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Palmar flexion creases have been studied in schizophrenics with a family history of schizophrenia or other psychiatric disorders and without such a background, and compared to a control population. Palmar flexion creases have been analyzed according to the method suggested byBali & Chaube (1971). When compared to controls, differences in the DRBC and TRBC frequencies are significant in the subgroup with no family history, supporting the existence of biological heterogeneity in schizophrenia, and of congenital factors when there is no known genetic background.  相似文献   

Palmar dermatoglyphics and flexion creases of 108 male and 65 female patients diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus have been analysed. The control population consists of 536 males and 234 females from the same population. Palmar flexion creases were analysed according to the method suggested by Bali and Chaube ('71). The flexion creases of diabetic patients and the control population are significantly different. The differences between main line formulae in diabetes and controls are significant among males. The differences between C-line types of patients and controls are significant among both sexes. Axial triradii are significant among female patients and controls. The patterns in the interdigital areas IV and II are significantly lower among male and female patients respectively from their controls.  相似文献   

The recent detection of dermal ridge configurations on the volar pads of the rat (Rattus norvegicus) has created opportunities for experimental studies of dermatoglyphics. In the present work, the palmar and plantar surfaces of the rat were studied to establish the feasibility of comparative rat and human dermatoglyphic investigations. The studied features included the volar pads and flexion creases. The number and location of the palmar and plantar pads in the rat were found to be similar to those of humans. The exception was a previously unrecognized small pad on the palms and soles of the rat, located on the radial and tibial side, respectively, of the proximal component of the first interdigital pad. This pad has no parallel in human embryos. Rats were found to have flexion creases in the non-pad areas between the neighboring pads, similar in location and appearance to those of humans. Unlike humans, however, rats also have boundary creases, separating the pad and non-pad areas. The marked similarities in the morphology of the volar areas between rats and humans make the rat ideally suitable for experimental studies of dermatoglyphics and flexion creases. Results of such studies should be applicable to human developmental dermatoglyphics, including those pertaining to medical disorders. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This brief report is part of an extensive research which aims to describe different somathoscopic and dermatoglyphic characters of the Spanish population of the Mediterranean. Palmar flexion creases are of a somathoscopic character, independent of dermatoglyphics, they have been scarcely studied in European populations compared to other geographical areas. In this study the results of two Spanish Mediterranean Populations (Delta de l'Ebre and Murcia) have been reported. In the Spanish variation range, Delta de l'Ebre shows the lowest DRBC frequencies, while Murcia presents the highest. Comparisons with various Indian samples also show extreme statistical differences, due to their opposite distribution of the SRBC and TRBC types with respect to Europeans, except for the Punjabi population, which seems to be more similar to the Europeans than to the Indians.  相似文献   

The plantae of 83 male and 95 female healthy, full-term Caucasian newborns from Austria (gestational age 235–301 days) were photographed and the flexion creases in the distal part were examined. Analysis of the creases was done under four different aspects, the main evaluation based on a scheme of nine creases introduced by Schenk and Patzer (1959). Two transversal (No. 1 and No. 9) and three longitudinal (Nos. 3, 6, and 7) creases are always or predominantly present, a finding corresponding with the data of Schenk on 52 male and 48 female newborns from Germany. In addition, the nine plantar creases were evaluated according to six degrees of expression, and some typical crease combinations are shown. Bilateral and bisexual similarity prevails. The results of this study might serve investigations of different populations and of medical disorders.  相似文献   

Fetal development of the hands and feet of rats was investigated to determine the feasibility of using rats as an experimental model for studying the factors influencing early development of the hands and feet, and especially the dermatoglyphics in humans. Eighty rat fetuses of 14–21 days gestational age and 80 newborn rats of 0–7 days of age were used to study the morphological features of the palmar, plantar, and digital areas and to determine the timing of appearance and the location of the volar pads and flexion creases. Comparisons between analogous developmental stages of rat and human fetuses demonstrate striking similarities in overall fetal development. Marked differences, however, were found between rat and human fetuses in the timing of developmental milestones and in some morphological features. The results indicate that rats can serve as a useful experimental model in studies of the utility of the epidermal ridge configurations and flexion creases in medical disorders, provided that the differences in the timing of development are taken into consideration. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is a combination of eccentric and concentric muscle actions. The purpose of the study was to compare the SSC of four different groups comprising a total of 29 women and 30 men, divided according to sex and age (i.e. 20–40 years and 70–85 years). A KIN-COM dynamometer was used for strength measurements of the plantar flexion of the right foot. An electromyogram (EMG) from the gastroenemius muscle was recorded simultaneously. Maximal voluntary concentric muscle actions at 120° · s–1 and 240° · s–1 with and without prior eccentric muscle actions were performed. Average torque values of the range of motion between 90° and 99° of the ankle joint were extracted. All four groups were significantly stronger at 120° · s–1 than at 240° · s–1 for pure concentric actions. The average torque values of the concentric phases in the SSC movement were significantly higher than the torque values for pure concentric actions in all four groups and at both velocities. The EMG was significantly lower or unchanged in the SSC movement compared to a pure concentric action in all groups. A larger percentage increase in torque with prior eccentric action was found in young women compared to young men at both velocities. Our results suggested that the enhanced performance was even more marked when a concentric action was preceded by an eccentric action in the young women than in the young men, probably due to better utilization of elastic forces, but we could not demonstrate any age-related differences in enhanced performance with SSC.  相似文献   

A method for recovering dermatoglyphic data from tamarin cadavers is described. The method involves the complete removal of the palmar and plantar pads with no destruction to the underlying skeletal elements. Once recovered, the pads are stored in a formalin solution. The stored pads of 213 individuals have remained in a good state of preservation for dermatoglyphic analysis for over four years.  相似文献   

I Naruse  Y Kameyama 《Teratology》1986,34(3):283-289
Male mice heterozygous for the dominant polydactyly gene Pdn (Polydactyly Nagoya) were crossed with normal or heterozygous females of the same strain. Pregnant females were treated with 5 mg/kg of cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) on day 12 of gestation. The offspring were removed on day 18 of gestation and examined for external malformations, and the fore- and hindlimbs were examined by means of bone- and cartilage-stained cleared specimens. In +/+ x Pdn/+ matings, Pdn/+ fetuses, bearing preaxial polydactyly of the distal phalangeal type in the hindlimb and deformity of the 1st digit in the forelimb, were obtained in about 50% of the nontreated group. In treated fetuses, however, the incidence of polydactyly and deformity of the 1st digit decreased to 1.4 and 10.1%, respectively. Nontreated Pdn/Pdn fetuses exhibited preaxial polydactyly of the duplicated or triplicated metacarpal/metatarsal type both in the fore- and hindlimbs. In the treated Pdn/Pdn fetuses, the number of preaxial extra digits decreased in both limbs. Some hindlimbs of the treated Pdn/Pdn fetuses exhibited five metatarsals, normally. In the vitally stained specimens at 6 and 24 hours after injection of Ara-C, preaxial marginal necrotic zones (fMI) were observed in almost all of the treated embryos from +/+ x Pdn/+ matings. However, approximately half of the embryos did not exhibit fMI in the nontreated control group at the same stage. Those embryos deficient in fMI were regarded as Pdn/+. These findings indicated that a subteratogenic dose of Ara-C prevented the genetic expression of polydactyly in almost all Pdn/+ and some cases of Pdn/Pdn mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mutations in the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathway are associated with a range of defects in skeletal formation. Genetic analysis of BMP signaling requirements is complicated by the presence of three partially redundant BMPs that are required for multiple stages of limb development. We generated an inducible allele of a BMP inhibitor, Gremlin, which reduces BMP signaling. We show that BMPs act in a dose and time dependent manner in which early reduction of BMPs result in digit loss, while inhibiting overall BMP signaling between E10.5 and E11.5 allows polydactylous digit formation. During this period, inhibiting BMPs extends the duration of FGF signaling. Sox9 is initially expressed in normal digit ray domains but at reduced levels that correlate with the reduction in BMP signaling. The persistence of elevated FGF signaling likely promotes cell proliferation and survival, inhibiting the activation of Sox9 and secondarily, inhibiting the differentiation of Sox9-expressing chondrocytes. Our results provide new insights into the timing and clarify the mechanisms underlying BMP signaling during digit morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Mouse mutants have been proven to be a valuable system to analyze the molecular network governing vertebrate limb development. In the present study, we report on the molecular and morphological consequences of the Fused toes (Ft) mutation on limb morphogenesis in homozygous embryos. We show that Ft affects all three axes as the mutant limbs display severe distal truncations of skeletal elements as well as an anteroposterior and an unusual form of dorsoventral polydactyly. Ectopic activation of the Shh signalling cascade in the distal-most mesoderm together with malformations of the AER likely account for these alterations. Moreover, we provide evidence that a deregulated control of programmed cell death triggered by Bmp-4 and Dkk-1 significantly contributes to the complex limb phenotype. In addition, our analysis reveals a specific requirement of the genes deleted by the Ft mutation in hindlimb morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Flying vertebrates change the shapes of their wings during the upstroke, thereby decreasing wing surface area and bringing the wings closer to the body than during downstroke. These, and other wing deformations, might reduce the inertial cost of the upstroke compared with what it would be if the wings remained fully extended. However, wing deformations themselves entail energetic costs that could exceed any inertial energy savings. Using a model that incorporates detailed three-dimensional wing kinematics, we estimated the inertial cost of flapping flight for six bat species spanning a 40-fold range of body masses. We estimate that folding and unfolding comprises roughly 44 per cent of the inertial cost, but that the total inertial cost is only approximately 65 per cent of what it would be if the wing remained extended and rigid throughout the wingbeat cycle. Folding and unfolding occurred mostly during the upstroke; hence, our model suggests inertial cost of the upstroke is not less than that of downstroke. The cost of accelerating the metacarpals and phalanges accounted for around 44 per cent of inertial costs, although those elements constitute only 12 per cent of wing weight. This highlights the energetic benefit afforded to bats by the decreased mineralization of the distal wing bones.  相似文献   

Report of a male with bilateral aplasia of the tibiae and polydactyly. The autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance is emphasized through the study of this family and literature review.  相似文献   

Occupations that involve sustained or repetitive neck flexion are associated with a higher incidence of neck pain. Little in vivo information is available on the impact of static neck flexion on cervical spinal tissue. The aim of this study was to assess changes in mechanical and neuromuscular behaviors to sustained neck flexion in healthy adults. Sixty healthy subjects aged 20–35 years participated in this study. The participants were exposed to static neck flexion at a fixed angle of full flexion for 10 min. Mechanical and neuromuscular responses of the cervical spine to sudden perturbations were measured pre- and post-exposure. Magnitude of load-relaxation during flexion exposure, stiffness, peak head angular velocity, and reflexive activities of cervical muscles were recorded. Effective neck stiffness decreased significantly, especially in female participants (P = 0.0001). The reflexive response of the cervical erector spinae muscles to head perturbation delayed significantly (P = 0.0001). Peak head angular velocity was significantly increased after exposure to neck flexion for 10 min, especially in female participants (P = 0.001). In the present study, static flexion resulted in changes in mechanical and neuromuscular behavior of the cervical spine, potentially leading to decreased stiffness of the cervical spine. The results confirm the importance of maintaining a correct head and neck position during work and improving the work environment to reduce the cervical spinal load and work-related neck pain.  相似文献   

Introduction: The nociceptive flexion reflex threshold (NFRT) is a promising tool to monitor analgesia during general anaesthesia. Clinical studies have shown that the NFRT allows to predict movement responses to painful stimuli under a combined anaesthetic regime of sedative and opioid agents. Experimental studies indicated that the NFRT is also able to predict such movement responses under an exclusively sedative regime like propofol mono-anaesthesia. Therefore, we performed this study to investigate the ability of the NFRT to predict movement responses to painful stimuli in patients during a clinical propofol mono-anaesthesia.

Methods: We investigated 140 cardiac surgery patients during their postoperative phase under propofol mono-anaesthesia. NFRT and bispectral index (BIS) were determined in each patient right before endotracheal suctioning or painful electrical test stimulation. Prediction probabilities were calculated to quantify how accurate each measure is able to predict movement responses to the stimuli.

Results: The 124 patients included in the analysis received a median propofol dosage of 3.2 (2.5–3.9) [median (IQR)] mg/kg/h. The included patients showed 287 movement responses after a total of 725 investigated stimuli. The prediction probabilities for positive movement responses were 0.63 (95%CI: 0.59–0.67) for the NFRT and 0.69 (95%CI: 0.65–0.73) for the BIS.

Conclusions: The NFRT allows the prediction of movement responses under propofol mono-anaesthesia, which confirms its utility as a monitor to predict movement responses under general anaesthesia. The BIS allows an even more accurate prediction, although it does not reflect the physiological structures of movement suppression, but correlates closely with the dose of propofol.

Trial registration: German clinical trial register (DRKS00003062, Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien).  相似文献   

The classical approach of musculoskeletal modeling is to predict muscle forces and joint torques with a deterministic model constructed from parameters of an average subject. However, this type of model does not perform well for outliers, and does not model the effects of parameter variability. In this study, a Monte-Carlo model was used to stochastically simulate the effects of variability in musculoskeletal parameters on elbow flexion strength in healthy normals, and in subjects with long head biceps (LHB) rupture. The goal was to determine if variability in elbow flexion strength could be quantifiably explained with variability in musculoskeletal parameters. Parameter distributions were constructed from data in the literature. Parameters were sampled from these distributions and used to predict muscle forces and joint torques. The median and distribution of measured joint torque was predicted with small errors ( < 5%). Muscle forces for both cases were predicted and compared. In order to predict measured torques for the case of LHB rupture, the median force and mean cross-sectional area in the remaining elbow flexor muscles is greater than in healthy normals. The probabilities that muscle forces for the Tear case exceed median muscle forces for the No-Tear case are 0.98, 0.99 and 0.79 for SH Biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis, respectively. Differences in variability of measured torques for the two cases are explained by differences in parameter variability.  相似文献   

CS mice, an inbred strain, showed two distinctive characteristics in the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity: (1) large variation in the freerunning period, and (2) spontaneous rhythm splitting under continuous darkness. In the splitting rhythm there was a positive correlation between the freerunning period of the evening component and the activity time of the morning component. The phase-shifting effect of a 15-min light pulse was examined on the two activity components of the splitting rhythm. There were significant differences in the amount of light-induced phase response between the two components. A light pulse during the late subjective night induced a phase advance shift only in the morning component, while a light pulse during the early subjective night induced a phase delay shift only in the evening component. These results indicate functional diversities of the two activity components in the circadian locomotor rhythm of CS mice, and suggest that the circadian system in CS mice consists of two mutually coupled oscillators which have different circadian periods and different responsiveness to light. The CS mouse is a useful model to explore a genetic background of oscillator coupling in the circadian system of nocturnal rodents. Accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Laboratory mice often exhibit wide differences in susceptibility when infected experimentally with viruses. Based on such observations, experiments have been designed to investigate the determinism of these differences at the molecular level, and a few genes that play a major role in the innate mechanisms of defence of the species toward viral aggressions have been characterised. For example, the extraordinary resistance of SJL mice to experimental infections with hepatitis virus strain A59 is the consequence of a structural alteration of a cell adhesion molecule which normally binds to the spikes of the virus, allowing its entry into the cells. If the virus cannot bind to the molecule, or if the molecule is absent, epithelial cells of the intestine and liver are not infected and mice are resistant. In the same way, most--not to say all--laboratory strains of mice are susceptible to infections with orthomyxoviruses or flaviviruses because essential molecules, the synthesis of which is normally triggered by interferon, are defective in these mice. Wild mice, by contrast --probably because they are constantly exposed to natural infections--are resistant. Finally, some mouse strains resist experimental infections by the mouse cytomegalovirus 1 (MCMV-1) because, once infected, these mice synthesise a molecule at the surface of infected cells which allows immediate recognition and killing by natural killer (NK) cells. With the exuberant development of mouse genetics and the constant generation of new mutant alleles, it is likely that many more genes with an impact on the phenotype of resistance or susceptibility will be identified in the forthcoming years. These genes are probably numerous, however, and many of them presumably interact with each other and/or have additive effects. This might slow down progress in our understanding of the innate mechanism of defence.  相似文献   

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