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Brood sex ratio in the Kentish plover   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
How and why do the mating opportunities of males and femalesdiffer in natural population of animals? Previously we showedthat females have higher mating opportunities than males inthe Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Both parents incubatethe eggs, and males provide more brood care than females; thusit is not obvious why the females find new mates sooner thanthe males. In this study we investigated whether the sex-biasedmating opportunities stem from biased offspring sex ratios.We determined the sex of newly hatched, precocial chicks usingCHD gene markers. Among fully sexed broods, 0.461 ± 0.024(SE) of chicks (454 chicks in 158 broods) were male, and thissex ratio was not significantly different from unity. The proportionof males at hatching decreased significantly over the breedingseason, which occurred consistently in all 3 years of the study.Large chicks were more likely to be males than females. Neitherparental age nor body size of male and female parents was relatedto brood sex ratio. We also sexed a number of chicks that werecaught after they left their nest (range of estimated ages 0–17days) and found that the proportion of males increased withbrood age. This relationship remained highly significant whencontrolling statistically for hatching date. As brood size decreaseddue to mortality after the chicks left their nest, these resultssuggest that the mortality of daughters was higher than thatof the sons shortly after hatching. Taken together, our resultsshow that the female-biased mating opportunities in the Kentishplover are not due to biased brood sex ratio at hatching but,at least in part, are due to female-biased chick mortality soonafter hatching.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that mothers should adjust offspring sex ratios when the expected fitness gains or rearing costs differ between sons and daughters. Recent empirical work has linked biased offspring sex ratios to environmental quality via changes in relative maternal condition. It is unclear, however, whether females can manipulate offspring sex ratios in response to environmental quality alone (i.e. independent of maternal condition). We used a balanced within-female experimental design (i.e. females bred on both low- and high-quality diets) to show that female parrot finches (Erythrura trichroa) manipulate primary offspring sex ratios to the quality of the rearing environment, and not to their own body condition and health. Individual females produced an unbiased sex ratio on high-quality diets, but over-produced sons in poor dietary conditions, even though they maintained similar condition between diet treatments. Despite the lack of sexual size dimorphism, such sex ratio adjustment is in line with predictions from sex allocation theory because nutritionally stressed foster sons were healthier, grew faster and were more likely to survive than daughters. These findings suggest that mothers may adaptively adjust offspring sex ratios to optimally match their offspring to the expected quality of the rearing environment.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should produce more sons when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high, whereas they should produce more daughters, not daughters when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be low. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a live‐bearing fish, and female guppies are known to produce broods with biased sex ratios. In this study, we examined the relationship between brood sex ratio and reproductive success of sons and daughters, to determine whether female guppies benefit from producing broods with biased sex ratios. We found that sons in male‐biased broods had greater mating success at maturity than sons in female‐biased broods when brood sizes were larger. On the other hand, the reproductive output of daughters was not significantly affected by brood sizes and sex ratios. Our results suggest that female guppies benefit from producing large, male‐biased brood when the reproductive success of sons is expected to be high.  相似文献   

When fitness benefits of investment in sons and daughters differ,animals are predicted to manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring.Sex ratio manipulation occurs in many taxa, but the mechanismsunderlying the phenomenon in vertebrates remain largely unknown.Factors favoring skewed sex ratios, such as reduced maternalcondition or food availability, also induce elevated corticosteroids.Recent experimental studies support a causal relationship betweencorticosteroids and sex ratio. Evidence of a natural correlationbetween maternal corticosteroids and offspring sex ratio hasbeen lacking, however. Without such evidence, the importanceof corticosteroids in influencing sex ratios in natural populationswas unknown. We measured baseline corticosteroids in 19 free-rangingfemale white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) and thesex ratios of their offspring. Females with high corticosteroidsproduced more daughters than females with low hormone levels.We then conducted a controlled, field-based experiment investigatingthe effects of moderately increased maternal corticosteroidson offspring sex ratios to determine if the observed correlationreflects a causal relationship between maternal corticosteroidsand offspring sex ratio. Hormone-implanted females producedmore female embryos than control females. These findings providethe first evidence of a natural correlation between maternalcorticosteroids and offspring sex ratios in free-ranging birds,and the first experimental evidence of a causal link betweenmoderate increases in corticosteroids and biased primary sexratios.  相似文献   

Male Mastophora cornigera exit egg sacs as adults, which allowed us to determine spiderling sex ratios and patterns of maternal investment in this species. We collected 15 egg sacs produced by seven mothers, which yielded 1945 emergent spiderlings which were sexed, 1850 of which were weighed. Two emergent broods were significantly male and female biased and were unaffected by pre-emergence mortality. The weights of male and female spiderlings differed in eight broods, with males and females being heavier in four cases each. Five of these broods were derived from multiple egg sac sets produced by one mother, and in each case, the total mean male and female spiderling weights for all broods in a set were biased in the same direction as the biased brood(s) within that set. Mean emergent spiderling weight was independent of brood size and sex ratio for both males and females. Despite such independence, sex allocation in M. cornigera can favor sons, daughters, or both equally, and by numbers, by weight, or both at once. The proximate mechanisms and adaptive significance of such variability is unknown. We also review evidence for gender-biased allocations in arachnid offspring and suggested mechanisms for their applicability to M. cornigera.  相似文献   

When the reproductive value of sons and daughters differ, parents are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring to produce more of the sex that provides greater fitness returns. The body condition of females or environmental factors, such as food abundance and mate quality, may influence these expected fitness returns. In a previous study of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females produced more sons in their broods when they were in better body condition (mass corrected for size). We tested this relationship by experimentally clipping some flight feathers to reduce female body condition. As predicted, we found that females with clipped feathers had a lower proportion of sons in their broods and poorer body condition. However, female body condition alone was not a significant predictor of brood sex ratio in our experiment. We suggest that brood sex ratio is causally related to some other factor that covaries with body condition, most likely the foraging ability of females. The hypothesis that brood sex ratios are influenced by individual differences in female foraging ability is supported by a high repeatability of brood sex ratio for individual females. Thus, maternal effects may have a strong influence on the sex ratios of offspring.  相似文献   

Organisms are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to the relative fitness benefits of sons and daughters. We used a molecular sexing technique that amplifies an intron of the CHD1 gene in birds to examine the sex ratio at egg-laying in socially monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We examined all individuals in 40 broods (210 young), including all unhatched eggs and nestlings. Thus, the sex ratio we measured was the same as the sex ratio at laying. Overall, the mean sex ratio per brood (+/- SD) was biased significantly towards males (57 +/- 2% male). Within broods, male-biased sex ratios were associated with females in better body condition, and these females were more likely to produce sons in better condition. Tree swallows have one of the highest known levels of extra-pair paternity in birds (38-76% extra-pair young), and, as a consequence, variance in male reproductive success is greater than that of females. Thus, in tree swallows, investment in sons has the potential for higher fitness returns than investment in daughters, assuming that sons in better condition have greater reproductive success.  相似文献   

In the Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans , males are the larger sex, and show more reproductive variance than females. We predicted that the proportion of male chicks in a brood should increase with female body condition. We investigated brood sex ratio by using DNA markers taken from samples of hatchlings or dead embryos, and female body condition using plasma cholesterol concentration as a reliable indicator. The brood sex ratio of females in good condition was male biased and the sex ratio of females in poor condition was female biased. This relationship was also significant in those nests where all the eggs laid were sexed. Thus, manipulation of embryo mortality cannot explain the biases reported in this study, suggesting that the sex ratio of the eggs was biased prior to laying. These results confirm that sex-ratio manipulation in gulls operates under natural conditions, and supports earlier experimental findings.  相似文献   

Wild G  West SA 《The American naturalist》2007,170(5):E112-E128
Tests of sex allocation theory in vertebrates are usually based on verbal arguments. However, the operation of multiple selective forces can complicate verbal arguments, possibly making them misleading. We construct an inclusive fitness model for the evolution of condition-dependent brood sex ratio adjustment in response to two leading explanations for sex ratio evolution in vertebrates: the effect of maternal quality on the fitness of male and female offspring (the Trivers-Willard hypothesis [TWH]) and local resource competition (LRC) between females. We show (1) the population sex ratio can be either unbiased or biased in either direction (toward either males or females); (2) brood sex ratio adjustment can be biased in either direction, with high-quality females biasing reproductive investment toward production of sons (as predicted by the TWH) or production of daughters (opposite to predictions of the TWH); and (3) selection can favor gradual sex ratio adjustment, with both sons and daughters being produced by both high- and low-quality mothers. Despite these complications, clear a priori predictions can be made for how the population sex ratio and the conditional sex ratio adjustment of broods should vary across populations or species, and within populations, across individuals of different quality.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should bias their reproductive investment towards the sex generating the greatest fitness returns. The fitness of male offspring is often more dependent upon maternal investment, and therefore, high‐quality mothers should invest in sons. However, the local resource competition hypothesis postulates that when offspring quality is determined by maternal quality or when nest site and maternal quality are related, high‐quality females should invest in the philopatric sex. Waterfowl – showing male‐biased size dimorphism but female‐biased philopatry – are ideal for differentiating between these alternatives. We utilized molecular sexing methods and high‐resolution maternity tests to study the occurrence and fitness consequences of facultative sex allocation in Barrow's goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica). We determined how female structural size, body condition, nest‐site safety and timing of reproduction affected sex allocation and offspring survival. We found that the overall sex ratio was unbiased, but in line with the local resource competition hypothesis, larger females produced female‐biased broods and their broods survived better than those of smaller females. This bias occurred despite male offspring being larger and tending to have lower post‐hatching survival. The species shows strong female breeding territoriality, so the benefit of inheriting maternal quality by philopatric daughters may exceed the potential mating benefit for sons of high‐quality females.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should bias the production of offspring towards the sex that will maximize maternal fitness. Here we demonstrate evidence for nonrandom sex allocation by female ruffs (Philomachus pugnax), at both the individual and population level in relation to female condition. At the population level, female condition varies significantly across 3 years and is mirrored by population sex ratio, such that in years when females are in poor condition the population offspring sex ratio is female-biased, while in years when females are in better condition there was little or no bias. In the year when females were in overall poor condition, females in better condition produced more daughters. The same relationship is also revealed by comparing the sex ratios of individual females breeding in two consecutive years in different condition. As the condition of an individual female improves (across years) she tends to produce more female offspring. Although we have shown that, as in other birds, female condition is an important determinant of sex allocation, our results also suggest that such nonrandom allocation does not occur in every year, being particularly strong in a year when females, on average, are in poorer condition. We suggest that our results are consistent with the idea that skewing the sex ratio is likely to carry a cost to females and that it is adaptive only when the fitness differential between sons and daughters is sufficient to outweigh probable costs.  相似文献   

Molumby  Alan 《Behavioral ecology》1997,8(3):279-287
Mass-provisioning wasps package maternal investment into broodcells, sealed structures that contain all the provisions necessaryfor an offspring's growth and development. Optimal sex-allocationtheory predicts that if maternal provisions determine the sizeof each offspring, and the amount of provisions available toeach offspring varies, females should allocate well-stockedbrood cells to the sex that benefits most from being large.I tested this hypothesis using observations of organ-pipe wasps,Trypoxylon politum, and dissections of their nests. A Mississippipopulation of T. politum was intensively studied from 1993 to1995. This population fit the assumptions of optimal sex-allocationmodels by Green and Brockmann and Grafen. Female weight at emergencewas 1.29 times that of males, and wing length was 1.15 timesthat of males. This discrepancy in size occurred because thevolume of parental provisions strongly influenced adult bodysize, and better-stocked brood cells were preferentially allocatedto daughters. Brood-cell volume correlated with both wing lengthand weight at emergence in both sexes, and the chance that agiven brood cell contained a female offspring increased withincreasing brood-cell volume. Fitness was positively relatedto body size for females, but I found no evidence of an advantageto large males. Although there was evidence of stabilizing selectionfor male wing length in one year, there was no evidence of anincreasing relationship between body size and fitness (directionalselection) for males in either 1993 or 1994. Female fecunditywas positively related to body size in both years, indicatingthat larger females have increased reproductive success. Therate at which females provisioned brood cells was also correlatedwith body size. Observed patterns of investment in brood cellsare quantitatively consistent with the predictions of optimalsex-allocation theory, but certain aspects of female provisioningbehavior suggest females are not following a single "optimal"strategy. Patterns of provisioning were variable among differentfemales at the study site during the same year. Large femalestended to produce larger offspring. Although Brockmann and Grafen'smodel predicts a single, population wide "switchpoint" fromthe production of male to female offspring, there was no evidencefor such a switchpoint  相似文献   

When the cost of rearing sons and daughters differs and the subsequent survival and reproductive success of one sex is more dependent than the other, on the amount of parental investment, adult females tend to produce more chicks of the more dependent sex if the females are in good condition themselves. One method of varying the total investment in each sex is through modifying the sex ratio of offspring produced. This study shows that in broods of European Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis , the sex ratio varied with laying date. Presumably in this species, the lifetime reproductive success of males is more dependent on the level of parental investment. Early breeders are in better condition, the brood sex ratio of early broods was male biased (0.63), while that of late broods was female biased (0.36). The overall difference in sex ratio found between early and late nests could be attributed to manipulation of sex in the first laid egg. In early broods, 77% of the first hatched chicks were male but only 30% of the first hatched chicks in late broods were male. The sex combination of the first two chicks in a brood significantly affected growth as measured by asymptotic mass.  相似文献   

Across animal taxa, reproductive success is generally more variable and more strongly dependent upon body condition for males than for females; in such cases, parents able to produce offspring in above‐average condition are predicted to produce sons, whereas parents unable to produce offspring in good condition should produce daughters. We tested this hypothesis in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) by cross‐fostering eggs among nests and using the condition of foster young that parents raised to fledging as a functional measure of their ability to produce fit offspring. As predicted, females raising heavier‐than‐average foster fledglings with their social mate initially produced male‐biased primary sex ratios, whereas those raising lighter‐than‐average foster fledglings produced female‐biased primary sex ratios. Females also produced male‐biased clutches when mated to males with large secondary sexual characters (wing patches), and tended to produce male‐biased clutches earlier within breeding seasons relative to females breeding later. However, females did not adjust the sex of individuals within their clutches; sex was distributed randomly with respect to egg size, laying order and paternity. Future research investigating the proximate mechanisms linking ecological contexts and the quality of offspring parents are able to produce with primary sex‐ratio variation could provide fundamental insight into the evolution of context‐dependent sex‐ratio adjustment.  相似文献   

In the twig‐nesting carpenter bee, Ceratina calcarata, body size is an important component of maternal quality, smaller mothers producing significantly fewer and smaller offspring than larger mothers. As mothers precisely control the sex and size of each offspring, smaller mothers might compensate by preferentially allocating their investment towards sons. We investigated whether variation in maternal quality leads to variation in sex allocation patterns. At the population level, the numerical sex ratio was 57% male‐biased (1.31 M/F), but the investment between the sexes was balanced (1.02 M/F), because females are 38% larger than males (1.28 F/M). Maternal body size explained both sex allocation pattern and size variation among offspring: larger mothers invested more in individual progeny and produced more female offspring than smaller mothers. Maternal investment in offspring of both sexes decreased throughout the season, probably as a result of increasing maternal wear and age. The exception to this pattern was the curious production of dwarf females in the first two brood cell positions. We suggest that the sex ratio distribution reflects the maternal body size distribution and a constraint on small mothers to produce small broods. This leads to male‐biased allocation by small females, to which large mothers respond by biasing their allocation towards daughters.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should manipulatebrood sex ratio in order to maximise the combined reproductivevalue of their progeny. Females mating with high quality malesshould, therefore, be expected to produce brood sex ratiosbiased towards sons, as male offspring would receive a relativelygreater advantage from inheritance of their father's characteristicsthan would their female siblings. Furthermore, it has been suggested that sex allocation in chicks fathered through extrapair fertilizations should also be biased towards sons. Contraryto these predictions, we found no evidence that the distributionof sex ratios in a sample of 1483 chicks from 154 broods ofblue tits (Parus caeruleus) deviated significantly from thatof a binomial distribution around an even sex ratio. In addition,we found no significant effect on brood sex ratio of the individualquality of either parent as indicated by their biometrics, feather mite loads, time of breeding, or parental survival. This suggeststhat females in our population were either unable to manipulateoffspring sex allocation or did not do so because selectionpressures were not strong enough to produce a significant shiftaway from random sex allocation. The paternity of 986 chicks from 103 broods was determined using DNA microsatellite typing.Extrapair males sired 115 chicks (11.7%) from 41 broods (39.8%).There was no significant effect of paternity (within-pair versusextrapair) on the sex of individual offspring. We suggest that,in addition to the weakness of selection pressures, the possiblemechanisms responsible for the allocation of sex may not besufficiently accurate to control offspring sex at the levelof the individual egg.  相似文献   

Sex allocation in the sexually monomorphic fairy martin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Offspring sex ratios were examined at the population and family level in the sexually monomorphic, socially monogamous fairy martin Petrochelidon ariel at five colony sites over a 4-year period (1993–1996). The sex of 465 nestlings from 169 broods was determined using sex-specific PCR at the CHD locus. In accordance with predicted sex allocation patterns, population sex ratios at hatching and fledging did not differ from parity in any year and the variance in brood sex ratios did not deviate from the binomial distribution. Further, brood sex ratio did not vary with hatching date during the season, brood number, brood size or colony size. The sex ratio of broods with extra-pair young did not differ from those without, while the sex ratio of broods fathered by males that gained extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from broods fathered by other males. Extra-pair chicks were as likely to be male as female. Neither the total number of feeding visits to the brood nor the relative feeding contribution by the sexes varied significantly with brood sex ratio. Brood sex ratios were also unrelated to paternal size, condition and breeding experience or maternal condition and breeding experience. However, contrary to our prediction, brood sex ratio was negatively correlated with maternal size. Generally, these results were consistent with our expectations that brood sex ratios would not vary with environmental factors or parental characteristics, and would not influence the level of parental provisioning. However, the finding that females with longer tarsi produced an excess of daughters is difficult to reconcile with our current understanding of fairy martin life history and breeding ecology.  相似文献   

Sex allocation in social insects has become a general modelin tests of inclusive fitness theory, sex-ratio theory, andparent-offspring conflict. Several studies have shown that colonysex ratios are often bimodally distributed, with some coloniesproducing mainly females and others mainly males. Sex specializationmay result from workers assessing their relatedness to malebrood versus female brood, relative to the average worker-relatednessasymmetry in other colonies of their population. Workers thenadjust the sex ratio in their own interest This hypothesis assumesthat workers can recognize the sex of the brood in their colonyand selectively eliminate males. We compared the primary sexratio (at the egg stage) and secondary sex ratio (reproductivepupae and adults) of colonies in the ant Pheidole pallidula.There was a strong bimodal distribution of secondary sex ratios,with most colonies producing mainly reproductives of one sex.In contrast, there was no evidence of a bimodal distributionof primary sex ratios. The proportion of haploid eggs producedby queens was 0.35 in early spring and decreased to about 0.1in summer. Male eggs also were present in virtually all fieldcolonies sampled in July, although eggs laid at this time ofyear never give rise to males. All male brood is, therefore,selectively eliminated beginning in July and continue to beeliminated through the rest of the year. Finally, the populationsex-ratio investment was female-biased. Together, these resultsare consistent with the hypothesis that workers control thesecondary sex ratio by selectively eliminating male brood inabout half the colonies, perhaps those with high relatednessasymmetry.[Behav Ecol 7: 292–298 (1996)]  相似文献   

Complex sex allocation in the laughing kookaburra   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
In groups of the cooperatively breeding laughing kookaburra(Dacelo novaeguineae), offspring sex varied with the type ofsocial group and with hatch rank. Groups with female helpers,especially if all helpers were female, had male-biased clutchand fledging sex ratios. Groups without female helpers (unassistedpairs or male-only helpers) had female-biased clutch and fledgingsex ratios. Breeding females responded facultatively to increasesin the number of female helpers in their group by producingmore male eggs. These biases may occur if breeding femalestry to limit the number of daughters recruited into their groupbecause unlike male helpers, female helpers depress the breedingsuccess of their parents. Across all nests, two-thirds of first-hatchedyoung were male, two-thirds of second-hatched young were female, and the sex ratio of third-hatched young was even. Hatch ranksex ratios also varied dramatically between different typesof social groups, from 16.7% for second-hatched nestlings ofunassisted pairs to 100% for first-hatched nestlings of groupswith only female helpers. A corollary of the relationship betweenhatch rank and sex was that hatching sex sequences were distributed nonrandomly: all groups avoided hatching a daughter first followedby a son (FM). Sibling competition is aggressive and sometimesfatal. Since females grow to be 15% larger than males the hatchingsequence of sexes could affect nestling growth and mortality.However, an exhaustive analysis found little evidence thatgrowth or survival of males was compromised if hatched aftera sister. The small number of FM sequences may only have occurredin nests that were able to ameliorate any negative consequences.Alternatively, when clutch size is small and fledging successunpredictable because of brood reduction, the preferred broodsex ratio may be contingent on the number of fledged young,making it advantageous to order the sexes in the brood.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that overall population sex ratios should be around parity. But when individual females can receive higher fitness from offspring of one sex, they may benefit by biasing their brood sex ratios accordingly. In lekking species, higher variance in male reproductive success relative to that of females predicts that male offspring gain disproportionately from favorable rearing conditions. Females should therefore produce male-biased broods when they are in a position to raise higher quality offspring: i.e., in better body condition or when they reproduce earlier in the breeding season. To investigate these hypotheses, we studied brood sex ratios of lance-tailed manakins Chiroxiphia lanceolata . We found that overall sex ratios and mean brood sex ratios were not different from random expectation. Brood sex ratios were not related to laying date or female body condition. However, we detected a quadratic relationship between brood sex ratios and maternal age: both young (1–2 years) and old (8+ years) females produced female-biased brood sex ratios. This relationship was most clear in a year also distinguished by early rainy and breeding seasons. We suggest that breeding inexperience in young females and senescence in older females is the most plausible explanation for these results, and that the relationship between female age and brood sex ratio is mediated by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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