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In this work we present data which show stimulation of Cl- transport in the isolated toad skin by four agonists: L-isoproterenol, L-adrenalin, angiotensin II and ADH. This response was demonstrated by raising mucosal amiloride concentration to block the sodium transport in the skin. With transepithelial sodium influx almost completely inhibited, it was likely that the response reflected transport events in the glands. Inhibition of the bioelectric parameters by removing chloride from the serosal bathing medium in the amiloride-inhibited preparation eliminated the response to all four agents, indicating that these responses are chloride dependent. The similarity of the bioelectric responses of the amiloride-treated preparation to db cAMP and to the four agents tested in this work add further evidence that this second messenger may account largely for the Cl- transport mechanism in the toad skin glands by increasing the apical membrane permeability to Cl-.  相似文献   

The rate of active sodium transport as measured by short-circuit current across the isolated skin of the toad, Scaphiopus couchi, was elevated following vasopressin (0.2 units/ml) or arginine vasotocin (0.1 units/ml) treatment of skins from active animals at all times of the year tested. Skins from dormant animals showed no such elevation at any time of the year. The rate of active sodium transport was elevated following treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP (2.5mM) plus theophylline (10 mM) in all skins tested. The hydraulic conductivity of isolated skins from both active and dormant animals showed no significant change following treatment with vasopressin (0.2 units/ml) or arginine vasotocin (0.1 units/ml except on the first day following emergence from dormancy in the field. A correlation was, therefore, observed between the occurrence of a hydroosmotic response to antidiuretic hormones and the seasonal exposure of S. couchi to standing water. A small but significant elevation of hydraulic conductivity was observed across the skins of dormant toads following treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP (2.5 mM) plus theophylline (10 mM) whereas a substantial elevation was observed with the skins of active animals.  相似文献   

1. The vascular response to Asn1-Val5 angiotensin II (A II) in aortic rings from Bufo arenarum toad was studied. 2. Tachyphylaxis in response to A II could be abolished after incubation with norepinephrine (NE). 3. Phentolamine treatment partially inhibited the pressor effects to A II. 4. Sar1-Ile8 A II and Sar1-Ala8 A II significantly attenuated the vascular effects of A II and did not affect the NE response. 5. We conclude that the pressor response to A II has a direct contractile effect and a catecholamine dependent component in aortic rings of Bufo arenarum toad.  相似文献   

Interaction between the actions of taurine and angiotensin II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The amino acid, taurine, is an important nutrient found in very high concentration in excitable tissue. Cellular depletion of taurine has been linked to developmental defects, retinal damage, immundeficiency, impaired cellular growth and the development of a cardiomyopathy. These findings have encouraged the use of taurine in infant formula, nutritional supplements and energy promoting drinks. Nonetheless, the use of taurine as a drug to treat specific diseases has been limited. One disease that responds favorably to taurine therapy is congestive heart failure. In this review, we discuss three mechanisms that might underlie the beneficial effect of taurine in heart failure. First, taurine promotes natriuresis and diuresis, presumably through its osmoregulatory activity in the kidney, its modulation of atrial natriuretic factor secretion and its putative regulation of vasopressin release. However, it remains to be determined whether taurine treatment promotes salt and water excretion in humans with heart failure. Second, taurine mediates a modest positive inotropic effect by regulating [Na+]i and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger flux. Although this effect of taurine has not been examined in human tissue, it is significant that it bypasses the major calcium transport defects found in the failing human heart. Third, taurine attenuates the actions of angiotensin II on Ca2+ transport, protein synthesis and angiotensin II signaling. Through this mechanism taurine would be expected to minimize many of the adverse actions of angiotensin II, including the induction of cardiac hypertrophy, volume overload and myocardial remodeling. Since the ACE inhibitors are the mainstay in the treatment of congestive heart failure, this action of taurine is probably very important. Received November 10, 1998, Accepted May 19, 1999  相似文献   

In artificial lipid bilayer membranes, the ratio of the water permeability coefficient (Pd(water)) to the permeability coefficient of an arbitrary nonelectrolyte such as n-butyramide (Pd(n-butyramide)) remains relatively constant with changes in lipid composition and temperature, even though the individual Pd's increase more than 100- fold. I propose that this is a general rule that also holds for the lipid bilayers of cells and tissues, and that therefore if Pd(water)/Pd(solute greatly exceeds the value found for artifical lipid bilayers (where "solute" is a molecule, such as 1,6 hexanediol or n- butyramide, that crosses the cell membrane by a solubility-diffusion mechanism without the aid of a special transporting system), then water crosses the cell membrane via aqueous pores. Applying this criterion to the toad urinary bladder, we find that even in the unstimulated bladder, water probably crosses the luminal membrane primarily through small aqueous pores, and that this almost certainly the case after antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulation. I suggest that ADH stimulation ultimately leads either to formation (or enlargement) of pores, by the rearrangement of preexisting subunits, or to an unplugging of these pores.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of C14-urea into everted and noneverted bladder sacs was compared, over short time periods (up to 2 min), with the transepithelial urea fluxes. This method allowed the study of the time course of urea uptake and distribution, while previously this problem was only studied in steady-state conditions. When mucosal uptake was studied no accumulation of C14-urea inside the tissue was observed, indicating that the mucosal border could be the limiting step. Comparative studies of urea and inulin uptake from the serosal side showed that urea equilibrated with the water epithelial cells in less than 30 sec. This accumulation suggested again that the mucosal border is an effective barrier for urea translocation. The kinetics of the increase in urea permeability induced by antidiuretic hormone was also studied and it was similar (T1/2:4.3 min) to the kinetics of the increase in water permeability induced by the hormone (T1/2:5.6 min). A strong parallelism was also observed between the time course of the increases in water and urea permeabilities induced by medium hypertonicity (T1/2 25 and 26 min, respectively). The values obtained for the permeability coefficientk trans), either at rest or under ADH were similar to those previously reported employing steady-state techniques (28±8 and 432±25 cm·sec–1·10–7, respectively).  相似文献   

1. Tonicity dominates the release of ADH with similar sensitivities (0.2-1 pg/ml per mOsm/kg) for both birds and mammals. 2. There is an inverse relationship between the volume of the extracellular fluid compartments and the plasma level of ADH. 3. Angiotensin II formation is governed by volume factors. 4. In birds the factors reducing the delivery of Na+ to the nephron distal tubules stimulate ANGII formation. 5. Mammals have a high vascular constrictor sensitivity to ADH and ANGII; there is little or no vascular sensitivity to these in birds. 6. In birds and mammals the subfornical organ and other circumventricular organs have receptors that specifically bind ANGII. 7. Dog and duck CSF levels of ADH and AII indicate their function as specific mediators of intrinsic neuronal systems controlling salt and fluid balance.  相似文献   

A method has been described in which sodium uptake may be studied in the intact, anesthetized toad. Sodium uptake is determined by "counting" the whole animal in a special chamber after suspending it in a frog Ringer bath containing radioactive Na24. The effects of subcutaneous injection of the neurohypophyseal antidiuretic factor were studied with these results: 1. There was a pronounced increase in sodium influx following treatment with the hormone. 2. Sodium outflux was small in both experimental and control animals. 3. There was an increase in water uptake in both experimental and control animals after 1 hour in the bathing solution. This increase was greater in the experimental toads in which it is believed to be related, at least in part, to sodium transport. 4. Potentiometric measurements were made on the skin membrane potential of the whole animal while suspended in bathing solutions. These results were in essential agreement with those found for isolated frog skin. However, there was no apparent influence of the antidiuretic factor on the skin potential.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal changes in hormonal and thermoregulatory responses. Eight volunteers were subjected to the experiment at four times of the year: around the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, and at the summer and winter solstices at latitude 35° N. Plasma antidiuretic hormone (ADH), angiotensin II (ANG II), aldosterone (ALD) and plasma renin activity (PRA) were analyzed before and after water immersion. Seasonal changes in thermoregulatory responses were assessed by measuring core temperature and sweat rate during immersion of the leg in hot water (at 42°C) for 30 min in a room maintained at 26°C. The concentration of plasma ADH and ALD before water immersion was significantly higher in summer than in other seasons. The concentrations of ANG II and PRA did not show seasonal variations. Changes in tympanic temperature during water immersion showed significant differences between seasons, and were higher in winter than in other seasons. The sweat rate was significantly higher in summer than in other seasons. In summary, ADH and ALD concentrations displayed a seasonal rhythm with marked elevation in summer; this may be a compensative mechanism to prevent dehydration from increased sweat loss during summer due to heat acclimatization.  相似文献   

The uptake of C14-urea into everted and noneverted bladder sacs was compared, over short time periods (up to 2 min), with the transepithelial urea fluxes. This method allowed the study of the time course of urea uptake and distribution, while previously this problem was only studied in steady-state conditions. When mucosal uptake was studied no accumulation of C14-urea inside the tissue was observed, indicating that the mucosal border could be the limiting step. Comparative studies of urea and inulin uptake from the serosal side showed that urea equilibrated with the water epithelial cells in less than 30 sec. This accumulation suggested again that the mucosal border is an effective barrier for urea translocation. The kinetics of the increase in urea permeability induced by antidiuretic hormone was also studied and it was similar (T1/2:4.3 min) to the kinetics of the increase in water permeability induced by the hormone (T1/2:5.6 min). A strong parallelism was also observed between the time course of the increases in water and urea permeabilities induced by medium hypertonicity (T1/2 25 and 26 min, respectively). The values obtained for the permeability coefficient ktrans), either at rest or under ADH were similar to those previously reported employing steady-state techniques (28+/-8 and 432+/-25 cm-sec-1-10(-7), respectively).  相似文献   

The effects of peptide and non-peptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists on the responses to angiotensin II were examined using aortic rings and skin isolated from the toad. The contractile responses of aortic rings to (Ala-Pro-Gly) angiotensin II were inhibited by the angiotensin II analogue Leu8 angiotensin II, with a pA2 value of 7.6. Similarly, the concentration response curve for (Ala-Pro-Gly) angiotensin II was displaced to the right by the specific angiotensin receptor subtype antagonist DuP 753, with a pA2 value of 6.0. In contrast, the angiotensin receptor subtype 2 antagonists PD 123177 and CGP 42112A did not modify the contractile response to (Ala-Pro-Gly) angiotensin II. None of the antagonists was able to alter the contractile response to norepinephrine. Both Leu8 angiotensin II (10-8 mol·l-1) and DuP 753 (10-6 mol·l-1) partially inhibited angiotensin III-induced contractions in toad aorta. Angiotensin III, in turn, exhibited lower activity than [Asn1-Val5] angiotensin II in this preparation, its molar potency ratio being 0.293. Previous work from this laboratory reported that osmotic water permeability in the skin of the toad Bufo arenarum was increased by angiotensin II, the effect being blocked by the peptide antagonist Leu8 angiotensin II. The hydrosmotic response to [Asn1-Val5] angiotensin II (10-7 mol·l-1) was significantly inhibited by DuP 753 (10-6 and 5×10-6 mol·l-1), whereas the response was not inhibited by a tenfold higher concentration of either PD 123177 or CGP 42112A. DuP 753 (10-6 mol·l-1) also inhibited the hydrosmotic response to angiotensin III (10-7 mol·l-1). These results suggest that receptors for angiotensin II present in isolated toad aorta and skin exhibit pharmacological features similar to those characterized as angiotensin subtype 1 in mammalian tissues.Abbreviations AT 1 angiotensin receptor subtype 1 - AT 2 angiotensin receptor subtype 2 - AT II angiotensin II - AT III angiotensin III - CDRC cumulative doseresponse curve(s) - NE norepinephrine - SCC short-circuit current  相似文献   

A technique for estimating effective transepithelial capacitance in vitro was used to investigate changes in epithelial cell membrane area in response to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) exposure in toad bladder. The results indicate that transepithelial capacitance increases by about 30% within 30 min after serosal ADH addition and decreases with ADH removal. This capacitance change is not blocked by amiloride and occurs whether or not there is a transepithelial osmotic gradient. It is blocked by methohexital, a drug which specifically inhibits the hydro-osmotic response of toad bladder to ADH. We conclude that the hydro-osmotic response of toad bladder to ADH is accompanied by addition of membrane to the plasmalemma of epithelial cells. This new membrane may contain channels that are permeable to water. Stimulation of Na+ transport by ADH is not related to membrane area changes, but appears to reflect activation of Na+ channels already present in the cell membrane before ADH challenge.  相似文献   

Summary A study has been conducted to determine the ionic and metabolic requirements for full expression of the hydroosmotic response to antidiuretic hormone in the toad urinary bladder. By appropriate manipulation of incubation conditions it can be shown that there is a pool of serosal sodium necessary for a full hormone response. This serosal sodium pool is not related to the transepithelial sodium transport pool. A full hydroosmotic response also requires serosal potassium; however, no specific anion requirement was demonstrated. Additionally, anaerobic or aerobic metabolism support a full hydroosmotic response equally well.  相似文献   

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