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T antigen, purified from KB cells infected with type 12 adenovirus, was characterized by chemical and physical methods. The immunologically active molecule had an ultraviolet-absorption spectrum characteristic of a protein, and was partially inactivated (i.e., approximately 85%) by trypsin (final concentration of 150 mug/ml). Centrifugation analyses indicated that the purified antigen was a single molecular species with an average sedimentation coefficient of 2.40S (measured by zonal centrifugation in sucrose gradients) and an S(20,w) of 2.58 determined by analytical centrifugation. The antigen was inactivated at temperatures above 40 C, it was stable between pH 5.7 and 8.8, and it had an isoelectric point of approximately 5.0, as determined by electrophoresis on cellulose polyacetate membranes.  相似文献   

Gilead, Zvee (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), and Harold S. Ginsberg. Characterization of a tumor-like antigen in type 12 and type 18 adenovirus-infected cells. J. Bacteriol. 90:120-125. 1965.-An antigen that reacts with antibody from type 12 adenovirus tumor-bearing hamsters was identified in extracts of KB cells infected with type 12 or 18 adenovirus. In contrast, viral structural proteins separated by chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-cellulose did not react with the sera from tumorous hamsters. The tumorlike (T) antigen in infected cells was found to be smaller than the viral structural antigens and, therefore, could be separated from them by centrifugation in a linear sucrose gradient. Investigation of the production of the T antigen in virus-infected cells further distinguished it from viral structural proteins by the following properties: (i) the T antigen was first detected 3 to 4 hr after infection, whereas viral antigens were synthesized 17 to 20 hr after infection; and (ii) the T antigen was produced when deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) biosynthesis was inhibited by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (10(-6)m), but viral proteins were not synthesized in the absence of viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

The patterns and sites of integration of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) DNA were determined in three lines of Ad12-transformed hamster cells and in two lines of Ad12-induced hamster tumor cells. The results of a detailed analysis can be summarized as follows. (i) All cell lines investigated contained multiple copies (3 to 22 genome equivalents per cell in different lines) of the entire Ad12 genome. In addition, fragments of Ad12 DNA also persisted separately in non-stoichiometric amounts. (ii) All Ad12 DNA copies were integrated into cellular DNA. Free viral DNA molecules did not occur. The terminal regions of Ad12 DNA were linked to cellular DNA. The internal parts of the integrated viral genomes, and perhaps the entire viral genome, remained colinear with virion DNA. (iii) Except for line HA12/7, there were fewer sites of integration than Ad12 DNA molecules persisting. This finding suggested either that viral DNA was integrated at identical sites in repetitive DNA or, more likely, that one or a few viral DNA molecules were amplified upon integration together with the adjacent cellular DNA sequences, leading to a serial arrangement of viral DNA molecules separated by cellular DNA sequences. Likewise, in the Ad12-induced hamster tumor lines (CLAC1 and CLAC3), viral DNA was linked to repetitive cellular sequences. Serial arrangement of Ad12 DNA molecules in these lines was not likely. (iv) In general, true tandem integration with integrated viral DNA molecules directly abutting each other was not found. Instead, the data suggested that the integrated viral DNA molecules were separated by cellular or rearranged viral DNA sequences. (v) The results of hybridization experiments, in which a highly specific probe (143-base pair DNA fragment) derived from the termini of Ad12 DNA was used, were not consistent with models of integration involving true tandem integration of Ad12 DNA or covalent circularization of Ad12 DNA before insertion into the cellular genome. (vi) Evidence was presented that a small segment at the termini of the integrated Ad12 DNA in cell lines HA12/7, T637, and A2497-3 was repeated several times. The exact structures of these repeat units remained to be determined. The occurrence of these units might reflect the mechanism of amplification of viral and cellular sequences in transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

Two types of glycoproteins were isolated from the membrane fraction of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) hamster tumor cells by recovering detergent-solubilized glycoproteins using concanavalin A-affinity chromatography and gel filtration. One of the glycoproteins consisted of a polypeptide of 130,000 daltons (130K) with a pI value of 4.7–5.1, and the other consisted of a polypeptide of 18,500 daltons (18.5K) with a pi value of 6.3–6.6. The glycoproteins were immunologically different. The 18.5K glycoprotein induced in vivo resistance to tumor growth and anti-tumor cytotoxic T cells, while the 130K glycoprotein induced in vivo suppressor T cells which inhibited the activity of anti-tumor cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

The total intracellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from baby hamster kidney cells abortively infected with (3)H-adenovirus type 12 was analyzed in dye-buoyant density gradients. Between 10 and 20% of the cell-associated radioactivity derived from viral DNA bands in a density position which is 0.043 to 0.085 g/cm(3) higher than that of viral DNA extracted from purified virions. The DNA in the high-density region (HP-fraction) is almost completely absent when DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA) or protein synthesis is chemically inhibited in separate experiments. The HP-fraction is not found when the virus does not adsorb to and enter the cell. The DNA in the HP-fraction appears as early as 2 hr after inoculation. At 2 hr after infection, the HP-fraction is present both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. This DNA hybridizes exclusively with viral DNA and sediments at approximately the same rate in both neutral and alkaline sucrose density gradients. Electron microscopy has revealed no circular DNA molecules in this fraction. Evidence indicates that the viral DNA in the HP-fraction exists in a complex with protein and possibly RNA. The protein component of the complex is resistant to enzymatic digestion, whereas the complex is susceptible to ribonuclease treatment. Digestion with deoxyribonuclease reduces the amount of DNA found in the HP-fraction. The structure and biological function of this complex are currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Alternate changes of specific surface antigen(s) (S antigen) were examined in transformed and tumor cells induced by human adenovirus type 12. All of the hamster and mouse cells transformed in vitro showed ring-form membrane fluorescence staining by anti-S antigen rabbit sera, whereas tumor cells, either induced by the virus in vivo or produced by inoculation with the S(+)-transformed cells, did not show any fluorescence. When the S(–) tumor cells were serially subcultured in vitro, all of them converted to S(+) cells, although more than ten subcultures were necessary. For the S(+) cells to form tumors in hamsters about ten times as many cells were necessary as the S(–) cells. This difference became greater when tumor formation was tested in preimmunized hamsters, while little, if any, when tested in X-irradiated hamsters. In addition, immunogenicity of the S(+) cells was suggested to be higher than that of the S(–) cells. These findings indicate that the S(+) cells are more immunosensitive and immunogenic than the S(–) cells, and that in vivo conversion from S(+) to S(–) may be due to selection of S(–)-mutant cells. In vitro conversion from S(–) to S(+) was also suggested to be due to the appearance of S(+)-mutant cells.  相似文献   

Spontaneously arising morphological revertants of the adenovirus type 12 (Ad12)-transformed hamster cell line T637 had been previously isolated, and it had been demonstrated that in these revertants varying amounts of the integrated Ad12 genome were eliminated from the host genome. In this report, the patterns of persistence of the viral genome in the revertants were analyzed in detail. In some of the revertant cell lines, F10, TR3, and TR7, all copies of Ad12 DNA integrated in line T637 were lost. In lines TR1, -2, -4 to -6, -8 to -10, and -13 to -16, only the right-hand portion of one Ad12 genome was preserved; it consisted of the intact right segment of Ad12 DNA and was integrated at the same site as in line T637. In revertant lines G12, TR11, and TR12, one Ad12 DNA and varying parts of a second viral DNA molecule persisted in the host genome. These patterns of persistence of Ad12 DNA molecules in different revertants supported a model for a mode of integration of Ad12 DNA in T637 hamster cells in which multiple (20 to 22) copies of the entire Ad12 DNA were serially arranged, separated from each other by stretches of cellular DNA. The occurrence of such revertants demonstrated that foreign DNA sequences could not only be acquired but could also be lost from eucaryotic genomes. There was very little, if any, expression of Ad12-specific DNA sequences in the revertant lines TR7 and TR12. Moreover, Ad12 DNA sequences which were found to be undermethylated in line T637 were completely methylated in the revertant cell lines G12, TR11, TR12, and TR2. These findings were consistent with the absence of T antigen from the revertant lines reported earlier. Hence it was conceivable that the expression of integrated viral DNA sequences was somehow dependent on their positions in the cellular genome. In cell line TR637, the early segments of Ad12 DNA were expressed and undermethylated; conversely, in the revertant lines G12, TR11, TR12, and TR2, the same segments appeared to be expressed to a limited extent and were strongly methylated.  相似文献   

Induction of T antigen by adenovirus type 12 was studied in growing and growth-inhibited cultures of the Nil-2 line of Syrian hamster cells. At a viral input multiplicity of 10, neoantigen was present in 100% of the cells by 24 hr. T antigen gradually disappeared in descendants of these cells so that 2 weeks after infection only 1% gave specific immunofluorescence. When cellular replication was prevented by addition of fluorodeoxyuridine, T antigen persisted in all cells for the 2-week period. Upon infection of growing cultures with purified (3)H-labeled adenovirus type 12 and autoradiographic analysis of the cells at various times thereafter, a gradual reduction in labeled nuclear loci was noted which paralleled the decrease in T antigen-containing cells. In nongrowing cultures, no change in labeled loci was noted. Correlation of T antigen and labeled loci revealed that fluorescent cells contained, on the average, about 10 times more silver grains than nonfluorescent cells. All of 92 preselected fluorescent cells showed labeled loci, whereas, of 100 nonfluorescent cells, 18 were free of silver grains. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of KB cells infected with oncogenic adenovirus 12 was studied at various intervals from 4 to 72 hr after viral inoculation. At 12 hr after infection, the nucleus and the nucleolus became hypertrophic. At 16 hr, bundles of fibers digestable by proteolytic enzymes were seen in the nucleus; they are considered as the early viral antigens identified immunologically by others. Between 24 and 26 hr, four types of nuclear inclusions appeared. Their sequence of appearance and fine structure are described. On the basis of their sensitivity to proteolytic digestion in thin sections, and the results of immunoferritin studies made by others, some of these inclusions are believed to represent viral structural antigens. Throughout the cycle of viral replication, the nucleolus displayed prominent and constant changes in the form of focal condensations and loosening of the nucleolonema, followed by atrophy and fragmentation. It is suggested that the early nucleolar changes reflect an active participation of the nucleolus in the synthesis of adenovirus 12. A hitherto unknown striated structure with definite periodicity, which is easily digested by proteolytic enzymes, was found in the nuclei during the late stages of adenovirus 12 replication.  相似文献   

Incorporation of tritiated thymidine by KB cells infected with oncogenic adenovirus 12 was studied by means of high-resolution electron microscopic autoradiography. After a 1-hr pulse with tritiated thymidine, infected and control cultures were fixed at 8, 16, 24, 30, and 36 hr. Infected cultures showed a higher percentage of labeled cells. During early stages, the frequency of silver grains in the nucleus and in the nucleolus was higher in infected material. From 24 hr on, there was an inhibition of nuclear and nucleolar deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis. At late stages, one-third of the label was located over nuclear inclusions, type II and IV, previously shown to be composed of DNA and protein, while a large majority of the remaining grains were located over the nucleoplasm. The possibility is considered, that the early increase in nuclear and nucleolar DNA synthesis produced by adeno 12 replication could in part be due to newly synthesized cellular DNA, as has been reported by others with respect to other oncogenic DNA viruses.  相似文献   

目的:近年来通过应用白介素-12治疗肿瘤取得良好效果,因此对国内外应用腺病毒携带IL-12增强抗原致敏树突细胞在肝癌基因治疗中的研究进展进行总结,以探索更为可行治疗方法。方法:运用Pubmed、Elsevier Sciencedirect、CNKI及万方全文数据库检索系统,以腺病毒,IL-12,肝癌,树突细胞为关键词,检索2008-01至2012-11月发表的文献。纳入标准:1)IL-12的生物学特性,在抗肿瘤过程中的免疫作用,2)应用腺病毒携带IL-12对抗肝癌治疗研究,3)肿瘤抗原致敏树突细胞对肿瘤的影响。根据纳入标准分析文献26篇。结果:通过腺病毒携带IL-12可以增强肿瘤抗原致敏树突细胞的免疫应答。并通过诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡,减少新生血管的生成而对肿瘤产生直接抑制,有效抑制肝癌的生长和转移。结论:本文通过对IL-12的生物学特征、抗肿瘤通路、作用机制及在腺病毒介导下肿瘤抗原致敏树突细胞研究进展的概述,为腺病毒携带IL-12作为肝癌的基因治疗进一步提供理论依据和探索,期待在将来应用IL-12为基础的基因治疗一定会为包括肝癌在内的肿瘤治疗提供新的途径。  相似文献   

In a previous report, evidence was presented that the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) is integrated by covalent linkage into the DNA of baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21 cells). These studies have been extended. The DNA of Ad12 and that of BHK-21 cells grown in medium containing 5-bromodeoxyuridine could be separated by equilibrium centrifugation in alkaline CsCl density gradients. BHK-21 cells were infected with (3)H-labeled Ad12, and the total intracellular DNA was analyzed at various times after infection in alkaline CsCl density gradients. The (3)H label in the position of cellular DNA hybridized predominantly with viral DNA and to a lesser extent also with cellular DNA. Replication of viral DNA could not be detected in BHK-21 cells. The appearance of viral (3)H label in the density stratum of cellular DNA was not significantly affected when DNA synthesis in Ad12-infected BHK-21 cells was inhibited >96% by cytosine arabinoside. These findings provided additional evidence for integration of Ad12 DNA into the DNA of BHK-21 cells. It could be calculated that 5 to 55 Ad12 DNA equivalents per cell are integrated. Replication of viral or cellular DNA was not required for integration. Inhibition of protein or ribonucleic acid synthesis interfered with integration only slightly.  相似文献   

Poly(A) polymerase activity is induced during vaccinia virus infection of HeLa cells. The enzyme is maximally induced at 3.5 h postinfection. Partial purification frees the preparation of RNase activity and RNA polymerase activity. ATP is the substrate for poly(A) synthesis. A small amount of poly(A) is produced from added adenosine diphosphate due to the production of ATP by an adenylate kinase present in the preparation. The incorporation of ATP into poly(A) is dependent on divalent cations (Mg2+ or Mn2+) and is not inhibited by UTP, CTP, or GTP. Poly(U) stimulates ATP incorporation; poly(A) and poly(C) have little effect on ATP incorporation, and poly(dT) is extremely inhibitory. RNA prepared from HeLa cells and from the partially purified poly(A) polymerase (the enzyme preparation contains endogenous RNA [Brakel and Kates]) stimulates ATP incorporation by poly(A) polymerase which was subjected to DEAE-cellulose chromatography. RNase's, pancreatic and T1, inhibit the production of poly(A). DNase has little effect. Poly(U) is able to stimulate poly(A) production in the presence of T1 RNase.  相似文献   

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) seed lectin, PNA is widely used to identify tumor specific antigen (T-antigen), Gal1-3GalNAc on the eukaryotic cell surface. The functional amino acid coding region of a cDNA clone, pBSH-PN was PCR amplified and cloned downstream of the polyhedrin promoter in the Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcNPV) based transfer vector pVL1393. Co-transfection of Spodoptera frugiperda cells (Sf9) with the transfer vector, pAcPNA and AcRP6 (a recombinant AcNPV having B-gal downstream of the polyhedrin promoter) DNAs produced a recombinant virus, AcPNA which expresses PNA. Infection of suspension culture of Sf9 cells with plaque purified AcPNA produced as much as 9.8 mg PNA per liter (2.0 × 106 cells/ml) of serum-free medium. Intracellularly expressed protein (re-PNA) was purified to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography using ECD-Sepharose. Polyclonal antibodies against natural PNA (n-PNA) cross-reacted with re-PNA. The subunit molecular weight (30kDa), hemagglutination activity, and carbohydrate specificity of re-PNA were found to be identical to that of n-PNA, thus confirming the abundant production of a functionally active protein in the baculovirus expression system.  相似文献   

Purified preparations of the "exonuclease" specified by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) possess an endonuclease activity. The exonuclease and endonuclease activities copurify and cosediment in a sucrose density gradient. Endonuclease activity is only observed in the presence of a divalent cation, and Mg(2+) or Mn(2+) is equally effective as a cofactor with an optimal concentration of 2 mM. A slight amount of endonuclease activity is observed in the presence of Ca(2+), whereas no activity occurs in the presence of Zn(2+). In the presence of Mg(2+), Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) are inhibitory. Comparison of exonuclease and endonuclease activity in the presence of various divalent cations revealed that, at concentrations of Mn(2+) greater than 1 mM, only endonuclease activity occurs whereas endonuclease and exonuclease activity occur at all concentrations of Mg(2+). The endonuclease was affected by putrescine and spermidine to the same extent as the exonuclease activity, but in marked contrast the endonuclease was inhibited by a 10-fold-lower concentration of spermine compared to the exonuclease. The activity specified by HSV-1 and HSV-2 has very similar properties. HSV-1 and HSV-2 endonuclease cleave covalently closed circular DNA to yield, firstly, nicked circles and then linear DNA which is subsequently hydrolyzed to small oligonucleotides. Cleavage does not appear to be base sequence specific. Conversion of nicked circles to linear DNA and subsequent degradation of linear DNA occurs more rapidly in the presence of Mg(2+) than Mn(2+) presumably by virtue of the presence of the exonuclease activity. Nonsuperhelical covalently closed circular duplex DNA is cleaved by the endonucleases at a rate 60 times slower than the rate observed on the supercoiled form. These data indicate that the HSV-1 and HSV-2 endonuclease preferentially recognize single-stranded DNA regions.  相似文献   

The complementary strands of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) DNA were separated by buoyant density gradient centrifugation with poly (U, G). The complementary strand DNA was shown to remain intact through the course of strand separation. The l-strand of Ad2 DNA, appearing in the less dense complex with poly (U, G) in neutral CsCl density gradients, was shown to have a buoyant density in alkaline (pH 12.5) CsCl density gradients which is 2 to 3 mg per ml greater than that of its complement (h-strand). Renaturation of purified complementary strand DNA was observed only in mixtures of h- and l-strand DNA, and then with the second-order reaction rate expected for Ad2 DNA. Hybridization of the complementary strands of Ad2 DNA with cytoplasmic mRNA isolated from infected HeLa cells was performed in liquid phase and analyzed by hydroxylapatite chromatography. Before viral DNA synthesis (6 h after infection), 13 to 18% of the h-strand and 30 to 35% of the l-strand were represented in viral mRNA. Late (18 h) after infection the mRNA represented 20 to 25% and 63 to 68% of the h- and l-strands, respectively. Most, if not all sequences present in viral mRNA before viral DNA synthesis were also present in the cytoplasm late in infection.  相似文献   

NY-ESO-1 has been a major target of many immunotherapy trials because it is expressed by various cancers and is highly immunogenic. In this study, we have identified a novel HLA-B*1801-restricted CD8+ T cell epitope, NY-ESO-188–96 (LEFYLAMPF) and compared its direct- and cross-presentation to that of the reported NY-ESO-1157–165 epitope restricted to HLA-A*0201. Although both epitopes were readily cross-presented by DCs exposed to various forms of full-length NY-ESO-1 antigen, remarkably NY-ESO-188–96 is much more efficiently cross-presented from the soluble form, than NY-ESO-1157–165. On the other hand, NY-ESO-1157–165 is efficiently presented by NY-ESO-1-expressing tumor cells and its presentation was not enhanced by IFN-γ treatment, which induced immunoproteasome as demonstrated by Western blots and functionally a decreased presentation of Melan A26–35; whereas NY-ESO-188–96 was very inefficiently presented by the same tumor cell lines, except for one that expressed high level of immunoproteasome. It was only presented when the tumor cells were first IFN-γ treated, followed by infection with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding NY-ESO-1, which dramatically increased NY-ESO-1 expression. These data indicate that the presentation of NY-ESO-188–96 is immunoproteasome dependent. Furthermore, a survey was conducted on multiple samples collected from HLA-B18+ melanoma patients. Surprisingly, all the detectable responses to NY-ESO-188–96 from patients, including those who received NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX™ vaccine were induced spontaneously. Taken together, these results imply that some epitopes can be inefficiently presented by tumor cells although the corresponding CD8+ T cell responses are efficiently primed in vivo by DCs cross-presenting these epitopes. The potential implications for cancer vaccine strategies are further discussed.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive clones have been selected from a mutagenized culture of Chinese hamster lung cells by a procedure involving bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and irradiation with black light. The selection procedure used in these studies was adapted from methods developed by others to yield mutants that cease DNA replication within a short time after they are transferred to nonpermissive temperature. After mutagenesis with ethyl methanosulfonate ten clones survived the selection procedure. Three of the clones (mutants) were temperature-sensitive as measured by growth properties. Two mutants ceased DNA synthesis within six hours of being shifted to 39degrees and the third mutant continued to synthesize DNA at nonpermissive temperature at a reduced rate for at least 24 hours. Thus, all three mutants survived the selection procedure for understandable reasons, since each was unable to incorporate sufficient BrdU at 39degrees to lethally protosensitize its DNA during the standard exposure period. The two mutants that cease DNA synthesis at high temperature (clones 115-47 and 115-53) also stop incorporating radioactive amino acids and uridine within six hours at 39degrees. Their complex phenotype, i.e. defective DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, is reversible. When these mutants were returned to 33 degrees after 8 hours at 39 degrees, both resumed DNA synthesis immediately (less than 1 hour). Reversal of defective DNA synthesis in both mutants were sensitive to drugs that inhibit protein biosynthesis specifically. Those same drugs, as well as toxic amino acids analogs, also effected a striking mutant phenocopy in wild-type cells. The phenocopy produced by amino acid analogs that are incorporated into mammalian proteins suggested that one or more proteins must be synthesized continuously to support mammalian cells engaged in programmed DNA replication.  相似文献   

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