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Ray‐finned fishes actively control the shape and orientation of their fins to either generate or resist hydrodynamic forces. Because of the emergent mechanical properties of their segmented, bilaminar fin rays (lepidotrichia), and actuation by multiple muscles, fish can control the rigidity and curvature of individual rays independently, thereby varying the resultant forces across the fin surfaces. Expecting that differences in fin‐ray morphology should reflect variation in their mechanical properties, we measured several musculoskeletal features of individual spines and rays of the dorsal and anal fins of bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, and assessed their mobility and flexibility. We separated the fin‐rays into four groups based on the fin (dorsal or anal) or fin‐ray type (spine or ray) and measured the length of the spines/rays and the mass of the three median fin‐ray muscles: the inclinators, erectors and depressors. Within the two ray groups, we measured the portion of the rays that were segmented vs. unsegmented and branched vs. unbranched. For the majority of variables tested, we found that variations between fin‐rays within each group were significantly related to position within the fin and these patterns were conserved between the dorsal and anal rays. Based on positional variations in fin‐ray and muscle parameters, we suggest that anterior and posterior regions of each fin perform different functions when interacting with the surrounding fluid. Specifically, we suggest that the stiffer anterior rays of the soft dorsal and anal fins maintain stability and keep the flow across the fins steady. The posterior rays, which are more flexible with a greater range of motion, fine‐tune their stiffness and orientation, directing the resultant flow to generate lateral and some thrust forces, thus acting as an accessory caudal fin. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the ray‐finned fishes are named for their bony, segmented lepidotrichia (fin rays), we are only beginning to understand the morphological and functional diversity of this key vertebrate structure. Fin rays support the fin web, and their material properties help define the function of the entire fin. Many earlier studies of fin ray morphology and function have focused on isolated rays, or on rays from only one or two fins. At the same time, relatively little is known about how different preservation techniques affect the material properties of many vertebrate structures, including fin rays. Here, we use three‐point bending tests to examine intra‐ and inter‐fin variation in the flexural stiffness of fin rays from yellow perch, Perca flavescens. We sampled fin rays from individuals that were assigned to one of three preservation treatments: fresh, frozen, and preserved with formalin. The flexural stiffness of the fin rays varied within and among fins. Pelvic‐fin rays were the stiffest, and pectoral fin rays the least stiff. The fin rays of the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins all had similar stiffness values, which were intermediate relative to those from the paired fins. The flexural stiffness of the fin rays was higher in rays that were at the leading edge of the fin. This variation in flexural stiffness was associated with variation in joint density and the relative length of the unsegmented proximal base of the fin rays. There was no significant difference in flexural stiffness between fresh and frozen specimens. In specimens preserved with formalin, there is a small but significant effect on stiffness in smaller fin rays.  相似文献   

Ray‐finned fishes are notable for having flexible fins that allow for the control of fluid forces. A number of studies have addressed the muscular control, kinematics, and hydrodynamics of flexible fins, but little work has investigated just how flexible ray‐finned fish fin rays are, and how flexibility affects their response to environmental perturbations. Analysis of pectoral fin rays of bluegill sunfish showed that the more proximal portion of the fin ray is unsegmented while the distal 60% of the fin ray is segmented. We examined the range of motion and curvatures of the pectoral fin rays of bluegill sunfish during steady swimming, turning maneuvers, and hovering behaviors and during a vortex perturbation impacting the fin during the fin beat. Under normal swimming conditions, curvatures did not exceed 0.029 mm?1 in the proximal, unsegmented portion of the fin ray and 0.065 mm?1 in the distal, segmented portion of the fin ray. When perturbed by a vortex jet traveling at approximately 1 ms?1 (67 ± 2.3 mN s.e. of force at impact), the fin ray underwent a maximum curvature of 9.38 mm?1. Buckling of the fin ray was constrained to the area of impact and did not disrupt the motion of the pectoral fin during swimming. Flexural stiffness of the fin ray was calculated to be 565 × 10?6 Nm2. In computational fluid dynamic simulations of the fin‐vortex interaction, very flexible fin rays showed a combination of attraction and repulsion to impacting vortex dipoles. Due to their small bending rigidity (or flexural stiffness), impacting vortices transferred little force to the fin ray. Conversely, stiffer fin rays experienced rapid small‐amplitude oscillations from vortex impacts, with large impact forces all along the length of the fin ray. Segmentation is a key design feature of ray‐finned fish fin rays, and may serve as a means of making a flexible fin ray out of a rigid material (bone). This flexibility may offer intrinsic damping of environmental fluid perturbations encountered by swimming fish. J. Morphol. 274:1044–1059, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Batoids are a diverse clade of flat cartilaginous fishes that occur primarily in benthic marine habitats. The skates and rays typically use their flexible pectoral fins for feeding and propulsion via undulatory swimming. However, two groups of rays have adopted a pelagic or bentho‐pelagic lifestyle and utilize oscillatory swimming—the Myliobatidae and Gymnuridae. The myliobatids have evolved cephalic lobes, anteriorly extended appendages that are optimized for feeding, while their pectoral fins exhibit several modifications that likely arose in association with functional optimization of pelagic cruising via oscillatory flight. Here, we examine variation in fin ray distribution and ontogenetic timing of fin ray development in batoid pectoral fins in an evolutionary context using the following methods: radiography, computed tomography, dissections, and cleared and stained specimens. We propose an index for characterizing variation in the distribution of pectoral fin rays. While undulatory swimmers exhibit symmetry or slight anterior bias, we found a posterior shift in the distribution of fin rays that arose in two distinct lineages in association with oscillatory swimming. Undulatory and oscillatory swimmers occupy nonoverlapping morphospace with respect to fin ray distribution illustrating significant remodeling of pectoral fins in oscillatory swimmers. Further, we describe a derived skeletal feature in anterior pectoral fins of the Myliobatidae that is likely associated with optimization of oscillatory swimming. By examining the distribution of fin rays with clearly defined articulation points, we were able to infer evolutionary trends and body plan remodeling associated with invasion of the pelagic environment. Finally, we found that the number and distribution of fin rays is set early in development in the little skate, round stingray, and cownose ray, suggesting that fin ray counts from specimens after birth or hatching are representative of adults and therefore comparable among species.  相似文献   

A new species of Astyanax from the Rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil, is described. This new species is distinguished from its congeners known to occur in Brazilian drainages by the presence of small bony hooks on all fins of mature males. Furthermore, the new species can be diagnosed by its colour pattern, which consists of a unique vertically elongated humeral blotch, a conspicuous dark drop‐shaped horizontal blotch over the caudal peduncle, tapering anteriorly and not extending to the median caudal‐fin rays, and by the absence of a conspicuous broad dark midlateral stripe. The new species differs further by having the greatest body depth just anterior to the dorsal‐fin origin, 32–35 perforated scales in the lateral line and a reduced number of branched anal‐fin rays (16–20). Apparently, the new species does not fit into any species complex of Astyanax. The occurrence of bony hooks on all fins of Astyanax is discussed.  相似文献   

A re‐evaluation of the armoured catfish species of Hypostomus in the Rio Jaguaribe, north‐eastern Brazil, was prompted by the discovery of specimens with pale spots on a dark background collected from that basin c. 1936 and deposited at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Recent field collections in the Rio Jarguaribe basin confirmed the presence of the pale‐spotted specimens and its distinctiveness as a new species. Hypostomus sertanejo n. sp. is diagnosed from other species of Hypostomus by having fins and dermal‐plated regions of head and body with pale spots or vermiculations on darker background, teeth slender, asymmetrically bicuspid and numerous (34–75) on dentary and premaxilla, depressed dorsal‐fin spine not reaching adipose spine, unbranched pectoral‐fin spine longer than unbranched pelvic‐fin ray, seven branched dorsal‐fin rays and one (rarely two) predorsal plate(s) bordering supraoccipital. Ancistrus salgadae Fowler 1941 is hypothesized to be a junior synonym of Hypostomus carvalhoi (Miranda‐Ribeiro, 1937), a dark‐spotted Hypostomus described from the Rio Granjeiro, a tributary to the upper Rio Salgado.  相似文献   

Some fishes use modified body structures – including pelvic fins – to produce suction to facilitate stability in turbulent environments. This study compares the morphology and osteology of the pelvic suckers of representative lumpfishes (Cyclopteridae), snailfishes (Liparidae) and gobies (Gobiidae). In all species studied the midline sucker (pelvic suctorial organ [PSO]) is formed from the pelvic girdle and fin rays I and 5 of the pelvic fins, comprised of similar osteological elements to those found in the pelvic girdle and pelvic fin rays although the morphology of the bony elements is species‐specific. Pelvic suctorial organs in those fishes that lack pelvic girdles are therefore homologous to pelvic girdles. The phenotypic diversity seen in so few species indicates that many sucker morphologies have arisen, origination depending on the concerted development of muscular, skeletal, nervous, and skin body tissues. The structure of the soft rays of the pelvic fins in the liparids and cyclopterids is unusual and indicative of unconventional developmental patterning of fin ray halves and of evolution in the underlying mechanisms responsible for the development of midline suckers.  相似文献   

Apposition of cementum occurs in phases resulting in two types of layers with different optical and staining properties that can be observed by light microscopy. Narrow, dark staining incremental lines are separated by wider bands of pale staining cementum. The distance from one line to the next represents a yearly increment deposit of cementum in many mammals, and counting these lines has been used routinely to estimate the age of the animals. Incremental lines in cementum have also been observed in sections of human teeth, and the object of the present investigation was to examine a number of methods for preparing and staining them for counting. Longitudinal and transverse sections, either ground or decalcified, were cut from formalin fixed human dental roots, paraffin embedded or frozen, and stained using several techniques. The cementum was investigated using conventional light, fluorescence, polarized light, confocal laser scanning, interference contrast, phase contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Incremental lines in the cementum could be observed in ground sections and, following decalcification, in both frozen and paraffin embedded sections. Toluidine blue, cresyl violet, hematoxylin, or periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained incremental lines allowing differentiation by conventional light microscopy. Contrast was best using fluorescence microscopy and excitation by green light since the stained cemental bands, but not the incremental lines, fluoresced after staining with cresyl violet, PAS or hematoxylin and eosin. The results with other microscopic techniques were unsatisfactory. Since incremental lines are not destroyed by acids and stain differently than the remaining cementum, it is likely that they possess an organic structure which differs from the cementum. Incremental lines in human dental cementum could be observed best using decalcified sections stained with cresyl violet excited by green light.  相似文献   

Ageing of brown trout from their fin rays is a valid method. Fin-ray ages agreed with length-frequency ages 84% of the time during the year, but agreement was only 66% during annulus formation (October-December) compared with 94% during the rest of the year The seasonal record of the annulus at the edge of the ray only weakly validated the technique, but this was caused by difficulty in distingushing the winter growth band when it was outermost on the ray. The first annulus was usually not apparent in older fish; this could cause systematic underageing. Ageing from fin rays should be assessed prior to use in each situation.  相似文献   

Several improvements on the original method of Yoshiki and coworkers for histological identification of osteoid matrix in decalcified bone are described in this report. The first, fixation of bone with neutral buffered formalin, a popular and stable fixative, should produce better tissue morphology and ensure easy handling in any laboratory. The second is a simple test for aged cyanuric chloride. Aged reagents show poor or no solubility in methanol and have almost no effect on differential staining of osteoid matrix. The third is an application of an organic acid solution in place of neutral EDTA for bone decalcification. Reduced decalcification time with the acid results in rapid preparation of bone sections. Neutral formalin fixation, immersion in the cyanuric chloride solution, decalcification with an organic acid, and hematoxylin and eosin staining, all quite routine laboratory procedures, yield high quality results for identification of osteoid matrix in bone sections.  相似文献   

Several improvements on the original method of Yoshiki and coworkers for histological identification of osteoid matrix in decalcified bone are described in this report. The first, fixation of bone with neutral buffered formalin, a popular and stable fixative, should produce better tissue morphology and ensure easy handling in any laboratory. The second is a simple test for aged cyanuric chloride. Aged reagents show poor or no solubility in methanol and have almost no effect on differential staining of osteoid matrix. The third is an application of an organic acid solution in place of neutral EDTA for bone decalcification. Reduced decalcification time with the acid results in rapid preparation of bone sections. Neutral formalin fixation, immersion in the cyanuric chloride solution, decalcification with an organic acid, and hematoxylin and eosin staining, all quite routine laboratory procedures, yield high quality results for identification of osteoid matrix in bone sections.  相似文献   

A new goby species, Stiphodon niraikanaiensis, is described on the basis of three specimens (two females and one male) collected from a freshwater stream in Okinawa Island, Japan. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by nine soft rays in the second dorsal fin, 16 rays in the pectoral fin, a pointed first dorsal fin in male, the premaxilla with 46–50 tricuspid teeth in 27–36 mm SL; no white patch behind the pectoral-fin base in male, the nape and posterior half of the occipital region covered by cycloid scales, broad black band along the distal margin of the second dorsal fin in male, 11 or 12 dusky transverse bars laterally on the trunk and tail of female intersecting with the mid-lateral longitudinal band, several conspicuous black spots on each spine and soft ray on the first and second dorsal fins of female, the anal fin of female lacking remarkable marking, and the pectoral-fin rays with 2–5 and 1–4 black spots, respectively, for male and female. The new species is known only from the type locality.  相似文献   

Age estimates for population analysis must be precise. We assessed the usefulness of pectoral fin rays, sphenoids, opercula, and dorsal scutes of shovelnose sturgeonScaphirhynchus platorynchus (n = 30) as aging structures based on ease of collection, distinctness of annuli, and measures of precision both between and within readers. We also determined how age estimates from paired fin rays of individuals were related (n = 106). Pectoral fin rays generated the highest within‐reader precision (100% within 2 years) followed by sphenoids (58%), opercula (56%), and dorsal scutes (49%). Ages estimated by the pectoral fin ray also had higher between‐reader agreement (80% within 1 year) than did those from the operculum (60%), sphenoid (59%), or dorsal scute (56%). Likewise, age estimates from pectoral fin rays had the lowest mean coefficient of variation (8.2%) followed by sphenoids (9.9%), opercula (11.3%), and dorsal scutes (11.5%). Only the operculum produced biased estimates between readers. Ages from paired fin rays agreed poorly (36% exact, 30% within 1 year) although no aging bias occurred. The pectoral fin ray is typically used to age shovelnose sturgeon. Because uncertainty about accuracy and precision of age estimates from this structure remains, shovelnose sturgeon management objectives that result from age data should remain conservative.  相似文献   

Previous research on the osteology of the Gobiesocidae focused mostly on the neurocranium and the thoracic sucking disc (formed by the paired‐fin girdles). Little attention has been paid to the skeleton of the median fins. The dorsal‐ and anal‐fin skeleton of Lepadogaster lepadogaster and other gobiesocids (excluding Alabes, which lacks these fins) are characterized by the absence of spines, branched fin‐rays, and middle radials. In gobiesocids, the distal radials never ossify and consist of elastic hyaline‐cell cartilage. Gouania wildenowi is unique among gobiesocids in having further reductions of the dorsal‐ and anal‐fin skeleton, including a notable decrease in the size of the proximal‐middle radials in an anterior–posterior direction. Unlike L. lepadogaster, which exhibits a one‐to‐one relationship between the dorsal‐ and anal‐fin rays and proximal‐middle radials, G. wildenowi has a higher number of proximal‐middle radials than distal radial cartilages and fin rays in the dorsal and anal fins. In G. wildenowi, the dorsal‐ and anal‐fin rays do not articulate with the distal tip of the proximal‐middle radials but are instead positioned between proximal‐middle radials, which is unusual for teleosts. Previously unrecognized dorsal and ventral pads of elastic hyaline‐cell cartilage are also present in the caudal skeleton of L. lepadogaster, G. wildenowi, and all other gobiesocids examined. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although finrays in salmon normally contain a pair of elements (biramous), finrays with a single element (uniramous) occasionally develop. Exposure to chronic stress during character development has been shown to increase fluctuating asymmetry, suggesting the occurrence of single finrays may be stress‐induced. On the other hand, single finrays may be evolutionary atavisms, reflecting fin vestigialization caused by reduced selection pressure. To assess the merits of these hypotheses, cleared and stained paired and median fins were examined for single finrays in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch Walbaum) from two compatible hatchery stocks and their reciprocal hybrids which had been exposed to different patterns of chronic temperature fluctuation throughout embryogenesis. In the median fins, uniramous secondary finrays predominated, and single primary finrays were infrequent. Single finrays in the median fins did not respond to thermal treatment or cross, suggesting the fins were evolutionarily stable and under strong developmental control. The paired fins were observed to contain only primary finrays. Frequencies of single pelvic finrays increased under thermal stress, as did fluctuating asymmetry, suggesting increased sensitivity to stress due to reduced developmental control in this fin. However, the presence or absence of single finrays in the paired fins did not alter the statistical significance of the conclusions regarding levels of fluctuating asymmetry, the number of asymmetric fish, or the contribution to meristic variation from asymmetry. Locations of single finrays in the paired fins were unaffected by thermal treatment or cross. Single finrays were most commonly observed in the trailing margins of both paired fins, a finding consistent with vestigialization theory. Frequency histograms of single pectoral finray locations revealed a second peak in the leading quarter of the fin. The esults support the hypothesis that single primary finrays are evolutionary atavisms, and that reduced selection pressure is differentially influencing the paired fins.  相似文献   

The organization of tissues in appendages often affects their mechanical properties and function. In the fish family Labridae, swimming behavior is associated with pectoral fin flexural stiffness and morphology, where fins range on a continuum from stiff to relatively flexible fins. Across this diversity, pectoral fin flexural stiffness decreases exponentially along the length of any given fin ray, and ray stiffness decreases along the chord of the fin from the leading to trailing edge. In this study, we examine the morphological properties of fin rays, including the effective modulus in bending (E), second moment of area (I), segmentation, and branching patterns, and their impact on fin ray stiffness. We quantify intrinsic pectoral fin ray stiffness in similarly sized fins of two closely related species that employ fins of divergent mechanics, the flapping Gomphosus varius and the rowing Halichoeres bivittatus. While segmentation patterns and E were similar between species, measurements of I and the number of fin ray branch nodes were greater in G. varius than in H. bivittatus. A multiple regression model found that of these variables, I was always significantly correlated with fin ray flexural stiffness and that variation in I always explained the majority of the variation in flexural stiffness. Thus, while most of the morphological variables quantified in this study correlate with fin ray flexural stiffness, second moment of area is the greatest factor contributing to variation in flexural stiffness. Further, interspecific variation in fin ray branching pattern could be used as a means of tuning the effective stiffness of the fin webbing to differences in swimming behavior and hydrodynamics. The comparison of these results to other systems begins to unveil fundamental morphological features of biological beams and yields insight into the role of mechanical properties in fin deformation for aquatic locomotion.  相似文献   

In the larval bester, a hybrid sturgeon of beluga Huso huso and sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, development of cartilage around the notochord began 7 days post hatch (dph) (14·0 mm, total length, LT). The vertebral cartilage develops in the following sequence: basidorsals and basiventrals, neural canals, neural spines and ribs. The development of ribs remained incomplete in the largest specimen (181 dph, 179 mm LT) that was examined. Endoskeletal development of the fins began 4 dph for the dorsal and anal fins, 6 dph for the pectoral fin and 10 dph for the caudal and pelvic fins. Complete elements of all fins were observed by 91 dph and complete ossification of fin rays was observed by 122 dph in the double‐stained specimens. Observation of the histological sections, however, suggested that ossification occurred soon after the formation of the organic matrix in the fin rays. Dorsal scutes were first visible by 25 dph, followed by the lateral and ventral scutes, which were visible by 37 and 44 dph, respectively. The number of scutes was fixed at 44, 59 and 91 dph and ossification was complete by 59 (dorsal) and 91 dph (lateral and ventral scutes) in the double‐stained specimens. Ossification occurred soon after the formation of the scute organic matrix in the histological sections. Four types of scales were observed in the H. huso×A. ruthenus hybrid. Median predorsal, preanal and small scales on the anterior section of the head were visible by 59 dph. Scales on the caudal fin were visible by 91 dph and a variable assemblage of scales anterior to the anal fin was visible by 122 dph. Both the scutes and scales developed in a process that is similar to that of intramembranous ossification.  相似文献   

Iovine MK  Johnson SL 《Genetics》2000,155(3):1321-1329
The body and fins of the zebrafish grow rapidly as juveniles and slower as they reach maturation. Throughout their lives, the fins grow isometrically with respect to the body. Growth of individual fin rays is achieved by the distal addition of bony segments. We have investigated the genetic control of mechanisms that initiate new segments or control size of newly initiated segments. We find that both segment initiation and segment length are regulated during fin growth in wild-type fish. We examined the growth properties of lof and sof fin length mutants for effects on the number and length of fin ray segments. Fins of lof mutants continue to grow rapidly even after wild-type fin growth slows, resulting in positive allometric growth and additional fin ray segments. We suggest that lof mutants bypass mechanisms that limit segment initiation. Isometric growth is retained in sof mutants, resulting in shorter fins one-half the length of wild-type fins. The primary defect in sof mutants is that fin ray segments are shorter than wild-type segments, although segment number is also diminished. Double mutants for sof;lof reveal that segment length and segment number are controlled in different pathways. Our findings suggest that the lof gene product regulates segment initiation and the sof gene product regulates segment length.  相似文献   

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