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To improve the efficiency of porcine sperm sex sorting using flow cytometry, the aims of the present study were to determine the relevance of inter- and intraboar variability in sperm sortability and to evaluate the significance of ejaculate semen characteristics in such variability. In addition, the variability among boars in the ability of sex-sorted spermatozoa to survive liquid storage at 15 °C to 17 °C was also evaluated. In total, 132 ejaculates collected from 67 boars of different breeds that were housed at an artificial insemination center were used in three experiments. X- and Y-chromosome–bearing sperm were simultaneously separated according to the Beltsville sperm-sorting technology using a high-speed flow cytometer. In the first experiment, interboar variability in the ability of the ejaculated spermatozoa to undergo the flow-based sex-sorting procedure was observed; the ejaculates of nearly 15% of the boars (n = 67) did not exhibit well-defined X- and Y-chromosome–bearing spermatozoa peaks in the histogram, and the ejaculate sperm concentration demonstrated good predictive value for explaining this variation, as indicated by the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (0.88, P < 0.001). In the second experiment, a certain degree of intraboar variability was observed only in the boars that showed poor sperm sortability (measured according to the presence or not a well-defined split together with sperm sortability parameters) in the first ejaculate (n = 3). In contrast, boars classified as having good sperm sortability in the first ejaculate (n = 5) maintained this condition in five ejaculates collected over the subsequent 5 months. In the third experiment, sex-sorted spermatozoa from boars with good sperm sortability (n = 5) remained viable and motile (above 70% in all boars) after 48 hours of storage at 15 °C to 17 °C, which may facilitate the commercial application of sex-sorted spermatozoa in swine artificial insemination programs.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present work were to verify whether simultaneous exposure to Hoechst 33342 and UV irradiation during sorting by flow cytometry may induce gene point mutations in bovine sperm and to assess whether the dye incorporated in the sperm may imply a mutagenic effect during the embryonic development. To this aim, high‐resolution melt analysis (HRMA) was used to discriminate variations of single nucleotides in sexed vs. non‐sexed control samples. Three batches of sorted and non‐sorted commercial semen of seven bulls (42 samples) were subjected to HRMA. A set of 139 genes located on all the chromosomes was selected, and 407 regions of the genome covering a total of 83 907 bases were analyzed. Thereafter, sperm of one sexed and one non‐sexed batch of each bull was used in in vitro fertilization, and the derived embryos were analyzed (= 560). One hundred and thirty‐three regions of the bovine genome, located in 40 genes, were screened for a total coverage of 23 397 bases. The comparison between the frequencies of variations, with respect to the sequences deposited, observed in the sexed and non‐sexed sperm (843 vs. 770) and embryos (246 vs. 212) showed no significant differences (> 0.05), as measured by chi‐square tests. It can be concluded that staining with Hoechst 33342 and exposure to UV during sorting does not lead to significant changes in the frequencies of variants in the commercial sexed semen and in embryos produced in vitro with the same treated sperm.  相似文献   

Viable, intact rabbit sperm, prepared, processed, and flow cytometrically sorted, were used in this study to determine the influence of flow sorting on fertilization and embryo development. In experiment I, flow-sorted or control (unstained and unsorted) sperm were surgically inseminated into the uterine horn of hormonally primed does (10 to 12 does per time point). At 42 hr postsurgical insemination, flushed embryos were assessed for development. Fetal development was determined at day 7, day 14, and day 21 post-surgical insemination. Embryos resulting from does surgically inseminated with control sperm at 42 hr post-insemination were observed to be at the early morula stage of development (>16 cell), whereas embryos from does inseminated with flow sorted sperm were at the 8- to 16-cell stage. No difference was observed between treatments at day 7, 14, or 21, however, there was a significant decrease in fetus number per doe inseminated with flow-sorted sperm over time. In experiment II, mature oocytes were flushed from the oviducts of superovulated does and coincubated in vitro (IVF) with flow-sorted or control rabbit sperm. Oocytes observed at 6 hr post-coincubation exhibited swollen sperm heads in the cytoplasm, demonstrating that fertilization had occurred (2 PN + T). There was a higher percentage of fertilized oocytes by 8 hr post-coincubation for both control (31%) and flow-sorted sperm (31%) when used for IVF. By 10 and 12 hr post-coincubation, little difference was observed in the number of fertilized oocytes between sperm treatments (52% and 66% for control vs. 57 and 54% for flow-sorted, respectively). These studies demonstrate that flow-sorted sperm are capable of fertilizing mature oocytes under in vitro conditions. In addition they show that flow sorting may not negatively influence fertilization events, but likely interferes during early embryonic and fetal development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    This study was conducted to determine fertilization rate and embryo development using the Beltsville Sperm Sexing Technology with two different laser power outputs, 25 and 125 milliwatts (mW). Freshly ejaculated boar semen was diluted; one aliquot was not stained or sorted (nonsort) and a second aliquot was stained with Hoechst 33342 and sorted as a complete population, not separated into X and Y populations (all-sort). Ovulation controlled gilts were surgically inseminated with 2 x 10(5) spermatozoa (44-46 hr after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)) into the isthmus of each oviduct, one oviduct receiving nonsort and the other all-sort at 25 or 125 mW. A total of 426 embryos were flushed from oviducts at slaughter 43 hr after laparotomy and prepared for determination of fertilization and cleavage rates using confocal laser microscopy for analysis of actin cytoskeleton and chromatin configuration. The percentage of fertilized eggs and embryos was less for the 25 mW all-sort compared to nonsort or the 125 mW all-sort (77.9 vs. 96.3 and 96.2%, P < 0.05). The percentage of fragmented embryos was greater for the 25 mW all-sort than the nonsort (15.2 vs. 4.5%, P < 0.05), but did not differ significantly from 125 mW all-sort mean (7.2%). The percentage of normal embryos (80.4% overall) did not differ (P > 0.05) among treatments. However, the rate of embryo development was slower (P < 0.05) after insemination with the 25 mW all-sort spermatozoa compared to nonsort spermatozoa. Embryos in the 3-4 and 5-9 cell stages for the 25-mW all-sort and nonsort were 78 and 20% vs. 49 and 50%, respectively. The embryo percentages for the 125 mW (3-4 and 5-9 cell stages, 59 and 35%) did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) from the nonsort or 25 mW all-sort. We conclude that the use of 125 mW laser power for sorting boar spermatozoa is advantageous to maintain high resolution separation and has no detrimental effect on embryo development compared to 25 mW.  相似文献   

    Double colour fluorescence in situ hybridization with sex chromosome probes was applied on sperm cells of five Swedish Holstein‐Friesian bulls. It was demonstrated that cosmids with strong fluorescence signals and scraped chromosomes can successfully be used as markers in this type of study. X and Y segregated as expected according to a 1:1 ratio, and there were no interindividual variations. There was a tendency for there to be more Y‐ than X‐bearing spermatozoa, but this bias was assumed to be due to the markers used. Disomic spermatozoa occurred with a frequency of more than 0.1 % (0.067% XX, 0.029% YY, and 0.029% XY), which is considerably lower than the frequency in humans. Diploid sperm cells occurred with a frequency of 0.05 %. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 53:407–412, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    The objective was to evaluate the structural and functional quality of bull sperm after sexing by flow cytometry. Frozen non-sexed (NS), sexed for X (SX) and sexed for Y (SY) sperm from four bulls was used. Frozen-thawed sperm was analyzed for motility, sperm head agglutination, morphology, capacitation, and integrity of the plasma membrane, acrosome, and chromatin. After Percoll centrifugation (45:60% gradients), the pellet was used for sperm analysis or IVF. Data were analyzed using generalized linear models (P < 0.05) and were reported as least squares means ± standard error (SEM). Based on sperm evaluations, NS sperm had better (P < 0.05) quality than sexed sperm, including higher motility and greater percentages of cells with an intact membrane and acrosome (58.0 ± 3.0, 58.2 ± 3.0, and 60.9 ± 3.3) than SX (29.6 ± 1.3, 36.0 ± 2.9, and 37.1 ± 3.3), and SY (26.2 ± 2.1, 36.4 ± 2.9, and 37.5 ± 3.3). There were no differences (P > 0.05) among groups for fertilization and cleavage rates. Similarly, blastocyst rate on Day 8 (Day 0 = day of insemination) did not differ among groups (22.2 ± 3.2, 18.1 ± 3.3, and 14.8 ± 2.9 for NS, SX, and SY, respectively). Regarding embryo development kinetics, all groups had similar developmental stages from Days 6 to 9. Although the sex-sorting procedure affected sperm characteristics, it did not significantly affect fertilization or embryo development.  相似文献   

    Field trials were conducted to increase fertility with AI of flow-sorted, sexed bovine sperm. In the first trial, a novel competitive fertilization approach was used to compare pressures (30 psi vs 50 psi) for sorting sperm. Both X- and Y-sperm were sorted to approximately 95% purity at 30 and at 50 psi; X-50 + Y-30 (and the converse) were mixed in equal numbers for AI of heifers. Fetal sex divulged which treatment produced the pregnancy; 82% of pregnancies resulted from the 30 psi treatment (P < 0.05). Based on a similar approach, a new-pulsed laser did not damage sperm any more than the previous standard continuous wave laser. In a large field trial, sorting sperm at 40 psi increased pregnancy rates in heifers relative to 50 psi (42.3% vs 34.1%, n = 367/group, P < 0.05). Storing sperm for 20 h before sorting at 40 psi decreased pregnancy rates from 42.3% (n = 367) to 36.8% (n = 368; P < 0.05). Breeding heifers with sexed sperm 55-56 h after CIDR removal and PGF resulted in 34% (n = 32) pregnant, compared to 49% (n = 35) with fixed-time insemination 67-68 h after CIDR removal (P > 0.1). Lactating dairy cows pre-screened for normal reproductive tracts when OvSynch injections (GnRH, prostaglandin, GnRH) were initiated, had similar (P > 0.1) pregnancy rates to timed AI, with 10 × 106 sexed sperm (43.9%, n = 57), 2 × 106 sexed sperm (40.5%, n = 57) and 10 × 106 unsexed control sperm (55.6%, n = 58). A final field trial with unselected, lactating dairy cows resulted in similar pregnancy rates for 2 × 106 sexed sperm in 0.25 mL straws (25.0%, n = 708) and 0.5 mL straws (24.4%, n = 776), but lower (P < 0.05) than unsexed control sperm (37.7%, n = 713). Younger cows and those >84 days in milk had the highest pregnancy rates for both sexed and unsexed sperm. These studies improved sperm sexing procedures, and provided insight into appropriate commercial use of sexed sperm.  相似文献   

    An automatic microscope system is designed to study the response of sperm motility to an annular laser trap. A continuous annular laser trap provides a parallel way to analyze and sort sperm based on their motility and to study the effects of laser radiation, optical force and external obstacles. In the described automatic microscope system, the phase contrast images of swimming sperm are digitized to the computer at video rates. The microscope stage is controlled in real‐time to relocate the sperm of interest to the annular trap with a normal or tangential entering angle. The sperm is continuously tracked and the swimming behavior is identified. Using this system, parallel sorting on human and gorilla sperm are achieved and threshold power levels separating the “fast” group and the “slow” group are compared for those two species. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

    The analysis of the complex genome of common wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 6x = 42, genome formula AABBDD) is hampered by its large size ( approximately 17 000 Mbp) and allohexaploid nature. In order to simplify its analysis, we developed a generic strategy for dissecting such large and complex genomes into individual chromosomes. Chromosome 3B was successfully sorted by flow cytometry and cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), using only 1.8 million chromosomes and an adapted protocol developed for this purpose. The BAC library (designated as TA-3B) consists of 67 968 clones with an average insert size of 103 kb. It represents 6.2 equivalents of chromosome 3B with 100% coverage and 90% specificity as confirmed by genetic markers. This method was validated using other chromosomes and its broad application and usefulness in facilitating wheat genome analysis were demonstrated by target characterization of the chromosome 3B structure through cytogenetic mapping. This report on the successful cloning of flow-sorted chromosomes into BACs marks the integration of flow cytogenetics and genomics and represents a great leap forward in genetics and genomic analysis.  相似文献   

    Within recent years, there has been growing interest in the prediction of bull fertility through in vitro assessment of semen quality. A model for fertility prediction based on early evaluation of semen quality parameters, to exclude sires with potentially low fertility from breeding programs, would therefore be useful. The aim of the present study was to identify the most suitable parameters that would provide reliable prediction of fertility. Frozen semen from 18 Italian Holstein-Friesian proven bulls was analyzed using computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) (motility and kinetic parameters) and flow cytometry (FCM) (viability, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial function, lipid peroxidation, plasma membrane stability and DNA integrity). Bulls were divided into two groups (low and high fertility) based on the estimated relative conception rate (ERCR). Significant differences were found between fertility groups for total motility, active cells, straightness, linearity, viability and percentage of DNA fragmented sperm. Correlations were observed between ERCR and some kinetic parameters, and membrane instability and some DNA integrity indicators. In order to define a model with high relation between semen quality parameters and ERCR, backward stepwise multiple regression analysis was applied. Thus, we obtained a prediction model that explained almost half (R2=0.47, P<0.05) of the variation in the conception rate and included nine variables: five kinetic parameters measured by CASA (total motility, active cells, beat cross frequency, curvilinear velocity and amplitude of lateral head displacement) and four parameters related to DNA integrity evaluated by FCM (degree of chromatin structure abnormality Alpha-T, extent of chromatin structure abnormality (Alpha-T standard deviation), percentage of DNA fragmented sperm and percentage of sperm with high green fluorescence representative of immature cells). A significant relationship (R2=0.84, P<0.05) was observed between real and predicted fertility. Once the accuracy of fertility prediction has been confirmed, the model developed in the present study could be used by artificial insemination centers for bull selection or for elimination of poor fertility ejaculates.  相似文献   

    Y‐chromosome markers are important tools for studying male‐specific gene flow within and between populations, hybridization patterns and kinship. However, their use in non‐human mammals is often hampered by the lack of Y‐specific polymorphic markers. We identified new male‐specific short tandem repeats (STRs) in Sus scrofa using the available genome sequence. We selected four polymorphic loci (5–10 alleles per locus), falling in one duplicated and two single‐copy regions. A total of 32 haplotypes were found by screening 211 individuals from eight wild boar populations across Europe and five domestic pig populations. European wild boar were characterized by significantly higher levels of haplotype diversity compared to European domestic pigs (HD = 0.904 ± 0.011 and HD = 0.491 ± 0.077 respectively). Relationships among STR haplotypes were investigated by combining them with single nucleotide polymorphisms at two linked genes (AMELY and UTY) in a network analysis. A differentiation between wild and domestic populations was observed (FST = 0.229), with commercial breeds sharing no Y haplotype with the sampled wild boar. Similarly, a certain degree of geographic differentiation was observed across Europe, with a number of local private haplotypes and high diversity in northern populations. The described Y‐chromosome markers can be useful to track male inheritance and gene flow in wild and domestic populations, promising to provide insights into evolutionary and population genetics in Sus scrofa.  相似文献   

    Sperm‐mediated gene transfer (SMGT), the ability of sperm cells to spontaneously incorporate exogenous DNA and to deliver it to oocytes during fertilization, has been proposed as an easy and efficient method for producing transgenic animals. SMGT is still undergoing development and optimization to improve the uptake efficiency of foreign DNA by sperm cells, which is a preliminary, yet critical, step for successful SMGT. Towards this aim, we developed a quantitative, real‐time PCR‐based assay to assess the absolute number of exogenous plasmids internalized into the spermatozoon. Using this technique, we found that the circular form of the DNA is more efficiently taken up than the linearized form. We also found that DNA internalization into the nucleus of porcine sperm cells is better under specific methyl‐β‐cyclodextrin (MCD)‐treated conditions, where the plasma membrane properties were altered without significantly compromising sperm physiology. These results provide the first evidence that membrane cholesterol depletion by MCD might represent a novel strategy for enhancing the ability of sperm to take up heterologous DNA. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 853–860, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    A combination of flow cytometric sperm sorting of X and Y chromosome–bearing sperm (X and Y sperm) and computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) for measuring sperm motility allows assessment of motion parameters in the two populations. Bull sperm were separated into X and Y populations by flow cytometry following staining with the DNA-binding dye Hoechst 33342. The motion parameters differed depending on sperm concentration. Decreasing sperm concentration resulted in higher velocities and straighter trajectories. The concentrations of control (stained-unsorted and unstained-unsorted) and flow-sorted sperm were therefore adjusted to similar numbers (5 × 106 sperm per milliliter). Samples of sorted X and Y sperm and control sperm were transferred to prewarmed slides on a heated stage (37°C) and their motion video recorded for 2 min using a magnification of ×100 and a high-resolution camera. The sperm analysis was carried out on a Hobson Sperm Tracker (HST) using HST 7 software. The following motion parameters were measured: curvilinear, straight-line, and average path velocity; mean angular displacement (MAD); beat cross-frequency; amplitude of lateral head displacement; linearity (LIN); and straightness of path (STR). Sperm movement was unaffected by staining with Hoechst 33342, excitation by ultraviolet (UV) light, or the physical process of cell sorting. Significant differences were seen between X and Y sperm for MAD, LIN, and STR. No difference was observed for the other parameters. The results indicate that in a simple salts solution, Y bull sperm do not swim faster than X sperm but may be distinguished from X sperm on the basis of LIN and STR. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:323–327, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Patterns of genetic differentiation among taxa at early stages of divergence provide an opportunity to make inferences about the history of speciation. Here, we conduct a survey of DNA‐sequence polymorphism and divergence at loci on the autosomes, X chromosome, Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA in samples of Mus domesticus, M. musculus and M. castaneus. We analyzed our data under a divergence with gene flow model and estimate that the effective population size of M. castaneus is 200 000–400 000, of M. domesticus is 100 000–200 000 and of M. musculus is 60 000–120 000. These data also suggest that these species started to diverge approximately 500 000 years ago. Consistent with this recent divergence, we observed considerable variation in the genealogical patterns among loci. For some loci, all alleles within each species formed a monophyletic group, while at other loci, species were intermingled on the phylogeny of alleles. This intermingling probably reflects both incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow after divergence. Likelihood ratio tests rejected a strict allopatric model with no gene flow in comparisons between each pair of species. Gene flow was asymmetric: no gene flow was detected into M. domesticus, while significant gene flow was detected into both M. castaneus and M. musculus. Finally, most of the gene flow occurred at autosomal loci, resulting in a significantly higher ratio of fixed differences to polymorphisms at the X and Y chromosomes relative to autosomes in some comparisons, or just the X chromosome in others, emphasizing the important role of the sex chromosomes in general and the X chromosome in particular in speciation.  相似文献   


    Circadian rhythms have been found in some reproductive functions phenotypes but remain unclear for sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI). The present study aims to investigate the diurnal variation of DFI in mice model and men sperm. Adult male mice were sacrificed for sperm DFI with Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) in 24 hours at 6 evenly distributed time points. A cosinor pattern of DFI was observed with a nadir at zeitgeber time 10 AM. In a community population with 630 semen samples collected between 8 AM and 20 PM, the temporal variation of DFI also fit a cosinor pattern with a ? 343° acrophase and a nadir at 11 AM (P = .031). In a reproductive-medical-center dataset of 10752 semen samples collected between 7 AM and 11 AM, the decreasing trend of DFI was also confirmed. For the males with multiple samples, intra-individual comparison between different timepoints was performed, and each consecutive hour after 7 AM was also associated with 2.5 (95% CI: ?1.0, 5.9)% lower DFI by SCSA or 4.9 (1.9, 7.8)% lower DFI by SCD. Our study reveals a daily diurnal variance in sperm DFI which may suggest a practical approach to get more qualified sperms for natural or assisted reproduction.

    Abbreviations: BMI, Body mass index; DFI, DNA fragmentation index; MARHCS, Male Reproductive Health in the Chongqing College Students; RMC, Reproductive Medical Center; SCD, Sperm Chromatin Dispersion; SCSA, Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay.  相似文献   

    Astrocytes, the most common cell type in the brain, play a principal role in the repair of damaged brain tissues during external radiotherapy of brain tumours. As a downstream gene of p53, the effects of Krüppel‐like factor 4 (KLF4) in response to X‐ray‐induced DNA damage in astrocytes are unclear. In the present study, KLF4 expression was upregulated after the exposure of astrocytes isolated from the murine brain. Inhibition of KLF4 expression using lentiviral transduction produced less double‐strand DNA breaks (DSB) determined by a neutral comet assay and flow cytometric analysis of phosphorylated histone family 2A variant and more single‐strand DNA breaks (SSB) determined by a basic comet assay when the astrocytes were exposed to 4 Gy of X‐ray radiation. These data suggest that radiation exposure of the tissues around brain tumour during radiation therapy causes KLF4 overexpression in astrocytes, which induces more DSB and reduces SSB. This causes the adverse effects of radiation therapy in the treatment of brain tumours. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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