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Summary Cell-attached patch-clamp experiments were performed in cultured cardicyytes of neonatal rats at 19°C to analyze elementary currents through single Na+ channels under control conditions and in the presence of the class 1 antiarrhythmic drugs amiodarone, propafenone, and diprafenone. As observed in a cell-attached patch with only one functioning Na+ channel, repetitive stepping of the membrane at 0.4 Hz triggered periodically channel openings except during a silent period of about 1.5 min. The latter began and ceased abruptly and did not fit the monoexponential distribution of the run length of sweeps without activity (blank sweeps). Treating the cardiocytes with amiodarone, propafenone or diprafenone (10 to 20 mol/liter) led rapidly to a blockage and reduced the likelihood that membrane depolarization triggers the opening of Na+ channels. The number of blank sweeps increased at the expense of the number of sweeps with activity. The fraction of activity sweeps with superpositions, indicating the simultaneous activation of two or more Na+ channels, also declined. As tested with amiodarone, the run length of blank sweeps is voltage- and time-dependent, analogous to the intensity of the block of macroscopic Na+ currents. Open time, open-time distribution, unitary current size and the tendency to reopen did not differ in unblocked cardiac Na+ channels (i.e. that channel fraction capable of opening in the presence of amiodarone or propafenone) from the respective control values obtained before superfusing the cardiocytes with these drugs. Apart from its blocking action, the propafenone derivative diprafenone exerted additionally a modifying effect and reduced mean open time by up to 45%. In contrast to the block, this reduction in conducting state proved insensitive to changes in holding potential, at least between –130 and –150 mV, the range tested. This means that block was attenuated on hyperpolarization whereas the reduction in open time persisted. It is concluded that, in the presence of these drugs, unblocked cardiac Na+ channels share a number of properties with normal Na+ channels in the absence of these drugs. Shortening of channel lifetime by diprafenone may be indicative of a channel modification brought about possibli by a receptor-mediated facilitation of the transition from the open to the inactivated state.  相似文献   

Slo2 potassium channels have a very low open probability under normal physiological conditions, but are readily activated in response to an elevated [Na+]i (e.g. during ischemia). An intracellular Na+ coordination motif (DX(R/K)XXH) was previously identified in Kir3.2, Kir3.4, Kir5.1, and Slo2.2 channel subunits. Based loosely on this sequence, we identified five potential Na+ coordination motifs in the C terminus of the Slo2.1 subunit. The Asp residue in each sequence was substituted with Arg, and single mutant channels were heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The Na+ sensitivity of each of the mutant channels was assessed by voltage clamp of oocytes using micropipettes filled with 2 m NaCl. Wild-type channels and four of the mutant Slo2.1 channels were rapidly activated by leakage of NaCl solution into the cytoplasm. D757R Slo2.1 channels were not activated by NaCl, but were activated by the fenamate niflumic acid, confirming their functional expression. In whole cell voltage clamp recordings of HEK293 cells, wild-type but not D757R Slo2.1 channels were activated by a [NaCl]i of 70 mm. Thus, a single Asp residue can account for the sensitivity of Slo2.1 channels to intracellular Na+. In excised inside-out macropatches of HEK293 cells, activation of wild-type Slo2.1 currents by 3 mm niflumic acid was 14-fold greater than activation achieved by increasing [NaCl]i from 3 to 100 mm. Thus, relative to fenamates, intracellular Na+ is a poor activator of Slo2.1.  相似文献   

Kidins220 (kinase D-interacting substrate of 220 kDa)/ankyrin repeat-rich membrane spanning (ARMS) acts as a signaling platform at the plasma membrane and is implicated in a multitude of neuronal functions, including the control of neuronal activity. Here, we used the Kidins220−/− mouse model to study the effects of Kidins220 ablation on neuronal excitability. Multielectrode array recordings showed reduced evoked spiking activity in Kidins220−/− hippocampal networks, which was compatible with the increased excitability of GABAergic neurons determined by current-clamp recordings. Spike waveform analysis further indicated an increased sodium conductance in this neuronal subpopulation. Kidins220 association with brain voltage-gated sodium channels was shown by co-immunoprecipitation experiments and Na+ current recordings in transfected HEK293 cells, which revealed dramatic alterations of kinetics and voltage dependence. Finally, an in silico interneuronal model incorporating the Kidins220-induced Na+ current alterations reproduced the firing phenotype observed in Kidins220−/− neurons. These results identify Kidins220 as a novel modulator of Nav channel activity, broadening our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating network excitability.  相似文献   

《Cell calcium》2014,55(5):231-237
Endocannabinoid anandamide (N-arachidonoyl ethanolamide; AEA) has been shown to cause negative inotropic and antiarrhythmic effects in ventricular myocytes. In this study, using whole-cell patch clamp technique, we have investigated the effects of AEA on cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1)-mediated currents. AEA suppressed NCX1 with an IC50 value of 4.7 μM. Both inward and outward components of exchanger currents were suppressed by AEA equally. AEA inhibition was mimicked by the metabolically stable analogue, methanandamide (metAEA, 10 μM) while it was not influenced by inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase with 1 μM URB597 incubation. The effect of AEA, was not altered in the presence of cannabinoid receptor 1 and 2 antagonists AM251 (1 μM) and AM630 (1 μM), respectively. In addition, inhibition by AEA remained unchanged after pertussis toxin (PTX, 2 μg/ml) treatment or following the inclusion of GDP-β-S (1 mM) in pipette solution. Currents mediated by NCX1 expressed in HEK-293 cells were also inhibited by 10 μM AEA a partially reversible manner. Confocal microscopy images indicated that the intensity of YFP-NCX1 expression on cell surface was not altered by AEA. Collectively, the results indicate that AEA directly inhibits the function of NCX1 in rat ventricular myocytes and in HEK-293 cells expressing NCX1.  相似文献   

目的:观察氯化钴(COCl2)预处理对急性低氧后海马神经元电压门控性Na^ 、K^ 电流的影响。方法:原代培养大鼠海马神经元,分为COCl2预处理和非处理组,采用膜片钳全细胞记录技术,检测急性低氧后海马神经元钠电流(INa)、钾电流(Ik)的变化。结果:急性低氧后,海马神经元INa、Ik电流幅度明显降低,INa阈值右移,而经CoCl2预处理的海马神经元INa、Ik电流的降低幅度明显减轻。结论:COCl2预处理减轻急性低氧所致的INa、Ik电流变化,对神经元有明显的保护作用。  相似文献   

Mutations of the pore-region residue T442 in Shaker channels result in large effects on channel kinetics. We studied mutations at this position in the backgrounds of NH2-terminal–truncated Shaker H4 and a Shaker -NGK2 chimeric channel having high conductance (Lopez, G.A., Y.N. Jan, and L.Y. Jan. 1994. Nature (Lond.). 367: 179–182). While mutations of T442 to C, D, H, V, or Y resulted in undetectable expression in Xenopus oocytes, S and G mutants yielded functional channels having deactivation time constants and channel open times two to three orders of magnitude longer than those of the parental channel. Activation time courses at depolarized potentials were unaffected by the mutations, as were first-latency distributions in the T442S chimeric channel. The mutant channels show two subconductance levels, 37 and 70% of full conductance. From single-channel analysis, we concluded that channels always pass through the larger subconductance state on the way to and from the open state. The smaller subconductance state is traversed in ∼40% of activation time courses. These states apparently represent kinetic intermediates in channel gating having voltage-dependent transitions with apparent charge movements of ∼1.6 e0. The fully open T442S chimeric channel has the conductance sequence Rb+ > NH4 + > K+. The opposite conductance sequence, K+ > NH4 + > Rb+, is observed in each of the subconductance states, with the smaller subconductance state discriminating most strongly against Rb+.  相似文献   

Effects of internal Sr2+ on the activity of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels were studied in inside-out membrane patches from goldfish saccular hair cells. Sr2+ was approximately one-fourth as potent as Ca2+ in activating these channels. Although the Hill coefficient for Sr2+ was smaller than that for Ca2+, maximum open-state probability, voltage dependence, steady state gating kinetics, and time courses of activation and deactivation of the channel were very similar under the presence of equipotent concentrations of Ca2+ and Sr2+. This suggests that voltage-dependent activation is partially independent of the ligand. Internal Sr2+ at higher concentrations (>100 μM) produced fast and slow blockade both concentration and voltage dependently. The reduction in single-channel amplitude (fast blockade) could be fitted with a modified Woodhull equation that incorporated the Hill coefficient. The dissociation constant at 0 mV, the Hill coefficient, and zd (a product of the charge of the blocking ion and the fraction of the voltage difference at the binding site from the inside) in this equation were 58–209 mM, 0.69–0.75, 0.45–0.51, respectively (n = 4). Long shut events (slow blockade) produced by Sr2+ lasted ∼10–200 ms and could be fitted with single-exponential curves (time constant, τl−s) in shut-time histograms. Durations of burst events, periods intercalated by long shut events, could also be fitted with single exponentials (time constant, τb). A significant decrease in τb and no large changes in τl−s were observed with increased Sr2+ concentration and voltage. These findings on slow blockade could be approximated by a model in which single Sr2+ ions bind to a blocking site within the channel pore beyond the energy barrier from the inside, as proposed for Ba2+ blockade. The dissociation constant at 0 mV and zd in the Woodhull equation for this model were 36–150 mM and 1–1.8, respectively (n = 3).  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium (K+) channels are multi-ion pores. Recent studies suggest that, similar to calcium channels, competition between ionic species for intrapore binding sites may contribute to ionic selectivity in at least some K+ channels. Molecular studies suggest that a putative constricted region of the pore, which is presumably the site of selectivity, may be as short as one ionic diameter in length. Taken together, these results suggest that selectivity may occur at just a single binding site in the pore. We are studying a chimeric K+ channel that is highly selective for K+ over Na+ in physiological solutions, but conducts Na+ in the absence of K+. Na+ and K+ currents both display slow (C-type) inactivation, but had markedly different inactivation and deactivation kinetics; Na+ currents inactivated more rapidly and deactivated more slowly than K+ currents. Currents carried by 160 mM Na+ were inhibited by external K+ with an apparent IC50 <30 μM. K+ also altered both inactivation and deactivation kinetics of Na+ currents at these low concentrations. In the complementary experiment, currents carried by 3 mM K+ were inhibited by external Na+, with an apparent IC50 of ∼100 mM. In contrast to the effects of low [K+] on Na+ current kinetics, Na+ did not affect K+ current kinetics, even at concentrations that inhibited K+ currents by 40–50%. These data suggest that Na+ block of K+ currents did not involve displacement of K+ from the high affinity site involved in gating kinetics. We present a model that describes the permeation pathway as a single high affinity, cation-selective binding site, flanked by low affinity, nonselective sites. This model quantitatively predicts the anomalous mole fraction behavior observed in two different K+ channels, differential K+ and Na+ conductance, and the concentration dependence of K+ block of Na+ currents and Na+ block of K+ currents. Based on our results, we hypothesize that the permeation pathway contains a single high affinity binding site, where selectivity and ionic modulation of gating occur.  相似文献   

目的 :比较和探讨L型钙流 [ICa(L) ]和反向钠—钙交换 (NCX)在触发豚鼠心室肌细胞兴奋—收缩偶联中的作用。方法 :以分离的豚鼠单个心室肌细胞为对象 ,采用膜片钳和单细胞收缩测量技术 ,给予 35℃的各种含药物细胞外液快速灌流 ,同时记录ICa(L) 和细胞收缩。结果 :①在 +10mV的钳制电压 ,使用硝苯地平 (Nif) 10~ 10 0 μmol/L和Nif 30 μmol/L +Cd2 +30 μmol/L ,阻滞ICa(L) 越多 ,细胞收缩被阻滞得越多 ,呈线性相关。②在 +5 0mV的钳制电压 ,Nif 10 0 μmol/L以及Nif 30 μmol/L +Cd2 +3 0 μmol/L仅能抑制部分细胞收缩 ,但剩余的细胞收缩起始时间明显延迟 ,且能被 5mmol/LNi2 +所阻滞。③在 +10 0mV的钳制电压 ,细胞收缩起始时间较 +5 0mV明显延迟 ,且不能被Nif 10 0 μmol/L和Nif 30 μmol/L +Cd2 +30 μmol/L所阻滞。结论 :在生理条件下 ,ICa(L) 是触发心室肌细胞兴奋—收缩偶联的主要途径 ,但在膜电位 >+5 0mV时 ,反向NCX也参与兴奋—收缩偶联。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of αβγ rat epithelial Na+ channel (rENaC) to osmotically or mechanically induced changes of membrane tension was investigated in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, using both dual electrode voltage clamp and cell-attached patch clamp methodologies. ENaC whole-cell currents were insensitive to mechanical cell swelling caused by direct injection of 90 or 180 nl of 100-mM KCl. Similarly, ENaC whole-cell currents were insensitive to osmotic cell swelling caused by a 33% decrease of bathing solution osmolarity. The lack of an effect of cell swelling on ENaC was independent of the status of the actin cytoskeleton, as ENaC remained insensitive to osmotic and mechanical cell swelling in oocytes pretreated with cytochalasin B for 2–5 h. This apparent insensitivity of ENaC to increased cell volume and changes of membrane tension was also observed at the single channel level in membrane patches subjected to negative or positive pressures of 5 or 10 in. of water. However, and contrary to the lack of an effect of cell swelling, ENaC currents were inhibited by cell shrinking. A 45-min incubation in a 260-mosmol solution (a 25% increase of solution osmolarity) caused a decrease of ENaC currents (at −100 mV) from −3.42 ± 0.34 to −2.02 ± 0.23 μA (n = 6). This decrease of current with cell shrinking was completely blocked by pretreatment of oocytes with cytochalasin B, indicating that these changes of current are not likely related to a direct effect of cell shrinking. We conclude that αβγ rENaC is not directly mechanosensitive when expressed in a system that can produce a channel with identical properties to those found in native epithelia.  相似文献   

Summary Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments were performed with neurons cultured from rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Two types of Na+ currents were identified on the basis of sensitivity to tetrodotoxin. One type was blocked by 0.1 nm tetrodotoxin, while the other type was insensitive to 10 m tetrodotoxin. The peak amplitude of the tetrodotoxin-insensitive Na+ current gradually decreased after depolarization of the membrane. The steady-state value of the peak amplitude was attained several minutes after the change of holding potential. Such a slow inactivation was not observed in tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ current. The slow inactivation of the tetrodotoxin-insensitive Na+ current was kinetically distinct from the ordinary short-time steady-state inactivation. The voltage dependence of the slow inactivation could be described by a sigmoidal function, and its time course had a double-exponential process. A decrease of external pH partially antagonized the slow inactivation, probably through an increased diffusion potential across the membrane. However, the slow inactivation was not due to change in surface negative charges, since a shift of the kinetic parameters along the voltage axis was not observed during the slow inactivation. Due to the slow inactivation, the inactivation curves for the tetrodotoxininsensitive Na+ current were shifted in the negative direction as the prepulse duration was increased. Consequently, the window current activated at potentials close to the resting membrane potential was markedly reduced. Thus, the slow inactivation may be involved in the long-term regulation of the excitability of sensory neurons.We thank Prof. Hirosi Kuriyama for his support and advice and Dr. M. Yoshii for helpful discussions. This study was supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education (Scientific Research 02670090).  相似文献   

C-type inactivation in Shaker potassium channels inhibits K+ permeation. The associated structural changes appear to involve the outer region of the pore. Recently, we have shown that C-type inactivation involves a change in the selectivity of the Shaker channel, such that C-type inactivated channels show maintained voltage-sensitive activation and deactivation of Na+ and Li+ currents in K+-free solutions, although they show no measurable ionic currents in physiological solutions. In addition, it appears that the effective block of ion conduction produced by the mutation W434F in the pore region may be associated with permanent C-type inactivation of W434F channels. These conclusions predict that permanently C-type inactivated W434F channels would also show Na+ and Li+ currents (in K+-free solutions) with kinetics similar to those seen in C-type-inactivated Shaker channels. This paper confirms that prediction and demonstrates that activation and deactivation parameters for this mutant can be obtained from macroscopic ionic current measurements. We also show that the prolonged Na+ tail currents typical of C-type inactivated channels involve an equivalent prolongation of the return of gating charge, thus demonstrating that the kinetics of gating charge return in W434F channels can be markedly altered by changes in ionic conditions.  相似文献   

Electrical measurements on planar lipid bilayers, patch/voltage clamp experiments, and spectroscopic investigations involving a potential sensitive dye are reviewed. These experiments were performed to analyze the kinetics of charge translocation of the Na+,K+-ATPase. High time resolution was achieved by applying caged ATP, voltage-jump, and stopped-flow techniques, respectively. Kinetic parameters and the electrogenicity of the relevant transitions in the Na+,K+-ATPase reaction cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

During inactivation of Na+ channels, the intracellular loop connecting domains III and IV is thought to fold into the channel protein and occlude the pore through interaction of the hydrophobic motif isoleucine-phenylalanine-methionine (IFM) with a receptor site. We have searched for amino acid residues flanking the IFM motif which may contribute to formation of molecular hinges that allow this motion of the inactivation gate. Site-directed mutagenesis of proline and glycine residues, which often are components of molecular hinges in proteins, revealed that G1484, G1485, P1512, P1514, and P1516 are required for normal fast inactivation. Mutations of these residues slow the time course of macroscopic inactivation. Single channel analysis of mutations G1484A, G1485A, and P1512A showed that the slowing of macroscopic inactivation is produced by increases in open duration and latency to first opening. These mutant channels also show a higher probability of entering a slow gating mode in which their inactivation is further impaired. The effects on gating transitions in the pathway to open Na+ channels indicate conformational coupling of activation to transitions in the inactivation gate. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that these glycine and proline residues contribute to hinge regions which allow movement of the inactivation gate during the inactivation process of Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Fast Na+ channel inactivation is thought to involve binding of phenylalanine 1489 in the hydrophobic cluster IFM in LIII-IV of the rat brain type IIA Na+ channel. We have analyzed macroscopic and single channel currents from Na+ channels with mutations within and adjacent to hydrophobic clusters in LIII-IV. Substitution of F1489 by a series of amino acids disrupted inactivation to different extents. The degree of disruption was closely correlated with the hydrophilicity of the amino acid at position 1489. These mutations dramatically destabilized the inactivated state and also significantly slowed the entry into the inactivated state, consistent with the idea that F1489 forms a hydrophobic interaction with a putative receptor during the fast inactivation process. Substitution of a phe residue at position 1488 or 1490 in mutants lacking F1489 did not restore normal inactivation, indicating that precise location of F1489 is critical for its function. Mutations of T1491 disrupted inactivation substantially, with large effects on the stability of the inactivated state and smaller effects on the rate of entry into the inactivated state. Mutations of several other hydrophobic residues did not destabilize the inactivated state at depolarized potentials, indicating that the effects of mutations at F1489 and T1491 are specific. The double mutant YY1497/8QQ slowed macroscopic inactivation at all potentials and accelerated recovery from inactivation at negative membrane potentials. Some of these mutations in LIII-IV also affected the latency to first opening, indicating coupling between LIII-IV and channel activation. Our results show that the amino acid residues of the IFM hydrophobic cluster and the adjacent T1491 are unique in contributing to the stability of the inactivated state, consistent with the designation of these residues as components of the inactivation particle responsible for fast inactivation of Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Miniature persistent late Na+ currents in cardiomyocytes have been linked to arrhythmias and sudden death. The goals of this study are to establish a stable cell line expressing robust persistent cardiac Na+ currents and to test Class 1 antiarrhythmic drugs for selective action against resting and open states. After transient transfection of an inactivation-deficient human cardiac Na+ channel clone (hNav1.5-CW with L409C/A410W double mutations), transfected mammalian HEK293 cells were treated with 1 mg/ml G-418. Individual G-418-resistant colonies were isolated using glass cylinders. One colony with high expression of persistent Na+ currents was subjected to a second colony selection. Cells from this colony remained stable in expressing robust peak Na+ currents of 996 ± 173 pA/pF at +50 mV (n = 20). Persistent late Na+ currents in these cells were clearly visible during a 4-second depolarizing pulse albeit decayed slowly. This slow decay is likely due to slow inactivation of Na+ channels and could be largely eliminated by 5 μM batrachotoxin. Peak cardiac hNav1.5-CW Na+ currents were blocked by tetrodotoxin with an IC50 value of 2.27 ± 0.08 μM (n = 6). At clinic relevant concentrations, Class 1 antiarrhythmics are much more selective in blocking persistent late Na+ currents than their peak counterparts, with a selectivity ratio ranging from 80.6 (flecainide) to 3 (disopyramide). We conclude that (1) Class 1 antiarrhythmics differ widely in their resting- vs. open-channel selectivity, and (2) stably transfected HEK293 cells expressing large persistent hNav1.5-CW Na+ currents are suitable for studying as well as screening potent open-channel blockers.  相似文献   

Using the standard voltage-clamp technique in the whole-cell mode, we studied the characteristics of barium currents (I Ba; Ba2+ concentration in the external solution was 5 mM) carried through L-type Ca2+ channels in the membrane of myocytes of the resistive mesenteric artery from normotensive and genetically hypertensive rats (NR and GHR, respectively). To perforate the membrane, we used amphotericin B. The arbitrary density of I Ba through the plasma membrane of GHR myocytes significantly exceeded this parameter in the NR group. For both animal groups, activation curves plotted as the dependence of the membrane conductance (G Ba) on the membrane potential were not significantly different: the membrane potential for half activation (V 0.5) of I Ba in the NR myocytes was equal to 1.0 ± 0.3 mV with slope factor k = 6.3 ± 0.4 mV, whereas in the GHR myocytes V 0.5 = -1.6 ± 0.2 mV and k = 6.2 ± 0.5 mV. The stationary inactivation curves for I Ba differed significantly: in the NR myocytes, V 0.5 = -24.2 ± 0.4 mV and k = 8.3 ± 0.2 mV, whereas in the GHR myocytes such parameters were, respectively, -21.4 ± 0.4 and 8.7 ± 0.3 mV. The pattern of intersection of stationary activation and stationary inactivation curves for I Ba was indicative of the existence of a window current, i.e., the non-inactivating component of I Ba within the -40 to ±20 mV range; the phenomenon was clearly pronounced in the GHR myocytes. Differences in the arbitrary density of integral I Ba and window current were observed. These differences can cause an increased tone of the blood vessels in hypertensive animals.  相似文献   

Aromatic-aromatic interactions are a prominent feature of the crystal structure of ELIC [Protein Data Bank (PDB) code 2VL0], a bacterial member of the nicotinic receptor superfamily of ion channels where five pore-facing phenylalanines come together to form a structure akin to a narrow iris that occludes the transmembrane pore. To identify the functional state of the channel that this structure represents, we engineered phenylalanines at various pore-facing positions of the muscle acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (one position at a time), including the position that aligns with the native phenylalanine 246 of ELIC, and assessed the consequences of such mutations using electrophysiological and toxin-binding assays. From our experiments, we conclude that the interaction among the side chains of pore-facing phenylalanines, rather than the accumulation of their independent effects, leads to the formation of a nonconductive conformation that is unresponsive to the application of ACh and is highly stable even in the absence of ligand. Moreover, electrophysiological recordings from a GLIC channel (another bacterial member of the superfamily) engineered to have a ring of phenylalanines at the corresponding pore-facing position suggest that this novel refractory state is distinct from the well-known desensitized state. It seems reasonable to propose then that it is in this peculiar nonconductive conformation that the ELIC channel was crystallized. It seems also reasonable to propose that, in the absence of rings of pore-facing aromatic side chains, such stable conformation may never be attained by the ACh receptor. Incidentally, we also noticed that the response of the proton-gated wild-type GLIC channel to a fast change in pH from pH 7.4 to pH 4.5 (on the extracellular side) is only transient, with the evoked current fading completely in a matter of  seconds. This raises the possibility that the crystal structures of GLIC obtained at pH 4.0 (PDB code 3EHZ) and pH 4.6 (PDB code 3EAM) correspond to the to the (well-known) desensitized state.  相似文献   

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