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传粉网络的研究进展:网络的结构和动态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
植物与传粉者之间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。近年来,社会网络分析技术的发展使得复杂生态网络的研究成为可能。从群落水平上研究植物与传粉者之间的互惠关系,为理解群落的结构和动态以及花部特征的演化提供了全新的视角。传粉网络的嵌套结构说明自然界的传粉服务存在冗余,而且是相对泛化的物种主导了传粉。在多年或者多季度的传粉网络中,虽然有很高的物种替换率,但是其网络结构仍然保持相对稳定,说明传粉网络对干扰有很强的抗性。尽管有关网络结构和动态的研究逐渐增多,但传粉网络维持的机制仍不清楚。网络结构可以部分由花部特征与传粉者的匹配来解释,也受到系统发生的制约,影响因素还包括群落构建的时间和物种多样性,以及物种在群落中的位置。开展大尺度群落动态的研究,为探索不同时间尺度、不同物种多样性水平上的传粉网络的生态学意义提供了条件。但已有的研究仍存在不足,比如基于访问观察的网络无法准确衡量传粉者的访问效率和植物间的花粉流动,以及结果受到调查精度区域研究不平衡的制约等。目前的研究只深入到传粉者携带花粉构成成分的水平,传粉者访问植物的网络不能代表植物的整个传粉过程。因此,研究应当更多地深入到物种之间关系对有性生殖的切实影响上。 相似文献
Several long-term temporal analyses of the structure of Robertsonian (Rb) hybrid zones in the western house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, have been performed. Nevertheless, the detection of gradual or very rapid variations in a zone may be overlooked when the time elapsed between periods of study is too long. The Barcelona chromosomal polymorphism zone of the house mouse covers about 5000, km(2) around the city of Barcelona and is surrounded by 40 chromosome telocentric populations. Seven different metacentrics and mice with diploid numbers between 27 and 40 chromosomes and several fusions in heterozygous state (from one to seven) have been reported. We compare the present (period 2008-2010) and past (period 1996-2000) structure of this zone before examining its dynamics in more detail. Results indicate that there is not a Rb race in this area, which is consistent with the proposal that this zone was probably originated in situ, under a primary intergradation scenario. The lack of individuals with more than five metacentrics in heterozygous state in the current period suggests that selection acted against such mice. By contrast, this situation did not occur for mice with fewer than five fusions in heterozygous condition. Changes in human activity may affect the dynamics of gene flow between subpopulations, thus altering the chromosomal composition of certain sites. Although these local variations may have modified the clinal trend for certain metacentrics, the general staggered structure of the zone has not varied significantly in a decade. 相似文献
Spatio-temporal variation in the pollination mode of Buxus balearica (Buxaceae), an ambophilous and selfing species: mainland-island comparison 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mixed-pollination systems may allow plants to achieve stable seed production when unpredictable conditions cause variation in the relative success of different pollination modes. We studied variation in time (two years) and space (in five populations, three from an island and two from mainland) in the pollination mode of Buxus balearica , an ambophilous (i.e. pollinated by wind and insects) and selfing species distributed in the Mediterranean Basin, by means of direct observations and experimental manipulations (bagging with different material). The relative importance of each pollination mode differed among populations; however, levels of selfing and wind pollination were similar between island and mainland. Flowers of B. balearica were visited only by generalist insects, and species composition and abundance of flower visitors varied both in space and time. Frequency of insect visits to plants were not higher in mainland than island populations, although insects on the mainland were more diverse, visited a proportionally greater number of flowers, and remained longer on the plants than insects on the island. Frequency of insect visits was negatively correlated with flowering synchrony (all populations pooled) and was found to increase seed set in one of the mainland populations (that with highest frequency of insect visits and highest flower visitation rate). Fruit and seed mass were found to be not affected by pollination mode. Scarcity of pollinators in the island seems to have an effect on the pollination mode, although the greatest variation in breeding system was found at a more local scale. 相似文献
Palaeodemographic studies of animals using frequency distributions of radiocarbon dates are increasingly used in studies of Quaternary extinction but are complicated by taphonomic bias, or the loss of material through time. Current taphonomic models are based on the temporal frequency distributions of sediments, but bone is potentially lost at greater rates because not all sedimentary contexts preserve bone. We test the hypotheses that (i) the loss of bone over time is greater than that of sediment and (ii) this rate of loss varies geographically at large scales. We compiled radiocarbon dates on Pleistocene-aged bone from eastern Beringia (EB), the contiguous United States (CUSA) and South America (SA), from which we developed models of taphonomic loss. We find that bone is lost at greater rates than terrestrial sediment in general, but only for CUSA and SA. Bone in EB is lost at approximately the same rate as terrestrial sediments, which demonstrates the excellent preservation environments of arctic regions, presumably due to preservative effects of permafrost. These differences between bone and sediment preservation as well as between arctic and non-arctic regions should be taken into account by any research addressing past faunal population dynamics based on temporal frequency distributions. 相似文献
Tolerance of pollination networks to species extinctions 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Memmott J Waser NM Price MV 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2004,271(1557):2605-2611
Mutually beneficial interactions between flowering plants and animal pollinators represent a critical 'ecosystem service' under threat of anthropogenic extinction. We explored probable patterns of extinction in two large networks of plants and flower visitors by simulating the removal of pollinators and consequent loss of the plants that depend upon them for reproduction. For each network, we removed pollinators at random, systematically from least-linked (most specialized) to most-linked (most generalized), and systematically from most- to least-linked. Plant species diversity declined most rapidly with preferential removal of the most-linked pollinators, but declines were no worse than linear. This relative tolerance to extinction derives from redundancy in pollinators per plant and from nested topology of the networks. Tolerance in pollination networks contrasts with catastrophic declines reported from standard food webs. The discrepancy may be a result of the method used: previous studies removed species from multiple trophic levels based only on their linkage, whereas our preferential removal of pollinators reflects their greater risk of extinction relative to that of plants. In both pollination networks, the most-linked pollinators were bumble-bees and some solitary bees. These animals should receive special attention in efforts to conserve temperate pollination systems. 相似文献
Conserving and maintaining a diverse assemblage of wild bees is essential for a healthy and functioning ecosystem, as species are uniquely evolved to deliver specific plant–pollination requirements. Understanding the biology and ecology of bees in poorly studied regions is the first step towards conservation. Detailed surveys in New Hampshire reveal a broad diversity of 118 species of wild bees in different guilds and habitats including 17 bee species representing new state records. Network analyses reveal a complex community structure and relatively poorly connected plant–pollinator associations, thus species may be susceptible to disturbance. Phenological analyses document that at least one representative of five native bee families was present throughout the foraging season and both abundance and diversity were highest in June and July. This study provides important baseline information on bee abundance, diversity, phenology, and host plant associations necessary for future conservation efforts. 相似文献
Studies of complex networks show that nodes with high centrality scores are important to network structure and stability. Following this rationale, centrality measures can be used to (i) identify keystone species in ecological networks, a major issue in community ecology, and (ii) differentiate the keystone species concept, e.g. species may play a key role in a network for different topological reasons. In 34 pollination communities we examine the relationship between the generalization level of species (ND) and two complementary centrality indices: closeness (CC) and betweenness centrality (BC). CC measures the proximity of a species to all other species in the community, while BC describes the importance of a species as a connector. Most networks had a linear ND–CC relationship with a minimum CC value of 0.41. Hence, species were close to each and will be likely to be rapidly affected by disturbances. Contrarily, in most networks, the ND–BC relationships were power-law distributed with exponents larger than one. Only 59% of the species were connectors (BC > 0). In particular, there was a connector threshold value of ND = 0.46. Species above this threshold represent ~40%, almost all of which were connectors. These results indicate that in pollination systems the most generalized species are usually network keystone species, playing at least two roles: (i) interact closely with most other species (high CC) and (ii) connect otherwise unconnected subnetworks (high BC). We discuss the implications of centrality measures to community-based conservation ecology. 相似文献
The smallest of all worlds: pollination networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A pollination network may be either 2-mode, describing trophic and reproductive interactions between communities of flowering plants and pollinator species within a well-defined habitat, or 1-mode, describing interactions between either plants or pollinators. In a 1-mode pollinator network, two pollinator species are linked to each other if they both visit the same plant species, and vice versa for plants. Properties of 2-mode networks and their derived 1-mode networks are highly correlated and so are properties of 1-mode pollinator and 1-mode plant networks. Most network properties are scale-dependent, i.e. they are dependent upon network size. Pollination networks have the strongest small-world properties of any networks yet studied, i.e. all species are close to each other (short average path length) and species are highly clustered. Species in pollination networks are much more densely linked than species in traditional food webs, i.e. they have a higher density of links, a shorter distance between species, and species are more clustered. 相似文献
Fernanda S. Valdovinos Pablo Moisset de Espanés José D. Flores Rodrigo Ramos‐Jiliberto 《Oikos》2013,122(6):907-917
Pollination systems are recognized as critical for the maintenance of biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, the understanding of mechanisms that promote the integrity of those mutualistic assemblages is an important issue for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem function. In this study we present a new population dynamics model for plant–pollinator interactions that is based on the consumer–resource approach and incorporates a few essential features of pollination ecology. The model was used to project the temporal dynamics of three empirical pollination network, in order to analyze how adaptive foraging of pollinators (AF) shapes the outcome of community dynamics in terms of biodiversity and network robustness to species loss. We found that the incorporation of AF into the dynamics of the pollination networks increased the persistence and diversity of its constituent species, and reduced secondary extinctions of both plants and animals. These findings were best explained by the following underlying processes: 1) AF increased the amount of floral resources extracted by specialist pollinators, and 2) AF raised the visitation rates received by specialist plants. We propose that the main mechanism by which AF enhanced those processes is (trophic) niche partitioning among animals, which in turn generates (pollen vector) niche partitioning among plants. Our results suggest that pollination networks can maintain their stability and diversity by the adaptive foraging of generalist pollinators. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: A central idea in biology is the hierarchical organization of cellular processes. A commonly used method to identify the hierarchical modular organization of network relies on detecting a global signature known as variation of clustering coefficient (so-called modularity scaling). Although several studies have suggested other possible origins of this signature, it is still widely used nowadays to identify hierarchical modularity, especially in the analysis of biological networks. Therefore, a further and systematical investigation of this signature for different types of biological networks is necessary. RESULTS: We analyzed a variety of biological networks and found that the commonly used signature of hierarchical modularity is actually the reflection of spoke-like topology, suggesting a different view of network architecture. We proved that the existence of super-hubs is the origin that the clustering coefficient of a node follows a particular scaling law with degree k in metabolic networks. To study the modularity of biological networks, we systematically investigated the relationship between repulsion of hubs and variation of clustering coefficient. We provided direct evidences for repulsion between hubs being the underlying origin of the variation of clustering coefficient, and found that for biological networks having no anti-correlation between hubs, such as gene co-expression network, the clustering coefficient doesn't show dependence of degree. CONCLUSIONS: Here we have shown that the variation of clustering coefficient is neither sufficient nor exclusive for a network to be hierarchical. Our results suggest the existence of spoke-like modules as opposed to "deterministic model" of hierarchical modularity, and suggest the need to reconsider the organizational principle of biological hierarchy. 相似文献
Spatio-temporal variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages of glacial streams in the Swiss Alps 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
1. Changes in water chemistry, benthic organic matter (BOM), and macroinvertebrates were examined in four different glacial streams over an annual cycle. The streams experienced strong seasonal changes in water chemistry that reflected temporal changes in the influence from the source glacier, especially in water turbidity, particulate phosphorus and conductivity.
2. Nitrogen concentrations were high (nitrate-N values were 130–274 μg L–1 ), especially during spring snowmelt runoff. Benthic organic matter attained >600 g m–2 dry mass at certain times, peaks being associated with seasonal blooms of the alga Hydrurus foetidus .
3. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness was two to three times higher (also numbers and biomass) in winter than summer suggesting winter may be a more favourable period for these animals. Benthic densities averaged 1140–3820 ind. m–2 , although peaking as high as 9000 ind. m–2 . Average annual biomass ranged from 102 to 721 mg m–2 , and reached >2000 mg m–2 at one site in autumn.
4. Taxa common to all sites included the dipterans Diamesa spp. and Rhypholophus sp., the plecopterans Leuctra spp. and Rhabdiopteryx alpina , and the ephemeropterans Baetis alpinus and Rhithrogena spp. Principal components analysis clearly separated winter assemblages from those found in summer. 相似文献
2. Nitrogen concentrations were high (nitrate-N values were 130–274 μg L
3. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness was two to three times higher (also numbers and biomass) in winter than summer suggesting winter may be a more favourable period for these animals. Benthic densities averaged 1140–3820 ind. m
4. Taxa common to all sites included the dipterans Diamesa spp. and Rhypholophus sp., the plecopterans Leuctra spp. and Rhabdiopteryx alpina , and the ephemeropterans Baetis alpinus and Rhithrogena spp. Principal components analysis clearly separated winter assemblages from those found in summer. 相似文献
Evolutionary Ecology - Studies on animal camouflage offer some of the most compelling examples of microevolution via natural selection. If selection favouring camouflage is indeed widespread, the... 相似文献
Floral scents are important signals for communication between plants and pollinators. Several studies have focused on interspecific variation of these signals, but little is known about intraspecific variation in flower scent, particularly for species with wide geographic distributions. In the highly specific mutualism between Ficus species and their pollinating wasps, chemical mediation is crucial for partner encounter. Several studies show that scents, i.e. blends of volatiles, are species-specific, but no studies address interpopulation variation of scents in fig pollination mutualisms, which often have broad geographic distributions. In this study, using absorption/desorption headspace techniques, we analyzed variation in floral scent composition among three populations of each of two widely distributed Asian Ficus species. We identified more than 100 different volatile organic compounds, predominantly terpenes. In both species, significant differences were found between scent bouquets of East Asian and Indian populations. These differences are discussed in relation to geographical barriers that could disrupt gene exchange between these two areas, thereby isolating Indian populations from those of Eastern Asia. 相似文献
We used the walked-line transect method for estimating the density of cats and coefficients of variation of density estimates in 4 contrasted sites on the main island of Îles Kerguelen between 1998 and 2000. Density estimates varied from 0.44ǂ.15 cats per km2 to 2.42ǂ.23 cats per km2 according to site and period. Coefficient of variation of density estimates ranged from 11.92% to 34.76%. The line transect method was, therefore, an efficient method for monitoring the density of the cat population in a sub-Antarctic environment characterised by short vegetation. Our results suggest that cat population size at the main island of Îles Kerguelen (the total number of cats expected is around 7,000) is much lower than previously thought. 相似文献
Fernanda S. Valdovinos Rodrigo Ramos‐Jiliberto José D. Flores Claudia Espinoza Gioconda López 《Oikos》2009,118(8):1190-1200
Research on ecological communities, and plant–pollinator mutualistic networks in particular, has increasingly benefited from the theory and tools of complexity science. Nevertheless, up to now there have been few attempts to investigate the interplay between the structure of real pollination networks and their dynamics. This study is one of the first contributions to explore this issue. Biological invasions, of major concern for conservation, are also poorly understood from the perspective of complex ecological networks. In this paper we assess the role that established alien species play within a host community by analyzing the temporal changes in structural network properties driven by the removal of non‐native plants. Three topological measures have been used to represent the most relevant structural properties for the stability of ecological networks: degree distribution, nestedness, and modularity. Therefore, we investigate for a detailed pollination network, 1) how its dynamics, represented as changes in species abundances, affect the evolution of its structure, 2) how topology relates to dynamics focusing on long‐term species persistence; and 3) how both structure and dynamics are affected by the removal of alien plant species. Network dynamics were simulated by means of a stochastic metacommunity model. Our results showed that established alien plants are important for the persistence of the pollination network and for the maintenance of its structure. Removal of alien plants decreased the likelihood of species persistence. On the other hand, both the full network and the subset native network tended to lose their structure through time. Nevertheless, the structure of the full network was better preserved than the structure of the network without alien plants. Temporal topological shifts were evident in terms of degree distribution, nestedness, and modularity. However the effects of removing alien plants were more pronounced for degree distribution and modularity of the network. Therefore, elimination of alien plants affected the evolution of the architecture of the interaction web, which was closely related to the higher species loss found in the network where alien plants were removed. 相似文献
Aphids are common herbivores in the strawberry crop that can reduce plant vigor and fruit quality and also transmit viruses. Aphid species prefer diverse plant organs, which represent particular habitats of different quality for aphids and for the development of natural enemies’ populations. Different habitat units (young leaves, mature leaves, buds, flowers) of strawberry were sampled fortnightly during all seasons. We identified seven aphid species, namely Chaetosiphon fragaefolii, Aphis gossypii, and Macrosiphum euphorbiae, the most abundant. During the autumn, C. fragaefolli and M. euphorbiae were scarce and A. gossypii was denser on mature leaves, while during summer M. euphorbiae was absent. During the winter, C. fragaefolii predominated on buds and young leaves, A. gossypii on flowers, and both species on mature leaves. During the spring, C. fragaefolii was even more abundant on buds, A. gossypii predominated on mature leaves, and the three species were equally abundant on flowers and young leaves. Parasitoids emerged from A. gossypii, M. euphorbiae and Myzus persicae, but not from C. fragaefolii. Three Aphidius and two Aphelinus species were recovered. All primary parasitoid species emerged from A. gossypii, and secondary parasitoids emerged only from this aphid. Aphis gossypii parasitism on mature leaves was markedly higher in winter and summer than in autumn and spring. Parasitism of A. gossypii was independent of its density, and the number of parasitized aphids was never higher than six. Our results contribute to define the most appropriate sample unit to estimate aphid density of different species and provide information about seasonal natural parasitism. 相似文献
Tam Tran Melissa A. Prusinski Jennifer L. White Richard C. Falco Vanessa Vinci Wayne K. Gall Keith Tober JoAnne Oliver Lee Ann Sporn Lisa Meehan Elyse Banker P. Bryon Backenson Shane T. Jensen Dustin Brisson 《International journal for parasitology》2021,51(4):311-320
Many species have experienced dramatic changes in both geographic range and population sizes in recent history. Increases in the geographic range or population size of disease vectors have public health relevance as these increases often precipitate the emergence of infectious diseases in human populations. Accurately identifying environmental factors affecting the biogeographic patterns of vector species is a long-standing analytical challenge, stemming from a paucity of data capturing periods of rapid changes in vector demographics. We systematically investigated the occurrence and abundance of nymphal Ixodes scapularis ticks at 532 sampling locations throughout New York State (NY), USA, between 2008 and 2018, a time frame that encompasses the emergence of diseases vectored by these ticks. Analyses of these field-collected data demonstrated a range expansion into northern and western NY during the last decade. Nymphal abundances increased in newly colonised areas, while remaining stable in areas with long-standing populations over the last decade. These trends in the geographic range and abundance of nymphs correspond to both the geographic expansion of human Lyme disease cases and increases in incidence rates. Analytic models fitted to these data incorporating time, space, and environmental factors, accurately identified drivers of the observed changes in nymphal occurrence and abundance. These models accounted for the spatial and temporal variation in the occurrence and abundance of nymphs and can accurately predict nymphal population patterns in future years. Forecasting disease risk at fine spatial scales prior to the transmission season can influence both public health mitigation strategies and individual behaviours, potentially impacting tick-borne disease risk and subsequently human disease incidence. 相似文献