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The MAL (MAL/VIP17) proteolipid is a nonglycosylated integral membrane protein expressed in a restricted pattern of cell types, including T lymphocytes, myelin-forming cells, and polarized epithelial cells. Transport of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) to the apical surface of epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells appears to be mediated by a pathway involving glycolipid- and cholesterol- enriched membranes (GEMs). In MDCK cells, MAL has been proposed previously as being an element of the protein machinery for the GEM-dependent apical transport pathway. Using an antisense oligonucleotide-based strategy and a newly generated monoclonal antibody to canine MAL, herein we have approached the effect of MAL depletion on HA transport in MDCK cells. We have found that MAL depletion diminishes the presence of HA in GEMs, reduces the rate of HA transport to the cell surface, inhibits the delivery of HA to the apical surface, and produces partial missorting of HA to the basolateral membrane. These effects were corrected by ectopic expression of MAL in MDCK cells whose endogenous MAL protein was depleted. Our results indicate that MAL is necessary for both normal apical transport and accurate sorting of HA.  相似文献   

MAL is an integral protein component of the machinery for apical transport in epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. To maintain its distribution, MAL cycles continuously between the plasma membrane and the Golgi complex. The clathrin-mediated route for apical internalization is known to differ from that at the basolateral surface. Herein, we report that MAL depends on the clathrin pathway for apical internalization. Apically internalized polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), which uses clathrin for endocytosis, colocalized with internalized MAL in the same apical vesicles. Time-lapse confocal microscopic analysis revealed cotransport of pIgR and MAL in the same endocytic structures. Immunoelectron microscopic analysis evidenced colabeling of MAL with apically labeled pIgR in pits and clathrin-coated vesicles. Apical internalization of pIgR was abrogated in cells with reduced levels of MAL, whereas this did not occur either with its basolateral entry or the apical internalization of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, which does not involve clathrin. Therefore, MAL is critical for efficient clathrin-mediated endocytosis at the apical surface in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

The function of acidification in protein sorting along the biosynthetic pathway has been difficult to elucidate, in part because reagents used to alter organelle pH affect all acidified compartments and are poorly reversible. We have used a novel approach to examine the role of acidification in protein sorting in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. We expressed the influenza virus M2 protein, an acid-activated ion channel that equilibrates lumenal and cytosolic pH, in polarized MDCK cells and examined the consequences on the targeting and delivery of apical and basolateral proteins. M2 activity affects the pH of only a subset of acidified organelles, and its activity can be rapidly reversed using ion channel blockers (Henkel, J.R., G. Apodaca, Y. Altschuler, S. Hardy, and O.A. Weisz. 1998. Mol. Biol. Cell. 8:2477-2490; Henkel, J.R., J.L. Popovich, G.A. Gibson, S.C. Watkins, and O.A. Weisz. 1999. J. Biol. Chem. 274:9854-9860). M2 expression significantly decreased the kinetics of cell surface delivery of the apical membrane protein influenza hemagglutinin, but not of the basolaterally delivered polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. Similarly, the kinetics of apical secretion of a soluble form of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase were reduced with no effect on the basolaterally secreted fraction. Interestingly, M2 activity had no effect on the rate of secretion of a nonglycosylated protein (human growth hormone [hGH]) that was secreted equally from both surfaces. However, M2 slowed apical secretion of a glycosylated mutant of hGH that was secreted predominantly apically. Our results suggest a role for acidic trans-Golgi network pH in signal-mediated loading of apical cargo into forming vesicles.  相似文献   

Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)- anchored proteins are preferentially transported to the apical cell surface of polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. It has been assumed that the GPI anchor itself acts as an apical determinant by its interaction with sphingolipid-cholesterol rafts. We modified the rat growth hormone (rGH), an unglycosylated, unpolarized secreted protein, into a GPI-anchored protein and analyzed its surface delivery in polarized MDCK cells. The addition of a GPI anchor to rGH did not lead to an increase in apical delivery of the protein. However, addition of N-glycans to GPI-anchored rGH resulted in predominant apical delivery, suggesting that N-glycans act as apical sorting signals on GPI-anchored proteins as they do on transmembrane and secretory proteins. In contrast to the GPI-anchored rGH, a transmembrane form of rGH which was not raft-associated accumulated intracellularly. Addition of N-glycans to this chimeric protein prevented intracellular accumulation and led to apical delivery.  相似文献   

Clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE) allows internalization of plasma membrane proteins lacking clathrin-targeting sequences, such as the major histocompatibility complex class I protein (MHCI), into cells. After internalization, vesicles containing MHCI fuse with transferrin-containing endosomes generated from clathrin-dependent endocytosis. In HeLa cells, MHCI is subsequently routed to late endosomes or recycled back out to the plasma membrane (PM) in distinctive tubular carriers. Arf6 is associated with endosomal membranes carrying CIE cargo and expression of an active form of Arf6 leads to the generation of vacuolar structures that trap CIE cargo immediately after endocytosis, blocking the convergence with transferrin-containing endosomes. We isolated these trapped vacuolar structures and analyzed their protein composition by mass spectrometry. Here we identify and validate six new endogenous cargo proteins (CD44, CD55, CD98, CD147, Glut1, and ICAM1) that use CIE to enter cells. CD55 and Glut1 appear to closely parallel the trafficking of MHCI, merging with transferrin endosomes before entering the recycling tubules. In contrast, CD44, CD98, and CD147 appear to directly enter the recycling tubules and by-pass the merge with EEA1-positive, transferrin-containing endosomes. This divergent itinerary suggests that sorting may occur along this CIE pathway. Furthermore, the identification of new cargo proteins will assist others studying CIE in different cell types and tissues.  相似文献   

Although lectins have previously been used to identify specific cell types in the kidney and various other tissues, the proteins labeled were not identified. We hypothesized that fluorescently labeled lectins could provide a useful tool for direct labeling of membrane-associated glycoproteins. Protein fractions from Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells were exposed to a panel of 16 fluorescently labeled lectins to identify suitable lectin-protein pairs. Peanut agglutinin (PNA) selectively bound a 220-240 kDa O-linked glycoprotein with a slightly acidic isoelectric point, while Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) labeled a 130 kDa glycoprotein with a highly acidic isoelectric point. Both proteins were readily labeled by lectins applied to the apical surface of living confluent cells. The proteins were isolated by lectin affinity columns and identified by mass spectrometry. Peptides from the PNA-binding protein shared molecular weight and amino acid composition with fibronectin. Fragments of the SNA-binding protein showed amino-acid identity with peptides from beta1 integrin. The identities of these proteins were validated by Western blotting. Binding of PNA to a 220 kDa protein was inhibited by an anti-fibronectin antibody, and binding of a 130 kDa protein by SNA was diminished by an anti-beta1 integrin antibody. We conclude that PNA and SNA can be used as specific markers for fibronectin and beta1 integrin, respectively, in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the maintenance of fast communication between neurons requires that presynaptic terminals recycle the small vesicles from which neurotransmitter is released. But the mechanisms that retrieve vesicles from the cell surface are still not understood. Although we have a wealth of information about the molecular details of endocytosis in non‐neuronal cells, it is clear that endocytosis at the synapse is faster and regulated in distinct ways. A satisfying understanding of these processes will require molecular events to be manipulated while observing endocytosis in living synapses. Here, we review recent work that seeks to bridge the gap between physiology and molecules to unravel the endocytic machinery operating at the synaptic terminal.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids (SLs) are relevant lipid components of eukaryotic cells. Besides regulating various cellular processes, SLs provide the structural framework for plasma membrane organization. Particularly, SM is associated with detergent-resistant microdomains. We have previously shown that the adherens junction (AJ) complex, the relevant cell-cell adhesion structure involved in cell differentiation and tissue organization, is located in an SM-rich membrane lipid domain. We have also demonstrated that under hypertonic conditions, Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells acquire a differentiated phenotype with changes in SL metabolism. For these reasons, we decided to evaluate whether SM metabolism is involved in the acquisition of the differentiated phenotype of MDCK cells. We found that SM synthesis mediated by SM synthase 1 is involved in hypertonicity-induced formation of mature AJs, necessary for correct epithelial cell differentiation. Inhibition of SM synthesis impaired the acquisition of mature AJs, evoking a disintegration-like process reflected by the dissipation of E-cadherin and β- and α-catenins from the AJ complex. As a consequence, MDCK cells did not develop the hypertonicity-induced differentiated epithelial cell phenotype.  相似文献   

Cell sheet movement during epithelial wound closure is a complex process involving collective cell migration. We have found that glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) activity is required for membrane protrusion and crawling of cells at the wound edge and those behind it in wounded Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cell monolayers. RNA interference-based silencing of GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta expression also results in slowed cell sheet migration, with the effect being more pronounced with knockdown of GSK-3beta. Both GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta are in activated states during the most active phase of cell migration. In addition to having a positive control or permissive, rather than negative, function in MDCK cell migration, GSK-3 appears to act upstream of the small GTPases ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) and Rac1. Expression of constitutively active ARF6 restores a protrusive, migratory phenotype in cells treated with GSK-3 inhibitors. It does not, however, restore to normal levels the directional polarization of cells behind the wound edge toward the wound area, implying the existence of a separate ARF6-independent branch of the GSK-3 pathway that regulates proper wound-directed polarization of these cells. Finally, inhibition of GSK-3 also strongly reduces activation of Rac1 and cell scatter in response to hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, which triggers dispersal and migration of cells in monolayer culture as fibroblast-like individual cells, a mode of epithelial cell motility distinct from the collective migration of wound closure.  相似文献   

Arf regulates interaction of GGA with mannose-6-phosphate receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) in Golgi associated, γ-adaptin homologous, Arf-interacting protein (GGA)-mediated membrane traffic was examined. GGA is a clathrin adaptor protein that binds Arf through its GAT domain and the mannose-6-phosphate receptor through its VHS domain. The GAT and VHS domains interacted such that Arf and mannose-6-phosphate receptor binding to GGA were mutually exclusive. In vivo , GGA bound membranes through either Arf or mannose-6-phosphate receptor. However, mannose-6-phosphate receptor excluded Arf from GGA-containing structures outside of the Golgi. These data are inconsistent with predictions based on the model for Arf's role in COPI veside coat function. We propose that Arf recruits GGA to a membrane and then, different from the current model, 'hands-off' GGA to mannose-6-phosphate receptor. GGA and mannose-6-phosphate receptor are then incorporated into a transport intermediate that excludes Arf .  相似文献   

Abstract: The possible role of ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF)-activated and constitutive phospholipase D (PLD) activity in regulated exocytosis of preformed secretory granules in adrenal chromaffin and PC12 cells was examined. With use of digitonin-permeabilised cells, the effect of GTP analogues and exogenous ARF1 on PLD activity was determined. No evidence was seen for ARF-stimulated PLD activity in these cell types. Exocytosis from cytosol-depleted permeabilised chromaffin cells was not increased by adding recombinant nonmyristoylated or myristoylated ARF1, and exocytosis from both cell types was resistant to brefeldin A (BFA). Addition of bacterial PLD with demonstrably high activity in permeabilised chromaffin cells did not increase exocytosis in cytosol-depleted chromaffin cells. Diversion of PLD activity from production of phosphatidic acid (PA) due to the presence of 4% ethanol did not inhibit exocytosis triggered by Ca2+ or poorly hydrolysable GTP analogues in permeabilised chromaffin or PC12 cells. These results indicate that exocytosis in these cell types does not appear to require a BFA-sensitive ARF and the triggering of exocytosis does not require PLD activity and formation of PA. These findings rule out a general requirement for PLD activity during regulated exocytosis.  相似文献   

Membrane scaffolding complexes are key features of many cell types, serving as specialized links between the extracellular matrix and the actin cytoskeleton. An important scaffold in skeletal muscle is the dystrophin-associated protein complex. One of the proteins bound directly to dystrophin is syntrophin, a modular protein comprised entirely of interaction motifs, including PDZ (protein domain named for PSD-95, discs large, ZO-1) and pleckstrin homology (PH) domains. In skeletal muscle, the syntrophin PDZ domain recruits sodium channels and signaling molecules, such as neuronal nitric oxide synthase, to the dystrophin complex. In epithelia, we identified a variation of the dystrophin complex, in which syntrophin, and the dystrophin homologues, utrophin and dystrobrevin, are restricted to the basolateral membrane. We used exogenously expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged fusion proteins to determine which domains of syntrophin are responsible for its polarized localization. GFP-tagged full-length syntrophin targeted to the basolateral membrane, but individual domains remained in the cytoplasm. In contrast, the second PH domain tandemly linked to a highly conserved, COOH-terminal region was sufficient for basolateral membrane targeting and association with utrophin. The results suggest an interaction between syntrophin and utrophin that leaves the PDZ domain of syntrophin available to recruit additional proteins to the epithelial basolateral membrane. The assembly of multiprotein signaling complexes at sites of membrane specialization may be a widespread function of dystrophin-related protein complexes.  相似文献   

The Euresco/EMBL sponsored meeting on 'Membrane Dynamics in Endocytosis' took place on 6–11 October in Tomar, Portugal. Here we report on the 5 full days of exciting talks and active poster sessions that covered topics ranging from the mechanisms of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, the regulation of phagocytosis, caveolae dynamics and function, the role of lipids in regulating endocytic transport, the formation of and sorting into and out of multivesicular bodies, new links between the actin cytoskeleton and vesicular transport, and emerging roles for endocytic trafficking in signal transduction and development.  相似文献   

近年来,因病毒侵害人类每年都要蒙受巨大的经济损失和社会损失。犬肾细胞MDCK以其具有的培养容易、增殖快、流感病毒感染效率高等特点,成为适用于流感病毒疫苗生产的重要细胞系之一。以MDCK细胞为研究对象,在自制无血清培养基中成功实现了MDCK细胞从有血清培养到无血清培养的驯化;并通过单细胞悬浮培养驯化过程实现了MDCK细胞的无血清单细胞悬浮培养,获得了适于无血清单细胞悬浮生长的ssf-MDCK细胞株,无血清单细胞悬浮批培养最大活细胞密度可达3.81×106 cells/mL,最大比生长速率可达0.056 h?  相似文献   

Glycinergic neurotransmission is terminated by sodium- and chloride-dependent plasma membrane transporters. The neuronal glycine transporter 2 (GLYT2) supplies the terminal with substrate to refill synaptic vesicles containing glycine. This crucial process is defective in human hyperekplexia, a condition that can be caused by mutations in GLYT2. Inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission is modulated by the GLYT2 exocytosis/endocytosis equilibrium, although the mechanisms underlying the turnover of this transporter remain elusive. We studied GLYT2 internalization pathways and the role of ubiquitination and membrane raft association of the transporter in its endocytosis. Using pharmacological tools, dominant-negative mutants and small-interfering RNAs, we show that the clathrin-mediated pathway is the primary mechanism for constitutive and regulated GLYT2 endocytosis in heterologous cells and neurons. We show that GLYT2 is constitutively internalized from cell surface lipid rafts, remaining associated with rafts in subcellular recycling structures. Protein kinase C (PKC) negatively modulates GLYT2 via rapid and dynamic redistribution of GLYT2 from raft to non-raft membrane subdomains and increasing ubiquitinated GLYT2 endocytosis. This biphasic mechanism is a versatile means to modulate GLYT2 behavior and hence, inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission. These findings may reveal new therapeutic targets to address glycinergic pathologies associated with alterations in GLYT2 trafficking.  相似文献   

Proteins leave the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for the plasma membrane via the classical secretory pathway, but routes bypassing the Golgi apparatus have also been observed. Apical and basolateral protein secretion in epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells display differential sensitivity to Brefeldin A (BFA), where low concentrations retard apical transport, while basolateral transport still proceeds through intact Golgi cisternae . We now describe that BFA-mediated retardation of glycoprotein and proteoglycan transport through the Golgi apparatus induces surface transport of molecules lacking Golgi modifications, possessing those acquired in the ER. Low concentrations of BFA induces apical Golgi bypass, while higher concentrations were required to induce basolateral Golgi bypass. Addition of the KDEL ER-retrieval sequence to model protein cores allowed observation of apical Golgi bypass in untreated MDCK cells. Basolateral Golgi bypass was only observed after the addition of BFA or upon cholesterol depletion. Thus, in MDCK cells, an apical Golgi bypass route can transport cargo from pre-Golgi organelles in untreated cells, while the basolateral bypass route is inducible.  相似文献   

Recently, studies in animal models demonstrate potential roles for clathrin and AP1 in apical protein sorting in epithelial tissue. However, the precise functions of these proteins in apical protein transport remain unclear. Here, we reveal mistargeting of endogenous glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol‐anchored proteins (GPI‐APs) and soluble secretory proteins in Madin‐Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells upon clathrin heavy chain or AP1 subunit knockdown (KD). Using a novel directional endocytosis and recycling assay, we found that these KD cells are not only affected for apical sorting of GPI‐APs in biosynthetic pathway but also for their apical recycling and basal‐to‐apical transcytosis routes. The apical distribution of the t‐SNARE syntaxin 3, which is known to be responsible for selective targeting of various apical‐destined cargo proteins in both biosynthetic and endocytic routes, is compromised suggesting a molecular explanation for the phenotype in KD cells. Our results demonstrate the importance of biosynthetic and endocytic routes for establishment and maintenance of apical localization of GPI‐APs in polarized MDCK cells.   相似文献   

We addressed the role of Src on cortical actin dynamics and polarized endocytosis in MDCK cells harboring a thermosensitive v-src mutant. Shifting monolayers established at 40 degrees C (non-permissive temperature) to 34 degrees C (permissive temperature) rapidly reactivated v-Src kinase, but tight junctions and cell polarity resisted for >6 h. At this interval, activated v-src was recruited on apical vesicles, induced cortactin-associated apical circular ruffles productive of macropinosomes, thereby accelerating apical pinocytosis by approximately fivefold. Ruffling and macropinosome formation were selectively abrogated by inhibitors of actin polymerization, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, phospholipase C, and phospholipase D, which all returned apical pinocytosis to the level observed at 40 degrees C, underscoring the distinct control of apical micropinocytosis and macropinocytosis. Src promoted microtubule-dependent fusion of macropinosomes to the apical recycling endosome (ARE), causing its strong vacuolation. However, preservation of tubulation and apical polarity indicated that its function was not affected. The ARE was labeled for v-src, Rab11, and rabankyrin-5 but not early endosome antigen 1, thus distinguishing two separate Rab5-dependent apical pathways. The mechanisms of Src-induced apical ruffling and macropinocytosis could shed light on the triggered apical enteroinvasive pathogens entry and on the apical differentiation of osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells have been extensively used as a model for the study of epithelial polarization. The contacts between the cell and extra-cellular matrix (ECM) provide a signal for the polarization of apical membrane markers. In order to study the molecular basis of these contacts, MDCK cells extracts in Triton X-100 were affinity-purified on laminin, yielding polypeptides of 100-110 and 36 kDa, but only the second one could be enzymatically iodinated from the cell surface. This protein was also recognized by an antibody against the 37/67-kDa laminin/elastin family of proteins. Different polypeptides were purified by the same method on type I collagen. An antibody developed against the polypeptides purified on laminin recognized also a 67-kDa protein, blocked 125I-laminin binding to a population of high affinity (1.5 nM KD) binding sites and caused a significant decrease in cell attachment and spreading to laminin or endogenous ECM. This antibody did not interfere with MDCK cell attachment to fibronectin or collagen matrices, but still impaired cell spreading. An apical MDCK plasma membrane protein (184 kDa), fully polarized in untreated cells, was partially mispolarized after treatment with anti-36 kDa antibody. These results are consistent with a model of various ECM receptors operating together in these cells, and show an important role of a non-integrin 36-kDa laminin binding protein related to the 67-kDa laminin receptor family in cell attachment, spreading and polarization.  相似文献   

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