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The frequency dependence of electromagnetic field-induced calcium-ion efflux from chicken brain tissues has been examined at 15-Hz intervals over the range 1-510 Hz. The electric field component was 15 Vrms/m and the magnetic component varied between 59 and 69 nTrms. No patterns of response as a function of frequency could be readily discerned when the differences in mean efflux values between exposed and sham samples were compared. However, the calculated P-value, a function that combines at each frequency the difference between the means of the exposed and sham groups with the variance of each group, does provide a basis for hypothesizing the existence of three frequency-dependent patterns in the data. One pattern includes all the highly significant (P less than .01) responses which occur between 15 and 315 Hz, at 30-Hz intervals; two independent trials at 165 Hz, giving nonsignificant responses (P greater than .5), break this pattern into two groups of five frequencies each, which is contrary to the expected result for a simple Lorentz-force interaction. However, another pattern of significant results at 60, 90, and 180 Hz, but not at 300 Hz, is consistent with a Lorentz-force model. A third pattern, composed of only one significant response at 405 Hz, is very close to the resonance predicted on a linear extrapolation from high-frequency data for 13carbon atoms. This hypothetical ordering of the frequency-response profile provides the basis for future experimental designs to test each possible interaction model and for their connection to the calcium-ion efflux endpoint.  相似文献   

The effects of low intensity, low frequency magnetic fields (MFs) on catalytic activity of the calcium dependent protease calpain was determined following the enzyme activation both in "in vitro" and "in vivo" conditions. We have observed that a 0.3 mT MF induces a significant increase in the requirement of the protease for this metal ion. This change is detectable at low [Ca(2+)] and disappears when the level of Ca(2+) is raised to saturating amounts. The observed effects are not due to transient MF(-) induced conformational changes occurring in calpain, but to direct effects of the MF on Ca(2+) ions, which become less available for the binding sites present in calpain. Altogether, these results indicate that exposure to low intensity, low frequency MFs alters the intracellular Ca(2+) "availability," thereby modifying the related cell response.  相似文献   

Two independent laboratories have demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies can cause a change in the efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue in vitro. In a local geomagnetic field (LGF) at a density of 38 microTesla (microT), 15- and 45-Hz electromagnetic signals (40 Vp-p/m in air) have been shown to induce a change in the efflux of calcium ions from the exposed tissues, whereas 1- and 30-Hz signals do not. We now show that the effective 15-Hz signal can be rendered ineffective when the LGF is reduced to 19 microT with Helmholtz coils. In addition, the ineffective 30-Hz signal becomes effective when the LGF is changed to +/- 25.3 microT or to +/- 76 microT. These results demonstrate that the net intensity of the LGF is an important variable. The results appear to describe a resonance-like relationship in which the frequency of the electromagnetic field that can induce a change in efflux is proportional to a product of LGF density and an index, 2n + 1, where n = 0,1. These phenomenological findings may provide a basis for evaluating the apparent lack of reproducibility of biological effects caused by low-intensity extremely-low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic signals. In future investigations of this phenomenon, the LGF vector should be explicitly described. If the underlying mechanism involves a general property of tissue, then research conducted in the ambient electromagnetic environment (50/60 Hz) may be subjected to unnoticed and uncontrolled influences, depending on the density of the LGF.  相似文献   

A miniaturized probe was designed and built to provide detailed data on fields induced by a uniform 60-Hz magnetic field in homogeneous models of rat and human. The probe employed three silver wires twisted and potted in an 8-cm hypodermic needle. The exposed tips of the wires formed three sensing electrodes with a centered ground; highly sensitive voltage measurements were enabled by a lock-in amplifier. Tests were conducted in a 1-mT rms field that was uniform within +/- 5%. The models were made by casting 1.5% agar at 1-S/m conductivity into plastic-foam molds. The rat model was scaled 1:1 as an adult (22 cm length; mass about 640 g). The human model was scaled 1:4 as an adult (height = 46.5 cm; mass 1.4 kg). The probe was inserted into each model in several regions, and readings of induced fields were made under different exposure geometries. Maximal strengths of fields induced near the surface of the torso were as high as 120 microV/cm in the laterally exposed rat model. Data extrapolated from the quarter-scale human model revealed that an induced field as high as 700 microV/cm could occur at the torso of a frontally exposed human adult. An overall size-scale factor of about 5 appears to be appropriate for experimental exposures of rats that are intended to simulate currents induced in human beings by magnetic fields. The average strength of electric fields induced in the torso by a 1-mT magnetic field is comparable to that by a vertical electric-field at 60 kV/m and 28 kV/m, respectively, for the rat and human.  相似文献   

The effect of sinusoidal electric fields on the cytosolic free [Ca2+]i concentration in differentiated HL-60 cells was measured. The calcium concentration was measured in a fluorescence spectrometer using the fluorescence sample fluo-3. In the fluorescence spectrometer two samples can be measured simultaneously, one as the sham-exposed control and the other as the field-exposed sample. The effects of an external field, applied using two capacitor plates outside the cuvettes, and a field applied directly to the medium, using two platinum electrodes inside the cuvettes, were measured at selected frequencies between 0 and 100 Hz and field strengths from 1 to 2000 Vpp/m (external field) and from 0.1 to 1000 Vpp/m (in medium). No significant effects of the fields on the cytosolic free [Ca2+]i concentration in HL-60 cells have been observed at the measured frequencies and field strengths. Bioelectromagnetics 19:32–40, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic (EM) fields on the maturation of the rat cerebellum were studied. Newborn rats were exposed to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields under three different combinations in a specially constructed apparatus. The pups were irradiated for 7–8 h daily, with a 30-min interruption for nursing. Pups were kept with their mothers for the remainder of the time. After approximately 1, 2, or 3 weeks of exposure, the pups were killed. Control pups were sham exposed. The somatic growth of the irradiated rats did not show any significant difference from shamexposed controls. At 1 kV/m and 10 gauss exposure, there was a small but statistically significant decrease in cerebellar mass. In rats exposed at 1 kV/m and 10 gauss, DNA and RNA levels were significantly higher than those in shara-exposed controls at 6 and 13 days of age, but at 20 days, these two biochemical constituents were similar in both groups of rats. The ELF-EM treatment had no effect on protein and cerebroside concentrations. In terms of age effects. DNA and RNA exhibited increases from 6 to 13 days of age, and declined from 13 to 20 days. Protein and cerebroside levels exhibited increases during the 6–20 day periods. In rats exposed at 100 kV/m and 1 gauss, the DNA levels were initially less than those of sham-exposed controls at 8 days of age, reached approximately the same levels at 14 days, and then were higher than those of controls at 22 days. There was. therefore, a significant ELF-EM effect as well as a significant interaction between age and ELF-EM exposure. In terms of age effects, DNA levels for both control and exposed animals increased from 8 to 14 days. From 14 to 22 days, DNA levels of exposed rats continued to increase while those of the controls decreased. This age effect was significant. RNA levels in both groups of animals showed increases from 8 to 14 days of age, but the increase was less for the irradiated animals than for the controls. From days 14 to 22. RNA levels for both groups showed a reduction, but the decrease was greater in the irradiated than in control rats. ELF-EM treatment significantly reduced protein levels at 8 days of age. but at 14 to 22 days, protein levels of exposed rats were higher than those of controls. The cerebroside levels were not affected by exposure treatments but increased with the age of the animals. Exposure to 100 kV/m and 10 gauss did not exert any effect on the concentrations of DNA, RNA, protein, and cerebroside at all three time points examined. Both DNA and RNA exhibited increases with age from 6 to 13 days, and leveled off from 13 to 20 days. Protein and cerebroside levels also showed corresponding increases with the age of the animals. Morphological observations revealed no detectable changes in the irradiated animals in any experimental group. Thus, only biochemical studies indicate that exposure at certain ELF-EM field combinations induces alterations in cerebellar maturation. These changes were clearly detectable in the early postnatal period but gradually diminished with time. ©1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Calcium-ion uptake by normal and leukemia lymphocytes increased during a 30-min exposure to a 13.6 Hz, sinusoidal magnetic field at 20 microT peak. The time-varying field was horizontal and parallel to a 16.5 microT component of the ambient static magnetic field. The uptake of 45Ca2+ increased 102% in a line of murine, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (C57B1/6-derived CTLL-1), increased 126% in freshly-isolated spleen lymphocytes (C57B1/6 mice), and increased 75% in a line of lymphoma cells (C57B1/6-derived EL4). In contrast, there was no effect when the same field was applied for 30 min immediately before--as opposed to during--incorporation of calcium ions. When spleen lymphocytes were exposed during incubation with 45Ca2+ to a 60 Hz magnetic field at 20 microT peak, a small but statistically significant increase (37%) in uptake of the labeled ions occurred. These results indicate that weak, alternating magnetic fields might affect calcium-dependent functions of normal and leukemic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Astrocytoma risk related to job exposure to electric and magnetic fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the association between occupational exposure to low-frequency electric and magnetic (EM) fields and risk of brain tumors, a study was performed in Los Angeles County on 272 male adults with primary intracranial gliomas or meningiomas and 272 neighborhood controls. Complete occupational histories were collected. Risk associated with employment for more than 10 years in jobs that are presumed to entail exposure to EM fields was computed for various histological groupings. A nonsignificantly elevated risk of 1.7 was found for gliomas (all types pooled: 95% confidence interval 0.7-4.4), and a nonsignificantly reduced risk of 0.3 (95% confidence interval 0.03-3.2) was found for meningiomas. For astrocytomas, which form a subtype of the gliomas, a significantly elevated risk of 10.3 (95% confidence interval 1.3-80.8) was found; a significant upward trend (P = .01) of tumor incidence with increasing length of employment was observed. Most astrocytoma patients who worked in occupations involving exposure to EM fields were electricians or electrical engineers.  相似文献   

We studied effects of alternating magnetic fields on the embryonic and fetal development of rats. Mated females of the Han:Wistar-strain were sham exposed or exposed continuously to a 50-Hz field or to a 20,000 pulse-per-second (pps) sawtooth magnetic field from day 0 to day 20 of pregnancy for 24 h/day until necropsied on day 20. The respective peak-to-peak intensities of the fields were 35.6 μT (sinewave) and 15.0 μT (sawtooth). Each treatment group contained 72 bred females. Control animals were kept under the same conditions without the magnetic field. No adverse effects were seen in the dams. The mean numbers of implantations and living fetuses per litter were statistically significantly increased in the 50-Hz group. There were, however, three total resorptions of litters in dams of the control group, which contributed to the difference in the number of living fetuses. The corrected body-mass gains (gains without uterine content) of dams were similar in all groups. Pregnancy rates, incidences of resorptions. late fetal deaths, and fetal body masses were similar in all groups. The incidence of fetuses with minor skeletal anomalies was statistically significantly increased in both exposed groups. Only one serious malformation (anophthalmia, sawtooth-exposed group) and a few minor visceral malformations were found. In conclusion, the magnetic fields used in this study did not increase the incidence of major malformations or resorptions in Wistar rats. The increased number of skeletal anomalies and implantations we observed indicates, however, that some developmental effects in rats may attend exposure to time-varying magnetic fields. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Potential effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields on periphyton were studied from 1983 to 1993 using a Before, After, Control and Impact design. The study was conducted at two sites on the Ford River, a fourth-order brown water trout stream in Dickinson County, Michigan. The Reference site received 4.9–6.5 times less exposure to ground electric fields and from 300 to 334 times less exposure to magnetic flux from 1989 to 1993 when the antenna was operational at 76 Hz than did the Antenna site. The objective of the study was to determine if ELF electromagnetic fields had caused changes in structure and/or function of algal communities in the Ford River. Significant differences in chlorophyll a standing crop and daily accumulation rate (a surrogate for primary productivity), and organic matter standing crop and daily accumulation rate were observed between the Reference and Antenna site after the antenna became operational. These four related community function variables all increased at the Antenna site with largest and most consistent increases occurring for chlorophyll measures. Compared to pre-operational data, the increase in chlorophyll at the Antenna site also occurred during a period of low amperage testing in 1986–1988, and did not increase further when the antenna became fully operational in 1989, indicating a low threshold for response. There was no significant differences between the Antenna and Reference sites in community structure variables such as diversity, evenness and the relative abundance of dominant diatoms. Thus, 76 Hz ELF electromagnetic radiation apparently did not change the basic makeup of the diatom community but did increase accumulation rates and standing crops of chlorophyll a and organic matter.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of extremely low frequency (ELF; 60 Hz) electromagnetic (EM) fields on somatic growth and cortical development, as well as biochemical and morphological maturation, of the rat neopallium. On the fifth day of pregnancy, female rats were put in pairs into plastic cages that were housed in a specially constructed apparatus for irradiation under three separate sets of combination and intensity: 1) 1 kV/m and 10 gauss; 2) 100 kV/m and 1 gauss; and 3) 100 kV/m and 10 gauss. The dams were exposed for 23 h daily, from days 5 through 19 postconception after which they were returned to cages outside the exposure apparatus until they littered. The neonates were culled to eight pups per litter. At 0 (birth), 5, 12, and 19 days postnatally, they were killed for biochemical and morphological studies. Another group of pregnant rats was sham-exposed in an identical apparatus, which was not energized, and the pups were used as controls. The irradiated rats exhibited no physical abnormalities, nor did they show brain deformities such as swelling or herniation following exposure to ELF-EM fields. There was no difference in somatic growth between control and exposed rats, but a small reduction in cortical weight was observed in rats exposed at 1 kV/m and 10 gauss, and 100 kV/m and 1 gauss, respectively. Biochemical measurements of DNA. RNA, protein, and cerebroside concentrations indicated that among the three separate exposures, only the neopallium of rats exposed at 1 kV/m and 10 gauss showed a small reduction in DNA level, as well as small reductions in RNA and protein levels. No changes were noticed in cerebroside levels in any exposed animals, and there were no differences in protein/DNA and cerebroside/DNA ratios between control and exposed rats. Morphological observations did not reveal any detectable alterations in the irradiated rats. These results indicate that exposure to ELF-EM fields caused minimal or no changes in somatic growth and cerebral development of the rat. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Extremely low frequency magnetic fields interact with an animal by inducing internal electric fields, which are in addition to the normal endogenous fields present in living animals. Male rats weighing about 560 g each were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine. Small incisions were made in the ventral body wall at the chest and upper abdomen to position a miniature probe for measuring internal electric fields. The calibration constant for the probe size was 5.7 mm, with a flat response from at least 12 Hz to 20 kHz. A cardiac signal, similar to the normal electrocardiogram with a heart rate of about 250 bpm, was readily obtained at the chest. Upon analysis of its spectrum, the cardiac field detected by the probe had a broad maximum at 32–95 Hz. When the rats were exposed to a 1 mT, 60 Hz magnetic field, a spike appeared in the spectrum at 60 Hz. The peak-to-peak magnitudes of electric fields associated with normal heart function were comparable to fields induced by a 1 mT magnetic field at 60 Hz for those positions measured on the body surface (where induced fields were maximal). Within the body, or in different directions relative to the applied field, the induced fields were reduced (reaching zero at the center of the animal). The cardiac field increased near the heart, becoming much larger than the induced field. Thus, the cardiac electric field, together with the other endogenous fields, combine with induced electric fields and help to provide reference levels for the induced-field dosimetry of ELF magnetic field exposures of living animals. Bioelectromagnetics 18:317–323, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A system is described that uses an oscillating magnetic field to produce power-frequency electric fields with strengths in excess of those produced in an animal or human standing under a high-voltage electric-power transmission line. In contrast to other types of exposure systems capable of generating fields of this size, no electrodes are placed in the conducting growth media: the possibility of electrode contamination of the exposed suspension is thereby eliminated. Electric fields in the range 0.02–3.5 V/m can be produced in a cell culture with total harmonic distortions less than 1.5%. The magnetic field used to produce electric fields for exposure is largely confined within a closed ferromagnetic circuit, and experimental and control cells are exposed to leakage magnetic flux densities less than 5 μT. The temperatures of the experimental and control cell suspensions are held fixed within ±0.1°C by a water bath. Special chambers were developed to hold cell cultures during exposure and sham exposure. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells incubated in these chambers grew for at least 48 h and had population doubling times of 16–17 h, approximately the same as for CHO cells grown under standard cell-culture conditions.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that exposing the vegetative plasmodia stage of Physarum polycephalum to either individual or simultaneously applied electric and magnetic fields (45-75 Hz, 0.14-2.0 G, and 0.035-0.7 V/m) lengthens their mitotic cycle, depresses their rate of reversible shuttle streaming, and lowers their respiration rate. In this article we report the effects of simultaneously applied electromagnetic fields (60 Hz, 1.0 G, 1.0 V/m), electric fields only (60 Hz, 1.0 V/m), magnetic fields only (60 Hz, 1.0 G) on the haploid amoeba of Physarum exposed for 120-180 days. Statistically significant depressions (about 8-11%) in ATP levels were observed with all field conditions; however, respiration was significantly decreased only when amoebae were subjected to either combined fields or electric fields alone. Magnetic fields alone failed to induce a significant decrease in respiration.  相似文献   

Adult male rats were exposed or sham-exposed to 60-Hz electric fields without spark discharges, ozone, or significant levels of other secondary variables. No effects were observed on body weights or plasma hormone levels after 30 days of exposure at an effective field strength of 68 kV/m. After 120 days of exposure (effective field strength = 64 kV/m), effects were inconsistent, with significant reductions in body weight and plasma levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and corticosterone occurring in one replicate experiment but not in the other. Plasma testosterone levels were significantly reduced after 120 days of exposure in one experiment, with a similar but not statistically significant reduction in a replicate experiment. Weanling rats, exposed or sham-exposed in electric fields with an effective field strength of 80 kV/m from 20 to 56 days of age, exhibited identical or closely similar growth trends in body and organ weights. Hormone levels in exposed and sham-exposed groups were also similar. However, there was an apparent phase shift between the two groups in the cyclic variations of concentrations of hormones at different stages of development, particularly with respect to follicle-stimulating hormone and corticosterone. We concluded that 60-Hz electric fields may bring about subtle changes in the endocrine system of rats, and that these changes may be related to alterations in episodic rhythms.  相似文献   

Extremely-low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields interact with an animal by inducing internal electric fields, which represent the internal dose from an external exposure. In this study, an electric field probe of approximately 2 mm resolution was used to measure fields induced in rat carcasses by a 60 Hz magnetic field at 1 mT. With the rat lying on its side, the probe was inserted through a small hole in the body wall, and scanned at 5 mm increments from the side with frontal and axial exposure (field horizontal) and from the front with lateral exposure (field vertical). The induced electric field declined from a maximum at the entrance to the abdomen and crossed zero to negative (180° phase shift) values within the body as expected. In general, the magnitudes of the measurements inside the abdomen were less than expected from whole-body calculations that used homogeneous-ellipsoidal models of a rat in the three orientations. The low measurements did not appear to be explained by perpendicular field components, by conductivity differences between the tissue and the probe path, or by air in the lungs. The low measurements probably result from inhomogeneities in actual rats that include conductivity differences between tissues and biological membranes. For example, an alternative model considered the abdominal cavity to be electrically isolated from the body by the diaphragm and the peritoneum and calculations from this model were in better agreement with the measurements inside the abdomen (than were the whole-body calculations). Therefore, inhomogeneities in conductivity and biomembranes such as the peritoneum should be considered in order to fully understand ELF-induced field dosimetry. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several authors have concluded that thermal electromagnetic noise will be of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm electric and/or magnetic fields induced by environmentally generated, power frequency electric and magnetic fields in the membranes of living cells located in the bodies of humans. Yet, there are research reports that indicate that living cells may respond to power frequency electric and/or magnetic field levels well below the limits set by these thermal noise arguments. The purpose of this study is to suggest that published thermal arguments may not make a full accounting of all membrane force fields of thermal origin, and that when such an accounting is made, the net thermal noise fields may be smaller in the power frequency range than previously thought. If this analysis is correct, there may be no thermal noise barrier that precludes the possibility of cellular membranes of human cells responding to environmental levels of power frequency electric or magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The biological effects of extremely low-frequency electric fields (ELF) on living organisms have been explored in many studies, but the results are controversial and only a few studies investigated the influence of the intensity of the applied field on seedling growth. Here we assess the effects of a 50 Hz sinusoidal electric field on the early growth of Vigna radiata seedlings while varying the field intensity. Experiments performed in a dark, constant-climate chamber on several thousands of seedlings show that the field produces an inhibitory effect at a low field intensity and an enhancing one at a higher intensity. The maximum negative effect occurs at about 450 V/m, which is an intensity much lower than the exposure limits currently in force in the safety regulations.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of sinusoidal electromagnetic fields (EMF) on ion transport (Ca2+, Na+, K+, and H+) in several cell types (red blood cells, thymocytes, Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, and HL60 and U937 human leukemia cells). The effects on the uptake of radioactive tracers as well as on the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), the intracellular pH (pHi), and the transmembrane potentsial (TMP) were studied. Exposure to EMF at 50 Hz and 100–2000 μT (rms) had no significant effects on any of these parameters. Exposure to EMF of 20–1200 μT (rms) at the estimated cyclotron magnetic resonance frequencies for the respective ions had no significant effects except for a 12–32% increase of the uptake of 42K within a window at 14.5–15.5 Hz and 100–200 μT (rms), which was found in U937 and Ehrlich cells but not in the other cell types. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Stem cells are one of the most important sources to develope a new strategy for repairing bone lesions through tissue engineering. Osteogenic differentiation of stem cells can be affected by various factors such as biological, chemical, physiological, and physical ones. The application of ELF-EMFs has been the subject of many research in bone tissue engineering and evidence suggests that this exogenous physical stimulus can promote osteogenic differentiation in several types of cells. The purpose of this paper is to review the current knowledge on the effects of EMFs on stem cells in bone tissue engineering studies. We recapitulated and analyzed 39 articles that were focused on the application of EMFs for bone tissue engineering purposes. We tabulated scattered information from these articles for easy use and tried to provide an overview of conducted research and identify the knowledge gaps in the field.  相似文献   

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