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We investigated whether, upon the integration of multiple copies of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) DNA into an established mammalian (hamster) genome, the pattern of foreign DNA insertion would remain stable or change with consecutive passages of cells in culture. By the injection of purified Ad12 into newborn hamsters, tumors were induced, cells from these tumors were cultivated, and five independent cell lines, HT5, H201/2, H201/3, H271, and H281, were established. These cell lines carried different copy numbers of Ad12 DNA per cell in an integrated form and differed in morphology. Cell line HT5 had been passed twice through hamsters as tumor cells and was subsequently passaged in culture. Patterns of Ad12 DNA integration were determined by restriction cleavage of the nuclear DNA with BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, MspI, or PstI followed by Southern blot hybridization using 32P-labeled Ad12 DNA or its cloned terminal DNA fragments as hybridization probes. In this way, the off-size fragments, which represented the sites of linkage between Ad12 and cellular DNAs, were determined. At early passage levels in culture, the integration sites of Ad12 DNA in the hamster genome, as characterized by the positions of off-size fragments in agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, were different in the five different tumor cell lines. Upon repeated passage, however, the off-size fragment patterns generated by the five restriction endonucleases became very similar in the five tumor cell lines. This surprising result indicates that under cell culture conditions, Ad12-transformed tumor cell lines that carry the foreign (Ad12) genome in selective, probably very similar sites of the cellular genome evolve.  相似文献   

Analysis is presented of the concept "protein-machine" and implying consequences, both of theoretical and experimental character. The approach "protein-machine" is compared with other approaches--"coherent excitation", "molecular dynamics" and "limited diffusion". In terms of the approach "protein-machine" valuable information inserted in the biological macromolecule and determining its functions is taken into account. It reflects the biological specificity and at the same time removes mystic shadow from this concept.  相似文献   

Little is known about how foreign DNA is randomly integrated into chromosomes in transgenic animals. In the current study, the insertion sites of 36 transgenic mice were mapped by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR, and 38 junction sequences were obtained from 30 samples. Analysis of the 38 sequences revealed that 44.7 % of integration events occurred within host gene regions, including 13.2 % (5/38) in exonic regions and 31.6 % (12/38) in intronic regions. The results also revealed that all non-end side integrations of foreign DNA were mediated by short sequence homologies (microhomologies) and that the end side integrations occurred in the presence or absence of microhomologies. In addition, microhomology-mediated mechanisms were also confirmed in four transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines. The results indicate that foreign DNA is easily integrated into host gene regions. These results also suggest that the integration of both ends of foreign DNA follows the above-mentioned mechanism in many transgenic/transformed organisms.  相似文献   

The integration of DNA of highly oncogenic simian adenovirus type 7 (SA7) and non-oncogenic human adenovirus type 6 (Ad6) into the genome of newborn rat kidney cells transformed by fragmented DNA preparations was studied using reassociation kinetics and spot hybridization. Transforming DNA was fragmented with the specific endonuclease SalI (SA7) and BglII (Ad6). In contrast to the cell transformation by intact viral DNA, transformation by fragmented DNA resulted in integration into the cellular genome of not only the lefthand fragment with the oncogene but also of other regions of the viral genome. Additionally integrated fragments were stable and preserved during numerous passages of cells lines, although they were no expressed, at least in the case of the Ad6-transformed cell line. The integration of the fragments of SA7 DNA was accompanied by loss of 25-50% of the mass of each fragment. Adding the linear form of the pBR322 plasmid to the preparation of transforming Ad6 DNA also contributed to its cointegration into the genome of the transformed cell. This technique of cell cotransformation with any foreign DNAs together with the viral oncogens may be used as an equivalent of an integration vector for eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   



DNA-based watermarks are helpful tools to identify the unauthorized use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) protected by patents. In silico analyses showed that in coding regions synonymous codons can be used to insert encrypted information into the genome of living organisms by using the DNA-Crypt algorithm.  相似文献   

Abstract We have developed a strategy for the integration and stable amplification of DNA sequences in the chromosome of poorly transformable bacilli, which avoids the presence of a functional plasmid replication system in the integrated DNA. The parental vector for integration contains two plus origins of replication from pUB110 in the same orientation on a single plasmid. Due to the direct repeats, such plasmids produce two individual progeny vectors, one of which is dependent on the other for replication, as it lacks a functional rep gene. We have used such a progeny vector system to integrate and amplify DNA on the chromosome of Bacillus licheniformis , and show that the structure is stable in the absence of selective pressure.  相似文献   

We investigated whether mouse short interspersed elements (SINEs) could influence the recombination frequency of foreign DNA. Vectors harboring a reporter gene in combinations of SINEs B1 and/or B2 or a portion of long interspersed element-1 were prepared and tested in vitro by a colony assay using HC11 murine mammary epithelial cells and in vivo by microinjection into fertilized mouse eggs. In transfected HC11 cells, the number of colonies surviving G418 selection increased by 3.5-fold compared with control when the reporter was flanked by fused B1-B2 sequences. Similar results were obtained from microinjection study; in fetuses 11.5 days post coitum, transgene positives in control and SINE-flanked vectors were 16 and 53%, respectively. Individual B1- and B2-harboring vectors showed equivalent activities with each other, as determined by the colony assay (2.8-fold versus 3.2-fold compared with control). We determined the contribution of homologous recombination to the SINE-mediated increase in integration frequency through a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy; in more than half of embryos transgenes underwent homologous recombinations involving B1 sequences. These results demonstrate that the SINE sequences can increase the integration rate of foreign DNA and that such an increase is most likely due to the enhancement of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

A non-essential DNA region carrying two different repeated sequences (RS3 and RS9) adjacent to a nitrogen fixation (nif) gene cluster has been identified previously in Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain 110. In closely related B. japonicum strains a similar genomic arrangement was found. We constructed a mobilizable plasmid vector carrying RS3 and RS9, and a kanamycin resistance cassette (nptII gene) plus suitable cloning sites inserted between the two repeated sequences. Using this vector (pRJ1035), stable integration of a lacZ gene fusion into the B. japonicum genomic RS region was achieved. The resulting strain yielded more than 10-fold higher -galactosidase activity in soybean root nodules as compared to a B. japonicum strain carrying the same lacZ fusion on a pRK290-based plasmid.  相似文献   

Unlike other RNA tumor viruses, avian leukosis viruses (which cause lymphomas and occasionally other neoplasms) lack discrete "transforming genes". We have analyzed the virus-related DNA and RNA of avian leukosis virus (ALV)-induced tumors in an attempt to gain insight into the mechanism of ALV oncogenesis. Our results show that viral gene products are not required for maintenance of neoplastic transformation. Primary and metastatic tumors are clonal and thus presumably derived from a single infected cell. Most importantly, tumors from different birds have integration sites in common. Tumor cells synthesize discrete new poly(A) RNAs consisting of viral sequences covalently linked to cellular sequences. These RNA species are expressed at high levels in tumor cells. Our results suggest that in lymphoid tumors, an ALV provirus is integrated adjacent to a specific cellular gene, and the insertion of the viral promoter adjacent to this gene results in its enhanced expression, leading to neoplasia. These results have potentially important implications for the mechanism of non-viral carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The structure of the transgenic mouse DNA region containing an integrated transgene (fragment of pBR322 sequence) was analysed. In one of the sequences flanking the transgene, short direct and inverted overlapping repeats were revealed at a distance of 60 bp from the integration site. In the same flanking sequence, there is an extended sequence (3.5 kbp) 0.3-1 kbp away from the transgene. It repeats 100-300 times in the mouse genome and is highly conservative (the homologs of the repeat have been revealed in other mammalian, bird, fish and insect genomes). This up-to-date unknown family of highly-conserved dispersed repeats has been denoted by T1. We believe that both the revealed short inverted repeats capable of forming hairpins with loops and the T1 repeat are structures involved in the process of non-homologous insertion of foreign DNA into the region of the transgenic mouse genome.  相似文献   

Exposure to UVB results in formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts in DNA. These can be quantified by a variety of techniques including alkaline gel electrophoresis, ELISAs, Southwestern blotting, and immunohistochemistry. Damage to DNA results in activation of damage response pathways, as indicated by Western blotting using antibodies specific for p53 and breast cancer-associated gene 1 (BRCA1) phosphorylation. The signal from DNA damage to activation of these response pathways appears to be mediated by FKBP12-rapamycin-associated protein (FRAP), since these phosphorylation events are blocked by rapamycin. UVB-induced DNA damage also leads to induction of immunosuppressive cytokines including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin (IL)-10 in skin. Induction of TNF-alpha by UVB is readily detectable in cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs) using ELISA, while induction of IL-10 is readily detectable in cultured mouse keratinocytes but not in NHEKs. Induction of DNA damage by liposome-encapsulated HindIII results in induction of immunosuppressive responses similar to UVB. Clinical testing shows that liposome-encapsulated T4 endonuclease V or photolyase stimulates repair of CPDs in the skin of human subjects, and prevents UVB-induced immunosuppression. Stimulation of repair and prevention of immunosuppression have been linked to prevention of skin cancer by liposome-encapsulated T4 endonuclease V in repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum patients.  相似文献   

A new phylogeny of swiftlets (Aves: Apodidae) based on cytochrome-b DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Due to a lack of distinctive morphological characters, swift taxonomy and phylogeny has always been an area of disagreement. To shed more light on this subject, we reconstructed swift(let) phylogeny based on 1143 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome-b DNA sequence. Although this is not the first attempt to reconstruct swift phylogeny using molecular data, our results show higher support for many of the branches due to our much longer sequences. However, placement of Hydrochous is still unexpected. Implementation of more conservative genetic regions and sampling of more taxa could solve this problem. Most importantly, the Collocaliini resolve as a monophyletic group. The internal structure of the group shows that non-echolocating Collocalia and echolocating Aerodramus form two distinct clades. This is in congruence with earlier classifications based on morphological characters, but in contrast with more recent classifications.  相似文献   

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