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The introduction of simian virus 40 large T antigen (SVLT) into human primary cells enables them to proliferate beyond their normal replicative life span. In most cases, this temporary escape from senescence eventually ends in a second proliferative block known as "crisis," during which the cells cease growing or die. Rare immortalization events in which cells escape crisis are frequently correlated with the presence of telomerase activity. We tested the hypothesis that telomerase activation is the critical step in the immortalization process by studying the effects of telomerase activity in two mortal SVLT-Rasval12-transformed human pancreatic cell lines, TRM-6 and betalox5. The telomerase catalytic subunit, hTRT, was introduced into late-passage cells via retroviral gene transfer. Telomerase activity was successfully induced in infected cells, as demonstrated by a telomerase repeat amplification protocol assay. In each of nine independent infections, telomerase-positive cells formed rapidly dividing cell lines while control cells entered crisis. Telomere lengths initially increased, but telomeres were then maintained at their new lengths for at least 20 population doublings. These results demonstrate that telomerase activity is sufficient to enable transformed cells to escape crisis and that telomere elongation in these cells occurs in a tightly regulated manner.  相似文献   

A variety of human diploid fibroblasts released large amounts of cAMP to the medium in a time-dependent fashion concomitant with stimulation of the cells by agonists of the adenylate cyclase. In WI-38 cells increased medium cAMP levels were detectable as quickly as increased cellular levels. Escape was not secondary to serum deprivation nor cell injury. It occurred in defined media, and was pH and temperature dependent. Elevated rates of escape were maintained for up to 24 hours after stimulation. A variety of PDE inhibitors reduced the rate of escape. A rough proportionality existed between the potencies of the compounds as potentiators of PGE1 increased cellular cAMP levels on the one hand and as inhibitors of escape on the other. In the case of IBMX, the inhibition of escape was transient, the most pronounced effect being during the first 5 minutes of incubation. In addition, a variety of compounds without significant acute effects on cellular cAMP levels inhibited escape.  相似文献   

The finite proliferative potential of normal human fibroblasts can be overcome, a process commonly called immortalization, by the introduction of the catalytic subunit of human telomerase. In contrast to malignant transformation, the pattern of gene expression remains largely unmodified in telomerase-induced immortalization. Here we show evidence that suggests that the maintenance of a "young" pattern of gene expression by telomerization is mediated, at least in part, by a novel function of human telomerase that involves regulation of DNA methyltransferase I gene expression.  相似文献   

Emdogain, a formulation of enamel matrix derivative (EMD), is used clinically for regeneration of the periodontium (tooth supporting tissues), but the molecular mechanisms of its action have not been elucidated. Several clinical studies suggested that EMD may also improve gingival healing after periodontal surgery and thus affect the fate of gingival fibroblasts (GFs). Since these cells are targets for local inflammatory mediators such as TNF, a pro-apoptotic cytokine, during the course of periodontal disease, we tested whether EMD protects human GFs (hGFs) from TNF-induced cytotoxicity. Quiescent primary hGFs were challenged with TNF (10-100 ng/ml) with or without EMD (100 microg/ml) pretreatment. Cell viability was assessed by neutral red staining, cell death by LDH release and apoptosis by caspase activity. Signaling pathways were evaluated by Western blotting and pharmacological inhibitors. TNF induced classical signs of apoptosis in hGFs, including typical cellular morphology and increased caspase activity. TNF-induced cytotoxicity was entirely caspase-dependent. Pretreatment (4-24 h) with EMD dramatically inhibited the activation of initiator and executioner caspases and enhanced hGF survival. Although TNF induced the activation of p38 MAPK, JNK, ERK and PI-3K signaling, these pathways were not crucial for EMD protection of hGFs. However, EMD increased the levels of c-FLIP(L), an anti-apoptotic protein located upstream of caspase activation. These data demonstrate, for the first time, that EMD protects hGFs from inflammatory cytokines and, together with our recent reports that EMD stimulates rat and human GF proliferation, could help explain the mechanisms whereby in vivo use of EMD promotes gingival healing.  相似文献   

Telomerase activation and MAPK pathways in regenerating hepatocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although there have been many reports on the relationship between the activation of telomerase and carcinogenesis, the role of telomerase in normal cellular growth is still unclear. Recently, the telomerase upregulation during the process of liver regeneration has been reported, but the precise time course of its activity and factors contributing to the activation of telomerase have not yet been fully elucidated. In the present review, we demonstrate the relationship between the activation of the telomerase, the cell cycle progression and the growth-related signaling during the liver regeneration process using an in vivo mouse partial hepatectomy model. Moreover, the importance of the role of the MAPK pathways on the telomerase activity in regenerating hepatocytes is also displayed by using an in vitro culture model. In conclusion, the telomerase activity is upregulated before hepatocytes enter the S phase, and some growth factors such as EGF and HGF contribute to this process. The activation of the growth-related signaling pathways seems to play essential roles in the upregulation of the telomerase activity.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts derived from glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient patients display retarded growth and accelerated cellular senescence that is attributable to increased accumulation of oxidative DNA damage and increased sensitivity to oxidant-induced senescence, but not to accelerated telomere attrition. Here, we show that ectopic expression of hTERT stimulates telomerase activity and prevents accelerated senescence in G6PD-deficient cells. Stable clones derived from hTERT-expressing normal and G6PD-deficient fibroblasts have normal karyotypes, and display no sign of senescence beyond 145 and 105 passages, respectively. Activation of telomerase, however, does not prevent telomere attrition in earlier-passage cells, but does stabilize telomere lengths at later passages. In addition, we provide evidence that ectopic expression of hTERT attenuates the increased sensitivity of G6PD-deficient fibroblasts to oxidant-induced senescence. These results suggest that ectopic expression of hTERT, in addition to acting in telomere length maintenance by activating telomerase, also functions in regulating senescence induction.  相似文献   

This study examined the telomerase activity in preimplantation bovine embryos derived from either parthenogenetic activation or nuclear transfer. Telomeres are the DNA-protein structures located at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomerase is the ribonuclear enzyme that helps to restore telomere length by synthesizing telomeric DNA repeat (5'-TTAGGG-3') from its own RNA template. Without telomerase activity, telomeres shorten with each cell division through conventional DNA replication. In most mammalian species, telomerase activity is present in germ cells but not in somatic cells. Previously, we reported the dynamics of telomerase activity in bovine in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos. In the present study, we examined the telomerase activity in bovine embryos derived either from parthenogenetic activation or somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e., cloning). Embryos from both sources were harvested at different stages, from zygote to blastocyst. Telomerase activity in embryos derived from parthenogenetic activation and nuclear transfer showed a dynamic profile similar to that of those derived from IVF. Telomerase activity was detected in embryos at all stages examined, with the highest level in the blastocyst stage, regardless of the method of embryo production.  相似文献   

It has been noted in regenerating wounds that alkaline phosphatase activity in fibroblasts reaches a maximum when the collagen production is greatest. Tissue culture studies were carried out to show that prednisolone phosphate, while increasing the specific activity of alkaline phosphatase in human diploid skin fibroblasts, did not affect accumulation of collagen-hydroxyproline in monolayers or media. Addition of sodium ascorbate, resulted in rapid accumulation of hydroxyproline in the culture over a 13-day interval, while alkaline phosphatase activity increased only slightly over the last 6 days. When prednisolone and ascorbate were added in combination, alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly increased: but accumulation of hydroxyproline was no greater than in cultures to which ascorbate alone was added. Activation of alkaline phosphatase induced by prednisolone phosphate does not appear to be directly related to the biosynthesis of collagen in human skin fibroblasts in tissue culture.  相似文献   

Human synovial fibroblasts in culture respond to bradykinin with a 20-fold increment in intracellular cyclic AMP concentrations, however bradykinin does not directly activate adenylate cyclase activity in a particulate fraction derived from these cells. Bradykinin evokes a release of labeled arachidonic acid and prostaglandins E and F from synovial fibroblasts pre-labeled with 3H-arachidonic acid. Hydrocortisone inhibits the bradykinin induced increment in cyclic AMP and the release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandins E and F from synovial fibroblasts. Indomethacin, which also inhibits the cyclic AMP response to bradykinin, has no effect on the release of arachidonic acid from synovial fibroblasts. Indomethacin does, however, inhibit the quantity of prostaglandins released into the medium. These studies support the hypothesis that bradykinin does not activate human synovial fibroblast adenylate cyclase, but presumably activates a phospholipase whose products in turn result in the synthesis of prostaglandins. These and other investigations also suggest that a product(s) of the prostaglandin pathway causes the increment in cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts in culture have a limited lifespan, ending in replicative senescence. Introduction of SV40 sequences encoding large T antigen and small t antigen into pre-senescent cells results in an extension of lifespan for an additional 20-30 population doublings. Rare clones of SV40-transformed cells are capable of indefinite growth and are described as immortal; however, the great majority of SV40-transformed cells terminate this extended lifespan in cell death, termed "crisis." We have examined the properties of cells in crisis to obtain further insights into mechanism of cell death and immortalization. Populations at the terminal cell passage show a balance between cell replication and cell death over a period of several weeks, with a progressive increase in cells undergoing cell death. During this period, there is less than a 3-fold increase in attached cell number, with two stages being identifiable on the basis of the focal pattern of cell survival. We also demonstrate that cells in crisis are undergoing apoptosis based on TUNEL assay, subG1 DNA content, annexin V reactivity, and activation of caspases 3 and 8. We suggest a model whereby SV40-transformed cells acquire increased sensitivity to apoptosis based on changes in properties which activate caspase 8 in addition to changes previously described involving shortening of telomeric sequences. While only telomere stabilization could be clearly shown to be essential for survival of cells through crisis, the extended period of cell replication and altered gene expression observed in SV40-transformed cells during crisis are compatible with other genetic alterations in immortal cells.  相似文献   

Several previous studies have shown that glycolipids isolated from plasma membranes of cultured cells and added to cells in culture inhibit the growth rate in a concentration-dependent fashion. In order to investigate the possible involvement of glycolipids in the growth regulation of normal cells by cell-cell contacts, we tested the effect of immobilized glycolipids, isolated from human fibroblasts, on the DNA synthesis of freshly seeded fibroblasts. Gangliosides inhibited DNA synthesis to a great extent, whereas neutral glycolipids had only a minor effect. The degree of inhibition of DNA synthesis by immobilized gangliosides depended both on the cell density of the cultures from which the gangliosides were isolated and on the pretreatment of the immobilized gangliosides: Preincubation with DMEM without FCS of immobilized gangliosides, isolated from confluent cultures, resulted in a 75% inhibition of growth rate of embryonal human lung fibroblasts (FH109) cultured on immobilized gangliosides. Under the same conditions, gangliosides from sparse cultures reduced the growth rate by about 30%. On the other hand, the degree of inhibition exerted by immobilized gangliosides isolated from confluent cultures was found to be greatly reduced by preincubation with DMEM with FCS, whereas the slight inhibition of growth rate, exerted by gangliosides from sparse cultures, was found to be reversed into a slight stimulation of growth rate after preincubation with complete medium. Concomitantly with the reduction of the inhibition of DNA synthesis, it was found that the complete medium, used for preincubation of the gangliosides, was no longer able to support DNA synthesis to the same extent as untreated complete medium. The data suggest that gangliosides bind growth-supporting factors of the serum, gangliosides isolated from sparse cultures being more potent in the binding of these molecules than gangliosides isolated from dense cultures.  相似文献   

C-ras expression decreases during in vitro senescence in human fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Expression of the c-ras oncogene was determined in growing early and late passage human (IMR-90) fibroblasts using northern blot analysis of total cellular RNA. It was found that late passage cells demonstrated lower levels of c-ras by about four fold when compared to levels found in early passage cells. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from early and late passage fibroblasts digested with either SacI or BamHI showed somewhat increased hybridization levels in early passage cells compared to late passage cells. Data is discussed in relation to a previous report of c-ras expression and gene amplification.  相似文献   

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