency. Although the four HELP cell lines differed morphologically and biochemically in their degree of ortho-keratinization, no inverse relationship to their malignant potential was evident. In contrast to cell cultures, HELP transplants and tumors expressed epidermis-type "suprabasal" keratins. Metabolic labeling and electrophoresis on one and two-dimensional gels revealed both the basic 67 kilodaltons (kDa) and acidic 58 kDa components, including presumptive derivatives analogous to those observed in epidermal stratum corneum. However, associated with alterations in tissue architecture, the spatial control of keratin expression was gradually lost in papilloma-like and invading transplants and tumors, as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy (IIF). Thus, while cell differentiation appeared virtually normal, the progressive disturbances in tissue differentiation indicate important changes in the responsiveness of these malignant keratinocytes to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Clonal BALB/c mouse epidermal keratinocyte (BALB/MK) cell lines were established in tissue culture. Despite their aneuploid nature, the lines were nontumorigenic, and retained in vitro properties similar to those of primary diploid keratinocytes. These included the constitutive expression of keratin and terminal differentiation in response to a calcium concentration greater than 1.0 mM in the medium. The cells also demonstrated an absolute requirement for nanomolar concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF) for their proliferation. BALB or Kirsten murine sarcoma viruses are acute transforming retroviruses, which have been shown to transform fibroblastic and hematopoietic cells. Infection of BALB/MK or its clonal sublines with either virus leads to the rapid acquisition of EGF-independent growth. The cells concomitantly lose their sensitivity to calcium-induced terminal differentiation. Thus these retroviruses can rapidly confer upon epithelial keratinocytes in culture growth properties that resemble those of malignant epidermoid carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse keratinocytes cultures readily develop into established cell lines without undergoing a “crisis” in a newly-developed serum-free medium, LEP/MK2. LEP/MK2 consists of calcium-free MEM with non-essential amino acids supplemented with 8 factors. Two lines, MK1 and MKDC4, have been isolated and have now doubled more than 400 and 200 times respectively. In MK1 cells, Giemsa banding has revealed significant karyotypic changes as early as the 4th passage, leading to a near-tetraploid karyotype with random loss and gain of individual chromosomes. Minute chromosomes, but no stable markers have been observed. After these initial changes, examination of cultures at several passage levels has shown that the karyotype has remained essentially stable. The MKDC4 line, also sub-tetraploid at the 7th passage, had 4 marker chromosomes by the 47th passage. The rapid increase in chromosome number may have contributed to the “immortalization” of these lines. The response of these established keratinocyte lines to growth factors and serum-derived inhibitors changed with increasing passage level. Most notable of these changes were a reduction in the requirement for bovine pituitary extract (an absolute requirement for growth of secondary MK1 cells) and a decreased sensitivity to serum and serum-derived inhibitors, e.g., transforming growth factor-β. The established lines, like primary and secondary keratinocytes, remain responsive to calcium-induced terminal differentiation and are non-tumorigenic in athymic, nude mice. This serum-free system is suitable for transformation studies with oncogenes and chemical carcinogens. Editor's Statement Keratinocytes are useful and important models for studies of carcinogenesis and tumor promotion and differentiation. This paper provides a solid in vitro basis for examination of the cellular endocrinology of these phenomena in vitro, and implicates TGF beta as a regulator of these cells.  相似文献   

Summary Malignant transformation of melanocytes may be associated with changes in the expression of HLA antigens and melanoma-associated antigens (MAA). To determine whether these changes reflect the differential expression of HLA antigens and MAA by melanocytes at different stages of differentiation, we have studied the effect of the reversible induction of differentiation by fibroblast interferon (interferon ) and/or 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) on the expression of HLA antigens and MAA by the melanoma cell lines DU-2, FO-1 and HO-1. The three melanoma cell lines differed in their sensitivity to the differentiating and antiproliferative activity of these two compounds and displayed an increased growth suppression and induction of differentiation, when incubated with the combination of TPA and interferon . Incubation of the three melanoma cell lines with interferon , TPA or their combination resulted in a differential modulation of the expression of membrane-bound high-molecular-mass melanoma-associated antigen, 115-kDa MAA, 100-kDa MAA, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, HLA class I antigens and gene products of the HLA-D region. Each melanoma cell line displayed a unique pattern of antigenic modulation when exposed to the two differentiating agents alone or in combination. No direct relationship was found between the effects of interferon and/or TPA on the growth and differentiation of the three melanoma cell lines and the expression of HLA antigens or the MAA evaluated in the present study. These findings argue against a direct role of any of the antigens tested in the reversible induction of human melanoma cell differentiation in the in vitro system.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the correlations between constitutive proteinase expression and the degree of tumorigenicity of cancer cells we have studied a model system of three keratinocyte cell lines. RT-PCR studies showed that the cell lines express the genes of matrix metalloproteinase-2, -3, -7, -9, -10 and -11, indicating that they are able to synthesize the corresponding enzymes. Actual MMP synthesis was proven by zymography and Western blotting. In conditioned media gelatinolytic activities or immunoreactive forms of MMP-2, -3, -7, -9, -10 and -11 were detected. The signal intensities showed that MMP secretion increases in the order HaCaT < A5 < or = II-4RT, whereas only MMP-11 is secreted by all cell lines in equal amounts. Intracellularly, enhanced levels of one or both of the tumorigenic variants were only found for MMP-3, -9 and -10, suggesting special functions of these intracellular MMP pools for the tumorigenic cell lines. For MMP-11 exclusive expression in stromal fibroblasts of tumor tissues is widely accepted; however, our results and three other recent reports demonstrate that this concept is not generally valid. In conclusion, the three keratinocyte cell lines investigated here represent an excellent model for studying constitutive expression and secretion of MMPs in correlation to the degree of in vivo tumorigenicity.  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in eight independent cell lines derived from human testicular germ cell tumors was characterized. Seven out of eight of the lines had high ALP levels, and most of the activity in each case was of the liver/bone/kidney ALP type, as judged by thermostability, inhibition, and electrophoretic studies. Low levels of a heat stable, placental-like ALP were also present in these seven lines; only a small subpopulation of the cells of each line reacted strongly with an anti-placental ALP monoclonal antibody. The heat-stable, placental-like isozyme characteristic of these lines differed from the normal placental ALP in its inhibition profile. Thus it is possible that a subpopulation of the cells in these lines expresses a new embryonic ALP form.  相似文献   

Assessment of the extent of genetic variability within chickpea is fundamental for chickpea breeding and conservation of genetic resources and is particularly useful as a general guide in the choice of parents for breeding hybrids. To establish genetic diversity among 60 accessions of chickpea comprising landraces, internationally developed improved lines, and cultivars, genetic distances were evaluated using 14 simple sequence repeat markers. These markers showed a high level of polymorphism; a total of 59 different alleles were detected, with a mean of 4.2 alleles per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.31 to 0.89. All the markers, with the exception of TAA170, TA110, GA34, and Ts35, were considered to be informative (PIC > 0.5), indicating their potential usefulness for cultivar identification. Based on the UNJ clustering method, all accessions were clustered in five groups, which indicated the probable origin and region similarity of Iranian landraces over the other cultivars. It also represents a wide diversity among available germplasm. The result has firmly established that introduction of genetic materials from exotic sources has broadened the genetic base of the national chickpea breeding program. As further implications of the findings, this study can be useful for selective breeding for specific traits and in enhancing the genetic base of breeding programs.  相似文献   

In the mammary gland of non-ruminant animals, glucose is utilized in a characteristic and unique way during lactation [11]. By measuring the incorporation of glucose carbon from [U-14C]glucose into intermediary metabolites and metabolic products in mammary epithelial cells from virgin, pregnant, and lactating mice, we demonstrate that glucose metabolite patterns can be used to recognize stages of differentiated function. For these cells, the rates of synthesis of glycogen and lactose, the ratio of lactate to alanine, and the ratio of citrate to malate are important parameters in identifying the degree of expression of differentiation. We further show that these patterns can be used as markers to determine the differentiated state of cultured mammary epithelial cells. Cells maintained on plastic substrates lose their distinctive glucose metabolite patterns while those on floating collagen gels do not. Cells isolated from pregnant mice and cultured on collagen gels have a pattern similar to that of their freshly isolated counterparts. When isolated from lactating mice, the metabolite patterns of cells cultured on collagen gels are different from that of the cells of origin, and resembles that of freshly isolated cells from pregnant mice. Our findings suggest that the floating collagen gels under the culture conditions used in these experiments provide an environment for the functional expression of the pregnant state, while additional factors are needed for the expression of the lactating state.  相似文献   

H Eisen 《Blood cells》1978,4(1-2):177-188
Friend virus-transformed murine erythroleukemic cells (FL cells) have been used as an in vitro model for the study of the expression of the genetic program involved in the final stages of erythroid differentiation. Treatment of the FL cells with chemical inducers such as dimethylsulfoxide results in their differentiation from 'pro-erythroblasts' to orthochromatic normoblasts and the appearance of several erythroid markers including hemoglobin, enzymes of the heme pathway, heme, glycophorin, and spectrin. These markers appear in an ordered sequence, suggesting that two genetic programs are involved in the erythroid differentiation of the cells. Preliminary studies with erythropoietin-stimulated fetal liver cultures in vitro suggest that the same is true for normal erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   

Transgenes consisting of segments of the rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) gene's 5' non-transcribed domain linked to the human growth hormone (hGH) gene (minus its regulatory elements) have provided useful tools for analyzing the mechanisms that regulate cellular and spatial differentiation of the continuously renewing gut epithelium. We have removed the jejunum from normal and transgenic fetal mice before or coincident with, cytodifferentiation of its epithelium. These segments were implanted into the subcutaneous tissues of young adult CBY/B6 nude mouse hosts to determine whether the bipolar, migration-dependent differentiation pathways of gut epithelial cells can be established and maintained in the absence of its normal luminal environment. Immunocytochemical analysis of isografts harvested 4-6 wk after implantation revealed that activation of the intact endogenous mouse L-FABP gene (fabpl) in differentiating enterocytes is perfectly recapitulated as these cells are translocated along the crypt-to-villus axis. Similarly, Paneth and goblet cells appear to appropriately differentiate as they migrate to the crypt base and villus tip, respectively. The enteroendocrine cell subpopulations present in intact 4-6-wk-old jejunum are represented in these isografts. Their precise spatial distribution along the crypt-to-villus axis mimics that seen in the intact gut. A number of complex interrelationships between enteroendocrine subpopulations are also recapitulated. In both "intact" and isografted jejunum, nucleotides -596 to +21 of the rat L-FABP gene were sufficient to direct efficient expression of the hGH reporter to enterocytes although precocious expression of the transgene occurred in cells located in the upper crypt, before their translocation to the villus base. Inappropriate expression of hGH occurred in a high percentage (greater than 80%) of secretin, gastrin, cholecystokinin, and gastric inhibitory peptide producing enteroendocrine cells present in the intact jejunum of 4-6-wk-old L-FABP-596 to +21/hGH transgenics. Addition of nucleotides -597 to -4,000 reduced the percentage of cells co-expressing this reporter four- to eightfold in several of the subpopulations. Jejunal isografts from each transgenic pedigree studied contained a lower percentage of hGH positive enteroendocrine cells than in the comparably aged intact jejunum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Normal and virally transformed mouse cells respond differently in vitro to high concentrations of potassium. A higher potassium concentration is required to inhibit multiplication of SV40 transformed 3T3 cells to the same extent as that of normal 3T3 cells. This potassium effect correlates to specific activity of Na-K dependent ATPase in membranous fraction, normal 3T3 cells having the higher enzyme activity being more sensitive to potassium than SV40-3T3 cells which have the lower specific activity of the enzyme. Contact inhibition of growth and changes of concanavalin A binding sites which are characteristics of viral transformation influence specific activities of Na-K dependent ATPase and of adenyl cyclase. Incubation with trypsinized concanavalin A causes SV40-3T3 to show contact inhibition of growth and at the same time, higher specific activities of both enzymes than the observed in untreated cells. Cellular content of cyclic 3′,5′-AMP of contact inhibited 3T3 is higher than that in transformed SV40-3T3, but no difference is detectable in ATP content.  相似文献   

Keratins as biochemical markers of epithelial differentiation   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

The importance of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) in the stringent control of extracellular Ca(2+) concentration is well established. However, the presence of CaR in tissues not directly involved in regulating mineral ion homeostasis such as the epidermis suggests a role for CaR in other cellular functions. Although extracellular Ca(2+) regulates the differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, the role of CaR in this process in the epidermis is not fully understood. In this study we showed using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry that CaR is expressed in suprabasal keratinocytes of the mammalian epidermis. We then evaluated the changes in epidermal keratinocyte morphology and differentiation in Casr(-/-) mice lacking the full-length CaR. These mice show increased expression of an alternatively spliced form of CaR which lacks acute Ca(2+)-signaling properties. The absence of the full-length CaR in the epidermis resulted in ultrastructural changes (abnormal keratohyalin granule formation and precocious lamellar body secretion) in the terminally differentiated granular keratinocytes. Furthermore, the expression of both mRNA and protein for the calcium inducible keratinocyte differentiation markers, filaggrin and loricrin, were down-regulated in the epidermis of Casr(-/-) mice, whereas the number of proliferating cells were increased even though the calcium gradient within the epidermis was enhanced. Our results demonstrate that the epidermal expression of the full-length CaR is required for the normal terminal differentiation of keratinocytes.  相似文献   

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