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The orientation of the mitotic spindle along a polarity axis is critical in asymmetric cell divisions. In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, loss of the S-phase B-type cyclin Clb5p under conditions of limited cyclin-dependent kinase activity (cdc28-4 clb5Delta cells) causes a spindle positioning defect that results in an undivided nucleus entering the bud. Based on time-lapse digital imaging microscopy of microtubules labeled with green fluorescent protein fusions to either tubulin or dynein, we observed that the asymmetric behavior of the spindle pole bodies during spindle assembly was lost in the cdc28-4 clb5Delta cells. As soon as a spindle formed, both poles were equally likely to interact with the bud cell cortex. Persistent dynamic interactions with the bud ultimately led to spindle translocation across the bud neck. Thus, the mutant failed to assign one spindle pole body the task of organizing astral microtubules towards the mother cell. Our data suggest that Clb5p-associated kinase is required to confer mother-bound behavior to one pole in order to establish correct spindle polarity. In contrast, B-type cyclins, Clb3p and Clb4p, though partially redundant with Clb5p for an early role in spindle morphogenesis, preferentially promote spindle assembly.  相似文献   

The small size of nuclei of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae limits the utility of light microscopy for analysis of the subnuclear distribution of chromatin-bound proteins. Surface spreading of yeast nuclei results in expansion of chromatin without loss of bound proteins. A method for surface spreading balances fixation of DNA bound proteins with detergent treatment. The method demonstrated is slightly modified from that described by Josef Loidl and Franz Klein1,2. The method has been used to characterize the localization of many chromatin-bound proteins at various stages of the mitotic cell cycle, but is especially useful for the study of meiotic chromosome structures such as meiotic recombinosomes and the synaptonemal complex. We also describe a modification that does not require use of Lipsol, a proprietary detergent, which was called for in the original procedure, but no longer commercially available. An immunostaining protocol that is compatible with the chromosome spreading method is also described.  相似文献   

Alignment of the mitotic spindle with the axis of cell division is an essential process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is mediated by interactions between cytoplasmic microtubules and the cell cortex. We found that a cortical protein, the yeast formin Bni1p, was required for spindle orientation. Two striking abnormalities were observed in bni1Delta cells. First, the initial movement of the spindle pole body (SPB) toward the emerging bud was defective. This phenotype is similar to that previously observed in cells lacking the kinesin Kip3p and, in fact, BNI1 and KIP3 were found to be in the same genetic pathway. Second, abnormal pulling interactions between microtubules and the cortex appeared to cause preanaphase spindles in bni1Delta cells to transit back and forth between the mother and the bud. We therefore propose that Bni1p may localize or alter the function of cortical microtubule-binding sites in the bud. Additionally, we present evidence that other bipolar bud site determinants together with cortical actin are also required for spindle orientation.  相似文献   

We report the discovery and characterisation of a novel nucleolar protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified this protein encoded by ORF YIL019w, designated in SGD base as Faf1p, in a two hybrid interaction screen using the known nucleolar protein Krr1 as bait. The presented data indicate that depletion of the Faf1 protein has an impact on the 40S ribosomal subunit biogenesis resulting from a decrease in the production of 18S rRNA. The primary defect is apparently due to inefficient processing of 35S rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae type 2C protein phosphatase Ptc1 is required for a wide variety of cellular functions, although only a few cellular targets have been identified. A genetic screen in search of mutations in protein kinase–encoding genes able to suppress multiple phenotypic traits caused by the ptc1 deletion yielded a single gene, MKK1, coding for a MAPK kinase (MAPKK) known to activate the cell-wall integrity (CWI) Slt2 MAPK. In contrast, mutation of the MKK1 paralog, MKK2, had a less significant effect. Deletion of MKK1 abolished the increased phosphorylation of Slt2 induced by the absence of Ptc1 both under basal and CWI pathway stimulatory conditions. We demonstrate that Ptc1 acts at the level of the MAPKKs of the CWI pathway, but only the Mkk1 kinase activity is essential for ptc1 mutants to display high Slt2 activation. We also show that Ptc1 is able to dephosphorylate Mkk1 in vitro. Our results reveal the preeminent role of Mkk1 in signaling through the CWI pathway and strongly suggest that hyperactivation of Slt2 caused by upregulation of Mkk1 is at the basis of most of the phenotypic defects associated with lack of Ptc1 function.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dnm1 protein is structurally related to dynamin, a GTPase required for membrane scission during endocytosis. Here we show that Dnm1p is essential for the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. Disruption of the DNM1 gene causes the wild-type network of tubular mitochondrial membranes to collapse to one side of the cell but does not affect the morphology or distribution of other cytoplasmic organelles. Dnm1 proteins containing point mutations in the predicted GTP-binding domain or completely lacking the GTP-binding domain fail to rescue mitochondrial morphology defects in a dnm1 mutant and induce dominant mitochondrial morphology defects in wild-type cells. Indirect immunofluorescence reveals that Dnm1p is distributed in punctate structures at the cell cortex that colocalize with the mitochondrial compartment. These Dnm1p-containing structures remain associated with the spherical mitochondria found in an mdm10 mutant strain. In addition, a portion of Dnm1p cofractionates with mitochondrial membranes during differential sedimentation and sucrose gradient fractionation of wild-type cells. Our results demonstrate that Dnm1p is required for the cortical distribution of the mitochondrial network in yeast, a novel function for a dynamin-related protein.  相似文献   

MYO2 encodes a type V myosin heavy chain needed for the targeting of vacuoles and secretory vesicles to the growing bud of yeast. Here we describe new myo2 alleles containing conditional lethal mutations in the COOH-terminal tail domain. Within 5 min of shifting to the restrictive temperature, the polarized distribution of secretory vesicles is abolished without affecting the distribution of actin or the mutant Myo2p, showing that the tail has a direct role in vesicle targeting. We also show that the actin cable-dependent translocation of Myo2p to growth sites does not require secretory vesicle cargo. Although a fusion protein containing the Myo2p tail also concentrates at growth sites, this accumulation depends on the polarized delivery of secretory vesicles, implying that the Myo2p tail binds to secretory vesicles. Most of the new mutations alter a region of the Myo2p tail conserved with vertebrate myosin Vs but divergent from Myo4p, the myosin V involved in mRNA transport, and genetic data suggest that the tail interacts with Smy1p, a kinesin homologue, and Sec4p, a vesicle-associated Rab protein. The data support a model in which the Myo2p tail tethers secretory vesicles, and the motor transports them down polarized actin cables to the site of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Cell aggregation in unicellular organisms, induced by either cell non-sexual adhesion to yield flocs and biofilm, or pheromone-driving sexual conjugation is of great significance in cellular stress response, medicine, and brewing industries. Most current literatures have focused on one form of cell aggregation termed flocculation and its major molecular determinants, the flocculation (FLO) family genes. Here, we implemented a map-based approach for dissecting the molecular basis of non-sexual cell aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genome-wide mapping has identified four major quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying nature variation in the cell aggregation phenotype. High-resolution mapping following up with knockout and allele replacement experiments resolved the QTL into the underlying genes (AMN1, RGA1, FLO1, and FLO8) or even into the causative nucleotide. Genetic variation in the QTL genes can explain up to 46% of phenotypic variation of this trait. Of these genes, AMN1 plays the leading role, differing from the FLO family members, in regulating expression of cell clumping phenotype through inducing cell segregation defect. These findings provide novel insights into the molecular mechanism of how cell aggregation is regulated in budding yeast, and the data will be directly implicated to understand the molecular basis and evolutionary implications of cell aggregation in other fungus species.  相似文献   

To identify septin-interacting proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we screened for mutations that are synthetically lethal with a cdc12 septin mutation. One of the genes identified was GIN4, which encodes a protein kinase related to Hsl1p/Nik1p and Ycl024Wp in S. cerevisiae and to Nim1p/Cdr1p and Cdr2p in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The Gin4p kinase domain displayed a two-hybrid interaction with the COOH-terminal portion of the Cdc3p septin, and Gin4p colocalized with the septins at the mother–bud neck. This localization depended on the septins and on the COOH-terminal (nonkinase) region of Gin4p, and overproduction of this COOH-terminal region led to a loss of septin organization and associated morphogenetic defects. We detected no effect of deleting YCL024W, either alone or in combination with deletion of GIN4. Deletion of GIN4 was not lethal but led to a striking reorganization of the septins accompanied by morphogenetic abnormalities and a defect in cell separation; however, remarkably, cytokinesis appeared to occur efficiently. Two other proteins that localize to the neck in a septin-dependent manner showed similar reorganizations and also appeared to remain largely functional. The septin organization observed in gin4Δ vegetative cells resembles that seen normally in cells responding to mating pheromone, and no Gin4p was detected in association with the septins in such cells. The organization of the septins observed in gin4Δ cells and in cells responding to pheromone appears to support some aspects of the model for septin organization suggested previously by Field et al. (Field, C.M., O. Al-Awar, J. Rosenblatt, M.L. Wong, B. Alberts, and T.J. Mitchison. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 133:605–616).  相似文献   

The yeast a-factor receptor (encoded by STE3) is subject to two modes of endocytosis, a ligand-dependent endocytosis as well as a constitutive, ligand-independent mode. Both modes are associated with receptor ubiquitination (Roth, A.F., and N.G. Davis. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 134:661–674) and both depend on sequence elements within the receptor''s regulatory, cytoplasmically disposed, COOH-terminal domain (CTD). Here, we concentrate on the Ste3p sequences required for constitutive endocytosis. Constitutive endocytosis is rapid. Receptor is synthesized, delivered to the cell surface, endocytosed, and then delivered to the vacuole where it is degraded, all with a t 1/2 of 15 min. Deletion analysis has defined a 36-residue-long sequence mapping near the COOH-terminal end of the Ste3p CTD that is the minimal sequence required for this rapid turnover. Deletions intruding into this interval block or severely slow the rate of endocytic turnover. Moreover, the same 36-residue sequence directs receptor ubiquitination. Mutants deleted for this sequence show undetectable levels of ubiquitination, and mutants having intermediate endocytosis defects show a correlated reduced level of ubiquitination. Not only necessary for ubiquitination and endocytosis, this sequence also is sufficient. When transplanted to a stable cell surface protein, the plasma membrane ATPase Pma1p, the 36-residue STE3 signal directs both ubiquitination of the PMA1-STE3 fusion protein as well as its endocytosis and consequent vacuolar degradation. Alanine scanning mutagenesis across the 36-residue-long interval highlights its overall complexity—no singular sequence motif or signal is found, instead required sequence elements distribute throughout the entire interval. The high proportion of acidic and hydroxylated amino acid residues in this interval suggests a similarity to PEST sequences—a broad class of sequences which have been shown to direct the ubiquitination and subsequent proteosomal degradation of short-lived nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. A likely possibility, therefore, is that this sequence, responsible for both endocytosis and ubiquitination, may be first and foremost a ubiquitination signal. Finally, we present evidence suggesting that the true signal in the wild-type receptor extends beyond the 36-residue-long sequence defined as a minimal signal to include contiguous PEST-like sequences which extend another 21 residues to the COOH terminus of Ste3p. Together with sequences identified in two other yeast plasma membrane proteins, the STE3 sequence defines a new class of ubiquitination/endocytosis signal.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DJP1 gene encodes a cytosolic protein homologous to Escherichia coli DnaJ. DnaJ homologues act in conjunction with molecular chaperones of the Hsp70 protein family in a variety of cellular processes. Cells with a DJP1 gene deletion are viable and exhibit a novel phenotype among cytosolic J-protein mutants in that they have a specific impairment of only one organelle, the peroxisome. The phenotype was also unique among peroxisome assembly mutants: peroxisomal matrix proteins were mislocalized to the cytoplasm to a varying extent, and peroxisomal structures failed to grow to full size and exhibited a broad range of buoyant densities. Import of marker proteins for the endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, and mitochondria was normal. Furthermore, the metabolic adaptation to a change in carbon source, a complex multistep process, was unaffected in a DJP1 gene deletion mutant. We conclude that Djp1p is specifically required for peroxisomal protein import.  相似文献   

The integral ER membrane protein HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) is a key enzyme of the mevalonate pathway from which sterols and other essential molecules are produced. HMGR degradation occurs in the ER and is regulated by mevalonate-derived signals. Little is known about the mechanisms responsible for regulating HMGR degradation. The yeast Hmg2p isozyme of HMGR undergoes regulated degradation in a manner very similar to mammalian HMGR, allowing us to isolate mutants deficient in regulating Hmg2p stability. We call these mutants cod mutants for the control of HMG-CoA reductase degradation. With this screen, we have identified the first gene of this class, COD1, which encodes a P-type ATPase and is identical to SPF1. Our data suggested that Cod1p is a calcium transporter required for regulating Hmg2p degradation. This role for Cod1p is distinctly different from that of the well-characterized Ca(2+) P-type ATPase Pmr1p which is neither required for Hmg2p degradation nor its control. The identification of Cod1p is especially intriguing in light of the role Ca(2+) plays in the regulated degradation of mammalian HMGR.  相似文献   

We previously cloned RRP14/YKL082c, whose product exhibits two-hybrid interaction with Ebp2p, a regulatory factor of assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits. Depletion of Rrp14p results in shortage of 60S ribosomal subunits and retardation of processing from 27S pre-rRNA to 25S rRNA. Furthermore, 35S pre-rRNA synthesis appears to decline in Rrp14p-depleted cells. Rrp14p interacts with regulatory factors of 60S subunit assembly and also with Utp11p and Faf1p, which are regulatory factors required for assembly of 40S ribosomal subunits. We propose that Rrp14p is involved in ribosome synthesis from the beginning of 35S pre-rRNA synthesis to assembly of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Disruption of RRP14 causes an extremely slow growth rate of the cell, a severe defect in ribosome synthesis, and a depolarized localization of cortical actin patches throughout the cell cycle. These results suggest that Rrp14p has dual functions in ribosome synthesis and polarized cell growth.  相似文献   

Considered to be the cleanest liquid fuel, bio-ethanol can be a reliable alternative to fossil fuels. It is produced by fermentation of sugar components of plant materials. The common onions are considered to be a favorable source of fermentation products as they have high sugar contents as well as contain various nutrients. This study focused on the effective production of ethanol from Green onion (Allium fistulosum L.) by the yeast “Saccharomyces cerevisiae” in repeated batch. The results showed that the total sugar concentration of onion juice was 68.4 g/l. The maximum rate of productivity, ethanol yield and final bio-ethanol percentage was 7 g/l/h (g ethanol per liter of onion juice per hour), 35 g/l (g ethanol per liter of onion juice) and 90 %, respectively.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used extensively for the study of cell polarity, owing to both its experimental tractability and the high conservation of cell polarity and other basic biological processes among eukaryotes. The budding yeast has also served as a pioneer model organism for virtually all genome-scale approaches, including functional genomics, which aims to define gene function and biological pathways systematically through the analysis of high-throughput experimental data. Here, we outline the contributions of functional genomics and high-throughput methodologies to the study of cell polarity in the budding yeast. We integrate data from published genetic screens that use a variety of functional genomics approaches to query different aspects of polarity. Our integrated dataset is enriched for polarity processes, as well as some processes that are not intrinsically linked to cell polarity, and may provide new areas for future study.  相似文献   

We have identified ScPex18p and ScPex21p, two novel S. cerevisiae peroxins required for protein targeting via the PTS2 branch of peroxisomal biogenesis. Targeting by this pathway is known to involve the interaction of oligopeptide PTS2 signals with Pex7p, the PTS2 receptor. Pex7p function is conserved between yeasts and humans, with defects in the human protein causing rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP), a severe, lethal peroxisome biogenesis disorder characterized by aberrant targeting of several PTS2 peroxisomal proteins, but uncertainty remains about the subcellular localization of this receptor. Previously, we have reported that ScPex7p resides predominantly in the peroxisomal matrix, suggesting that it may function as a highly unusual intraorganellar import receptor, and the data presented in this paper identify Pex18p and Pex21p as key components in the targeting of Pex7p to peroxisomes. They each interact specifically with Pex7p both in two-hybrid analyses and in vitro. In cells lacking both Pex18p and Pex21p, Pex7p remains cytosolic and PTS2 targeting is completely abolished. Pex18p and Pex21p are weakly homologous to each other and display partial functional redundancy, indicating that they constitute a two-member peroxin family specifically required for Pex7p and PTS2 targeting.  相似文献   

Schwarz M  Knauer R  Lehle L 《FEBS letters》2005,579(29):6564-6568
The key step of N-glycosylation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum is catalyzed by the hetero-oligomeric protein complex oligosaccharyltransferase (OST). It transfers the lipid-linked core-oligosaccharide to selected Asn-X-Ser/Thr-sequences of nascent polypeptide chains. Biochemical and genetic approaches have revealed that OST from Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of nine subunits: Wbp1p, Swp1p, Stt3p, Ost1p, Ost2p, Ost4p, Ost5p, Ostp3 and Ost6p. By blue native polyacrylamide electrophoresis we show that yeast OST consists of two isoforms with distinct functions differing only in the presence of the two related Ost3 and Ost6p proteins. The OST6-complex was found to be important for cell wall integrity and temperature stress. Ost3p and Ost6p are not essential for OST activity, and can in part displace each other in the complex when overexpressed, suggesting a dynamic regulation of the complex formation.  相似文献   

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