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The European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB) Donor Case Workshop and Quality System Case workshop are forums held within the program of the EATB Annual Congress. These workshops offer an opportunity to discuss and evaluate approaches taken to challenging situations, regarding donor selection and quality issues, and strengthen the professional tissue banking and regulatory networks across Europe. This report reflects some of the discussion at the congress workshops and also subsequent correspondence between the various individuals who submitted cases for discussion. The cases presented to the workshops demonstrate that the findings, their interpretation, deducted actions and preventive measures in tissue banks are not predictable. The varied responses and lack of consensus corroborate this and clearly indicate that operating procedures cannot comprehensively cover or prepare for all eventualities. For many of the issues raised there is a lack of information in the published literature. The workshops actively engage participants, representing a wide array of international expertise, in an informal, secure and enjoyable setting, which facilitates learning from peers and provides potential solutions to those submitting cases. By publishing a summary of the discussions, we hope to reach a wider audience and to stimulate individuals to undertake full literature reviews or research on some of the discussed subjects.  相似文献   

The European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB) donor case workshop is a forum held within the program of the EATB annual congress. The workshop offers an opportunity to discuss and evaluate possible approaches taken to challenging situations regarding donor selection. Donor case workshops actively engage participants with diverging background and experience in an informal, secure and enjoyable setting. The resulting discussion with peers promotes consensus development in deciding tissue donor acceptability, especially when donor health issues are not conclusively addressed in standards and regulations. Finally the workshop serves to strengthen the professional tissue banking networks across Europe and beyond. This report reflects some of the discussion at the workshop during the annual congress in Lund, Sweden, in 2014. The cases presented demonstrate that the implications of various donor illnesses, physical findings and behaviours on the safety of tissue transplantation, may be interpreted in a different way by medical directors and other professionals of different tissue facilities. This will also result in diverging preventive measures and decisions taken by the tissue facilities. Some of the donor cases illustrate varied responses from participants and demonstrate that operating procedures, regulations and standards cannot comprehensively cover all tissue donor illnesses, medical histories and circumstances surrounding the cause of death. For many of the issues raised, there is a lack of published scientific evidence. In those cases, tissue bank medical director judgement is critical to guarantee transplantation safety. This judgement should be based on a proper and documented risk assessment case by case. Conditions or parameters taken into account for risk assessment are amongst others, the type of tissue, the type of processing, the characteristics of the final product, and the availability of an adequate sterilisation methodology. By publishing these difficult donor suitability cases, and the resulting discussions, we provide information for future similar cases and we identify needs for future literature review and scientific research. In this way the donor case workshops play a role in optimizing the quality and security of tissue donation.  相似文献   

The European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB) donor case workshop is a forum held within the program of the EATB annual congress. The workshop offers an opportunity to discuss and evaluate approaches taken to challenging situations regarding donor selection, it promotes consensus development in deciding tissue donor acceptability when donor health issues are not addressed in standards and regulations, and serves to strengthen the professional tissue banking networks across Europe and beyond. This report reflects some of the discussion at the workshop during the annual congress in Vienna in 2012. The cases presented dealt with problems encountered by tissue bank facilities concerning idiopathic thrombocytopenia and auto-immune disorders, hemodilution and blood sample identification, premalignant and malignant lesions, and Huntington’s disease. The discussions during the workshop demonstrate that the implications on the safety of tissue transplantation of various tissue donor illnesses, physical findings and behaviours, and the preventive measures taken by tissue facilities, may not always be agreed by tissue facility medical directors and other professionals. Moreover, they reveal that operating procedures, regulations and standards cannot comprehensively cover all tissue donor findings, medical histories and circumstances surrounding the cause of death. For many of the issues raised, there is a need for scientific research to provide a better evidence base for future deliberations about the suitability and eligibility of tissue allograft donors.  相似文献   

The 17th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB) was held in Edinburgh in November 2008 together with the British Association for Tissue Banking (BATB) and received excellent evaluation by its participants. The meeting included, for the first time, a cardiovascular symposium co-organised by EATB and BATB together with the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). This was a first in terms of collaboration for the three associations. The many professionals involved in organising the meeting created an excellent clinical and scientific programme including regulatory issues and featured, also for the first time three interactive workshops about clinical donor cases, quality management and cardiovascular allografts.  相似文献   

Proteomics Data Collection (ProDaC) is an EU-funded "Coordination Action" within the 6th framework programme. It aims to simplify the publication, dissemination and utilization of proteomics data by establishing standards that will support broad data collection from the research community. As a part of ProDaC, regular workshops are organized on a half-yearly basis to enable communication and discussion of the involved partners and to report on project progress. After the kick-off meeting (October 2006) in Long Beach, CA, USA and the 1st workshop in Lyon, France (April 2007), the 2nd ProDaC workshop took place at the COEX InterContinental Hotel in Seoul, Korea, on 5th October 2007, shortly before the HUPO World Congress. The progress achieved within the first year was presented by the leaders of the work packages. Additionally, a Journal's representative talked about his experiences and future plans concerning Proteomics standards; and two further external speakers presented their research related to data handling and Proteomics repositories.  相似文献   

Proteomics Data Collection (ProDaC) is an EU funded "Coordination Action" within the 6(th) framework programme. It aims to simplify the publication, dissemination and utilization of proteomics data by establishing standards that will support broad data collection from the research community. The 1(st) ProDaC workshop 2007 (succeeding the kick-off meeting last year at the HUPO World Congress 2006) took place at the Ecole Normale Supérieur in Lyon, France. These workshops take place as regular meetings on a half-year basis. On Thursday April 26(th) 2007 the progress of the first six months of the project was presented by the leaders of each of the seven work packages.  相似文献   

The Mucosal Immunology Special Interest Group (SIG-MI) of the Australasian Society of Immunology was formed 14 years ago and has run regular symposia and workshops in conjunction with the Australasian Society of Immunology since that time. In December 2007 the Mucosal Immunology Special Interest Group held a 1-day satellite workshop in conjunction with the annual Australasian Society of Immunology scientific meeting in Sydney to celebrate the decade since hosting the 9th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology (9-ICMI) in 1997, which was also held in Sydney. The meeting that was attended by 65 delegates focussed on 4 session themes: reproductive immunology, respiratory immunology, mucosal immunology of the gastrointestinal tract and mucosal vaccines.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the proceedings of the 6th and 7th workshops of the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC), held back-to-back in 2008. GSC 6 focused on furthering the activities of GSC working groups, GSC 7 focused on outreach to the wider community. GSC 6 was held October 10-14, 2008 at the European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom and included a two-day workshop focused on the refinement of the Genomic Contextual Data Markup Language (GCDML). GSC 7 was held as the opening day of the International Congress on Metagenomics 2008 in San Diego California. Major achievements of these combined meetings included an agreement from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Consortium (INSDC) to create a "MIGS" keyword for capturing "Minimum Information about a Genome Sequence" compliant information within INSDC (DDBJ/EMBL /Genbank) records, launch of GCDML 1.0, MIGS compliance of the first set of "Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea" project genomes, approval of a proposal to extend MIGS to 16S rRNA sequences within a "Minimum Information about an Environmental Sequence", finalization of plans for the GSC eJournal, "Standards in Genomic Sciences" (SIGS), and the formation of a GSC Board. Subsequently, the GSC has been awarded a Research Co-ordination Network (RCN4GSC) grant from the National Science Foundation, held the first SIGS workshop and launched the journal. The GSC will also be hosting outreach workshops at both ISMB 2009 and PSB 2010 focused on "Metagenomics, Metadata and MetaAnalysis" (M(3)). Further information about the GSC and its range of activities can be found at http://gensc.org, including videos of all the presentations at GSC 7.  相似文献   

At the 12th Annual HUPO World Congress of Proteomics in Japan, the Human Proteome Project (HPP) presented 16 scientific workshop sessions. Here we summarize highlights of ten workshops from the Biology and Disease‐driven HPP (B/D‐HPP) teams and three from the HPP Resource Pillars. Highlights of the three Chromosome‐centric HPP sessions appeared in the many articles of the 2014 C‐HPP special issue of the Journal of Proteome Research 1 .  相似文献   

ProDaC (Proteomics Data Collection), a “Coordination Action” within the 6th EU framework programme, was created to support the collection, distribution and public availability of data from proteomics experiments. Within the consortium standards are created and maintained enabling an extensive data collection within the proteomics community. Important elements of ProDaC are workshops held twice a year to allow communication between the ProDaC partners and to report the ongoing progress. The most recent assembly was the 4th ProDaC workshop on August 15th, 2008, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It took place directly before the 7th HUPO Annual World Congress (Human Proteome Organisation). Work package coordinators and partners presented the progress achieved since the last meeting. Additionally, an EU official presented funding opportunities for proteomics in the next EU framework programme and five external speakers presented talks about their work in relation to ProDaC.  相似文献   

The Cardiovascular Tissue Banking Standards are designed as an addition to the General Standards of the European Association of Tissue Banks to provide a minimum acceptable level for the donation, processing, storage, testing, labelling and distribution of cardiac tissue throughout Europe. The aim is that all heart valve banks in Europe should work to these Standards so that heart valves can be exchanged between countries without having to check the individual protocols of the donor processing facility. The writing of the Standards has been performed by the Heart Valve Council of EATB with input from cardiac surgeons. It is proposed that once the Standards are accepted they will form the document on which EATB may accredit tissue banks in the future and may form the basis on which National Legislation for Tissue Banking is based.  相似文献   

Risk heightens motivation and, if used appropriately, may have the potential to improve engagement in the classroom. We have developed a risk-based learning game for school pupils in order to test whether such learning games can improve later recall of information. The study was performed during a series of public engagement workshops delivered by undergraduate students. Undergraduate neuroscience students delivered 90-minute science workshops to 9–10 year old school pupils (n = 448) that were divided into ‘Risk’, ‘No risk’ and ‘Control’ classes. ‘Risk’ classes received periodic multiple-choice questions (MCQs) during the workshops which required small teams of pupils to assign tokens to the answer(s) they believed to be correct. Tokens assigned to the correct answer were returned to the group and an equal number given back as a prize; tokens assigned to incorrect answers were lost. Participation was incentivised by the promise of a brain-related prize to the team with the most tokens at the end of the workshop. ‘No risk’ classes received MCQs without the risk component whilst the ‘Control’ classes received no MCQs. When presented with a neuroscience quiz based on workshop content at the end of the workshop, pupils in the ‘Risk’ classes exhibited significantly greater recall of information one week later. Quiz scores were higher than scores from the day of the workshop which suggested pupils may have discussed the workshop content outside of the classroom, thereby increasing knowledge over and above what was learned during the workshop. This is supported by feedback from pupils in ‘Risk’ classes which indicated that ‘Risk’ workshops were more interesting than ‘No risk’ and ‘Control’ workshops. These data suggest that there is a role for risk in the classroom but further investigations are required to elucidate the causal mechanisms of improved retention of information.  相似文献   

In October of 2020, in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, our team hosted our first fully online workshop teaching the QIIME 2 microbiome bioinformatics platform. We had 75 enrolled participants who joined from at least 25 different countries on 6 continents, and we had 22 instructors on 4 continents. In the 5-day workshop, participants worked hands-on with a cloud-based shared compute cluster that we deployed for this course. The event was well received, and participants provided feedback and suggestions in a postworkshop questionnaire. In January of 2021, we followed this workshop with a second fully online workshop, incorporating lessons from the first. Here, we present details on the technology and protocols that we used to run these workshops, focusing on the first workshop and then introducing changes made for the second workshop. We discuss what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what we plan to do differently in future workshops.  相似文献   

Using sera which defined the BoLA specificities at the two International BoLA workshops (Edinburgh, 1978 and Wageningen, 1980) and the European Regional workshop (Paris, 1979),142 informative matings from 15 bulls have been studied. On the basis of this data, 11 of the 15 internationally agreed specificities and one of the regionally defined specificities behave as if controlled by alleles at a single autosomal locus. Data has not as yet been obtained for the other four internationally agreed specificities which are also believed to be at this locus. — The frequencies of 13 of the internationally agreed specificities and one of the regionally defined specificities have been studied for both sexes in one breed and for a single sex in another five breeds. The other two internationally agreed specificities are very recent and the populations have not been tested for them. The frequencies between sexes within a breed and within sexes between breeds differ significantly.  相似文献   

The need to support bioinformatics training has been widely recognized by scientists, industry, and government institutions. However, the discussion of instructional methods for teaching bioinformatics is only beginning. Here we report on a systematic attempt to design two bioinformatics workshops for graduate biology students on the basis of Gagne's Conditions of Learning instructional design theory. This theory, although first published in the early 1970s, is still fundamental in instructional design and instructional technology. First, top-level as well as prerequisite learning objectives for a microarray analysis workshop and a primer design workshop were defined. Then a hierarchy of objectives for each workshop was created. Hands-on tutorials were designed to meet these objectives. Finally, events of learning proposed by Gagne's theory were incorporated into the hands-on tutorials. The resultant manuals were tested on a small number of trainees, revised, and applied in 1-day bioinformatics workshops. Based on this experience and on observations made during the workshops, we conclude that Gagne's Conditions of Learning instructional design theory provides a useful framework for developing bioinformatics training, but may not be optimal as a method for teaching it.  相似文献   

A series of workshops held in the 1970s and 1980s, beginning at the University of Michigan Biological Station near Pellston, Michigan (and thus called the Pellston Series), focused on identifying the basic tenets of ecological hazard/risk assessment. The purpose of this discussion, produced roughly two decades after the first Pellston workshop, is to examine the impacts of this series on the development of the ecological hazard/risk assessment process, to explore some barriers hindering the development of this process, and suggest some new directions and challenges yet unaddressed by any of the workshop series. Probably the most important factor identified since the series of workshops began is persuasive circumstantial evidence that the learning process proceeds at different rates for individuals and institutions both in the government and private sectors, including academe. Evidence presently available suggests that individuals are frequently two or three decades ahead of institutions, and some individuals have already rejected paradigms generally accepted by the profession and are developing new ones. The major contribution of the workshops to the profession was connecting toxicity with environmental fate and transformation of chemicals and thus, bioavailability. Astonishingly, before the first Pellston workshop, this now-obvious connection did not play a dominant role in the peer-reviewed professional literature or in government documents, although the indefatigable investigator could find some minor indications that some professionals were aware of the importance of these relationships. Major suggestions for new directions and challenges focus on: (1) an emphasis on ecosystem health or condition rather than on mere absence of deleterious effects; (2) entering the information age requires that the type of information discussed here be integrated with and related to the broader array of other types of information used in making decisions at the societal or system level — failure to do so will mean that hazard/risk information will have little or no impact; (3) restoration ecology must emerge as a field of considerable importance because inevitably some estimates of hazard/risk will be inaccurate and damage will be done to ecosystems, which must then be repaired; (4) for all of this to function, environmental literacy must be markedly improved over its present level.  相似文献   

Almasan A 《Radiation research》2000,153(3):347-350
The basic elements of the machinery of programmed cell death (apoptosis) are built into all mammalian cells and are conserved evolutionarily from nematodes to humans. The workshop on Commitment to Radiation-Induced Apoptosis at the 11th International Congress of Radiation Research in Dublin, Ireland reviewed recent information regarding the basic molecular mechanisms which are fundamental to the understanding of the process of apoptosis after treatment with ionizing radiation and some other agents.  相似文献   

Short, cost-effective teaching activities are a useful way of providing an integrated view on biological processes. Here we describe a brief, hands-on workshop that allows pre-university students to explore their understanding of a neurological pathway from its chemical bases to phenotype. The workshop effectively introduces the students to data collection and analysis in an enjoyable way and at an appropriate level, determined by an end of session feedback survey. The design of the workshop can be adapted and scaled to generate diverse sessions such as university teaching practicals or summer school training workshops.  相似文献   

The HUPO Plasma Proteome Project new phase, PPP‐2, held its initial workshop on 17 August, 2008, at the 7th World Congress of Proteomics in Amsterdam. Technology platforms, data repositories, informatics, and engagement of research groups for the submission of major datasets were key topics. Plasma is expected to be the common pathway for biomarker development and application through collaboration and integration with other HUPO initiatives.  相似文献   



The transition for being a medical student to a full functioning intern is accompanied by considerable stress and sense of unpreparedness. Simulation based workshops were previously reported to be effective in improving the readiness of interns and residents to their daily needed skills but only few programs were implemented on a large scale.


A nationally endorsed and mandated pre-internship simulation based workshop is reported. We hypothesized that this intervention will have a meaningful and sustained impact on trainees'' perception of their readiness to internship with regard to patient safety and quality of care skills. Main outcome measure was the workshop’s contribution to professional training in general and to critical skills and error prevention in particular, as perceived by participants.


Between 2004 and 2011, 85 workshops were conducted for a total of 4,172 trainees. Eight-hundred and six of the 2,700 participants approached by e-mail, returned feedback evaluation forms, which were analyzed. Eighty five percent of trainees perceived the workshop as an essential component of their professional training, and 87% agreed it should be mandatory. These ratings peaked during internship and were generally sustained 3 years following the workshop. Contribution to emergency care skills was especially highly ranked (83%).


Implementation of a mandatory, simulation-based, pre-internship workshop on a national scale made a significant perceived impact on interns and residents. The sustained impact should encourage adopting this approach to facilitate the student to doctor transition.  相似文献   

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